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>> No.4919806 [View]

Anyone remembers what Arrange mode does for the western PC release?Google doesn't help.

Is it the original Jap version? is it easier/harder?
If it's anything like RE2/3 it's probably easier, not sure I should give it a go.

>> No.4919608 [View]

Yes, you can say that.

Many have argued that survival horror is not a real video game genre, because video game genres are defined by gameplay mechanics, and survival horror introduced the notion of theme (horror).

However, action-adventure is a very board term. Like stated, that could include Zelda in the same genre, which is true, but it's good to have sub-sub genre to define game genres more precisely, which is why even if it's an exception to the rule, survival horror is good to have as a genre.

>> No.4919579 [View]

Yes, both games are action-adventure games.

>> No.4919576 [View]
File: 142 KB, 640x480, dino 2018-07-21 15-04-46-82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4919184 [View]

So, there it is. There is no difference between Resident Evil and Silent Hill.
They're both survival horror and they even both belong to the same spectrum/side of the genre: the Alone In The Dark one.

I love Silent Hill but hardcore Silent Hill fans like to pretend all kinds of arbitrary things about their beloved series, as if that somehow made it better, praising the first games to a level of godhood.

Oblivious to Konami's marketing, they like to pretend that "Team Silent" is "a" or "one" team.
Because it wasn't by Japs, they like to pretend Homecoming is not survival horror, they like to pretend the game sucks because it has a couple of "cheap scares", and by that same thought like to pretend the first game didn't have a couple of "cheap scares" as well. In the end the only difference between Homecoming and the rest is the camera angle.

Finally, they like to pretend that somehow, Silent Hill is "more" survival horror than RE, or that somehow RE isn't part of the genre it established as a genre.

Don't be fooled.

>> No.4919171 [View]

The first side of the genre, and I call it "first" because they were the first, before even AitD, used to be mostly first person games.

Then after 2005, for many reasons, the AitD/RE clones slowly died.
All that time the first person, adventure-leaned, survival horror games lived along side the AitD clones, but after those died it's all that remained, and they started booming (Penumbra, Amnesia, Alien Isolation, etc) to the point their dosage between "adventure" and "action" also became more even.

The history also has nothing to do Sweet Home. That was part of Capcom's marketing plan with Resident Evil; to pretend RE wasn't an AitD clone but instead was inspired by another Capcom game.
Only very recently Mikami admitted he was, obviously, very inspired by AitD and he just couldn't say so.

>> No.4919165 [View]

I don't know if OP is trolling but then again it's summer and I've seen people in the past genuinely claim that Resident Evil wasn't survival horror.

Resident Evil created the name "Survival Horror" and established it as a genre. Saying it's not SH is like saying Mario isn't a platformer.
Silent Hill is a RE clone that came out 3 years later, Konami was rather late to the party.
If RE isn't SH, then SH isn't SH.

Before Resident Evil came out, "survival horror" games, whether it's Alone In The Dark , its sequels and its clones or the other side of the spectrum like Zombi, were called Action-Adventure.

So, Survival Horror = Action-Adventure with a horror theme and survival gameplay mechanics. Take out a single element and it stops being SH, for instance if you take out the Action genre roots, it becomes an Adventure game with a horror theme, or the Dark Fall series.
This is why D isn't a survival horror but Enemy Zero is. D has no action genre mechanics. Action genre mechanics doesn't mean "shooting stuff guns blazing", it means action involving twitch based controls. Fleeing from enemies in RE is an action genre mechanic.

There are 2 main sides to SH, and it depends on the dosage between the "adventure" and "action" mechanics. Some games lean more towards Adventure but while keeping some Action genre mechanics: games like Zombi, Echo Night, or even Enemy Zero.

The 2nd side has a dosage between the action and adventure mechanics a lot more even, which may even lean more towards action. That's the side of Alone In the Dark, Resident Evil, Dino Crisis (1, not 2 because like stated above 2 lacks some elements to be called SH) and Silent Hill.

>> No.4916779 [View]
File: 832 KB, 1408x1024, biohazard3 2018-07-05 11-20-21-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.4914965 [View]
File: 167 KB, 802x690, 1496659408192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After replaying REmake and 0 just after having played 1/2/3, I think I finally nailed why I always have so much more fun playing 1/2/3 instead.

It's the controls, or rather the animations. 1/2/3 are tight, responsive, very fast. In REmake and 0, and ESPECIALLY in 0, all the animations have a bazillion frames and last forever, for character moves but also for enemies. The result *looks* smooth, but doesn't play as tight.
Too often it feels like I'm not in command because the game decided to showcase how many frames they could cram into an animation.
You know, when you missed a zombie headshot using the shotgun because the shotgun wasn't all the way up but in between? Fuck that shit.
Oh, and how long am I going to have to tap those buttons because the "enemy grabs me" animation lasts forever, it's not like it adds any tension, it's just boring.

A good example of technical advancement deteriorating gameplay. RE1/2/3 will always play better.

and 0 has it even worse with Rebecca and how they decided to give her insane recoil time between shots, especially with the handgun and the magnum. Useless bitch, because of their shit I have to play as some made up fag who's never seen again. They should have given her 2 more inventory slots to balance her better, which would have also helped with their stupid item management system.

>> No.4913062 [View]

Most reasonable answer: the size of items that can be picked up are programmed to vary depending on how far they are from the camera.

In both cases the items are located in rooms below. Perhaps the rooms are loaded together, makes sense in the case of RE3 since you get to jump out of the window without a big loading screen in between.

Just talking out of my ass though.

>> No.4912551 [View]

>Perhaps I didn't look hard enough, but there are what, 30 something handgun bullets in the game? I spend the majority of the game with the shotgun equipped and dodging as much as possible because there is so little ammo for it as well. There are like 5 of those OHK poison darts and you have to make everyone count or you're going to have a bad time. Tranq darts and dodging becomes essential.

I don't remember exactly how, but IIRC you can combine tranq darts with something else to make OHK darts.

Also you should check the hardest difficulty skills. There is a very hard difficulty setting which IIRC is only on PC and Dreamcast: enemies are a lot more deadly, but you get a lot more deadly ammo. You get to shoot more and in a way it almost makes the game easier.

>> No.4912501 [View]

>I just heard my dad calling my name from over there!

>> No.4912496 [View]

Nope, sorry.

Tell yourself you have to suffer until you find the good armor later on in the game.

>> No.4910810 [View]

>2nd Yawn you have to use ammo but iirc it's still possible to leave the room.

Just gave it a try, confirmed it's possible to leave the room.

>> No.4910778 [View]

>git gud

Seriously now? It has nothing to do with skill, it has to do with bad game design and bad survival horror design.
Also if you want to know how 'gud' I am I beat RE3 knife only, I beat RE1 knife only no save, I have a speedrun of RE3 in 55mins, etc

The only way to screw yourself due to bad game design in RE1 is if you pick up too many items as Rebecca, don't have enough inventory space for the serum/v-jot; and if there isn't any enemy left to dmg you so you can heal (because the only way to pick up too many items is by picking up herbs). That is highly unlikely.

I can't even think of anything else in RE1/2/3 other than wasting a shit ton of supplies to the point even the knife isn't enough for you. Even then like stated, RE1/3 have tons of failsafes so you can go through most bosses without using supplies

>> No.4910747 [View]

Besides I wouldn't take the 'most people just shoot' argument for granted.

Survival Horror is rooted in the adventure genre, when you see a text about a Plant, a text about how to kill its root, and a room with chemicals, it's not hard to figure it out.

Then it's also a horror game, and there is a scare factor. When you see giant snake coming in the room I wouldn't be surprised if some people just ran the fuck off, the same way they've been running from zombies. Once you realize that you can, you realize that you don't have to kill it.

>>99% of people don't get all that fucked even on their first playthrough

Says you. Through the years I've heard TONS of people complain they had to reset the game either on Alexia, on the Tyrant in the plane, or somewhere else. See OP's post.

>this only affects your first playthrough
Yeah, 'only'. You 'only' have to restart the game from scratch, 'only' to potentially get stuck later on too.

>> No.4910731 [View]

Yeah, and if they want to do that but are our of supplies, either they find shotgun shells or a knife in the room, or they can simply gtfo and come back with more. Not in CV, in CV you're fucked, and with some aggravating circumstances in some cases as well.

>> No.4910718 [View]

RE2 remake announcement.

We had plenty of MegaMan threads as well following MM11's.

>> No.4910714 [View]

Nemesis in the trash compactor room:
>use the acid switches
Final Nemesis fight:
>use the laser

Now; that brings us to RECV:
>locked in rooms with bosses, can't leave, have to shoot
Alexia fight:
>last time you played as Chris was a long time ago with no hint there'd be a boss
>can't leave the room
>no supply in the room
>knife is hard to use on her

On top of being bad at survival horror it's bad game design

I meant they are nothing special and don't really make good use of the possibilities, they're not innovative and you could have static angles just the same.
Meanwhile Dino Crisis has some amazing dynamic cameras

>> No.4910705 [View]

>only a small percentage of people play these games.

What? Classic RE games sold millions, 5 millions for 1 and 2. CV singlehandeldy made people buy a Dreamcast.

> The majority of players aren’t attempting knife only runs

It's got nothing to do with knife runs, it's got to do with how the game doesn't fuck up by having tons of moments when the player can possibily get stuck, especially regarding a game with tight inventory limit and supply conservation.

>You can get out of the room if you're out of supplies, come back with more
>You don't have to kill it and you can simply dodge to pick up the key item at the back of the room and leave
>There is a pack of shotgun shells in the room

>You can get out of the room if you're out of supplies, come back with more
>You can solve a puzzle that takes away the 2/3rd of its HP
>If all else fails the knife is highly effective against it, makes sense because it's a plant

Giant Spider:
>You can get out of the room if you're out of supplies, come back with more
>You don't have to kill it and can simply destroy the webs and leave, there is a knife in the room for that purpose
>You can even trick the spider into spitting on its own web and destroy it so you can leave, now that's amazing

That only leaves the 2nd Yawn encounter and the Tyrant in the lab. 2nd Yawn you have to use ammo but iirc it's still possible to leave the room. Tyrant in the lab is the only time you're stuck in the room, but as it turns out a single Beretta clip is enough to bring it down, the PC version even has a secret beretta clip hidden in the room.

RE3 has similar things:
1st Grave Digger encounter:
>you can just dodge, press the 3 switches and leave
Nemesis in the tram:
>just leave
Nemesis clock tower:
>Depending on your previous actions Nemesis will be different and the fight will be more or less hard
2nd Grave Digger encounter:
>dodge and wait a little; then shoot down the lamps on the pool of water to electrify item,

>> No.4910547 [View]

It's not bad design because of mine or your personal experience, it's bad design because of how it's made and what can happen.

It's survival horror, RE1/3 got that right by letting the possibilities to NOT use guns for most of the bosses, CV didn't and that particular fight has tons of aggravating circumstances making it worse.

>> No.4910546 [View]

Oh shit, I had no idea it could do that. The canon looked almost ready to fire as well.

>> No.4910480 [View]

I feel like the change to full 3D was really a let down, even at the time.
Everything looks empty and clean unlike RE2/3 which are fully of details and things in the background to check.

On top of that, they barely took advantage of the 3D with camera angles. They could have had some really cool 3D moving camera angles like Dino Crisis had which bring tension and couldn't have been done in 2D, but nope, nothing good like that.

>> No.4910338 [View]

>In the worst case scenario there should have been a B way

That or have supplies to pick up in the room

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