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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8138936 No.8138936 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think about xkcdHatGuy? I think he's a literal genius. He has more videos on his youtube, and a soundcloud, but I don't think anyone knows his name or what he's up to (what university he goes/went to, what major, etc.)


>> No.8138977

He's really not. He paid attention in physics class.

>> No.8138994

he's got a very soothing voice for a 12 years old

>> No.8138997

he looks CGI

>> No.8139019

His words are very precise and he seems to know what he's talking about like he's very familiar with the concepts. More familiar than a random kid who paid attention in physics class

>> No.8139021

>some guy can parrot easy as fuck principles
>hurr durr, GENIUS!!!!1

>> No.8139022

No, he's a young man with a clear understanding of the concepts who probably reads textbooks above his age level.

That's just a good scholar, not a genius.

>> No.8139023

He's just well informed.
Far from a genius.

>> No.8139024

He looks so hot in the older videos


>> No.8139027

i like his voice

>> No.8139045

kinda this.
it would be a genius if he came up with the 4d theory, and not just repeating from wherever he heard it.

>> No.8139046

Who here was at his level in high-school, or had classmates at this level?

>> No.8139047

This is it, but, it seems relatively rare to find which is depressing.

>> No.8139049

like his vids, awared me on 4d

his videos are angsty right now gonna give him a bit then check in lol

>> No.8139054

he has a new thing on SC from a few days ago https://soundcloud.com/xkcdhatguy/

i'm really curious what he's up to though

>> No.8139061

I was about (if not more) well informed than he seems to be.
He seems like a genuinely intelligent guy, and this comes off from his intuitive explanations.
But then again, if he can't maintain it as an adult or do anything useful with his ability, then it's nothing significant.

>> No.8139062

>hurr durr fuck society

>> No.8139067

So what are you doing with your ability? Not intended in an aggressive manner, just curious

>> No.8139072

I'm currently studying NatSci at Cambridge, but that's about it.

>> No.8139076


even i, some random bozo on an imageboard could parrot this shit in highschool. i wish i made a video of it so i could have raked in that sweet sweet youtube ad revenue back when it actually was worth it

>> No.8139081

Is it grad or undergrad?

>> No.8139087

That's about nothing btw. I was offered a place to study there for my MSc (declined it) and I knew fuck-all in high school. If you're any good at all you should have some worthwhile publications to show for it

>> No.8139088

Undergrad, second year.

>> No.8139089
File: 161 KB, 480x519, future_light_cones-3_med.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're on the subject of 4th dimension, this actually proves that even if you happen to move in the 3rd dimension, you don't have any control over the 4th dimension. Which means while you travel back and forth on the 3rd dimension, your location will be entirely different on the 4th dimension, which means you don't go back to the absolute place when you move unless you have controll over the n'th dimension which is above all else.

So even if you try time travelling, you will never get to the exact point. Something will be different when you go there as the higher dimension you're in would be moving linearly disregard how much you have moved in it's sub-dimension.

Also, if 4th dimension is time, what are 5th, 6th, 7th and so on ? No Interstellar memes please.

>> No.8139091

That's my point, though.
If people don't have anything significant to offer when they're adults, then being considered a genius as a teenager means fuck all.

>> No.8139093

>Also, if 4th dimension is time
One of the four dimensions is temporal as opposed to spatial. It is not "the fourth". Dimensions don't have fucking order. In physics notation, we can set x_0 or x_3 to time depending entirely on convention (or x_1 or x_2 if we were trying to make things needlessly confusing)

>what are 5th, 6th, 7th and so on
Assuming their existence, likely ultra-compact spatial dimensions which explains why the dispersion of gas fits what we would expect with only 3 spatial dimensions - the ultra-compact dimensions have minimal impact.

>> No.8139098

whatchu think about the time travel thing while the dimension above you moves linearly independant of you ?

>> No.8139103

There's a difference between temporal dimensions and spacial dimensions.

>> No.8139105

how can anyone see the way he put those kinects together and think he's a genius

>> No.8139106

butt why :o Why isn't it like an L-system where one dimension is the multiplication of another dimension, but when we get to the 4th, its a whole other dimension.

Is time simply linear that you can't go back or move just like a spatial dimension ?

>> No.8139107

Because they're laymen, and a seventeen year old explaining any concept that seems to be remotely complicated in a simple manner is, to them, a genius.

>> No.8139110

Somewhat, yeah.
If we were to perceive time and space together, it's known as space-time.
In regards to the additional dimensions, there are theories about string theory to explain the four fundamental forces. But that's all I know of.

>> No.8139116

His descriptive videos are impressive for a person of his age, even though they might not be particularly accurate and should not be used as credible sources of reference.
His prescriptive videos - that is, pretty much every other of his video - however, should be dismissed. Any prescriptive statement should be taken very accurately, and we cannot simply compliment them just because they were told by a young person with no formal education.

>> No.8139294

Hello xkcdHatGuy, have you heard on the dunning-kreuger effect? You're apparently on the overestimating yourself side, and clearly, not a genius.

>> No.8139308


>> No.8139355

needs to lay off the mdma

>> No.8139360

this thread is cringe

All this pretension

>> No.8139718

>Any prescriptive statement should be taken very accurately, and we cannot simply compliment them just because they were told by a young person with no formal education.

>> No.8139727

He's a pretentious piece of shit. Little faggot should end himself
Lost all his credibility when he stated that Einsteins Theory of General Relativity "isn't a theory"

>> No.8139731

end your life

>> No.8139733
File: 150 KB, 712x663, 2016-06-13-085331_712x663_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's only famous cause he has a cool voice and looks good

>> No.8139736


if he was so smart he wouldn't talk so fucking slow

>> No.8139739
File: 20 KB, 306x306, tumblr_inline_nt0vm22PRG1spsojg_400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> dies his hair to look older

>> No.8139742

>implying it's not because he's gained the wisdom of the elders at a young age
confirmed jelly

>> No.8139748

go away you wannabe underage figgut. You'll never be Brian Cox

>> No.8139758
File: 16 KB, 250x192, tumblr_ny3935vqJb1rt5w1ao1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love him
i'd marry him


he is a genius to me 4ever and more
and honestly i wish i had a friend like him

thanks for spreading knowledge to this world + sharing your genius, if you ever get to see this <3

>> No.8139759

Are you a hot grill btw?

>> No.8139772

rub yourself out of existence

>> No.8139823

lel is this copy pasted from his youtube

>> No.8139852

His new videos describe how society is OUGHT to be. But we cannot take his views particularly seriously because statements that claim what is OUGHT to be done should be taken to higher standards of critical evaluation than statements about what IS something, such as his video on 4th dimension.

>> No.8139872

Hopefully the kid just ended it all

>> No.8139883

Not even that. He may just have a father who's a physics professor and explained him all the stuff and guided him

>> No.8140020

dude wtf, his voice is deep as fuck son. Jelly desu.

got some serious asmr triggers from his vids. Might start listening to him before going to bed

>> No.8140033

I think he's pretty cute.

>> No.8140099 [DELETED] 

He's not a genius.

He says specifically,
>Time is not spacial. There's a difference between space and time, quite obviously.

Superficially this seems obvious, but the General Theory of Relativity would beg to differ. The fabric of the universe is literally called "spacetime". Curvature of space effects time and vice versa. I mean this is fine, he's obviously not at the big stuff yet. Still in high school I guess.

>> No.8140113


>> No.8140139

What the fuck? This kid is just some fuckwit who was told how smart he was too many times growing up. Now he's got an ego and thinks he knows it all. Seriously, watch some of his other videos. The guy is a fucking idiot.

>> No.8140173

Former classmate was quite comparable. Sadly I was his only friend.

>> No.8140230

what's he up to now?

>> No.8140932

Offed himself a few years back

>> No.8140987

I remember being in middle school when I first watched this video and thinking what an autistic faggot he is for posting this garbage popsci. at the time I could regurgitate the same shit, all because I watched a few space documentaries. There is nothing special about this kid

>> No.8140997

idiots, he's literally parroting shit from a bunch of science documentaries

>> No.8141285

Anyone that thinks this kid is smart is either a preschooler or just plain uneducated. The pretentious little sack of shit should just end it

>> No.8141311

for real?

>> No.8141327

The dude basically had a nice voice and a good use of English, I don't know why is everyone so hyped

>> No.8141330

Because he's such a handsome little genius. He is clearly the new genius of our times. I'd wanna do naughty things with him if u kno wat I mean ;) grill here btw

>> No.8141337

He became a chemist. Quite good one, actually. Please, don't mind this dick >>8140932



>> No.8141344

Not really, but I admire that young man for looking into science instead of listening to rap music, doing drugs and browsing twitter everyday.
>grill here btw
same, but probably lot older

>> No.8141429

I bet that if you've done a video back then or even now, you'd still fail at explaining it right and misuse words

>> No.8141434

We can tell by the fact that you can't tell an obvious joke post

>> No.8141435

>looking into science instead of listening to rap music
> browsing twitter everyday

>> No.8141439

>if u kno wat I mean
We know what you mean. You mean that you have zero value of yourself and same level of skills so you are driven to be a parasite who never accomplishes anything but to be pretty little thing to be shown in the presence of succesful people.
Is that what you meant?

>> No.8141444

no I meant I'd do freaky things with him in bed ;) He's such a sexy little thang

>> No.8141445

trips confirms you are degenerate leech.

>> No.8141449

I don't care what it makes me, I just wanna do him :3

>> No.8141499

Not him

Any retard can make the video he made. It may be hard for you, but not any functional person.

>> No.8141512

>Any retard can make the video he made.
Prove it bitch

>> No.8141573

you'd have to be dysfunctional to not know how to paraphrase some big words and basic principles.

Kill yourself

>> No.8141575

the kid is scum.
only morons think he is smart

>> No.8141581

so you think you're dumb ? lol what an idiot

>> No.8141610

I think you've just proven anon's point.

>> No.8141629

That he's dumb ? yeah I think so.

>> No.8141631


>CURE for cancer is eating 'healthy' foods
>goes on a 10 minute rant about how people are stupid for not realising this

I'm not shitting you he actually says this
>When you eat meat from an animal that lives in small confined spaces you're absorbing a lot of the emotional distress

This is hitting my aspie nerve

>> No.8141721

>ancient egyptians didn't get cancer
>wild animals don't get cancer
>vegans don't get cancer

I'm gonna get triggered hard, can't watch this.

Also, he's explaining an existing concept, which isn't that hard to grasp honestly. I don't consider my high school teacher a genius because he could explain the Doppler effect.

>> No.8141725

r u having a giggle there m8?

>> No.8141726

Vegans are less likely to have cancer.

>> No.8141772


>> No.8141777

Every time I talk to one, they give me a little.

>> No.8141800


>> No.8141840

His voice is fucked up

>> No.8141844

>High schooler who had le 4D explained to him by someone who understands it explains it back to us to make himself look smart.

>> No.8142018

Yeah. Because I would make a video of myself and then post it to an anonymous image board. You really are a retard, aren't you? Just end it already.

>> No.8144083

>regurgitating information makes you a genius.
True geniuses are innovators, who form entirely new concepts in their field. I know people who are amazing at memorization, they could read Wikipedia articles back to you from memory but when it comes to actually applying themselves to said subject, they don't know jack shit.

>> No.8144229

Holy shit I just watched his vid on unemployment and this kid is a literal retard hahhhahaha what the fuck

>> No.8144464

hey I just wanna let ya'll know that reading this thread was a total waste of my time.


>> No.8144488

hello I just wanna let ya'll know that browsing this thread was totally worth my time.


>> No.8145018
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>> No.8145188



>> No.8145197


there is nothing wrong with a monopoly in the internet era.

nothing. global economics ftw.

>> No.8145201

He's a hipster with a social science degree of some kind. You've all been memed!

>> No.8145203
File: 13 KB, 400x226, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But 100% more likely to be putos

>> No.8145327

Thought the 4D video was riding completely on the fact that it was "explained by High schooler" and didn't add anything interesting to what I know. when I saw his cure to cancer vid I knew he was a literal tard

>> No.8145354

He's mentally retarded

>> No.8145431


>> No.8145437

keep your head down dumbo. even you accept that your"é dumb.

>> No.8145443

lol just rub yourself out of existence already

>> No.8145449

ssshhh. you're dumb remember, keep being dumb.

>> No.8145452

lol we get it bro, you felt a little bit insulted because you think the kids pretty smart. just end it

>> No.8145472

no you said smart people never think they are smart, which means dumb people say they're smart and dumb people dont, which means if you think you're smart ure dumb, which means you're either dumb or ur'e dumb.
so keep ure' head down dumbo

>> No.8145484

still trying to figure out what the fuck you're on about.
I said that only morons think that the KID is smart.
re-read it
"the kid is scum.
only morons think he is smart"

>> No.8145489

Then you can ignore my post, coz I said it to someone who said smart people never think or say they're smart. This kid is just repeating some babby tier youtube video as if he came up with it.

>> No.8145554

>no flatland

I'm disappointed /sci/. No one has read Flatland?

He got his ideas, almost word-for-word from the novel, "Flatland"


Worth a read. Helps with elementary mathematical reasoning and intuition, mainly by connecting the (often overlooked) idea of projection with dimension.

When you get into upper-level statistics and higher-dimension analysis this type of thinking becomes more useful. When you're designing three-dimensional objects or thinking about three-dimensional worlds, like physicists and engineers do, it's not as necessary.

>> No.8147322

he's a high school student though!

>> No.8147332

>Worth a read. Helps with elementary mathematical reasoning and intuition, mainly by connecting the (often overlooked) idea of projection with dimension.
Does it actually do so in any reasonably detailed way? I never got around to reading the actual book, but as someone who has been interested in 4d projection since I was a preteen, I found the general ideas introduced by videos and such based on flatland to be pretty trivial. I'd be interested if there's more to it than that.

>> No.8147333


Professors hate him!

>> No.8147333,1 [INTERNAL] 

cant believe my eyes..do you expect every human being to discover the same shit over and over in order to not to be called "just a parrot whos repeating documentaries or text books". well, science would be a newborn baby then

>> No.8147333,2 [INTERNAL] 

He's a good, moral, beautiful, schizophrenic, articulate human being.

>> No.8147333,3 [INTERNAL] 
