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Search: Best way play blood

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>> No.8070501 [View]

So what is the best way to play and enjoy mods for the following.

Dukey Nukey
Shadow Warrior

I have Fresh Supply, Megatron, and Redux, but I really have heard mixed things as if they are the best ways to play or not.

>> No.8063170 [View]

what's the best way to play blood?

>> No.8039136 [View]
File: 40 KB, 1280x960, Metal Slug X (1999).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From best to worst:

Metal Slug 3
Metal Slug X
Metal Slug 2
Metal Slug 1
Metal Slug 5
Metal Slug 4/Metal Slug 6

Fight me IRL.

1 and 2 have ridiculous slowdown and X and onwards use a new engine that mostly gets rid of slowdown, but all the arcade/Neo Geo games have it to some extent. The best way to play is to use the FB Neo core on Retro Arch and go in to the core options and set 'CPU clock' to 200%. Slowdown fixed. Then set the RA 'Run Ahead' setting to 5 frames. Input lag fixed. It'll now play and run better than any other ports, including the PC/Steam ports. The FB Neo core has great accuracy with these games and it's light, it'll run on a toaster. Metal Slug MAME ROMs will work with it.

And while playing, if you hold down Start on a controller you can get in to the arcade setup screen and set freeplay mode, difficulty, lives, time, enable red blood and so on.

>> No.7994112 [View]

Chronological order is always the way to go, but with a series like Castlevania, there's varied gameplay across the series. People often divide this between the Classicvanias, which play like an arcade side scroller, and the Igavanias, which are more Metroid-like in approach. Since you said that you're after either best story or gameplay, your best option is to play Rondo of Blood followed by SOTN, like >>7993031 suggests.

Rondo and SOTN aren't the only ones that are directly connected, however, and there are a handful of games that you probably shouldn't play before playing the one that gives it context. Bloodlines on the Genesis ties in with Portrait of Ruin on the DS. CV: Curse of Darkness is a sequel of CV3, and Dawn of Sorrow is a sequel to Aria of Sorrow.

If your first exposure to the series really is the netflix anime, CV3 is where you'll find Trevor, Sypha, and Alucard. Plus the character that they cut from the show. Above all, enjoy! There's a ton of really great games ahead of you.

>> No.7852146 [View]

What is the best or easiest way to play build engine games (specially Blood) in Linux?

>> No.7826813 [View]

Straight up, the best way to play 2003 is on PS2. The US version is fully translated, has all the blood and all that still, has an arranged soundtrack, all the character audio is uncompressed and better than on Neo Geo, it has all the boss characters normally selectable (might have to unlock them), has training modes, challenge modes, galleries for the endings once unlocked, and natively supports a 480p output (hold X and Triangle on boot). It is a real home version of the game, and the one to get.

Likewise the PS2 version of XI is also the best version.

It sucks that all these arcade re-releases on modern consoles are just simple emulation of the arcade roms with no bonuses for the home ports. Garou doesn't even have the arranged soundtrack or the expanded training mode of the PS2 version, likewise Last Blade 2 doesn't have the extra characters of the Neo Geo CD version, or the arranged sound track. At least they have roll back netcode.

God, I fucking miss when home ports of arcade games were so well done.

>> No.7825494 [View]

What the best way to play Blood now?

>> No.7823225 [View]

This board is dead.
You never get good Amiga discussion here because the Amiga was mostly popular in Europe and most people here grew up after its heyday. It doesn't help that most of the great Amiga games ended being ported to other consoles, or were ports themselves. There aren't many well known games that were just on the Amiga, so in hindsight it's easy to dismiss it, even if it was usually the best way to play any computer games of the era.
And it really doesn't help that even some actual boomers on here don't understand that it wasn't just a type of PC.
Some of my favourite Amiga games were (ports or ported or otherwise):
Captain Blood
Lombard RAC Rally
Turrican and sequels
Shadow of the Beast and sequels
Lotus games (especially 2, use code: turpentine)
James Pond 1 & 2 (not 3)
Literally anything by the Bitmap Brothers (personal favourite: Magic Pockets)
Purple Saturn Day
Jumping Jack'Son
Cannon Fodder
That Tintin game I can't remember the name of but it had a rocket in it
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (terrible version, don't play it)
Sensible Soccer (any version)
Zool & Zool 2 (they're shit but I love them anyway, like a retarded nephew)
Mega Lo Mania
Deluxe Paint III (not a game, don't care, first cock I drew electronically)
Xcopy (not a game but just as memorable for making... legitimate backups)
Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker
Bart Vs The Space Mutants (play the Mega Drive version if you must)
Captain Planet (never play it, it's awful)
Pinball Dreams (or maybe it was Illusions?)
Some port of Asteroids called Hemroids that I had on a coverdisk from Amiga Format
Cannon Soccer (a demo on another cover disk)
There are probably others I can't think of off the top of my head.

>> No.7735952 [View]

I like Rondo of Blood best because Maria mode is fun and I enjoy the music and all the little details. Doing it with Richter is way less fun to me though since despite him being the "real" way to play, something about how he controls feels awkward. I did beat the game with both, though.

After that I like CV3 too. I think it just feels way more complete than CV1 and the difficulty level just feels really satisfying when you git gud. I got up to like the eighth or ninth level out of ten before having to use continues (on the Sypha route), but then Dracula felt easy compared to some other games in the series. I'm interested in going back one day and taking the routes/characters I missed.

>> No.7464389 [View]
File: 30 KB, 320x320, 1503394947579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best way to play Blood?
I was thinking of using Dosbox or Fresh Supply..
What's the general consensus here?
Is Raze a viable option yet?

>> No.7397920 [View]
File: 470 KB, 1238x948, 1608151482734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to play Blood? I own Blood: One Unit Whole Blood and was looking for a good source port engine of the game. Since digging around I have understood the source code has never be leaked. I don't feel like re buying Blood - Fresh Supply and its not even a true source port. Should I just hold out? I was jut surprised since most famous 90's FPS have an amazing source port. The Steam DOS version works somewhat fine, but I did want it to run it in a modern updated engine

>> No.7374881 [View]

>the vast, vast majority of the PS2's best games have gotten remasters that make the PS2 honestly obsolete
Not true at all unless you're a filthy pleb who thinks God of War and Sly Cooper are the best that the PS2 has to offer. Off the top of my head, Forbidden Siren 1 & 2, Project Zero 3, God Hand, .hack IMOQ, King's Field IV, R-Type Final, Gradius V, Blood Will Tell, Klonoa 2, Steambot Chronicles, Haunting Ground, Que Pasa Neng and many more are all still stuck on PS2. The "PS2 Classics" PS3 releases of some of those don't make the PS2 versions obsolete either, as the PS2 versions are still the best way to play them.

>> No.7346404 [View]

best way to play blood @ win10?

>> No.7316589 [View]

>1) Blast processing.
I should just /thread it right there but let's carry on anyways
>2) Backwards compatibility to the Sega Master System.
Yeah, that's kinda neat.
>3) You get plastic cases instead of cheap cardboard boxes to store your games and manual in.
The clamshells are the best storage cases ever made. Shame they switched up the color scheme then switched to cardboard.
>4) Plenty of versions of the same game looks better on the Sega Genesis or has more blood and gore. Such as Mortal Kombat or Robocop Vs Terminator.
Mostly true.
>5) You'll never see a game like Splatterhouse 2 and 3 on the SNES. Only the Genesis has that.
>6) Plenty of great exclusives such as Sonic The Hedgehog, Golden Axe, Streets Of Rage, Splatterhouse, Revenge Of Shinobi and so much more.
The SNES also had great exclusives so this one falls flat
>7) With the Sega CD add-on, you get to play Sonic CD, Batman Returns, Final Fight and many more non-FMV games that made the Sega CD worth owning.
Sega CD was neat. Should of never made the 32x and just concentrated on the cd.
>8) The headphone jack on the model 1 allows you to hook up your stereo speakers for great quality sound, the way your Genesis was meant to be heard.
I use my headphone Jack all the time. Fantastic option to have. Model 2 should of came with one.
>9) Speaking of the model 1 Sega Genesis, it looks better than the SNES.
True but tbf the Model 1 is a top 3 best looking console ever made.
>10) Then of course the 3 button controller looks way cooler than the SNES controller.
Nothing wrong with the 3 button but nah SNES controller is better
>11) The 6 button controller for the Sega Genesis works better for games like Street Fighter than it does with the SNES controller.

>> No.7301073 [View]
File: 633 KB, 1401x896, caleb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to play Blood? I hear Fresh Supply is sorta buggy and BloodGDX also has its fair share of weird shit.

>> No.7276446 [View]
File: 62 KB, 841x629, 1609370044584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good as FUCK. The pinnacle of Build engine and perhaps the pinnacle of all 2.5 FPS. But it's not for the weak or faint of heart. It will rape you with it's difficulty. And not just a quickie rape in a bush or alley way. No, it will abduct you and lock you in it's rape dungeon to have it's way with you, slow and brutal.

Even the crearoea thougut it qaa too hard:
>"Blood is, as far as I am concerned, the fastest, best, and most satisfying deathmatch of any 3D action game. Monolith is filled with hard-core gamers, people who deathmatch in Doom 2 every day and refuse to play a map other than level one because they are still "perfecting their game," and Blood is still the most played multiplayer game around here. I am also proud of my levels. Blood was my first professional product, and all the reviews were very complimentary of the levels, so this was obviously very gratifying ... I also think Blood was too hard in single player. A challenge is great, but the game did not have any options for beginners, and I think that went a long way towards alienating some people. The difficulty levels in the sequel will have a much greater variation; Hard will certainly be hard, but Easy will be designed for beginning players."
-James Wilson III

>> No.7222318 [View]
File: 179 KB, 832x1000, 7074-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to play Blood these days?

>> No.7095363 [View]

Best way to play Blood?
NBlood? Fresh Supply?

>> No.7037760 [View]

Fellas what's the best way to play Blood? Is the one in the mega links the same as the remastered edition or is that somehow worse?

>> No.7020518 [View]

What's the best way to play Blood? Never played it before

>> No.6989336 [View]

>best way to play blood on modern systems?
There are as many takes on this as there are people, if not more. Fresh Supply is okay, though the development getting killed means it has problems that'll never get fixed. BuildGDX is a really good modern port, better than Fresh Supply in regards to gameplay being faithful to the original, but I feel like its renderer is not nearly as faithful as gameplay. Though I suppose only the original Build renderer does shading and depth cueing and sprite drawing 100% right.

>> No.6989297 [View]

If your goal was to convince me to play Blood by getting me to read Priest, you've succeeded. Does the OP cover the best way to play blood on modern systems?

>> No.6982452 [View]
File: 475 KB, 639x361, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to play Blood? I hear fresh supply is a pile of shit.

>> No.6868717 [View]

3 and SotN are probably the best entry points into the series. 3 is cool because it's a beefed up 1. You can choose different paths, and depending on your path you'll run into some side characters you can pick up who have their own abilities. Pretty cool, you'll have to play through the game a few times to see everything.which takes some time because the early Castlevanias need a lot of trial and error to be able to get through efficiently. SotN has some similarities with Super Metroid with back tracking and exploration being a large part of progressing the game. It also has some minimal RPG elements. It's cool though, plays faster than the classic games and the most it has in common with those games is setting and lore. Good game. They tried something similar with Simon's Quest but that game can feel like a slog and if you don't know about the bad translations you're going to try a bunch of different things at some points. Rondo of Blood, Bloodlines and SCV4 are also worth checking out. Bloodlines feels different but not in a bad way. Rondo feels like a missing link between classic and metroid and was the swan song of the classic style(which never got released here). SCV4 feels like an snes platformer, if you like those then you'll like it. Not bad but a lot easier than it's predecessors.

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