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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3856673 [View]

Occupy Wallstreet has no clue what they're doing.
Take a look at their forums, these idiots don't want to take a side on any issue because it allows their opposition to beat them on their topics.
Not that they HAVE any topics, because these people are the definition of stupid. Regardless.

None of them have a clue of what they are doing. The OWS is clearly lacking in leadership, fuck, these people don't even agree on what they should be fighting for.

>> No.3855715 [View]

To be fair, the US could subsidize state universities, we never will, but we could. College becoming more and more expensive is a bad thing in the long-term for us.
As to the no electoral college, why should we keep it around? The people SHOULD be the ones who decide the president, not some guys sitting around a table who are supposed to follow how we vote.

>> No.3744718 [View]

Seattle-bro here, feels good knowing people want to come here.

>> No.3719401 [View]

My father is old, bitter, and essentially wants to milk welfare.
That and he believes that the "invisible hand of business" will even out the markets.

>> No.3516571 [View]

Actually, what probably has caused Haiti's poverty may be the... oh, I don't know... lack of forests? The completely backwards economy and fucked up society left in its place?
But yeah, America caused all that. Haiti used to be a thriving tropical paradise until the US came with it's corn and then they went down the shitter.

>> No.3510694 [View]



... Not that big of a jump actually.

>> No.3438219 [View]

Keynesian economics doesn't always work.
Economics isn't a one-size solves everything sort of deal. Sometimes you need to realize that the problem can't be fixed by printing out more money.

>> No.3319251 [View]

You propose a dangerous idea, /sci/. Mercenaries have a nasty habit of following their own ideas. Mostly the violent ones.

Regardless, I'd show up with tools, bullets, a gun, and my experience with buildings. Carpentry is a damn useful trait, lemme tell you.

>> No.3149588 [View]

Fuck ya'll, Ytrium called, IT IS THE BEST.
Why? Because DAT NAME.

>> No.3143673 [View]

1. Geology
2. First year
3. Fuck yeah rocks, and learning about how the planet actually works is pretty cool.
4. Fuck the Chemists I have to put up with.
5. Gonna get into resource exploration, and waste my life dying in some god-forsaken wasteland. It's gonna be a damn party for me.

>> No.3107298 [View]

Call it Schro for short, not this 'Dinger crap.
'Dinger makes you sound like some sort of weirdo.
Whereas Schro makes you seem somewhat respectable.

>> No.3099182 [View]

While I agree with you, that hasn't been my experience. For the most part the majority of people I have a disagreement with simply disagree and tell me I'm wrong. Then I have the occasional friend who does JUST that. Sadly one of the few friends I have that does that is a douchebag of the highest caliber.

>> No.3099129 [View]

I would like to do more critical thinking, but most people disagree with whatever I have to say. Why should I be bothered to keep giving an opinion that nobody wants to hear? Oh well, here's hoping things change when I hit upper-level classes. (They probably won't.)

It also sucks being a person who is more well-rounded then specialized. I'm not particularly terrible at stuff, it's just that I'm not great at it, either. And it feels terrible knowing that I'll have to sacrifice my well-roundedness in order to be compatible with whatever job I get. Feels bad man.

>> No.3088623 [View]

As it has been explained by college students to me, so shall I now explain it to you.

The issue with college is that a lot of the learning is placed on you, the student. And for fucks sake, don't expect the college to help you out. They won't. Here's the big thing to take away from college: you will only ever get out of it, what you put into it. If you only go for an education and be a loner, you'll get an education, but few friends. If you actually try to be something approaching a normal person, you'll do just fine.

>> No.3057601 [View]

I like history, I like learning about what animals there used to be on the Earth. Won't be the highest paying job in the world, but we can't have everything in life. I'd much rather do a job I love, then get paid 90k a year for a job I hated.

>> No.3047287 [View]

Geology (Paleontology, actually)

>> No.2978096 [View]

>What are you studying?
>So you're studying Dinosaurs?

Sadly, most people are right when they think this.

>> No.2872959 [View]

I've met a few. One of them became my best friend. Hell, he plans to apply his energies abroad as a diplomat. Sure, he'll beat me every day of the week when it comes to foreign relations, but I could beat him easily when it came to oration. And writing, but those are just a very small part of our friendship.

Now, I've met a few others that are probably smarter then I am, and ya know what? They are the most annoying pricks at times. They treat some of their mutual friends like fucking dirt, and act passive aggressive. They argue endlessly about the most pointless shit, and, well you get the point.

I'd put myself as slightly above average, with a greater leaning towards average intelligence. Creativity and imagination are things our society have decided are things that we don't really need anymore.

>> No.2856479 [View]
File: 51 KB, 470x298, i_retrofut_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alexander the Great, surprisingly. Brilliant in terms of not only being a leader, but he promoted the sciences and the arts. He also got taught by Aristotle, so that counts for him.

Teddy Roosevelt, a real bro and a dynamic personality to boot. He supported the Smithsonian so much that he went over to Africa and got them over a thousand specimens. Including an Elephant.

And as embarrassed as I hate to admit it, I also find Vladamir Obruchev to be pretty inspiring. One of the greatest Soviet geologists of all time, he even managed to get a bunch of sci-fi stories published.

>> No.2839343 [View]

The lack of respect given to Geology.
Seriously, all my friends who are in college for a CS major, and they act as if Geology has done nothing for us.
Bunch of fucks can't appreciate Continental Drift Theory.

>> No.2720804 [View]

Buy yourself a book that shows the major minerals/rocks. Look at ones you want, then try to obtain them.

Just be aware, finding anything the quality of what the Smithsonian has is going to be damn near impossible. Getting a high quality piece is going to either require time or money. Probably both. Be wary of buying anything over the internet, I've heard quite a few success stories, but just as many scams. Also, try and find a "rock show", go in, and start to take a look at everything that is being offered. If possible, look for a Rockclub in your area, hell, try and join one.

That said, pick up some Topaz, shit looks cool, and readily abundant. Also pick up some Tourmaline, bitches love pink and green rocks. Geodes are good too.

>> No.2690809 [View]

I've got a great story when I was in Germany for a few weeks.

So the family I'm staying with has a laptop, and the girl says that I apparently did something to break it. (I was the last one to use it, and this was after we had gotten into an argument about laptops using too much power when in "sleep mode".) I try to point out that the fucking blue screen says DISK CHECK for a fucking reason. And when I ask her if this has happened before, she tells me it happened about a year ago. Well lo and behold, the default setting for a Windows Disk Check is EVERY TWELVE MONTHS. During this entire time she flips out on me, says I know nothing, and that because I am American (and thus spoiled), I have no idea how the laptop works.

Oh, yes, I raged hard at that bitch. Got along quite well with her parents, and I got to talk to her father quite a bit about Basketball and Baseball. Couldn't stand the class I had with her, but sometimes that can't be helped.

>> No.2269508 [View]
File: 25 KB, 478x468, brofist3536544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plumbers do make good money. But doing plumbing all day sucks. Take it from a guy who works with them on occasion. Worst. Job. EVER. (Besides painting. That job you just drink away every care in the world.)

I'm going to comment on this because you seem like you could use the reassurance: throw that line of thought out the window. Just do it. Don't worry about what your college classes COULD be like. You aren't even IN the college yet. Now, the only thing you need to do is pass your classes for four years, and get that degree. Hell, it's easy. Think about it this way: all you need is a C-. That's all. No employer in the world is going to care if you got through a level 2000 Calc class with a C-.

They only care about that degree. And THAT should be your goal. If you really want this, if you really, really, honestly want this. Then you have to earn it. It will be hell, I'll be honest about that. But if you make it, if you can pull through and endure hell for just four years of your life, everything becomes better. Look at yourself in the mirror, and picture yourself ten years down the road.

You don't see that person, do you? Because that isn't you. Not yet anyways. Nobody else makes this decision. YOU make this decision. So make that choice for yourself, apply yourself, work harder then everyone else in the class, and get what you want.

From one anxious soon-to-be university student to another. Trust me on this one, if you won't go out and get that degree, then who else is going to do it for you? Nobody.

>> No.2269443 [View]

You should have put a +5 to Intimidate, and Barter.
Otherwise excellent choices all around.

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