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Search: "rip and tear"

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>> No.1625118 [View]
File: 5 KB, 189x267, onepunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to play the Hmod with Brutal Doom
>the instant I start up, I see some greentext
>playing Brutal Doom
>get punched to death by invisible revenants
>try again and run like hell, only to be blown to pieces by revenant rockets
I'll never get to rip and tear my demon waifu

>> No.1630886 [View]

>want to play some doom
>load up doomseeker
>open a server
>error: you have been banned from bestever
>"well that's odd. i don't know why, haven't played doom since last year"
>go on irc
>hey can you unban me pls?
>go on, play some doom for about 10 minutes, everything fine
>server crashes
>assume its nothing and reconnect
>error: you have been banned from bestever
>go on to irc
>banned from bestever irc
>banned from zandronum irc
>look on bestever's banlist page and next to my ip is "rip and tear/ trolling" as the reason for my permanent ban
Anyone wanna explain to me just what the fuck that means?

>> No.1632620 [View]
File: 1.87 MB, 331x197, romero logs into -doom- and sees new hmod update.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to rip and tear her obliques
should be a reference model for the imp in hmod


>> No.1638119 [View]

I love how on some pistol starts you realize you're going to have to melee to get by.

Rip and tear takes on a whole new meaning when it becomes a necessity and not just a gameplay choice.

>> No.1647009 [View]

>Joseph and Caesar
A buff American with the power to kill vampires teams up and becomes friends with a foreigner who has more skill than him.
It's a bit of a stretch, but it's not exactly a head scratcher.

>Rip and tear
There's a ton of violence and gore in it for a GA game. On that note, the first mid boss was fucking radical.

I have no clue. Maybe the soundtrack? Both games had a lot of effort put into it in the music department, but that's me just guessing.

>> No.1647162 [View]

Doom Starcraft 2.
It actually sounds pretty fun, hell, if you remove Tychus' gloves, you can go full rip and tear.

>> No.1662396 [View]

Because I love the retro feel, it brings a lot of good memories, and the mod community is still lively as fuck as of this day.

I still play more modern games, with varying genres. I don't play doom 24/7, but when I do, I always have a good time. "RIP AND TEAR" etc etc

Plus, Cyberdemons are all the talk amongst the demon world. Archviles may attract the most hate, Revanents the most agitation, and Imps the most sex. But Cyberdemons are always the "You don't have tea with them, they have tea with you."

(I always wanted to be a Cyberdemoness when I grew up. HAVE YOU EVEN DEMON WITH A ROCKETLAUNCHER ARM?! - Mission accomplished.)

>> No.1670803 [View]


You've got German shoes so that means you got German guts.


>> No.1683513 [View]

I just hope thy handle it similarly to Wolfenstein: The New Order, albeit with a faster pace with much more enemies to RIP AND TEAR through with tooth and nail, and bullets.

>> No.1699985 [View]

Nevermind I'm retarded, I forgot I had myself set to smash, not rip and tear

>> No.1719158 [View]
File: 111 KB, 704x1216, scrap028_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1751112 [View]


Amazon is the official Rip and Tear rider.

Might work !

>> No.1752457 [View]
File: 49 KB, 248x418, dickwing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9/10 would rip and tear into

>> No.1754934 [View]

>high sped

parias in samsara is gr8, he wrecks shit hard
project msx is also gr8 because every moment is life and death
gmota is fun as hell with lots of RIP AND TEAR but no guns so

>> No.1754994 [SPOILER]  [View]
File: 273 KB, 1280x1160, 1404972250370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


someone get this bonehead out of here

>gmota is fun as hell with lots of RIP AND TEAR but no guns so

u wot? and what's about that supershotgun thingie on the arm which I was seeing the other day?

>> No.1756340 [View]

Not him but iirc it's just a rip and tear edit.
Don't have it atm tho.

>> No.1760123 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 578 KB, 160x120, angry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1771250 [View]

>draw a revenant
>two months later there's a colored version of it, used on a RIP AND TEAR brand hot sauce label
Pics on the internet have an interesting life cycle.

>> No.1771264 [View]

>Not noting that the contents will rip and tear your guts.

>> No.1777909 [View]
File: 96 KB, 250x250, CleanAndSmearYourGuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heavy Melee combat, ripping out body parts MK style.

RIP AND TEAR confirmed?

>> No.1777941 [View]

So you rip and tear to stay alive?

>Demons are using similar abilities from Doom 3, like summoning hellfire and whatnot from the ground.

>> No.1778034 [View]

> Curbstomps
> Fatalities
> Rip and Tear
> Cruelty Bonus

So.... Doom 4 will basically be Brutal Doom: HD?

uuhhh... I'm not sure about this. For some reason, I am feeling a bit uncomfortable with this situation...

>> No.1778135 [View]

Taken from IRC, trimmed down because of character limit

[20:49:00] * SL223Mobile (~AndChat1245@mbe5336d0.tmodns.net) has joined
[20:49:00] * ChanServ gives voice to SL223Mobile
[20:49:14] <SL223Mobile> Oh shit guys
[20:49:29] <SL223Mobile> Just got out of the Doom reveal
[20:50:03] <Medicris> so shadow, how's it looking
[20:50:17] <SL223Mobile> Not bad actually
[20:50:29] <Rofl25> how's the player move speed?
[20:50:47] <SL223Mobile> Not quite doom speed
[20:50:54] <SL223Mobile> But not slow either
[20:51:06] <Mike12> is it as BD-shitlike as it sounds/
[20:51:18] <Medicris> was there black sabbath playing while doomguy rips his own throat screaming doom comic quotes and making strawberry jam fly everywhere
[20:51:36] <jino> black sabbath isn't 2brutal though
[20:51:42] <NewbtheShrubbery_> Did they pander to the LGBT audience?
[20:51:50] <SL223Mobile> There is monster fatalities you can do
[20:52:44] <SL223Mobile> Didn't seem too much like BD if ask me
[20:53:08] <SL223Mobile> Reloading isn't a thing
[20:53:27] <SL223Mobile> Except for the SSG obviously
[20:54:06] <SL223Mobile> The guy playing did rip and tear a lot
[20:54:25] <SL223Mobile> Didn't seem necessary though
[20:55:08] <SL223Mobile> Longest one was like
[20:55:15] <SL223Mobile> Less than 10 seconds
[20:55:22] <SL223Mobile> And that was just the mancubus
[20:55:48] <SL223Mobile> All the rest were pretty quick

>> No.1780591 [View]

My hopes were that you'd start out with just a pistol, hiding and getting jump scared, but once you decked out your armory and got into some more open spaces (doom 2 style) you'd get to go full rip and tear. I'm fine with either.
He's right. You have to bear in mind that most people had never played a first person game before doom. You only started running and gunning several hours into gameplay - once you got used to it. Doom was a scary game because it was unfamiliar. I just don't think you could pull it off now that everyone is used to the style.

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