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7260347 No.7260347[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is race just a 'social construct' as the far left would like to believe, or are there biological differences between different kinds of people?

>> No.7260349

The problem is that they aren't clearly defined, even if loosely obvious.

>> No.7260357

False dichotomy. Race is indeed a social construct (eg biologically there is no such thing as a white person) and there are biological differences between people.

Now run along back to /pol/ or whatever.

>> No.7260373

>Is race just a 'social construct' ...or are there biological differences between different kinds of people?

Is OP a faggot, or does he just suck cock?


OP, no-one is claiming there are no biological differences between people, that's just some bullshit you made up to make "muh liberals" look stupid.

The claim is that the groups we divide genetically diverse people into are arbitrary.
How many races are there?
Are all sub-Saharan peoples the same race?
Are all Caucasians white?
Are Jews and Arabs the same race?
There are no objective answers to these questions, because race IS a social construct.

>> No.7260383

There are biological differences AND a social construct. However, for a long list of political and psychological reasons, the biological differences are overemphasized by the social construct. The wealthy love to denigrate the poor, the poor like to believe there is this underclass of savages worse than them in the social ranking, politicians love to scare their people with all sorts of tales of scary foreigners and social decline...
People believe in the existence of god without any evidence greatly because it comforts them. They are definitely capable of believing that everyone not like them is a savage.

>> No.7260385

Is color itself a social construct?

>> No.7260386

>different kinds of people?

Five out of four marginalized whiteys ask this question.

>> No.7260398

Let's just exterminate the shitskins.
They're colour-coded, there's no need to complicate the issue.

>> No.7260403


Yes, obviously. Perception of wavelengths of light is not, but "red" absolutely is.

>> No.7260406
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>> No.7260438

>How many races are there?
Negroid, Caucasian, Mongoloid / Amerindian, Australoid / Negrito.
>Are all sub-Saharan peoples the same race?
They have subraces, from the same race.
>Are Jews and Arabs the same race?
Yes, Caucasian, Caucasian + Negroid.

>> No.7260470

...and other people have other opinions.
The point is that your answers are based on your subjective opinion, and have no objective basis.

P.S. Jews and Arabs are both Semites.

>> No.7260472


>> No.7260479

>hurr durr

>> No.7260481


If races don't real how can people tell them apart?

>> No.7260507

Semite is part of the Caucasian race, the Caucasian race share the same phenotypic trait and similar haplogroups, this means the Caucasian race has a distant ancestry with other races. If you die burned, forensics can tell which race did you belong, it’s not a subjective opinion.

>> No.7260513

>Semite is part of the Caucasian race
What do you mean by Semite? Ashkenazi?
Also, haplogroups don't mean shit.

>> No.7260532

>If races don't real how can people tell them apart?
First: No-one is claiming genetic diversity doesn't exist.
Try reading the thread before you post.

Second: "Race" is the categories we divide genetic diversity into.
While this is arbitrary and artificial, it's still REAL.

Car insurance is a social construct, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

If you can't tell the difference between intangible, artificial and unreal, go browse an easier board, like /b/ or /pol/.

>> No.7260533
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>> No.7260537

I don't know who I hate more, tumblr or /pol/

>> No.7260539

>If you die burned, forensics can tell which race did you belong, it’s not a subjective opinion.
If you're still alive, people can tell what race they'd categorize you as.
Still a matter of opinion though.
My maternal grandmother came from eastern Europe.
Is she white?
Some people would say yes, while others say no.
What about my Irish ancestors?
What about Asians? One race or a hundred?
This shit is still a subjective opinion.

>> No.7260544

Slavs, irishs and asians are subhumans filth.
Being a human is not a skin-deep matter.
You disgusting untermensch.

No offense.

>> No.7260545

>people have disagreements therefore it doesn't exist
fuck off retard

>> No.7260559

Y-DNA haplogroup passed down patrilineally (not by women, as they have no Y-chromosome), & a mitochondrial (mtDNA) DNA haplogroup, which is a marker of matrilineal descent.

there are only a small number of Y & mtDNA haplotypes around, & while they do not in themselves constitute race, they are correlated with it. For instance, the most common Y-DNA haplogroups for most of Europe are of groups I1, I2, R1a & R1b.

>No-one is claiming genetic diversity doesn't exist.
Good to hear that. Would you deny that Indo-Europeans are more genetically related to each other than Sub-Saharan Africans?
>Is she white?,Some people would say yes, while others say no.
Agree but the consensus majority would say she is Caucasian, this is how far we can go to the universally unknown truth
>What about my Irish ancestors?
Same about them
>What about Asians?
>One race or a hundred?
Mixed race
>This shit is still a subjective opinion.
I disagree, I think you are a relativist, we are not going anywhere with the relativist points you make.

>> No.7260572

>>people have disagreements therefore it doesn't exist
>fuck off retard
One AGAIN, no-one is claiming that race doesn't exist.
If this is to hard for you, go back to downloading pictures of underage boys in drag on /b/.

>> No.7260580

>consensus majority would say she is Caucasian
Sounds like opinion to me.
You don't vote on objective truths.

>>This shit is still a subjective opinion.
>I disagree, I think you are a relativist
Do you understand what "subjective" means?
There are no objective delineations between races.
We draw the borders wherever we want.

>> No.7260586

>While this is arbitrary

But it's not.

>> No.7260632
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>> No.7260637


But it is.

>> No.7260652

There are biological differences between different kinds of people.


>> No.7260657

>Sounds like opinion to me.
It’ not my opinion, it’s collective conscience throughout history, I don’t have any Peer review work answering every simple questions about what people believe about “x” subject, You just don’t want to see it because you are a relativist, go ask anyone, where did “black” or “white” or “yellow” people come from. People know this at simpler levels, you say caucasian or negroid or mongoloid because that’s a the way you classified the races that share same phenotypic trait and similar haplogroups.
>There are no objective delineations between races.
Answer me this. Would you deny that Indo-Europeans are more genetically related to each other than Sub-Saharan Africans?

>> No.7260787
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>> No.7260808

How Are Races Real If You Eyes Aren't Real?

>> No.7260830

>It’ not my opinion, it’s collective conscience throughout history

In other words... a "social construct."

Glad that's settled.

>> No.7260868


Even though it's out of context, there are biological differences AND a social construct, because everything is a social construct for the postmodern mind. Are you the same guy? If so, why didn’t you answer my question? i thought you were less cowardly.

>> No.7260878

>biologically there is no such thing as a white person

I know you want to live in a world where this is true, but in this actual reality it happens to not be true.

>> No.7260881

Are dog breeds a social construct too, /sci/? There are small physiological differences/trends among the breeds, but they're all considered dogs. Are these socially constructed, or do they have any basis in biology?

I'm not really quite sure why people get so up in arms over the possibility that there might be differences in the races. I mean really, isn't it possible that humans isolated in groups in various regions of the world - breeding together within their own groups, evolved in different ways? If this occurs with other species, why is it not possible with humans? I realize the categories: black, white, hispanic, etc, are all arbitrated by society, but to imply that one group could not possibly be any different than another biologically makes absolutely no sense.

I feel like people are letting political correctness get in the way of things.

>> No.7260890

tumblr pls

>> No.7260907

Not the anon you responded to, but man, you're dense.