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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 952x571, 952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8646592 No.8646592 [Reply] [Original]

>Scientists in the United States are mobilising to organise a March for Science. What originated online as a discussion about how to push back against the anti-science stance of Donald Trump’s administration rapidly gathered support from concerned scientists and non-scientists alike. A march on Washington similar to the Women’s March was proposed, and within 24 hours the group’s Twitter account had gained an additional 124,000 followers. Over half a million people have also joined a new Facebook page, which has become a hive of comments, suggestions and coordination. An event in the US capital is planned for March, with activities occurring in other countries.

>The leaders of March for Science stress that it is an inclusive movement – organising and participating in marches isn’t restricted to practising scientists. An online form that helps coordinate involvement has received thousands of contributions. What’s become clear is that this is an issue that both scientists and non-scientists are passionate about.


>> No.8646602
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why conflate anti-(fake climate science) with anti-science? they're two different things

i don't see the trump administration denying gravity or anything like that

>> No.8646609

Keep in mind he's also heavily outspoken against vaccination, climate change isn't the only hot opinion he has.

>> No.8646615
File: 142 KB, 780x800, Science+denier+bril+green+big3+see+more+comics+visit+big3+bril+green+big3+http+redpanelscom+big3_acaa63_5971900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of a sudden the left cares about science

>> No.8646649

They're denying years of valid research, killing off grants for schools which graduates and post graduates rely upon

If it'd the EPA first who knows what else he could kill off, federal tuition assistance?

>> No.8646652
File: 21 KB, 522x112, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heavily outspoken against vaccination
Not against vaccination as such but for a reexamination of the potentially harmful practice of (almost) neonatal vaccination which may compromise the immune system and impede neurological development.

>> No.8646653

Epa is shit

>> No.8646657

>potentially harmful practice
Where are the proofs?

>> No.8646659

Trump denies vaccination and climate change.
These are actually more critical issues than race, which conservatives reject as well btw.

>> No.8646673

It's not the left, it's every scientist that actively participates, studies or even receives funding from the government

>> No.8646675

>trump is said some mean stuff about a couple chicks; mass protests
>trump denies global warming and vaccination; eh whatever

>> No.8646677

>the EPA is shit
>nasa is shit
>fafsa is shit
Yea OK go haggle for money in the street corner

>> No.8646678

>every scientist

>> No.8646680

There is literally no evidence that vaccines cause autism

Anyone asking that people look into the pseudoscience of suggesting that they do is as backwards as it gets towards fear mongering

>> No.8646681

>eh whatever
You mean except for the protest that this thread is about?

>> No.8646683

>book is actually blank

>> No.8646686

Yea dude it's every scientist who gets funding, grants, research awards from the government. If trump can just freeze one he could do it to all he disagrees with

The notion of anti-science is ruining technological advancement

>> No.8646689

I only said the first one. But NASA except JPL is shit. Federal student aid has managed to ridiculously increase tuition over the last years.

You are shit too.

>> No.8646690

Where is that scientific evidence that race determines intelligence? This picture is posted a lot but I've never seen anything supporting it.

>> No.8646692

I want to support this march because being anti-environmentalist is a mistake, but holy shit does the left make it hard for anyone rational to agree with them. The statement in the official page about intersectionalism and critical theory is such a fucking turn down. It feels like it's just science deniers in both sides, each fighting for their own cultist ideas instead of rationality.

>> No.8646693

desu i dont think that type of research gets funding in the first place

>> No.8646695

No. Not every scientist thinks trump is antiscience. Not every person thinks trump supporters are nazis. Not every woman is a rabid sjw. Cut the shit.

>> No.8646698

It's about fucking time we became vocal.

>> No.8646699
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This is exactly why trump won,
Dumbass liberals and their oppression olympics bullshit.
Mfw becoming more and more centrist as time goes on.

>> No.8646701

Not that guyl, but it's still an on-going debate that has not been settled. Anyone claiming IQ and race are 100% correlated is lying and pushing a scientific claim without enough evidence for political purposes, but so are the ones that completely deny it.

Here is a rundown of both sides:

>> No.8646702

Not nearly as large as other protests. And definately not brought up that much during the election.

>> No.8646703

Liberal is centrist and is currently obsessed with bullshit identity politics. What you're looking for is the left, which has the good shit like socialism and communism.

>> No.8646706

I imagine it's mostly from a book called "Race, Evolution, and Behavior". Haven't read it but it's been panned by a lot of anthropolgists.

>> No.8646708
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pic related makes a whole lot more sense now

>> No.8646709
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What about all the communists currently out there smashing up starbucks?

>> No.8646710

Those are liberals going apeshit that their flavor of fascism got voted out of office. The left is something else entirely

>> No.8646711

Objectively speaking people score different on IQ tests based on race, so race does somewhat predict intelligence. This is a fact.

The debate is about wether or not this difference is caused by cultural factors like inequality or racism, or if it is genetic. In reality it's probably both.

>> No.8646712

>environmental sciences
trump denies global warming
>biomedical sciences
trumps pick for secretary of health is Tom Price, who has repeatedly gone against funding for the NIH, CDC, and FDA
>physical sciences
Trump team plans to defund nuclear physics research, scientific computing research, and the DOE

who is left?

>> No.8646716


>trump is said some mean stuff about a couple chicks; mass protests
>actually being this niave in thinking these women are doing mass protest over TMZ tier comments

They're there because of pro-choice and women rights. But because Trump is an idiot he threw gasoline into the fire with the travel ban and allowed the women's rights movement for Muslims to get admixed with women's rights in the West in general to effectively create a monstrosity.

>trump denies global warming and vaccination; eh whatever

Don't worry anon it's coming, with the funding cuts and anti-vaccine/climate he's priming scientists for push back.

>> No.8646718

>Not every scientist thinks trump is antiscience.
True. But most of us do.

>> No.8646719

Petroleum engineering?

>> No.8646720

All your bullet points are "he is evil and hates science" and "he doesnt like how X does Y so he doesnt like Y" nonsense

>> No.8646721

Engineering is not science. There's no empiricism involved in engineering, only homosexual intercourse.

>> No.8646722

Most scientists in the US are liberals

>> No.8646723

not just in the US

>> No.8646725

Climate change should not be a left/right issue.

>> No.8646729

Hot opinion

>> No.8646730

Science in general is very left leaning by definition because of the importance of ideas over credentials. Anybody can get published in peer reviewed scientific journals so long as their papers are decent enough.

>> No.8646731

Leftism is not a synonym of good.

>> No.8646736
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>All your bullet points are "he is evil and hates science"
Is that not part of the topic up for discussion?

>> No.8646738
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>federal tuition assistance?

>> No.8646739

It's not a synonym of liberalism either.

>> No.8646740

From wikipedia article on left wing politics: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_politics
According to author Barry Clark, "Leftists [...] claim that human development flourishes when individuals engage in cooperative, mutually respectful relations that can thrive only when excessive differences in status, power, and wealth are eliminated."
You tell me where these values appear in the publishing process.

>> No.8646742
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>i don't see the trump administration denying gravity or anything like that

He's literally putting young earth creationists in charge of education reform fyi


>> No.8646746

>you're shit for sticking up for funding of scientists and students

>> No.8646748
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climate change has already been cancelled

>> No.8646751

>trump school
Doesn't say anything about how to make it less expensive the same way o bongo care promised to lower insurance payments but didn't

>> No.8646753

Keep in mind he's been in office for a little more than two weeks.

>> No.8646756

Well that's good, I'm glad a politician can just come in and get God to stop the laws of physics when it's convenient.

>> No.8646760

His pick Education in general.

>> No.8646761

Conservatives are content to simply ignore science, but liberals want to infiltrate and co-opt science for their own purposes.

The question is, which one is worse?

>> No.8646763

Conservatives, nothing good comes from ignorong reality.

>> No.8646764

Yea really can't wait for some retard with absolutely no financial or educational experience to fuck up schooling hardcore

>> No.8646770

It'll be great, I can't wait for a whole generation of kids to grow up inept to compete for anything.

Make America great again.

>> No.8646771

Lol back to vaccines cause autism. The only evidence for this that ever existed was a study by a British surgeon, Andrew Wakefield, which was completely discredited due to "serious procedural errors, undisclosed financial conflicts of interest, and ethical violations". He lost his medical license for it as well. There has also been a much more than substantial number of studies by multitudes of reputable and unbiased researchers and research groups since that all show absolutely no link between autism and vaccines.

The dangers of not vaccinating children are beginning to show up as well. Not vaccinating
your child not only increases their own risk of serious illness, but increases the risk for others around them. Not vaccinating your children is irresponsible, and in doing so you put the health and lives of everyone around your child at risk, as they now spread the disease if infected: "In 2010, California saw 9,120 cases of whooping cough, more than any year since the whooping cough vaccine was introduced in the 1940s. Ten infants too young to be vaccinated died of whooping cough during the outbreak". Those who are misguidedly not vaccinated are a health risk to the public as a whole, and not just themselves.


>> No.8646777

This. The last thing we need is a Second Medieval Dark Age (and I really hope that's just a hyperbole)

>> No.8646778

More like "Can't go to public college because it's 20k a year and I have no help from parents, no where near enough savings and no job that pays that kind of money to pay for it"

Scholarships don't cover jack shit and the competition for those already is way too difficult to acquire when every generic scholarship is triple folded by special snow flake scholarships for black Trans women gay jew Muslims in under water basket weaving art semiotics

>> No.8646781

Jews and Asians actually have anti-affirmative action against them. It's not some special white genocide thing.

>> No.8646782

I was talking about primary to secondary education.

>> No.8646783

>wikipedia says leftism has a good quality
>science benefits from an application of said quality
>so science is leftist
Brainlet argument

>> No.8646786

I thought scientists were supposed to be smart, not sheep.

>> No.8646787

Because importing 3rd world theocracy from jihadi warzones is less likely to lead to a scientific dark age.

>> No.8646788

Just go to state school...

>> No.8646791

Christ. He really is /r9ksguy/.

>> No.8646792

If leftism is defined as good in your opinion I guess? I was just giving the ideals of leftism. Ideals are subjective and some people would say that putting all your faith for the truth in the authority of God or the church is good. Science just happens to have the same ideals as the left.

>> No.8646794

Not really, he just said the scientific community's base values are somewhat aligned with leftist ideals, so therefore they could be seen as leaning to the left. Their system for sharing work and running a community is slightly leftist in its processes and goals.

>> No.8646795

God bless America this shit has been unreal.

>> No.8646806

Basically. Refugee's aren't the ones supporting Jihad. They're the ones that have a little bit of sense, more so than the Bible-thumpers of Conservative America.

>> No.8646811

>3rd world theocracy
you mean like teaching kids that humans walked with dinosaurs and that evolution is a lie?

>> No.8646812

I know. Funny how liberalism rises with education, amirite?

>> No.8646813
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the odd engineer among the protesters

>> No.8646817

Then why isn't he sucking a cock?

>> No.8646820

Just the irony of it

The ability to go to college is super useful but it will always cost so much purely due to upkeep, administration and other bureaucracy. Simply put if school isn't standardized for pricing then the debt incurred without federal funding will be worse than before

>> No.8646822

That is public school stupid

>> No.8646826

>chemistry, physics, biology, genetics are not science
This is what SJWtards actually believe.

>> No.8646827

Who's us? You and other undergrad retards?

[citation needed]

>> No.8646831

Have you been on Tumblr? Even once? Or even read half of this thread? 'Cause it sure sounds like you're just saying things for the sake of saying things.

>> No.8646832

Actual scientists have jobs they have to go to. These are unemployable people trying to feel good by claiming some moral high grund since they have empty, worthless lives.

By SJWtards definition, Musk is anti-science as well.

>> No.8646833

Not him but I've heard several conversations between senior academics about Trump and none of them have been positive.

>> No.8646835

Anti-science means anti-chemistry, anti-physics, anti-biology, anti-genetics... I have not seen Trump go against any of these practices ever.
>b-but climate science is all the science in the world
And thats why you're a joke.

>> No.8646836

>Have you been on Tumblr?
Neo-4chan, gentlemen and traps.

>> No.8646837

Climate science uses principles of chemistry and physics though.

>> No.8646839

>Who's us?
>You and other undergrad retards?
No, me and other people with a PhD in a STEM field.

>> No.8646843

So the false predictions and politics ridden agendas that climate scientists use means that He is actually going against the nature of science? Who are you trying to fool exactly ?

>> No.8646846

>I have not seen Trump go against any of these practices ever.
Then you haven't been paying much attention. There are plenty of examples given in this very thread.

>> No.8646847

[citation needed]

>> No.8646850

>Anti-science means anti-chemistry, anti-physics, anti-biology, anti-genetics
Ok that's fair

>I have not seen Trump go against any of these practices ever.
see >>8646712

>> No.8646852

>some anonymous posts on this board are my evidence
I'm Barack Obama.

>> No.8646856

>change in regulations means he is anti-X
Trump hasn't done anything yet regarding to defunding anything yet you act like it. Your obvious bias makes it very difficult to make people take you seriously.

>> No.8646860

Vaccines cause autism
Appoints evolution deniers
Defunds NASA and nuclear physics

>> No.8646864

He is refuting the ability of scientists to use physics and chemistry to model the climate. The only politics ridden agendas here are the ones coming from fossil fuel extraction companies and their friends in the White House.

>> No.8646867

>Vaccines cause autism
Trumps kids are vaccinated
>Appoints evolution deniers
appoints to where ?
show me where he defunded anything ?

Got more tumblr "facts" ?

>> No.8646869

I hope you got paid for that post. It's sad to think that someone that retarded posts on /sci/ of all places.

>> No.8646872


>> No.8646873

I bet you also believe supporting the funding of conversion therapy =/= supporting conversion therapy.

>> No.8646875

Scientists have failed over 25 years to make a single correct prediction. People who make chemistry and physics their tool for political agendas do not represent science. Being anti-political agendas are far from being anti-science.

>> No.8646876

>Actual scientists have jobs they have to go to. These are unemployable people trying to feel good by claiming some moral high grund since they have empty, worthless lives.
You really don't think people merely took the time off to go?

>> No.8646877

He doesn't have to have done it yet to do it soon. And it's fair to say he likely will.

>> No.8646881

>show me where he defunded anything
Stopping them from issuing grants is literally defending anything those grants were going to

Many people were employed by those grants

>> No.8646883

Can you point out the specific scientists who are joining this march ? By using the word "scientists" I'd expect atleast a good half of them to be in this march.

>> No.8646887

>Trumps kids are vaccinated
Not an argument. Trump's kids being vaccinates is no proof that he doesn't think vaccines cause autism. Him writing it for everyone to read is a proof though.
Look at those books and you can get even plenty of anti-physics there.
>show me where he defunded anything ?
I do it for free

>> No.8646888

From all this empty talk, I can't see any scientific branch taking a hit from Trumps actions. I'm excluding climate science not because I don't believe it's a science but because they have been extremely useless the past several decades so they deserve to be defunded.

>> No.8646893

Just how it was safe to say he would lose the election, and the nomination before that? It's safe to say that your either a sensationalist retard or a paid shill.

>> No.8646895

>Can you point out the specific scientists who are joining this march ? By using the word "scientists" I'd expect atleast a good half of them to be in this march.
It doesnt have to be scientists, it's anyone who wants to stick up for it. You think there's some guy at a guy being a bouncer "nope sorry kiddo you can't come to this rally you're not a scientist "

>> No.8646896

>I'm excluding climate science not because I don't believe it's a science but because they have been extremely useless the past several decades so they deserve to be defunded.
So all that temperature and atmospheric data is useless? You're pretty much anti science since you deny the usefulness of knowing more of something as important as our climate. You hate even pure data and machines that take it.

>> No.8646898


I've had enough bait, thanks for the offer.

>> No.8646900

>Scientists are planning Washington March for Science
>It doesnt have to be scientists to be called scientists

>> No.8646901

embarrassingly weak strawman and baseless assumptions. try again

>> No.8646902

Holy fuck so we shouldn't held someone responsible for what he said he is planning to do and has the power to do? Tell police to stop bothering people sending death threats to their neighbors then. If someone unholsters a gun in a club you have to wait until he shoots somebody before calling police I guess.

>> No.8646903
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IDK senpai, they seem to have a lot of it figured out.

>> No.8646904

Pointing out the obvious retarded implications of your post for everyone to see isn't a strawman mr. expert on judging the usefulness of scientific institutions.

>> No.8646906

>collecting the data of previous years
>trying to fit the conclusions for some political agenda
0/10 not even an argument

>> No.8646908

Haha just imagine:
>(((science march)))
>3 actual PhDs join it
>100500 undergrad gender studies students join
>CNN reports 100503 scientists marched against trump

>> No.8646909

>0/10 not even an argument
Neither is this nor your post before, nor probably any of the posts you made here

>> No.8646910

*trying to fit the measured data

>> No.8646913
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Guys, honestly.

>> No.8646914
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Wait, aren't scientist supposed to be intelligent ?
Why are they planning a march for that then ?

>> No.8646920

What scientists ?

>> No.8646921

It's going to be really enjoyable for me when reality finally catches up with you guys.

>> No.8646923

>Refugee's aren't the ones supporting Jihad
I'm sure you checked them all up yourself.

>> No.8646927
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>> No.8646930

>I forfeit
this is a science board, not a refugee camp

>> No.8646933

>this is a science board, not a refugee camp
That's why he directed you to the actual r/thedonald|Stormfront|Facebook refugee camp

>> No.8646934

I just don't care to feed trolls anymore today, I've had my fill. Now, shoo, off to /pol/ with you.

>> No.8646935

How are those in any way related to science? You're looking to discuss politics and the politics board is here >>>/pol/.

>> No.8646948

Why do SJWtards expose themselves by spamming this word whenever they lose an argument. This boogeyman thing is so old now.

>> No.8646950

>calling politics by its definition politics is a boogeyman now

>> No.8646951
File: 2.13 MB, 1680x1705, 1346768665006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you want about the /pol/tards, but at least they keep these kinds of threads on the front page for a while so that the few of us with actual PhD's also see them.

Thanks guys, I'm going to join the protest.

>> No.8646952

I haven't used the word /pol/ in the post you're quoting, therefore your argument is invalid.

Actually I just realized it's not an argument either way.

>> No.8646953

>this is a science board

>why wont you talk politics with me

Once again, off with you. You've got other places to be retarded.

>> No.8646954

>let me post a /sci/ related image so they don't see the unemployable unscientific SJWtard I am
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You are not a part of /sci/ and you never will be.

>> No.8646956

t.dictator and head chief of /sci/

>> No.8646958

I'd like you to show the same reaction to this user who shits out political garbage since you're an objective /sci/tizen.

>> No.8646959

keep bumping, it's basically free advertising against your cause

>> No.8646963

You mean the /pol/ user he was responding to who brought politics up out of nowhere here?

>> No.8646964

This is actually fantastic

>> No.8646965

You think actual /sci/tizens just go and believe what they read? You don't think they don't see the obvious SJWtard lies and see there are no actual scientists joining anything by doing just a little research?

>> No.8646966

They didn't start it though? It was this guy:

>> No.8646967

To the people who talk politics on either side.
Go ahead.

>> No.8646969

No true scotsman fallacy

>> No.8646971

No it was a bunch of SJWtard shitters who were ranting against conservatives. Read the thread from the start.

>> No.8646972
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>> No.8646974

>there are no actual scientists joining anything
I'm joining, and I have a PhD in neuroscience. Getting others in my department involved too. There's a strong anti-Trump sentiment among pretty much all of my coworkers.

And before you go ahead and reject anything I say, just know that I don't particularly give a shit if you believe it or not. That's not my problem.

You have a good day now.

>> No.8646975

You seem a might triggered, it's okay you still have a safe space where you can go to stop feeling oppressed. >>>/pol/.

>> No.8646976

I would join one of these marches if it was real scientists participating, instead of a bunch of "FUCK YEAH, I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!" liberal arts hippies that don't actually understand basic scientific principles, much less complex scientific fields like climate science.

I guess it's for a good cause though, Trump has made so many goddamn stupid decisions, from his appointments to the DoE, SoS, Education, EPA, etc. Not to mention him being worse than Bush was in the censorship of government scientists.
Not a lot of people remember, but Bush was censoring climate scientists under his administration as well:

Trump is pulling us backwards, while countries like China pull ahead because they don't have stupid fucking celebrity businessmen and lawyers running their government, they have physicists, engineers and doctors.

>> No.8646977

Nice strawman. How much do you get paid per post? I refuse to believe someone this stupid would linger around /sci/.

>> No.8646978

Goodbye delusional SJWtard.

>> No.8646980

Nope, you seem to be the libtard delusional transpedophile who are trying to be relevant for some reason. You should fuck off back to >>>/pol/ to be demolished there as well

>> No.8646981

0 american dollars

>> No.8646982

>if I scream enough buzzwords I win the argument

>> No.8646984

if you had your fill stop replying, you fucking moron. trying to get the last word in while having a false pretense of having some moral high ground just makes you look like the utter dipshit that you are.

>> No.8646988

ssshhh...no dreams now. keep paying for bernies lakehouse

>> No.8646989

Yeah, you've been saying this multiple times already and posted no proof. Why don't you post a pic of your PhD diploma? Or do you think this strength in numbers bullshit works because 4chan is anonymous so people can't tell when it's one idiot writing the same shit over and over?

>> No.8646991

Not even American, conservatives are still garbage for hiding their heads in the sand. Completely ignoring evidence to push agendas is the antithesis of science, and if you support doing so then you should reconsider being here.

>> No.8646994

Why is this Anon so angry? Can we come up with some tests to find out?

>> No.8646996

Why do you SJWtards hate science?

>> No.8646999

My theory is cognitive disonnance, they've been raised their whole lives being told one thing by their loved ones and it turns out to be false. I feel sorry for them considering the amount of pain they must be feeling.

>> No.8647001

Don't believe /pol/ lies. Science is the white devils trick.

>> No.8647003
File: 1.74 MB, 1468x1468, Harambe Days.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not every scientist thinks trump is antiscience.
Nature literally put out a request for letters to the editor from pro-Trump scientists to try and find out what their reasoning is, because so few scientists support Trump.

just gotta pray hard enough desu senpai

>Scientists have failed over 25 years to make a single correct prediction.

>> No.8647004

Muslims were responsible for inventing Universities and for furthering science massively while Europe was plunged in the Christian dark ages, lad. Inform yourself.

>> No.8647011

>Completely ignoring evidence to push agendas is the antithesis of science
yeah leftist never do this lmao

>> No.8647014

Like what? Provide scientific articles that the left deny existing.

>> No.8647015

Why don't you move to the middle east to be enlightened then?

>> No.8647020

anything relating to genetics, intelligence, nuclear power, GMOs etc...

>> No.8647021

>trying this hard to justify his tweets

>> No.8647023

Since when do you need scientific input to review any claims mr "Trump will do all of these but I have no evidence for it"

>> No.8647024

Because it's becoming increasingly void of life because of rapid climate change.

>> No.8647029

Like anything regarding racial and gender differences, i.e. anything even hinting at not everyone being equal.

>> No.8647031

In that case, you should tell your enlightened sheiks to stop drilling for oil.

>> No.8647034

Vaccines are obtained through knowledge in this field, something the right loves to deny.
Didn't know "intelligence" was a scientific field, please explain?
>nuclear power
The left are advocating for nuclear power to eliminate fossil fuels, the right are abandoning it in favor of fossil fuels.
Again the left are advocating for GMOs especially because of the reduced crop yield we'll be expecting with climate change, we need more resistant crops.

Are you sure you aren't mixing up the left with liberals which are more centrist if not slightly right wing?

>> No.8647037

Didn't America invade so they could force drilling for oil?

>> No.8647042

There is no race in the working class. If you're earning a living then you're allowed to live.

>> No.8647044

>talking about genetics
>talks about vaccines
Genetics is an enormous field. Go get a highschool education atleast.
neuroscience, genetics, biology...There's a lot you don't know it seems.
left is scared shitless of nuclear. Trump is shilling for fossil coz he wants to favor the oil jews. Although with Hillary it would be oil muslims so it was an inevitable lose-lose.
lefties are extremely GMOs because it's just another thing they're completely ignorant of, Trump is pro-GMOs.

Lefties, especially the millenials (neo-libtards, SJW, transpedophiles, feminists) are the worse generation ever. If only they had jobs, everyone in the world would be a lot more happy.

>> No.8647045

*extremely scared of GMOs*

>> No.8647046

In what timeline did American invade Saudi Arabia, i.e. the by far major producer of oil and leader of OPEC?

>> No.8647054

>The left are advocating for nuclear power to eliminate fossil fuels
you have to be utterly delusional to believe that. the left always opposed nuclear power due to it's byproducts: nuclear waste and weapons. after chernobyl, three mile island, and fukushima they double downed on opposing it due to fear mongering how unsafe it is.

in fact, on this very board i've seen idiots argue that nuclear energy isn't "green."

>> No.8647057

I have. I live in the UAE.

>> No.8647058

>ben carson also agreed with trump and said to many at once is bad
Guess ben carson is also anti science now huh?

>> No.8647064

Share some middle eastern enlightenment with us then. Don't keep us in the dark.

>> No.8647076

Ben Carson denies evolution.

>> No.8647096

>Why don't you post a pic of your PhD diploma?
Because as I've already said, it's not my problem if you decide not to believe it. I really don't give two shits about what you /pol/tards think.

>> No.8647097

Didn't he spout off something about Pyramids being used for storing grain as well?

It just goes to show you how someone can be brilliantly intelligent in one field, but absolutely stupid and moronic in another.

My dad is a Cardiothoracic surgeon, he's brilliant at what he does, but he himself has some very quack beliefs about other scientific fields in which he is uneducated, it seems to be pretty common among even the most brilliant of doctors to have retarded, asinine beliefs outside their expertise.

>> No.8647103

Medieval dark ages are a meme

>> No.8647106

1 nut job. Great work!

Ben Carson is a disgrace because he allows his religion to cloud his work. My academic friends think he cannot be that stupid, so they believe he is manipulating people by pretending to be an evolution denier. I on the other hand know how blinding religious indoctrination can be. I do not think he is faking anything.

Either way, he is still a disgrace and this is why colleges like Emory will not accept that crackpot conspiracist for lectures.

>> No.8647107

>Didn't he spout off something about Pyramids being used for storing grain as well?
well duh didnt you ever play civ 3

>> No.8647147

>on this very board i've seen idiots argue that nuclear energy isn't "green."
By its inherent attributes, nuclear is the most dirty and dangerous form of power there is.

It's only been mostly safe and clean in practice because it's so inherently dirty and dangerous that we have a zero-tolerance policy for release of waste or accidents, and therefore tend to raise standards, expand regulatory efforts, and shut down programs when there are even small errors.

Consider the scenario in which we treated nuclear waste and nuclear reactors with the same level of care and regulation as we do fossil fuels and their waste. It would be a disaster: more reactors than people, tinkered with by untrained people and even chlidren, nuclear waste constantly released by nuclear vehicles driving down the streets of cities, dumped out of pipes and billowing from cooling towers at power plants. If in some insanity we continued it for any length of time, it would render the Earth largely uninhabitable.

Clearly, nuclear can never replace fossil fuels, in the sense of being an accessible technology that people are free to use. Most *entire countries* can't be trusted with nuclear power.

Now consider the scenario in which we treat the burning of fossil fuels with the same level of care and regulation as we currently do nuclear power. Of course, the same level of cleanliness and safety is achievable, minus the catastrophic risk, the only question is how much it would cost.

So it's not that nuclear power is clean or "green". It's that it's so abhorrently dirty, dangerous, and environmentally unfriendly that we take extreme measures to mitigate these traits.

>> No.8647153

Then why are you replying? What was the point of this reply other than to prove that you're a moron?

>> No.8647161

>Consider the scenario in which we treated nuclear waste and nuclear reactors with the same level of care and regulation as we do fossil fuels and their waste. It would be a disaster: more reactors than people, tinkered with by untrained people and even chlidren, nuclear waste constantly released by nuclear vehicles driving down the streets of cities, dumped out of pipes and billowing from cooling towers at power plants.
that's not a proper comparison. refineries are the equivalent of nuclear power plants, not cars. the end product, usable by consumers, of nuclear power plants is electricity. the end product refineries is gasoline/refined petroleum.

also, if you nit pick then no power is truly green. wind turbines need electricity to be started once they stall due to low wind. solar power destroys wildlife habitat since it's not vertically expandable, so it needs large amounts of land not to mention the heat from large solar farms is even harmful to the birds flying overhead. in both of these the power supply is also intermittent which means you need to store it, and as you know batteries don't last forever.

>> No.8647165

It's a simple courtesy to answer if someone asks you a direct question.

And you know that this goes both ways, right? Why are you still in this conversation?

>> No.8647168

You don't absolutely need to store it. You could just strike a balance between various types of energy generation instead of having fossil fuels dominate. There is a sustainable level of fossil fuel consumption.

>> No.8647169

I'm waiting for you to back up your claim by posting your PhD diploma. It shouldn't take more then a few seconds to do.

>> No.8647190

I thought I had made it clear that I have no interest in doing that.

>> No.8647213

The only thing you've made clear is that you're full of shit.

>> No.8647214

>the left advocating GMO

Since fucking when ?

>> No.8647218


>> No.8647237

>refineries are the equivalent of nuclear power plants, not cars.
>if you nit pick then no power is truly green
Don't be a shit. Oil refineries are the equivalent of nuclear fuel production plants, not nuclear reactors, and nuclear is inherently the dirtiest and most dangerous option by far.

>> No.8647243

>disagree with creationism and climate change deniers
> you must be a SJW who has a political agenda.

>> No.8647252
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Leeeetle too obvious, friend.

>> No.8647277

I was wrong and apparently it's a wash between left and right, laymen are stupid, who'da thunk it?

>> No.8647311

I'm not trolling, you garbage. Read this: >>8647147

If you think nuclear is clean, safe, and environmentally friendly, why don't you think just anyone should be allowed to build their own nuclear reactors? Like, why shouldn't the guy who changes your oil be allowed to crack open a nuclear reactor and tinker with it in his back yard?

Because it's actually incredibly dirty, unsafe, and environmentally unfriendly.

It can only be made to seem clean, safe, and environmentally friendly by intensive and competent regulation and by accepting the costs of this, as ANY OTHER ENERGY SOURCE CAN BE. Furthermore, the cleanliness, safety, and environmental friendliness are only as good as the government bureaucracy that ensures it.

In the long run, and with a great expansion of operations, do you think you can trust such a bureaucracy to remain competent?

If you say you believe nuclear is safe, you're not saying you believe in science or engineering, you're saying you believe in big government bureaucracies never making big mistakes.

>> No.8647314

I wish this word would fucking die

>> No.8647323

/math/ board when? Science is too subjective.

>> No.8647327

What the fuck, this is what brainlets do, /sci/entist use more intelligent methods of persuasion than screaming like a monkey.

>> No.8647333

lack of taxation to balance out the growing cost of fundamental research raised tuition, not federal student loan organizations

>> No.8647344

If you could reason with politicians there would be no politicians. This is their only language sad to say.

>> No.8647353

What do you recommend? Because sharing facts hasn't seemed to cull the problem thus far. Trump's whole base runs off of emotion, namely fear and anger. They don't care to hear rational thought. If we show our emotion, they might just get it?

>I am actually asking what you would recommend though, because I also feel like there has to be something more effective than a march

>> No.8647377
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>> No.8647389

Seize the means of production and abolish the state.

>> No.8647401

>that irony

>> No.8647402

neither far side cares about science unless it fits a narrative , which one is worse ?

>> No.8647415

Why isn't there a science based party as a totalitarian dictatorship kind of political system? I find it hard to trust the masses and democracy has proven itself to be a failed system time and time again.

>> No.8647421

I don't follow.

>> No.8647422

lizard people

>> No.8647448

All those young, impressionable, idealistic adolescents - many of whom were probably outcast/bullied at school and are aching to belong. Who'd have though that it would be so easy to indoctrinate them with whatever you ram down their throats in university...

>> No.8647452
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The imaginary part caused the regime change: a new fictitious enemy.

>> No.8647458

Your post literally describes what the Democrats have been doing this whole cycle: projecting their flaws onto people that support Trump and not actually realizing it.

>> No.8647472

What's being projected? The not listening to rational though part?

>> No.8647479

the collapse of the roman empire caused the dark ages my friend not this so called Christianity

>> No.8647482

Only up to a point. When religious leaders thought science and maths were verging on "sacred truths" they clamped down on them.

>> No.8647490

>Trump's whole base runs off of emotion, namely fear and anger. They don't care to hear rational thought.
>This coming from the same people who literally called Trump LITERALLY HITLER (All Reichs Reserved) about 10,000 times during the general election.
Even Ted Cruz managed to be more correct than you. Trump is a New York liberal. He gives no shits about how dark your skin is, whether you like dicks or clits , etc. He like s people that gives results. That's how you run a fucking business. The fact that the left is doing an autistic "Oppose Trump at every Trump even though we have the least amount of power in a century" is proof of their misguided fear/anger. I mean, the Democrat's focused mostly on social issues ("Muh vagina", "Free schools foah everyone. Feel the Bern.") while Trump focused mainly on economic issues and issues relating to national security ("Let's bring our jobs back and build a big beautiful wall"). How do you think that was a winning stratagem, especially when you lost your core voting demographic (the working class) and Trump barely lost his (evangelicals)?

>> No.8647494

*Oppose Trump at every Trump
Oppose Trump at every turn

>> No.8647543

Wall doesn't do anything and costs taxpayer money, saying free wall is ridiculous. Democracy only works with an educated population, cutting off people from education is retarded. You can't bring jobs back with coal because it's not economically feasible to, clean energy is far cheaper and nobody would buy coal, especially not China who were the main importers in the past. You're more likely to be killed while driving than you are to be killed in a terrorist attack, it's illogical to ban muslims. The left supported trump ending the TPP, you're making a false claim saying they hate him at every turn. Economists have been saying Trump's policies will be disastrous for the economy for a long time now, even worse than Hillary's even though hers were bad too. Face the facts: trump won because the average American voter is braindead and easily manipulated by a used car salesman.

>> No.8647555

>it's illogical to ban muslims.
it's illogical to import more of them. is everyone in america employed that we need more third worders that will live in their own separate ghettos and leech welfare?

>> No.8647558


it's not like we expected a shill to get more than cents anyway, so how many cents do you get?

>> No.8647563

I thought your cult claimed immigrants were stealing jobs, how are they leeching welfare?

>> No.8647570

>Wall doesn't do anything and costs taxpayer money, saying free wall is ridiculous
But it does slow down the trend of illegals getting into the workforce and driving wages down.
>Democracy only works with an educated population, cutting off people from education is retarded
No. Democracy can only work when the politicians are accountable for their actions by the people, not the education level of the people themselves.
>You can't bring jobs back with coal because it's not economically feasible to, clean energy is far cheaper and nobody would buy coal, especially not China who were the main importers in the past.
Well, if you're a shitty president like Obama, GWB, Clinton and George Bush Sr. yeah. You realize that even the dementia ridden RReagan was able to create a boom period in the economy in the 80s right? So why is it impossible to do these things now with a more mentally there Trump? It really comes own to negotiation, none of which the last 4 president's had.

>You're more likely to be killed while driving than you are to be killed in a terrorist attack, it's illogical to ban muslims.
It is logical to ban people from wartorn states that have shitty visa documentation or support terrorist regimes, like all of the 7 countries banned by Trump. If he wanted to ban Muslims, he would ban those 7 countries, the rest of the Middle East and importantly, India Pakistan and Indonesia (the states with the most Muslims).

>> No.8647571

> Economists have been saying Trump's policies will be disastrous for the economy for a long time now, even worse than Hillary's even though hers were bad too.
The same economists that said that Trump's election would cause a short-term crash and so would Brexit?

>Face the facts: trump won because the average American voter is braindead and easily manipulated by a used car salesman.
More like the Democrats went full retard, lost their base due to not addressing they're needs allowing Trump to address them and steal their votes from the Democrats.

>> No.8647572


>> No.8647573

Historically, border walls are very effective. even if it cost 20 billion, thats still chump change for a presidential pet project. the DARE program cost more than that in 90's.

the ((((((muslim ban)))))) is a 90 day restriction against a list of countries that Obama cooked up as 'concerning'.

>> No.8647577

I'm sure there are benefits working people can claim. Child benefit, housing benefit, etc...

>> No.8647589


nuclear energy isn't categorised as green energy but alternative energy

>> No.8647621

looks like we have a member of the liberal elite here. never heard of the working poor, have you? i guess there aren't any up in your ivory tower.

>> No.8647626

Ah yes, the working poor that the businesses treat so well, good thing the entire country is run like a business now so that everyone but the elite can be treated to the same standard.

>> No.8647628

you just went full circle to your original post. good job, king retard.

>> No.8647646

Protip: Trump has given Jerry Falwell the lead role in education reform. He is a creationist and wants to "question" evolutuin If you are okay with that you shouldn't even be included in the conversation

>> No.8647652

Circular logic is kind of a trademark of the trumpkins so it's not too surprising. I can never figure out if they hate or love being clasdcucked so badly. Do they love business and want to make the country into one, or do they hate business because it treats their lives as if they were disposable and puts them out of work due to horrible ethics? Who can say really.

>> No.8647668
File: 62 KB, 431x582, Not an Argument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Straw-manning and ad hominems
Not an argument

>> No.8647674

Let me streamline it for you. Do they love business and want trump to turn America into one big business? Or do they want me to pity the angry working class who are angry because capitalism treats them as commodities?

>> No.8647683
File: 1.23 MB, 800x667, Communism_in_a_nutshell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do they love business and want trump to turn America into one big business? Or do they want me to pity the angry working class who are angry because capitalism treats them as commodities?
Or we can run America like a business and let the people who contribute to the business (the working class) benefit from the business' success, like you would in a regular business, to ensure brand loyalty from all the workers that contribute.
I thought you were a /sci/entist. Any /sci/entist that's unironically a communist is literally a walking meme

>> No.8647685

Why people won't listen to reason


>> No.8647686

Show me a working example of trickle down economics.

>> No.8647691
File: 488 KB, 752x440, Pinochet disposing commie trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you show me a sucessful example of communism/socialism :^)

>> No.8647692


>> No.8647705

Wasn't that hard.

>> No.8647711

>us coast guard

>> No.8647712

Reagan boom 1980 to 2000

>> No.8647723

>that meme
>I either don't understand the distinction between "socialism - the actual arrangement of the productive forces" and "socialism - the philosophies which advocate this," or I'm deliberately making a category error to argue in bad faith
>ayyy it's ok to have an idle, parasitic rentier class stealing the fruits of everyone's labor because when they accumulate more capital they can do it to more people, and that's good because jobs have to be "created" and it's not like socially necessary labor time is an actual thing independent of who gatekeeps it with private ownership and state violence

>> No.8647735

>TFW Obama was/is literally a Christian Conservative Capitalist, that believes Jesus and corporations save the world
>TFW Hillary Clinton was literally a Barry Goldwater conservative

>> No.8647750
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>liberalism is centrist
Nigga what? Go away you Marxist faggot.

>> No.8647752


>> No.8647755
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>> No.8647756
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>> No.8647757

barry goldwater was a jew and a lefty
not conservative at all
conservatism back then only existed as southern democrats

>> No.8647761
File: 25 KB, 287x373, doog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you Laos and Vietnam, but
>4 mildly successful to not very successful socialist states
>24 failed ones

>Hillary Clinton
>right authoritarians
I'll give you something of a freebie in that since they were neoliberals, they were in bed with neocons on foreign and economic policy, but still...

>> No.8647763

What is politics if not opinions? This thread was doomed to opinions and subjectivity since the start. Are you one of those people who think there is absolute truth in social sciences?

>> No.8647764

>This boogeyman thing is so old now.
This is really ironic but I doubt that your head is not far enough up your ass that you will miss it completely

>> No.8647770

>What is politics if not opinions?
Observing trends in the past and seeing how they fit in today's world. There's a reason it's called political "science". There's a method to the madness, and just espousing your opinion isn't it.

>> No.8647774

I meant political trends, but you could gather that from context.

>> No.8647785

Doesn't seem very rigorous. I mean anyone can spout some drivel and if enough people agree it becomes politically relevant.

>> No.8647788


you guys are fucking pathetic

>> No.8647789

Yeah, but it's based mostly on past observations, not really axiomatic truths. Shit like that is bound to happen tbqh.

>> No.8647792



> Anti-intellectualism is hostility towards and mistrust of intellect, intellectuals, and intellectual pursuits, usually expressed as the derision of education, philosophy, literature, art, and science, as impractical and contemptible.

I am glad that the popularization of anti-intellectualism is, at minimum, being addressed.

>> No.8647794
File: 124 KB, 1440x1080, Puts on Nightmare Glasses  Everything looks the same (and connected).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am glad that the popularization of anti-intellectualism is, at minimum, being addressed.
>says the people that won't even address the economic reasons why they lost working class vote and are slowly but surely getting Corbynized
Not to mention, when political/economic experts have been dead wrong this WHOLE election cycle and continue to be wrong, there's no good reason to trust the armchair sophistry they practice

>> No.8647805

Social scientists wrong? Color me shocked. Doesn't give you an excuse to attack hard sciences though.

>> No.8647815
File: 488 KB, 673x435, 2de.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but when a lot of these hard scientists politicize their works to the nth degree, it's only a natural response when people ignore it and call it political malarkey. It's probably better if we de-politicized the sciences and while we let it shape political policy, we shouldn't let policy shape how we do science.

>> No.8647821

who cares about social science research, no one cares about the results and it doesn't even require funding to perform.

>> No.8647829

Hard sciences aren't politicized no matter how much you want to believe they are or how much you try to politicize them.

>> No.8647839

There's literally a climate change thread here every single day (either affirming it and making fun of "/pol/tards" that don't believe it or denying it and asking how "SJWtards" believe this shit. Also, the thing happening in the OP is proof enough of that happening. What the fuck happened to a rational discussion of a topic that is actually constructive instead of resulting in both sides getting into petty arguments.

>> No.8647840

can you point to an example of politicized hard science, please?

>> No.8647844

Hard sciences aren't done on anonymous image boards. If you want to see hard sciences read peer reviewed scientific articles in respected scientific journals.

>> No.8647886

holy shit I'm dying

>> No.8648606

Seize the state and abolish the means of production.

>> No.8648611


Sounds good.

>> No.8648672

>If you could reason with politicians there would be no politicians.
Right, but you should probably find a way to reason with a person who's been in business all their lives and just recently became a politician, since businessmen need an actual reason to do things like invest/buy in your product, etc. seeing that they have a n end goal themselves.

>> No.8648676
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>Ron Paul

>> No.8648679
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I'm gonna leave this here for your consideration.

>> No.8648740

Defund social sciences, and fire 90 percent of university admins.
Give extra money back to students through lower tuition, and fund more science scholarships.
Scientists have traditionally also been leaders, Ben Franklin, liebniz etc.
We understand the laws of force that govern the world of matter, so we are best to determine how the laws of governing people.

>> No.8648765

Great leaders like Angela Merkel

>> No.8648792

Republicans have been radicalizing since the 1990s while Democrats have been largely the same since the 1960s. Sure there's crazy ultra left wing democrats but not in the way Republicans have been pushing further and further to the radical right. This makes democrats and liberalism as a whole now look far to the left in comparison.

Looks like you've been buying the Koolaid

>> No.8649011


nice fascism right there

>> No.8649577

except portraying facts about women or immigrants.

>> No.8649744

retard. it has already been proven tenfolds.
Methylmercury (sometimes methyl mercury) is an organometallic cation with the formula [CH3Hg]+. It is a bioaccumulative environmental toxicant.[1]
and you spray that shit directly into the neurons of the brains of children.

>> No.8649753

She is the worst.

>> No.8649775

You know it's gonna be a shit argument when it's ad hominem right off the bat.

>> No.8649782

Do you even know what mercury is? Do you sleep well at night shilling for big pharma?

>> No.8649806


>> No.8649811

>What do you recommend?
Economic sabotage.

>> No.8649884

As a european, I agree on those. American politics feel like right authoritarians telling other right authoritarians they are either fascist pigs or commies.

>> No.8651448

>If it'd the EPA first who knows what else he could kill off, federal tuition assistance?
If you want to study, you pay for it. You have no right to force others at gunpoint to pay for your education.

>> No.8651461

I don't get it, why does /sci/ think climate science is fake? Not doubting, I just want the 'real' answer

>> No.8651548

I wonder if they will ever stand up for science about differences between genders or ethnicities. or how about GMOs, nuclear and so on? or scientific integrity among the climate pseudoscience community? or maybe they should talk about the many large issues social "sciences" face?

those are not scientists, those are leftards pretending to be scientists to make a fallacious appeal to authority

>> No.8651559

because its politics plagued, hurts everyones economy and climate researchers are embarrassingly inconsistent

>> No.8651560

maybe because they pretend that their terrible and useless models which cannot even recreate the past are correct and meaningful.

or maybe because climate science literally comes down to giving people money to determine if you should give them even more money.

or maybe because climate pseudoscientists have been proven to collude and tamper data and influential people in said community have an extreme political agenda while anyone who disagrees with the ideological mainstream gets defunded and attacked.

>> No.8652789

>Most dangerous

It has potential to be dirty and potential to be dangerous, which doesn't mean that it currently is.

Not him, but your arguments are shit and you should go back to naturalnews.

>> No.8654082

>I would join one of these marches if it was real scientists participating, instead of a bunch of "FUCK YEAH, I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!" liberal arts hippies that don't actually understand basic scientific principles, much less complex scientific fields like climate science.

That's exactly what it's going to be. I caught a link to the original reddit thread that started the "Science March", it seemed like most of the posts were coming from science "supporters" or "fans", not PhDs or PhD students.

My problem with the issue of climate change is how politicized it has become. Quite frankly, I don't even know where I would start; I think that it has been hijacked by both political parties. Nonetheless, I don't really care to have thoughts on the issue, because I don't take stances on scientific fields that are outside my own. They're not for me to take an opinion on.

What pisses me off is when liberal arts and humanities majors turned writers or whatever give their opinions on any scientific field in which they have no expertise. The same people who never took a science class and don't give a shit about science now all of a sudden are "pro-science" because of climate change.

>> No.8654690

It really annoys me how there are so many damn scholarships for minorites and non-males but they don't require as much effort nor time to qualify. Most of the time the winners of gender and enthnic based scholarships end up being an arts or social studies major whereas the STEM, technical and professional majors have little to no people apply for them unless they are a minority and most likely transgender. Nothing against transgender people, but why are the scholarships mostly for minorities, women, athletes or people who have been doing community service since 9 years old?

>> No.8655005

The "race" shit is way more disputed than climate change, vaccines, etc.

>> No.8655041

>Trump denies vaccination
You say that like he denies it exists as a concept or denies that vaccination works.

All he's pointed out is that there's a troubling correlation between neonatal vaccination and autism and said that he wouldn't oppose ordering a study to rule out any causal link (which of course wouldn't be found because there isn't one).

If anything, though, that'd be a nail in the coffin for the anti-vaxxer movement, especially if after ordering such a study Trump were to come out and express confidence in the results of the research.

>> No.8655099


>> No.8655121

The scientific method is entirely a product of the European Enlightenment.

The Muslims got most of their mathematics from the Greeks, save for laying down some of the basic ideas of elementary algebra.

>> No.8655135

>it's illogical to ban muslims
You tell me why we need to let them in in the first place. We don't need them and we owe them nothing.

>> No.8655140

Most moral systems more or less tell you you ought to. But that's ethics, not science and hard numbers so

>> No.8655291

Running a country is more than about morals.
If morals say you should take in some millions of men of age (and that's what it's going to be) that probably hate your guts, then morals throws logic out the window.

It would behoove leftists to consider that what people should do does not necessarily correlate with what people can reasonably do, and to not overestimate ones own capability based on some unjustifiable notion that America is an infallible utopia.

>> No.8655398

>"Show me a successful example of communism/socialism"
>"Here is one"
>"Lol, but look at all these failed ones!!!!!"

>> No.8655404

>the Trump administration is working to repeal the Dodd-Frank act with no replacement
>Climate science is bad for the economy!

>> No.8655405

And did you know that dihydrogen-monoxide can kill you?
It has even destroyed whole cities. And yet you ingest it with every meal.

>> No.8655414

>All he's pointed out is that there's a troubling correlation between neonatal vaccination and autism and said that he wouldn't oppose ordering a study to rule out any causal link (which of course wouldn't be found because there isn't one).
Therefore he has done no research and doesn't known that such correlations have been denied and his opinion is worth jackshit and would be like calling to check if ice really just is frozen after everyone has established that.

All his posts does is cause another wave of retards suddenly doubting vaccines and possibly causing deaths because they now go read some alternative medicine mumbo jumbo blog that says it's bad.

>> No.8655437

Since facebook I cannot take those "demonstrating" serious anymore.

>> No.8655510

>all of a sudden the left cares about science

Bingo. If all of these "science fans" and "science supporters" actually cared about science, they'd be actually doing science. They'd be majoring in STEM, doing MSes or PhDs, working in academic research or industry R&D, etc.

But, they didn't get those degrees and didn't choose to pursue a career related to science because they don't care about science. So, as I said here (>>8654082), I don't care to hear from a bunch of liberal arts and humanities majors turned writers or activists or political strategists about how they care so, so, so much about science and how they're "pro-science". Don't want to hear it because if it wasn't bullshit they'd have studied it and gone into the field.

>> No.8655522

You don't need to be a STEM major to know Trump and his cabinet spew bullshit. Climate change and anti-vax is baby tier shit

>> No.8655615

>Being this fucking retarded.

Don't you dare tell me you care about food unless you're a farmer, you care about politics unless you're a politician, or you care about music unless you're a musician.

>> No.8655715
File: 67 KB, 540x960, 1486010881288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can care about all of those things but that doesn't mean you aren't misguided. By all means, go march with the newagers and fedoras. Maybe you can talk some sense into them regarding GMOs, vaccines, and gender differences.

>> No.8655728

>They're not for me to take an opinion on.
no but you ought to consider majority opinion by the experts in a field

>> No.8655787

>but that doesn't mean you aren't misguided
That's fair considering I don't have a PhD in any of these things, but just as >>8655728
says, it's generally considered a good move to take the opinions of experts in to mind.

I don't really care about that part though so long as you get that you don't have to be an expert in something to care about it.

>> No.8655813

yhea blank book, race aint no determinant of intelligence
tho there is a correlation bc iodine defficiancy in africa