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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.641034 [View]

It's sad that there are such misconceptions about the sage function that people have to specify that their usage of it is meant to be polite.

>> No.639350 [View]

Er, that is, if you go the emulation route. Which I'm not sure if we were still talking about. My ambien is starting to kick in. Happy gaming, fellas.

>> No.639339 [View]

SoA Legends has minor graphical errors here and there and the audio is choppy unless you can make LLE work right.

I recommend just playing it on DC for solid performance and the aforementioned music boost. Sure there's other content in Legends, but, eh...

>> No.639249 [View]
File: 152 KB, 487x487, 1315524133501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Simultaneously insulting and hilarious that you think that.

>> No.639125 [View]

The opening sequence alone, including that chilling exchange with the fish-man that promptly gets shot through the window, is probably what cements the game as the best in the genre for me. Exploring a broken, battered-down house, then finding a pallid-looking man that gives you a spine-tingling welcome as if he were your long-lost kin... that was really how to set tone in a video game.

>> No.639083 [View]

I think he means the fact that the Vanguard are basically capitalist scum.

I always thought that although TLJ made you sympathize with the characters on a basic level of human plight, you weren't necessarily supposed to like them personally. I think that's why I like it so much. It gives you a set of characters that fit in with the story and make often selfish choices that may not actually do much to endear them to you.

I do agree that more of the game should have taken place in Stark, though. They really get all the nuances of a dystopia down without making it clean-cut "Doom Central". But I think if you look really closely there's a good deal of fleshing-out with Arcadia and its peoples. Like it or not, races like the ones Abnaxus belongs to are nothing if not original. I mean, you say it's filled with fantasy cliches, but where have you seen that before? The Bandu, the Dark People, and the Alatien/Maerum story... they bear superficial similarities to LotR-caliber creatures, but their history is pretty rich.

>> No.639007 [View]

Parasite Eve, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Galerians, Clock Tower, and Alone in the Dark. You'll notice most of these are best known as PS1 titles, which was the best system for messy, freakish 3D.

>> No.638958 [View]

Group (transitive verb) eras (meaning combining consoles into groups that are similar in age and hardware).

>> No.638939 [View]

Look for indie point-and-clicks, especially on GoG. It's where adventure games thrive nowadays.

I actually really liked the Norse sensibilities in Arcadia. What about the games strike you as too perfect and cheesy? In the end, just about everyone gets screwed.

>> No.638873 [View]

They meant that Predator: Concrete Jungle was functionally a poor game.

>> No.638840 [View]

It kind of seems like it appeals to people who are open to games that stretch the boundary of what a "game" is, like it's more just an experience.

>> No.638721 [View]

It fits the year no matter what country you judge it by, but Wikipedia's categories say it's a sixth-generation console. I'm not sure what the criteria for that is.

>> No.638669 [View]

Sonic Adventure actually didn't suck too bad if you want to play an OK 3D Sonic. Like, it would have been really solid overall if it was mostly Sonic's stages, which is what they did in the sequel, but the sequel was just too much I think.

Skies of Arcadia is a must-play if you like JRPGs, probably the best game on the console. (If you're hardcore, play Grandia 2; 50+ hours of story)

Jet Grind Radio is very cool even if you don't like... rollerskating or punk style in principle.

Phantasy Star Online, ironically, is fun even single player if you like a more contained MMO style game.

Play the Resident Evils if you like that, and take a look at Shenmue which I never played but have heard is a uniquely cool game.

>> No.638610 [View]

It's because the lower-end technology gave the monsters a sort of "disgusting" feeling that made you sick to your stomach. It's one of the few situations where graphical flaws worked to the advantage of a game's ambiance.

I don't think horror is a genre that has suffered with time though. Dead Space is more of an action game, isn't it? Penumbra and especially Dark Corners of the Earth for example are very good.

>> No.637948 [View]

Pokemon had an in-game excuse, which was that the size in battles was nonspecific and that they were kept in Pokeballs otherwise. Wailord's a bit of an exception, but it's a minor aside in that game compared to the size of the main villain.

It's not just Mario RPG. In Super Mario Bros, Mario World, Paper Mario, and all the sports games, he's always about 2.5 times as big as Mario or Peach. I will grant that he's unusually big in Mario Galaxy too judging from a video, but it's a minority of games.

To reiterate, I really have no problem with them resizing things for gameplay purposes, I'm just noting the discrepancy I noticed in the game series.

>> No.637807 [View]


I love this song. Resident Evil has underappreciated music, especially 3. The enduring note and haunting voice in the background is godlike.

>> No.637783 [View]

It works well on the latest version of Dolphin. It doesn't play as smoothly as the original Paper Mario because you do things like rotate the control stick, though with that said it's not impossible, you just press WDSAWDSA fairly quickly and it works.

I don't like it as much as the original, I think it tried to do too much with the formula, but literally everyone else likes it.

>> No.637767 [View]
File: 10 KB, 294x264, bowser comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that it doesn't make sense that Bowser is big, it's just that in other Mario games he's small enough that I think you could still give him a hug. It's like if in exactly one of the Sonic games Robotnik's body took up half the screen. Same with the Whomps, really.

It's not that I really care that the sizes are inconsistent, I'm just more apt to notice when the sizes are unrealistic. They're mere observations.

>> No.637739 [View]

The last one I played was Sands of Destruction for DS.

>The development team of the game comprised over fifty people and includes key designers who previously worked on Xenogears, as well as former staff from Grandia, Drakengard and Etrian Odyssey.
>Music by Yasunori Mitsuda

It didn't live up to its pedigree. It had that awkward 90s JRPG charm, and the music was OK, but it was disappointing. Also, I don't make a ton of money, though I've successfully emulated DS before and am not sure about the others, so I have no excuse really.

>> No.637532 [View]

>Last retro vidya
Super Mario RPG
>Childhood-defining game
>Last non-retro vidya
Wind Waker
>Retro system with most nostalgia
PS1. I was big on JRPGs. I still am, but am not as accepting or ravenous for newer entries. Imagine that... plus most of them are on console and I don't buy consoles anymore.

>> No.637434 [View]

I would be able to agree with this principle if not for the fact that disrupting your momentum would be really stifling if not for the spin dash. What I mean to say is if a stage is designed so that you need to maintain speed and be able to deal with obstacles as they come, that's fine, but why be punished for a simple mistake by having to trudge through a part at a low speed?

It's the same sort of thing as games where you lose your power-ups when you die, but then can't get back one you really need for a boss that you're now stuck on. In a certain sense, you might want there to be a reward for maintaining flow (keeping your power-ups, in this case), but on the other hand it kills the immediate game experience.

>> No.637373 [View]

I guess Bowser rearranged the castle in honor of Nero.

>> No.637360 [View]
File: 273 KB, 1472x994, xeno world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga, I opened my game and took this screenshot just because of this post.

Flying through the ruined world in your aerial sand cruiser over the legions of poor 'have-nots'... nothing like it.

>> No.637273 [View]

It's weird how that bee chase has its own theme as well, despite being such a tiny segment, but it did add to the suspense. I think it was supposed to be like it was leading into the boss, but I'm not really sure.

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