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Search: "brutal doom"

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>> No.8646824 [DELETED]  [View]

if people hated that brutal doom and its fanbase "overshadowed" either most mods or parts of the base game, what does that say about new fans circa the new official games?
because i'd argue that new doom fans are more likely to be clueless and unaware of doom history than the brutal doom generation
why aren't people giving shit to whoever started the isabelle x slayer trend because they didn't made the same artists that drew that to get into talking heavily about random wads?
you could even throw in buzzwords like "gentrification" when you see specific trends and elements of modern fandom culture slip into doom and from specific circles
why isn't the old guard worried about something that would've been statistically worse by their standards?
>well, at least a generic meme stealing account grifter said brutal doom was lame
most people know only hear it was disliked in some doom circles, without even getting into proper context so the negativity is also carried through game of telephone, just like its previous reception

>> No.8646773 [DELETED]  [View]

It gave oversensitive crybabies on the larger doom community an excuse to shit on someone who was more popular than them. If it had been someone else in their clique who said that shit it would have been buried in an instant. Nobody who dislikes Brutal Doom and has anything approaching a real opinion of it cares that Mark said nigger in a code comment or called women whores or something.

>> No.8646571 [DELETED]  [View]

why do people hate brutal doom?

t. newfag

>> No.8540756 [DELETED]  [View]

>brutal doom chads
You have to be at least 18 years old to post here.

>> No.8540740 [DELETED]  [View]

top kek
once again brutal doom chads are victorious
seriously though as much as Mark is a cunt at least he's not a woke cunt

>> No.8522241 [DELETED]  [View]

Brutal Doom feels like reddit to me.

>> No.8443826 [DELETED]  [View]
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>I want mod that gives female enemies that scream when I kill them and ask me not to kill them
>not some stupid porn mod
>plus if i shoot of both their legs they crawl on the ground while screaming and then i stomp on their heads
>so what? killing le demons is le bad now?
>I hate the antichrist
>it doesnt add female enemies doe, it looks like an overhaul therefore incompatible with brutal doom
>just go kill yourself faggot
>this isnt the postal thread
>>search stylish hell
>>youtube description: "sexy waifu demons"

>> No.8443737 [DELETED]  [View]

it doesnt add female enemies doe, it looks like an overhaul therefore incompatible with brutal doom

>> No.8439308 [DELETED]  [View]

>buy muh gaim
no. fuck you

play schism
>Schism is a metal as fuck, high fantasy Doom, Hexen, and Heretic expansion using Brutal Doom as a base.

>> No.8307539 [DELETED]  [View]

install brutal doom
select tactical mode
select realism hard difficulty

>> No.8257710 [DELETED]  [View]
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I give the fanbase that no matter what,either drama,limitations or anything it kept going.
Brutal Doom was for many their introduction for the series but then kept looking more on what the community had to offer and were inspired.
There's a reason why there are gameplay showcases or others things because otherwise new fans wouldn't know,

If anything new fans created this elitism where Doom Eternal is the absolute peak and same goes for mods and demand every FPS should be that way.
Which is completely untrue and stuff like that no matter how good it could be it gets stale when you get too much of it.

>> No.8257663 [DELETED]  [View]

it's specifically this post 2016 internet of making every interaction into a "fight for good and evil, me smart good you dumb evil" shitfest
people think they must get "the last word" and own someone when they just ask a question to inform themselves or something better
if it's not cult behavior, it's paranoia based on things that don't reflect reality or how normal people behave
a realization i had is if doom's fanbase was still primarly mod/wad defined, more people would talk about romero being prohibited by zenimax from releasing more assets
i wish more older doom fans talked about the achievements of the fanbase and not give a shit if new fans feel bad that all they do is steal fanart and make shit memes
even some brutal doom fans looked further in classic doom and modding
for all this talk about "gameplay comes first" and "x is temporary, doom is eternal" people need to get the "why" portion of those two and the true heart of doom fan culture
if anything, this is reverse gatekeeping where you'd be forcing new fans to get more of a series/fanbase instead of restricting them from it

>> No.8257647 [DELETED]  [View]

Not just in the Doom community but retro shooters have been less on showcasing some maps and mods and more about showing some dumb shit and memes.

On YT unless you're playing with Project Brutality or Brutal Doom,these mapsets don't get attention.
Or for other shooters you need some big names in order to get exposure.

>> No.8236413 [DELETED]  [View]

I like to headcanon that anyone advocating Brutal Doom got triggered by a caco surviving two SSG blasts.
>BUT IT'S THE STRONGEST WEAPON (ignores rocket launcher, BFG, plasma rifle)

>> No.8236365 [DELETED]  [View]

>When you start mapping you get a better idea of what each monster do. Difficulty, ammo management and even traps go completely apeshit on Brutal Doom. And who gets the blame? The mapper, of course haha
Ohhhh now I understand. You're just a thin-skinned faggot who got butthurt because some br00tal kiddie was whining.

Protip: If you're not mapping for a specific gameplay mod you are also not responsible for whatever happens if people are using that.

Now grow some balls, faggot, and stop complaining about how gameplay mods that change the gameplay fuck with the vanilla balance. Faggot.

>> No.8236348 [DELETED]  [View]

This. 100%

When you start mapping you get a better idea of what each monster do. Difficulty, ammo management and even traps go completely apeshit on Brutal Doom. And who gets the blame? The mapper, of course haha

>> No.8236183 [DELETED]  [View]

Romero was just trying to be nice. Brutal Doom is fundamentally broken in so many areas. It's an unbalanced mess, as most gameplay mods.

>> No.8236107 [DELETED]  [View]
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I can complete missions so much faster with a mouse

I can turn to the direction I want much faster

I like brutal doom, I dont want to play vanilla

vanilla is soo boring and less cool

>> No.8235897 [DELETED]  [View]
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why would i want to fiddle around with complicated stuff and be forced to keyboard only doom

ugh i want to just hop in and rip and tear

>why not vanilla
romero said brutal doom is heckin epic

and I agree. I like gore and fast paced violence. plus I like weapons sounds

>> No.8235869 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 2.11 MB, 1284x1299, 18262718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont need project brutality to play doom 2 right? I can just use standard brutal doom v21 gold?

im not really a fan of being able to carry 45 weapons

>> No.8184106 [DELETED]  [View]

>but you deliberately excluded BD
No I didn't you stupid twat. I deliberately excluded high effort/good wads. I excluded hellshots golf, samsara, eviternity, sigil, and sure brutal doom.
The point is to isolate why thatchers got media attention at all.
The wad would've been better off just being the meme image of Thatcher as a cyberdemon with a more clever name (thatchers techbase is lame). That's all anyone is going to remember anyway.

>> No.8129791 [DELETED]  [View]
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I hate Ion fury

I do not want to play as a girl. Girls are weak and belong in dress up games

How come I cannot kill women in my brutal doom v21?
additional question: are there girl enemies in project brutality?

I cant be the only one who wants to pick shelly up, throw her to ground and deliver a stomp with enough crushing force to send skull fragments and brain matter scattered all over the floor am I?

>> No.8126207 [DELETED]  [View]

what if there was a doom mod that add female enemies in game, with boobs and stuff haha and imagine that you're also running brutal doom v21 and also imagine that you just got the demon strength powerup haha Imagine stomping her head in and ripping out her guts wouldnt that be so funny guys? lol imagine the blood

>> No.8078182 [DELETED]  [View]
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>DooM Wad Thread

post your favorite wads. For me it's DN3doom + Maps of Chaos.



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