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7379894 No.7379894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people say race is not related to IQ?

How can anyone believe in evolution, yet not believe in the brain evolving differently depending on the level of environmental pressure put on it to survive? That a more "intelligent" race had to adapt to much more complex situations, requiring a higher intelligence/larger brain/larger areas of the brain?

I refuse to think that my race has the same average IQ as pic related.

>> No.7379909

Humans don't have races, they just have different skin pigmentation.

>> No.7379911

>Why do people say race is not related to IQ?
Because they've been indoctrinated

>> No.7379915

Dogs don't have breeds, just different colors of fur.

>> No.7379920

Why are you drawing a comparison to a completely different species?

>> No.7379924

All dog breeds are the same species, faggot.

>> No.7379925

Because dog breeds are basically a more extreme version of human races.

>> No.7379926

Why do people still rely on race as an indicator of genes when we can rely on genes as an indicator of genes. Skin colour was babby's first eugenics, we can do so much more now.

>> No.7379928

Where did I claim the contrary?

But are all dog breeds equal physically and intellectually?

>> No.7379929

>Because dog breeds are basically a more extreme version of human races.

Please go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of.

>> No.7379932

Because the classical definition of race correlates more or less with the genetic definition of race?

>> No.7379933
File: 45 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because dog breeds are basically a more extreme version of human races.

>> No.7379934

Are your only retorts going to be insulting me? If yes spare yourself the trouble.

>> No.7379936


>> No.7379937

Only in a very broad sense. Africa especially is extremely genetically diverse and it's absolutely retarded to classify two genetic populations in Africa as the same while they may genetically differ to a greater extent than europeans and middle easterners.

>> No.7379938

>daily reminder that the most "problematic" thing in modern science is the fucktarded word "species"

>daily reminder that genetics has made this dumb word completely irrelevant in the past 15 years

>daily reminder they tested some "native" new guinea people and it turned out they are walking talking homo erectus and the government came in and literally threatened their lives.

>> No.7379940

>more or less
Emphasis on less, we're capable of so much more now.

>> No.7379941

Dog breeds have other different traits than fur color, if you are looking for different human races try homo habilis and homo erectus.

>> No.7379943

>daily reminder they tested some "native" new guinea people and it turned out they are walking talking homo erectus and the government came in and literally threatened their lives.
I want to read this

>> No.7379944

No it's not retarded because two given african tribes will still be much closer to each other genetically speaking than to a european ethnicity.

>> No.7379945
File: 25 KB, 205x136, 1425451823271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This argument always boils down to semantics and /pol/ can literally never wrap its tiny, fragile head around it. They think that because we say "race doesn't exist" that we mean "ALL HUMANS ARE EQUAL TABULA RASA". And frankly I'm sick of trying to explain to them what genetic populations are since we go through this every fucking time one of these threads pops up.

These threads only serve the purpose of having the OP argue with a bunch of people on /sci/ about race so that he may solidify his own beliefs.

And, of course, if you suggest that IQ is flawed, and that actual cognitive difference across populations is somewhat marginal and certainly doesn't account for all of the socioeconomic disparities we see today you're lambasted and called a cuck.

>> No.7379948

How is that a rebuttal to what I said? People consider arabs and caucasians to be different races. They consider Ethiopians and Zulu to be the same race.

This means that what defines race is inherently flawed and, ultimately, not based on genetics.

Fuck you're dense.

>> No.7379951

>Africa especially is extremely genetically diverse and it's absolutely retarded to classify two genetic populations in Africa as the same while they may genetically differ to a greater extent than europeans and middle easterners.
It doesn't really matter how "diverse" africans are, they all fail in the one trait that matters which is intelligence.

You're basically trying to argue that failing at life in unique ways prevents us from classifying them as fucking failures.

>> No.7379952

How did I know this would also be posted on /pol/


>> No.7379953


Those are different species.

>> No.7379954

Did I say the contrary? Classical anthropology still did a pretty good job of classifying races way before dna was even discovered.

>> No.7379955

you wont. I have anthropoligist friends tell me this and they said its not the first time its happened and genetic science is HEAVILY censored by the government and colleges especially.

Basically through their own personal research they understand that due to the rapid advancement in the understanding of genetics , modern liberalism is not yet ready to confront the fact that people in fact are not equal.

There are small tribes of people walking around right now that are on display in museums. Thats how bad it is.

>> No.7379957


Yeah, and no one wants to get into the science of it because they're afraid of politics coming along and fucking them up when there's a conclusion that people don't like (that's science).

>> No.7379958

...and the different races of homo sapiens also have different traits than skin color : bone structure, lactose tolerance, different hormonal levels, etc

>> No.7379961


>different skin pigmentation because of genes
>different cranial structure because of genes
>different reactions to certain medicines because of genes
>different penis size averages because of genes

>> No.7379963

>And, of course, if you suggest that IQ is flawed, and that actual cognitive difference across populations is somewhat marginal and certainly doesn't account for all of the socioeconomic disparities we see today you're lambasted and called a cuck.
I won't call you a cuck, but I will call you misinformed.

First of all IQ tests are a pretty good indicator of intelligence.

Second of all, I wouldn't call a 15point average IQ difference marginal

>> No.7379965

IQ isnt flawed.

Its simply a measurement.

If you want to stack other races up against other races. Just fucking look at what they have accomplished on a historic scale.

You will find quite quickly its extremely easy to throw our jared diamond arguments and literally seperate success on race alone.

>> No.7379966

Part of me wants to think you're le epic stormfag conspiracy man, but god damn I really am curious
Alls I'm saying is that race is outdated because of how it's just a simpler way of describing genes which we don't need anymore because we can look at them individually now. I mean yes we still don't understand how they all interact, but we're getting there.

>> No.7379967

>I refuse to think that my race has the same average IQ as pic related.
Bravo. Truly on your way to become a great scientist.

>> No.7379969

I'll go ahead and finish our argument out so you don't have to.

Me: IQ isn't a perfect indicator of intelligence

You: It correlates enough to indicate they're less intelligent, even when all things are set equal. [Cite Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study]

Me: And that difference is ultimately not large enough to account for all of socioeconomic troubles of black people. Genetic determinism is as stupid as tabula rasa.

You: So Africa just managed to be the shittiest continent by luck?
>Inb4 muh colonialism

Me: You can't dismiss the impact of important historical events and cultural differences that ultimately are extremely important. And yes, colonialism and the way it shaped modern Africa is important.
And then we begin an endless argument about the relative important of genetics with you obviously arguing they are supremely important and myself arguing that you're overemphasizing their significance.


>> No.7379971

>How is that a rebuttal to what I said? People consider arabs and caucasians to be different races. They consider Ethiopians and Zulu to be the same race
What? Both arabs and ethiopians have been historically classified as caucasoid. You might want to check your facts before calling someone else dense...

>This means that what defines race is inherently flawed and, ultimately, not based on genetics.
Of course it's not based on genetics, it predates genetics by a hundred years!!

But it CORRELATES rather well with what we now know thanks to genetics.

>> No.7379972

Jared Diamond's argument a shit.

Genetic determinism a shit.

This is a false dichotomy.

>> No.7379973

So I guess the Chinese, Arabs and Greek are the most successful races (Or ethnic group if you will)?

>> No.7379974

"caucasoid" is an anthropological skull category, not a race.

And the poster count is 13 right now. Let's see if it ever even makes it to 15 :^)

>> No.7379975

>Alls I'm saying is that race is outdated because of how it's just a simpler way of describing genes which we don't need anymore because we can look at them individually now
What? How does going from an amthropological approach to a genetics based approach invalidate the notion of race? It simply redefines it.

>> No.7379976

>le strawman
sorry bud, no matter how you look at it africans are fucking retarded. racism is just applied statistics

P(IQ>100 | White) >> P(IQ>100|Black)

>> No.7379977

im not joking. Do you know what would happen to society if politicians were handed peer reviewed studies that said "ooops these actually are not people even though they look alot like it and sometimes act like it"

Go look at south africa post apartheid.

the writing is on the wall on this issue. We gave these things modern metropolises and they are falling apart and new construction is literally metal shacks.

The modern antropoligist community is made up of 2 types of people

1. The old guard protecting the truth from getting out

2. New students with basic critical thinking skills who want to do science and see that genetics is on the verge of either braking out and changing the world , or being shuttered as "racist propaganda"

>> No.7379978

>And that difference is ultimately not large enough to account for all of socioeconomic troubles of black people.
That is false actually.

A low average IQ would be the perfect explanation for black underachievement

>> No.7379980

I'm talking about demolishing the concept of race in favour of more eugenically effective terms.
Are there any online resources which even point to this thing. I'm not concerned about niggers being dumb, though the museum people sound cool.

>> No.7379981

Nobody uses the term caucasian except for the us census bureau.

I'm afraid you're attacking a strawman

>> No.7379982

>A low average IQ would be the perfect explanation for black underachievement
>looks up average IQ of african countries
>60-70 IQ range
But wait, someone that dumb wouldn't even be able to plant seeds in the ground? AT LAST I TRULY SEE

>> No.7379983

Why? Because you say it is? It's one thing to take Jared Diamond's stupid arguments about environment. It's another thing to dismiss recorded historical events that we fully understand. That's absolutely retarded. "Why are black people where they are today? Slavery and Jim Crowe certainly have absolutely nothing to do with it. They just dumb!"

>> No.7379984

the most sucessful ethnic group in the world is the khazar jew.

They have infiltrated every society in the world with their massive intelligence.

they dont even need to breed to survive. They are on another level entirely by mastering social skills.

this is likely what happened with neanderthal.
They were extremely intelligent beings , but they were literally autistic and could not interact with others well.

>> No.7379985

>I'm talking about demolishing the concept of race in favour of more eugenically effective terms.
But genetics pretty much confirm the traditional racial classifications!

>> No.7379986

why are you manually typing out an ancient, second rate screencap?

>> No.7379987

>That's absolutely retarded. "Why are black people where they are today? Slavery and Jim Crowe certainly have absolutely nothing to do with it. They just dumb!"
and it's at this point that you realize that this is just shitty bait.

Slavery and Jim Crow has nothing to do with Africa you retard. There is literally no excuse for them being as retarded as they are.

>> No.7379988


Yeah, a skull category that just so happens to apply to white people, where Negroid just so happens to apply to black people.

Funny how that works.

>> No.7379989

I said caucasoid you idiot.

Physical anthroplogists classify skull shape into 4 large families: caucasoid, mongoloid, negroid, and australoid.

>> No.7379990

blacks have existed in the same exact state for over 10,000 years

This can be attributed to many things. the main one being they never crossbred with neanderthal.

The second being , they were in an environment where you could throw a rock into a bush and kill something. Every time. no reason to evolve.

>> No.7379992


I give it to Anglo-Saxons due to the space age.

>> No.7379993

>Why? Because you say it is?
Well it makes sense. It would explain why blacks, wether they live in America, europe or africa, are always underperforming.

I mean, please explain how a low average IQ would NOT lead to blacks underperforming. I'm all ears.

>> No.7379995

>One /pol/ack replying to literally every single post ITT

Bravo. You've truly outdone yourself.

>> No.7379996

Who gives a fuck about racial classifications. I want happy, intelligent, and empathic people running around. If I have to grab genes from all the races, so be it.

>> No.7379997


>using slavery as an excuse

Niggers were profiting from selling other niggers as slaves. The niggers that made mad gold from slave trafficking did not do much with it.

Besides, people from all races, from all over the world have been enslaved. There are slaves today in some parts of the world and just three of hundred years ago slavery was pretty fucking common all over the world.

>> No.7379998 [DELETED] 

Different poster here, I do have to say that there is some weight added to this hypothesis when you consider the aboriginal tribes of Australia have been proven to have migrated out of early Africa and well, when you compare both, they kind of both have really shitty societies.

Penis size average being larger in Africans points to an evolutionary change for their race to survive and reproduce.

Their constant failure in terms of government(failed states, corrupt to the core) and advancement(architecture, design) are really just a product of socieconomic obstacles?

Give me something that shows this is just racist crap, please.

>> No.7379999

>I mean, please explain how a low average IQ would NOT lead to blacks underperforming. I'm all ears.
this, it's like expecting a retard to contribute to science at the same magnitude as any of the great scientists that have ever lived. not going to fucking happen.

>> No.7380000

Why are you shifting the goalposts?

Your original claim was false. Nobody considered ethiopians and the zulu to be part of the same race. Now kill yourself

>> No.7380001

It would. By an amount far lower than what they are currently experiencing.

Look, I understand that the world is nicer if you look at things as simply as possible. But things aren't simple. Things are complex. Every issue is multi-faceted. You can't tell me things like ghettoization following the loss of manufacturing jobs during hte latter 20th century and the war on drugs are irrelevant to where black people in the US currently are.

>> No.7380002

there isnt.

You have to understand that until the dutch arrived in sub saharan africa. These people were almost isolated completely from the world for tens of thousands of years.

this was in effect a second planet. nothing happened.

they couldnt even develop the wheel.

Neither could the native americans.

>> No.7380003

Thanks. And I'm on my shitty cellphone too!

>> No.7380004

>Nobody considered ethiopians and the zulu to be part of the same race

Top fucking kek. I'd love to see you point out an ethiopian immigrant in a lineup of black people off the street.

>> No.7380005

>there isnt.
>proceeds to prove the point he's trying to disprove

>> No.7380006

>Who gives a fuck about racial classifications
Well in case you hadn't noticed, this is the subject of this thread. Not your transhumanist fantasies.

>> No.7380007

>By an amount far lower than what they are currently experiencing.
lol? and you know this how exactly? even niggers who aren't american and never experienced MUH OPPRESSION have an incredibly hard time doing anything.

>You can't tell me things like ghettoization following the loss of manufacturing jobs during hte latter 20th century and the war on drugs are irrelevant to where black people in the US currently are.
Funny how none of this affected other races. If this really had any impact then we would see it screw over other people too, not just black people.

>> No.7380008
File: 38 KB, 632x346, intelrise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ isn't flawed!
>People in 1920 really were 25% dumber!

>> No.7380009

>post shitty grave with no sources
>expects us to believe him

>> No.7380011 [DELETED] 

Wouldn't this be the test group and the control group in trying to determine if Africans are of lesser intelligence? I'm not saying they are, but now I'm curious.
To be honest, I've never bought the story that Asians are better at logical reasoning because of their implemented methods to educate.

>> No.7380012

>It would. By an amount far lower than what they are currently experiencing.
How do you know that? Muh gut feeling?

And the reason for the current state of the nigger in America is due to the civil rights movement. Blacks under the racist oppressive jim crow laws fared better...

>> No.7380013

they are completely irrelevant because anywhere blacks exist in large communities on the planet , this is how they behave.

Google the warrior gene.

blacks do not have precognition. They rely on impulsivenes to survive.

When polfags talk about "the white man being forged in the frosts of europa"

they are talking about the fact that you need severe brain evolution into precognition to be able to plan ahead for winter.

>> No.7380014

The Mayans developed the wheel, but only used it in toys. Since they had no draft animals the wheel never really took off.

>> No.7380015

It's pretty easy. Ethiopians have a semitic look.

Anyways you're once again shifting the goalposts. So once again I'm going to tell you to kill yourself

>> No.7380016

Races is just an abstraction of genes. My fantasies are quite literally the fundamentals of this thread. When some guy holds up a sign that says fuck niggers, the sign should really say, "fuck anyone which contains genes which lack in developing memory, impulse control, empathy or reasoning skills when compared to my country's people" I'm refraining from naming certain genes because the interaction between them and other ones is still a developing field. Though some people would have that development stifled.

>> No.7380017

People were also shorter in 1920.

>> No.7380019


>> No.7380020 [DELETED] 

If this is your logic, knowing we can't get rid of blacks and knowing evolution would only help us get better, wouldn't you logically promote cross-breeding between races?

>> No.7380022

Well...okay? You're veering off topic

>> No.7380023


1920 was nearly a hundred years ago.

>> No.7380024

>Funny how none of this affected other races.
I'll give you a history lesson since you're apparently uneducated.

Following the civil war, there is a mass exodus of blacks from Jim Crowe south to northern cities. White people fled the cities into the suburbs. Black people lived alright for a few decades and even started to make headway around the 50s. Starting in the 60s, manufacturing jobs left the cities. They went overseas, they went to the suburbs. Black people couldn't afford to follow. Ghettoization set in as unemployment rises. Unemployment bred crime, as it always does. The 1980s happen. Crack cocaine hits the street, mainly in black ghetto neighborhoods (white people snort regular coke). The war on drugs is declared. Sentencing for crack cocaine is 100 times more severe than for regular cocaine, by law, despite both being identical. Black fathers are now in jail. Today, i third of all black youth will have their father imprisoned at some point in their lives. Families decay, culture decays, ghetto culture becomes rampant, Elvis' sings a song that describes it all pretty well. But you're right. none of that matters. They just sure is stupid!

>If this really had any impact then we would see it screw over other people too, not just black people.
It has. The middle class has stagnated since the 70s as the jobs leave and are replaced with low-paying service-sector jobs. Where have you been?

>> No.7380026

>knowing we can't get rid of blacks
pretty sure we can, d/w m8

>knowing evolution would only help us get better, wouldn't you logically promote cross-breeding between races?
that's not quite how evolution works, nice try schlomo.

>> No.7380027

Actually, I expected you to be familiar with the Flynn effect since you're so knowledgeable about IQ and all.

>> No.7380031

Pittsburgh lost its industrial base during the 1970s (the steel industry). Yet today it is rather prosperous.

Wanna guess what's the difference between Pittsburgh and Detroit?

>> No.7380032

Trying to see if you're a racist, yup you definitely are. Leaving this topic.

>> No.7380033

asians are better because they have perfected the concept of "society" over "individualism"

You look at a place like japan and you see society and infastructure at the highest epoch of human advancement. But socially the place is a wasteland of dispair

if you fail in school you are quite literally pig disgusting worthless subhuman garbage that is less than nothing in the eyes of greater society and should jump off a bridge immediately.

this is why japanese people kill themselves from work related stress.

this might also explain the "hikimori" thing that is plaguing japan alone compared to other asian countries

>> No.7380034

that little story of yours just tells me white people knew better than to stay in those nigger cities and for good reason. funny how no matter what happens, niggers always fuck up and everyone else manages to avoid become a shit hole like they did.

>It has. The middle class has stagnated since the 70s as the jobs leave and are replaced with low-paying service-sector jobs. Where have you been?
bullshit. nothing has happened anywhere near the extent as niggers.

>> No.7380035


That is a retarded concept and you fucking know it.

>> No.7380036

And I expect you to know that the white black IQ gap has remained constant for more than a century.

>> No.7380037

>He's replying to the same posts 2-3 times a piece.

Holy shit. Why?

There are many differences between Pittsburgh and Detroit--far too many to name in one post, but I'm going to assume that you'll just pin it all on those damn dumb niggers?

>> No.7380039

No i would rather develop a virus that kills off that subspecies so we can colonize the largest most fertile landmass on the planet that has gone almost completely untouched for all of history.

>> No.7380040

>post shitty graph with no sources
>expects us to believe him

get fucked faggot.

>> No.7380041


You forgot the Indo-Aryans, for the Zero concept.

>> No.7380044

This holy shit.

>> No.7380045

I wish /sci/'s mod was on more often. This shit won't be deleted until morning.

>> No.7380047

I don't know if you can call Microsoft drag and drop zygote synthesizer software 2022 "breeding", but alright. Oh and once we get a real version of this I support literally everyone be forbidden to make non designer babbys.

>> No.7380048



>> No.7380050

>but I'm going to assume that you'll just pin it all on those damn dumb niggers?
Occam's razor

At some point you will run out of excuses and have to face the harsh reality.

>> No.7380051

shouldnt you be researching the fag gene or something?

>> No.7380052

>"society" over "individualism"
>society and infastructure at the highest epoch of human advancement

I disagree

>> No.7380053

Why do you want this to be deleted?

>> No.7380054



>> No.7380056

Pretty much every people on the eurasian landmass have contributed something or another at some point in history.

>> No.7380058



>> No.7380059

disagree all you want. I would like to see more advanced technological and societal infastructure than japan

>> No.7380060

I'd prefer to have a discussion with multiple informed persons, not one /pol/ack who just took a five hour energy/snorted cocaine and is replying to every posts 3 times.

>> No.7380063

Europe was pretty much the place to be back then. Everyone fought each other for some reason or another which pushed everyone to improve themselves. Areas that remained more and more isolated took heavy loses in terms of development.

>> No.7380064

The space age is more Central/Eastern European migrants and Russians that Anglo-Saxon tbh.

>> No.7380066

close enough

>> No.7380067

I'm a /pol/ack and believe I'm pretty informed.

Also you're retarded if you believe that there's a /pol/ack samefagging.

>> No.7380068


>pinnacle of human civilization

I am of optimist that things will be improving, and not weeaboo

Also there is literally no reason to assume collectivist cultures are superior to individualist cultures. The current evidence seems to suggest the opposite (massive cultural appropriation of Western systems and technologies).

>> No.7380070

You can't chalk off everything to isolation. The ottoman empire was at the crossroads of multiple cultures yet it failed to develop.

European success can be explained by a combination of culture and genetics.

>> No.7380071


Opinions disregarded.

>> No.7380073


we are many


>> No.7380074

There are 109 posts and 18 posters, and unless all /pol/acks type their posts in the same style, yes. About 10 minutes ago there was an inordinate amount of samefagging. And he openly admitted it >>7380003.

>> No.7380075
File: 1.13 MB, 2836x2000, JuJu Wilson - Sabrina Houssami - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do people say race is not related to IQ?
It might be, but why would anybody give a shit about IQ? Also, we start solving pattern recognition problems at a very early age so no wonder we're better at it than someone who lived in a mud hut with no education for his whole life. You can practice IQ tests.
>brain evolving differently depending on the level of environmental pressure put on it to survive
What's the difference in enviromental pressure abos have been experiencing in the last 20000 years vs europeans? Smart europeans might have a better reproductive chance, but so do smart abos.
>a more "intelligent" race had to adapt to much more complex situations
Yes, that might have an effect, but not on a 4000years timescale - thats only 200 back-to-back generations
>I refuse to think that my race has the same average IQ as pic related.
You refuse to think critically about the issue, you're going to believe what you believe. You're a moron.

>> No.7380077

1)that was me
2)I didn't admit to samefagging you fucking moron. I admitted to answering all the replies to my posts (which constitute the bulk of the first part of this thread)

>> No.7380078

>The ottoman empire was at the crossroads of multiple cultures yet it failed to develop.
the ottoman empire was eastern europe basically. two of the most intelligent races come from eastern europe, one of them being the jews.

>> No.7380081

>but not on a 4000years timescale

See: >>7380008

>> No.7380082
File: 22 KB, 397x397, nigger albino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is plainly false. Different physical features vary too.

>> No.7380084

>all /pol/acks type their posts in the same style


>why would anybody give a shit about IQ

Because it allows for demonstrably strong predictions about a set group of people's future starting age ten.

>> No.7380085

I am a /pol/ fag but im not samefagging.

you are just talking to multiple polfags who happen to upset you with their better understanding of science

Here is a tip. Every single racial group in america that was not white british/german protestant christian was treated like absolute fucking shit until the 1950s

blacks are not special in opression. In fact. around 320,000 black people total were shipped here as slaves. over 300,000 white irish children snatched up from streets in england were sent here as slaves too.

but you dont see copper cab on youtube crying about historical oppression of ginger people

You dont see japanese people crying about the fact they were literally thrown into concentration camps at the drop of a hat DESTROYING everything they earned up until that point OVERNIGHT.

Because they were capable of building it up again.

>> No.7380086

>I choose to ignore history for the sake of my own world view

Do go on. This is great.

>> No.7380088

>It might be, but why would anybody give a shit about IQ?
Because it's a good indicator of overall intelligence?

>What's the difference in enviromental pressure abos have been experiencing in the last 20000 years vs europeans?
Are you stupid? The environmental pressures in a sedentary agricultural lifestyle and a hunter gatherer lifestyle aren't exactly similar.

>Yes, that might have an effect, but not on a 4000years timescale - thats only 200 back-to-back generations
4000 years is plenty of time for a mutation to spread. The mutation for blue eyes is only 6000 years old for example.

>> No.7380089

> Because it allows for demonstrably strong predictions about a set group of people's future starting age ten.
sweet. i can continue coasting on my 140 IQ while drinking myself into an early grave

>> No.7380090

>It might be, but why would anybody give a shit about IQ?
low IQ faggot spotted

>Also, we start solving pattern recognition problems at a very early age so no wonder we're better at it than someone who lived in a mud hut with no education for his whole life. You can practice IQ tests.
Even black people who have proper education from the second they are born aren't able to correct for race related IQ differences on average, nice try.

>What's the difference in enviromental pressure abos have been experiencing in the last 20000 years vs europeans? Smart europeans might have a better reproductive chance, but so do smart abos.
no excuses faggot, at the end of the day if you didn't develop as much then you ARE inferior. you are literally trying to blame nature for being retarded, which is correct, but nature doesn't give a fuck.

>Yes, that might have an effect, but not on a 4000years timescale - thats only 200 back-to-back generations
>evolution is impossible to occur in 200 generations

>You refuse to think critically about the issue, you're going to believe what you believe. You're a moron.

>> No.7380094

Holy shit. /pol/acks are literally so delusional that, rather than admit there might be some problem with IQ, they force themselves to believe people are cognitively more advanced than their parents.

>> No.7380095

Oh piss off. Blacks are the only people to have gone through hardships? The life of the average black in jim crow america was far above the world average.

>> No.7380097

>I wish /sci/'s mod was on more often. This shit won't be deleted until morning.
>waaaaa, why won't the mods delete what I don't like

>> No.7380099

I literally just gave you a history lesson explaining to you how jim crow/slavery is a completely empty argument and you are telling me im ignoring it?

>> No.7380100


Prove that those variations in IQ averages are because IQ is flawed and not because average intelligence changes.

>> No.7380101

Observed IQ and genetic potential are not one and the same. This ignores a multitude of environmental factors which can impact intelligence. Nutrition is an obvious example. The fact that one population has a higher observed IQ than another could as likely be a product of environment as genetic potential.

>> No.7380102

IQ tests are widely accepted by academia as a valid indicator of overall intelligence.

The only place where I've seen so much disdain for IQ tests has been here on /sci/

>> No.7380103

Because social science is pseudoscience.

"Academia" has no weight here.

>> No.7380105

only its not.

blacks are given new environments , with free food , and free shelter

they do not adapt , they do not improve.

>> No.7380107

I don't deny the impact of nutrition in depressing IQs in the third world.

However, you can't chalk off the white black IQ gap in America to environmental factors.

>> No.7380108

You're drawing simplified false parallels and ignoring specific historical events that happened.

>> No.7380109


Your particular case is not necessarily representative of the popuation average.

Although yes, people with higher IQs tend to have higher rates of depression. It's not good to kill yourself with drink, cirrhosis is painful.

>> No.7380110

>Because social science is pseudoscience.
Sure, some of it is pseudoscience, some of it is not though. You can't ignore the fact that pattern recognition is an incredibly important factor of intelligence and that's exactly what an IQ test measures.

>> No.7380111

>Because social science is pseudoscience.
Psychometrics doesn't really qualify as a social science. Are you thirteen?

>> No.7380112

What if my IQ is 130 and I'm black? Should I drink?

>> No.7380113

What am I ignoring?

Slavery has no impact on other races

Racism has no impact on other races.

But because these things happened to blacks in america. This is why they are failing worldwide.

this is LITERALLY your argument.

>> No.7380116
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>> No.7380118

no nigger, you're a fucking miracle. actually do something useful and make all those other retard blacks mad as fuck. you do realize black people hate it when their own kind succeed right?

>> No.7380119
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>This thread again

When will /pol/ stop making this thread?

Genetic determinism a shit.

>> No.7380120
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>> No.7380122
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>> No.7380124

>Genetic determinism a shit.
Yeah, the reason why jellyfish didn't develop a space faring civilization is because of culture, not genetics.

>> No.7380126

>this is LITERALLY your argument

I made my argument >>7380024 and I'm not repeating it for your sake. The particular historical events faced by group X are not the particular historical events faced by groups ABC, and it's absolutely preposterous that you'd think they are.

>> No.7380128
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>> No.7380129

So does the idea that maybe genetics plays A role, but not the ONLY role in humanity does even cross your mind?

>> No.7380130
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>> No.7380131

Not him. But your argument wasn't an argument. It was an opinion.

>> No.7380132
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>> No.7380133

>strwamaning this fucking hard

Show me exactly where I said or even implied that IQ variation is caused by cultural and historical factors.

>> No.7380137
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>> No.7380138

It plays the major role. There's a genetic threshold that humans must satisfy in order to aspire to higher levels of civilization.

>> No.7380139

It was a series of historical events that happened for realsies.

>> No.7380142
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>> No.7380143

Op, are you really promoting Eugenics?

Hitler called, said he wants his cause back

>> No.7380144
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>> No.7380145

Sure, but you inferred from them erroneous conclusions. I can do it too!

The decline of the condition of american blacks started around the time Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi was shot. Clearly indian assassins are to blame for the condition of today's blacks!

>> No.7380147
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>> No.7380148
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>> No.7380149

>Jim Crowe, urban ghettohization, and the war on drugs affected black people as much as X unrelated historical event

Keep trying. Some of these aren't even debatable. Black people account for 90% of the crack cocaine arrests in the US.

>> No.7380150

its a dumb argument. its repeated over and over.

>Hurr manufacturing
Why is this the only job blacks are capable of? why would loss of manufacturing suddenly cause blacks to fail as a community?

>black people could not afford to follow
Why? why are cushy union jobs the only jobs that give people financial mobility? Why are the only businesses in the black community run by equally fucking poor indians and koreans?

>Unemployment bred crime
Not anymore. This might have been true when you STARVE TO DEATH without a job. But welfare has existed forever to prevent hunger based crime and its been incredibly effective. Black crime is not because of lack of money. If this were true , you would not have star athletes with million dollar contracts doing the retarded shit they do. You would not have people like OJ simpson who was given the biggest get out of jail free card in american history , RECOMMIT 2 decades later over fucking MEMEROBELIA

>crack cocaine was a targeted racist weapon and is not smoked by white people
just stop

>black fathers are in jail
Pro tip. Do not commit crimes if you are not in fact willing to do the time.

>> No.7380152
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>> No.7380153

>Black people account for 90% of the crack cocaine arrests in the US.
Perhaps because they are 90percent of crack users?

The fact that blacks were unable to plan ahead and adapt to the loss of manufacturing jobs kind of points towards the fact that they are intellectually inferior to whites.

>> No.7380154
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>> No.7380155

>thinks the main cause of raising overall IQ is that people are getting more intelligent
You just went full retard. How about literacy rates, better education, environmental complexity, increses in task-specific skills?
>4000 years is plenty of time for a mutation to spread. The mutation for blue eyes is only 6000 years old for example.
I'm guessing there are more genes regulating intelligence than eye color. I'm not a geneticist so don't quote me on that.
>Even black people who have proper education from the second they are born aren't able to correct for race related IQ differences on average, nice try.
It's not just education. It's also culture. And there might be a difference that can be attributed to "race", what I'm arguing is that it's negligible

>> No.7380156
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complete and utter devastation.
tumblr will never recover

>> No.7380158

>what I'm arguing is that it's negligible
You can argue that the earth is flat too, since you clearly have complete disregard for facts.

>> No.7380163


Okay this is one thing i can agree with.

Blacks are fucking genetically dumb as a bag of rocks. But the overwhelming fact is that there are MASSIVE exceptions to this rule.


Look at ben carson. He is the worlds leading brain surgeon.


He didnt fucking listen to tupac and rob other children of their tennis shoes.

Black culture is 1000000x more dangerous to black peoples future than white racism ever will be.

because without black culture , there would be no white racism.

>> No.7380166

>I'm guessing there are more genes regulating intelligence than eye color. I'm not a geneticist so don't quote me on that.
All I was illustrating is that 4000 years is plenty of time for a mutation to spread. Contrary to popular belief, human evolution has accelerated with the dawn of agriculture and civilization. Not slowed down

>> No.7380167
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>difference that can be attributed to "race"

So how about that difference between border collies and beagles?

I'm sure those are just coincidental.

>> No.7380169

One statistical outlier doesn't say much. Heck there even was a smart abo once (unaipon)

>> No.7380170


It's not like it only takes 30 years per generation or something.

It's not like we actually see significant changes over the span of five or six generations or anything.

>> No.7380171

Bruh this is literally eugenics. This is what led to Nazi Germany committing genocide and the german people letting it happen because they were told science says it's true.

It's also what led to a lot of incestral experiments, so if you want to bang your cousin just say so man, we get it, you guys are from the same background, makes sense right?

>> No.7380174

there are alot of smart black people. Lets not beat around the bushpeople. (LEL)

the fact of the matter is "white culture" has tamed almost every race in this country except for 1.

Asians. Latino's. All of them ASSIMILATED and are now just as accomplished and capable as anyone else.

Blacks have not.

they are attached to this retarded as fuck culture of non education , violence , and crime.

If there was government incentive to murder this culture black living conditions could improve dramatically.

>> No.7380176
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I'm not afraid of the truth.

>> No.7380177

why is eugenics bad if it objectively improves the future of society at the expense of those who WILL hold it back??

>> No.7380180

>Bruh this is literally eugenics
Eugenics is good. It ensures the constant improvement of humans.

You can practice eugenics without exterminating people

>> No.7380182

eugenics also made the jews the smartest people on earth

>> No.7380183

Yes, intelligence is distributed on a bellcurve. There are some smart black people.

But most blacks are dumb. Black culture is a symptom of that low intelligence, not the cause.

>> No.7380184


no it didn't

inbreeding and severe selection pressures for mathematical intelligence and abstraction did

>> No.7380185

The growth of moral sentiment is an advanced concept, I'm not sure your primitive way of thinking would even be what would be selected for further breeding. You've just disproven yourself.

Your lack of regard for all humankind equates you to the aboriginals and people you consider obsolete.

>> No.7380186

>inbreeding and severe selection pressures for mathematical intelligence and abstraction
>not eugenics
pick 1

>> No.7380187

>inbreeding and severe selection pressures for mathematical intelligence and abstraction did
That's literally eugenics

>> No.7380189

but almost every intelligent black was not raised in this culture and almost exclusively act and talk white

>> No.7380190

So eugenics

>> No.7380191

Dogs have been intensely bred with artificial selection for 10000 years. Humans have not.
>disregard for facts.
Link studies that conclusively show that when you account for the environmental reasons I mentioned earlier, there still presists a large, significant gap in IQ.

>> No.7380193

>but almost every intelligent black was not raised in this culture and almost exclusively act and talk white
because the parents were smart enough to leave that culture behind. which is why the culture is a symptom rather than the cause.

>> No.7380194

That's because their parents were smart too. Take a ghetto nigger and raise him in an upper middle class family and he will still turn out dumb on average. It's in the genes.

>> No.7380195


it was an accidental byproduct of keeping the money in the family, so you can't call it eugenics proper.

>> No.7380197

A primitive savage's morals lie along yours. You cling to your own kind, and you desire to kill anyone not from your own horde. Strong /pol/

>> No.7380199

>no true scotsman
>in eugenics of all things
You're correct, but it's a clear proof of concept for it anyways. The Nazis were just mad they were late to the selective breeding party.

>> No.7380200

>Dogs have been intensely bred with artificial selection for 10000 years. Humans have not.
There is no difference between artificial natural selection and normal natural selection. It's the same mechanism.

>Link studies that conclusively show that when you account for the environmental reasons I mentioned earlier, there still presists a large, significant gap in IQ. Read up on the transracial adoption studies.

>> No.7380201


>artificial selection

Yes, and that's why the differences between breeds can be so pronounced in dogs as opposed to humans, where you can make the case that an extra nose bone here or differing anatomical ratios there isn't really on the same level of significance.

But the differences are demonstrably obvious and cannot be denied.

>> No.7380202

who said i morally think eugenics is okay?

its an objective fact eugenics is good for society.

morals have 0 to do with it.

If we practiced eugenics for 100 years , and stopped and outlawed it. We would likely never have to do it again and society would improve 100 fold.

We are talking about ending racism , and many major health problems for the forseable future

yes telling another human being that they are not fit to breed is a morally terrifying thing to even think about happening.

But 3-4 generations suffering under this rule could improve humanity in ways that you cannot imagine.

most cancers could be eliminated.

diabetes , gone

Countless other plagues of humanity could be wiped out with a century of evil.

>> No.7380204

>it was an accidental byproduct of keeping the money in the family, so you can't call it eugenics proper.
sure, but it's still had the exact same effect as eugenics. there is no real reason to differentiate between the two.

>> No.7380206

It was self imposed eugenics, but eugenics nonetheless.

>> No.7380207

>muh morals
morals need to be analyzed, without looking as to WHY certain morals exist then you're setting yourself up for failure.

>> No.7380210

morals are not wholly useless.

they are the only reason the surface of the earth is not bathed in radioactivity.

>> No.7380211

Nice strawman

>> No.7380212

What's the point of the pic? Some birds are considered entirely distinct species solely because the way they sing, which is of the utmost importance when finding a mate and therefore determining of their speciation. All dogs are the same sub especies(canis lupus familiaris) despite being much more diverse in appereance and dog breeders (who are probably at least as racist as you) are not complaining.

African and Asian lions are probably considered distinct species mostly due to the impossibility of them mating in their natural habitats, give it a couple million years and they might not be capable of producing fertile offspring with each other. It's the exact opposite of what's been happening to humanity since agricultural revolution. Biological classifications are not solely based on genetics, genetic distances can be relative depending on the groups you're trying to categorize, apparently /pol/ didn't teach you that

>> No.7380216

its not a strawman

eugenics is the most morally reprehensible thing ever conceived by mankind.

its worse than genocide and worse than murder.

But it cannot be argued in any objective way that it is in fact bad.

its not. Eugenics would solve so many problems its terrifying.

>> No.7380218


>impossibility of them mating in their natural habitats

oh so caucasians and negroids must be separate species since it would be impossible for them to mate with each other prior to the advent of the sail because of the Mediterranean ocean

two groups of dogs are literally different species because I built a wall between them that keeps them from breeding each other.

>> No.7380219

It is indeed a strawman. Despite being white, I do not seek to gemocide north east asians, as they also have a high average IQ.

Eugenics has been a natural mechanism for most of human history. Only since the industrial revolution have the dumb been able to outbreed the smart.

>> No.7380222

not quite, the reason we haven't nuked ourselves is a combination of reasons.

for now, only a few intelligent people have access to these weapons and they all really enjoy being alive. they know they would all die if they tried to start a war with nuclear weapons because they were intelligent enough to analyze the situation very carefully. if either one of this things was not true then it's hard to say what the earth would look like right now.

>> No.7380223

before liberalism existed im pretty sure inter racial mating was looked at objectively.


>> No.7380224

someone should post that one guy who did research on kid fucking and ended up finding that there was no psychological trauma as result of molestation. He got fucking crucified despite his research being solid as fuck.

>> No.7380226


This is patently untrue.

>> No.7380227

I don't think a future with eugenics would equal a utopia of sorts. I would propose that a future created through the principles of eugenics would be a future constantly in battle over supremacy, civil wars everywhere, and a constant power struggle throughout the world. Eugenics would lead to total human annihilation because it would not solve personal conflicts, conflicts in political theories between hostile countries, and it would mark ethics obselete.

>> No.7380228

we are literally alive because of the morals of a literal handful of single individuals who acted alone.

Here is just one of them

"the man who saved the world"


>> No.7380231

>Only since the industrial revolution have the dumb been able to outbreed the smart.
this was only made true because the smart provided for them. this is why the human race will tear itself apart into two new species as times goes on.

>> No.7380233

Not to mention religion, which will NEVER go away.

>> No.7380234


if you installed a strict sunset for the program. It would be a celebration of life instead of conflicts over death.

>> No.7380235


Gene Roddenberry pls go


>> No.7380236

stalin had access to nukes and hes about as no morals as it gets, he could have manually set them off. guess who never gave the order to attack anyone with nukes?

>> No.7380237

It is patently true.

Fun fact : the present day british descend from the upper classes of britain of the 11th century.

The low class britons of the 11th century didn't leave a descendance.

This had a pretty good eugenics effect. Cranial capacity of modern britons was compared to the cranial capacity of britons who had died during the black plague and it was found that it had increased by 15percent

>> No.7380238

I've always found it interesting that the Australian Aboriginals can't adapt to the European culture.

There's clearly aspects relating to different evolutionary paths taking place and not just an oppressed minority, as other minorities from other cultures (Chinese) adapt well enough.

>> No.7380239



>> No.7380242

>There is no difference between artificial natural selection and normal natural selection. It's the same mechanism.
Same mechanism, but the point is that the pressure is far greater in artificial selection.
>Read up on the transracial adoption studies.
Link a large scale study on transracial adopted kids which accounts for the reasons I mentioned earlier and shows that black kids perform worse and that the difference is significant. I'd love to read it

>> No.7380243

The book "the 10000 year explosion". It's a great book to understand recent human evolution. It's full of fun facts such as this one.

>> No.7380245

what you just typed out had the logical train of thought of a 9 year old girl

>> No.7380246
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that book is 10/10

>> No.7380247

>what you just typed out had the logical train of thought of a 9 year old girl
you still haven't put forth a rebuttal. good game kid.

>> No.7380249

>Same mechanism, but the point is that the pressure is far greater in artificial selection.
Nobody denies that. There are obviously greater differences between dog breeds than between human races.

As for the study youre looking for, google the Minnesota transracial adoption study.

>> No.7380253

read this


>> No.7380254

I cant tell your STEM degree is from an accredited university...

>> No.7380255

I can tell you have no stem degree at all.

>> No.7380257

>how civilization accelerated human evolution

This just sounds like bullshit on first inspection. Civilization is geared to *stop* selective pressures from culling our populations.

Let me guess, this book argues that the environment of Europe required white people to become smarter so they could conquer everyone else and make castles and shit, right?

>> No.7380259

Both things you have stated are false.

Read the book. The pdf is online.

>> No.7380260


You're thinking about this the wrong way.

Have you ever heard about sexual selection? Ever thought about how a person could survive without ever having sex or otherwise passing on his/her genes to the next generation?

In evolutionary terms, that person might as well have died for all the impact they had.

>> No.7380261

>Civilization is geared to *stop* selective pressures from culling our populations.
lol not even close faggot. it only stops SOME pressures, but it replaces them with others which society dictates.

>> No.7380262

well there is nothing to rebute.

stalin died in 1953 when their nuclear program was in its infancy. their first operational ICBM came online in 57 you stupid cunt

>> No.7380264

>what are long range bombers

>> No.7380267

In any case they should be considered distinct sub-especies (on a quick factcheck I found african an asiatic lions were distinct sub especies belonging to the same species, p. leo) up until migrations started, but then again, did they ever stop? Dogs differ greatly because of artificial selection, not natural one.

Funny thing, some racists argue they are superior because Europeans mated with neanderthals (an entirely different species), only Africans didn't, so that makes all non Africans abominations or is interacial mating wrong only when result isn't you?

>> No.7380269


failed again sweety.

Stalin never could have "nuked" anybody but western europe. And it would have had to gone down the chain of command. Where he likely would have been killed before it was carried out.

you stupid miserable faggot

>> No.7380270

>Both things you have stated are false.

I'm willing to believe that my interpretation of the book was wrong, but there's no way you're going to convince me that complex human societies haven't removed major selective pressures.

>lol not even close faggot. it only stops SOME pressures, but it replaces them with others which society dictates.

Alright, give me one example that has had a greater impact on human genetic diversity than, say, sickle cell anemia and malaria.

>> No.7380271


It could have happened, but it didn't because while Stalin might have been an amoral monster of a human being, he knew that a nuclear war would be bad for business and the ethnic Russian population, whom I'd bet he did actually care about.

>> No.7380272

>In evolutionary terms, that person might as well have died for all the impact they had.
Not him, but this isn't necessarily true, they could for instance help out their siblings and so make their genes more numerous in the next generation than someone who personally had children.

>> No.7380275

>I refuse to think that my race has the same average IQ as pic related

>I refuse

not how science works, moron

>> No.7380276

>artificial selection isn't natural

literally everything that exists in the physical universe is by definition natural.

>> No.7380277

Watch the documentary Idiocracy. Intelligent couples have on average less kids than sister-fucking hillbillies

>> No.7380279

>america couldnt be nuked in the 1950's
>russia did not have nukes in the 1950's
Please be trolling dear god. Literally the second paragraph of the wikipedia page says that they had nukes in 1949. Japan had no problem attacking america with their shitty ass planes.

>> No.7380281

Upper class in the 11th century were Normans and modern british are a brythonic-germanic mixture and the germanic part is certainly not the norman kind.

>> No.7380282


Truly, we have a student of the art here.

Very much so sir, I applaud your fair and reasonable critical observation.

>> No.7380283

>Alright, give me one example that has had a greater impact on human genetic diversity than, say, sickle cell anemia and malaria.

it doesn't really matter if the retards fuck in large ratios. if they ever become useless and the upper classes decide not to feed them then they're just going to starve. just look at africa if you want proof of that.

>> No.7380285




>> No.7380286
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Nobody is blaming africans for not mating with neanderthal. We are simply stating this is why you are in such deep intellectual shit.

Inter racial mating NOW would not benefit the human race at all.

the only thing blacks offer is only advantagous in the wild.

not in society.

>> No.7380289

Can't tell if mocking

>> No.7380290


>muh conspiracy

Please don't crossboard, /pol.

>> No.7380291

planned as opposed to random then

inb4 gods planned natural selection

>> No.7380293

>only advantagous in the wild

Melanin could really come in handy if the atmosphere starts to degrade and UV radiation becomes more of a thing than it is now.

Just saying, they really can take a beating from the sun.

>> No.7380294

russia had no bombers capable of reaching the continental united states until 1956.

They had no functional ICBMs that could do this until 1957

they had no aircraft carriers to deliver bombers close to our shores.

You just need to cut your losses and leave. Stalin never had "control" over russias nuclear forces like cruschev did.

>> No.7380296

>planned as opposed to random then
>implying there's a difference
it doesn't really matter which one you do.

>> No.7380297

>but there's no way you're going to convince me that complex human societies haven't removed major selective pressures.
Read the book.

The analysis of the age of the mutations of our genome show that the rate of evolution increased almost a hundredfold after the agricultural revolution.

The biggest change in environmental pressure was infectious disease. Infectious disease was very rare in humter gatherer times, but with the advent of agriculture, population density grew a lot and so did the prevalence of disease. This is why eurasians have a way better immune system than native americans or australian aboriginals.

Another example of a change in selective pressure is diet. Men went from a diet of meat to a diet of cereal. This encouraged selection of people who could digest grain well. Once again, aboriginals around the world who were deprived of such selection are usually very fat if they adopt a western diet : they're simply not biologically adapted for it.

>> No.7380300

>planned is different than random

Just because you can't quite make out the pattern doesn't mean it's "random".

>> No.7380303
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you know what else could work really well?

white inventions like sunblock you stupid fuck

>> No.7380304

Normans quickly mixed with the local elites.

You're being childish.

>> No.7380305

Different human breeds have different abilities just like different dog breeds.

Dog breeds where artificially selected, human breeds....
Who the fuck knows, but we are different.

>muh race is only skin deep
Does leftist propaganda make you high or you just like the taste of shit?

>> No.7380307

lmao, why is it I knew that guy was going to be a nazi, lo and behold, the inventor of sunblock is a nazi. Please, just leave and go back to /pol/(stormfront).

>> No.7380308

>russia had no bombers capable of reaching the continental united states until 1956.
citation needed

>They had no functional ICBMs that could do this until 1957
you don't need icbms retard

>they had no aircraft carriers to deliver bombers close to our shores.
citation needed

give up faggot, even stalin didn't bomb shit. even if he had access to 1 click ICBM's he would have never done it because he knew what it meant for himself.

>> No.7380309

I bet that's what ancient racists said about mating with neanderthals.

>> No.7380312

They do manage some rather snappy retorts. Could be good for negotiating..

Might have to breed me some halfies.

>> No.7380313

>Normans quickly mixed with the local elites.
They were still speaking french well into the 13th century in their courts

>> No.7380314
File: 247 KB, 634x840, 1427074582052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Fucking google the tu95. First russian plane capable of hitting the US. went operational in 1956

2. Yes you do unless you have other ways of carrying multi ton nuclear devices tens of thousands of miles.

3. russias first aircraft carried was launched in the 80s

seriouly just stop talking about shit you know nothing about

>> No.7380315

I meant genetically, not culturally.

French was widely spoken in the russian courts during the 19th century.

>> No.7380318

While we're talking about not breeding actually leading to a greater genetic presence in the next generation;
Is it possible that suicide is in fact the same thing? Someone discovers they're more of a drain on their family than an advantage so they kill themselves?

>> No.7380321

It does from a human perspective, which is what taxonomy is about

it's random not because of the lack of a pattern, but because said pattern isn't the result of conscious engineering, if you believe the existence of a pattern presumes a planner (in this case god) I'm gonna have to pre-empitively tip my fedora

>> No.7380358

if race isnt related to IQ why do whites score much higher on IQ tests at preschool ages than blacks

>> No.7380365

>How can anyone believe in evolution, yet not believe in the brain evolving differently depending on the level of environmental pressure put on it to survive?
There is a genetic mechanism in place ensuring that every population with have equal intelligence.

>> No.7380368

black 22 y/o male here, tested to have 133 IQ, doing aerospace eng undergrad at stanford

undoubtedly got accepted on affirmative action, which kind of pisses me off because i had good enough scores to compete on my own

>> No.7380370

shut the fuck up idiot

>> No.7380375

What do you think about other black people? Are they inferior inherently or because of the culture and socioeconomic factors keeping them from expressing their true power level?

>> No.7380378

I came from a horrible ghetto in newark new jersey. My dad was a criminal who didnt do postsec, my mom a welfare collecting peasant

I've always known I was smarter than the people around me, much smarter, at 16 I emancipated myself and moved to california at 18. Did community college for a year and transferred with insane grades. The people where I grew up (Mainly blacks), were the most unintelligent, irrational, most prone to violence people I've ever met. I must have been some kind of mutation, because I've never had a positive influence pushing me in this direction other than shitposting on 4chan boards throughout my adolescence (ive been here since 2007)

4chan essentially raised me, ive made thousands of threads to find out how things should be done in my life in absence of having that given to me by my parents

brothers and sisters are arts majors at community colleges back home

>> No.7380385

im going to be gentle when i say this

but you need to write a fucking book about this.

>> No.7380386

no point, i have completely dissociated myself from that history and nor do i care about enlightening the black community

I have a great disdain for niggers and their culture and am focused as fuck on my career

basically, im not special, there is nothing special about my history, i am just a hard working guy

>> No.7380387

>black man hates niggers
Strangely, I'm not surprised.

>> No.7380388

Another black /sci/ man here, glad I'm not alone lol.

>> No.7380389

the only people that have ever abused me, initiated violence against me, said mean things to me were blacks, even here in california on my way home

i dont even feel like a black person anymore, ive become pretty self hating because everyone always assumes im where i am because im black, or somebody new I meet anywhere is surprised that I go to the school I go to, and even then they assume im taking some piss easy humanities

>> No.7380391

we are not similar nor do I have any association with you, even in transcending the racial stereotype

man should be measure by the quality of his character

>> No.7380405

I can in part sympathize with your position, being myself from uneducated peasant tier parents, although admittedly they were white and I live in Australia.

Have no time for the, largely, dumb-poor people and am mostly not totally accepted by the (again, largely) wealthy educated people I live amongst. It's a lonely sort of feeling.

>> No.7380406

this just in
australians are pretty much niggers

>> No.7380410

They are basically the niggers of white people; our obsession with sport gives it away.