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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.5791618 [View]
File: 176 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600 (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't four 4x4 screens be 8x8? You're probably describing a rack mount quad 4" array though now that I think about it, most likely because you were browsing larger pro displays and getting discouraged at how expensive they are.

>> No.5791616 [View]

It's a miracle that you haven't broken any pins or ripped off a solder pad. What's your workflow here?

>> No.5791612 [View]

If you like sucking cock so much maybe you should go back to doing that? And everyone and their fucking mother has a VPN in China.

>> No.5791602 [View]

If you love China so much maybe you should go back there. I'm sure 4chan is blocked.

>> No.5791487 [View]

But chinks actually love to show off their factories? There are plenty of videos around. Just not of CRT tube factories cause they aren't a thing.
You what now?

>> No.5791476 [View]

Economics of scale

>> No.5791472 [View]

One of those games that I beat as a kid but I probably wouldn't go to the effort of beating as an adult unless there was a social element. Still a classic though.

>> No.5791461 [View]
File: 135 KB, 1200x900, file-20190213-181631-9c112q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason there's no proof of the kind of stuff that goes on in Asian electronic manufacturing

>> No.5791441 [View]

Yes, I agree that it is unlikely considering we aren't seeing new CRTs in developed nations. I'm acknowledging it's POSSIBLE that they're being manufactured and simply blocked from import or even just not worth them exporting. I remember ten years ago when there were cheap crts at Walmart, slightly less expensive than a similarly sized LCD but no one was buying them and surprise surprise Walmart stopped carrying them.

This is the normal effects of natural market forces, which is what I'm very confident has caused the end of CRT manufacture (the topic of this thread, which has nothing to do with quality used crts). I'm not a fan of environmental regulations but they're only a small factor in the unprofitability of CRT manufacturing. Not everyone who replies to you is trying to argue with you. Reading comprehension.

>> No.5791423 [View]

>sixteen people crowded around a screen the size of an ipad

>> No.5791409 [View]
File: 1.01 MB, 512x512, Teknoparrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here

>> No.5791404 [View]

Exactly. I don't know why that fucking globalist thinks there's "open government policy for every government" but places like China and India both literally do not give a single shit about the environment and have significant industrialization/manufacturing. If it can be profitable, China will do it.

I suppose it's possible that it's other countries' environmental regulations that are preventing the IMPORT of Chinese CRTs which results in only shitty CRTs being made since they're for exclusively domestic consumption. We import all kinds of stuff like semiconductors that they manufacture without regard for the environment but the CRTs might be a shower but less "vital" thing to restrict than semiconductors.

>> No.5791301 [View]
File: 121 KB, 1600x900, soulja-boy-console.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5791283 [View]
File: 523 KB, 1789x2358, laura-nardoni-commanderkeen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw the only people in this thread who have similar earliest gaming memories to mine are europeans

>> No.5791272 [View]

Moon Remix
Yuuyami Doori Tankentai/Twilight Syndrome

>> No.5791230 [View]

He lives in some authoritarian European shithole where he's been stomped into believing government regulation is actually more powerful than the almighty dollar. Nothing serious has ever been manufactured there and nothing ever will be.

>> No.5791223 [View]

Fuck that, today is METAL WOLF CHAOS XD day!!!

>> No.5791219 [View]

It's been being "fixed" ever since Android 2.1 is just that different versions of emulators are built optimized for different versions and there's really no rhyme or reason to it. I've been fucking with iCade cabinets lately and it's crazy. Mame works perfectly, Retroarch doesn't work at all, Robert Broglia's free SNES9x port works decently but his free version of MD.EMU has unacceptable lag then the paid version is perfect. I did apples to slightly different apples comparisons playing Street Fighter 2 CE because I can count frames in that game.

>> No.5790483 [View]

>Ada Wong

>> No.5790460 [View]
File: 440 KB, 2560x1440, IMG_20190804_145703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Projection always makes me want to enjoy retro horror content

>> No.5790431 [View]

Awwwww yeah. Glad he hasn't been discouraged lol

>> No.5771497 [View]

You have to skip the hidden mushroom so you might as well just get the mushroom and risk taking the hit. I didn't know it was there when I was doing it at the arcade

>> No.5771083 [View]

I talk about this anytime I get the chance. The server side content from the original Xbox Live is already a fucking holocaust. Koream MMOs go down and just don't come back up. Cut off Heroes/City of Villains can't be played right now. Think about that. There needs to be a new culture where SOMEONE with access to that server side content leaks it before its actually lost. There was a house bill about exactly that and lowering the copyright liability of people who do it but I don't think it passed.

>> No.5770387 [View]

I put 4 credits into Vs SMB at the retrocade recently and suffered no significant resistance until the hammer brother on the short steps in 5-2 and that put and end to my fun.


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