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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7949313 No.7949313[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do black people not look like white people when they have albinism? I thought it was only skin color that made us different.

>> No.7949316

>it was only skin color that made us different.

said no believer of racial equality ever

>> No.7949318
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>he fell for leftist memes

>> No.7949319
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>Why do black people not look like white people when they have albinism?
Because black people aren't the same as albinos. That's like asking why don't Asians look white? you've gone full retard OP.

>> No.7949322

This. I guess the reason why stormfags don't realize how dumb they are is because they imagine their opposition to be as twice as retarded as they are with strawmen.


>> No.7949325

Because when we think of black people includes a set of facial features. That's why when you get a suntan people don't think you're a nigger.

>> No.7949331

Are you mad that you are globally ridiculed because of your autism libtard ? :^)

Now go shitpost in your cesspool and don't come to /sci/ again


>> No.7949333


*Said every believer ever

>> No.7949360

People come to this board for discussion of science and math. Not stormfaggotry bait.


>> No.7949368

> asking a question about albino black people means you're a nazi
I don't think you're trying hard enough libtard. If you were aware this was a science board, you would realize it doesn't give a shit about your feelings. and gobackto/pol/ is not a scientific answer.

Remain in >>>/r/eddit where shitposting is allowed.

>> No.7949372

>Are you mad that you are globally ridiculed because of your autism libtard ? :^)
Lol, that is some heavy projection. Sometimes I wonder if people on 4chan are actually this delusional.

>> No.7949375

>Remain in >>>/r/eddit where shitposting is allowed.
Are you implying shitposting isn't allowed on 4chan? Because, reddit having rules it actually enforces aside, if shitposting wasn't allowed on 4chan you wouldn't be here, lol.
Also the guy you replied to now isn't the same guy from before, just saying.

>> No.7949376

> u-uh not everyone makes fun of us guise trust me
> b-black people and white people have identical intelligence because my anti-science libtard agenda told me

ssshhh libtard...no tears now

>> No.7949378

sjw shitposting is allowed on reddit to a degree, but if you can't keep your answers scientific and go full retard by accusing people with being a nazi or something laughable like that, you don't belong here.

>> No.7949403

Thank-you. OP hasn't even give an argument to >>7949319

>> No.7949404

If you are from /pol/ it's ironic and delusional that you think that. Like, if being made fun of for certain political ideals is a valid argument against that belief, doesn't it especially obliterate people like you who are actually the minority with their political opinions and are being made fun off even more often? That's a rhetorical question. It's dumb in the first place to think that's right. But if it was, you would be the one fucked.

He actually got called out on making a pretty dumb strawman, which is why he got labeled a "stormfag". The way the question is presented just gives it away away you are dealing with another stereotypical stormfaggot and therefor it's not worth it to reply seriously. But I will make an exception if you actually don't understand.
Do you think OP brought new information on the table here? Do you think nobody sees the obvious difference in facial structure of blacks, whites and asians just because they choose not to prematurely judge peoples' character based on an appearance they couldn't choose? Why not go ahead and make fun of ugly white nerds then, since on average you can expect them to be awkward and unlikable people? As someone else in this thread said, /pol/ is being made fun of because they dumb down liberal opinions to be able to win the argument. And if you give away you are one of those people, nobody will take you serious.

>> No.7949411
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I know this thread never stood a chance, but I'll give you a serious answer, you massive faggot OP.
There are soft-tissue features that differ across ethnic groups. Some are the result of drift, but others are caused by selective forcings. The nose, for example. Black people have flatter noses with wider nostrils because it allows for more airflow when breathing hard, whereas white people, who historically hail from colder climes, have larger, narrower noses to more efficiently warm and moisten air before it gets to the sensitive tissues of the lung.

>> No.7949413

> black people that don't have black skin color are still clearly identified as black people.

Did you even have a point sjwtard ? Wanna try the same thing with trying to paint them green, blue or yellow and see if people will magically be unable to recognize the monkey-like features on their face ?

>> No.7949430
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I guess that means albinos have a bigger dick compared to you.

>> No.7949438

Man, /pol/ is masterful at creating a strawman.

>> No.7949442

Even if they occassionally have some points, they ruin everything they achieve with their strawmen.

>> No.7949444

Why is this thread still up?

Brussels attacks OP, it's time to go piss on muslims. Don't waste time here.


>> No.7949583

that is not an answer, yet alone a scientific one.
please stop flooding the board with your repetitive shitposting.

As for you OP, ofcourse race is not only skin deep. ıgnore these retarded anti-science SJW invaders like the ones I just replied who fill this board with misinformation. We have different skin colors due to the thousands of years of evolutionary disparity, giving white people and black people different genetic traits. Skin color is one of the many genetic differences we have.

>> No.7949587

>> u-uh not everyone makes fun of us guise trust me
>> b-black people and white people have identical intelligence because my anti-science libtard agenda told me

how is this post scientific or not a strawman

>> No.7949592

It feels good to commit fallacies, but it doesn't help your case.

>> No.7949598

You'll understand once they teach you evolution.

>> No.7949603

another quality post by the quality posters at /pol/

this one isn't even a strawman, jesus christ

>> No.7949606 [DELETED] 

you're both embarrassment to all white people. Go live on planet ayy lmao with the other aliens.

>> No.7949610
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>no difference in IQ

>> No.7949616

It's really difficult to take you seriously when you keep calling strawman without knowing what it means and how it is a strawman and desperately try to put /pol/ in your posts to derail the thread.
You had zero scientific input so far so please remain in your anti-science SJW shithole and don't visit a science board ever again.


Sincerely, /sci/.

>> No.7949621 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7949622

>A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent

Sounds like the post I just quoted, shitposter.

Hey look, another strawman.

Point out where someone said there wasn't a difference in IQ, you dumb nigger.

I'm agreeing with you, fuckwit. Stop shitting up MY board.

>> No.7949625

Shouldn't all countries have scored identical IQ scores if all of our IQs are same ?

Also is it an astronomical coincidence that that top IQ scores belong to asian countries and worst IQ scores belong to african countries ? Because these SJW invaders who keep trying to derail the thread with posting /pol/ deny evolution and the differences between races.

>> No.7949627

no one contested that you subhuman brainlet

who the fuck are you even arguing with

get off my board

>> No.7949629

> doesn't explain how its strawman
> let me copypaste the definition of a strawman so i look li i explained how his post is a strawman

Are all you SJWtards this boring, repetitive and science-hating shitposters ? Don't come back to /sci/ before learning the outcomes of evolution and finally ACCEPT that evolution is true. This is not your ignorance board, it's a science board

Sincerely, /sci/

>> No.7949634

Your board is >>>/r/eddit where uncomfortable truths can be censored as non-truths

>> No.7949635

>makes up an imaginary image and argument to refute by pretending that I said "b-black people and white people have identical intelligence because my anti-science libtard agenda told me"
>not a strawman


now fuck off, you worthless nigger

>> No.7949638 [DELETED] 
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Serious question.. how does it feel to know that albino's are superior to you. How big is your dick again? evolution fucked you up.

>> No.7949639

Than explain what you think rather than shitposting. And try to use scientific terms for once.

>> No.7949641

> all these >/pol/ spam

Are we being raided by reddit SJW again ? Can these people not fuck off to their anti-science shitholes already ?

>> No.7949642

thanks for finally giving up and strawmanning, again

why is it that when /pol/ gets triggered, they immediately come to shitpost here?

>> No.7949646

meant for

>> No.7949650

That wasn't a scientific answer neither nor counter-argument. Nice try though.

Now off you go to your science rejection shithole >>>/r/eddit

>> No.7949651

niggers are intellectually inferior

now how about you fuck off my board if you're going to rabidly shitpost