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>> No.1802078 [DELETED]  [View]

>nobody is clamoring for id Software to make the Doom 4 like Project MSX.

Can we start?

>> No.1800254 [View]

Not gonna lie? If they're telling the truth, I'm completely cool with that.

>> No.1800060 [View]
File: 7 KB, 600x768, OUCH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come up with ideas for a new melee weapon for The Space Pirate?

>> No.1798730 [View]

I'm curious why you say that. MK2 is definitely my favorite in terms of feeling and design, but MK1 is just...well, it's the first game. It's like Street Fighter 1.

>> No.1789458 [View]

Oh hey, TSP mention! How sweet! :)

>> No.1789305 [View]

>Start simple, work your way up
Words to live by. Just tackle everything one weapon at a time. There's nothing wrong with planning but it's easy to lose yourself in details.

>> No.1789227 [View]

Last I talked with Pillowblaster, DoomNukem was not really into Doom at the moment. Granted, this is a bit of a loose quote, but it was definitely something having to do with being uninterested. There also isn't a clear, end goal with the mod, I think Pillow wants to do some more RUSSIAN OVERKILL OVERPOWERED stuff with it.

I don't know if anybody here cares about Guncaster, but I did a bunch of lines for it recently. Yay?

>> No.1786000 [View]

Yessss. YESSSS.

I quite dig this!

>> No.1785997 [View]

I actually wanted to do an idle animation for Mel! >>1785558
I quite like this idea, even if Duke has knuckle cracking covered. Toss some more ideas at me!

>> No.1785009 [View]

You always know how to get to my heart, Stapler-San.

>> No.1778372 [View]

I'm so fucking excited! I definitely have to be a part of this someway, somehow. Even if it's in a bit-part!

>> No.1778343 [View]

I think that'd be cool. I figured this was going to be an "Incredible Hulk" style reboot, where it's kind of going from Doom 3 and kind of not. Basically I thought we'd be a different guy who is stationed on Earth, shit is happening on Mars, Earth gets invaded. So really, just the barest, most minimal connection.

It just puzzles me why they would re-release Doom 3, EXPAND on Doom 3's story and content, and then reboot it anyway?

>> No.1778320 [View]

I guess coming from a recent playthrough of Doom 3, I'm kind of done with teleporters incidents and shit. I mean, sure we get to go through it in a completely different way but narrative-wise...

I'm really confused why they set up so much plot (for a Doom game) in Doom 3 BFG Edition's "Lost Episode" if they weren't going to follow up on it. Not hyped for a reboot. That's just story-wise, anyways. Gameplay is sounding better the more I hear about it, though I want some damn reloading.

>> No.1778305 [View]

From PC Gamer:
>The game, for one thing, will not be called Doom 4, but simply Doom, and it will take place on Mars.

Mars? Damn I thought we'd be going through Hell on Earth this time around.

>> No.1778190 [View]

Hey, I'll always be "Captain Schedule Slip" and I'm perfectly fine with that. I got a meme from it so it's not all bad.

>> No.1778168 [View]

I see.

On your personal impact? I don't know if anyone here has said anything, but the shit that happened on other forums will follow you FOREVER. People are always going to bring it up and derail whatever is going on, but part of growing up is just shrugging that shit off. And I don't mean "growing up" in the "I've reached adulthood" way either. I guess "growing the beard" would be a better term.

Either way, I live by the code of "shrug o' doom". There are somethings you can't change. The internet never forgets.

>> No.1778092 [View]

Want to elaborate a bit?

>> No.1778078 [View]

I feel like you might post another thing since a couple of peeps on twitter mentioned a chainsaw, but did it feel like Doom at all? If you had no idea what it was you were watching, would anything you had seen immediately stood out as "Oh, this is Doom"?

>> No.1778052 [View]

Be honest, it's gotta feel pretty good right?

I personally would choose Brutal Doom clone over CoD clone any day, but seeing your mod apparently influence the next big installment of the series has got to be...something, yeah?

I guess "uncomfortable" might be a way to describe it.

>> No.1778035 [View]

I just didn't want to come off as saying Doom 4 won't be good unless it's like TSP.

I mean I secretly think that. But that's different.

>> No.1778007 [View]

I like punching dudes, and not to be "that guy" but if I get a combat system even vaguely like TSP I'll be good. But I sense some tired "one-two" punches and QTE finishers coming along.

>> No.1777991 [View]



Darkest timeline confirmed.
eh, maybe it'll be okay. I like melee.

>> No.1777693 [View]

You know Doom 4 will not be shown on a live-stream right? It's a closed event...for some reason.

I mean if I'm proven wrong I'll be glad, but who knows.

>> No.1776510 [View]

I like this one! I would do something different with the face but the body is perfect as far as being recognizable as the Archie and such.

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