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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8163722 No.8163722 [Reply] [Original]

Idk if this is the right board for it this but why is pedophilia considered a mental disorder by the DSM if homosexuality isn't? There seems to be a lack of consistency. In my personal opinion, any deviation from the sexual norm, except fetishes, should be called what it is, a disorder. If being gay was the norm, maybe being straight would be a disorder, but the reality is that the if everyone were gay, humans wouldn't exist for very much longer.

>> No.8163726

>but why is pedophilia considered a mental disorder by the DSM if homosexuality isn't?
Because one is socially inappropriate on rational basis and the other is is socially inappropriate on the basis of prejudice.

>> No.8163728

Don't worry. When Shillary gets elected, pedophilia will not be a crime or a mental disorder any more.

>> No.8163752
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I don't think pedophilia is a sexual disorder. I think there are just uncaring monsterous people out there targeting peoples kids and daughters for their own pleasure. Disorder or not, it definitely doesn't go into the same drawer as homosexuality. I think most of these are cultural and/or based on the individuals history but letting pedophiles go rampant is not up to negotiation.

>> No.8163758

I'm not sure I'd go so far as to suggest it can't be a disorder, though I might agree it is sometimes as you suggest, but I agree with everything else. Whatever it is, it's almost universally considered "worse" and for good reason.

>> No.8163770
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>> No.8163772
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OP here. Why isn't pedophilia a form of sexual expression if homosexuality is?

>> No.8163776

It doesn't say why pedophilia is a mental disorder. I don't see anything that would make it a mental disorder.

>> No.8163782

Psychology is not science, and in that particular case is no more than politics.

>> No.8163788

Has to do with little more than agreeing if it is "bad" or not. Most people have moved on to agree that homosexuality doesn't affect them. Most people (or at least parents) still agree that pedophiles do affect them. Therefore, pedophilia is considered destructive, and gets the label of disorder. I'd agree with the suggestion that most pedophiles are just evil motherfuckers who take advantage of people, if they have a disorder it's sociopathy. But that's not a popular opinion for a psychologist to spread, especially when psychology is about "helping" people.

tl;dr: >>8163782

>> No.8163792

You're just writing a longer version of 'no more than politics'.

>> No.8163797

The point I'm trying to make is, bad actions done out of mental disorders can be defended in the court as unintentional and due to the mental issues, which would pave the way for the pedophiles to go to mental health clinics with comfy little sessions rather than going to their jail cell and getting what they deserve.

>> No.8163805

whats your fucking point
forcing kids to touch your wiener is not ok
it will fucking ruin their lifes

>> No.8163816

Pedophilia isn't a mental disorder in that it doesn't impair your life. it is just frowned on by society. /pol/ autists can't see the difference between what DIRECTLY makes your life difficult and what causes OTHERS to make your life difficult. Both pedophilia and homosexuality fall into the latter category. Actual mental illnesses like schizophrenia and gender dysphoria fall into the former. Homosexuality and pedophilia is a problem simply because others make it a problem.

>> No.8163821

> Homosexuality and pedophilia is a problem simply because others make it a problem.
what ?

>> No.8163828

It ruins their lifes because of the social stigma, created ( duh) by the society itself, the whore and faggot concepts couldn't be applied in someone "innocent and cute" as a child so the adult is the beast. I'm OK with the 0 to 7 yo are really stupid and any sexual act is rape but 8 to 17 they are smart and can be educated to know what is happening. It is rape too but the punishment should be lesser if it was consensual

>> No.8163830

The answer is simple, gays aren't harmful because usually they go for other gays and have mutual consent, pedophiles have no options other than rape or no action

>> No.8163833

Well pedophilia is a special case from all those. Two consenting people can fuck each other as much as they like. Which gives freedom to gays, trannies, lesbians and everyone except for people who want incest I think. But underage children cannot consent to having sex, so if you attempt it it counts as child rape, which is why it's a different subject from the rest by default.

>> No.8163837

Of course. You can lead a normal life as a gay or pedo the entire problem comes from other people disapproving of your choice of partner. Alexander the Great was gay and he was hailed as a hero in his time, his lifestyle wasn't seen as an impairment. Alan Turing was vilified despite also doing heroic things. The only difference between the two was the era they lived in

Anyway this association of gays and pedophiles is the weakest /pol/ strawman ever. Yes they are similar in that it's just a choice of partner but they are different in that one causes harm to non-consenting individuals and the other does not

>> No.8163840

>8 year olds
>ok to fuck
It's funny that 4chan will support this shit but somehow gays are evil.

>> No.8163847

Stop using pol boogeyman, it makes you look like a dumb SJWtard if you aren't one already. There are pedophiles trying to associate themselves with homosexuals in some way to gain acceptance by using such arguments.

>> No.8163849

What's the point of psychology if you can't even do most of the published experiments again and get the same results?

>> No.8163868

So why are they banning my drawn loli porn?
> muh slipperly slope

>> No.8163895

Well I've only ever seen /pol/ doing the association. Maybe you're right but /pol/ is also to blame.

>> No.8163898

Couse they dont know that fapping to drawn loli decreases probability that you will go and rape real loli. They think that is they give you drawn porn you will be more interested in trying that shit for yourself.

>> No.8163903

pol isn't a person. many users from many boards also browse pol which is why pol has 500 times more users than most boards. I'd ask you ro define pol or prove that someone is from pol but you seem to follow sjwtard shitposting protocols to the letter so nevermind.

>> No.8163912

1. Calling out a fallacy isn't an argument. Incidentally, trying to do so is actually a fallacy in and of itself.
2. Fallacies pertain to logic driven instances in formal debate. Rarely elsewhere.
It's not the slippery slope fallacy when applied to observable human behavior. The old adage that if you give a man an inch he'll take a mile is a commonly observed behavior and can be a legitimate concern in cases like this. There is a time and place for taking one action to its logical conclusion.

The logical conclusion for allowing faggots to fag it up with eachother is that two consenting faggots go stuff themselves.

The logical conclusion for pedophilic behavior acceptance is that someone acts on their pedophilia and a child who society deems incapable of consent is damaged in the process.

I personally will not argue for the complete condemnation of someone who looks at drawn loli porn, but I do not accept their behavior either.

>> No.8163918

People like you don't understand children can love, too.

>> No.8163921

>Couse they dont know that fapping to drawn loli decreases probability that you will go and rape real loli.
Excellent anecdote. I would suggest that fapping to depictions of children normalizes the concept of fucking children and increases the likelihood you will do it. You can be angry with my opinion, but considering you have provided no evidence of your claim, why should I?

>> No.8163922

OP here. I'm not asking because I'm aa pedophile, I'm asking because I think homosexuality should be called what it is, a disorder. Why is necrophilia or zoophilia a disorder but not homosexuality if they're both sexual deviations from the norm?

>> No.8163923

People like you don't understand why theres an age consent limit on sex, buying alcohol, getting a drivers license, getting certain surgeries, etc...

>> No.8163927

saying "pol isn't a person" is a cop out because you and I both know that most of the board hates niggers, jews and gays therefore how is it sjw to say that a board known for hating gays is behind this anti-gay strawman?

>> No.8163930

See >>8163816

>> No.8163931

>Why is necrophilia or zoophilia a disorder but not homosexuality
Same fucking reason everyone has been telling you for pedophilia, is this really that hard for you to understand? Necrophilia offends the family of the corpse you are desecrating, zoophilia has consent issues and unlike the homosexual aids panic actually is known to create disease.

>> No.8163935
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Moreover, if we define a disorder as having to affect the afflicted in a negative way, then homosexuality can absolutely be defined as a disorder. Take the Orlando shooter for example. The dude basically hated himself for being gay and decided to take the lives of himself and other gays as a result. Clearly the dude was mentally ill but under our current definitions the guy just had a "different sexual expression." What a load of horseshit imo.

>> No.8163937

So just because it doesn't harm anyone it's suddenly not a mental illness? What kind of logic is that?

>> No.8163941
File: 661 KB, 480x427, TrigglyPuff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> anti-gay
only sjwtards grasp at straws by trying to build an argument by mislabelling any question or comment as "hate,racism,sexism", such as a simple unloaded question as OPs, which has no implications of hatred of any kind. Which is why you're a laughing stock for everyone and nobody takes you seriously.

I bet you'll keep getting triggered and defend your fellow sjwtards, oh well...

>> No.8163942

The answer is two-fold. The two aspects to consider are perception and cause.

Regarding perception, society has reached a point where homosexuality is much more acceptable now than it was earlier. We realize (or think) now that someone can be gay around our kids or around us without having a negative effect on us. Or even further, we think our kids themselves can be gay without it having a negative effect on us religiously or for whatever reason. However, pedophilia obviously has the potential to negatively effect our children. So that's why one is much more looked down upon than the other.

Now, regarding the mental illness aspect, the reason pedophilia is considered a mental illness while murder/thievery are not is that we as a society have come to understand that pedophilia is extremely closely related with abuse in the pasts of the afflicted, and it's not like murder of thievery where they're usually motivated by some simple reason (after all if you're a kleptomaniac or a psychopath then than mental illness too, not just wanting someone else's money). The power aspect is sometimes involved (where the abuser wants the victim to be hurt in some way), but not always.

>> No.8163943

wow how can a board claim to be high IQ yet say such retarded things. He hated himself for being gay because society told him that being gay is wrong. Being gay didn't cause him to shoot up the club. If society was accepting of homosexuals then these things wouldn't happen. It's it's like saying virginity is a mental illness because Elliott Rodger shot up a school because he hated himself for being a virgin. it was outside pressure from society that led to it not the virginity itself.

>> No.8163948

Homosexuality meets all the usual criteria for a mental disorder in the DSM, but psychiatry is influenced more by politics than objective reason.

They didn't even adjust their definition of mental disorder in such a way that would exclude homosexuality, they just bowed to political pressure and arbitrarily started leaving it out, while continuing to include things like schizoid personality disorder and hypomania.

>> No.8163949
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>society told him that being gay is wrong

>> No.8163952

You could make the same argument for any disorder. Just saying.

>> No.8163956

look at this thread, it's 2016 and we're still having discussions as to whether homosexuality is a mental illness or not. There is still a lot of homophobia in society
So you're trying to say that OP's demands that someone's choice of partner should be classified as illness is not hateful? If I called you mentally ill for liking tall women how would you feel?

>> No.8163959

>He hated himself for being (afflicted by a metal illness) because society told him that being (afflicted by a mental illness) is wrong (or bad/undesirable)
>Being (afflicted by a mental illness) didn't cause him to shoot up the club
>If society was accepting of (people afflicted by a mental illness) then these things wouldn't happen.

>> No.8163964

I'm not afraid of gays anymore than I'm afraid of people who have autism or ADHD. Homophobia is such retarded term. I feel bad for them for having to deal with their illness.

>> No.8163972

We call them 'opinions', so theres a new word for you to look it up. I wouldn't feel anything, I'd just say that thats my preference and everyone including him and I are entitled to our own opinions. You'd need to be a special kind of retard to try so hard to misinterpret that as hateful.

>> No.8163977

>homophobia means scared of gays
This is called being autistic
Please explain how liking men compels one to shoot people. I don't know if you're shitposting or just a retard.

>> No.8163980

Both homosexuality and pedophilia should be considered mental illnesses.

>> No.8163985

What do you think phobia means? Are you retarded?

>> No.8163987

I never said you shouldn't have your opinion I am saying that you are trying to hide that it is a hateful opinion. You don't like gays just admit it and stop being obtuse
With other disorders thare's a reason why you would kill people spontaneously (hearing voices, paranoia etc) with homosexuality there is no logical link from sucking a dick to shooting up a town. It's called using your commons sense. Again you're being obtuse to make that argument for you know there's no causality between being gay and being violent. There's sometimes a correlation but that's due to ostracism from society.

This entire argument is pointless. Just admit you hate gays, ok cool freedom of speech and all that, just stop trying to rationalize it.

>> No.8163988

he is. ignore him

>> No.8163990

Pedophilia is the attraction to young peeps, while homo- or heterosexuality is just a gender preference. It's about consent.

>> No.8163991

I think there's a better response to >>8163935 than >>8163943's. There are plenty of people who hate themselves for being black, and there are plenty of people who hate themselves for being white. Obviously a skin color would never be considered a mental illness. The real problem was his perception and low self esteem or whatever. Maybe society did tell him being gay is wrong, but technically society tells us everything. It's just our subjective perceptions that make us react differently to sensory input.

So basically >>8163935 is retarded, and >>8163943, while well-intentioned, kind of misses the mark.

>> No.8163993

> you are secretly hateful and I just know it.
So are gay people hateful heterophobics to the point where they rebel against being straight and turn gay ? Wow we must definitely do something about these hateful horrible people.

>> No.8163997

I'm not saying that so I'm not going to defend that. I'm just pointing out that everything you say as a counter argument to the whole homosexuality is an illness argument can be used as a counter argument for any other mental illness. Face it, homosexuality is an illness. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, smells like a duck, it's probably a duck. Nothing about homosexuality makes it significantly different from other sexualities that are classified as disorders.

>> No.8163999

this is a social issue not a scientific one

>> No.8164000

If you feel uncomfortable with your boner, go talk to a doctor about it.

>> No.8164003

Okay so why is pedophilia a disorder then? A disorder is something that affects the afflicted individual in a negagive way, independently of how it affects others, right?

>> No.8164004

You know the dictionary definition of "homophobia" is "hate" not "fear" so again stop being obtuse. Seriously fuck this board, instead of anyone admitting they're wrong they resort to the most childish and autistic hair splitting just to look smart.
Wahey someone gets it.Thank you. As I said totally being obtuse to pretend that it wasn't obviously low self esteem that caused the shooting as opposed to merely being gay.

>> No.8164010

So does acrophobia mean hatred of heights? What about agoraphobia? Smh.

>> No.8164011

You need to look up what "hate" means before you go on about your fragile crusade of demonizing everyone who's not wearing a rainbow colored tshirt.

>> No.8164013

i.e some people smarter than you sat down and decided there was a difference.

>> No.8164016

Jesus christ what is wrong with you? The fucking word means whatever the dictionary says it means. The Greek root isn't the be all end all of the definition. Fucking autismus maximus

>> No.8164020

Sorry if the world doesn't keep up with your definitions thats pulled out of someones ass. Let me know when you learn to use correct terminology for half the shit you say.

>> No.8164022

>A 2012 literature study by clinical psychologistJames Cantor, when comparing homosexuality with paraphilias, found that both share "the features of onset and course (both homosexuality and paraphilia being life-long), but they appear to differ on sex ratio, fraternal birth order, handedness, IQ and cognitive profile, and neuroanatomy".
> they appear to differ on sex ratio, fraternal birth order, handedness, IQ and cognitive profile, and neuroanatomy
What the fuck? Are these really the only distinctions?

>> No.8164024

Come on man seriously? Just look at my other post (>>8163942). Pedophilia is considered a disorder because it negatively affects society and constantly affects the individual. Kleptomania is a disorder too, ya know, even though stealing stuff usually makes the thief richer....

>> No.8164027

>the word means whatever the dictionary says it means
That's all I need to hear to know what kind of person I'm dealing with.

>> No.8164030

Thats one "study" out of literally millions. I personally think someones past and what he/she's been fed has much more weight for someone to turn into a pedo. A decent portion of pedos are abused as children themselves.

>> No.8164031

Paraphilia in general is bullshit
>"No consensus has been found for any precise border between unusual sexual interests and paraphilic ones.[2][3] There is debate over which, if any, of the paraphilias should be listed in diagnostic manuals"
There's just fetish and sexual orientation. Fetishes are a subset of orientations. pedophilia is a fetish because it's exactly like being into MILFs except it's the opposite age. Homosexuality is an orientation. because you are oriented the same way as women are i.e towards men.

>> No.8164035

Does autism affect ADHD society negatively, and doesn't homosexuality constantly affect the individual?

>> No.8164043

>He hated himself for being gay because society told him that being gay is wrong.
If you pay any attention, nature also tells you that being gay is wrong.

Look around the world and back through history: it's not that by some wild coincidence, most of the civilized modern world came to reject gay sex as acceptable behavior, it's that only those societies which did reject homosexuality that survived and prospered to set the standards of the modern world.

When we started to relax the standards, we quickly got the GRID (Gay-Related Immune Deficiency) epidemic, renamed with stunningly-evasive political correctness as HIV/AIDS. This disease could never have reached a self-sustaining critical mass without homosexuality being tolerated. It had to spread through the promiscuous male homosexual population first, before settling into the straight population, like a pile of charcoal won't ignite from one match without lighter fluid.

>Being gay didn't cause him to shoot up the club. If society was accepting of homosexuals then these things wouldn't happen.
Being mentally defective made him gay and made him shoot up the club. Two aspects of the same flaw.

>It's it's like saying virginity is a mental illness because Elliott Rodger shot up a school because he hated himself for being a virgin. it was outside pressure from society that led to it not the virginity itself.
Holy shit, you're actually blaming Elliott Rodger's crimes on "outside pressure from society"?

Crazy people going on rampages isn't a reason for everybody else to reorganize society to try and avoid setting off crazy people.

>> No.8164046

Name said rational basis, gaybo.

>> No.8164049 [DELETED] 


>> No.8164050
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>exceot fetishes
Nigger, please. A person who eats another person's shit clearly has a mental disorder.

Also, it depends on how you define paedophilia. If it just anyone that is attracted to people below the age of consent then that is foolish. The AoC is arbitrary and inconsistent between countries. It should only apply to prepubescent children. There is nothing wrong with being attracted to a ripe 14 year old who is nicely developed and prime for breeding. Perfectly natural actually.

>> No.8164054

Well I only made that distinction because I had foot fetish in mind when I wrote that and that isn't as bad as some BDSM shit. But yeah I guess that stuff could also be considered a mental disorder.

>> No.8164057

I've never seen a sexy eight year old.

>> No.8164059

Pedos who are just attracted to children are one step below of becoming actual rapists. Any red flags like that will get you on FBI watchlist so you don't ruin a childs life forever.

>> No.8164062

>dat everything
Ok, gonna need sauce.

>> No.8164063

Did you just say foot fetish is a mental disorder ?

>> No.8164064

One involves consensual activity between adults.
One involves exploiting the vulnerability of children.

A sexual relationship between different levels of social power is almost universally exploitative and should be avoided when possible.
There's the added layer that a child is still a developing personality, and extremely vulnerable to lifelong psychological trauma from being exploited.

>but it's possible for an adult and a child to have a healthy, fulfilling sexual relationship for both parties

You might convince me that's true. You won't convince me it's likely, or even more than a statistical improbability.

>> No.8164065

>so you don't ruin a childs life forever.
>but giving your prepubescent child hormones that will greatly interfere with their development will greatly improve your child's life

>> No.8164067

> but giving your prepubescent child hormones
hows that ? and how does it relate to sexual intercourse ?

>> No.8164068

Daniela navarro.

>> No.8164070

Possibly. Depends on if bdsm is also a fetish. I don't think drinking someone's piss is normal.

>> No.8164073

So I guess you think liking boobs or butts is also a mental disorder.

>> No.8164076

The assumption is that "children" cannot consent to sex thus any kind of intercourse is assumed to be extremely damaging to te "child" mentally.

On the contrary, a child can apparently fully consent to hormone treatment to undergo "gender reassignment" thus resulting in various and potentially irreversible changes.

>> No.8164078

No because thats the norm.

>> No.8164079

This is the last reply I'm giving because this thread is /pol/ mouthbreather-tier
>it's not that by some wild coincidence
Or maybe it is. Where's the proof for either? The civilized world got civilized due to the order of Abrhamic religion. The religion just happened to dislike gays. If your argument is right then you are basically trying to say that Abrhamic religions were well designed and not just the random word of a sheep herder. /sci/ is not the place to be saying these things. Furthermore Japan was historically always pro-gay right up to Western influence in the 1800s and they did fine. I just don't understand you have just thrown a correlation at me without any proof of causation. How is this science?
>When we started to relax the standards, we quickly got the GRID (Gay-Related Immune Deficiency) epidemic
Again palming off more coincidences as proof that gay is bad.
>renamed with stunningly-evasive political correctness as HIV/AIDS
oh yes what a dumb PC idea it was to rename an illness that affects more straights than gays as not gay-specific
>This disease could never have reached a self-sustaining critical mass without homosexuality being tolerated
Tell that to Africa dumbass

Ok so I see all your arguments against homosexuality are based on a) it was banned by the west for centuries and b) it easily spreads AIDS. The fatal flaw in all of this is that none of it applies to lesbians. Western society has never really cared about them and they have lower STI rates than even straight people. Therefore all your arguments for homosexuality being bad are BTFO as it only applies to one type. You can say male homosexuality is a mental illness but why not female homosexuality? It's the exact same though process no?

Finally a fun fact for you. The west has never actually banned homosexuality. the Bible prohibits sodomy. Saying you love another man the church has nothing against that and never did.

>> No.8164080

Well, it depends on what you mean by pedophilia. Being attracted to pre-pubescent children is definitely a disorder, but being attracted to say a 12 year old is pretty normal in my book.

>> No.8164082

Foot feitshes are pretty common too, you know.

>> No.8164083

Mental disorders are based on norms.
The only reason that dropping unconscious for a third of every day isn't considered a crippling mental defect is because everybody does it.

If the vast majority of your species had a seizure every time they heard a 30khz tone, it wouldn't be considered a disorder, just a weird aspect of the human condition.

Human breasts are almost unique among earthly life.

You don't call a peahen a weirdo for being attracted to a peacock's tail.

>> No.8164084

The minimum age requirement for someone to have that surgery is the same as someone consenting to have sexual intercourse, which is 16-18

>> No.8164088

Good to hear that you will fuck off with your hatespeech sjwtard.

>> No.8164091

I guess it's not then. Then it's not a really fetish isn't it?

>> No.8164092
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It's not the norm. There is no written context in what the norm is and there never was.

Liking feet is literally not different than liking any other part of the body. It's made of the exact same substance. People find feet aesthetic just as they find boobs, butts, hands, thighs, calves, abs and any other part of the body aesthetics.
And I personally find feet to have more elegant features than other parts of the body.

>> No.8164093

I'm going to add to this.
I am not attracted to breasts. At all.

I think they look weird and they seem very inconvenient to their owners.
Hell, I find other men's obsessions with a big rack of chest fat irritating. Something in my brain tells me they're kind of stupid and weird for getting all worked up over some blobby subcutaneous adipose tumors.

But I accept that this is unusual. You could call it a disorder and I wouldn't argue. It doesn't bother me because it doesn't affect my life one way or another.

>> No.8164103


>> No.8164104

No. Liking feet is unusual.
Liking breasts is usual.

Accept that you're abnormal. Why should you care if it doesn't interfere with your life?
Find someone who likes you to lick their feet, and give you a footjob, maybe toe your anus.

So you're not one of the 9/10 people that either don't care about feet or think they're gross. You're not normal but you're also not suffering for it.

It becomes a problem if your fetish is disemboweling people. Or fucking children.

>> No.8164106

Feel better about yourself?

>> No.8164109
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> No. Liking feet is unusual.
> Liking breasts is usual.
what are you even basing that on ?

> So you're not one of the 9/10 people that either don't care about feet or think they're gross.
citation needed so badly

>> No.8164115
File: 69 KB, 500x600, backinmyday-beall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the be all end all
you sound like my Grandpa

>> No.8164122

>more coincidences
There's nothing coincidental about GRID: we let gays out of the closet to openly organize their ass-fucking parties, and shortly thereafter an unheard-of disease that only spreads through intimate contact was a global epidemic, first almost exclusively in gay men, then it spread from there.

Societies died out from that sort of thing. Darwinian selection happens on cultures, not only on genes. If there are persistent cultural traits that aren't consistent with long-term survival at high population densities, you don't find them in old, advanced, large-scale civilizations.

Intolerance of homosexuality, as part of generally strict standards of sexual conduct and strong pressure toward heterosexual lifelong monogamous marriage, is one of those cultural traits that was necessary for modern civilization to develop.

>> No.8164204

Homosexuality constantly affects the individual, just like heterosexuality constantly affects the individual. There are different types of mental illness within the broad scope.

>> No.8164229

Inability of children to avoid deceit, disobey, express mature sexual desire and behave in their own self-interest.

>> No.8164298

Because what is considered a mental disorder is excluselively determined by society, not by science. Remember when transsexual were fighting to have their condition recognised as a mental disorder? Now theyre fighting to be not considered mentally ill. Remember when there were almost no cases of ADHD and autism? Dont try to make sense of it, the term "mental disorder" has no meaning at this point.

>> No.8164316

There are not two consenting adults in pedophilia. You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?

>> No.8164594

Back in days sex with young people was normal in europe. This so called "pedophilia" hatred is came from violence obsessed american psychopaths.
There is a direct link between repressed sexuality and violence.

>> No.8164601

I do believe homosexuality is a disorder of the mind, however your false dichotomy has got to go, terrible argument

>> No.8164607

homosexuality as it appeared in popular culture is a disorder for sure. but a simple sexual response to a stimulus (dick, for example) is just a learned behavior and not a disorder.

>> No.8164615


the only problem that I see with pedo is that there are some that target actual kids. The real issue is power dynamic. If a homo person start targeting random straight person in the streets and fucking with them the person should be jailed too. But with pedophilia, you either have to strict your desire or unleash it on an actual kid or resort to loli

>> No.8164616

what about having a sexual response when your dick comes into contact with a corpse is this just a learned behavior or a psychological disorder

>> No.8164617

"Mental disorders" are ambiguous sociopolitical legal constructs, not science.

For example, you're technically a psychologically (and legally) "passive-aggressive indoctrinated minor terrorist threat" just because you post on 4chan.

You crazy faggot.

>> No.8164618

inappropriate behavior

>> No.8164619

what about chinese people cooked dog alive and then eat them. it's a cultural behaviour or a mental disorder?

>> No.8164620

While gross, a corpse is an inanimate object, and therefore it's like getting off by rubbing your dick on a table.

It's also terribly disrespectful and a violation of property rights to the family that owns the cadaver.

>> No.8164621

first of all I'm a biochemist, and you're the crazy faggot, you crazy faggot

>> No.8164625

China has their own sociopolitical laws and psychology. It is within their governmental and legal sovereignty to decide if that is normal or crazy, not ours.

>> No.8164627

Yes, we are scientific crazy faggots, Mr. "I'm just applied Chemistry".

>> No.8164628

now you are just arguing semantics, it is bad enough that you are statistically a pedophile and a faggot on top of that, you are obviously suffering from a mental disorder

>> No.8164632

Oh, I'm unfortunately incapable of any sexual response at all due to health problems.

Never had much of a libido to begin with.

Sorry, I'm not a pedo, you pedo.

>> No.8164634

(same person)

And semantics is exactly how laws and psychology determine sanity.

>> No.8164980

This makes sense in a legal way. It doesn't make that much sense when diagnosing mental health. What they did was just to remove benign illnesses from the category of an illness.

>> No.8165007

Exactly, its about consent.
Its faulty logic to compare homos and pedos.

But homo rape and pedo rape is both bad.

But homo consensual sex is ok, while pedo consensual sex is impossible cuz kids a) dont want it b) dont have the brain power to realize what they are doing and are manipulated easily.

tl dr pedos go kill urself.

>> No.8165013

>only problem that I see with pedo is that there are some that target actual kids. The real issue is power dynamic.
so it's all okay so long as the kid gives consent?

>> No.8165016

kids can't really give consent. They will trust the adults to make the right decision since they're still inexperienced. The adult is responsible for the kids.

>> No.8165019

Kds can't consent to having sex buttface.

>> No.8165038
File: 17 KB, 413x395, 641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kids can't really give consent

>The British are frantically Googling what the E.U. is, hours after voting to leave it

>> No.8165044

That's just an unreasonable discrimination.

>> No.8165055

homosexuality isn't considered a mental disorder because it breaks the third condition of the APA's extended definition of mental disorder

A behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual

That reflects an underlying psychobiological dysfunction

The consequences of which are clinically significant distress (e.g., a painful symptom) or disability (i.e., impairment in one or more important areas of functioning)

Must not be merely an expectable response to common stressors and losses (for example, the loss of a loved one) or a culturally sanctioned response to a particular event (for example, trance states in religious rituals)

That is not primarily a result of social deviance or conflicts with society

Gay people aren't innately psychologically distressed as a result of homosexuality.

>> No.8165056

uhh ok then. Lets remove the age of consent so kids can have sex, buy alcohol, buy drugs, drive cars...
actually lets not. Lets keep putting pedophiles back to where they belong.

>> No.8165064

you'll not win this because most adults have experienced childhood and wont change their mind

>> No.8165121

Children are not allowed to drive cars because they are not fit to it. Alchohol and other drugs should be ban for everyone. Sexual repression is just a disciminitaion.

>> No.8165136

They are not fit in sexual things either. They don't understand what it's all about and often haven't developed attraction to the opposite (or same) sex yet.

>> No.8165147

Imaging that starting tomorrow child sex and child porn will become legal. What will change in the society or in your life?

>> No.8165189

>The British are frantically Googling what the E.U. is, hours after voting to leave it
kek are you serious? Is there an article about that or something?

>> No.8165212

So a disability is "the consequence of an impairment [...] that results in restrictions on an individual's ability to participate in what is considered "normal" in their everyday society."
And a mental disorder is "a diagnosis of a behavioral or mental pattern that may cause suffering or a poor ability to function in life."

Basically it means, it prevents you from having a normal life. Love and sex are parts of a normal life.
So homosexuality - nowadays at least - shouldn't prevent you from living a normal life because there's plenty gays. Arguably though, in muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, it would prevent them from living a normal life.
Pedophilia doesn't prevent you from living a normal life, because i assume that most pedophiles aren't exclusively attracted to children, they are still attracted to women, it's just pedophilia is like a fetish to them.
Being transsexual prevents you from living a normal life, like the government might not acknowledge your sex change, people won't accept you in locker rooms and public bathrooms, you can't reproduce after chopping your dick off, etc.

>> No.8165213


>> No.8165214

Pedophilia is mostly a fairytale to scare parents to do some social policing for us. The strongest drive for most humans is to protect our offspring from dangerous things. That's why it's such a popular thing to try and profit from by politicians and others.

>> No.8165215

>topic is hot in the news

>> No.8165220

Thing is they were supposed to know what it was because there was a vote just one day before about that very topic.

>> No.8165224

>brexit happens

>Gooddle leeks results
Why would Google do that?

I'm tired of politics.

>> No.8165229

tell me more about how you can read people's minds by looking at their google trends

>> No.8165232

>people googling a hot topic
Yeah, no. They would google things like "why leave the EU", or maybe "benefits of leaving the EU", or maybe "who else wants to leave the EU", or something like that.
But instead it's literally people from the UK googling "what is the EU?"

>> No.8165235

>they were supposed to know what it was
Not necessarily, if people are content with how things go they might vote for remain even if they don't know what the EU exactly does, just because they are afraid of the consequences. Now that, the vote is over people want to know how exactly it will effect their lives.

>> No.8165239

thats kinda normal isn't it ?

>> No.8165248

especially since david cameron advised people to vote remain. It's pretty acceptable to trust your PM on a thing that's rather difficult to calculate the effects of. when he resigns and the recommendation has failed, as you said, you wonder what will come of it.

>> No.8165258

No use to tell you because you have obviously already thought about it.

>> No.8165262

Or it could be that very many people did not vote at all and now want to see what the fuck the fuss was about altogether.

>> No.8165269

"Consenting adults" is legal term, not an actual description of reality. Are 14 year olds capable of a consenting to sex with each other?

>> No.8165292
File: 430 KB, 824x720, d8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A kids consent doesn't mean anything, kids can be controlled and manipulated, they can't make rational decisions like grown ups. Homosexuality usually means an attraction between persons of the same sex, as in two consenting adults with enough maturity to make the decision.

What two consenting rational human beings do in the private of their own home shouldn't matter at all to other people. People taking advantage of easily manipulated kids should matter to us. This seems pretty easy to understand, one is morally wrong the other is just pretty nasty if your not into it.

>> No.8165296

thats not even the point. a kid can naturally want to smoke, or drink alcohol or drive cars or have sex. But they won't be doing any. Thats the point of the age of consent

>> No.8165299

...that's a good point

>> No.8165303

>A kids consent doesn't mean anything, kids can be controlled and manipulated, they can't make rational decisions like grown ups
This is wrong. Consent is a deal between two human beings. If kids can make a deal in a shop, they also can make a deal in a bedroom. Deal with it.

>> No.8165321

I don't get how being a pedophile HAS to be a mental disorder just because it's destructive.

Being a thief is destructive but is not (excluding cleptomania) a mental disorder.

How about this, being sexually attracted to minors is not a mental disorder, but acting on that attraction is still a crime?

>> No.8165326

Crime fascination is not a crime itself either, but when you show red flags like that you will be under the watch, possibly get tagged, tapped and interrogated.

>> No.8165341

Lots of people in crime research and enforcement got to be fascinated with crimes or they'd have picked another career path.

>> No.8165348

True but the incidents you will get are tiny. Coz yeah, bad cops make the best criminals.

>> No.8165349

It has to be a mental disorder because of the logic that enough people will want to have them locked up.

>> No.8165352

>rumours: the post

>> No.8165355

I would turn it around and say if you are able to think like a criminal you would probably make a more competent cop.

>> No.8165362

Yeah, funny how those lines cross so closely.

>> No.8165381

Many kids can't make deals in shops, they hand the shopkeeper all their money and hope that the shopkeeper takes the right amount.
Here, we as a society don't put rules against kids shopping because we trust shopkeepers not to scam kids. if it became a thing that shopkeepers were taking more money from kids, and this was a common occurrence we would probably pass laws against kids shopping.
Kids being able to do something doesn't mean it's okay, if a kid consents to drinking poison, should it be okay for adults to feed kids poison? adults have the moral high ground here, kids might have the mental capacity to want sex but they don't understand the consequences like adults do. So in almost all cases involving a child and an adult, it would be manipulation and taking an advantage of the childs immaturity.

>> No.8165387

That's not logic. Explain to me how that's logic. Depression is a mental disorder but people don't want to lock depressed people up.

>> No.8165397

> If kids can make a deal in a shop
They can't make all deals in shops. They can only buy things that their legal age allows them to.

get rekt pedo faggot bitch

>> No.8165398

The logic is the other way around here.

People fear a possible behavior so they want to keep what is precious to them away from that perceived dangerous behavior. Or rather to keep people who might indulge in that behavior away from what is precious to them.

Depression usually does not cause any dangerous behaviors.

>> No.8165418

But that's not because kids can't consent. This is just a hypocrisy. You want to protect someone with a rules, but you don't want to follow those rules yourself.

>> No.8165433

The real reason is that parents are afraid of anything or anyone getting any closer connection to their kid than they themselves have.

>> No.8165443
File: 40 KB, 500x374, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1465322752897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kleptomania is a disorder too, ya know, even though stealing stuff usually makes the thief richer....
0/10 kleptomaniacs have a very high chance of going to jail multiple times because of their constant thievery. Unless you think anal rape is healthy for an individual

>> No.8165460

what ? you just called necessary rules hypocrisy.

>> No.8165468

From an evolutionary point of view, it serves no purpose having sex with any children since it is impossible to pass genes that way. If you are gay though and engage in sex with another adult technically it is still impossible to pass on your genes but your brain can still tell you engaging in sexual activity with another healthy adult will work. It has kind of progressed that that way in most societies too so that sexual interaction wit children is pointless, and so, wrong

>> No.8165470

yeah. there are rapists out there you know.

>> No.8165477

Almost even worse if they totally fucking love it and start loving the pedo more than their parents.

>> No.8165481

When a girl started menstruating she is still a child

>> No.8165489

objectively false

>> No.8165491

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/

>> No.8165497 [DELETED] 

>Talks against pedophilia
>With a pedophile cartoon


>> No.8165505

But she would probably not survive a natural birthgiving thing I think

>> No.8165508

Nothing to do.

Toons can't hurt nobody.

They even inhibit people to commit a crime.

>> No.8165512

That is peculiar.....could you tell me what that model's name is?

>> No.8165515

Fuck off.

>> No.8165530

Depicting underage girls in a sexualized manner still counts as child pornography. And you will be tagged as having tendencies towards pedophilia.

>> No.8165531

Lol at pedos trying to use faulty logic to rationalize degeneracy.

Pedos cant be compared to any other degeneracy, there is a special circle of hell just for them.

I have nothing against homos, or any other 18+ consensual relationship that involves no liberty infringement of any party.

But sick ppl in this thread should just end themselves.

Im serious pedo folk, just go now and cut your arm deep and along the length of it.

>> No.8165533

You are not explaining shit. Sorry.

Nope :^)

>> No.8165536


I will do it for u then.


I might even get off on it.


>> No.8165583

Speaking of which, does anyone have something like that but comparing features of pedophilia with other paraphilias?


>> No.8165585


>> No.8165588

>homosexuality isn't
it was. but too many homos are have power now, so witch hunting shifts to another, less protected social group.

>> No.8165593

Everyone knows pedophilia is the one of the most dangerous paraphilias; you know why.

I'm a pedo, but I don't want some faggots to sit near the park and watch the kids playing deliberately.

I don't want a dangerous world for the kids.

>> No.8165599

(you)sick and soon to be dead.


Have fun in hell.

>> No.8165602

I don't believe in hell, sorry.

>> No.8165607

Then what are you doing about those urges ? I hope you're not just wanking off to loli porn and indulging yourself further.

>> No.8165610
File: 109 KB, 550x550, unamused cyka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not wondering if it's dangerous or not, I'm wondering if it's similar to others, having an age preference doesn't seem quite the same as, say, getting a boner when you see a hand, that's why I'm curious if pedos themselves are similar to fetishists

I've also seen claims that it's more of a maladaptive sexual orientation and I'm wondering what the claim is based on exactly, new DSM described it that way from what I remember, you'd think they have some basis for that

>> No.8165611
File: 25 KB, 313x314, 14115483226279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch the kids playing
>a dangerous world for the kids.
What's your problem, anon. What's wrong when someone watching at your kids playing?

>> No.8165618

I have dreams and projects. My life doesn't rotate around sex.

It depends on past experience. PNL explains it a bit well, though.
If you have a question, go on.

>> No.8165620

>that photo
Nice answer.

>> No.8165623

That sexual response to something is a conditioned reflex. There is literally nothing wrong with it.
Everyone can train yourself to get that sexual response on something, including male dick or child vulva or literally anything.

>> No.8165628

>Everyone can train yourself to get that sexual response on something, including male dick or child vulva or literally anything.
Yes. That's mostly it.

>> No.8165644

you will...


>> No.8165655

She looks amazing

>> No.8165660


>> No.8165663

Stop putting noses on the GODDAMN SMILEYS >:O

>> No.8165718

Daniela Navarro

>> No.8165760

>you're too stupid to answer yes/no questions until 21
american education everybody

>> No.8165800

> Hey look everyone, I'm posting in a troll thread

Fyi /b summer project is to get other boards and lgbt to side with pedo

>> No.8165804 [DELETED] 

would benis so hard

>> No.8165828


>> No.8165839

So many closet pedos.

>> No.8165853

>>you're too stupid to answer yes/no questions until 21
>american education everybody
>implying age of consent is 21 ANYWHERE
>implying other countries don't have AOC laws

>> No.8165915


>> No.8165955
File: 114 KB, 830x790, Ayam-Cemani-Chicken1-830x790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your issue is thinking it is a mental disorder. Psychiatry is extremely vague and is akin to study of infectious diseases before it was known that they are caused by pathogens. The idiotic dichotomy between instrumental and involuntary action is entirely artificial and mostly serves to line the pockets of lawyers and shrinks. There's no such thing as preying on kids/abusing your spouse/shooting up a school because you somehow can't help it, because these actions require tremendous amounts of premeditation and calculation which by definition eliminates any possibility of it being spontaneous or involuntary.

There are many opinions on the subject, but it's currently believed that there are two types of pedophiles:

1) "True" pedophiles who do actually have some sort of a psychiatric disorder stemming from upbringing. Most of them started having sex very early (with their peers, not adults). When blended with a correct degree of social ostracization, social anxiety and stunted development, they end up retaining their childhood preference into adulthood. Pre/pubescents become a lifetime fixation. Think of it as stunted development coupled with sexual conditioning.

2) Circumstantial offenders. They are driven by how vulnerable the victim is and not necessarily by their age, it all depends on what they have access to. With prolonged circumstantial access to a certain vulnerable victim pool (children in orphanages, disabled adults in specialized care, old people), they end up conditioning themselves and developing a preference. They represent the vast majority of people who molest kids.

>> No.8165990

> A person who eats another person's shit clearly has a mental disorder.
So does a person who eats another person's cum, or is into watersports. Why do you think shit and piss reeks? To indicate that they're a biohazard, and for sane individuals to avoid them. There's a reason playing with bodily fluids is a common symptom of severe mental deficiency.

>> No.8166267

So if a person draws a child having sex and faps to it you
>do not accept their behavior either.
What does that mean, not accepting their behaviour?
Is this a version of "I don't like what you do"?
Like how the fuck would you in any way try to argue to forbid it in the smallest possible sense.

>> No.8167539


>> No.8167571

Will you have a sex with a children if its 100% safe and give a pleasure for both? Why not?

>> No.8167631

The closet pedos are the ones who shut up about it and pretend to dislike it, you moran.

>> No.8167639

That is basically what this is and always have been. A tool designed to try and socially marginalize politically inconvenient individuals.

>> No.8167745

Consent is everything. Adults can and children can't. So Homosexuality isnt a mental disorder and Pedophilia is.

>> No.8167893

>It's pretty acceptable to trust your PM

>> No.8168353

nice bait
see >>8165760

>> No.8168454

>Implying I am American or that I said the age limit is 21
Even nicer bait you got there m8. Sorry y'all, can't argue with facts.

>> No.8168473
File: 52 KB, 640x951, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Fetishes shouldnt be a disorder"

>> No.8168480

american spotted, hi closet pedo

>> No.8168485

Oi m8 are u havin a laff?

Am I British now?

>> No.8168491

Reminder that pedophiles and sex offenders are two different things and that long before the last 30 years, pedophilia was widespread across the globe, and still is to a degree today.

Pedophilia and the misconception that children around 12+ aren't ready to learn about relationships and sex is something only recently dictated as "bad" even thought it's been around for ages.

I'm not saying everybody should do it. But it's certainly not as bad as faggots and special snowflakes make it out to be. There's a reason kids go through puberty around that age; it means theyre on the edge of being mature and its the parents/systems fault that they're not mentally prepared for the real world.

>> No.8168499

>Spelling of Pedo
says you faggot. do facts trigger you?

>> No.8168501

Liberals are very much for social justice and such and would go for the opposite, what the fuck is this

>> No.8168503

There are far more we do and tolerate that ruin kids lives but that doesn't mean it's ok either.

>> No.8168505

>not padeophile
americans lol....

>> No.8168509



>not patiofiletofishia

>> No.8168513

Homosexuality is not considered a mental illness due to it being chiefly biological. That is, we humans are not the only species with homosexual tendencies. Bonobos, the primate that resemble us most genetically after chimpanzees, display homosexual behaviors. Not only this, there is an aspect of morality involved.

Children, at least in the eyes of the adults, are too naive to know what sex entails. Basically, pedophillia is goes hand in hand with rape, which is frowned upon. I am unsure if we are the only species to display this sexual deviancy, but I know that this is not the case for rape. Male orangutans that do not have the phenotypical characteristics of an alpha male (fat and with a flat face) have been known to resort to rape females in order to reproduce.

So even if rape were a sort of biological urge in order to ensure that genes are passed on, we humans strive to be more than our biology.

Basically, since we are species that give extreme care to our young, and we find it repulsive that an adult would do sexual acts with out children, we set up laws against it.

Btw, sauce?

>> No.8168562

Thats what I said dumbass.

>> No.8168596

I read the blog of an imprisoned paedophile who started out with just being homosexual, then cruising in parks and ended up kidnapping, raping and murdering children.
He circles back again and again to how he was made to feel like an offender by society, so that made his offending worse. It's some high tier mental gymnastics but it comes down to shirking responsibility and blaming the victim.
The usual.
ITT: adolescents who don't understand the one unbreakable taboo, the social group regulates sexual activity. Where sex is unregulated there is no society, just exploitation and dominion.

>> No.8168601

>we humans are not the only species with homosexual tendencies
In the time of Juvenal, a man was considered active or passive. Women weren't considered at all.
Even in Being and Nothingness, Sartre has a passage where explaining the saving lie a homesexual says: "At least i am not a pederast." then goes on to make the point that of course he is. In that time no distinction was made between homosexuality and paedophilia, all perverts were considered one group beyond the boundaries and to be expelled or destroyed.
Wasn't that long ago either.

>> No.8168602
File: 36 KB, 223x349, Great post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homosexuality is not considered a mental illness due to it being chiefly biological
>we humans strive to be more than our biology

>> No.8168606

What is the poster's gif/vid from?

>> No.8168608

I love Satre's work, but failed to understand your point. What does an existential philosopher have to due with this. Saying that being homosexual leads to pedophillia is a hell of a slippery-slope.

Is this /a/? At least tell me why you disagree with what I said. I want to know if I am wrong, but yes, to my understanding homosexuality is biological and we accept that since it "hurts no one."

>> No.8168611

Did you read the rest of his post? We strive to be more than our biology when our biology drives us to hurt others. Homosexuality is harmless fun among two homosexuals.

>> No.8168613

Ethically speaking, its wrong to involve someone in an agreement when they are unable to understand the agreement. Its also why its wrong to pick up and fuck someone with down syndrome.

>> No.8168615


>> No.8168624

sexuality isn't something you can understand rationally , it is an instinctual drive. even a 200 iq savant is unqualified to give sexual consent at age 8.

perhaps when your balls drop, you will understand, too.

>> No.8168633

I think that just like being gay is a non-disease (you just are attracted to what you are, but you obviously can't change what you're attracted to), so is pedophilia. However, because pedophilia is very detrimental to the person (in a legal sense, if you are attracted to children, you may not be able to change it, but that doesn't mean you should be able to practice it because it hurts people) it can be viewed as a disease. Homosexuality isn't inherently dangerous to the person, but pedophilia is (fucking children will probably make other people angry at you and more likely to kill you).

>> No.8168679
File: 42 KB, 748x561, ad_204387177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So children can understand and make an agreement about gender changing which affect their entire life, but they can't make agreement for someone jsut to touch himself.
You know what is called? Bullshit.

>> No.8168687

>So children can understand and make an agreement about gender changing

Where did I even imply this is fucking ethical?

>> No.8168701


reading is fundamental

>> No.8168709

There are four steps to something being a disorder
1. You have to do whatever the thing is a lot, you can't just do it once when you're drunk and call it a disorder.
2. Most people do not do whatever the thing is at all, where you live. If people do the thing a lot, then it's institutional, like part of your religion or something.
3. Other people have to not like the thing. If everybody likes it, then it's considered orderly, not disorderly.
4. You have to not like it. If the first three are true, but if the thing doesn't either A. Make you unhappy (like an addict who keeps failing to quit) or B. Keep fucking up your life in ways you don't like, separate from the thing (Like how an addict might not be mad about all the drugs he's doing, but he is mad he keeps losing his job.) then you aren't disordered, you're just an asshole.
The gays argue that the difference between them and pedo's is that 3 isn't true, or shouldn't be true, for gays, but it should be true for pedo's. (This has to do with an argument about consent ethics as the basis for adult sexual relationships, and now we're in some weird /pol/ /his/ hell of sex politics)

>> No.8168715

Scientifically speaking,your ethics are
>a tired old reflection of medieval thinking.

>> No.8168716

children can't consent.
here's from my example: I was 9-10 when I was sexually abused by a family friend, who was also my nanny. in general he was a great caretaker and took me to lots of places, but started touching me at some point. He even showed me child porn to convince me it's a normal thing. as a kid I thought I would get in trouble if I told my parents what he was doing to me because I trusted that he didn't want to do bad things to me.
Still haven't told my parents. Or any authorities. 23 years old now.

>> No.8168721

Transsexualism fits this scheme well.

I think #3 is bullshit. I dont like having a shit everyday. It makes me less productive. And for #4, people also dont like to hear me shitting or hear about me shitting or even the smell of shitting. Hell, a lot of people I work with refuse to publically shit.

Shitting isnt a disorder.

>> No.8168726

>>a tired old reflection of medieval thinking.
You really don't know your medieval history if you think that's how medieval thinking was.

>> No.8168727

Oh fuck off

A typical medieval wedding was an arranged wedding between a girl aroung the age of 12 and a boy around the age of 17.

>> No.8168733

and? i don't see a problem here.

>> No.8168737

because I didn't wanna make it into a problem that defines who I am and what my life will be like. that doesn't make it alright. the problem is children can't consent because they're easily manipulated into it.

>> No.8168749

you had a good time with your friend, but now you believe that it was wrong.
you was not manipulated before, you are manipulated right now. you are clearly brainwashed.

>> No.8168753

The term disorder is a clusterfuck. A few things it's used for are disabilities, exaggerated tendencies, and evil intentions.

>> No.8168755

In 1971 the APA took homosexuality AND pedophilia off of their mental disorders list.

This lead to a public outcry, as well as pedo groups using this fact as a validation for their behavior. The APA got roasted so hard they eventually put pedophilia back on the list of disorders.

>> No.8168759

for a 9 year old a good time is disneyland and milkshake, not dick.

>> No.8168763


you are malicious

>> No.8168767

that's okay. if he was normal it wouldn't be considered a disorder.
just giving him a chance to talk to someone who was abused sexually as a kid but wasn't victimized later on or taught about it because I kept silent.

>> No.8168789

edgy edgelord is edgy
or just an unrepentent pedophile, in which case i hope you are flayed by a vigilante

>> No.8168790

It's not up to you to decide what is better for someone.

>> No.8168798

yep. I'm talking from my experience. do you have any? do share.

>> No.8168815

I'm genuinely curious. Some kids are interested in sex from a young age. I just wasn't one of those kids honestly and I could have went without the situation, but I didn't let it affect my life because I didn't wanna be victimized.
I think there's a difference in those situations where kids are interested. Also it's very different when the older person is gentle or actually abusing a kid. Finer lines need to be drawn when it comes to pedophilia imo.

though I do realize that someone could report you if you do post some experience. probably better not to discuss this.

>> No.8168816

Glad to see /sci/ is just as retarded as /b/

>> No.8168834

I don't have any experience. This is why I'm a 25 years old virgin.
When children at my age played with genitals, I still played with toys as someone suggested here. And now my life is fucked up.
I want go back in time and rape myself

>> No.8168847

>I think there's a difference in those situations where kids are interested.
Nope. Kids who are interested fuck other kids who are interested. This happens.

Yes, an older person could hypothetically not be preying in an ideal world, but for all practical purposes it's impossible to differentiate that scenario from a preying adult from an outside perspective. Finer lines do not need to be drawn, simply because they can't.

An adult needs to be more responsible. That's all there is to it. I've known a LOT of women who thought they wanted to fuck an older guy and were absolutely abused. Turns out kids don't know as much as they think they do. And this is why we "make decisions for them".

>> No.8168872

Yes. touching, sex etc. is important is you don't raise an autist. Too bad people don't understand that.

>> No.8168904

Are hebephilia and ephebophilia mental illnesses?

>> No.8169024
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The definition of mental disorders has political implications.

Objectively there is no reason to see pedophilia but not homosexuality as a disorder. But the moral judgment by society is a different one, and the definition follows that.

>> No.8169070

>why is pedophilia considered a mental disorder by the DSM if homosexuality isn't?
because pedophilia is socially inacceptable while homosexuality is

the meaning of disorder is very subjective. for example, look at gender identity disorder. DSM changed and removed it because that disorder became acceptable in the mainstream

I agree with you that it lacks consistency. but integrity and consistency matter not, only political correctness. you can't expect fields which are not math, engineering, physics or chemistry to have any integrity whatsoever

>> No.8169078


I think pedophilia is not considered a disorder. Even if it's no politicalli correct. Dont it?

>> No.8169087
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I thought it was considered a paraphilia by the DSM.

>> No.8169100

A pitbull with the red thing sticking out or the federal beurau of investments having flags which is which.

>> No.8169116

Sex was normal for the greeks now they consume sisa
Europe isnt to far behind i guess
Caligula fucked his sister but their uncle fucked Caligula

>> No.8169175

Anything is a mental disorder if you want it to be. Is that surprising to you? Humans are the ones doing the naming.

>> No.8169182
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ITT anon trying to rationalize his fear of sex between adult men and a child. That fear is a classic example of phobia. And that phobia is constructed through mass media.

Protip: instead of justify your irrational fears, try to understand their origins.

>> No.8169189


>> No.8169195

Down syndrome patients are often hypersexual though, so they'll actally seek you out more often than vice versa. One guy I knew got into trouble because he supervised some downies at a summer camp and one of them triumphantly proclaimed to her parents that "we fucked!"

>> No.8169202

A Pederass is fucked up in the brain, a homosexual or lesbian becomes one due to lifestyle.
>Know the difference

>> No.8169222

>implying people wouldn't "become" pedos if it was socially beneficial for them in some way

>> No.8169247

Why is this board even created?
>We are all fucked up in one way

>> No.8169250

>/ WOW! who is that girl in white lingerie holding the pistol

>> No.8169258
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Either way, you can't aruge with the attractiveness of soft lips and cute faces.

>> No.8169282

Because pedos are sexually attracted to humans that lack sexual attractors on their bodies, and by pedos I mean kiddy fuckers not teenage fuckers who are completely normal based on biology since we are supposed to reproduce when we are 13 years old.

>> No.8169297

>pedos are sexually attracted to humans that lack sexual attractors on their bodies
the fuck does that even mean.
humans are literally omnisexual. Go to /b/ and you'll find people sexually attracted to door knobs.

your argument is basically le
>homosex is unnatural
argument, which says that sex magically is only allowed when it serves reproduction, which is a completely arbitrary restriction, and completely denies the observations in nature, where masturbation, same sex relations, and generally non-reproductive sexual behavior are far from common.

tl;dr: religious fundamentalist, plz go

>> No.8169300

>far from common
meant to say *far from uncommon

damn you, English language, and your, double, negatives.

>> No.8169307

What in the fuck

>> No.8169311

Homo sex is unnatural
Men cant ride dick, and a women cant stop the kinetic energy that goes into tribbing.

>> No.8169314

Why did man start riding animals, because dick was always busy perfecting his basket weave for the gathering.
Why do women bleed because she was to busy stiching you up you homo sex crazed faggot

>> No.8169317

>non-reproductive sexual behavior is unnatural, even though it is widespread in nature
You keep using that word, I dont think you know what it means.

>> No.8169344

In order for something to be classified as a psychological disorder two things must be true

>their is harm involved in this condition
>it is socially disapproved

When homosexuality was considered a mental disorder, it was not yet socially approved. It was also believed at the time that homosexuality could was harmful in that it resulted in psychological issues (harm)

As for pedophilia, the harm is obviously that if the urges are acted upon, the child could be harmed. And it is NOT socially accepted.

So, as of the time period we live in, pedophilia is not an accepted behavior and harm can come from it. However, it is also possible for someone to be a pedophile and be a morally righteous person. It is possible for a pedophile to live an entire life normally without harming children, but because it CAN be harmful and because it is NOT socially accepted, then it can be classified as a mental disorder.

>tl;dr the classification of mental disorders is not necessarily universally applicable as it depends on individual philosophy and circumstance.

>> No.8169345

Thats the type to buy proxies

>> No.8169357

Whats unnatural in nature water making its way up, not all rain comes down some have to bond to produce acid rain which is been found in the amazons. But you wouldntknow because you mr green text.
You green text like you know me.

>> No.8169390

First off, I hope you understand why one is obviously morally and ethically wrong and the other isn't?

Besides that, it's because science, including psychology, has to worry about PR. It's the age we live in, and probably will continue to live in for quite a while. As opposed to dividing obviously aberrant behavior and characteristics into harmful and harmless disorders, the word "disorder" itself is deemed offensive to people. So it's not used for harmless conditions at all.

Obviously, that doesn't change the facts. Homosexuality is an anomaly, even if it is quite common these days. It's just that that particular anomaly, like many others, isn't harmful to people, so it should be ok. Speaking of facts, the subject is blurry at best to begin with.

Because ultimately the line where any feature, good or bad, becomes a "disorder", is practically always just a social construct. In the strictest interpretation, every single one of us would have multiple disorders, as any features we have or display that aren't exactly 100% average, would be abnormal. In the loosest, there would be no disorders at all, since as a globally spread species with thousands of cultures and subcultures and subjective life experiences literally everything between the worst and the best a man can do, could be considered completely normal and typical to our race.

So regardless, we're arguing linguistic concepts here. Making this whole topic pretty much useless.

>> No.8169418

>As for pedophilia, the harm is obviously that
what harm?
Do you even understand that your fear is absolutely irrational? Fear of pedophiles is like fear of immigrants. There is an link was created in your tiny brain between scary images and a particular social group or particular social act.

>> No.8169422
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There is no inconsistency, their causes are completely different as you could discover for yourself with a few google searches. You did not because you are a pedophile tying to spread some nonsense pedophile ideology and this thread is bait.

>> No.8169441

You seem sufficiently well versed in English, yet made several typos or grammatical errors in your text. If your attention to detail, to the very important act of communicating clearly with other people is that lax, then we have every reason to assume your criticism towards any and all sources you may have read and based your ideas on are equally lazy and inaccurate. In simpler terms, I'm a grammar nazi because being lazy with your use of language, I believe, tells a great deal about your intelligence or critical decision making ability in general.

But besides that, you went wrong on so many accounts that I already know even the act of replying is pointless. Like a religious zealot, you wouldn't understand if reason and understanding was smacked in your face and rammed down your throat. Regardless, here goes:

1. Look up the definition on irrational. There's a fucking metric shit ton of evidence supporting the fact that child abuse causes a whole lot of emotional and psychological harm to any and all victims.
2. Fear of immigrants is not only rational, it's healthy. Only a complete moron would not recognize the hundreds of potential dangers involved. Whether one believes those fears are worth becoming a full blown racist or to actually oppose immigration considering there are benefits to it as well, is another matter entirely. But only a fool would be naivé enough to claim there's nothing to fear at all.
3. Your last sentence doesn't even make any sense. As said before, pedophilia has been well established to cause serious mental harm to children.

>> No.8169443
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Does this woman make any harm to her 17yo students by sleeping with him?

>> No.8169463


Now for honesty's sake, I will admit that it's true that statistically speaking there must be situations where this kind of illegal and aberrant love is real, and does not cause harm to the child. But instead grows to be something real and beautiful in adulthood. But the odds for something like that are remote as fuck.

Legalizing pedophilia or morally accepting it because of a slim as fuck remote chance of something like that, would be akin to legalizing random stabbings based on the idea that one in a million stabbings might actually end up carving out an undetected cancerous growth, saving up the victim's life.

Now I will also admit that our society is no pure saint in this, since it could well be argued that any predisposition on the parent's behalf such as growing up the child to believe in God, or that there is no God, or in vegetarian diet, or into or out of pro-homosexual attitude, or sports that easily turn into violence etc... all of that is effectively brainwashing. All of that requires the same kind of manipulation of an innocent, emotionally defenseless child that could be considered abuse. There are no clear lines, and most of the above would be impossible to enforce anyway.

At the end of the day, the difference is that all of the above produce more or less healthy human beings, even if they would have an unhealthy disposition towards some social aspects of life. But pedophilia produces broken, ruined, traumatized lives that many, if not most, will not ever recover from.

In short, if you're a pedo, which judging from your earlier post you may well be, understand that it's not your fault you're fucked up. You didn't choose to be fucked up. But you ARE fucked up. It's not about you, it's about the children. Don't do it to them, just get fucking help man.

>> No.8169467

A stupid answer to a stupid question:

Do you really believe that young woman and a student one year short of being legally adult, is the same as some grown-up raping an orphaned 6-yearold who had no choice but to come to him for food and water? Are you that sick, really?

Hyperboles make bad arguments, mate.

>> No.8169489
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>it's not your fault you're fucked up. [...] you ARE fucked up.
>it's about the children. Don't do it to them
you may want to define your terms here.
For example, consider a man that get sexually excited by the idea of harming children, sexually, to the point where his greatest fetish is torturing/raping children with them dying while he climaxes.

Now, you may call this personality trait "fucked up", or "mentally ill".
I propose that it is much more useful (and intellectually honest) to categorize behavior patterns as above as "socially desirable/undesirable", or "ethical/unethical" w.r.t. some predefined system of ethics.

Throwing around labels like "fucked up" or "mentally ill" for behaviors that you do not approve of is neither illuminating nor helpful.

And before you shout
>well, OBVIOUSLY ethics are absolute and what is socially desirable is universally agreed upon
please note that "ethics" are just abstracted social rules which are a product of humans having evolved as social mammals.

No need to philosophically jerk of over them too much.

>> No.8169502

Oh you're spot on with everything you said, I agree 100%. You can take my "fucked up" as just the layman's term for what those traits or attributes could reasonably be considered as, in our modern social, moral and cultural environment. But since that IS our environment, and isn't subject to change any time soon, to us it's effectively the same as reality.

Disregarding our culturally bound morals and ethics completely however is a rather deep hole to jump down. Because at the end of that road, you would find that any manner of aberrant, even clearly evil and malicious behavior by our current standards, could be defended on the basis of there being some hypothetical post disaster scenarios where such traits would carry significant benefits to our survival as as species, for instance.

Point being, it's a dangerous road to take. We're imaginative beings, and in the end it's not at all hard to come up with several ways to justify pretty much anything at all you want, if you but put your mind to it.

>> No.8169508
File: 33 KB, 540x360, kinderficker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

case in point, there are cultures where childrape is perfectly fine (even considered holy, pic related)

also, slavery may be socially desired by the social group of slave owners, while it would be socially undesirable for the social group of slaves.

furthermore, if you look beyond just the human species, you see that we (as a species, or a big "social collective") engage in widespread genocide of other species, sometimes with intent, sometimes by accident, but the point is we clearly (and arbitrarily) put the value of human life above that of all other species in our modern day liberal "ethical system".

tl;dr if you dont want children to be hurt, just say so. But dont call people "mentally ill" just because they do not share your system of values.

disclaimer: Im not a pedo, but I could give less of a fuck about a few (hundred million) human lives. We are literally an ecological pest.

>> No.8169520

>Your last sentence doesn't even make any sense. As said before, pedophilia has been well established to cause serious mental harm to children.
This is a myth.
Victimization creates a harm, but it's not a pedo fault

>> No.8169542

Yes, it can be argued that our general morals and ethics regarding policies like anti-slavery and equality are quite obviously the logical consequence of an evolving society worried about self-preservation. Democracy isn't a thing because it's nice and fair, it's a thing because through a million different direct and indirect reasons, it keeps people from going full on rage and civil war mode, constantly hampering the development of the society. Simply put, it takes an enormous amount of resources and energy to manage a society that constantly wants to self destruct out of sheer frustration and anger. It's much smarter, then, to build a society where people are more or less content, docile, and productive.

Regardless. This is the world we live in. These are the morals and standards with which we are governed. So sure, you can argue to the end of time about how if this that and those things over there were true, then pedophilia would be a-ok. You can do the same for rape, torture, murder, animal abuse, you can even justify nuking this entire planet to a point where no life larger than a bacteria. I support the idea that there probably are even logical, well founded reasons for arguing for all of the former.

But as you do that, you step outside of what is deemed even remotely acceptable by our society. It's your choice, of course, but it's not that hard to see that in a simple risk vs. reward type of scenario, that's not exactly the smart move to make. So ideas like these will always remain hypotheticals, and best kept to yourself. Unless, hypothetically speaking, you actually want to spend the rest of your life shunned or in jail, firm in your belief in your mental superiority for instance, heh.

>> No.8169547

There is no satisfying definition of mental illness anyway because psych is not objective nor an actual science. The DSM is a political document that psychiatrists base their treatment on. The whole point is to help people overcome their personal problems so they can function in society.
Homosexuals function well under current social norms and don't need help to adjust.

Your missing the point if you think that the DSM is corrupted because they caved in to political pressure. The psychiatric profession should follow societal trends to be of any use.

>> No.8169571

>this thread
fuckin nonces the lot of you

>> No.8170012

>we are supposed to reproduce when we are 13 years old.
You're retarded, as all pedos are. Early pregnancies hare substantially more likely to result in maternal death, birth defects and congenital disorders.

>> No.8170019

>hurr durr muh nature
Go die from botulism then.

>> No.8170029
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>he did not choose to be fucked up

Nigga please, pedophilia is chosen or at best conditioned. Would you argue that all men in some assfuck bangladeshistan have an inherited brain disorder that causes them to marry 9 year olds? That's insane.

Pedophilia is either circumstantial or developed via masturbatory conditioning. It's entirely instrumental. The only people who find that to be debatable are useless grant munchers and lawyers.

>> No.8170035

>something is caused by A or B, can't be both or something else
I'm sorry, but you have terminal Autism.

>> No.8170119

What exactly is masturbatory conditioning? What prompts it and what are the effects?

>> No.8170158
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>There is nothing wrong with being attracted to a ripe 14 year old who is nicely developed and prime for breeding. Perfectly natural actually.

I just to think that, and the legal age in my country was 12.
But they recently raised it to 18 because there were too many teenage pregnancies that resulted in less girls going to school, more single mothers, and poorer families.

>> No.8170175

>postpubescent = able to bear healthy offspring and survive
nigga u dum

>> No.8170251


Who is this BUNDA op?

>> No.8170449

pedophilia is directed at prepubescent children.

>> No.8170691

>grammar fag
We thank you for kindly dying shortly.

>> No.8171193

tl;dr this is what pedophobes actually believe
1. pedophilia is a mental disorder, because children don't have boobs
2. children can't say "yes"
3. when people under age of 18 have sex, its somewhat damaging her mind.

>> No.8171215

But most of all, if not all, pregnancies is the result of sex between teenagers. and there is a law protecting this kind of relationship.

>> No.8171219

Sorry, can't answer, I'm just staring at the webm

>> No.8171349

Thanks, I needed this for research purposes.