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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8627011 No.8627011[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ absolutely blown the fuck out

/pol/ sends their regards

>> No.8627017

>Climate meme finally getting BTFO
AHAHAHAHAHAHHAA. No more scamming for you. Capitalists are truly taking over things in America.

>> No.8627028

Its a damn shame our president is anti-science but at least nigs in Africa are gonna get flooded from this global warming gig. It would be nice if the other political party in the country wasn't anti-white.

>> No.8627041
File: 22 KB, 421x500, scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your black lung disease
especially with the push to repeal the ACA, it's gonna be harder to get treatment for it
hillbillies fucked themselves tbqh

>> No.8627043

I don't think he'll stop cancer research.

>> No.8627055

Science is finally getting purified from scammers and political games. What a time to be alive.

>> No.8627069

dude just make an iPod le not an argument xD

>> No.8627072

Actually much of Africa is safe from flooding. Increase soil salt would be a problem but the areas that produce most of the food in Africa are going to have boom times especially exporting to areas of the world which can't like Indonesia.

Florida and New York how ever are going to suffer. Not to mention the increase in hurricanes and storms for Texas and the East coast. And wildfires and drought and then flooding at other times of the year for California

>> No.8627078


>b-but look at this paper right here (that I got because of government grants for which people like you got taxed lmao) it says that I'm ENTITLED to even more of your tax money buying me food and rent monthly without even the slightest attempt from my side to gather the funding myself, and if you DARE say otherwise you're an anti-science racist hillbilly neonazi that single-handedly just murdered half of the planet by promoting Global Warming™

>> No.8627080

>hillbillies fucked themselves tbqh

That should be the tagline for the Republican party.

>> No.8627088

fuck yeah. I can't wait for scientific research to skyrocket under Trump administration. He's already sat down with Elon Musk and he'll take us to Europa very soon.

>> No.8627096

>all grants are being frozen temporarily
>OH MY GOD IT"S THE END OF THE FUCKING WORLD AND TRUMP IS LITERALLY HITLER I AM ACTUALLY SHAKING RIGHT NOW *********************************************tips fedora violently*****************************************

Seeing numales get ass-blown about this brings me great joy.

>> No.8627102
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These white poor men have played themselves.

No more ACA.
No more protection from lung cancer.

What the fuck is wrong with you guys?

>> No.8627105

reminder the choice was between
>cultural extinction under the democrats
>not paying ludicrous premiums for the failing Obamacare under the republicans

>> No.8627107

so alpha xD

>> No.8627111

that blistering butthurt lmao
stay delusional libtard

>> No.8627115

My concern is more about the whole aspect of environmental remediation. (AKA Cleanup crews removing pollution in water and ground sediment)

>> No.8627116

amazing buzzwords friendo, is this how alpha males behave ? :^)

>> No.8627120

>>Perhaps, like other scam victims, they should have looked more closely at the fine print.
>>But the broad conclusion they reached was a perfectly reasonable one.
...thus demonstrating the difference between reasoning and logic.

>> No.8627121

ssshhhh...you're an eternal loser who got double dipped. Get used to this fact.

>> No.8627125

i'm instinctually inclined to think whatever trump does that makes someone whine on social media is actually a great thing.

fuck these extreme liberals.

>> No.8627127

oh, it's calling people loser now, it's learning from its memelord twitter keyboard warrior, so cute. You forgot to end your message with "Sad !" my man.

>> No.8627133

Anything they bitch about is profitable and useful for humanity.

>> No.8627136


As a side note, the USDA also has a gag order on it too...

>> No.8627137

They are working people. And they looked for funds from the government.

>> No.8627140

It's really saddening to see what happened to my country 15 years ago happen to US almost identically

>> No.8627141

You seem confused loser. Hows paying for bernies lakehouse and simultaniously tasting Trumps semen feel like ?

>> No.8627144
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ITT /pol/ pretends to be /sci/

>> No.8627146

Are you completely braindead?

>> No.8627150

>implying I live in America
thank fuck I don't, in my country research isn't stopped by retards that think 4 cells can be considered a human being.

>> No.8627151


Can you bend over a little further as your lord and savior Trump reams you in the ass? Go ahead and lick his balls while you are down there on your hands and knees.

>> No.8627152

ITT /sci/ tells SJWtards to fuck off.

>> No.8627155


/pol/acks are just right-wing tumblrinas.

>> No.8627156

>social justice
ITT /pol/ pretends to be /sci/

>> No.8627160

Thats your job friendo :^) Either that or pack your bags.

>> No.8627162

Shut up

>> No.8627164

Fuck off SJWtard.

aaand scene !

>> No.8627167

Literally what leftists say about Anita Sarkeesan and video games.

>> No.8627169

I'm sure conservatives haven't been this happy since they burned down the library of Alexandria.

>> No.8627172


Hey, buddy. You are the one that voted for him and enjoy fellating him as he fucks you over hard.

>> No.8627176

>y-you voted for him to fuck you guise, n-not us.
Ssshhh. stop tying to make sense from your drivel so hard and swallow all the drops.

>> No.8627178
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have you already forgotten how disastrous the alternative would have been?

shillary would have started WW3 by pissing off Russia already

>> No.8627195

yeah, I'm sure Hillary or Putin would've had a lot to win by getting both their countries completely fucked. Are you referring to that video that was taken out of context to make her sound like she's saying that nuclear "is an option" ? If so you should check out the 30 seconds that follow.

good to see fear mongering still works. Speaking of fear mongering, enjoy falling behind in genetic engineering now until China sends its super soldiers.

>> No.8627201
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no i'm referring to her wanting to impose a no fly zone in syria and kick out the russian army


>Many in national security circles consider the risk of a confrontation with Russia to be severe: ‘I wouldn’t put it past them to shoot down a US aircraft’

>> No.8627211
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I can't believe you have forgotten already though. Remember?

I am better than you. I have a fancy degree and am richer than you, and I am totally out of touch with reality.

None of this will effect me, because I will continue to enjoy my $100k+ salary while basking on the sunny beaches of California while you toil away with manual labor for minimum wage.

You know how you thought these rich kids were laughing at you behind your back? Well, you were absolutely right. I am better than you will ever be, and you better not forget it.

>> No.8627217

you just described Trump supporters lmao. Dream on though kid ;)

>> No.8627226

This thread is the proof that /sci/ is retarded

Time after time /pol/tards have shown that they are incapable of actually thinking for themselves and understanding what the other party has to say
The only thing they can do is trying to enrage the other party, and if they succeed they feel a false sense of victory, and strengthen their delusions of grandeur
They add absolutely nothing to the conversation, nor can they understand or listen to the other side to come up with arguments

And there are still people here trying to persuade them via rational thought
Stop doing this you fucking idiots

>> No.8627234

>it could have been the NSF
only meme degrees are being purged

>> No.8627238

Good. Fuck carbon taxes and fuck meme scientists.

>> No.8627240
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Time after time SJWtards have shown that they are incapable of actually thinking for themselves and understanding what the other party has to say
The only thing they can do is trying to demean the other party, and if they succeed they feel a false sense of victory, and strengthen their delusions of grandeur
They add absolutely nothing to the conversation, nor can they understand or listen to the other side to come up with arguments

And there are still people here trying to persuade them via rational thought
Stop doing this you fucking idiots

>> No.8627241
File: 55 KB, 258x360, pepe laugh hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SJWtard trying to divide /sci/ and manipulate people by labels
Your stink is so easy to recognize and your shitty tactics never work on /sci/. Nobody will allow you to dictate how /sci/ should think about matters by calling /pol/ anything that doesn't fit your backwards agenda. SJWtards will never be taken seriously on this board.

Keep trying though. Shitposting and spamming the same thing that everyone got used to seems like your last resort