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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3969311 [View]


Most people get into debt they can't pay back, buy cars from loans at 16 or 17, don't save or invest their money, etc, etc.
This could be put at the fault of schools, but that fault would fall on the government for not making schools curriculum correct, but then that would just fall on the voters, who are the ones complaining in the first place. ( or idiots that don't vote but still complain)

Companies do what they can to make a profit and pay back or increase the wealth of their selves, their stock holders and investors, and their future.

People complain but its their own fault they are in that predicament.

>> No.3955794 [View]

I like that experiment, and it tells us a lot.

I want to know if the two hemispheres can act separately and form whats missing if the split is made early enough. It was shown that they were able to retain the illusion that they were a normal human because the two halfs made up for what was missing. So maybe if its done early enough you can form two brains.
I am only being hypothetical though and i am also tired so not too sure how well that sounds.

It also makes me question what is the important of having two hemispheres. Why can't it be all one and have different areas for each function like there already is.
Memory being effected by the split probably means something about the transfer of information between two disagreeing hemisphere probably ensures some kind of process.

>Like I said, NO knowledge of higher functions can be gained by animal studies, and ALL knowledge gained so far was by human studies - monkeys can't speak, dogs don't describe self-reflection to the researcher, cats don't display alien hand syndrome since they have no hemispheric specialization

you are only looking at the greater function of the brain.
other brains may help us with the less function and cellular working of the brain.

You are also only looking at higher functioning animals. we can learn a lot from smaller brained animals as i posted here. >>3955337
Even if a person willingly told me i could kill them and experiment on them I probably wouldn't do that.
A human brain with 10-20 years experience has a unique brain that can't really be replicated, there's just too many different connection possibilities.

also with the development of new technologies we may not have to kill or hurt animals anymore to get information.
Liking neuroscience for me is hard sometimes because knowing a brain of almost any animal is unique, killing that brain is kind of redundant, and studying it without hindering or damaging it would be ideal for me.

>> No.3955746 [View]

>not animal lover
>humans are fine though

Every brain is unique, unless you get down to more simpler life forms that have fixed amount of connections and neurons, and even then they may be able to have different experiences. Saying you want to work on a human more than animals is just as bad as saying you want ot work on animals more than humans. to me.
At least with my plan i want to work on simpler brains such as worms.

Because all species are related back to some point, looking at all brain types can help in some way, closing off other options also closes off the possibility of finding something that you would've missed otherwise

>> No.3955396 [View]

This is all true, and we have made a lot of discoveries just by studying our brain.

But as the site shows with the way the brain works. lowering the amount of neurons and connections we have to shift through to get a better map of how everything connects and interacts with each other could lead us to an answer on how consciousness or higher functioning arises.

Because there are so many people working on so many different areas of neuroscience, it will be inevitable that there will be good people working on other animal brains as well as our own.
I just happen to think that studying more simple brains and linking them to higher complexity will end up in discovering some link that has been blocking us from understanding certain concepts.

I also realize that our brain is very unique and there will be things we can only discover by studying our own brain.
It will take lots of effort and the research of different types of brains until we figure out our own though.

Whats fascinating for me though is development of language. This could be the biggest factor in changing self awareness and consciousness.

>> No.3955339 [View]


Maybe too harsh, late 1800s early 1900s

>> No.3955337 [View]

You two might like this.


I think in order to understand our brain, we need to understand simpler brains first, and work our way up.

We are trying to reverse engineer a nasa rocket when we only know as much as say people in the 1700s knew about nasa rockets.

>> No.3937217 [View]

>view thread
>no one mentions anything about the Soviet Union to completely kill any of these arguments.

I just say how do you explain the Soviet Union not calling the US out on it being fake and they normally shut up.

I mean really if the moon landings were fake the Soviet Union would've been all over it. Same with all the other countries monitoring.

>> No.3933238 [View]

Shitstorm incoming

EK ruined it.
Either delete it or enjoy the trolling.

>> No.3928411 [View]

Thinking IQ is the definitive answer to intelligence.

Holy shit the stupidity from these 2 posts pains me.

We are no where near understanding the brain fully.
To think IQ is the sole factor in determining intelligence makes you a complete retard and you need to go and evaluate yourself.

Get back to me in a few decades when we have a better understanding of the brain and you take your head out of your ass when you realize IQ means shit.

>> No.3928345 [View]

OP needs to go understand evolution more.

>> No.3928212 [View]

>plate tectonics was bullshit

Sometimes the intelligence of people disappoints me.
Makes me wonder if they even have a brain.

>> No.3927840 [View]

Since when is saying "we don't know if something exists, so we choose not to believe it" translates to it doesn't exist?

>> No.3927756 [View]

ITT: One autistic fuck cannot figure out how to think beyond the present situation.

>> No.3923902 [View]


Here's another person that sounds like Freddy mercury.

Im not seeing whats so special, they aren't him.

>> No.3914073 [View]


The next 10 years are going to see a rise in fields of research and jobs for this.

Especially in other fields that will require some kind of knowledge of the brain.

Also if you want to be a doctor, neuroscience is a good way to get into med school.

>> No.3909246 [View]

>that feel when these stupid threads.

Most of you confuse "smart" with knowledge.
Just befriend them and gain their knowledge.

I only have 2 friends smarter than me in certain areas and I just go to them for interesting topics to talk about and better myself in those areas.

all this illogical bullshit going on.

>> No.3908724 [View]


you should read this.
I know it gets very specific and only focuses on neurolinguistics. But if you like neuroscience anywhere near as much as i do you'll find this an interesting read.

>> No.3908681 [View]

There is a lack of understanding of the brain.

This is why Neuroscience is one of the biggest growing fields because of the increase of technology to allow the study of the brain.

We don't know what causes our consciousness. Our guess is that it is the connection that forms between our neurons and how our brain develops throughout life.
Every time we learn something new these neurons link forming synapses.
the structure of these synapses could be what forms our consciousness.

But we have too little information on our subconscious and many other areas of the brain to fully give an explanation.

Don't worry though, there are a lot of excellent people working on this and I am working towards joining them.

We will probably know this answer though within this century.
Be happy with that.

>> No.3908624 [View]

I am aware of this fact everyday, and i see nothing wrong with it.

Makes your brain an even more amazing thing.

God damn i love the brain.

>> No.3874180 [View]

Well here's another problem.

You suffer from something a lot of people that choose sciences over art degrees suffer from. An ego that makes you feel better than the majority. Yet you still feel stupid.

Some people that do art degrees are yes stupid, but not retarded.

By retarded i was referring to lower than a 70 IQ and can't function because their brain can't comprehend correctly.

Like i said live life knowing you have a good brain, and stop worrying yourself about stupid things.
That will solve more problems than anything.

>> No.3874147 [View]

Your problem is one. You have only taken online tests.
Not done by a professional.
No matter what your "average" is it doesn't matter till a professional does it.
Secondly. IQ tests are only our best guess as of now for what determines intelligence. We are still a long way from understanding the brain.
You can use an IQ test to generalize but don't let it get you depressed because you have so and so IQ but don't feel that smart or can't live up to it.

Live life and be happy you have a brain that lets you function above the level of a retarded person.

>> No.3872841 [View]


I know its a troll but i am out.

>> No.3872718 [View]

Well as a person going for a neuroscience degree,
killing a human has only been reinforced in me as being redundant and stupid. Unless the person threatens other human lives.

The brain is a complex organ that once its formed in an adult human; is next to impossible to duplicate to that exact state.
In essence i am saying every brain is unique and once you kill that person you won't get their brain back.

Now besides my fascination with a brain, I also see it as wrong to kill your own species unless they threaten more of your species. Which in turn makes me see you as not human. This is of course my morals, which are excluded.
So if we excluded both my morals and fascination with the brain.

I would still say to only experiment on people that deserve it simply because it is easier.

>> No.3872668 [View]

>shame, I prefer scientific advancement over morality. but that is just me.

You're doing it wrong.

You only experiment on people that deserve it. Not random ones. Unless thats what you meant.
Then you can carry on.

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