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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7019959 No.7019959[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay /sci/. I'm sick of /pol/tards and their "race facts". So what scientist(s) rigorously disproved the link between race and IQ? And where can their work be found? Let's settle the debate once and for all with proper science.

>> No.7019980

The problem is that it's an entirely political issue so it's never been studied in depth out of fear for what the result might be. Also, even if race does play a part in potential IQ, there are so many factors other than race than a truly neutral study would be near impossible. Blacks in the USA for example tend to be poorer which is a huge factor.

tl;dr, let pol be the cesspool it wants to be.

>> No.7019984

>implying /pol/tards would listen to scientific arguments

The whole /pol/ board is based on the denial of facts. They just want to have their "muh feelings" opinions. No way to discuss rationally with these people.

>> No.7019993

iq isn't even real fucking thing when will tards stop clingging onto the notion that you can define intelligence as if somebodys cup has more than anothers'

>> No.7019995

Consider the following, OP. Is a Border Collie or Retriever smarter in general than a chihuahua or an afghan hound? They're still the same species. They can still interbreed, yet their ability to learn is clearly much different. "but dogs have more chromosomes!" you may say. Well, the same differences in learning skills is also present in cat breeds, and cats have LESS chromosomes than humans.

To be frank, the only reason why people claim that there is no IQ difference between races of humans is personal bias. They think the world would be a better place if all people were exactly equal (I agree. That would be great!), but lying to yourself about reality for a political agenda is simply intellectually dishonest. It's "doublethink".

I mean, honestly; if racial differences can effect your chance to get sickle cell disease, your chance for diabetes, the shape of your knee ligaments, the structure of your skull, the proportion of melatonin in your skin, the amount of alcohol dehydrogenase in your body, and so many other things why would it NOT effect your brain in any way at all? That's absurd.

>> No.7020007

There's a hell of a lot more genetic variation between dog breeds than there are humans though. Humans are still freakishly similar genetically because of the bottleneck.

More to the point, you don't see anything like the kind of variation in learning potential between collies and chihuahuas in humans. We have brilliant minds occur from all races of people.