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>> No.5010397 [View]
File: 125 KB, 800x600, RDNK0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made videos of my 3 favourite maps in Rides Again, Psychobilly/Pistol start


Moto Madness:


Just so you can bow down before my bike and swamp buggy skills

The alien titty bitches can you kill in a second, save your best weapons for them and make sure you can take cover as soon as they use their titty guns.

Other than that it's not that hard.

RR was made by Americans.

Yeah and well, few minutes into playing, after seeing props with the wrong palette in the church, I shoot at a cultist up close with the flare gun and he died normally like I used the shotgun on him. That's when I quit this shit. Latest verison I might add.

>> No.5008150 [View]
File: 84 KB, 800x600, ra_010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just found a rather high quality usermap for RR:RA. Those seem very rare.

Ancients by Jon Hunt, it's VERY inspired by El Peso, but it feels very classic, has great shading, some SoS, even an instance of RoR, great texturing and shading.

I've also played Hoot Owl Hollow by the same author, but it's only okay. It's one of those very flat "go from building to building" map with a serious case of switches stupidity.
Looks like the guy made a few other maps so i'll check them out

>> No.5008079 [View]
File: 108 KB, 800x600, ridesagain7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give a shit and I know other people who do.
Despite being arguably a quick cash in sequel it has tons of great stuff like the bike, the swamp buggy, and some of the most advanced maps made in Build by a pro game.


No, no I'm not. BloodGDX still looks and sounds really bad, why doesn't he fix that first instead of making poor versions of every game out there?

>> No.5006437 [View]

Try playing SW2013 on the hardest skill.

You'll quickly realize only two weapons matter:the rocket launcher and the sword. On hard skills the game is really bad.

>> No.5006027 [View]

Even as a reskin it's more than a "simple reskin". You know how tons of reskins look like shit despite being based on already existing sprites? You must have seen some other "Protoman" or "Bass" reskins.
That's because people stick to the original character sprite limit. Protoman uses more sprites than Mega Man and is a lot less symmetrical, a lot of work went into making sure he looks 100% accurate, thankfully MM5's dynamitc tile loading which is unlike any other MM game helped, but still, not to mention making new frames for the 180° rotating animation on moving platforms or the dash.

Anyway, I sure was helped by existing tools and documentation but I knew nothing about ASM but still wanted to make sure it's as accurate as possible to MM9/10 while also fixing/improving things in MM5 like glitches or making the charging sound fade away.

Hope you enjoy it.

>> No.5004862 [View]

>None they're not suppose to be scary games

All classic RE games are supposed to be scary, and not just scary, because "scary" doesn't even start to encompass everything horror is about.

>> No.5004738 [View]

RE1 has the best claustrophobia feels and sheer horror, but RE3's Nemesis did cause some "oh shit" moments.

>> No.4997672 [View]

Thanks, here it is in action


>> No.4995734 [View]

>digging on that forum might also help

Lol indeed,it helps, same guy released this recently:


Maybe you can ask him to fix the hit detection and the Y axis spawn location of the buster shots. Doesn't seem to be in his list.

>> No.4995713 [View]

There is also a very ambitious guy working on remaking MM4/5/6 in Wily Wars.

That guy should know everything you need to know, considering he already documented a few things maybe he'll be willing to help.


digging on that forum might also help

>> No.4995693 [View]
File: 897 B, 55x38, mega men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they did that to make it look more detailed, more "next gen".

You don't need a great computer to hack a Megadrive game.

However the task might be a little more complicated than you think, but it all depends on how the game handles its sprites and whether or not you can find tools/documentation to help, look on romhacking.net for graphical tools. At least you're going from bigger to smaller, the contrary could prove to be a little more difficult.
Your best bet is probably to use an NES sprite sheet as a base. Keeping some of the details like shadows will be impossible at times

>> No.4995684 [View]

5 adds the bird, the M tank, and makes the charge shot OP. It's also the first which has a stage focused on non platforming (jetski), which then became a staple

>> No.4993765 [View]

They're nice but the only thing arguably better in the "demakes" are the bossfights, especially for 8.

Otherwise, 7 sucks because the change of scale renders the game incredibly empty and easier.
In 8 they outright deleted entire stages segments, and yet sill managed to end up making things which wouldn't have been possible as such on NES.

>> No.4992598 [View]

Except even actual MM devs admit to that. Check the interviews for MM11 on youtube and how they say they wanted to make sure not to do that mistake again.

>> No.4992386 [View]

8's gameplay isn't nearly as tight thanks to long ass animations

>> No.4991886 [View]
File: 20 KB, 640x480, Mega Man - The Wily Wars035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ports are generally much weaker than the original games but it's still nice to play.

The new stages however are pretty cool. You get to build up your own arsenal with MM1-2-3 weapons and items, the stages have lot's of multipath and some cool bosses as well, and things that couldn't have been on NES.

You'll be sorry to have spent money for a shitty slowed down PAL version though.

>> No.4991792 [View]
File: 4 KB, 256x240, 3638screenshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shameless shilling


>> No.4984754 [View]

All ship maps are good.

>> No.4984546 [View]
File: 1.09 MB, 1432x3848, Boatmapspowerranking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4984378 [View]
File: 1.72 MB, 480x258, 1531332411236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I found a glitch in survival mode
>hid for 2 hours in San Francisco while the cops couldn't get to me

>finally decided to get out
>a bazillion cop cars ram into me
>cars are flying everywhere and more glitches occur

it was beautiful

>> No.4983227 [View]

Obviously more Pigcops are hiding in it

>> No.4982157 [View]
File: 71 KB, 640x400, CAPT0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have no idea how much I loved Powerslave

and yeah I genuinely have more fun than when playing Redneck Rampage.

You know combat isn't Powerslave's strong point but honestly everything is so off about Redneck Rampage's too...
Like how shitty some of the weapons are, or how unsatisfying it is to kill enemies for the most part.
Like when you shoot and the enemy seems to wait forever before registering it should die and then pulls some long ass 30 frames death animation.

>> No.4980110 [View]
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, 20180813130727_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also music is questionable. SW and Blood did use CD music but even then there'd probably be midi versions to go with.

Some areas do look very classic though like pic related and I swear this is my last multipost.

>> No.4980097 [View]
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, 20161012120237_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New textures, sprites, codes, all respect the original Build.

This being said, if we imagine that the original 3DRealms had made them, the art and code would be of better quality. Most of the textures look out of place, the new enemy and weapon sucks, and even the new mini-bosses tend to damage (and even kill) themselves. The "humour" on the next posters is also terrible and not classic 3DR.

Also, had it been made at the time, I genuinely believe there'd have been someone behind the mappers' back instead of treating them like superstars and/or having such a small team there is noone behind them (I don't know which).
For instance they'd have been told to polish their maps a little more, and 95% of the doors wouldn't have wrongly tagged sounds (I swear to god this bothers me so much)

tl;dr: Technically speaking: Yes, kinda, with some changes but in terms of "spirit and core design" it would have been very different if made at the time.

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