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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.5766692 [View]
File: 558 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds like War of the Worlds
>turns out there actually was a PAL exclusive War of the Worlds
>that's what it is

>> No.5766676 [View]
File: 1.40 MB, 2560x1920, 1482795424076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should easily weigh as much as two girlfriends

Cathode Ray Tube

>> No.5766658 [View]
File: 76 KB, 1024x768, Paul+Heinman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you know what Americans think unironically

>> No.5766618 [View]

You're retarded. Literally every American has a particular cultural cuisine that's their favorite. Do you actually think if you ask a random American "Do you like Mexican or Italian food better?" they'll say "durr I only eat burgers"?

>> No.5766581 [View]
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/a/ck/vr/asp/toy in one character
>one thing

>> No.5766552 [View]

All translations are rewritten by definition

>> No.5766534 [View]

Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to run 4th gen games at equal delay to real hardware is insignificant next to the power of multithreaded PC architecture.

>> No.5766489 [View]

It warms my heart this can still push a thread

>> No.5766449 [View]

A dock like that could be built for like $5 in China, it's just an HDMI USB hub + SNES->USB controller adapter in a stylish case.

>> No.5766446 [View]

That's the only one they couldn't produce like right this moment if they wanted (and if they have the liquidity). But what else is Kev doing? Actuality I wouldn't be surprised to find out he's been working on these cores just on his own.

>> No.5766439 [View]

Actually it'll be offered at release in a bundle with a Switch-like dock that has SNES controller ports and a full size HDMI out on it.

>> No.5766425 [View]

I checkout to mention the GG Boy would have a GB/C/A cartridge slot and support HDMI out and USB controller adapters through its charging port

>> No.5766403 [View]
File: 319 KB, 450x730, UkyoKuonji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Akashiyaki" in Snatcher is actually almost certainly a reference to okonomiyaki. I said takoyaki before because I incorrectly remembered a character from Ranma having been in Sailor Moon and couldn't find her until I searched a little harder

It really only matters to the game that its a restaurant and okonomiyaki is fairly similar to pizza (a round bread disc with toppings) so "Neo Kobe Pizza" is a perfectly apt translation

It's also worth noting that in all this time, in this thread full of smug weebs none of them pointed out my mistake until I had to do it myself. I submit that this is proof positive these changes actually sacrifice nothing and are only protested as an act of mental masturbation.

>> No.5766326 [View]

There's no doubt that there are actual Analogue shills at work right now on /vr/ and it actually seems that 4chan is being compensated to quasi-endorse them which is a shame since it started out as a luxury brand that sold entirely on reputation alone.

However, this naturally leads me to believe that Analogue market researchers might be reading this thread so if they are slow me to suggest what you should be doing to maximize your profitability without dragging your and Kevtris's reputation through the mud and assuming that the reason for this marketing push is lagging sales of your super and mega.

>pull the super and mega from sale
>divide all 2-4 gen consoles evenly into "white" and "black" consoles
>release their cores in this way, divided evenly between super and mega compatibility
>observe their skyrocketing secondary market price q.v. the mini
>re-release "special" editions of the consoles at a price point that slightly undercuts that market price

phase 2

>release three more consoles using this strategy or an accelerated schedule of it
>"GG Boy" vertical handheld with 320x240 back-lit LCD screen supporting cores for all retro handhelds
>"PC SX" with an integrated mechanical keyboard in a case reminiscent of Apple II/C64/MSX with core spring retro computers
>“Ultra 64" flagship with an N64 cartridge slot that will support cores for 5th gen condoles

That last one is going to be a handful obviously but put Kev to work on it right now instead of paying him to do nothing which is what your dumb asses are doing right now.

>> No.5766227 [View]

>Real hardware offers more accuracy
>Runahead offers lower latency
>Other FPGAs offer multiple cores
Other than convenience, there is no reason to buy these consoles

>> No.5751616 [View]

At this point I'll just respond by repeating the facts that this is because when I decided to date seriously with the real goal of marriage I chose a 17 year old virgin church girl.

It worked out great, I still whole heartedly endorse it. It would have been easier if she had been 18 day-sue but we work with the opportunities that present themselves to us.

C'mon, sit a spell. Ride this thread straight to hell if it'll keep you out of the other threads.

>> No.5751493 [View]

>I shouldn't play more story based computer RPGs unless I'm a live action role player
What did he mean by that

>> No.5751371 [View]

>this tutorial is railroading me into learning how to play this game!

>> No.5751331 [View]

Yeah they're good. Fallout 1 is a bit punishing at the beginning. Start with Fallout 2 if you want to be broken into the mechanics first, Torment for story first (and foremost). Also of course your preference for setting might play a part in your choice.

>> No.5751291 [View]

That's a good question, Anon. People seem to want to find "the perfect girl" who already likes all the things they like but the reality is that girls who like "guy things" were brought into them by a guy. In the BEST of scenarios it was by her father or other male family members and even if it's only that you still have "competition" within something that would be best to be all about you, though you might be able to get along well with her family depending on your personality.

The far more troubling implication of girls who are into "guy stuff" is when they strongly associate it with an ex so you're always going to be compared to someone - and in either case, girls often continue being active in "guy stuff" because of the male attention they get which is really a gateway to full on slutty behavior. Not that I'm slut shaming but you don't want a slutty girlfriend trust me.

>> No.5751273 [DELETED]  [View]

Maybe there was some thread on some shitty site that stirred up a bunch of unreservedly self-righteous assholes

>> No.5751263 [View]

Nah she's very very attached to me. She's "brainwashed" remember? Must be that Stockholm syndrome amirite? The whole family is just going through recovery from a summer cold right now so we're spending more down time and not sleeping so well, especially the baby which by extension means me as well.

LOL good luck with that. You dumbshits are boring as hell there's no way you could actually stand to have real conversations with one another. Trying might be a good way to kill this thread but in all likelihood it'll just continue attracting sad boys before it falls off and if you're not here to keep them from listening to me they might actually get on a path to happiness! You can't have that now can you?

There are certainly perceivable trends in the posting flavor combined with a SHOCKING failure to condemn the outright Islamic sentiment expressed the other day

It's like you either don't read what I'm saying or are only capable of gasping things at the level of a ten year old. THE MODS ARE MIA - or at least the janitors I'm familiar with. So I'm gleefully acting out in this thread as a certain measure of meta far far beyond you.

Who says I'm not already a cult leader?

>> No.5751215 [View]

Pretty accurate yeah, number 4 isn't really an idea it's just an anecdote. It's okay for anyone to fuck 17 year olds in the vast majority of the world. If you're going to fuck an innocent and sincere person your intentions should be pure and sincere as well, regardless of anyone's age it's just easier to find innocent and sincere girls the younger they are. Muslims are an important topic for everyone, I'm just harping on it a lot in this thread because this is the first time it's really occurring to me that a lot of the Anons on /vr/ are actually not only Europeans but fucking Muslims.

>> No.5751191 [View]

Well for one thing I use and understand hyperbole - oh, and I also can read timestamps. I wouldn't personally consider these great but you've proven obviously far from capable of understanding the higher levels so I guess I need to mention the simple things that are only slightly over your head even if it does just feel like I'm calling you stupid.

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