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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 1200x900, flag (stripes and hydrogen or earth and sun).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8182308 No.8182308 [Reply] [Original]

Technocratic republic of /sci/ fucking when?

>> No.8182316

>Day 0: /sci/topia is founded
>Day 1: Government is instantly split because all the high IQ faggots who were allowed to stand for office can't stop arguing over basic definitions
>Day 2: Civil war erupts between those that think that discussion of qualia should be outlawed as pseudoscience, and those that think "it's totes legit, dude".
>Day 3: 90% of the population are dead after some AnCap faggot thought it would be a good idea to sell nuclear weapons to both sides
>Day 4: The remaining 10% try to rebuild, and finally notice there are no woman in /sci/topia
>Day 5: Experiment abandoned, everyone returns to their previous lives.

>> No.8182319

>Day 4: The remaining 10% try to rebuild, and finally notice there are no woman in /sci/topia
>tfw I'm transgirl
>tfw that doesn't count since still can't bear children

>> No.8182321

This isn't your blog, faggot.

>> No.8182323

Careful with the edge there. I never claimed this to be my blog.

>> No.8182342

there would, ironically, be a wall built to keep out /pol/

>> No.8182344

back to >>>/r/eddit SJWtard. we're tired of you bitching and bringing pol into every thread. go cry elsewhere.

>> No.8182347

>a poltard getting triggered
Amusing irony

>> No.8182349

You do realize that you sjwtards wouldn't even exist in a world governed by science and facts right ? talk about irony lol

Good job derailing yet antoher thread. Now fuck off.

>> No.8182352

The /pol/ wall would be built so we don't have to have another fucking discussion about IQ

>> No.8182355
File: 6 KB, 236x333, 16dd5d66b881964887b57862e84cfffc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the flag of technocracy tho ? Coz that flag is quite shitty senfam

how bout something like this ?

>> No.8182356

Ah yes, because /pol/ is such a hotbed of rational thinking and scientific discussion. I'm not even that guy, it's just funny that /pol/ likes to make fun of teenagers getting "triggered" when most of their user-base does the exactly same stuff. They just think that having edgy opinions somehow makes it ok for them.

>> No.8182359

If you wanna suck /pol/s dick so much , fuck off and stay there SJWtard. Nobody wants to hear your constant bitching here.

>> No.8182365

Technocracies sound like a good idea but in practice they tend to be very totalitarian governments that generate a lot of resentment from the populous (see USSR and China).
Sounds like you're the one doing the bitching here, my friend.

>> No.8182367

I didn't start crying about pol out of nowhere like the typical SJWtard . >>8182342

>> No.8182369

We're a unified force of mind and steel, not a noble house.

>> No.8182371

but thats the unity of the world right ?

>> No.8182372

So your solution is to cry harder? K, then. Care to try to discuss the topic at hand?

>> No.8182374

I was until SJWtards decided to raid this thread too. So if you can stop crying and projecting for 1 second it can go back to normal.

>> No.8182377

I'll take that as a no.

>> No.8182381

All of this is one single samefag trying to make it look like /pol/-fags are persecuted by evil zionist SJWs. Just kill yourself faggot.

>> No.8182382

ssshhh...stop crying and focus on the thread already. how about you post a flag of what you think would fit for the technorepublic ?

>> No.8182388

I've already said how I don't think a technocracy is a good idea. Science just needs more lobbying groups to increase it's influence.

>> No.8182393

Every couple of days a /pol/tard would break through the wall and start screaming at everyone.
They would then be dragged back outside while they loudly accuse everyone else of being invaders.

Honestly, I'm not all that sold on technocracies as an idea - scientists and engineers have a bad habit of being highly specialized and utterly hopeless when they have to work outside of that specialty. However, I could get behind the idea of a "technocracy-lite", where specialists and predictive models are used as key part of the decision-making process in otherwise non-technocratic governance.

>> No.8182394

Well they need the budget and sadly people care more about the kardashians than the mysteries of Mars. Also its not good to dilute the scientific community with political influence.
It's just up to the government how much they spare for science and thats eventually who you would ask for a change.

>> No.8182409

Scientists already lobby themselves in a way (conferences, grant proposals etc.), they just need to organize a bit more and appeal to the funding departments. I don't think it would "dilute" the community.

>> No.8182452


Mate, evidence based everything.

Randomised trials on two or more different policy approaches.

The end of rhetoric.



Conduct trials and then compare outcomes = answer = the end of ideological cunt flapping.

>> No.8182456

>The end of rhetoric.
I could die happy.

>> No.8182461


Me too, brother.

Me too.

>> No.8182473
File: 43 KB, 600x360, flag (integral).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coz that flag is quite shitty senfam
That flag was made by /sci/ several years ago.
Here's another of the ideas from back then.

>> No.8182565

>it's not a triple integral
We can improve on that.

>> No.8182567
File: 226 KB, 500x1300, coat of arms or a banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this coat of arms?

>> No.8182591

It's really fucking gay.

>> No.8182633
File: 15 KB, 415x500, swedish face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like your father, then. That's good.

>> No.8182641


>> No.8182645
File: 2 KB, 100x100, wiki logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it also resembles a planet orbiting a star or a satellite orbiting a planet.

>> No.8182647

>Day 3: 90% of the population are dead after some AnCap faggot thought it would be a good idea to sell nuclear weapons to both sides

>> No.8182648

Because it's a clearly recognizable and distinctive icon.

>> No.8182653

2017 like we agreed on?

to be honest, how many of you here were in the original 2011 threads and have been saving money for 2017?

I hope I'm not the only one who took this seriously.

>> No.8182655

ok but you could use a big point with a cloud around and it will be like the representation of an atome and of a solar systeme with asteroids around

>> No.8182660

Didn't all of the prominent tripfags related to the project disappear long ago?
I remember that the Hampture dude got arrested for pedophilia after getting doxed and reported to the police by hating anons.

>> No.8182746

No thanks, we don't need another Nazi Germany.

>> No.8182817

>>Day 2: Civil war erupts between those that think that discussion of qualia should be outlawed as pseudoscience, and those that think "it's totes legit, dude".
Holy fucking kek

>> No.8183568

>mind and steel
I love it

>> No.8183582

don't care
has no relevance to the thread
fuck off back to >>>/lgbt/

>> No.8183723

You meant transexual. You're a guy.

>> No.8183776

We can be /pol/izis and /sci/entists too you know

>> No.8184383

Great post.

>> No.8184388

No you can't.
Keep /pol/ on /pol/

>> No.8184422

you keep yourself out of 4chan.

>> No.8184435

Keep your leftist cancer on reddit, reddit.

>> No.8184443

> /pol/tards
> thinking they belong

>> No.8184450

> SJWtard
> posting on 4chin
the irony...

>> No.8184453

> everyone that doesn't like /pol/ is a SJWtard
> posting on a website created by SJWtards
> pretending you're not a SJWtard for posting on a website created by SJWtards

>> No.8184462

> everyone that doesn't like SJWtards is /pol/
> posting on a website created by SJWtards
Sorry sjwtard but Moot blessed 4chan with free speech so dumbfucks like you cant police threads or what people say. As much as its a nice dreamworld you're living in, you incompetent mouthbreathing SJWtards have never created anything in this world that is a tiny bit useful.

>> No.8184472

bahaha. He has explicitly said he doesn't like /pol/ leaking to other boards.

>> No.8184473

any anything a sjwtard doesn't like is pol, so...

>> No.8184477

>disagrees with me
>is automatically man made of straw
good thing with free speech we're allowed to say to fuck off back to /pol/ lamo
its rather the other way around, anything against pol is an sjwtard

>> No.8184480

Then enjoy the fact that your fellow SJWtards are destined to be losers forever ;)

>> No.8184483

have you been paying attention to this conversation?
it's about keeping pol on pol.
> /pol/tards in charge of basic literacy

>> No.8184487

It's about containments and deflecting your invasion is not an excuse for your existence on 4chan. SJWtards belong to >>>/r/eddit. So tell me why are you even here ?

>> No.8184488

o u got me
someone who doesn't want /pol/ on their board doesn't make them an sjw
you're just using it as a pathetic buzzword label for anyone you don't like. why aren't you saying libcucks as well? step it up m80

>> No.8184490

> anything I don't like is pol
I never said libcuck, im neither left or right. Go tell it to whoever said it.

>> No.8184491

>I never said libcuck
>why aren't you saying libcucks
I know, I was just pointing out that calling anyone you disagree with an 'sjwtard' is as childish and retarded as calling everyone you disagree with a libcuck
>anything i don't like is pol
no, i said
>someone who doesn't want /pol/ on their board doesn't make them an sjw
idk where you got that from tbqh famalam

>> No.8184494

Not being a /pol/lock doesn't automatically make you an SJW. This is essentially the definition of a straw man argument: he mentions keeping /pol/ out, and you start arguing against SJWs, something he didn't bring up.

>> No.8184498

> bitching about pol out of nowhere with the only purpose of baiting and derailing threads
> w-why are you calling me a sjwtard

and this is why reddit must stay in reddit

>> No.8184505

>> w-why are you calling me a sjwtard
lmfao >>8184494 JUST pointed out your strawman r u srs
im goin to bed, nice b8 you got a bite from me

>> No.8184506

congrats on being completely illiterate
This is why you have to go back.

>> No.8184554
File: 538 KB, 1724x1633, 1463130178008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conflating leftists with liberals

>> No.8184573

whats the difference Karl ?

>> No.8184576
File: 37 KB, 349x475, 344018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only the point in time. The future of marxism would be the same anyway.

>> No.8184583

All you womenless had to write was /thread

>> No.8184623

But we need an anthem

>We're a unified force of mind and steel, not a noble house

This is a good theme. Send to /mu/, time for those assholes be useful

>> No.8185979

We'd have to enslave the Engineers.

>> No.8185982

>build robots that can build
>sudden influx of male strippers and restaurant employees

>> No.8186147

We can use them for Bio and Chem experiments.

>> No.8186162

You know engineers don't build stuff right?

>> No.8186197
File: 1.27 MB, 1500x3400, 1464972671903-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one, historical materialism predicts that all adversarial identarian relationships inherently derive from the most fundamental antagonism of property relations, that is, global bourgeois and global proletariat, through a series of dialectical contradictions. For instance, you are in direct competition with immigrants for various jobs here, and workers in other countries lest these jobs be outsourced/offshored. This isn't because the "white" and "nonwhite" races have some sort of fundamental animosity by nature but because capital has outgrown the boundaries of the nation-state which birthed it and floats freely, seeking the cheapest (in absolute terms) labor while labor itself remains landlocked and localized somewhere in a heterogeneous matrix of purchasing powers/costs of living. The entire premise that you are in competition for "the same jobs" which do not exist independent of the bourgeoisie is a false premise of class rule.

>> No.8187722


A bit like Debian then.

>> No.8187743

I can't see the 20,000,000 deaths caused by leftist socialist regime under Stalin in that picture. Quite an important historical period to "forget" fampai

>> No.8187750

>>Day 4: The remaining 10% try to rebuild, and finally notice there are no woman in /sci/topia
>implying we wont just create artificial women .

>> No.8187767

wow, you just forgot 60 millions death in China, and 3 millions death in my country, thanks

>> No.8187769

> implying we don't just get efficient and simulate sex in our brain to save time

>> No.8187799

>Implying we don't just do drugs

>> No.8188106
File: 51 KB, 301x475, 953773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's comparing -ideas-. There are no "historical periods" in the image, whatsoever, in the first place.

>leftist socialist regime
Did the workers own the means of production?

There's a very comprehensive critique of Stalin and historical account of how his policies came to overcome and suppress Marxist ones.

I don't see why we're playing bookkeeper with deaths. You /pol/yps certainly don't see >muh six gorillion as a valid argument, and probably don't even accept world war 1 and 2 deaths (or any other) were due to capitalism ("how does an idea kill?") Why the double standard, and why should your insistence override actual historical argument? Even if true, how and in what sense is that supposed to invalidate Marx's actual critique of capitalism?

Oh hey guys, this Russian dude starved Ukraine, guess capitalism isn't a fundamentally contradictory system anymore

>> No.8188136

Good concept, shitty execution.

>> No.8188171


god i hate systemd. not (just) for the technology, also for ruining debian.

>> No.8188182


>> No.8188205

>god i hate systemd
go to your containment board and don't follow the trends of what software to whine about here. it was funny until you made it real by being a plebeian.

>> No.8188241

>Day 0: /sci/topia is founded
And Day 0 it falls

>> No.8189071

Fucking never I hope. Technocrats tend to be dumb as fuck regarding what is possible with computers, and they tend to be dumb as fuck anarchists too.