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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 437 KB, 655x861, 1485753072886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8639400 No.8639400 [Reply] [Original]

Why do scientifically minded people allow this type if shit? It makes an essential component of civilization look like an embarrassing joke to the rest of society.

>> No.8639401

They must have a different definition of top than most people.

>> No.8639402


>> No.8639404

Having a TV series instantly gets you into top 5 sciencestists

>> No.8639405

Like it or not, to your average normie le black science man and Bill Nye the Propaganda Guy are top scientists.

>> No.8639410

It's a real article.

>> No.8639423
File: 142 KB, 780x800, Science+denier+bril+green+big3+see+more+comics+visit+big3+bril+green+big3+http+redpanelscom+big3_acaa63_5971900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8639424

>science negro and science jew
>top scientists at that

>> No.8639425

correlation =/= causation anyone? No?

>> No.8639428

>really just a light show operator

>> No.8639429

I see the media monkeys but where are the scientists ?

>> No.8639431

Bill Nye and Degrasse-Tyson are just a stock photo they had.

The entire scientific community is blowing up over Trump.

>> No.8639432

Daily reminder Bill Nye's marriage only lasted 7 weeks and we can all die happy knowing he's a genetic dead end.

>> No.8639434

There is no correct science of the kind.

>> No.8639436

Why not?

>> No.8639437

That's a nice source you got there. Also, the article literally cites them by name.

>> No.8639438

>The entire scientific community is blowing up over Trump.
[citation needed]

>> No.8639442


Do you really need me to do your homework for you?

Are you that out of touch with the scientific community?

>> No.8639443

>Not realising the irony of your post
That's you in the comic.

>> No.8639445

Tell me what I need to know, Rogue NASA!

>> No.8639446

Burden of proof is on for making the claim that the entire scientific community is against Trump.

>> No.8639448

>Do you REALLY expect me to back up my claims?
you're damn right i do, faggot.

>> No.8639453

Fair enough. But what if I enjoy you denying it? What if I take amusement from you being so naive and out of touch? Trump is one week into the job, and has already failed at every fucking level. It's hilarious. I'm having fun watching you people not even realize it, and the sweet taste of your little manchild tears.

So no, I'll leave that easy to substantiate claim out there floating in the wind, and let you ponder it.


>> No.8639454

Classic Trumptard argument. Which is to say, not an argument at all.

>> No.8639456

Because it's all performed by people who have the philosophy of The Bell Curve in mind.

>> No.8639458

What has he failed exactly ? It seems to be the case where you project your tears since you gave all your money to Bernie and got cucked by Hillary, now all you can do is cry at the winners.

>> No.8639459

how much did you get paid for that post, faggot?

>> No.8639461

>37 Nobel laureates
>thousands of faculty
>multiple fields medalists

No need to keep replying friendo. Just head back to /pol/ where you belong.

>> No.8639464

Why does Science feel the need to write so many articles about Trump?

>> No.8639467
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>It's like I'm reading a /pol/ copypasta

>> No.8639468

>muh memes

Have you ever had an original thought in your life, anon? Or is it all just /pol/ hivemind for you?

>> No.8639471

Well, he's fucking over modern science the way Hitler tried to destroy "jew science."

So that's kind of a big deal about people who care about science. I can see why you wouldn't understand though.

>> No.8639472
File: 337 KB, 1144x888, 1483750278516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made a bogus claim and now you're trying to save face after getting called out.

>> No.8639474

>I refuse to accept science when it's done by strawmen

>> No.8639475

>What has he failed exactly ?
>more of the same insensible drivel /pol/ detected ELELELELELE xDDDD

SJWtards expose themselves so easily these days. Keep crying though, it's good entertainment for the rest of the world.

>> No.8639476

Here, just to make sure you all see it

>> No.8639478

>To add your name, please send an email to [NoToImmigrationEO AT gmail DOT com] from your academic email.
>The subject of your email must be one line: name, award/distinction, title, affiliation

>> No.8639483

What's wrong with that?

>> No.8639488

>Out of the hundreds of living Nobel laureates here's a couple dozen Jews who don't like Trump, not all of which are scientists btw.

>> No.8639491

You literally have zero (0!) evidence for this. Go back to r/science and circlejerk over NGT there.

>> No.8639492

Bill Nye is a mech-E

>> No.8639493

for starters, it's low effort and unverified/unchecked.

>> No.8639495

You can add anyone you want.

>> No.8639496

I do, but it's more fun watching you know fuck all about the scientific community, or even how to find out.

>> No.8639498

>Nobel Prize
>Actual measure of scientific achievement
Pick one.

>> No.8639502

Yeah, lots of academics are upset. Who told you trump's policies only affected scientific research? Researchers in disciplines are affected.

>> No.8639503

>a good poster who shouldn't be permabanned
Pick one

>> No.8639505

What did that post have to do with the "scientific community?" You made a conspiratorial statement about the president, I said you had no evidence for it, and now you're playing the old "haha I DO have evidence I just won't show you because it's funny that you don't know!"

>> No.8639506

You'd say that about any prize you didn't receive personally, I'm guessing

>> No.8639507

>waah fucking waah

Yes, yes, such sweet tears.

>> No.8639514

ITT : Pure libtard apologist tears

>> No.8639518

The emails go through some verification.

You think just because there isn't video and sworn testimony of each signee that it's probably faked?

What would make you happy? I'm guessing there isn't a great answer for this, since many Trump supporters are stuck in a conspiracy theory mindset, where everyone else just can't see the truth like they can, and they're also being paid by the reptilians.

At some point you have to admit it would be ridiculous for someone to fake this stuff

>> No.8639519

Great commentary. Glad you were here to shed light on the situation. I think you've done your part though. Feel free to head back to r/conspiracy now.

>> No.8639522

Fkn lol m8

>> No.8639526

ssshhh. no tears now libtard. Get used to being the eternal loser.

>> No.8639535

>top scientists
>pop scientists

>> No.8639631

what would make me happy? some proof of legitimate action. even speaking out to news would take more effort than sending an email with your name.

>> No.8639640
File: 8 KB, 244x244, smug Gabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero (0!) evidence for this
>0! = 1

>> No.8639727

Trump just won, because Clinton was the only contestant. People were picking their poison.

I was watching this German satire show
There's an interview with a Trump supporter (minute 34:10) and his only problems seem to be the libtards, or 'metrosexuals', as he calls them and I'm wondering: how stable and sheltered must your life be if such issues lead to your vote for a racist psychopath?

It's also interesting, that most of those simpletons don't see, that world wide wealth (and yes, even your rednecks from the trailer park are wealthy in my definition as measured by how fat they are) ensures security in America ( https://www.un.org/press/en/2015/ga11761.doc.htm ).

Enjoy your third reich.

>> No.8639744

Explain, libfag

>> No.8639745

Zero (0!) = 0*0!=0*1=0

>> No.8639747

Always funny to see libtards try to have a shot at politics with their unoriginal racism stinking "opinions"

>> No.8639750
File: 22 KB, 320x256, curvy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another pol-fag that doesn't get what a bell curve is
if you have an IQ of 110, you can be any race

it's not race that determines your intelligence, it's your positively correlated with IQ genes, different races have different frequencies of such genes, that's the whole point of selection and why the ashkenazi jews are so smart

and yeah, global warming is real, sorry

>> No.8639763

>Doesn't know what an average is.
>Tries to act like a smartass

Truly cringeworthy.

>> No.8639785

>(0!) = 0*0!
Lrn2math fgt pls

>> No.8639786

>here's an imaginary book that proves you wrong

>> No.8639790

Try again
You've missed an implicit multiplication there

>> No.8639796

You just revealed your low IQ.

>> No.8639801

Remember that time when Neil Degrasse Tyson was trying to criticize Bush over his 9/11 speech "our god is the god who named the stars". Accusing him of trying to divide people by their religion, however he got BTFO when the press asked him to provide proof and so he needed to tell them "I must of dreamed it guys, sorry"

>> No.8639804

>correlation equals causation
Every time

>> No.8639806
File: 60 KB, 500x578, 562452342625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black science man thread?

>> No.8639817

You do realize he knows he's shitposting

>> No.8639823

>Doesn't even make an attempt to refute his correlation != causation counter-argument
>Makes up some shit about averages he never implied
Truly, TRULY cringeworthy.
Go watch some more Molyneux and come back when your tendies have cooled down.

>> No.8639827
File: 27 KB, 608x220, 89800856756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8639838

compsci btfo again

>> No.8639845

Like I said, he's a troll. His celebrity image is based on dunking on people who are bad at science, so he regularly invents strawmen and takes out entire fields for no reason.

>> No.8639851

He meant 0 * 0! because he wrote Zero(0!).

>> No.8639853

I know what you mean OP. I'm sick of the embarrassment and mockery that people like Bill Nye and NDT are bringing to the scientific community.

>> No.8639854



>> No.8639859

>Barely a bakers dozen of publications over his entire professional career
>not even first author in half of them

>> No.8639898

>top scientists
>Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye

Pick one. Or, better yet,

>Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye

>> No.8639904

Meanwhile Musk and Thiel are behind Trump. Really makes you think.

>> No.8639909
File: 53 KB, 500x278, tumblr_o31rfagSjt1qhz95yo1_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what? Musk didn't star in comedy movies and act like an arrogant asshole. He's not a real scientist. You gotta get your ass back to /paul/

>> No.8639914

>social science
lol, kill yourself retard

>> No.8639943

What, actual evidence contradicting my position? Let me just move these goalposts a bit. Uhm, nobelprizes are a scandinavian hoax, REAL scientists know that vehement protectionism is actually favorable to science, and something something silent majority.
Phew that was a close one. Now I canget back to my job which is obviously not even remotely related to science, since otherwise I would've been in contact with actual scientists and would be able to verify whether or not my unfounded thoughts on the position of the vast majority of scientists on Trump.

>> No.8639944

… are correct.

>> No.8639945

>trusting anything the meme black man of science says
He let all that fame go to his head, he wasn't a good scientist to begin with.

>> No.8639946

>the only science that exists is global warming

>> No.8639951

God, I wish /pol/ AND its nasty little shills that it brought with it would go
We need real science on this board, like verifiable information on the climate and ecological conditions, not a "m-muh feels" or "lol Trump" argument
You fucks are gonna kill us all

>> No.8639954

>we need real science
>climate science
>anyone who doesn't fall for obvious scam is /pol/

/sci/ is not an echo chamber and /sjw/ cancer do not belong to /sci/

>> No.8639956

This is exactly what I'm talking about. You awful human beings have tainted an actual field of science with so much nonsense and buzzwords that even mentioning it causes retards to come out of the woodworks and start screeching like an autist.

Climate science can be something like, oh, I don't know, a branch of meteorological sciences you faggot. Someone's gotta see what a hurricane will do to an area it is projected to land on, and how current climate conditions such as average water temperature, atmospheric conditions, etc will affect it.

Climate Science != some leftist agenda.
And it makes me sick that both sides keep trying to latch onto it to push their point of view,

>> No.8639957

Science is an international endeavour, in my personal environment several institutes have already been affected negatively by the ban (mostly because of Iranian mathematicians, strangely). It should be noted that the executive order includes a clause which asks for an extension of the list of countries in a month or so, so the damage is set to worsen.
The Trump presidency is unprecedented in a lot of ways, so maybe science gets a break and he gets impeached, but I'm not counting on it.

>> No.8639958

>inb4 more autistic screeching about "muh climate change" or "lol sjw faggot" fucking again on this nonsense.

>> No.8639960

I think it is far too early to see what effect his policies will have on various fields, but the effect of idiots panicking over things already is quite apparent.

People thought he would be bad for science, and are reacting as if he already is, before anything takes effect.
Ever hear of Confirmation Bias?
Both sides are being assholes here, and the people actually doing the work (and not just the ones panicking like retards) are the ones being hurt here.

>> No.8639961

This. Science is bipartisan. The denial of it tends to be a partisan thing (left for GMOs and vaccines, the right for climate change and evolution).

>> No.8639969
File: 7 KB, 195x195, 8263f0f71c7e036a245d8384cff2052b[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand the meaning of science. Thats why people call you the "cult of AGW". You think just because you attach the word science to your retarded garbage you can make people obey your autism.

The predictions of "climate scientists" for the last 25 years was an embarrassing failure. Nobody respects you in the field and thats wjy you attract ignorant SJWtards. You are a cult, not a science and thats why you will never be respected by anyone ever.

>> No.8639974

>the people doing the work
I do not know what you mean by this. The TSAs? The GOP? Scientists?

It's not too early to see what the imoact will be. Canada for the past decade or so serves as a test-case for an anti-science establishment (a lot of the more direct approaches in impeding government scientists Trump uses were in use by the Canadians). The ban is of course unprecedented in a lot of ways, so we cannot look at the past for guidance. However, losing researchers and participants in conferences (which is already happening on account of the ban, and not just in America, see for instance Miles Reid's upcoming conference in Tehran, or Sheshmani's appointment at both Aarhus and Harvard) are not a good thing.

>> No.8639979

>You don't understand the meaning of science. Thats why people call you the "cult of AGW". You think just because you attach the word science to your retarded garbage you can make people obey your autism.

I-is this bait?
That's exactly what the fuck I was saying you retard.
And how the fuck are meteorologists a "cult"?
Is studying the weather a "cult" now according to you?
The fuck is even going on???

Scientists. Ones that, you know, try to avoid letting their biases taint their work.

And yeah, he's been really unpredictable though (providing you go off what most sources say, the whole things a mess) so I'm not really sure if he is going to push those policies or do some half assed attempt at them, which may turn out better or worse, I'm just not sure yet.
Either way I don't think things are going to be good, between Trumpalump, The Left, and just in general people are going insane.

All I wanted to do was study cloud seeding, and ended up dropping up because people either screamed that I was a retarded liberal or an evil nazi because I didn't support either of their points of views, I just wanted to do some damn science.

>> No.8639983 [DELETED] 

>You don't understand the meaning of science.







>> No.8639985

>goes on a trump rant like anybody cares.
thanks for letting us know to ignore the rest of your underage rebellious tears filled drivel.

>> No.8639988

>Trump rant
>While I call out both sides for being pretentious pricks

How are you *this* self-centered? Is everything about Trump with you? I'm beginning to suspect that you're just some miserable shill for the left by this point.

>> No.8639995

SJWtard trying to be funny ladies and gentleman.
Then they ask why /sci/ hates them with a passion.

>> No.8640029

>what is the march on science

>> No.8640034

>thinks averages are useful
Is this your first time using statistics in the real world?

>> No.8640044


>> No.8640152

Beats me

We're all #cruzmissiles here

>> No.8640158

Thiel has always been on the right. As for Elon I suspect his support has to do with the fact his businesses rely heavily on federal subsidies. He has to suck up to Trump if he wants Tesla and Space-X to stay afloat.

>> No.8640183

It's still a hilarious looking article nonetheless!

>> No.8640218

Well I'm a scientist and I support Trump

>> No.8640238

Well from an economic stand point I can see why Musk would back Trump. I mean seriously c'mon, how can you even fund some of these projects and research that scientists do without money to back it up??? You have to remember what happened to NASA and how the government cut spending on them as well when the recession hit hard. In the long run I can see the damage Trump might cause to some of the work these scientists have done, but if you even want to keep these expensive laboratories and research centers open your going to need money to do it.

>> No.8640244

You really don't see a connection between his African origins and his political stance?

>> No.8640249

Why do people get so offended at any whiff of someone suggesting that intelligence has a genetic component?

It's pretty obvious that genetics has to play some role in intelligence or we'd all be vegetables.

Although I guess social science is a joke and we have no real model for what genes make you more intelligence and why.

>> No.8640358

Trump is making science bipartisan by separating it from the monolithic bureaucracy holding it hostage.

>> No.8640446


>> No.8640458

making science bi-partisan
>being this deep into 1984

>> No.8640467

Rality has a liberal bias

>> No.8640483


Shill tries to convince sci that we he isn't a shill, while calling anyone who disagrees with him a SJW.

>> No.8640608

>Why do people get so offended at any whiff of someone suggesting that intelligence has a genetic component?
Because the idea that all people are inherently equal is a tenet of some peoples ideology, and to suggest otherwise is antithetical to the concept of "equality" as they know it. Lets put aside for a moment the debate of whether or not there is a causal link between race and IQ, or even a correlation, some people on all sides of the political spectrum will get defensive when they perceive their worldview as being attacked, regardless of the validity of the argument.

>> No.8640621

>what genes make you more intelligence

>> No.8640629

Funny that this SJWtard can't see the irony due to his two digit IQ

>> No.8640640

Saging is useless, the people that post in these threads unironically are only interested in Trump, racebait and the like, so they will actively look for and bump these specifically.

Reporting is what might make a difference.

>> No.8640750

Did they purposely choose the worst possible image of everyone? Neil Tyson and Bill Nye the engineering B.Sc. guy look baked out of their fucking minds, and Trump looks like a literal drooling retard.

>> No.8640756

>implying there are attractive pictures of Trump taken in the last 30 years

>> No.8640760

At least they could have chosen a pic on which his facial expression resembles that of a normal human.

>> No.8640770
File: 69 KB, 780x479, image-0-02-05-27e2fb3b3d7951acc65198401b66234d82ef74745cb0fab3d435bb9d7f1cbcef-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itsanother 'pol bait gets a million replies' episode
For fucks sake. This is the science board. If you want politics go to the politics board. People here know about their major, not about whatever political fuckery is going on in america.
Stop replying and let this kind of threads die

>> No.8640907

I'm afraid they have already mostly been self-sufficient for a long time. That is, after a bait-thread has been made, multiple parties with non-/sci/ shilling, trolling, baiting and strawmanning can pretty much keep a thread on the front page.
>Stop replying and let this kind of threads die
So this probably falls on dead ears, as most posters are fully aware of the intentions/nature of the thread. I suppose only more frequent reporting and stricter moderation will help.

>> No.8641204

>literally post proof of niggers being the dumbest

really makes you think!

>> No.8641210

they're actors lol and not even decent ones

>> No.8641211

RIP gabe

>> No.8641212

More whiny liberal tears from the brainwashed masses! I love it! Ask me how I know you're all millenials.

>> No.8641228


No but it's evidence suggesting of it

>> No.8641258

>top scientist
>bill nye and neil degrasse tyson

top kek, they're tv personalities just like trump, not scientist

>> No.8641277

enjoy your butthurt, mudhummad

>> No.8641296

>degrasse tyson an embarrassment to science
>trump not an embarrassment to humanity

>> No.8641304

>mad over reviewing shit that should be reviewed

Is that right or did I misinterpret?