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8016045 No.8016045[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do u wanna debate some shit?

Science is using human-sacrifice to get rich.

Germs be cryptids and Virus be ufos n shit. vaccines too

>> No.8016046

Some of science is being hidden, purposely, to keep mind control tech out of human hands. I want to list a few obvious missing things.

A quick check of what academic researchers are doing reveals they are wasting their time! Academic students / researches / grant money foundations are wasting their time verifying 15th variation of math formulas (not important shit!). They should be checking the fucking ingredient lists of food: Mercury and Aspartame and things like that.

>**Humans have 5 senses**

A lie. Humans have at least 7 senses if not 10-12 senses! Perhaps ten like the ten fingers (temples vs tenpoles?). I would theorize the senses are maybe: sight, touch, taste, sound, smell, and light, heat, magnetism, electrical fields or polarity, PH balance, vibration, and maybe psychics (future sense) and gravity. The brain is a light/EMF/smell/sound sensor. For example animals sense earthquakes before they happen; either via future-sense or magnetism.

>**Humans are 96% water**

They have since adjusted this to be only 60% water! Nice of science to re-adjust their findings and forget that they used this to debate something (magnetism?). In fact they use this to cover a lie; we are made of atoms space and cells (star cells); **the galaxy might be a single atom or star cell (skin cell/brain cell). This is important to MK.** Fuckers.

>**Small animal brains are different from large brains and do not feel pain**

This is false. Every brain is capable of feels bro.


>> No.8016048


>**Two things cant exist in the same space**

This is false. It happens so often its embarrassing. I feel the galaxy is a cell, so men are made of star-cells and were inside of a star-cell: on a different scale these two things exisit in the same space. Hidden by science and important to mind control. This is used to debunk gods existance; if the sun is His nucleus; are we not inside of a man?

Also virus and parasites. If theres a virus in the blood would you consider it in the same space? If a snake has a mouse in its mouth is it not in the same space?

>**Are parasites reflexive in nature? Does science care?**

Are parasites reflexive only? The AI MK ultra patients seem to fight feels very reflexive to me. Some parasites use mind control to control the host. Some parasites use their reflexes to hide from the host.

>**Earth Worms are harmless; don't care how big they are.**

A quick google says earth worms eat earth; maybe surviving off the iron of dirth. If the earth has worms how big do they get? Do they grow to 40' or more? I've seen pictures of 6 footers... how big do they get? If the earth has worms should we expect it to survive? Would an apple survive? Some of the hubble pics show what [may be worms](https://www.reddit.com/r/reptiliandata/comments/3zbtkb/worms_the_size_of_10000_galaxies/)) the size of 10,000 galaxies. Sometimes I wonder if the mercury in the vaxx is worm poop.


>> No.8016052


>**God isnt real**

It's fairly easy to prove; the cell nucleus the big orange ball is actually what gives your skin the white/brown color. Its a sun behind some asteroid belt rocks. Stack the 9 planets on top of each other and put them to 13% opacity. the average color is asian toned. The average temp of the galaxy (998,000 light years / 10,500 F sun core) is 101 degrees per square lightyear. does the fact that its 101 degrees hint at infection?


I think species can evolve and devolve; at the same time. Theres a lot of proof were all shrinking (sabretooth cats, giant smithsonian sekeletons, google dragonflys the size of 747s, google prehistoric sharks (the size of 747s also), and more), i would guess you can evolve and devolve at the same time. The public has hidden that and hidden the cause of devolution; maybe its god, maybe its aliens, but nobodys talking about it.

Theres also forced evolution, snakes were created by men and cats: men's third eyes stealing their legs away from poisonous frogs who became aggressive, cats were chasing the frogs so they evolved to poisonous snakes. birds and lizards and sabretooth were shrunk to be less dangerous to man.

>**Mind control doesnt exist**

Theres a history of mind control and haunting on this planet. Millions of people complain daily about it [youtube emf schizophrenia or directed energy weapons or mk ultra]

>**Control whole galaxy cell is not possible**

It is possible and it may be something the brain does every day. What method of the brain does this? Can this technology be duplicated? This is important and they wont even talk about it. Fuckers.


>> No.8016053

>**3rd eye**

The brain may be the 3rd eye, or the penial gland. My theory is the 3rd Eye is a single sun [link imgur](http://i.imgur.com/ulKgfQG.png).). This may be the target for microwave/radio mind control.

>**The brain doesnt use radio, we dont know or care how to control cell nucleus.**

Does the brain use radio to control other cells? Radio (Radiation) might be a common function of the brain

>**Dinosaur skeletons existed, giants dont**

There are some skeletons on google and in museums of huge humans. And they may have purposely miscontructed dinosaur skeletons (because of mk ultra control of scientists). Mostly relevant to me because the force causing mk ultra may be causing devolution.

>**Flu virus is biological**

If men are made of stars we might be inside one, and if god hos a cold a flu virus might be 7' spaceman.

>**Vaccines are not mutants, sick stars and UFOs**

A vaccine is a sick sun and sick planets, with ufos and monsters, able to fly galaxy to galaxy and conquor the host. Via mind control, soft war, parasitic host control, and causing sickness.

>**Theres no egg white around the sun**

The air (and space?) are filled with ions, postive and negative ions, science has not explained why they are there, its pretty clear it may be a egg white (embrionic fluid). Its like saline water for the nucelus; it conducts electricity; it allows the cell nucleus to put life where it wants, create life, shape and build itself.

This is called the ionosphere (i think)

[Video of giant egg](http://img.4plebs.org/boards/x/image/1454/29/1454294057529.webm)) similar to a galaxy; the white comet trail on both sides would be where the planets are; the egg white conducts electricity and is filled of ions, interdimensional egg white fluid (ionosphere?).; a thin cell wall.

Also scientists have proved when you use a fine guage needle the cell wall doesnt break it just moves peices of the cell wall to the side [cuz they are rocks, asteroids]


>> No.8016055



Dimension may mean we are built of stars and people too. :)

>**60 Hz power lines are normal not interdimensional**

The freq of humans is roughly 700hz (or whatever), the earth puts out a 7Hz field... 60Hz is somewhere between gods freq (7hz?) and our freq; small chance it has to cancel all that energy out before it feeds the earth/sun by passing it through humans first (a human filter).

>**Earth is not drop of blood**

I think its possible. an article came out 2012 that says the average color of the universe is beige. stacking all 9 planets on top of each other gives a light brown color. the 9 planets look like drops of red and blue blood and the iron core may be the iron core of blood.

>**Mercury is safe**

Mercury is a radio/electric conductor; parts of the brain work via electricity [definiton brain axon/nerve impulse]. Mercury was known to cause mental illness since 500BC [dartmouth edu tox history mercury]. [full mercury data](https://np.reddit.com/r/reptiliandata/comments/3za5e7/mercury_vaxx_known_toxic_since_500bc/))

>**Mattresses are safe**

these are inductor coils (make a magnetic field; great for mind control) and conduct radio and electricity (satellite dish) and are antennas/energy coils and repeat the waves of the power lines (thread /r/gangstalkingmkultra). [more data](https://www.reddit.com/r/reptiliandata/comments/3zacpy/matrixes_coil_arrays_and_mk_ultra/)) and [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoQITEatw8I))

*Coils and square waves may been a duplication of brain's dna cannon: sacred geometry*
>**The universe is not vibration and electrical**

I would just suggest that nucleus are stars, and man is made of star dust. stars are nuclear and and planets electromagnetic

Were all connected to the ionosphere and gods energy. See documentary thunderbolts of gods: electric universe (maybe)

>> No.8016057
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pick a topic and lets debate

the newspapers wont touch this data

historical cases about reptos
> archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/17571733/

nwo bloodline / state of the world 2016 / newspapers wont touch this data
> imgur.com/a/gr8iy

science using human sacrifice / great filter theory
> medium.com/@bananaguy80/the-great-filter-theory-are-we-a-filter-f73a2f1e933f#.q7v891d91

matrix beds
> reddit.com/comments/3zacpy/
> video youtube.com/watch?v=aoQITEatw8I

mercury vaxx known toxic since 500bc
> reddit.com/comments/3za5e7/

> reddit.com/comments/3zbtkb/

>> No.8016064

**OK rest im just gonna list as my data i found**; scientists say these are wrong I feel they are true (theory).

* tinfoil works
* humans are bioelectric 700hz
* mercury known toxic since 500 bc
* innoculation vs vaccination, innoculation was saving lives since 1700, vaccination is just innoculation + mercury aluminum [radio wires]
* perfect crime feeding mecury to children and animals; children are not credible witness in a court
* mercury is gods blood/7hz vs humans 700hz
* psychiatry fraud; mostly mutilation bizarre surgeries and quackery, not a single cured case
* my letters get 100 views, new torture treatments like straight jacket, lobotomy, mercury vaccine get billions of patients
* subterfuge a military strategy... using deceit or mislabeling to get an effect
* biohacking exists
* tractor beam existed, science never addressed it from 1800-1900 and the newspaper didnt talk about it for 50 years, people were reporting being scanned at night
* taxonomy is fucked. they use it to hide stuff too. bears are probably dogs. snakes are frogs without legs because they turned aggressive/poisonous.

>> No.8016066

* human sacrifice was a thing that worked for thousands of years. people were killed and the killer would get rich/famous/tribe leader/king. this still works, chemicals or not
* cancer cell is mutation and pesticide is a mutagen.
* chemistry is medicine? chemistry is food? :/
* is it safe to eat pesticide irridated foods?
* marijuana is unsafe here inject these aluminum mercuries
* alternating theory is no theory is useless.
* brain electrical (brain axons/nerve impulse)
* science is now saying that the brain is electrochemical and this was a lie (to cover the mercury electric conductor problem)... but wahtas an electrochemical? A little fucking human or star.
* ecoli gene modification gmo foods are shit; it took them 50 years to remove mercury from dental fillings, organic food was outlawed for 100 years. gov is not fast enough.
* dna therapy new articles are hinting at mental illness caused by dna, they are probably gonna start DNA therapy for patients, totally false they a) never cured anyone and b) tortured and mutilated patients for the last 100 years
* does the brain mk other cells? can the tech be duplicated?
* is any study is valid if mindcontrol exists? are those scientists are MK'd? are their studys even valid if they say MK isnt real when millinos of us do? if the mice were MK'd are the studies still valid? If they did not test the environment for microwave/radio/infrared/emf are the studies stsill valid?
* the act of observation [causes paranoia.]

>> No.8016067

* is gods dna a force in the universe? a force being something that causes something else; maybe we were fighting gods dna (written by her parents dna) and thats why humans were not able to succeed fully in creating peace and prosperity. (dna as a universal causation force?)
* if scientists told us what to eat we would all put aspestos in the house, swim in chlorine pools, paint our house with lead, give mercury to the babies, drink aspertame, drink gmo corn soda, eat gmo food, eat gmo corn syrup, eat ecoli gmo food, drink fluoride, and smoke a pesticide cigarette (oh and marijuana would be illegal)
* human sacrifice for money (has always worked)
* could the earth be cleaning itself by filtering all the pesticide companies products and mercury mines products through humans?
* animal testing is awful, they are smart.
* universe rejecting smarter predatory species? or mutant dna?
* vaccine is ufos and sick stars
* bacteria and germs might be 8' monsters
* immunity from vaccine should last > 1 generation
* chemicals are medicine, and human malfunction is the cause
* sun as balancer of ions as job? converts to dna/food? transfer food energy from stomache to cells?
* snakes make a good MKer......they eat still alive food and control it all the way
* statistics can be manipulated
* stupid germs have a stupid immunosystem so can beat a lazy immunosystem

>from r eddit.com/comments/4fb98a/science_lies_relevant_to_mind_control/

>> No.8016105
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can you even read threads about aliens or would it alter your life timeline to shit?

are they already waiting in everyones house?