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8415465 No.8415465[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this liar and fraud still taken seriously in the academic community?


>> No.8415472

Crowd psychology and tribalism via submersion in local social feedback loops fed by non-local sources.

>> No.8415534


>> No.8415537


>attacking a dead man


anyway, he was a good writer and came up with many interesting ideas. KYS faggot.

>> No.8415539

>>attacking a dead man
He's dead but people still believe his bullshit.

>> No.8415543

>anyway, he was a good writer and came up with many interesting ideas
but they were proven wrong
and he falsified data

murder yourself leftshit

>> No.8415548

>but they were proven wrong

Oh yeah, all of them?


Oh I see, you're politically motivated. You can get off your soapbox about scientific accuracy then.

>> No.8415550

>Oh yeah, all of them?

>Oh I see, you're politically motivated.
So are you.
Don't try and deny it.
Gould was a fucking MARXIST, of course we was politically motivated.

>> No.8415558


Well start listing them then, I'll wait

>So are you.
>Don't try and deny it.
>Gould was a fucking MARXIST, of course we was politically motivated.

whooooooah a MARXIST, he was MARXIST

and you're a FAGGOT

>> No.8415563

>Furthermore, studies have demonstrated that modern human variation is generally continuous, rather than discrete or “racial,” and that most variation in modern humans is within, rather than between, populations [11],[17]. In particular, cranial capacity variation in human populations appears to be largely a function of climate, so, for example, the full range of average capacities is seen in Native American groups, as they historically occupied the full range of latitudes [18]. It is thus with substantial reluctance that we use various racial labels, but it is impossible to discuss Morton and Gould's work without using the terms they employed.

But the authors of the article are clearly MARXISTS too, how can you trust anything they say, /pol/friend?

>> No.8415583

>whooooooah a MARXIST, he was MARXIST


As a scientist, as you pretend to be, do you not find that disturbing?

It's the same as discovering someone is a pagan or a creationist. Obviously they aren't scientists if they believe in insane fairy tales.

>> No.8415584

>But the authors of the article are clearly MARXISTS too,
How in ANY WAY does this invalidate their findings about gould's lies.

Also, their idea that it's all based on climate has no scientific backing.

Gould fucking lied.

Different race's skulls DO have different sizes.

Why do these OBJECTIVE FACTS make you so upset?

>> No.8415595

So has anything other than this skull paper been refuted?

>> No.8415599


But it's not as damaging as this skull paper.

>> No.8415608

Look at his work in paleontology, not anthropology, and try again.

>> No.8415611

also garbage

once a liar always a liar

>> No.8415614

This guy is a prime example of bias, and more importantly he is the pinnacle of human trash.

>> No.8415616

>once a liar always a liar
not necessarily, there's a gap in your logic.

>> No.8415619

>more importantly he is the pinnacle of human trash.
Fucking this

most leftists are like this

>> No.8415624

Any examples or you just rambling about nothing?

>> No.8415627

ITT: /pol/ gets butthurt and posts outside of their containment board

>> No.8415632

4chan is /pol/

if you don't like it go back to tumblr

literally nobody uses the "containment board" meme anymore

>> No.8415633

>posting about ethics in science is /pol/ posting

What's wrong with you?

>> No.8415634

There's nothing wrong with living a socratic lifestyle, but I wish they would leave the ad hominems and charlatanism on their own board.

>> No.8415637

>also garbage
Which paper specifically?

>> No.8415639


Go home, your containment board needs you

>> No.8415644


Just because you don't agree with science doesn't mean you can make the "evil meanies" that disagree with you go away.

>> No.8415647

He's not saying he disagrees with science, he just doesn't like /pol/ posters.

>> No.8415652
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>hurr i want to rant about libtards incessantly and complain about liberals in a way that is tangential at best to the subject at hand
>what do you mean "go back to /pol/"??? why do you hate science????

>> No.8415655
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>he just doesn't like /pol/ posters.
Good for him.

Doesn't change the fact he's factually incorrect.

>CTR is on /sci/ as well

>> No.8415656
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Go back to /x/ Shillary cunt.

>> No.8415660

>CTR is on /sci/ as well
Thanks for outing yourself as a /pol/tard

Feel free to leave at any time.

>> No.8415661

>Doesn't change the fact he's factually incorrect.
He never made any claims other than he thinks /pol/ is behind this thread.
Meanwhile you've put words in his mouth twice.

>> No.8415663

KYS. This thread is a literal trash and it has no scientific discussion in it. This >>8415563 try is laughable at best.

>> No.8415664
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>Thanks for outing yourself as a /pol/tard
Thank you for outing yourself at CTR.

Have fun being a "Nerd Virgin".

>> No.8415665

>he thinks /pol/ is behind this thread
This makes /pol/ sound like a boogeyman -- always preying on the poor little science nerds.

>> No.8415667
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>He never made any claims other than he thinks /pol/ is behind this thread.
So according to you he completely agrees with /pol/ yet at the same time hates /pol/ and wishes those evil meanies would go back to their containment board.


>> No.8415668


Always personalize and emotionalize.
If you can't attack the idea, attack the person.
It's much easier and no one will notice anyway.

Thank you for your cooperation.

>> No.8415670

>This makes /pol/ sound like a boogeyman -- always preying on the poor little science nerds.
Or you know, keeping us from having serious discussion. I see his point.

>> No.8415671

>This thread is a literal trash and it has no scientific discussion in it.
Except for the fact we're debunking the scientific fraud SJG.

>> No.8415672

>posting /pol/ memes
>"i-i'm not from /pol/ i swear"

>> No.8415673

>Or you know, keeping us from having serious discussion.
Why don't you stop bumping this thread and go have your serious discussion else where?

>> No.8415674

Not at all.
You're putting words into my mouth as well.

>> No.8415675

>calls this act "debunking"
No you're not. You're shitposting, that's what you're doing here.

>> No.8415676

>Except for the fact we're debunking the scientific fraud SJG.
No one in this thread debunked him.
The Mismeasure of Man had already been falsified before this thread.

>> No.8415688

>pol has memes completely separate from the world
global memes trigger you kid?

>> No.8415691

This thread is a great example for why SJWtards need to be permabanned on sight.

>> No.8415709

Not only permabanned.

They need to be shot on sight as well.

>> No.8415722

>They need to be shot on sight as well.
I'm tempted to go this route, but would ultimately soften and just put them in labor / re-education camps instead.

The content would include:
-Philosophy. Epistemology, ontology, history and evolution of science, Atomism, etc
-Psychology, specifically crowd psychology, cognitive heuristics, social dynamics, fine group dynamics, all the relevant feedback loops
-Neuroscience. The mechanical "bottom up" counterpart to psychology. This is advantageous to understand philosophy as well.
-Courses meant to put people in situations where typical social dynamics are disrupted and any given individual feels like an outsider. Push things further to force people to function this way long term. Make them learn to hate everyone equally. Make them hate themselves and experience unshielded self disgust that cannot be offloaded or counterbalanced. More or less, brute force self awareness, awareness of others, and misanthropy. Learning to understand and move passed this will be key to their development.

I'd like to avoid drugging them, or inducing mechanical damage to the brain. Light drugs might be added to their food though.

After meeting a set of predetermined, but unknown to them criteria, they might be released back into society. Re-offenders get sent to a secondary facility. Those who cannot be re-integrated, or who re-offend yet again, will be executed by a method of their choosing. Firing squad will be the default.

>> No.8415731

No need for labor camps or anything of the sort. Just put them in the cancerous establishments they force upon society like third world countries, ghettos or islamic populated areas. Soon they will either get gangraped and shot or got their face raped with battery acid.
Give them what they want and save mankind while doing so, it's a win-win.

>> No.8415736

Hm, good thinking. They could be taught what the human species really is, and really can be expected to become, by force. Not only will they will understand firsthand, they will be part of it.

Good thinking.

>> No.8415738

You're talking total crap. I've lived in the shittiest places of russia, totally described as:
>situations where typical social dynamics are disrupted and any given individual feels like an outsider. Push things further to force people to function this way long term. Make them learn to hate everyone equally. Make them hate themselves and experience unshielded self disgust that cannot be offloaded or counterbalanced. More or less, brute force self awareness, awareness of others, and misanthropy
and that almost made me a revolutionary-level commie. And I actually think there might be another 1917 here, since society is literally boggling in some places

>> No.8415741


>> No.8415751


I once lied to over for a friend, does that mean I will always lie 24/7

>> No.8415755

>I've lived in the shittiest places of russia, totally described as:
There are multiple ways to employ the same high level thing, and they'll yield different results.

>and that almost made me a revolutionary-level commie.
I fail to see a problem. Probably.

>since society is literally boggling in some places
I don;t know much about Russia internally, but haven;t economic sanctions trashed everything to the point where it's just elites mindlessly fighting with each other over who'll gobble up the most remaining scraps?

I'm curious. I'm learning Russian. I know very little about modern Russia.

>> No.8415792

Psychic eyes...

>> No.8415798

>/sci/ needs to turn into a safe space for my political opinions!
Fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.8415801
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>> No.8415803

> haven;t economic sanctions trashed everything to the point where it's just elites mindlessly fighting with each other over who'll gobble up the most remaining scraps?
yes, sanctions have worsen it a bit, but the worst part was always gang of criminals in power, in 90s they've placed their people on every significant position (businessmen are their people as well) and ruined nearly every social institute there was. now there's an uncertainty who will succeed putin. And, of course, no one cares about people.

>> No.8415808

*social institution

>> No.8415815

>m-mm-muh black magic
Fuck off back to >>>/c/ancer

>> No.8415821

What are you even babbling on about you 90-IQ /pol/tard?

>> No.8415824
File: 33 KB, 163x240, absolutely hugh mungus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jamal is calling someone 90-IQ poltard
They let monkeys play with keyboards in jail now?

>> No.8415827


>> No.8415830


>> No.8415834

Your link doesn't work. But mine does.

>> No.8415840

I'll go there if they somehow start teaching anthropolohy and biology in political science classes.
Meanwhile, try this link until it gets you somewhere

>> No.8415843


>> No.8415845

Boy you libtards love shitting and spamming everywhere you go don't you? Get off the science board if you can't handle facts.

>> No.8415846

>muh biofacts

>> No.8415848

>le /pol/ bait
pretty sure this is a falseflag


>> No.8415849

>muh feelings

>> No.8415850


>> No.8415851

go away if you have nothing scientific to say

>> No.8415853


>> No.8415855

I have no idea why these college dropout SJWtards try so hard to insert themselves into a science board, then deny everything science puts on the table. What causes this type of severe brain damage ?

>> No.8415857

>samefagging this hard

>> No.8415865

who cares. let them cry themselves to death. we should just relocate them to ghettos to get gangraped and killed so they get what they want and we get some goddamn peace.

>> No.8415867

Same fucking faggot

>> No.8415869


SAGE you fucking faggots, have you ever heard of sage? Stop shitting up the board and bumping flame threads.

>> No.8415870


Go away you sad little shitter. I'm bored of seeing you cry and whine.

>> No.8415872


>> No.8415882

Yet another thread where the SJWtard got severely BTFO

>> No.8415885



>> No.8415888

>How in ANY WAY does this invalidate their findings about gould's lies.

It doesn't, just like Gould being a marxist has anything to do with his paper. kys yourself you dumb /pol/ faggot.

>> No.8415890

This thread is just more evidence /pol/ should have been deleted years ago

>> No.8415899

Why is this disgusting SJWtard stil begging for a ban?

>> No.8415904


>b-ban this guy m-mods!

You're not in your hugbox anymore redditor

>> No.8415906


>> No.8415908

ssshhh...keep quiet peasent

>> No.8415936
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+1 to image limit, no contribution


>> No.8415963

Awesome I can bump now

Stay mad your saviour got rekt