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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 32 KB, 394x294, NASA-Earth-sciences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8492724 No.8492724 [Reply] [Original]

RIP NASA Earth Sciences division

>Republicans and denialists work over decades through politics, lobbying to politicize climate change
>Trump decides that NASA is politicized (the ironing) and will cut funding because of this (even though doing so is a completely political move on his part).

This is going to be a long 4 years lads, especially for those of us invested in Earth Sciences.


>> No.8492733

>Bob Walker, a senior Trump campaign adviser, said there was no need for NASA to do what he has previously described as “politically correct environmental monitoring"

You cannot make this shit up.

“My guess is that it would be difficult to stop all ongoing NASA programs but future programs should definitely be placed with other agencies. I believe that climate research is necessary but it has been heavily politicized, which has undermined a lot of the work that researchers have been doing. Mr Trump’s decisions will be based upon solid science, not politicized science.”

How far up his own asshole is this guy's head? Do these people live in an alternate reality or something?

>> No.8492758

It's the beginning of the end for anti-science fags. You'll have to endure 4 years, but things will (hopefully) get better after that.

>> No.8492776

eh, NASA deserves its budget being cut. No one gives a fuck about landing a few robots on mars except a few autists. He's just targeting the wrong division.

>> No.8492782
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>long 4 years lads

or you know, trump might decide that there is a lot of money to be made by setting up TRUMP vacation resorts on the moon and Mars and dedicate 50% of the military budget to it annually until by the end of 4 years we have said resorts and the space tourism infrastructure to support it.

Also he could decide to make America great again by making it a national priority to begin harvesting the asteroid belt for heavy metals and setting up orbital refineries and automated retrieval space drone probes to identify and bring back appropriate asteroids.

Or he could just shut down NASA to give the top 0.01% of income earners in America an income tax cut of 0.05%.

Hard to say.

>> No.8492794

>eh, NASA deserves its budget being cut. No one gives a fuck about landing a few robots on mars except a few autists. He's just targeting the wrong division.

its not like you would see any tangible benefit from the elimination of NASA from the federal budget. Tax cuts for the working and middle classes are not on the agenda of the lawmakers in Washington.

>> No.8492820

>assuming i'm peasant class
And why the hell did you quote my entire post?

I wasn't saying it in hopes i would have my taxes lowered. In fact, completely cutting NASA off would have very little effect on my taxes. I just don't think we should waste money.

>> No.8492832

>pretending to be wealthy on the internet

>I just don't think we should waste money.

Its my opinion feeding starving people in other countries is a waste of money. And that having a military that takes up more than 50% of the federal discretionary spending budget is a waste of money and that tax cuts for oil companies who are already some of the most profitable on earth are a waste of money.

Pushing the boundaries of science and technology and into space is investment in the future of my species, not a waste of money, in my opinion.

Just my opinion.

Your opinion must seem completely valid to you from your point of view.

>> No.8492858
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The sheer amount of dumbest-common-denominator propaganda is so suspicious that it already triggers the instinctive bullshit detector of the common man.

>> No.8492868

who gives a shit about earth science.

>> No.8492878

All of these climate change asshats should be happy that earth sciences divisions are being cut and focused on deep space transportation so the can get off this so called doomed planet and get their ass to mars.

>> No.8492884

ALL HAIL the leader of the fact-free world

>> No.8492886

Except that with those other policies, you can see how people don't think they're a waste of money even if you don't agree with them. The huge military spending funds our globalist agenda. Feeding starving people well...feeds starving people. Tax cuts for the rich are more because of lobbying than a pragmatic thing, but even so they'll justify it as companies will increase spending and create more jobs.

Sending a robot to mars does jack shit to further humanity. We get a few pretty pictures of a fucking desert. You say investment into the future, but how is this so? There's nothing that suggests it has done any good so far and nothing to suggest we'll do anything useful with mars with huge advances in science first. We're so far from it that making any schedule is foolish because there's 100 other things that have to come first. You're entitled to your opinion, but being an opinion doesn't mean it can't be stupid.

>> No.8492894

the only reason to go to mars is to colonize the planet and make our species multi planet. that's it. nothing more.

>> No.8492904

>colonize the planet and make our species multi planet
which is so far into the future that it's foolish to plan for it. I could have sworn I mentioned that, but obviously not since you read my post and said it anyway.

Exploring mars for colonization now is like trying to write a java program when the concept of a turing machine was first created.

>> No.8492910

if there's anything to take away from the last 7 days or so it's that trump will tell whatever group he is in front whatever they want to hear and will probably only use the office of POTUS to turn him and his billionaire friends into trillionaires via executive influence

>> No.8492917

>so far into the future that it's foolish to plan for it
Plans to send manned missions to mars in 2023.
With ideology like that I guess we should stop cancer research because we do not know how long it will take to find a cure.

>> No.8492950

>manned missions to mars in 2023.
oh wow, you fell for the mars one scam? Even they had to changed that date
>we should stop cancer research
There's a clear difference between making progress towards a cure for cancer and making missions to a planet we MAY one day far off into the future colonize after we have developed several other huge technologies. It's more like researching ways to cure cancer using cold fusion byproducts of some poorly understood substance.

>> No.8492962

There's a reason he wants to reduce estate tax. He is a scam artist, pure and simple. Rich are going to get richer, jobs that are already gone won't be coming back. His entire presidency will be a joke. Clinton wouldn't have been much better honestly, and even Obama has been a joke in terms of actually taking action on climate change / investing in renewables and nuclear. Clinton would have been more of the same of that I think.

>> No.8492963

when they finally cure cancer with culf fusion byproducts then will you be happy?

>> No.8492972

>especially for those of us invested in Earth Sciences.
At least you're honest about your only real issue here being your deprivation of shekels.

>> No.8492977

What are you on about?

>> No.8492980

>doomed planet

Fucking retard. Earth will go on long after human civilization has disappeared. It has went through catastrophic extinction events and climate changes in the past, rampant volcanism worldwide, bolide impacts, global ice sheets (snowball Earth), and life survived. Even if all complex lifeforms on Earth were wiped out, bacteria and other simple organisms would survive deep within the Earth's oceans and crust, and over millions of years complex life would evolve yet again and adapt to a new Earth.

An Earth with a more uncomfortable climate will ALWAYS be more habitable and hospital to life because we have a strong magnetic field to block solar radiation, because we have a strong atmosphere and gravity that is tolerable to life. Mars will always be less hospitable than Earth, even if they managed to do the impossible and "terraform" Mars, Earth will always be a better place for life in our solar system.

Earth can come back from climate changes, it has in the past many times, so many extinction events, 5 of them being catastrophic and life survived, recovered and rejuvenated. Mars is a dead planet, with no tectonic activity, a non-existent magnetic field, and weak gravity that will mean humans will have a very hard time adapting to life there.

I'm not against colonizing Mars, but Mars will NEVER be our future, Earth is our home, and always will be unless we become a truly inter-stellar species and find similar planets to Earth that we can survive on.

>> No.8492991

"We The People aren't that stupid." (about why Spencer left NASA)

>> No.8492993

Earth sciences includes Geology (Petrology, mineralogy, volcanology, stratigraphy, geomorphology... etc.), climatology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology, oceanography, paleontology, geodesy, pedology, ecology... need I go on? Fuck off, Earth sciences is a legitimate science that has multiple disciplines and is incredibly important. Threatening to reduce funding is absurd.

>> No.8493002

>Threatening to reduce funding is absurd.

>> No.8493006
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>Walker, however, claimed that doubt over the role of human activity in climate change “is a view shared by half the climatologists in the world. We need good science to tell us what the reality is and science could do that if politicians didn’t interfere with it.”

>> No.8493008

>Roy Spencer
The guy is a creationist, sorry I can't take anything he says seriously.

>>>/pol/ Get the fuck back to your hugbox please.

>> No.8493010

>he fell for the 73% meme

>We need good science to tell us what the reality is and science could do that if politicians didn’t interfere with it.
What is unreasonable about that?

>> No.8493012

Trump's reversed position on all of the shit he has run on in the past two weeks and said he doesn't necessarily legally have to distance himself from his businesses as POTUS.

>> No.8493015

>Earth sciences
>legitimate science

pick one

>> No.8493018

Absolute nonsense from the lugenpresse as usual.


>> No.8493021
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>> No.8493022


>> No.8493024

Then climate change is real and politicians need to accept that and start legislating to curb it instead of catering to the uninformed masses and the interests of oil and coal companies.

>> No.8493028

Found the BBC "journalist".

>> No.8493034

What? What part of my post did that conclusion arise from?

>climate change is real
You don't say!

>> No.8493035

People seem to forget that the petroleum industry is using the same exact tactics that the Cigarette industry used to deny smoking related illnesses.

They trust these lobbyists and politicians whom have literal money trails linking them directly to the petroleum industry, as well as conservative "think tanks" that are funded by the industry. Many published climate change denialist scientists have these same links to climate change denial organizations that are funded by the petroleum industry as well.

But of course, anthropogenic climate change is all some massive conspiracy, with tens of thousands of published scientists and researchers worldwide collaborating with an evil plan to... make the Earth a better place I guess by eliminating pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

>> No.8493042

>We need good science to tell us what the reality is and science could do that if politicians didn’t interfere with it
that part

>> No.8493043

I mean it's not like we don't have a massive, global economy that is almost fundamentally based on petroleum and petroleum products. It's not like these massive companies don't have massive wealth and influence in governments worldwide to assert their own interests. It's not like they have a vested interest in denying climate science for their own profit. No, the researchers and organizations researching climate change are the ones that are conspiring with each other, with their scientifically collected data, both in the field and from satellite / global climate stations.

People simply want to be contrarians, especially on places like 4chan.

>> No.8493045

>these lobbyists
>have literal money trails
>the petroleum industry
>conservative "think tanks"
>that are funded by the industry
>climate change denialist scientists
>have these same links
>climate change denial organizations
>tens of thousands

>> No.8493052

>with their scientifically collected data

When there's scientifically collected data that is inconclusive and does not support a strongly anthropogenic origin of present climate change, you do a character assassination on those who gathered it.

>> No.8493056


>> No.8493062

Shitards on places like /pol/ that get wrapped up in climate conspiracies.
>These lobbyists
George C. Marshall Institute
Global Climate Coalition
International conference on climate change (nice name right, sure sounds legit!)
Heartland Institute
Cato Institute
>The petroleum industry
Koch Brothers
Exxon Mobile, BP, Shell, etc.
>Conservative think tanks
Take Heartland Institute for example:
>Oil and gas companies have contributed to the Heartland Institute, including $736,500 from ExxonMobil between 1998 and 2005.[107][123] Greenpeace reported that Heartland received almost $800,000 from ExxonMobil.[78] In 2008, ExxonMobil said that it would stop funding to groups skeptical of climate warming, including Heartland.[123][124][125] Joseph Bast, president of the Heartland Institute, argued that ExxonMobil was simply distancing itself from Heartland out of concern for its public image.
>that are funded by the industry
Exxon has funded conservative and libertarian think tanks for decades. See above for one such example, do more digging and you will find how they funded other organizations like the now defunct Global Climate Coalition.
>climate change denialist scientists
>have these same links
Do some fucking research yourself.
>climate change denial organizations
See above.
>tens of thousands
IPCC reports.

>> No.8493063

Totally unrelated, but a funny mental autoimmune reaction.

>> No.8493064

>'Dark Money' Funds To Promote Global Warming Alarmism Dwarf Warming 'Denier' Research
Hmm really made me think.

The problem is that none of these articles have any specifics. For all the average pleb knows it's fake "news" to support the narrative you're relating to us right now.

>> No.8493066

are you retarded? my entire point is that I wouldn't be happy if they started researching it. We could figure out how those byproducts could be used to cure cancer tomorrow. It would mean nothing if we're 300 years away from cold fusion.

>> No.8493067

Hang on, why should I take the word of the UN as gospel?

>> No.8493070

not wanting to cure cancer by cold fusion byproducts. so shellfish

>> No.8493076



I see some problems here. One is that the IPCC does not touch papers that do not actively support its predetermined conclusions, and that "thousands of scientists" are reliant on the IPCC to make a living.

Now anyway, let ongoing climate change be overwhelmingly anthropogenic -- what do we do?

>> No.8493080
File: 55 KB, 672x228, keming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your (You).

>> No.8493088
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>Implying there is NO difference between colonization and manned missions.
It's (((((Current Year)))))), so I seriously hope you don't do this.

>> No.8493140
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>> No.8493155

This made my day, I'm so glad that something is FINALLY being done to deal with climate change hysteria...

>> No.8493166

Still waiting for an answer. What do we do?

>> No.8493170
File: 568 KB, 720x545, asia_oco_2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey look at that, CO2 sources are coming from areas of high industrialization.

Who'd have thunk?


>> No.8493171

About climate change? Stop burning coal and oil.

If we start reducing coal and oil dependency now we can be completely off it in 30 years.

>> No.8493174

>Stop burning coal and oil.
How is this effected?

>> No.8493176

We've got to decolonise Mars, all of these Terran influences are so culturally regressive and patriarchal.

>> No.8493179

what happened to running out of oil?

>> No.8493191

that will still happen eventually
but if we burn it all there is no future for humanity

>> No.8493208

It will happen eventually I agree, but there is a fuck-ton of fossil fuels in the Earth. We are still finding new oil fields almost every decade, most recently a massive oil field was discovered in Texas.

There is a lot of fossil fuel on our planet, life has had over 500 million years to live, die and form massive coal and oil deposits. We will eventually run out, but we are also likely to keep finding deposits in the coming decades.

Invest in nuclear energy, invest in researching alternative nuclear fuels like Thorium.
Reduce worldwide population in developing countries, Africa, etc.
Invest in renewables like hydroelectric, wind in areas where it is effective, concentrated solar plants in deserts, and solar panels in cities and towns to supplement (won't be able to completely provide energy needs) the demand for energy.
Geothermal energy in areas where it is possible to exploit.

Focus on sustainable agriculture by giving subsidies to local, sustainable farms, not massive agriculture conglomerates.
Reduce consumption of beef and other animal products, especially cattle farming due to not only the damage it does to rain-forests, but due to the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted by farm animals.
Stop letting the fossil fuel industry have such massive lobbying and political power.

Many more things can be done, but these are just a few off the top of my head.

It's a monumental task though, almost the entire global economy is dependent on fossil fuels for trade / commerce, energy and electricity generation, industry, etc.

>> No.8493230

>It will happen eventually I agree, but there is a fuck-ton of fossil fuels in the Earth. We are still finding new oil fields almost every decade, most recently a massive oil field was discovered in Texas.
But we had our top scientists on it. They said we're frighteningly close to running out of fossil fuels. How could they be wrong in their projection?

>Reduce worldwide population in developing countries, Africa, etc.

>Reduce consumption of beef and other animal products
What do you want the government to do, penalize those who eat beef?

>> No.8493238

Taxes on it, just like we tax cigarettes, just like we tax recreational marijuana, just like we tax a variety of other products in our country more than others.

Tariffs on imported beef products. There are a variety of ways to accomplish this. It's simple; Americans and other developed countries in particular have an obsession with beef and other bovine products that has to be reduced. It is incredibly unsustainable.

>> No.8493243

>What do you want the government to do, penalize those who eat beef?
dump a few billion dollars into research grants for developing technology to grow steaks in a petri dish

>> No.8493245

>Guys, guys but guys the CO2 will turn our planet into a greenhouse!
>warmer temperatures lead to longer periods in temperate regions for plants to grow
>the increase in average plant life leads to a reduction of CO2 as plants respire and convert the CO2 to Oxygen

And it balances itself out pretty easily. What next, we're gonna have too much O2 in the atmosphere which cause the air to combust? Seems like something climate "scientists" would dream up.

>> No.8493247

longer warm periods*

>> No.8493251

>Taxes on [food]
So basically punishing the poor for ????.

Oy vey, you'd like a piece of that pie, wouldn't you.

>> No.8493253

in a few more degrees the permafrost will begin to defrost
which will release all the gas contained therein
which causes the temperature to go up
which causes more permafrost to defrost
and so on
and then we're fucked for good

>> No.8493257

>They said we're frighteningly close to running out of fossil fuels.
I don't believe anyone said that. We have probably passed the peak in "cheap" energy though. Conventional liquids apparently peaked in 2012 that coincides with peak discovery of large crude oil deposits way back in the 60's.
The AGW meme is a natural and healthy paranoid response by the powers that be to begin restricting and conserving or even hording but the only science behind it is social science backed by mountains of predictive climate paranoia programming generated by ridiculous computer simulations. Even if earth is warming this would be in line with geological history as we understand it with the last glacial maximum only a brief 20k years ago in geological time.

This hording and attempt to control energy from here on out must be supported by the people who are going to pay the brunt of the cost, maybe even die in the process because for sure we live in an oil age, or more precisely a cheap energy age. Once the people have committed themselves to 'saving earth' they can then be easily subjugated and have their energy supply rationed harshly without serious recourse. The 21st century is going to be brutal and it's not a climate problem, it's a monkey problem.

>> No.8493262

>Preliminary computer analyses suggest that permafrost could produce carbon equal to 15 percent or so of today’s emissions from human activities.[61]
whoa WOW

>> No.8493263

>and then we're fucked for good

Doubtful, sure there will be some changes but nothing we can't deal with. Worst case scenario, we get sent back to the Paleocene-Eocene and everyone gets to enjoy tropical weather.

>> No.8493264

You still don't eliminate that carbon from the carbon cycle. It doesn't just magically go away into plants. What we have done is taken a bunch of carbon that was not present in our present day natural carbon cycle, carbon that was locked away in the Earth's crust by subducting oceanic plates, by faulting, folding and continental tectonics, by sedimentation and sea level rise and fall. We have taken this carbon that hasn't been a part of the system for millions of years, burned it, and added it to the current cycle. Most of the carbon that has been emitted as greenhouse gasses has gone into the oceans, and we can measure a changing pH in oceans worldwide because of this (putting more CO2 in ocean waters creates carbonic acid, leading to an overall decreasing pH). This leads to damages to coastal coral reefs such as coral bleaching, look at the great barrier reef today and compare it to hundreds of years ago. Look at other reefs worldwide and the evidence is staggering that warming ocean temperatures combined with ocean acidification is doing a lot of damage.

As for terrestrial plants absorbing all this additional carbon, we are deforesting the rainforests worldwide, look at Indonesia where they use slash and burn agriculture to remove massive swaths of rainforest and turn it into palm oil plantations. Look at Brazil where they use the same tactics to create cattle farms deep in the Amazon. Also, the areas where they do this are fucked, because once you remove the rainforest, it's incredibly difficult for the land to be reclaimed because you deplete all the nutrients in the already poor rainforest soils.

Plants aren't just going to spring up and absorb all the CO2 we are emitting, the oceans are already doing most of that work and getting fucked up due to it. Especially not when population is still growing by hundreds of millions each year, meaning more people with less resources. Africa's rainforests will be next as Africa's population booms.

>> No.8493268

that would be a cool story, but solar is cheap enough now that it's not that much more expensive than fossil fuel generated electricity

at best, the powers who choreographed the global conspiracy in your story would be able to price gouge for another 20%-30% maximum, because they'd have to stay competitive with solar
sort of undercuts your whole hypothesis

>> No.8493273

>Worst case scenario, we get sent back to the Paleocene-Eocene and everyone gets to enjoy tropical weather.

Just because shitskins are ruining their forests/jungles now doesn't mean they'll be able to once the food shortages set in.

>> No.8493274

>Everyone gets to enjoy

Yeah, as the sea levels rise globally, forcing people to migrate inland, destroying the most important cities in our civilization that are mostly coastal, destroying ports and disrupting world trade, causing economic crisis worldwide as governments struggle to figure out how to deal with massive immigrations far worse than what's occurring now in Europe from the Middle East, Africa, etc. Keep in mind that the equatorial regions of the Earth are going to get hotter and desertification will increase worldwide, leading to water shortages, crop failures and other negative impacts.

Then you have oceanic circulation being disrupted by melting ice in the arctic, leading to Europe becoming colder and having its own climate issues as the gulf stream is interrupted.

Collapsing fisheries globally due to over-fishing as well as coral reefs, the most central and important fishery structures, decaying and dying causing food shortages. Warmer ocean waters leading to higher evaporation and increasing intensity of tropical storm systems too.

These impacts may be decades off, hopefully most of us will be long gone before our children, and their children and grandchildren have to deal with a societal collapse. Either that or humanity gets its shit together and figures out a way to capture and remove carbon from our oceans and atmosphere.

>> No.8493280

You say it like this is a bad thing. The population needs to be culled but medicine ruined disease and no one wants to war constantly anymore.

>> No.8493281

Do you think we'll ever get to a point where lobby money can no longer convince 50% of the population that global warming isn't a thing?

>> No.8493286

Ugh you've like, totally got the world figured out.

>destroying ports
Are you saying a 30 metre tsunami is on its way?

>Collapsing fisheries globally due to over-fishing
I thought we were talking about climate change.

Anything else I should know about, Mystic Meg?

>> No.8493294

Where I live probably won't exist by 2100, I already live below sea level and dikes won't be able to stop coastal erosion that is already occurring here in large part to the petroleum industry.
It's easy to say things like this until you realize that this means a lot of us need to be culled as well. What's going to happen in the future when millions of migrants try to move from Africa / South America / ME / India / etc. to more developed nations? Shit is going to hit the fan, I mean Europe can barely handle the amount of migrants coming there now, in the future things like likely be far worse than that.

The real problem is people don't care about the issue because they a) won't care until it personally effects them and b) people just can't understand the long-term impacts that take place over decades to centuries.

Over-exhausting fisheries is part of the problem, and is related to climate change and global population. Fisheries are effected by warmer waters, fish species can be temperature sensitive, especially as eggs / juveniles.

As for destroying ports, if ice sheets globally continue to melt, yes, in the coming decades / centuries, the coastline globally will be vastly different than it is today. Of course ports won't disappear overnight, and sea walls / dikes / levees will be build in critical areas to counter sea level rise, it's inevitable that our cities will migrate inland over time, regardless of anthropogenic climate change, because we are still coming out of an ice age regardless and sea levels are rising at a measurable rate.

Of course this is an extreme example, but it's an interesting read regardless of if all glaciers worldwide melted.


>> No.8493300

>The real problem is people don't care about the issue because ... {human nature}
it sounds to me like you think there's just about no way to convince people that this is a big issue
which means it's a lost cause

>> No.8493308

>What's going to happen in the future when millions of migrants try to move from Africa / South America / ME / India / etc. to more developed nations?

Europeans will snap out of their liberalism induced stupor and murder all foreigners. Sure there will be lots of death and famine and whatnot but guess what? There are almost 8 billion people in the world. 200 years ago there was less than 2 billion. There are literally too many people alive. So, of course it's easy for me to say. Having all these people alive is not only bad for the planet but bad for the gene pool. People who would have died without modern medicine or the kindness of western nations get to live and propagate. This is especially bad when it comes to people who would have died without western nations' kindness. Those migrants you mention are not going to be welcomed with open arms and they're not going to ask nicely, there will be conflict and only the fittest will make it out of the crucible.

>> No.8493309
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you're shitposting on a weeknight bro you'd be first in the showers

>> No.8493311

It's Thanksgiving, what do you want me to do? Everything is closed.

>> No.8493312

>dikes won't be able to stop coastal erosion
Course they fucking can, to the extent that they are in good repair.

>linking National Geographic

>> No.8493313
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>Trump politicized climate change
>Not the scammers who force carbon taxation, unfair regulations, international politics and contracted oil companies.
Is Trump responsible for your worthless virgin life too?

>> No.8493317

how are the regulations unfair
they're still letting you kill the future of humanity, aren't they? how much more fair could it be

>> No.8493319

Good, who cares about dirt niggers.

>> No.8493320

I didn't know China and India followed those regulations

>> No.8493325
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>> No.8493350

Yeah I don't get this logic, and also, we are supposed to kill ourselves so equatorial people can live? In that case humanity should go extinct as we are obviously devolving.

>> No.8493366
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What's the point of new climate change-studying satellites at this point?
We already know what the problem is, and what needs to be done to fix it.

This is literally just cutting of wasteful spending.
>prove me wrong

>> No.8493370

195 nations have signed the Paris agreement
yes, including china and india
Trump is the only person retarded enough to threaten pulling out of it

and yes, since we contribute a large portion of the worlds pollution, we own a large portion of the responsibility

>> No.8493371

>people having to move a few miles away from the coast over the course of 100-200 years = killing the future of humanity

>> No.8493375
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>kill the future of humanity
Do you have more sensational catchphrases that are completely bullshit in context? I'm running out of edgy twitter posts.

>> No.8493379

the Paris agreement is a nonsensical nonbinding agreement that is nothing more than "I'll promise that my country will reduce CO2 emissions by x% by 2030
It contains no standards on how to do so, no punitive measures of reinforcement, no incentives to do so.
The US signs this "agreement" and absolutely nothing happens (or more accurately, the Democratic party waits and hopes that private industry types like Musk will cause enough change on their own to make the reductions happen, so they can then swoop in and take the credit)

>> No.8493381

Global Warming will result in the extinction of humans.
What do you have to gain from denying the impact of climate change?
I don't understand how people can be so selfish that Koch Brothers money is all it takes to get them to turn on their own species

>> No.8493383

just read this shit
>Furthermore, there will be no mechanism to force[18] a country to set a target in their NDC by a specific date and no enforcement if a set target in an NDC is not met.[16][19] There will be only a "name and shame" system[20] or as János Pásztor, the U.N. assistant secretary-general on climate change, told CBS News (US), a "name and encourage" plan.[21] As the agreement provides no consequences if countries do not meet their commitments, consensus of this kind is fragile. A trickle of nations exiting the agreement may trigger the withdrawal of more governments, bringing about a total collapse of the agreement.[22]
Worldwide agreements are useless cancer; always have been.

I know you're trolling, but how could stone-age humans survive an ice age but modern humans can't survive wet feet?

>> No.8493388
File: 84 KB, 950x586, TAR_projections.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well climate research has been pointless for a while now, it's a whole bunch of speculative models that cannot be verified until something happens. climate research at this stage is practically as scientific as string theory. just look at this huge range of projections, there is no way to know which model is correct till something happens. it's funny how climate scientists forgot the part of the method which requires observation. you can extrapolate only so much from ice cores and the tracking since the 60s is insufficient in verifying the predictability of any of these models anyway.

>> No.8493390

>worldwide famine
>nuclear weapons
>possibility of reduction in the oxygenation of the ocean, resulting in the death of all ocean life and the growth of anaerobic bacteria which expel poisonous gas as waste product -> atmosphere becomes toxic and all land life dies

>> No.8493396

>nuclear weapons
What does that have to do with CO2 in the atmosphere?

>resulting in the death of all ocean life
CO2 levels have been 200-500% higher in the past and yet ocean life didn't die.
>bacteria which expel poisonous gas as waste product -> atmosphere becomes toxic and all land life dies
haha what?
What bacteria? What gas?
It took literally billions of years for bacteria to oxygenate Earth's atmosphere.

>> No.8493408

>>nuclear weapons
>What does that have to do with CO2 in the atmosphere?
the fragile balance that keeps otherwise unstable nations from using them quickly tips when the entire populace starts to starve
since you couldn't make that connection yourself I'm not going to bother going into this anymore
it's too fucking depressing and too pointless at this point
we're all fucked and there's nothing I can do about it anyway

>> No.8493412
File: 35 KB, 440x427, 1462991444436-v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark Money
This dark meme is crossing the line

>> No.8493419

>CO2 levels have been 200-500% higher in the past and yet ocean life didn't die.

>CO2 changes over hundreds of thousands to millions of years
>Life adapts to such a gradual change
>CO2 changes over a century
>Life doesn't adapt

>> No.8493421

So why would anyone use nuclear weapons on starving people? Nuking enemy countries to steal their food is a bad idea because that ruins the crops and contaminates the processed food with radiation.

>> No.8493425

its just fun to make fun of tinfoilers

>> No.8493436

You could kill all organic matter in the ocean and the BOD that remained wouldn't be enough to deplete the ocean's dissolved oxygen

That anon's insinuation was fucking retarded from the start.

>> No.8493446


>> No.8493451

>heh these lugenpresse, I don't trust any (((journalists))), don't they know all real news in on /pol/ and /r/le_donald????
hello brainlet!

>> No.8493453

You're right, clearly it's better to trust Breitbart.

>> No.8493465

yeah, because 3-6% reduction will cause "the death of all ocean life," you fucking moron

>> No.8493483

>Ching! ExxonMobil has made another deposit into your account! We thank you for your loyalty.

>> No.8493489

>I get my news from hillary twitters and pope speeches
you even know what a brainlet is ?

>> No.8493503
File: 2.11 MB, 382x369, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe that climate research is necessary but it has been heavily politicized, which has undermined a lot of the work that researchers have been doing. Mr Trump’s decisions will be based upon solid science, not politicized science.
>Walker, however, claimed that doubt over the role of human activity in climate change “is a view shared by half the climatologists in the world. We need good science to tell us what the reality is and science could do that if politicians didn’t interfere with it.”



>> No.8493507

>CO2 levels have been 200-500% higher in the past and yet ocean life didn't die.

Well, not all of it at least.


>> No.8493510
File: 104 KB, 612x612, chest deep on the west side highway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well climate research has been pointless for a while now, it's a whole bunch of speculative models that cannot be verified until something happens.

About that....

>> No.8493513

hurricanes =/= climate

>> No.8493516


China takes this shit way more seriously than America ever did.


>> No.8493519


I sure hope you didn't put any money on that.




>> No.8493524



A humble quest for 1.5 million truthbux


>> No.8493525
File: 4 KB, 400x400, 1442355476372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8493526

>Implying this matters when NASA is either researching the discovery of the century or killing itself by taking pseudo-science serious

>> No.8493544

NASA = space shit

Global warming shit shouldn't be anywhere near it

>> No.8493547

>companies will increase spending and create more jobs

Say hi to your social studies teacher for me, she's doing a great job.

>> No.8493554

climate models change over time, with the general trend approaching a more accurate representation of the Earth system.
>ur rogn aboud glibade jadge

>> No.8493559

>climate models change over time
just like the bible :^)

>> No.8493573


Climate science is so fucking highly politized that it is almost unbelievable. There are dozens of huge red flags, and many many prominent people have pointed them out, and have had their careers ruined for doing so.

The idea that it somehow conservatives who are politicizing climate science is laughable at face value, and when people make this statement it only goes to show just how deeply the rabbit hole up their own ass actually goes.

>> No.8493583

>CO2 levels have been 200-500% higher in the past and yet ocean life didn't die.

99% of all species that ever existed are now extinct

>> No.8493584
File: 246 KB, 870x722, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8493586
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>> No.8493593

>reaction image reply

>> No.8493594

>China of all people is urging USA to take a stronger stance on climate change

What a time to be alive.

>> No.8493595
File: 269 KB, 538x538, d8b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8493596

Trump made deals with the oil jews to let them rape the atmosphere and all he has to do is to deny climate change until his presidency ends.

>> No.8493599

>doesnt like breitbart
are you getting your news from black lives matter website?

>> No.8493601
File: 25 KB, 698x455, xiu0csrnhcfx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone who doesn't read my neo nazi circlejerk is a BLM supporter
fuck off back to rebbit

>> No.8493604

your one-liners are functionally identical to image replies
>Exxon Mobil has added 30 cents to your account

>> No.8493607

>more reaction image replies
>neonazi circlejerk

Got more tryhard labels you'd like to throw around?

>> No.8493609

You have to go back to your home board. You are an unwanted immigrant here.

Here, I will provide you with a link as to expedite the journey: >>>/pol/

>> No.8493611

Thats the quality of reply you get for SJWtier shitposting

>> No.8493617
File: 164 KB, 1240x786, 5ae[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back to /pol/
Thanks for exposing your thin SJWtard veil. You can go behind the wall where you belong now.

>> No.8493619

You obviously have no interest in science or math, so why are you here? To shill for Trump? I wish there was a mathematical captcha to keep faggots like you out.

>> No.8493623

You think your failed climate meme is science?
When are you retards going to learn?

>> No.8493632
File: 77 KB, 650x650, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evangelicals attempt to change human sexuality with an armchair understanding pavlovian conditioning
>keep doing it for decades without reliably achieving the desired effect
This is pol's idea of science.

>> No.8493637

>doctors attempt to cure cancer with an armchair understanding of its causes
>keep doing it for decades without reliably achieving the desired effect
This is sci's idea of science.

>> No.8493638
File: 4 KB, 202x45, integral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have 15 minutes to solve this integral or you need to go back to >>>/pol/ immediately. Be sure to show all your work and appropriately cite the theorems used.

>> No.8493640

Anthropogenic climate change is happening.

>> No.8493641

earth ''''''''''''science'''''''''''''

>> No.8493642

These aren't comperable bodies of work and I suspect you know it.

>> No.8493643

>muh false equivalence
Nice logical fallacy my dude.

>> No.8493645

I'm sorry, you can meme your way to the top in the national popularity contest, but you can't meme science.

>> No.8493651

Imagine that a group of people have discovered that all houses in the United States are infested with termites. The termites are eating up the wooden foundations. In 20 or so years, the first houses will start to collapse, and many people will inevitably be left homeless. It's going to cost a huge sum of money to rebuild all houses after they've collapsed. However, we can easily solve this issue by using the more expensive concrete to build foundations of the new houses, instead of using wood. New houses would be termite-proof, and would last much longer in general. All across Europe, Australia, and across many places in Asia, people are already starting to use concrete.

Now, instead of pushing for the use of concrete in building foundations, the new president of the United States has decided that people are no longer allowed to inspect their foundations. Instead, all effort should go into making sure that our roofs are water-proof. All work that is done on foundations is to be considered political, because concrete is too expensive. Don't look at the foundations, look at the roof.

This is what this situation feels like. American scientists need to become vocal. This is unacceptable. Science is being stripped down, and you are letting it happen.

>> No.8493655

Having someone as vice president who's even worse than him in every aspect might be the best life insurance he has. If it wasn't for that I'd put money on him getting shot

>> No.8493656

[Secret service visits intensify]

>> No.8493658
File: 65 KB, 546x700, back to pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time's up! Looks like you're not qualified to talk about statistical models if you can't even compute a basic integral.

Guess it's time to go back where you belong.

>> No.8493660

>People who would have died without modern medicine or the kindness of western nations get to live and propagate.
r u an anime villain

>> No.8493661

China has been doing significantly more to fight climate change than the US

>> No.8493677 [DELETED] 

>B-but of course, t-this isn't easy for me to say, it's not like I want this or anything
lmao who the fuck do you think you're fooling /pol/

>> No.8493679

>This is unacceptable. Science is being stripped down, and you are letting it happen.
Fucking this.

>> No.8493685
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8493687

>can't do basic undergrad math
>complaining that you're getting triggered
i think you have more in common with those SJW humanities students than you'd like to admit, /pol/-kun

>> No.8493689

>muh memeforests

>> No.8493694

>There are dozens of huge red flags, and many many prominent people have pointed them out, and have had their careers ruined for doing so.
[citation needed]

>> No.8493697

>sperging false assumptions based on not believing constantly failed climate meme
>everyone who's not as retarded as me is bol :DD
This is why the church of climate change is a joke. You retards are the laughing stock of the century.

>> No.8493701

You've had half an hour to solve that integral, get to it my brain-damaged /pol/tarded friend.

>> No.8493702
File: 41 KB, 560x346, tips-how-to-stay-safe-during-a-house-fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to /pol/ where you belong brainlett. Failing that, here's a house fire for you to die in.

>> No.8493703 [DELETED] 

I'm not the one you posted that you delusional SJWtard. You are responsible for your own autism.
Behind the wall shitposter.

>> No.8493704

>can't do first/second year undergrad math
Why do /pol/tards complain about immigrants but constantly immigrate to boards where they aren't wanted?

>> No.8493706

Thank god Trump got rid of the church of AGW scammers and the money they're funnelling. Whats the next step to take out the trash and stop climate meme posters to shit all over this science board?

Do we need more clinics for the mentally challenged?

>> No.8493707

>Behind the wall
The irony is almost unbearable. Get a fucking education /pol/tard.

>> No.8493708

see >>8493702

>> No.8493709 [DELETED] 

samefag who knows as much math as a SJW women's studies major, top kek

>> No.8493710 [DELETED] 

Why do you keep calling /sci/tizens who ridicule your retarded AGW cult by another boards name like anyone ever falls for your SJW-tier bullshit? Do you think your delusions come true just because you spam it 50000 times?

>> No.8493713

samefag who knows as much math as a SJW women's studies major, top kek

>> No.8493714

>I'm okay with being an eternal loser.
There there SJWtard. I'm sure when Trump creates more jobs there will be some open spots for you to flip some burgers so you can stop shitposting everywhere.

>> No.8493715
File: 511 KB, 757x796, 1469404397946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solve the integral now.

>> No.8493717


You threw the entire fishing rod there.

>> No.8493718

Thanks for confirming your samefagging.
>still cannot into a basic integral

>> No.8493720

>do my homework
lmao. it's okay if they didn't teach you math in your SJWtard studies. I'm not doing it though.

>> No.8493724

>i can't do a basic integration by parts + trig identity integral
You have to go back.


>> No.8493725

The funny thing is that you're not only too retarded to do a simple integral, you're even too retarded to know how to get wolfram alpha to do it for you because you cannot do it yourself.

It's so blatantly obvious that you don't know anything about science, literally not even the most basic things. You don't belong on this board. No one's buying your shit.

>> No.8493727

>Do my homework or go away
Is it sad that nothing you ever want happens :(

>> No.8493728
File: 73 KB, 1056x869, this is you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't do basic calculus
>thinks he's qualified to talk about the validity of statistical AGW models
Hello /pol/ brainlet!

>> No.8493729

I'm not even the person who posted the integral you autist.

>> No.8493731
File: 31 KB, 250x251, 1390673832673[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spamming SJW is shitposting
>spamming pol is none of your business
This is why you SJWtards are globally despised.

>> No.8493733

>the science is settled
>we need more money to look at temperature gauges

>> No.8493734

>the science is not settled yet
>no need to fund it anymore
do you see what I did there?

>> No.8493735

What a spectacular way to initiate a brain drain.

As a European, I welcome refugees. That now also includes earth scientists.

>> No.8493736

Since we got rid of the cancerous climate change frauds, can we get back to the real science?
We finally have more budget for space exploration now.

>> No.8493737

The big picture is absolutely settled, but the specifics aren't.

>> No.8493739

>cancerous climate change frauds
See >>8493702

>> No.8493746

Oh yeah. Trump already has plans for a probe trip to Europa. This is going to be amazing.


>> No.8493755


samefag, you can tell by his posting style and diction. i doubt the dude has a job or majors in anything STEM-related, he just sits on /sci/ all day looking for opportunities to cry about people he politically disagrees with

there's more but this dude posts so much i can't be assed identifying all his garbage. ignore him and move on

>> No.8493759

Oh and this is probably him as well:

He sticks out like a sore thumb on a slow board like /sci/

reevaluate your life my man

>> No.8493792

So now NASA is saving billions it was otherwise wasting
He'll cancel constellation 2.0
And NASA will go back to being a production agency with an increased budget

>> No.8493794

what a stupid fucking popst
NASA does not exist for global warming propaganda or muslim outreach you piece of shit

>> No.8493797

>randomly bringing up muslims for no real reason
time to go back

>> No.8493798

>NASA does not exist for propaganda
>NASA does not exist for global warming

>> No.8493800

See >>8493702

>> No.8493801
File: 9 KB, 364x163, ucontrols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how much? A 'popular' target is a 50% reduction in U.S. CO2 emissions by 2050. What would be the effect on temperature at the end of the century? Somebody did a calculation based on current consensus models and presented the result in a congressional testimony.

>> No.8493807

NASA is for space stuff and flying stuff
not global warming/climate change garbage
That'll be transferred to the appropriate department

>> No.8493809

>NASA is for space stuff and flying stuff
It's also for aerospace research, which includes planetary science. That also applies to the study of our own planet.
>That'll be transferred
No it won't, it'll be de-funded.

>> No.8493810
File: 76 KB, 692x459, NASA objectives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, lookie here, the stated objectives of NASA when it was created in 1958

>atmosphere and space

Go back to /pol/

>> No.8493812

holy shit

you got destroyed

>> No.8493835

thats an optional objective

And such a thing is a far better fit for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
How many global warming propagandists do we need? How many fake models that predict nothing need to be done?

They let themselves get horrendously politicized and started lying for money, their own fault.

>> No.8493840

>literally its first objective
Fuck off.

>> No.8493842

BTFO >>8493807

>> No.8493855

Its not listed in order of priority

>> No.8493858

>§ 20103. Definitions
>(1) AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE ACTIVITIES.—The term ‘‘aeronautical and space activities’’ means—
> (A) research into, and the solution of, problems of flight within and outside the Earth’s atmosphere;

What is it with you /pol/tards and not knowing how to read or look up things. Get your shit together.

>> No.8493862


what are you saying

>> No.8493864

That research on the Earth's atmosphere is a clear objective of NASA.

>> No.8493865

The benefits outweigh the cost.

>> No.8493868

>I just don't think we should waste money.
Meanwhile, the military is spending millions on research on how to telepathically communicate with goats.

Get your priorities in order.

>> No.8493875

It's a clear optional objective, yes

>> No.8493876

There's no such thing as an optional objective.

>> No.8493878

It doesn't say that "NASA exists to study the atmosphere"
It states that its activities must be oriented to one or more of a list of objectives

This saves the "problems of flight within/outside atmosphere", which is a pretty normal definition of aeronautics

So no, there is no requirement for NASA to be doing global warming work.

>> No.8493886
File: 431 KB, 1600x1064, moving the goalposts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8493894

optional objective
which NASA is now being instructed not to do
Notice how noone is raising any sort of legal challenge to this?

>> No.8493897

>It doesn't say that "NASA exists to study the atmosphere"

>Subtitle VI—Earth Observations

>> No.8493898


>> No.8493902

You're allowed to, just stop using NASA funds you piece of shit.


>> No.8493903

Like oil and what not? Fuck off you disingenuous fuck.

>> No.8493905

>optional objective
Just because you say it doesn't make it so.

> POLICY .—Congress declares that it is the policy of the United States to undertake an immediate and appropriate research, technology, and monitoring program that will provide for understanding the physics and chemistry of the Earth’s upper atmosphere.

>> No.8493906

>research into, and the solution of, problems of flight within and outside the Earth’s atmosphere;
>flight within and outside the Earth’s atmosphere

How on earth do you deduce research into climate change from this line?
How does climate change affect the mechanics of flying in Earth's atmosphere?

>> No.8493907

Open the document, and read the section on the objectives.

>> No.8493908

See >>8493905

>> No.8493915

Why don't you just quote the right lines in the first place instead of making me sift through a 123 page document

>Congress declares that it is the policy of the United States to undertake an immediate and appropriate research, technology, and monitoring program that will provide for understanding the physics and chemistry of the Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Yeah sure, but why is that the job of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration agency? Why combine the two objectives? If I as a president invest in NASA, then I want to invest in space travel from and to planets, not climate change. Make a different agency for that and let me invest dedicated funds into that separately.

>> No.8493918

>Why don't you just quote the right lines in the first place instead of making me sift through a 123 page document

Jesus dude, you cannot expect to be taken seriously if you cannot even do a basic search.

>Why combine the two objectives?
Why the fuck would you split up the study of own own planet and that of other planets? They're incredibly intertwined. It would be like forcing mathematicians to not use both calculus and algebra, but stick to either one.

I bet you're the guy who cannot even solve a basic integral.

>> No.8493921

So you can't even navigate to the right section and then read the reinvent lines?

>but why is that the job of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration agency?

Well...because that's what it's stated objectives are. This isn't hard to grasp anon, they're the objectives because the people who founded it wanted those objectives.

>> No.8493926

>Yeah sure, but why is that the job of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration agency?
The part I quoted you is literally in the document declaring NASA's objectives.

Why does /pol/ hate reading so much?

>Make a different agency for that and let me invest dedicated funds into that separately.
Yeah, so it's easier for deniers to defund it for political reasons lmao. Do you really think it's so easy to divorce spaceflight and the study of celestial objects from our understanding of our own atmosphere?

>> No.8493927

>sift through a 123 page document
You probably should have done that before you started to make claims about what is or is not the purpose of NASA, faggot.

>> No.8493928

You can exchange information you know, we live in the time of the internet.

>Why the fuck would you split up the study of own own planet and that of other planets?
Stupid simplification. "Studying a planet" can mean literally anything. And climate change is a specific topic that eats up funds that could be used for other planetary studies and practical space travel applications.

Is that how you write papers? "Just do the research yourself". If you try to make an argument, then present your facts properly. If you quote something to make a point, then quote the actually relevant lines.

Not even the same person, I have two posts in this thread. Now three.

>Yeah, so it's easier for deniers to defund it for political reasons lmao.
So you admit it's only backpack riding on NASA funding for political reasons? Elect a better president who takes climate change seriously, instead of fucking with scientific funding for your own agendas.

>> No.8493931

>Yeah sure, but why is that the job of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration agency? Why combine the two objectives? If I as a president invest in NASA, then I want to invest in space travel from and to planets, not climate change. Make a different agency for that and let me invest dedicated funds into that separately.

>Hey guys, I want you to study inter-planetary travel.
>So figure out how to get there and how to land
Cool, we'll develop new rocket engines
>go for it
and we'll need to study the dynamics of our own atmosphere to make inferences on how to land on other planets

>> No.8493932
File: 99 KB, 900x900, stay where you belong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah sure, but why is that the job of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration agency
Oh shit, our astronauts are burning up on atmospheric entry on Titan.

I sure am glad we defunded the institute that studies atmosphere, we didn't need that research for drag modeling or those gas constants anyways

>> No.8493933

>If you quote something to make a point, then quote the actually relevant lines.
No, I make a statement and then provide the reference. That's literally what I did here. You're not even an undergrad yet, are you?

>> No.8493934 [DELETED] 

>And climate change is a specific topic
Knowledge and empirical measurement of climate change is a byproduct of solid geophysical research. How dense are you?

>> No.8493935

>Is that how you write papers? "Just do the research yourself".

When you right papers you highlight the appropriate part, then state what it says, then cite the source. Or in other words, exactly what's been done.

>> No.8493939

You don't need to study atmospheres to brake in them
You just have to overengineer a little

>> No.8493944

>Is that how you write papers? "Just do the research yourself".
This is how I write papers:
>Seminal work has demonstrated that anon is severely buttmad (Jimmy & Rustles, 1945, Royal Proceedings of the Society of Uranus)

>> No.8493945

Why did you quote these lines:

>§ 20103. Definitions
>(1) AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE ACTIVITIES.—The term ‘‘aeronautical and space activities’’ means—
> (A) research into, and the solution of, problems of flight within and outside the Earth’s atmosphere;

>Oh shit, our astronauts are burning up on atmospheric entry on Titan.
>I sure am glad we defunded the institute that studies atmosphere

Are you purposefully intellectually dishonest? Climate change research goes beyond these things, it looks for solutions to a specific problem. Research of the atmosphere for the purpose of traveling in and out of it, is indeed a useful subject for NASA. And I am sure that research will overlap heavily with research of climate change. But that doesn't mean the two fields of research serve the same objective.

>> No.8493948

> climate change is a specific topic that eats up funds
Our empirical knowledge of the existence of climate change only arose because of other research in other areas of the earth science, i.e. studying buffers in the ocean.

Also, by "eats up funds" you imply that studying it is worthless, correct?

>> No.8493950

>Why did you quote these lines:
To point you to the right section, which I didn't even need to do.

>> No.8493954

You were asking why we don't seperate institutions for atmospheric sciences from NASA and I explained to you why that is so.

Any institution that studies the atmospheric sciences is inevitably going to run into climate change data and consequences of the phenomenon. It would be intellectually dishonest to ignore it.

>> No.8493957
File: 174 KB, 500x600, 1475697899303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8493961

>Our empirical knowledge of the existence of climate change only arose because of other research in other areas of the earth science, i.e. studying buffers in the ocean.

MRIs and CT or CAT Scans also originated as a byproduct of nasa research. So what? That's the beauty of science, that doesn't mean we don't have transferred research into these technologies to medical research institutes. Do you want nasa to develop more efficient microwave ovens too?

>Also, by "eats up funds" you imply that studying it is worthless, correct?
No, I am saying it's not their job. Climate change is real. Is that what you wanted to hear? I am arguing against misappropriation of funds for political purposes.

>> No.8493963

>MRIs and CT or CAT Scans also originated as a byproduct of nasa research
So now you're just going to make up things altogether?

>> No.8493965

>I am arguing against misappropriation of funds for political purposes.
>Appropriating funds to NASA to study climate change and let them further their objectives is "misappropriation" and for political purposes.
>Appropriating funds to NOAA to study climate change and let them further their objectives is perfectly fine.

What the fuck?

>> No.8493966

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory developed digital image processing to enhance pictures of the moon. That greatly contributed to MRIs and CT or CAT Scans.

>> No.8493967

Taking funding away from NASAs core goal of space development and using it to fund politically motivated global warming cultists is misappropriation

>> No.8493968

Yes you got it

>> No.8493969

Jesus fucking christ. Do you realize just how retarded it is what you're saying? Image reconstruction is only a tiny part of MRI, CT and CAT. It's like saying that the company Nike pioneered the moon landing because astronauts wear shoes with soft soles.

>> No.8493970

>Taking funding away from NASAs core goal of space development
See >>8493810 The study of the atmosphere is clearly an objective.

>> No.8493972

Well that's fucking retarded.

>> No.8493974

The warming or cooling of the atmosphere has no relevance to aeronautics or space travel

>> No.8493976

Except it has huge and obvious relevance.

>> No.8493980

Jesus, let me use a different shitty example then to make my point.

>As the result of a program designed to develop a padding concept to improve crash protection for airplane passengers, Ames Research Center developed a foam material with unusual properties called temper foam or “memory foam.” The material has been incorporated into a host of widely used and recognized products including mattresses, pillows, military and civilian aircraft, automobiles and motorcycles, sports safety equipment, amusement park rides and arenas, horseback saddles, archery targets, furniture, and human and animal prostheses.

Does that mean NASA should now dedicate huge parts of their funds to pillows and sport safety equipment?

>> No.8493983

At no point does it say that the study of the atmosphere had to be directly related to either aeronautics or space travel. Just that it need to: >contribute materially... to the expansion of human knowledge of phenomena in the atmosphere and space.

>> No.8493986

>Does that mean NASA should now dedicate huge parts of their funds to pillows and sport safety equipment?
No, but that analogy is also inappropriate. No one's claiming NASA should develop tools to capture carbon or produce novel energy sources etc. It's about fundamental research. Materials science in your example. We're saying that NASA should be able to conduct fundamental research on the atmosphere, which touches upon climate change.

>> No.8493990

All that says is that studying the atmosphere is something NASA is allowed to do
Not that its an objective for NASA

>> No.8493994

>Not that its an objective for NASA

It literally uses the word objective to describe what it's goals should be, did you even read the post?

>> No.8493998
File: 102 KB, 600x640, 1478473389586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to cut climate change research funding and put it into space exploration
>doesn't realize climate change research is fundamental in understanding planetary atmospheric conditions and thus would still have to allocate funding for it.
>half of the U.S. population voted for this guy


>> No.8493999

It says their activities must contribute materially to one or more of these objectives
And then lists 8(now 9)
It is by no means mandatory to fulfill all these objectives, and it could easily enough be removed by republican congress if they wanted to.

>> No.8494000
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 1430290265679[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw globe still warms up even without human contribution

>> No.8494001

>half of the U.S. population voted for this guy
When considering voter turnout, it's actually less than a quarter. Nice democracy they have there.

>> No.8494002

We're gonna make america great again
and theres nothing you can do to stop it

These liberal scientists spewing propaganda have had a gravy train for too long

>> No.8494003

>No one's claiming NASA should develop tools to capture carbon or produce novel energy sources etc.

Then why are they doing it? Their research is dedicated specifically to climate change and global warming, not "atmospheric research that sometimes happens to overlap with climate change research". Why is NASA working on self-driving cars and electric planes?

>> No.8494004

>MRIs and CT or CAT Scans also originated as a byproduct of nasa research. Do you want nasa to develop more efficient microwave ovens too

You're comparing apples and oranges. Those are consumer medical technologies which are not within the scope of NASA's stated objectives, we're talking about atmospheric research about our planet which explicitly benefits the spaceflight arm of NASA. The earth science division complements the astronomy/exoplanet divisions in a very nice way which is greater than the sum of its parts. NASA is uniquely equipped for this kind of thing; they have the instrumentation, skilled personnel and cross-domain knowledge to benefit from it. Dividing the agency up and ruining this cross-pollenization by creating seperate, compartmentalized organizations is harmful to the underlying research.

>I am arguing against misappropriation of funds for political purposes
The very irony is that you are defending a partition of NASA by Trump that doesn't benefit the scientific research at all; it is being considered solely for political reasons.

>> No.8494006

>Why is NASA working on self-driving cars and electric planes?
Because that's fundamental aeronautics research.

>> No.8494007

Poe's law my dude.

>> No.8494008
File: 22 KB, 315x450, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is so much over-simplistic bullshit in this post I will have to break it down

>Invest in nuclear energy, invest in researching alternative nuclear fuels like Thorium.

This should have always been the plan, thanks leftwing ecofags!

>Reduce worldwide population in developing countries, Africa, etc.

Do you propose the gas chamber? Weaponized smallpox? Nuclear warheads, maybe?

>Invest in renewables like hydroelectric, wind in areas where it is effective, concentrated solar plants in deserts, and solar panels in cities and towns to supplement (won't be able to completely provide energy needs) the demand for energy.

The vast majority of renewables are HORRIBLY inefficient, and require government subsidies to run. In many cases, throwing up wind farms or solar power plants actually cause net decreases in power generation because the local coal power plants have to vary their output throughout the day in response to changing weather conditions, causing inefficiencies.

>Focus on sustainable agriculture by giving subsidies to local, sustainable farms, not massive agriculture conglomerates.

"Local sustainable farms" are far less efficient than agribusiness, and in many cases are no more cleaner. There is no real definition of "sustainable local farm" anyway, you are throwing money at nothing for feels.

>Reduce consumption of beef and other animal products

How? Carbon taxes on steak? Do you really want to make a black market for fucking steak, of all things?

>Stop letting the fossil fuel industry have such massive lobbying and political power.

You want to stripe private citizens of the right to political representation because you disagree with them?

>> No.8494017

>oil companies are private citizens!
$0.05 has been deposited in your account. Thank you for helping us take on the world's toughest energy challenges™

- ExxonMobil

>> No.8494019

>tinfoil posting
never change /x/

>> No.8494022

Oh, so it's okay when /pol/fags such as yourself do it, but pointing out your obvious shilling isn't?

>> No.8494024

>In many cases, throwing up wind farms or solar power plants actually cause net decreases in power generation because the local coal power plants have to vary their output throughout the day in response to changing weather conditions, causing inefficiencies.
oh no not the profits of coal companies ;_;

>> No.8494027

Kek, you gave em the ol' switcheroo

>> No.8494028

>Who cares about industry & saving money
>Energy costs don't effect anything!

>> No.8494031

Because he, a polriican, is cutting data gathering.

>> No.8494034

Thanks for admitting that you prioritize cash over human life, scumbag.

>> No.8494046

>Wow why can't coal companies have 100% of the market share in certain markets? Why do they have to vary their output in response to competition? Duke Energy should be able to charge you $0.25/kWh at all times of day!
>gee, environmental costs aren't factored into the price at all but that's okay because muh industry, my shekels

>> No.8494047

Alright let me list more shit then

>ginormous study operation called CORAL about the effect of climate change on coral reefs
>studying water pollution
>how cloud patterns effect animal species
>how climate change shifts wine grape harvests
>outreach campaigns and competitions to interest kids into climate change
>video education programs about climate change
>"NASA invites you — and everyone else on the planet — to take part in a worldwide celebration of Earth Day this year with the agency's #GlobalSelfie event."
>the effect of climate change on penguins and arctic mammals

>> No.8494052

All except the second to last point qualify as fundamental science. The second to last point is not research but a fucking tweet. Are you dense?

>> No.8494053

Fundamental research into climate change and global warming, not fundamental research into "atmosphere that sometimes overlaps with climate change". Are you still paying attention? And wasting funds on outreach campaigns, activism and hashtag campaigns is a good use of public funds?

>> No.8494054

>ginormous study operation called CORAL about the effect of climate change on coral reefs
Sounds pretty important to me honestly, given how important reefs are from an ecological perspective. There's a reason they're called canaries of the sea.

>> No.8494056

Oh, so you're coming back to disputing the usefulness of studying climate change right?

>> No.8494059

Atmosphere and climate change are not orthogonal concepts. Study one and you study the other. Are you still paying attention?

>> No.8494071

>usefulness of studying climate change right?

>> No.8494072

Not an argument.

>> No.8494081
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 1276362854068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we accept your surrender

>> No.8494082

We have been talking about why NASA should be doing this kind research for like 10 posts now. Why are you now changing the subject to "should climate change be studied at all"? I have never once said climate change should not be studied, I have always pointed out that it shouldn't be the job of NASA.

As pointed out before, your research in atmosphere will lead to overlap with climate change research. That doesn't mean you should dedicate a huge part of your funding to climate change in particular. NASA should dedicate funding to climate change research when it is relevant for traveling in and out of atmosphere. All scientific fields of study are interconnected to some degree, still we have separated research institutes for different objectives with separate funding. At the moment it is impossible to dedicate funds to state space exploration research without also funding the state climate change research at the same time. That is a dishonest manipulation of the tax payer.

>> No.8494095

>when it is relevant for traveling in and out of atmosphere
That will always be the case. That's the nature of dynamical systems, numbnuts.

>> No.8494101

>That's the nature of dynamical systems, numbnuts.
Since that is the case for basically any kind of research about earth and the solar system, why don't we just put all kinds of research from all fields of science into one big research institute? Then we can set one big science budget and have no influence whatsoever on what does get funded and what doesn't. Greaaat idea anon.

>> No.8494103

Because that would be impractical. The system as is, is working fine.

>> No.8494107

>I have always pointed out that it shouldn't be the job of NASA.

And why not? They are uniquely suited to study the atmosphere and their spaceflight programs both benefit and benefit from such study. They have unique advantages in instrumentation and the expertise in atmospheric sciences.

You still haven't addressed >>8494004 at all.

Why do you honestly believe Trump is doing this? Do you think it's to reorganize government agencies around efficiency (even though splitting resources and personnel like this would be demonstrably less efficient) or do you think it's because moving baseline climate change data to NOAA where it'll be more convenient to suppress such research?

>> No.8494126

Cash _IS_ human lives

>> No.8494128

>this is what the /pol/tard actually believes

>> No.8494129

I'd say he's mostly doing it to troll liberals

>> No.8494130

t. wu tang clan

>> No.8494135

>Why do you honestly believe Trump is doing this?
You can do the right thing for the wrong reasons. I ignored your Trump point because we are arguing about what should be NASA's objectives and not about president Trump's politics. I can't look into his head, I don't know why he is doing it.

>And why not?
As I have pointed out, the funding. Don't make me repeat it for the third time. Exchanging data and cooperation between institutes also isn't a problem in modern times.

>> No.8494136

>xdddd le epic troll
Daily reminder that daddy Trump already denounced alt right memers like you. You served your purpose in getting him elected like the cuck you are, now there is no longer a need to give a fuck about any of his promises to you. The wall will not be built and Clinton won't be going to jail. He can enrich himself and his pals all he wants now through the for-sale presidential office because obsequious little bootlickers like you will perform mental gymnastics to defend him every step of the way.

But hey, at least SJWs are btfo amirite?

>> No.8494139

Call me 2 years from now when GOP get a super majority in the 2018 election and tell me Trump has backstabbed us

>> No.8494143

"the funding" -- so you believe that reducing funding into climate change research is the right thing to do then? I thought you just wanted to move climate change research into a different federal agency.

>> No.8494151

>You can do the right thing for the wrong reasons.
> the right thing
You do realize that the plan is expressly not to move funds over to the NOAA, but to cut funds for atmospheric research altogether, right?

>> No.8494154
File: 84 KB, 975x640, Donal-Trump-e1458692474220[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure I surrender. What are you gonna do now? I'm waiting...

>> No.8494157

>Daddy trump l-lies to us because he loves us!
Reevalute your life guy, you're unironically shilling for a plutocrat (FOR FREE) on a chinese cartoon imageboard

>> No.8494161

>Sure I surrender
Well, then I believe we're done here. You've conceded the argument.

>> No.8494166

Trump is the first president that actually picked his appointments himself for generations

>> No.8494167

No I believe the tax payer should have the option to decide for themselves what they deem important to whatever degree.

>> No.8494172

>implying that contradicts anything I wrote about him being a plutocrat
Yeah, he handicked all the people who will help him plunder.

>> No.8494173

I don't know about that. Like I said I am not arguing politics, just about what should be NASA's objectives. But if you want to give a link to an article or something about Trump's plans, I will read it.

>> No.8494177

Lmao and how do you propose that system should be implemented? I need a good laugh

>> No.8494178

>But if you want to give a link to an article or something about Trump's plans, I will read it.
It's right there in the OP. That's what we've been talking about all this time.

>> No.8494182


>> No.8494183

>there are still people who deny AGW when there is a consensus.

>> No.8494184

We're experimenting with a system like that in the Netherlands. It's resulting in the complete stagnation of fundamental science, because 'the tax payer' doesn't understand its value. If we switch over the entire system, in 50 or so years all science will stagnate.

>> No.8494187

Handpicked workers don't mean shit if they aren't experienced in the field they are talking about.

This is why you pick people or recommended people based on their knowledge and ability.

>> No.8494189

Yeah I didn't buy your bullshit, what are you gonna do now? Lets see what's your next step towards enforcing the climate change meme...

>> No.8494191

oh no, random 4chan retard #8494189 who probably doesn't even have a BSc/BEng didn't buy into a empirically verified and accepted theory, wat do?

>> No.8494192

>what are you gonna do now?
Absolutely nothing. The level of retardation in your post makes it abundantly clear that at some point you'll walk under a buss or something, and the problem (you) will sort itself out.

>> No.8494195

Well for once let NOAA handle climate change research, or create a separate entity altogether.

>> No.8494202
File: 103 KB, 500x440, Reaction-pictures-laughing[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm a powerless maggot who's stuck in parents basement and I accept being the bottom bitch of the Trump empire.

Thanks for playing.

>> No.8494203

So you take issue with NASA getting funding for climate change research, but you want NOAA to handle such research but receive the same amount of funding that NASA currently does for it, correct?

Or do you want to reduce funding for climate change research?

>> No.8494206

see >>8493702

>> No.8494213

>bottom bitch
t. the guy who would let Trump bang his wife and while shouting "MAGA" in the corner.

lmao, trump fellators are the biggest cucks on this website.

>> No.8494219

projecting your own cuckaroo fantasies again? Don't you know that its sexist to fuck your own wife carl? Does she even let you in the bedroom?

>> No.8494223

I'm not the one who worships another man because he's richer than me. You are.

Feel free to drink some drano at any time.

>> No.8494225

Yes, but this discussion you are participating in right now is about NASA's objectives, which is tangentially about the topic of the OP. Since Trump has enacting policies about it.

I guess now are we talking about my personal opinions. Personally, if I had absolute power, then I would put the same amount of funding that NASA received for it into NOAA for the same purpose, though it is hard to say which amount of it's funding was supposed to go to that specific purpose. Personally I would probably invest even more money into it than before.
But since I don't have absolute power and this is a democracy, I will let the public decide, or in this case the democratically elected president and the congress.

>> No.8494228

Yeah you're a loser who lives on welfare checks and gets jealous of the richies for working their asses off. Nothing new.

>> No.8494233

t. posting on an anime imageboard at 11am on a thursday.

I can definitely tell you're "working your ass off" and not a loser at all. Don't worry, I'm sure Trump will help you soon after he builds his physical wall -- or is it more of a metaphorical wall now? I can't keep track.

>> No.8494237

ssshhh it's okay. take your meds and go to sleep.

>> No.8494242

t. unemployed loser

>> No.8494258

Sorry to hear that you are one. Expected from a Bernout maggot though :(

>> No.8494267

You can't even ascertain my political affiliation correctly -- you must have 90 IQ. Sorry but brainlets belong on >>>/pol/

>> No.8494271

>t. 100% wrong Bernie sucker

>> No.8494282



>> No.8494286

Aren't you tired of being wrong?

>> No.8494298

>>8485733 → →

same dickslurping faggot

>> No.8494301


>> No.8494306

>>8485733 → → →

>> No.8494379

Is it just me or does it seem like the Trump win gave the /pol/tards that extra bump in confidence to venture out and shitpost on every board? Seriously, it never used to be THIS bad.

>> No.8494392

It's just you.

>> No.8494396

found the /pol/tard

>> No.8494403

>because you disagree with me
back to your hugbox you shitposting SJWtard >>>/r/eddit

>> No.8494408

way to give yourself away fag

>> No.8494416

Stay behind the wall before you get jailed loser.

>> No.8494435

I think I've made my point.

>> No.8494439

>I'm retarded
you did.

>> No.8494460

No one here in the U.S. with a decent job is working today.

>> No.8494496

you're trying way too hard.

and remember, the person who replies last is the REAL troll

>> No.8494497

still here /pol/tard

>> No.8494498

nice try ;))

>> No.8494504

I know, it's because I'm better then you

>> No.8494512 [DELETED] 

u r. @ suking dick :^)

>> No.8494515

>t. cuckmaster