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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.898650 [View]
File: 94 KB, 1593x729, game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interchangeable panels with buttons on them perhaps? It would be tricky to make it sturdy and not get crap stuck in the cracks though. It would solve the problems of the 6 button SEGA and N64 controllers. Would it be totally impossible to make the joysticks and buttons all interchangable some how? Or make the screen it's own device that can be plugged into the system upside down to flip the joystick positions? I'm just trying to come up with something to please everybody here on button placement, i have no idea if any of its feasible

>> No.898634 [View]

OP have you decided on how ergonomically shaped this thing will be? I want it to feel as comfy as a gamecube or xbox 360 controller and not like a nintendo DS or an NES controller because those give me hand cramps.

I thought this was only going to be for emulating up to N64? I am ready to buy it if it does SNES with a comfortable shape because that's my main system. All the other emulators on the market have too many gimmicks or they have touch screen controls or they are too small. I will gladly give you 150$ for an excellent SNES emulator with excellent battery life.

What will it have for multiplayer options? Local wifi, local wireless, a cord you plug in? TV out capabilities?

>> No.898609 [View]

How about making it so you can turn the device upside down so the joysticks are on top? Like how with smartphones you can rotate them and the screen adjusts itself? It's going to be hard to create a button layout that works for every game system, and how will we go about putting games on the thing? Will there be different colors or any customizable options etc....

>> No.898597 [View]

Is the D pad like a PS1 pad where the buttons are individual or is it like a SNES where its one big piece? Because i prefer the SNES style

>> No.895231 [View]

I really can't comprehend how they are well received because when compared to World or Mario 3 they just seem so , easy and boring.

>> No.895189 [View]

I think those games are garbage compared to the controls of Mario 3 (this is a largely biased opinion because I regularely do speedruns of Mario 3), as far as mario controls go I would rate them 3>World>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1(can't turn around in mid air which bugs me) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nsmb series

>> No.895158 [View]

minecraft is fine, it runs smoothly (go watch a youtube video of bomberman hero in the big sand flowing level)

standards have definately changed. If tomorrow sony said they have a game that looks and plays just like mario brothers 3 I dont think it would be received too well because now anybody with a computer can make a basic game like that.

We learn on what other people have spent their lives creating and discovering, like how Einstein spent all that time making his formulas and now they are taught in grd.11 physics and we can understand them. For me, aging is just a matter of how fun the game is and how well it can stand up against what games are out today.

>> No.895116 [View]

We have reached a point where we expect clear graphics and a decent frame rate. I mostly played my SNES even as new consoles came out and I didn't have any problems, but recently I started buying some N64 games I used to enjoy and they are borderline unplayable most of the time because of the frame rates. I mean, they are still fun but I was playing bomberman hero today and the graphics for the lava and the water are just so bad that my eyes hurt if I play it too long. I think it's just a matter of what we expect as a norm when playing a game. Some games are terrible that get released simply because they have bad game controls.

>> No.895101 [View]

So wait, people are mad because of the term "aged" ? Obviously the game didn't change in any form it's just that when it was released we all thought it was good. Now when we go back and play it it seems terrible because we have way better games and some games even seem unplayable. A good game is always a good game, like Yoshi's Island, because compared to what we have now it's still pretty awesome. So when we say the game has "aged" poorly what are we actually referring to? I like to think that the we have newer, higher standards for how fun a game should be and how it should be presented.

>> No.895084 [View]

Back in the 1300's eating dirty potatoes that were boiled in water was considered a great meal. It was great then but now it's not so great because we have more things to choose from and we have evolved our tastes.

Things do age poorly just like movies and music and all inventions. The wheel made of stone was a great invention at the time and made modern civilization possible, but if you took your modern car down to the tire shop and had them install solid rock wheels you would say, hey, this is shit.

>> No.895060 [View]

Really? Maybe you just gotta love the combat style but even when I knew what I was doing I would just grind on enemies leveling up each character with each weapon and have a blast doing those different charged attacks.

>> No.894884 [View]

For me it's the matter of the KISS principle. Keep It Simple Stupid. You can make the most elaborate and crazy game with millions of dollars, but if you don't have as much fun as a game of Pong or Defender then you haven't created a great game. It's the same with movies, you can have a million dollar comedy that isn't half as funny as some 20 second clip on youtube that somebody made in about 20 seconds. Some songs have great beats and great rhythm but everybody knows the intro to Fur Elise (an example of a very grand and complicated piece but the intro is so simple) and those same people probably know the tune of Axle F.

It's all about making timeless content, games can age badly and so can movies and all other media. Old games aren't automatically better than new games.

>> No.892483 [View]

holy shit thats crazy, i went inside the cave without the girl and had to find her later. Thanks

>> No.889271 [View]

Oh wow and apparantly its a hard to find game. I played it at my friends house a while back and went there the other day and told him we should play it but he didn't remember it when I described it. Now I hope he didn't lose it or something silly like that.


>> No.889243 [View]

Holy shit guys i found it, it's called Challenge Dragon


>> No.889183 [View]

Haha wtf thats pretty funny though

sadly no, but that does meet the description I gave. It felt more like a ninja gaiden type game in that it was super hard and I remember lots of enemies and for some reason an enemy resembling a flamingo and maybe being able to throw bombs. Pretty sure that the houses were like old japanese/chinese looking ones with the tiled roofs.

>> No.889173 [View]

Wow I never realised how terrible this show was, they give you nothing for tips and all the prizes are shit. I think I only watched it because it was the only thing on Saturdays at 2pm when I had nothing to do. All the kids look creepy/fat as fuck


>> No.889159 [View]

I have a vague description here.

It's a Ninja game for the NES. You had an overworld map that looked like a path to castle i think and after each boss you would go to the next area and it would show that map and your icon moving up the map. The levels were sidescrolling, you could jump up to the rooftops and there were some pits you could fall into. I remember the coloring being very dark and red/purple.

>> No.889138 [View]

I had that same habit

The game is so cool how you can get the girl before the cave and when you go there she says she won't go in the cave with you.

And when you fight the Fox Brothers if you talk to her during the fight she says something like "What are you doing, help me" and if you have a dead sprite or boy she says something but i can't remember, I think she gives you an item to bring them back to life. I love all those little tid bits

>> No.889130 [View]

Avoid the fight? What?!?! how?

>> No.886065 [View]

>kid picks the red ball and has to choose something from the wall in like 5 seconds
>ummm i want ummmm number 5

You chose, the power rangers puzzle. ENJOY

>> No.886015 [View]


HOLY SHIT what episode!?!?!? Was it only for kids who lived in Ontario? Do you still have the game and the watch?

>all those shitty prizes

>> No.886010 [View]

>decide to watch some old episodes a year ago with a friend
>description says it's got a hint for Legend of Zelda, link to the past, it just so happens we were playing that game
>Here's a tip, cut down bushes to get rupees and sometimes a heart

Our first letter here is from james, he says, Dear video and arcade, I really love your show, I have a Super Nintendo and a Playstation.

"Well james thanks for writing in, we will be sending you a copy of one of the games we played today, either Tetris for gameboy, or Donkey Kong 64. Have Fun!

>> No.881329 [View]

On a side note, I downloaded it from the Apple store and one of the changes they made is the Fox Brothers don't kick you when you're down making it less infuriating to fight them lol. It's a great update to the game except I don't like how reflective the water is.

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