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>> No.4949169 [View]

I get what you mean, but in the case of REmake it feels like they deliberately made a middle ground, while in the case of RE0 it feels like they just fucked up and pretty much every single animation is just awfully long for its sake.

Still in REmake it sucks when you miss a zombie headshot with the shotgun up close because the game decided that particular frame wouldn't do it.
Even worse is getting hit by a dog because you missed the animation that stuns them down for one that doesn't by a couple of frames, and you're stuck in post firing weapon downtime.

But at least you can damage Hunters ANY time, even when they get up, which wasn't the case in the original game.

The worst offender is probably the Molotov Cocktails in RE0. Holy shit. It's rendered worse by how the game insists on having you fight the Leech guys in tight corridor, where the cocktail is likely to miss and hit a wall instead.... oh and what about that long ass pre-transformation (from "human" to "full leech) which last forever and during which the enemy just seem to be invicible?
What a goddamn mess.

I genuinely can't think of a single Silent Hill game where this is a problem, not even on the level of REmake.... except maybe Origins regarding certain enemies and attacks, if my memory serves me right, but then again I always played the PS2 version of that game which has awful input delay so that never helped.

>> No.4948957 [View]

and yet it's not as bad for RE1 remake... it managed to keep tight gameplay. RE0 just fucked up.

>> No.4948952 [View]

Also, in the video you can see that Rebecca has 8 inventory slots versus 6 in the final version.

It's questionnable whether we can use this as a argument as perhaps that would have changed by the time the game would have been released on N64, BUT we can say that what we see of it is better in that regard, especially considering the shitty item management system the game has.

Also, Rebecca's VA and behaviour seems a lot less incoherent than the we one we got in the end. But again, maybe they'd have changed it.

Finally all the loading times look really short.

>> No.4948941 [View]
File: 109 KB, 850x415, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are at least 2 reasons why RE2 on N64 would have been better than the one we got, 2 reasons directly linked to their generations:

1) RE0 on GC doesn't have tight gameplay. All the animations of all the characters and enemies have a thousand goddamn frames and take forever. The devs were too busy wanking over "technology!" and see how many frames max they could cram in to care about tight gameplay.
This results in untight gameplay where all the actions happen forever after you hit the button and it's all about a predicting guess work than anything.

If you look at videos of the N64 version, it's not like that at all and it looks like it plays just as tight as RE2/3.


2) Bland unvarying "brown graphics with a bit of red"

Besides, your argument about cartridge size only really matters for FMV cutscenes, and even let's remind ourselves that RE2 on N64 exists.

>> No.4944653 [View]

Exactly my point, it's remember for survival horror, and it should, but everyone forgets that it also influenced the entire industry for more than a decade by coming up with the technique of using 2D pre rendered backgrounds with fixed cameras with 3D models. All kinds of games used that afterwards, action, rpg, adventure, etc

>> No.4944369 [View]

People fail to realize how influential AitD was. It was the first game to come up with the technique of using 3D models in 2D pre rendered backgrounds, think of how many games used to, down to Final Fanstay etc

Anyway the first one is the only really good one.

>> No.4944113 [View]

Not to mention that the message talks guilt and not accepting what happened, exactly like James and his situation with PH.

So why do people still insist only James should see PH? If they wanted you to believe that, they wouldn't talk about it through a newspaper and a museum on the history of Silent Hill.

> but he certainly didn't mind the SH4 writer expanding on the lore of the older games by developing unexplained thing

How do you know he didn't mind? To do you think he's going to spit all over his colleagues decisions, past or present?
The only reason someone like Ito opens his mouth is because he doesn't work in the industry anymore and probably doesn't want to, and when he does he's NOT spitting on the work of Jap colleagues.

>> No.4942470 [View]

In the mid-late 90's and even before HL came out people played DN3D online using joystick+keyboard.

>> No.4942153 [View]

Okay now, but do you genuinely believe they had the story of 4 all figured out when they were making 2? When it was decided so later on to make 4?

Why else would, at the same time, James refer to PH as "Red Pyramid" while this newspaper article refers to "Red devil MONSTER" ?

SH4 may have changed things, or rather used things which were vague enough, or maybe I'm wrong and they HAD the story of 4 all written down already, but either way it backs up what I'm saying:

Why would Jimmy Stone use a triangular red hood to perform ritualistic executions? Because he's using the PH lore. Because PH is part of a the lore, so James isn't the only one to see him.

>> No.4939946 [View]
File: 739 KB, 1280x1024, sh2pcPATCHED 2018-07-29 14-10-50-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another evidence from SH2.
Walter Sullivan was seeing PH, too.

>> No.4939703 [View]

I can't think of a better way to incorporate PH in SH1 than what the movie did.
It should be there but it shouldn't be a boss. It would hunt and execute people from the cult and/or people who hurt Alessa, but like in the movie it could lose its discernment and take time to realize that not exactly everyone in this world is guilty.
Thus, depending on the player's action and on what ending he's going for, PH could be the one to kill Cybil.

>> No.4937369 [View]
File: 237 KB, 1152x864, ePSXe 2018-07-26 16-48-26-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thing about SH1 is that the worm and moth boss(es) suck. They suck gameplay wise and they suck theme-wise...
What is this, "let's do like Resident Evil and have giant insects?"
Totally uninspired as far as Silent Hill is concerned. Also don't give me the "You don't get it! It's because Alessa has a butterfly collection!". There is nothing smart or deep about that, she only does because that's the only excuse the devs found to justify their uninspired boss designs.

so I'd expect to see those fuckers replaced in a remake.

Otherwise that's about it. Fix the end game, fix those 2 bosses, find a way to make supplies tighter (everything BUT the way SH3 did it), and that's it. Otherwise SH1 is a great game.

>> No.4936991 [View]

For instance the only thing HC added in terms of controls was the forward roll, and when we consider all the freedom of controls SH1 added compared to its contemporaries, it's barely nothing.
Then it changed the camera angle because fixed point 3rd person cameras were dead and nobody liked them anymore.

It all boils down to the camera angle. It has an incredible psychological effect on players, because of the camera angle everyone thought the protag was "more combat able".

In essence the only difference with Harry is the forward roll and the camera angle. If anything Alex is a lot less combat able considering how much harder it is to either dodge or kill enemies in HC than in SH1/2/3/4. But the camera angle changes the perspective considerably...

>> No.4936982 [View]

SH1 was already 'remade' once, and although it wasn't exactly a remake as it was at the same time a sequel to SH3, and it went relatively well.
I don't know if the "hardcore" fans complained about SM but they must have considering they always include it in the lot of "post team silent" games.

Either way the game was recieved well. If the game is good enough, the reviews will be good and noone will hear the discordant minority.

Then again maybe that only worked for SM because it was completely different, as not even the press was being objective about Homecoming.

One thing I'd like to see in a SH1 remake would be the last part of the game completely remade.

I always thought the last part of the game starting the lighthouse completely dropped the cake.

Before that you get the perfect amount of exploration, great pacing, 2 great dungeons...

Then starting the lighthouse all you get is linearility and re-hashed game parts, all pretty short too. The second sewer and Nowhere are the epitome of that, considering they're just rehasing what we've seen before but in a worse way.

So all that should go and we should have a proper 3rd dungeon instead. It could the attraction park which, after the Cybil fight, becomes a Nowhere that's not just the hospital.

> Tank controls are out, so with a significantly more combat capable Harry Mason other aspects of the game are going to have to change too.

It's not about the controls, it's about the camera point of view.
SH1 was already about giving tons of freedom of movement compared to other silent hill games: you can strafe, strafe circle, walk in all directions while aiming and even shooting, etc

Harry was already very combat capable considering the usage of all those close combat and fire weapons.

>> No.4934082 [View]

Silent Hill is not better than RE in terms of survival gameplay.

>> No.4932573 [View]

btw, what Ito says doesn't even go against any of what I said. You interpret it the way you want to.

All I see is that he was art director, he did not direct the game, wrote the story.

He was told to create PH in James' image, because like stated James sees everything his way.

Thus, he wouldn't like to see the exact same design re-used, doesn't make sense.

And guess what, PH does look different in the movie and in HC. It's not James' vision of it.

>> No.4932560 [View]
File: 493 KB, 640x436, MistyDay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how that proves anything... besides, do you really believe they'd say in an interview
>oh yeah, we decided to turn this game into SH half way through dev time and shoe-horned SH references in it to call it a day.

>mental gymnastics

What mental gymnastics? Pic related is from SH2, with this text

>"Misty day, remains of the Judgment."

and THIS is in a room about the history of Silent Hill. Jesus christ, it's not like I'm making this shit up, it's in the game, showing that in the lore of SH, PH is the executioner for 'judgement day'.
Considering you thought PH represented the psych issues in HC as well, even though there is no indication of that and all he does is execute people after God's judgement, maybe I shouldn't be surprised you didn't get that as well.

Yeah, James may see his guilt in PH, and Ito may feel strongly about that, but that doesn't change the other side of the story. Like I said, everything about SH2 tells us that James takes SH lore and sees it his way, and PH is established as SH lore as god's executioner with that painting in that room.

Both the movie and HC respected that, and were careful not to use James' personal vision.

>You like HC so much you want to twist reality to make it seem "justified" as a member of the series. If it's so good, then just accept it it for what it is.

Funny for me it's the contrary. The vast majority of the complains and supposed "issues" I heard about HC were always pure wrong. People had decided they were going to hate it before playing it because "not team silent" and will twist anything they find about it to try and prove that, or won't even try to understand and play the game for what it is. Like you saying what you said about PH in the game. Like people complaining that "the cheapscare with the wheelchair" is out of line for SH, forgetting about the locker cheapscare in SH1, etc etc

>> No.4932414 [DELETED]  [View]

You mad fag?

>> No.4932403 [View]

I have no idea who you are and what you're talking about

>> No.4932247 [View]

That's what the wikipedia page claims, only to back it up with a link to an interview which never said that....

If anything that hints at the contrary, it doesn't say "we wanted to make 2 sequels after SH2", as both games were developped at the same time, the interview only says "we wanted to make a sequel after SH3".

>> No.4932146 [View]

Blood takes time. If you keep playing, at one point it should just "click". Don't be afraid to experiment with weapons.

Also the first episode is the one with the most cultists. Other EPs have less, more enemy types, more diversity. More weapons too.

>> No.4931964 [View]

but HC is my favourite with the first one. It's the most solid all around with the best survival gameplay in the entire series.

>> No.4931945 [View]
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btw I haven't had the chance to play Downpour, so I don't know about that

>> No.4931935 [View]
File: 2.42 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180519_124841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think that when they spend the game chasing and killing things they represent James' sexual frustration? When they kill Mary at the end?

Finally, James sees the dogs, the nurses, etc part of SH lore. Why only him should see PH? He may see it differently yes, but it's established as part of the SH lore like the rest.

Finally in NO other PH apparations do they represent people pysc issues:
>SH2: executioners
>The movie: "god"'s executioner
>HC: "god"'s executioner

The only game which has PH for no reason is SH the arcade, which I've had the chance to play. Only because it's just "let's not give a shit and shoot everything" type of game.

Last thing now:
>That's why every other game down the line is about the protagonist dealing with psychological issues

And who's fault is that? It's SH2's fault. SH2 almost completely disregarded SH1 to go in that direction, so after it became a mess because sequels had to base themselves on 2 first games with 2 completely different angles.

The FIRST game that mixed the 2 concepts and put them together in one game was The Room, and it was tacked on and awful. BTW, that one is a so called "Team Silent" game.

So, the next games had to base themselves on Team Silent: 2 first games with 2 completely different angles. A 3rd game which completely ignores SH2's angle, and a 4th which mixes the 2 awkwardly. So, that's what the sequels did, and that's what I meant by "they did what Silent Hill always was"

>mixed the 2 angles awakwardly, like 4

>ignored the first angle and went full psyc, like 2

>ignored the psyc, like SH3

>mixed the 2
But unlike the others, HC is the only well do it well, because they did not MIX the two, the 2 were there but seperate. The psyc issues are ONLY in the protag mind and are not the reason why shit is going down, and do not affect the shit all around.

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