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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.636385 [View]

I thought this was the entrance to Dire, Dire Docks.

>> No.636356 [View]

Nothing in Mario 64 was remotely intimidating. Everything was just too colorful, blocky and happy. And this is coming from someone who got freaked out by the mice chasing you in stone wheels in Donkey Kong Country.

>> No.636159 [View]

The castle's layout and its "inhabitants" make no sense, as posited here >>636134 which is understandable considering it's just trying to be a video game, but when you think about another game like Paper Mario where you can explore the castle those layouts are actually sensible. Plus, the sizes of characters are all over the place; Bowser, Koopa the Quick, Whomps are all kind of too big, and generally don't you just feel "small" in comparison to how all the walls and room sizes are structured in the game? Again, sensible game design, but still.

>> No.636104 [View]

Nothing about the physical world in Mario 64 made any sense, especially compared with other Mario games. When you contrast the sizes of things and the nuances of the environment in general, it really sticks out as an odd game in the series.

>> No.635762 [View]

I happen to like Minecraft, but it's not a retro game, and its fanbase is terrible. I'm not even talking about the "autism" shit, it's just sort of bad in the way that most large fanbases suck like TF2's. Thus, I have no compunction to discuss the game with other people, since if anything I just want to screw around in the game by myself. There's nothing to talk about, really. There's no romance to it.

>> No.635679 [View]

If I'd made tiers, Rinoa wouldn't be that low. I think I was just a little overzealous with my FF8 hate, but the other two girls totally deserve the basement.

Rikku is the same archetype as Yuffie except midway through the game when you reach the Al Bhed place she actually starts to have real thoughts about things not pertaining to just being a perky thief. She's not amazing, but there it is. Also, I thought FF13 and 13-2 were amazing, let the hate commence.

How so? Aeris is driven and cunning, Tifa is consumed by a basic hatred of Shinra and love of Cloud. I mean, if you want to call that multi-dimensional, it's not the worst assortment of motivations, but it's nothing unique in the context of the game.

>> No.635615 [View]
File: 470 KB, 1000x600, 1279345457030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One-dimensional girl characters in Final Fantasy:

Rinoa, Quistis, Selphie, Tifa, Yuffie, Eiko, Quina?, Freya, Agrias, Celes, Relm, Fang

Nuanced female characters:

Aeris, Garnet, Ovelia, Yuna, Lulu, Rikku, Terra, Lightning, Vanille, Serah

Disclaimer: I'm aware many of these aren't retro, I never played 1-3 or 12 extensively, and I don't remember 4 and 5 well enough to make those calls.

>> No.635535 [View]

Don't you think part of the reason we all remember this game's little voice snippets is because they seemed so affected? The things that all the characters say almost aren't even real sentences, they're more like an assortment of malapropisms. The word isn't exactly "cheesy", it's just everything sounds very slightly out of place.

>> No.635504 [View]

What was it about this game that was so delightfully "off" with its manner of speaking? Was it just a byproduct of the translation?

>> No.635471 [View]

Eh... I guess I'm part of a breed that never really cared about the AVGN character and just likes watching the guy talk about the games. As such, I didn't really care for this latest indulgence. I guess it was cool if you liked old people acting wacky or knew who the guy was.

>> No.634974 [View]

The way I see it, being able to go back to Kanto was just a bonus. The game's main challenge is already complete and the other shit is just extra fare that's a nice aside for people who played the first game and felt a connection to that world.

I also understand why there were so many old Pokemon in the new world. 100 isn't actually that many to spread across a whole new map, but making any more than that would have oversaturated the field, so they had to fill in some of the holes with old ones. Plus the continents were connected so it wasn't that far-off an idea.

Some of the Pokemon WERE way too hard to catch, though. I don't want to wait for a swarm, fuck you.

>> No.632156 [View]

It was even worse if you played on the Playstation first, because the password was something ugly like L1, Triangle, R1, Triangle. It feels awful if you fail it, like you actually hurt her yourself.

>> No.632106 [View]

If you want a traditional RPG, play 6, if you like SRPGs, get Tactics. If that doesn't narrow it down enough, get Tactics.

>> No.632013 [View]
File: 20 KB, 256x223, 17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not difficult to succeed at saving her, but this scene is too scary for me for some reason. The last time I played it I started shaking.

>> No.631969 [View]

Langrisser is Vandal Hearts for zygotes.

>> No.631963 [View]

I think the response to your post was appropriate considering you just sort of left a non sequitur hanging there.

>> No.631887 [View]

It was cool one time in one of these threads when someone just posted "DEFEAT DYKEBERG'S OLDER BROTHER!"

>> No.631840 [View]

I don't know why, but that image is making me laugh out loud. I think because it reminds me of the one of the feel guy standing in the corner at the party, but I dunno really, it's just a silly image.

>> No.631549 [View]

But... OK, think about this from an outsider's perspective. You didn't go up with Sephiroth, Cloud, Zack, Tifa, and one other guard who died to investigate a problem at a reactor. Sephiroth didn't exactly write about all of it in a manifesto either. All you would really know if Shinra didn't cover it up is that some crazy SOLDIER burned down the town. Furthermore, it was only after the town burned down that he went to retreive Jenova, and he didn't even make it out of the reactor with its head. Zack was killed, and they thought they killed Cloud at the same time. Sephiroth and Tifa disappeared. Who were they trying to fool? Every witness to events seen in the flashback was taken care of.

>> No.631514 [View]

I do the same thing, but with people who list going to the club.

>> No.631486 [View]

It still begs the question, why would anyone connect them creating monsters with the town suddenly burning down out of nowhere?

>> No.631442 [View]

It's like watching a Brady Bunch episode where one of the kids keeps telling more and more outrageous lies and making a mountain out of a molehill.

>> No.631407 [View]

Consider also that they torched Corel for no reason, didn't cover that up even though that one was actually their fault, and no one even passed around a petition.

>> No.631347 [View]

I didn't personally think about the impact of the joke. I more just posted it because of the art and because it was for the game at hand. On the merits of making some sort of statement about the game, I don't think the creator was too intent on conveying what you say.

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