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6903017 No.6903017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In the light of the recent events taking place in Ferguson, I think it's time we have an honest discussion about race.

So, /sci/, does race exist? And if it does, do races differ in significant ways? (in athletics, intelligence,...)

>> No.6903027

>In the light of the recent events taking place in Ferguson, I think it's time we have an honest discussion about race.

I'd say that makes it the worst possible time to have an "have an honest discussion about race." Don't try to bring /sci/ into your little /pol/ circlejerk.

>> No.6903063

When can we have this discussion then?

>> No.6903066

Never. Grow the fuck up and realize that "race" is not a scientifically grounded concept.

>> No.6903074


No plausible scientific evidence has demonstrated that an individuals "race" is indicative of anything after controlling for other factors. Plenty of evidence exists that cultural factors explain most variance in racial outcomes, but cultural factors can be easily changed and /pol/ doesn't like to hear that, because >whites are special.

>> No.6903084

But that simply isn't true.

>No plausible scientific evidence has demonstrated that an individuals "race" is indicative of anything after controlling for other factors.
What about twin studies?

>> No.6903087

Aw here we go

>> No.6903092

>When can we have this discussion then?

When you are not here.

>> No.6903100
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Get lost /pol/, you don't understand the basics of science so what makes you think you have the ability to debate?

>> No.6903106

And not a single intelligent comment was seen that day...

>> No.6903120
File: 89 KB, 600x1315, 1471-2156-8-34-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we call race corresponds to genetic clusters.


>> No.6903121


Please explain a mechanism of action for how the level of melanin in an individual's skin affects intelligence, decision-making, criminal propensity, or psychopathy.

Now explain why this is more likely to be the major explanation of the variance in outcomes observed than poverty, racism, oppression, and cultural facts expressly designed to limit achievement of blacks and *only* blacks dating back hundreds of years.

>> No.6903122

Did you read the sticky?
well then fuck off.

>> No.6903123


Except that anon is right as far as science goes "race" is kinda inappropriate. We use race because it's a stupidily simple categorization.

The average person would lose interest outright if we used statistics and genetic distance instead of just race every time we bring up differences between populations.

>> No.6903125
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Reminder that race denialism is rooted in Christinsanity, its spinoff being the modern leftist movement and not science.


>> No.6903127

How is studying human genetics not science?

>> No.6903130

>Hurr durr another race thread that can only talk about IQ and is barely (if at all) scientific
Get fucked /pol/. You may have killed /v/ but we wont let you fags ruin /sci/.

>> No.6903132
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>> No.6903134

>So, /sci/, does race exist?
> do races differ in significant ways?
It doesn't need to be significant to matter. If you're 2% better at sports due to racial advantages it will show in population studies. The same if you're prone to violence or plain dumb.

>> No.6903136

>Using the term leftist on /sci/

>> No.6903138
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>> No.6903145

The term means egalitardian.

>> No.6903146
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>Please explain a mechanism of action for how the level of melanin in an individual's skin affects intelligence, decision-making, criminal propensity, or psychopathy.
It doesn't. But race is not restricted to melanin : it has much more to do with bone structure than with skin color (see OP's pic).

Do pic related look white to you? They have no melanin either.

>Now explain why this is more likely to be the major explanation of the variance in outcomes observed than poverty, racism, oppression, and cultural facts expressly designed to limit achievement of blacks and *only* blacks dating back hundreds of years.

Really? Are you seriously claiming that *only* blacks have been oppressed for the past hundred years? What about jews for example? You'll have to agree that they were quite oppressed up until rather recently. However, jews are an incredibly successful ethnic group.

>> No.6903150

Yes, race does exist. Non Sub-saharan africans have mixed ancestry with other varieties of homo sapiens. Most of these varieties had the benefit of a larger and more complex brain, as well as more developed culture. This is in part due to having to survive in harsher climates, where having faster reflexes aren't very helpful, but being able to think abstractly is. Also, one of the world's best geneticists did say that humans of non-African ancestry were, on average (of course there are outliers), superior intellectually: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/fury-at-dna-pioneers-theory-africans-are-less-intelligent-than-westerners-394898.html

We can never have an open, honest discussion about race, because reality doesn't give a fuck about anyone's feelings.

>> No.6903151

If the term "race" troubles you so much, I'm ok with changing it to whatever you want.

>> No.6903152

Notice that before the Arabs arrived blacks weren't doing anything. That's why they became oppressed in the first place, they were inferior. Only inferior beings can be oppressed.

>> No.6903155

>A vague term of oppression completely explains how a culture will work
Get lost /pol/.

>> No.6903158

>Started agriculture before europeans

>> No.6903162

>So, /sci/, does race exist?
yes, of course.

>And if it does, do races differ in significant ways? (in athletics, intelligence,...)
yes, of course. caucasians interbred with Neanderthals and got a lot of their genes (including red hair, blue eyes, high intelligence).

Percent-wise, there's more differences among races of Homo Sapiens Sapiens than between a chimp and a human.

>> No.6903165

>Really? Are you seriously claiming that *only* blacks have been oppressed for the past hundred years? What about jews for example? You'll have to agree that they were quite oppressed up until rather recently. However, jews are an incredibly successful ethnic group.

Jews had to deal with racism in general, not racism specifically designed to keep out blacks, eg, one-drop rules and Jim Crow laws. Somebody who was a quarter-jew would have had a much easier time that one who was a quarter-black. Plus, many of the laws were laxly enforced and kept only to harass blacks.

>muh bone structure

You're at least a century too late for this argument to have any scientific merit.

>> No.6903166

>Percent-wise, there's more differences among races of Homo Sapiens Sapiens than between a chimp and a human.
This post is ironic right?

>> No.6903167

>Started agriculture before europeans
Afrocentric bullshit, agriculture started in the fertile crescent, then spread to Europe, Asia and northern Africa. Subsuaharan Africa didn't get agriculture until the Arabs arrived.

>> No.6903170

Do you have a source for that? I always thought that agriculture started in the Fertile Crescent and on the fertile shores of the Indus and the Yellow River.

>> No.6903171

>Another /pol/ thread
This is a science board.

>> No.6903172

It's only real in his mind.

>> No.6903174
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Reminder that a Christard was responsible for Civil Rights.

>> No.6903177


>> No.6903178
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Oh SJWs spouting Christard nonsense pretending to be atheist. LOL

>> No.6903180

>Jews had to deal with racism in general, not racism specifically designed to keep out blacks
Well obviously, since jews aren't black

>eg, one-drop rules and Jim Crow laws.
You might want to google the nuremberg laws.

>Somebody who was a quarter-jew would have had a much easier time that one who was a quarter-black. Plus, many of the laws were laxly enforced and kept only to harass blacks.

So you're saying that blacks in America during the 1930s had an easier time than jews in Central europe during the 1930s?

>You're at least a century too late for this argument to have any scientific merit.
Why can forensic anthropologists infer the race of someone based on skull remnants then?

>> No.6903181
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Take your unscientific circle jerk back to /pol/.

>> No.6903182


Except you know carbondating has proven they had farming and blacksmithing way before the arabs came.

Now structual economics/math and basic astronomy is a different story.

>> No.6903183
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That's rich, SJW.

>> No.6903184

What's unscientific about genetics?

>> No.6903186

Back to /pol/. This is a science board.
>No one is talking about genetics

>> No.6903187

[citation needed]

>> No.6903189


I'm sorry, I defaulted to assuming that a discussion started "in light of the recent events in Ferguson" would be focusing on race in America, where yes, Jews were treated better than blacks at almost any point in time you care to name.

>> No.6903191

That's precisely what race is all about. Population genetics.

>> No.6903193
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You're right, you shouldn't be a nazi. However you shouldn't be a hippy either. The correct answer is social darwinism. You need to be a "suit".

Yes. You see there is a reason we won the 20th century war between capitalism, communism and fascism. This wasn't a war won on the battlefield, while those on the front lines were very brave their efforts would be for nothing if it weren't for folks like those in Los Alamos and Bletchley Park.

A society that values the bottom line and profits is a society that will advance to a greater extent than the others, it can achieve things like advanced computing and splitting the atom while others struggle. Faster technological development, economies that can achieve greater degrees of sophistication and complexity that can in turn support more effective armed forces if needs be.

Whether you are white or black, doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is green. The world will belong to people like us who found tech companies or study STEM.

>> No.6903195 [DELETED] 
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Back to your white guilt walk, fgt.

>> No.6903198

It's true that jews had it better than blacks in america. However, it's not true that Chinese people had it better than blacks. In fact, chinese people treated horribly for most of their history.

Yet asian americans are a successful ethnic minority.

>> No.6903200

By your retarded logic anything is science.
You aren't talking about genetics, you are talking about very vague and unscientific /pol/ faggotry.

>> No.6903203

>Social darwinism
Stop using this term wrong faggot.

>> No.6903206

Just use shitposts to defend your shitposting. Great logic.

>> No.6903208
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>> No.6903209

>Yet asian americans are a successful ethnic minority.

Because of cultural factors, dipshit. You still haven't provided any evidence of innate racial differences beyond "there are differential outcomes between members of racial groups," which is a statement that even the leftest sociologest on the planet will agree with.

>> No.6903211


Google the first set of bantu migrations and the hayan people.

Both talk about farming and blacksmithing.

>> No.6903212

No, I'm talking about population genetics and its implications. It's you who is creating this /pol/ strawman

>> No.6903213

>population genetics
>Nothing to do with genetics so far out of this entire thread

>> No.6903216

to be fair, that's because I've been busy adressing the barrage of insults hurled at me.

>> No.6903217
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>Talking about genetics
>Without understanding genetics or posting any genetic data
Just go back to /pol/.

>> No.6903218

1. Race is poorly defined. Do you mean race as in skin color? Skin colors do indeed exist. Is it helpful to think about every person in Africa by lumping them together in a huge, "Black" group? Or all people living in Asia in a huge "Asian" group? No, it's not helpful at all to think about skin color race. So sure, you can say anything exists, but that doesn't mean that it's useful to think/talk about.

2. Think about the following statements:
a. On average, the genetic difference between two humans is 0.1%.
b. Almost that entire difference is made up of differences in gene expression. You can think about gene expression like this: We all have the same DNA, but we show different parts of it. Another way to think about is this: We all speak the same language, but we are not always saying the same thing.

3. As of today, there is no conclusive evidence that intelligence is linked in any way to race. This means that the black and white IQ gap is not because one group is white and one group is black, but rather because more black children are raised in an environment that results in lower IQ scores.

If you disagree with anything I said here, two things are possible. Either I've already refuted your point, or your argument is irrelevant/unrelated/not based on facts.

>> No.6903219

>It seems likely that the expansion of the Bantu-speaking people from their core region in Cameroon began around 1000 BCE. Although early models posited that the early speakers were both iron-using and agricultural, archaeology has shown that they did not use iron until as late as 400 BCE, though they were agricultural.

Meanwhile in Europe:
>Recent discoveries in Europe, such as Cyprus and mainland Greece has shown that farming started early in south east Europe. In Franchthi Cave in Greece there are no certain gathering of plant foods attested before ca. 11,000 BCE, although large numbers of seeds of the Boraginaceae family may come from plants gathered to furnish soft bedding or for the dye which their roots may have supplied. First appearing at ca. 11,000 BCE are lentils, vetch, pistachios, and almonds. Then ca. 10,500 BCE appear a few very rare seeds of wild oats and wild barley. Neither wild oats nor wild barley become at all common until ca. 7000 BCE[18][19]

>> No.6903224

All right, but then you'll have to provide evidence of "cultural factors".

I'll start easy and slow : races are more or less predisposed to different illnesses (such as blacks and sickle cell disease), thus proving that there are innate racial differences.

>> No.6903227

>a. On average, the genetic difference between two humans is 0.1%.
Greater distance between randomly sampled people in different populations.
>Thus the answer to the question “How often is a pair of individuals from one population genetically more dissimilar than two individuals chosen from two different populations?” depends on the number of polymorphisms used to define that dissimilarity and the populations being compared. The answer, Formula can be read from Figure 2. Given 10 loci, three distinct populations, and the full spectrum of polymorphisms (Figure 2E), the answer is Formula ≅ 0.3, or nearly one-third of the time. With 100 loci, the answer is ∼20% of the time and even using 1000 loci, Formula ≅ 10%. However, if genetic similarity is measured over many thousands of loci, the answer becomes “never” when individuals are sampled from geographically separated populations.

>Almost that entire difference is made up of differences in gene expression.
Wrong, you can look at eye color to debunk this.

>Either I've already refuted your point, or your argument is irrelevant/unrelated/not based on facts.
Either I'm right or I'm right, SJW 'logic'.

>> No.6903229


>> No.6903232

>You will have to provide evidence that culture factors exist
You can't be this retarded can you anon? We know for a fact that culture changes things, we on the otherhand have no proof that racial IQ for example has anything to do with genes. Fuck off to /pol/.

>> No.6903233

No actually talk about it.
>My playstation is science because engineering!

>> No.6903234

Here is a good video going over differences in MAOA frequencies between blacks and whites. It directly cites journals.


>> No.6903235

>We know for a fact that culture changes things, we on the otherhand have no proof that racial IQ for example has anything to do with genes
Who's we?

I personnaly, since I'm a stupid unenlightened nazi kkk member, do not know that culture changes things (significantly). Could you provide evidence to that assertion?

>> No.6903237
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Whites have lowest instance of MAOA-L Gene, which is linked to aggression, violence, crime, and sexual abuse.

American black males are twice as likely than American white males to have MAOA-L which has been linked to crime, violence and aggression in scores of studies going back over fifteen years. Black males are also 13.5 times more likely to have a rare version of the gene associated with “extreme violence and extreme aggression.” Latinos and American Indians are also nearly twice as likely as whites to have the more common version of the gene. However they are only about one fourth as likely to have the extreme version compared to blacks.

>> No.6903240


The european info you posted means nothing considering the point was to prove sub-sahara africans had farming and black smithing before the arabs came.

Also why aren't you greentexting about the hayan people and steel?

>> No.6903241

>do not know that culture changes things (significantly).
Are you really implying that culture doesn't change things? Compare the differences between a southern american to new zealander. IQ has been increasing year over year not because of genetics but because of culture.
If you are this uninformed than you shouldn't post on /sci/ at all.

>> No.6903246

Got a source on this.

>> No.6903247

>1. Race is poorly defined. Do you mean race as in skin color? Skin colors do indeed exist. Is it helpful to think about every person in Africa by lumping them together in a huge, "Black" group? Or all people living in Asia in a huge "Asian" group? No, it's not helpful at all to think about skin color race. So sure, you can say anything exists, but that doesn't mean that it's useful to think/talk about.
No, skin color is a bad criteria. Gene clustering is the way to go. See : http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2156/8/34

>On average, the genetic difference between two humans is 0.1%.
That's still a lot. The difference between humans and chimps is 1%

>b. Almost that entire difference is made up of differences in gene expression. You can think about gene expression like this: We all have the same DNA, but we show different parts of it. Another way to think about is this: We all speak the same language, but we are not always saying the same thing.
That doesn't change anything. If one person speaks beautiful poetry while a second person speaks in monosyllabic grunts, then we can conclude that the first person is better at speaking.

>3. As of today, there is no conclusive evidence that intelligence is linked in any way to race. This means that the black and white IQ gap is not because one group is white and one group is black, but rather because more black children are raised in an environment that results in lower IQ scores.
This much is true, but scientists are starting to find genes which do impact behavior (warrior gene, etc..)

>If you disagree with anything I said here, two things are possible. Either I've already refuted your point, or your argument is irrelevant/unrelated/not based on facts.
Or you're wrong.

>> No.6903249

Okay, sure. 0.3%. It's still all gene expression.

>Wrong, you can look at eye color to debunk this.
I... What? You're wrong. Eye color is phenotype. Phenotype is gene expression. Are you even trying? lol
Source: http://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-genotype-phenotype.html

>> No.6903250

Ok but they were behind by a few thousand years while no one was oppressing them.

And here:
>These furnaces were carbon-dated and were found to be as old as 2000 years.

>> No.6903251

>/pol/ hates science
>Still invades /sci/

>> No.6903255

In the grand scheme of things, yes that's exactly what I'm implying.

It's a good thing that science agrees with me too : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Transracial_Adoption_Study

>The studies' general findings were that the IQs of children of a particular race did not differ significantly depending on whether they were raised by their biological parents or by adoptive parents of a different race.

>> No.6903257
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Eye color is phenotype but it is based on genotype.

>> No.6903259

This study was proven false years ago anon.

>> No.6903260

I'm anxiously waiting on your sources.

>> No.6903261

[citation needed]

>> No.6903263


Read your own article. The children were of different ages and were kept in foster care and with parents for different amounts of time meaning that the test had no control.

>> No.6903266
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The funny thing is that race denialists are denying exactly the same thing which dumb southern rednecks deny : evolution

>> No.6903270

The only way that would invalidate the findings is if one of the groups on average had more time in foster care than the other. The problem is we don't know.

>> No.6903272

>Find every single intelligence gene
>There isn't a single amount of scientific proof that racial genetics are tied to IQ
>B-But they are believe me science is on my side!
And vaccine and climate change deniers also say science is on their side. Get lost /pol/.

>> No.6903275

>No, skin color is a bad criteria. Gene clustering is the way to go.
Okay. But isn't that what's already used?

>That's still a lot. The difference between humans and chimps is 1%
It would be a lot if it wasn't all gene expression differences. There are fundamental differences between chimp DNA and human DNA that don't exist between different human populations.

>That doesn't change anything. If one person speaks beautiful poetry while a second person speaks in monosyllabic grunts, then we can conclude that the first person is better at speaking.
You realize that the person who is better at speaking is subjective rather than objective, right?
Think about a thesaurus. There is, in general, more than one way to say a word. A word is a method of expressing an idea verbally, and there are many ways to go about saying the exact same thing. Not one way is objectively better at conveying an idea than another.

>This much is true, but scientists are starting to find genes which do impact behavior (warrior gene, etc..)

Good stuff. I'm not refuting the existence of differences between populations, I'm refuting the idea that these differences are related to intelligence.

>> No.6903278

>in their placement histories and natural mother's education. Children with two black parents were significantly older at adoption, had been in the adoptive home a shorter time, and had experienced a greater number of preadoption placements. The natural parents of the black/black group also averaged a year less of education than those of the black/white group,
Except we do know. That study is bullshit and used by /pol/ because they never fact check.

>> No.6903281

>There isn't a single amount of scientific proof that racial genetics are tied to IQ
These are the kind of "creationist" statements that my pic was making fun of.

How does it feel to be a creationist?

>> No.6903282


>they were behind

And? Once again the conversation was about what they did before arabs came.

Also what hayan people did is decently impressive considering the only ones before them that did black smithing well was ancient china.

>> No.6903284

Why does /pol/ keep on making this thread? Until we have SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE to support their claim then this isn't science/

>> No.6903287

>Doesn't post proof
Good job anon. I get you don't believe in man made climate change either.

>> No.6903291

number of times you reposted this thread: over 9000

number of people whose views you changed: 0

>> No.6903292

I actually do.

Also plenty of proof has been posted. You've just chosen to ignore it.

>> No.6903293

>I actually do
>Plenty of proof has been posted

>> No.6903294

Every gene is phenotype but based on genotype... Phenotype refers to differences in expression of those genes.

But I see what you mean with your picture. However, I'm not seeing how this refutes the big idea. I didn't say all of the 0.4% was gene expression differences, but most are.

Consider this, as well: Suppose all of the 0.4% was genotype differences. Okay, so what? It's easier for mutations to affect genes that aren't extremely important, like eye color genes. But the important genes (i.e. what makes us fundamentally human) are basically same.

I'm more concerned with getting rid of the idea of intelligence variation among populations being caused by genetics rather than environment. Intelligence is so fundamental that you wouldn't be able to see huge differences in intelligence between one group of humans and another over 75,000 years. The very idea is nonsensical. No race is "inferior."

>> No.6903297

>Once again the conversation was about what they did before arabs came.
Yeah, very little in comparison.

>Also what hayan people did is decently impressive considering the only ones before them that did black smithing well was ancient china.
Except for the Bronze and Iron Ages in Europe and the Middleeast.

They were behind and that is why they were vulnerable to getting oppressed. Also it didn't help the fact that African tribes sold enslaved rivals to Arabs and Europeans. They brought on slavery upon themselves when you think about it.

>> No.6903301

The I actually do was meant to answer the question "do you belive in man made climate change" you moron


Meanwhile, the best arguments from the opposition were "go back to /pol/ you racist"

>> No.6903305

>Non of these has anything to do with racial intelligence differences besides one that was proven wrong
How pathetic. I heard horror stories about you /pol/ kids but I didn't know you guys were this stupid.

>> No.6903307

>does race exist

Anything may exist, depending on the definition used.

Most arguments involve more unrealised discrepancies in definition than anything else.

>> No.6903310

Maybe, maybe not.

In 50 years, when we'll all be old men on our way out, I hope that when you see that blacks will still be poor, uneducated and violent, and see that Africa is still a shithole, I hope you will reminisce about that one time when an anon on /sci/ suggested that blacks might have an inferior average intelligence to whites.

>> No.6903311

>They were behind and that is why they were vulnerable to getting oppressed. Also it didn't help the fact that African tribes sold enslaved rivals to Arabs and Europeans. They brought on slavery upon themselves when you think about it.

Yes, because placing blame on an entire continent is a great way to analyze history. Now you'll say all of Europe is blamed on history, but that's nothing any historian worth their salt would do. Quoting some idiots on tumblr doesn't disprove a viewpoint you disagree with.

>> No.6903312

Except black IQ is rising faster than any other minorities.

>> No.6903313

>proven wrong
Hardly. The criticisms evoked here are adressed in the wiki article.

The other studies prove that genetically different races is a real thing. Admitting that genetic races exist is the first step towards admitting the idea that races differ in intelligence.

Do you admit that genetic races exist?

>> No.6903315

Phenotypic variation can occur due to differences in expression for the same genotype. However there is no proof out there saying all human differences are accounted by epigenetics. It's probably a lot of genetic, epigentic and environmental variation that explains all this. Not solely one or the other.

>Intelligence is so fundamental that you wouldn't be able to see huge differences in intelligence between one group of humans and another over 75,000 years.
Actually you could see huge differences in a generation. Consider a society that drowns all the retards compared to one that doesn't. Or differing needs of environment favor greater intelligence. Huge differences can occur over 75,000years.

I understand you want to prove this brotherhood of humanity concept but it's silly.

>> No.6903319

[citation needed]

>> No.6903323

>Quoting some idiots on tumblr
What about a Harvard prof?


>> No.6903324


>> No.6903329

If blacks are genetically less intelligent than how come IQ has been rising across the board for the last 80 years?

>> No.6903333

>a blog
>from a self-described communist

>> No.6903338

>A long-term rise and recent decline in intelligence test performance: The Flynn Effect in reverse

>> No.6903340

>His proof doesn't count because I disagree with his political views
You had to dig deep didn't you?

>> No.6903344

>only little evidence, to our knowledge, has yet been presented to show an arrest or reversal of the trend.
So you are agreeing with the anon you replied to?

>> No.6903346

Well, I can dig up plenty of "proof" from stormfront and other white nationalist blogs, but I don't think you'd accept it now would you?

>> No.6903352


Where does culture come from?

>> No.6903354

Oh god it's over, you lost. You cant refute the points and have to make excuses.
>I can dig up plenty of "proof" from stormfront and other white nationalist blogs
you could but it would probably be the same bullshit that was already proven wrong in this very thread. If you can't refute the data then you lost. Try again next time kid.

>> No.6903355

Old journal

>> No.6903357

All right, then try to refute this!


>> No.6903358
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>> No.6903359

People, people make culture, choose to adopt culture and choose to pass it down. This is why I always found it funny when people present culture as something apart from biology.

>> No.6903361

We will see where it levels off. Flynn effect is probably bounded. Human capacity cannot be infinite and some probably have greater capacity than others.

>> No.6903362

>Uses the size of the skull as an argument
lol. We already know brainsize does not = intelligence and have known for years.

>> No.6903366

>lol. We already know brainsize does not = intelligence and have known for years.
[citation needed]

>> No.6903368

>Possible end
>Uses a rare example where the average child had less schooling
Well of course in this case IQ is expected to fall. That has nothing to do with the general effect.

>> No.6903371

It correlates quite well.

>> No.6903374


Early humans.

>> No.6903377

I don't get it. The brain size in early humans increased a lot, and this increase in brain size is the reason why they developped inteligence.

>> No.6903379

Differing brain structure.

>> No.6903382


>> No.6903383

The correlation is 0.4 for humans.
We can't test the intelligence of early humans, and while I don't know about dolphins, I doubt we can rate them in IQ.
Obviously dolphins have a different brain development than humans, with the whole half-a-brain-asleep-to-stay-afloat-thing.

Removing brain parts in humans never granted them greater faculties, so I don't see why it would be ridiculous to expect less brain matter to perform equally.

>> No.6903388

neanderthals are hardly early humans.

And like >>6903379 said, differing brain structure.

>> No.6903390

see >>6903382

>> No.6903400

>I'd rather believe speculative explanations on extinct species than current observations on modern humans
Well I can't help you mang.
It's not a big deal, there's plenty of new stuff to believe in anyway.

>> No.6903401

Wait a minute what if blacks and whites have differing brain structure? Then maybe less mass could be equal in cognitive capacity? Amiright? But wait that's not a very SJW thing to say.

>> No.6903409

And yet that argument doesn't work for blacks because?
Again, skull size does not equal intelligence.

>> No.6903412

>what if blacks and whites have differing brain structure?
That would show up on dissections and brain scans.

>> No.6903413

Is that because blacks and whites have different brain structure?

>> No.6903414

So you're now saying that blacks have a different brain structure? Kek.

>> No.6903419

People got sickle cell disease to prevent mosquitos from giving them malaria
If white people were exposed to malaria carrying diseases they would have it as well
It's not a race thing, its a location thing

>> No.6903424

Well it is a race thing, considering that blacks who live in cold climates still suffer from sickle cell.

>> No.6903425

But blacks and whites aren't equal in cognitive capacity.
The question is why that is.
Some claim it's culture. But where does the culture come from?
Others could claim it's nutrition, maternal care, which are basically tied to culture.

Of course you could pull out of your ass the idea that different structures could give exactly the same outcome. Why not?
Then again that's not a territory that egalitarians want to tread. They're already fighting rioters over basic security-management, let's not talk about ideas that might or not be incriminating for one quite susceptive group.

What's interesting is one of their narrative.
You know the one about stereotype threat?
It basically says that women and blacks are more sensitive to others' critics and underperform under criticism.
Unlike the white man, which isn't weak to criticism. White male privilege is the acknowledgement of this fundamental inequality.

>> No.6903432

Back in the 1800's an out-of-date psudo-science known as Eugenics was prevalent in society; this and an inadequate assumption of the evolutionary process shaped the mindset of the elite, who in turn shaped the structure of the society we have now inherited. Although the united states has progressed toward racial equality and integration over the last 40 years, remnants of a power structure designed to promote an oppressive, competitive, segregated, hegemonic game theory haunts us from this not-so-distant and incredibly racist past.

Genetic Science now teaches us overspecialization is slow death for any species. Look at what's happening to the Amish. In order to achieve a healthy population, we need a diverse genepool. If the Nazi's had won world war II and continued the pursuit of racial purity, it might have very well be the death knell for their vaunted 'Aryan' race. Race is a measure of variation amongst our species and instead of wondering whether it exists, we should acknowledge it, embrace it, and revel in our diversity.

>> No.6903434

So wait blacks and whites have equal intelligence but blacks have less brain mass. How can this be? It's like saying these 2 cpus are equal in processing yet one has fewer transistors than the other. Either their clocked differently or the architecture is different to make up for the result.

>> No.6903435

Skull size does not always = brain size just like how brain size doesn't always = intelligence.
>/pol/ trying to say blacks have different brains but it's wrong when someone else may suggest it

>> No.6903438

>How can this be? It's like saying these 2 cpus are equal in processing yet one has fewer transistors than the other
Brain size does not = intelligence. We went over this.

>> No.6903441

Brains are housed in skulls. So Either the volume of the brain can be smaller or the volume of the skull interior.

>> No.6903443

We never said that blacks had different brain structure. Just slightly smaller brains : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_size#Biogeographic_variation

>creationists btfo

>> No.6903446

So brain size and structure has nothing to do with its performance? Where does a brain get its function from if not the neural networks? So shouldn't the complexity and size count to its performance?

>> No.6903451

Why do microcephalic people have a lower intelligence then?

>> No.6903453

>Genetic Science now teaches us overspecialization is slow death for any species. Look at what's happening to the Amish. In order to achieve a healthy population, we need a diverse genepool. If the Nazi's had won world war II and continued the pursuit of racial purity, it might have very well be the death knell for their vaunted 'Aryan' race. Race is a measure of variation amongst our species and instead of wondering whether it exists, we should acknowledge it, embrace it, and revel in our diversity.

This is silly.
The border collie is a result of racial segregation. It is also the smartest breed of dog in the world, and is generally very healthy.

Overgeneralisations, like saying that diversity in and of itself is good, get you nowhere.

And all your talk of power structure is silly also. Genetic differences are a function of phylogeny, not Victorian prejudices.

>> No.6903456

Again, it's been proven that brain size doesn't necessarily = intelligence. If that were true than we would see people with Higher IQs having bigger skulls.
The fact that Africans IQs are steadily increasing also disproves your claim.

>> No.6903457

Race depends on location.
It's called evolution. Separated populations from the same species will start deviating progressively, until they form two different species.

>If white people were exposed to malaria carrying diseases they would have it as well
And they also would have different cognitive capacities associated with a different immune load.
There are more and more risk factors for mental illnesses (brain development) associated with the immune system.
It makes sense that if you have to develop an other the top system to fight infections and parasites, you will thread-off something else.

>> No.6903458

>Look at what's happening to the Amish
What's wrong with the Amish? I'd rather live among the amish than in diverse and vibrant detroit.

>> No.6903459

This thread has nothing to do with Science and more to do with /pol/ faggots trying to find rationalizations using Science to justify their racist views.

>> No.6903468

>Using science
pseudoscience isn't science

>> No.6903469

>Again, it's been proven that brain size doesn't necessarily = intelligence
You didn't prove shit nigger, in fact you blatantly ignored this study which proves that brain size does in fact correlate with intelligence


>If that were true than we would see people with Higher IQs having bigger skulls.
That's in fact the case. Whites and Asians have the biggest skulls, and also coincidentially have the highest average IQs.

>The fact that Africans IQs are steadily increasing also disproves your claim.
Nigger please, you posted a blog post from a self-avowed communist about the test scores of jamaican schoolchildren in the UK. To infer from that that "African IQs are steadily increasing" is stupidity bordering on insanity.

>> No.6903471


Sorry, but 0.15 will never equal 0.33 no matter how badly you butcher the math.



>> No.6903473

Meanwhile the anti-racists haven't made any valuable contribution to this thread, except for "go back to le /pol/ XD"

>> No.6903475


The big problem is actually inbreding.

>> No.6903477

>You didn't prove shit nigger,
Oh, I didn't know neatherthals were more intelligent than us.
>Whites and asains
I am talking about case by case /pol/.
>B-But communist
Fuck off /pol/, sorry you wont accept data because the guy who posted it wasn't a neo-nazi.

>> No.6903481

>Never. Grow the fuck up and realize that "race" is not a scientifically grounded concept.
come on you know that the reason nobody talks about this anymore since the second world war is because it is politically incorrect.

>> No.6903483

>The fact that Africans IQs are steadily increasing also disproves your claim.
I wouldn't expect the Flynn Effect to be selective. It doesn't disprove my claim at all, we'd expect them to have the biggest gains since they have the widest gap. However there is no reason to assume the gap will close.

>> No.6903484

>They didn't contribute to an off topic thread
You sure showed them.

>> No.6903486
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>That's in fact the case. Whites and Asians have the biggest skulls, and also coincidentially have the highest average IQs.

What was the average cranial capacity of Neanderthals again?

>> No.6903489
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>> No.6903490
File: 125 KB, 440x577, told you so.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the 1800's an out-of-date psudo-science known as Lamarckism was prevalent in society; this and an inadequate assumption of the evolutionary process shaped the mindset of the elite, who in turn shaped the structure of the society we have now inherited.

And look now.

>> No.6903492

There is no reason to assume it wont keep on increasing. Black americans of today are more intelligent than whites from the 1960s as far as IQ is concerned.
I guess this means genetics changed that much in only 40 years hurr durr

>> No.6903493

Europeans mating with other Europeans is not inbreeding to the point of risking genetic abnormality.

>> No.6903494

>what is brain structure?

>> No.6903495

How intelligent are the Neanderthals?

>> No.6903496

>Oh, I didn't know neatherthals were more intelligent than us.
>What was the average cranial capacity of Neanderthals again?
They had different brain structures... It's what me and some other anons have been repeating nonstop for the past half an hour...

>Fuck off /pol/, sorry you wont accept data because the guy who posted it wasn't a neo-nazi.
No, I won't accept data from a fucking blog. Post scientific studies only.

>> No.6903498


>> No.6903500

>Black americans of today are more intelligent than whites from the 1960s as far as IQ is concerned.
[citation needed], but anyway whites today are more intelligent than blacks today.

>> No.6903501


>> No.6903504

The average IQ of whites raises about 3 points every 10 years.

>> No.6903506

Lol what? So the average IQ of whites in 1900 was 67?

>> No.6903507
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>> No.6903510

>Flynn Effect
Blacks will have biggest gains since they have the widest gap. However there is no reason to assume the gap will close. It's like in economics countries that are on the bottom have the highest rate of increase compared to on the top, but we don't expect them to overtake the top.

>> No.6903512

Oh, is that why people with the highest IQs have bigger heads? Oh wait they don't.

>> No.6903513

When did I ever state that they would overtake? The fact that they are gaining faster than the average proves that it isn't genetic.

>> No.6903515
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>Oh wait they don't.
[citation needed]

>> No.6903516

go back to tumblr.

>> No.6903518
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>> No.6903521
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>> No.6903522

No it only proves there is an environmental component. When environment is maximized for both there could still be disparity.

>> No.6903524
File: 197 KB, 685x728, 1416825924166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd say that makes it the worst possible time to have an "have an honest discussion about race." Don't try to bring /sci/ into your little /pol/ circlejerk.
>Never. Grow the fuck up and realize that "race" is not a scientifically grounded concept.
>No plausible scientific evidence has demonstrated that an individuals "race" is indicative of anything after controlling for other factors. Plenty of evidence exists that cultural factors explain most variance in racial outcomes, but cultural factors can be easily changed and /pol/ doesn't like to hear that, because >whites are special.

meanwhile, the real reason is because people are afraid of a truth they might not like.

>> No.6903525

>Trying to make a data linewith only 3 points
lol. I am talking within a race. Show me that the smartest people in the world have the biggest brains.
By your logic black skull size should increase.

>> No.6903526


>But blacks and whites aren't equal in cognitive capacity.
>The question is why that is.

Any answer that isn't population statistics is wrong.

It's not that blacks and whites can't be equal in cognitive capacity, it's that there are more whites with higher capacity than blacks on a percentage basis.

If you want to fix it immediately then just bottleneck blacks for high IQ. Other than that we will have to wait for the slow crawl that is nutrition gain and immunity/brain trade off.

>> No.6903528


So you're getting hung up on the semantics game? How scientific

>> No.6903530

"Bruce Lahn is the William B. Graham professor of Human Genetics at the University of Chicago. He is also the founder of the Center for Stem Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. His previous research specialized in human genetics and evolutionary genetics, especially human sex chromosome evolution and the genetic basis that underlies the evolutionary expansion of the human brain. Lahn's current research interests include stem cell biology and epigenetics.[1] His research on the brain size gene, MCPH1, led to the hypothesis that an archaic homo sapiens lineage such as the Neanderthals might have contributed to the recent development of the human brain.[2] His research also suggested that newly arisen variants of two brain size genes, ASPM and MCPH1, might have been favored by positive natural selection in the recent human history.[3] This research provoked controversy due to the finding that the positively selected variants of these genes had spread to higher frequencies in some parts of the world than in others (for ASPM, it is higher in Europe and surrounding regions than other parts of the world; for MCPH1, it is higher outside sub-Saharan Africa than inside).[4] He has advocated the moral position that human genetic diversity should be embraced and celebrated as among humanity's great assets.[5]"

>> No.6903532

>No actual genetic proof that race is the cause behind IQ differences
>/pol/ still makes thousands of shitty threads about it.

>> No.6903534

Oh so this means neil degrasse tyson has a bigger skull than white people.
>/pol/ kids are this stupid.

>> No.6903535

No, because we're talking about averages. If a group has, on average, a higher cranial capacity than another group, then that group should have a higher average intelligence.

>> No.6903538


>> No.6903539

So then why do the smartest white people not have bigger skulls than the average white person?

>> No.6903541

>Oh so this means neil degrasse tyson has a bigger skull than white people.
this man thinks in absolutes, and than proceeds to call me stupid

>> No.6903542

>>No actual genetic proof that race is the cause behind IQ differences
Confirmed for not having read the thread.

After having made a statement of such stupidity, you aren't really in any position to call someone "stupid"

>> No.6903544

>Genes that link
You know how genes are generally linked anon right?
>White people on average have this gene and white people on average are more intelligent so that means this gene = intelligence!

>> No.6903545

"Needless to say, the Chicago scientists went to great pains not to pose too great a challenge to modern sensitivities about race and genes. At their press conference, they insisted there was “not necessarily” a connection between these gene variations and brain size. However, they found that sub-Saharan blacks were the most distinct of the racial groups they studied, in that they had a markedly lower frequency of both variants. This is consistent with the distinct black African profile of smaller brains and lower IQ."

>> No.6903546

What is it about "average" that you don't understand?

>> No.6903547


He has a higher IQ than you anon and since you /pol/fags love IQ that makes him smarter than you.
>N-No you are stupid!
I don't come from the board that denies climate change, believes in the holy ghost and hates vaccines.

>> No.6903548

maybe read the article...(not understanding allels) god you people are tiresome...

>> No.6903549

Well I didn't give an answer that isn't grounded on population statistics.

>It's not that blacks and whites can't be equal in cognitive capacity, it's that there are more whites with higher capacity than blacks on a percentage basis.
As a group, they are not equal.
That's the point.

>If you want to fix it immediately then just bottleneck blacks for high IQ.
Yes eugenics are the solution.

>> No.6903552

I just can't accept it to be true. Black people in the US have high amounts of white admixture, and yet they perform much worse than whites. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

On top of that, and I'm not saying this proves anything, I'm black and have a high IQ. Same goes for all of my family members, even the black ones. It doesn't sit right with me to think that I'm some kind of super unique black person, because I know I'm not.

I have no idea the actual statistics on phenotype variation vs genotype variation, but logically, it would make sense that there is very little difference between groups of people genetically. Major differences take a very long time. Also, human society has only been around as an institution for 10,000 years, which further suggests that we can't be all that different. We've moved around and mixed DNA for as long as we've existed.

Bantu tribes managed to figure out how to work Iron. Great Zimbabwe and the Kingdom of Congo all developed as civilizations on their own, completely without outside influence. Clearly Africans are just as capable as other groups of forming societies.

The black high school dropout rate was declining up until the recession. Our SAT scores were increasing. So much points to a socioeconomic aspect contributing to the differences. Not only that, but, in comparison to the white IQ distribution, the black IQ distribution is far less regular, and spikes somewhere near the 100 as well.

There isn't enough evidence to claim race and intelligence are connected in any way. There's far more evidence suggesting the opposite. And I mean, fuck if we all really are 0.4% different. I don't care. Blacks and Whites could be as different as apples and oranges, but there's not evidence suggesting that either group is any less intelligent than the other.

>> No.6903553

Which would mean that more intelligent white people would on average have bigger skulls.

>> No.6903554

>I don't come from the board that denies climate change, believes in the holy ghost and hates vaccines.
that is irrelevant to this discussion, i don't denie climate change nor the usefullness of vaccines. and i am an atheist.

>> No.6903556

Yes. On average.

Meaning that a white person having a higher IQ than another white person doesn't necessarily imply that he would have a bigger skull

>> No.6903558

"The Chicago results are exactly what we would expect from the work of Professor Phil Rushton of University of Western Ontario, who has used modern brain scanning methods to establish a correlation as high as .40 between brain size and IQ. Needless to say, the Chicago researchers could not mention Prof. Rushton’s name for fear of jeopardizing further funding. Some suspect they already have data in the pipeline linking these genetic variations directly to IQ, and that when they hold another press conference to announce these findings they want someone to attend."

"The media and even the scientists themselves can hedge and fudge all they like, but their favorite “post-modern” pretense that there is no such thing as race is looking sillier all the time. The West’s anti-racists have succeeded in suppressing most references to the g (general intelligence) factor and the London School that discovered and developed the concept, but they now face an assault from an unexpected quarter. Dr. Bruce Lahn may be more the diplomat than one normally finds in nature vs. nurture debates, but he got his first taste of dissent as a student rebel in his home town of Peking during the Tianenmen Square demonstrations. This suggests he has a strong dislike for Communism’s tyrannical and useless environmentalism, and that he may have principles that will soon see him linked to his natural allies in the London School."

>> No.6903559

Lol... I honestly don't know what to reply.

Except that judging from your posts, I seriously doubt you have an IQ above 100, considering all the logical fallacies you have committed

>> No.6903560

>Genetic differences are a function of phylogeny, not Victorian prejudices.

well, That's true, but racist white american cops ARE a function of Victorian prejudice. A boarder colly will get it on with any dog and any difference in their intelligence is marginal at best.

>> No.6903561

>It is irelevant to this discussion
Neither than your butthurt over Tyson.
>Yes, on average
Oh really? Where is this proof that whites with higher IQs have bigger skulls than whites without.

>> No.6903563

>The media and even the scientists themselves can hedge and fudge all they like, but their favorite “post-modern” pretense that there is no such thing as race is looking sillier all the time. The West’s anti-racists have succeeded in suppressing most references to the g (general intelligence) factor and the London School that discovered and developed the concept, but they now face an assault from an unexpected quarter.
this is the most important part

>> No.6903565


>Blacks and Whites could be as different as apples and oranges, but there's not evidence suggesting that either group is any less intelligent than the other.

Knowing that income is correlated with IQ, why are blacks so poor if they are just as intelligent as whites?

>> No.6903568

>Retarded /pol/ child thinks IQ = intelligence
Easiest way to tell a /sci/entist from a /pol/ kid.

>> No.6903570

>Neither than your butthurt over Tyson.
who is talking about tyson here ?

>> No.6903571

Because income also correlates to IQ.

>> No.6903573

>Easiest way to tell a /sci/entist from a /pol/ kid.
seriously ? iq scores mirror intelligence though, this is widely accepted. e.g. for the military

>> No.6903574

>Oh really? Where is this proof that whites with higher IQs have bigger skulls than whites without.
Jesus, do I have to forcefeed you everything?



>> No.6903575

Incomes correlates with IQ, so why assuming that blacks have equal IQ do they have lower income?

>> No.6903578

>Retarded /pol/ child thinks IQ = intelligence
lol funny, retardation is determined by iq tests

>> No.6903579

Where did I say they were equal?

A tendency of always strawmanning is a pretty good indicator of low IQ though.

>> No.6903580

>IQ scores mirror intelligence
I see you are new here.
The IQ test is a horrible "intelligence" test made to find learning disabilities in children.

>> No.6903581

Yeah, I'm sure there are plenty nobel prize laureates in physics who were tested with an IQ below 80 :^)

>> No.6903584

Well they tested successful for learning disabilities than.
Now fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.6903587

>The IQ test is a horrible "intelligence" test made to find learning disabilities in children.
no not really read up on that

>> No.6903590

Are reading disabilities not correlated with intelligence?

>> No.6903592

>Now fuck off back to /pol/.
or in the spirit of /sci/ you refute... logically

>> No.6903593

>Defending the IQ test
>On /sci/
Lurk more.
IQ is just a shitty way for people who did nothing their entire life to feel smart. IE, /pol/.

>> No.6903597


"Psychometricians generally regard IQ tests as having high statistical reliability.[33][34] A high reliability implies that—although test-takers may have varying scores when taking the same test on differing occasions, and they may have varying scores when taking different IQ tests at the same age—the scores generally agree with one another and across time. Like all statistical quantities, any particular estimate of IQ has an associated standard error that measures uncertainty about the estimate. For modern tests, the standard error of measurement is about three points. Clinical psychologists generally regard IQ scores as having sufficient statistical validity for many clinical purposes.[11][35][36]"

>fucking refute this than instead of saying iq tests are irrelevant

>> No.6903599

/pol/ isn't science.

>> No.6903601

What's the superior intelligence test?
I'd like to know how to accurately measure cognitive function. Discovering and knowing things is interesting.

>> No.6903602



>> No.6903603

"IQ is the most researched attempt at measuring intelligence and by far the most widely used in practical setting. However, although IQ attempts to measure some notion of intelligence, it may fail to act as an accurate measure of "intelligence" in its broadest sense. IQ tests only examine particular areas embodied by the broadest notion of "intelligence", failing to account for certain areas which are also associated with "intelligence" such as creativity or emotional intelligence.

There are critics such as Keith Stanovich who do not dispute the stability of IQ test scores or the fact that they predict certain forms of achievement rather effectively. They do argue, however, that to base a concept of intelligence on IQ test scores alone is to ignore many important aspects of mental ability.[5][121]"

>> No.6903606

>Superior intelligence test
There isn't one. Intelligence tests are shitty and not well defined

>> No.6903608

They have the potential to be just as intelligent as white people, however, since IQ/intelligence is affected by environment, black people actually score lower on IQ tests. Once the number of black people below the poverty line is <30%, then we will start to see differences.

Are their cognitive abilities impaired? According to IQ tests, yes. Is it because they are "of an inferior race?" No. Why do I say no? There is no evidence supporting that statement. There are other factors involved that have been shown to have a large effect on intelligence.

>> No.6903610

>/pol/ isn't science.
who is talking about /pol/ ?
not me you are... that is your only counter argument, /pol/ /pol/ /pol/

>> No.6903613

So it's impossible to measure cognitive function?
Should we just give up on measuring cognitive function?

>> No.6903615

7 /pol/ threads in a week all dealing with the same week
>All about the same thing

>> No.6903617

1. One of the major trends in hominid evolution has been increasing brain size, with the somewhat confusing caveat that modern humans break that trend, with smaller brains than both Neanderthals and some earlier hominids. Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain this, from sexual selection for intelligence to selection pressures from culture. Do you have a favorite hypothesis? What evidence do you think could settle this issue?

Brain size is just a proxy for cognitive abilities. This proxy is very robust over long evolutionary periods (millions of years). But on a short time scale, fluctuation in brain size may not correlate well with cognitive abilities. Within humans, for example, brain size is only weakly correlated with cognitive test scores such as IQ (only about 15% of the variation in IQ can be explained by difference in brain size). Given this, perhaps we should not make too much out of the cognitive significance of brain size changes on a short time scale.

>> No.6903623

>There isn't one. Intelligence tests are shitty and not well defined
god you are stubborn, its as if you don't even read the thread...

>> No.6903625

> Once the number of black people below the poverty line is <30%, then we will start to see differences.
But that's not possible, unless you somehow make everyone else poorer, but I don't see how that'd make blacks smarter, maybe by shuffling the intelligence average by making everyone dumber and thus making blacks average?

>There are other factors involved that have been shown to have a large effect on intelligence.
Like nutrition and maternal care?
The solution is to steal blacks' children and raise them and feed them by robots?

>> No.6903628

>7 /pol/ threads in a week all dealing with the same week
just come up with actual data, and logically constructed evidence... just proclaiming it to be people from /pol/ doesn't help. remember this is /sci/

>> No.6903630

>hurr /pol/

fuck off

>> No.6903631

>Argument from authority

>> No.6903632

look here mate>>6903507

>> No.6903637

lol, so now citing sources is an "argument from authority"?

>> No.6903638

>Argument from authority
what authority ? first you: you have no scientific sources... hur hur hur. <cite sources> ah argument of authority....

>> No.6903644

fuck off

>> No.6903648

>this is literally the only argument anti-racists have come up with so far.

>> No.6903649

>Psychometricians generally regard IQ tests as having high statistical reliability.[
Great argument.

>> No.6903651

Today, the term "scientific racism" is used to refer to research seeming to scientifically justify racist ideology. The accusation of scientific racism often is cast upon researchers claiming the existence of quantifiable differences in intelligence among the human races, especially if said differences are partly genetic in origin. Contemporary researchers include Arthur Jensen (The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability); J. Philippe Rushton, president of the Pioneer Fund (Race, Evolution, and Behavior); Chris Brand (The g Factor: General Intelligence and Its Implications); Richard Lynn (IQ and the Wealth of Nations); Charles Murray; and Richard Herrnstein (The Bell Curve), among others.[103] These authors themselves, while seeing their work as scientific, may dispute the term "racism" and may prefer terms such as "race realism" or "racialism".

>> No.6903655

yes it is commonly accepted as a relevant way to measure intellect. care to refute ?

>> No.6903658

>So, /sci/, does race exist? And if it does, do races differ in significant ways?

we have this thread all the time, and the only thing to take away from this, is that it is a loaded question.

if you want a scientific answer, you must ask precise questions first.

>> No.6903661

Me : the earth is spherical
You : hurr durr argument from authority >>>/pol/

>> No.6903662

Jensen and Rushton point out that research has shown that also in a group with a lower average some individuals will be above the average of other groups. They also argue that when society is blamed for disparities in average group achievements that instead result from biological differences, the result is demands for compensation from the less successful group which the more successful group feel is unjustified, causing mutual resentment.[106] Linda Gottfredson similarly argues that denying real biological differences instead cause people to seek something to blame causing hostility between groups. In the US, examples being the views that whites are racist or blacks are lazy. She furthermore argues that "virtually all the victim groups of genocide in the Twentieth century had relatively high average levels of achievement".[107] Gottfredson has also disputed that a lower achieving group gains from denying or concealing real biological differences. An increasingly complex society built on the assumption than everyone can do equally well means that they who do not have this ability have increasing trouble functioning in most areas of life. They need various forms of special assistance, which is not possible as long as the existence of the need is denied.

>> No.6903663

Yeah, intelligence is a very vague and hardly defined term. You would first have to define intelligence before you show how IQ can score for it. People with Higher IQs are also very often not more intelligent.

>> No.6903667

The number of black people below the poverty line was decreasing up until the recession. Black people were hit the hardest.

This actually implies that black people are just as capable as white people.

Look at a map of IQ and Nation Wealth: A similar relationship can be found between Socioeconomic status and IQ in the US. SES clearly trumps genetics.

Intelligence is not genetic. Simple as that. Black people pay less attention in school, they grow up in poorer homes, and the dropout more than other groups. Do you expect their problem solving abilities to be on par with PHD students? No.

There is no evidence that black people are inherently inferior, and there's mountains of evidence that intelligence is affected heavily by environment. It makes more sense to attribute black underachievement to SES than to genetics.

>> No.6903668

>especially if said differences are partly genetic in origin.

people seem to have difficulty understanding this.

all human traits are 100% genetic in origin and 100% 'environmentally' influenced as well.

genetic code and environment are both non-negotiable in determining our phenotypes; no human would exist without either.

>> No.6903674

>This actually implies that black people are just as capable as white people.
What does?

>A similar relationship can be found between Socioeconomic status and IQ in the US. SES clearly trumps genetics.
Show some data.

>Intelligence is not genetic
But the brain is built on genetics. How is it possible for it not to be genetics?
How come a raven is smarter than a frog? Is it culture?
Where did the raven culture come from?
Are the frogs just poorer?

>> No.6903676

It's as if you didn't read the thread

>> No.6903679

>You would first have to define intelligence
so intelligence isn't defined ?
>People with Higher IQs are also very often not more intelligent.
what does that even mean ? do you not believe there is a very strong correlation between people with Ph.D and high iq's. and similary between high school drop outs and low iq's ?

>> No.6903681

daily reminder science is suppressed by political agendas all the time. You cant only believe certain areas of science are suppressed because they are economical thus not hurting your feelings (monsanto suppressing data for their patents)

>> No.6903685

Different anon but that only proves his point. Culture isn't just income. The fact that black IQ is increasing without their genes changing much only strengthens this point.

>> No.6903688


>> No.6903693

This is as bad as those expelled fags and ID.

>> No.6903694

so ? doesn't mean anything https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxAhwYoZQKU

>> No.6903696

People who have PHDs tend to have higher IQs but the correlation has so many exceptions and is so weak that you could just as easily imply that IQ tests for income born into or location.

>> No.6903699

>all human traits are 100% genetic in origin and 100% 'environmentally' influenced as well.
very odd statement.
>genetic code and environment are both non-negotiable in determining our phenotypes; no human would exist without either.

>> No.6903703

These are the facts:
Intelligence is tied to environment.
Poverty has an extreme impact on intelligence.
African countries are the poorest in the world, and they score extremely low on IQ tests.
Black people tend to be significantly poorer than white people and score lower on IQ tests.
Education in poorer neighborhoods tends to be sub-par.
Black people on average have 20% european admixture. Europeans tend to do better than blacks. However, on average, mixed kids perform as poorly as black kids on IQ tests, they achieve the same amount, etc. This completely contradicts and ultimately discredits the idea that genetics is some kind of ultimate factor in determining intelligence.

Therefore, we can conclude that black people have the potential to be as intelligent as white people, but their environment heavily affects their outcomes.

What to do with this info:
Expand welfare across the board. People in poverty in general will benefit from this immensely. $600 a month is not enough to get you off your feet if you have kids.
Expand financial aid for schooling.

Intelligence is not genetic. The evidence shows that.

>> No.6903707

>it doesn't mean anything
The fact that we know environment plays a role (A bigger one than race) and have almost no evidence that race inherently does says a lot.

>> No.6903708

>People who have PHDs tend to have higher IQs but the correlation has so many exceptions and is so weak that you could just as easily imply that IQ tests for income born into or location.
this isn't true and you know it. especially of STEM

>> No.6903709

>Intelligence is not genetic. The evidence shows that.
anybody can be albert einstein if raised in the right enviroment ? come on dude...

>> No.6903713

Pleiotropy is actually a thing.

>> No.6903714
File: 521 KB, 1058x1314, 1415712637189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Education in poorer neighborhoods tends to be sub-par.
all your shit has been debunked in this thread already

>> No.6903716

>The fact that we know environment plays a role (A bigger one than race)
that might be true, but saying genetics play no role is just ignorant. exceptional genius isn't enviromental... and i know that you know that.

>> No.6903717

>African countries are the poorest in the world, and they score extremely low on IQ tests.
look for HDI-IQ correlation in black nations and white nations. you'll see

>> No.6903721

> but saying genetics play no role is just ignorant.
We have no proof that it is racial linked anon.

>> No.6903723
File: 42 KB, 1280x606, F1.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does?
The fact that black people have been getting out of poverty.

>Show some data.
I can find more if you like.

>But the brain is built on genetics. How is it possible for it not to be genetics?
Do your genetics tell you what to think? I really don't think so. How is it possible for it not to be genetics? Well, I dunno. Maybe thinking, problem solving, etc. emerge from the way the brain works? Hmm?
No where in my genes does it say I should love math, and yet I'm working towards a math major. How could that be?

What is emergent systems
>How come a raven is smarter than a frog? Is it culture?
Use a better example. And, if you looked, you'd see that I never mentioned culture.
>Where did the raven culture come from?
>Are the frogs just poorer?

>> No.6903726

>Expand welfare across the board. People in poverty in general will benefit from this immensely. $600 a month is not enough to get you off your feet if you have kids.
Maybe you shouldn't have kids if you can't afford them.
Just a thought.

>> No.6903728

>We have no proof that it is racial linked anon.
we do actually quite a lot, it is just one of the most sensitive issues in the world. read thread plenty has been posted...

>> No.6903731

>No where in my genes does it say I should love math
and how do you know this ?

>> No.6903734

>Do your genetics tell you what to think? I really don't think so. How is it possible for it not to be genetics? Well, I dunno. Maybe thinking, problem solving, etc. emerge from the way the brain works? Hmm?
thusly because genetics is only minor in thinking capacity, chimps will get ph.d's and also don't pretend like you are majoring in maht

>> No.6903735

Where is the flaw in my logic...?

One element of a much bigger argument. Come on now, at least try.
Not only that, throwing money at students does not solve the fucking problem. How does that make sense?

HDI-IQ correlation.
Seriously, are you trying?
East asians score higher than westerners on IQ tests... But the average HDI in east asian nations is lower than that of western nations (!!)

>> No.6903739
File: 359 KB, 843x843, 1415615653424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not genetics

>> No.6903740

>We have a lot
All that I saw were disproven studies.

>> No.6903744

>Do your genetics tell you what to think? I really don't think so
I think so yeh.
My brain permits stuff for me that other species aren't capable of.
What's so special about my species' brain?
My culture?

>Maybe thinking, problem solving, etc. emerge from the way the brain works?
And what does the way the brain works emerge from?

>No where in my genes does it say I should love math, and yet I'm working towards a math major.
You know your genes? Why aren't you sharing the knowledge with the world? Science needs to know.

>What is emergent systems
Systems that emerge out of something?
Where did the brain emerge out of?

>> No.6903745

>East asians score higher than westerners on IQ tests... But the average HDI in east asian nations is lower than that of western nations (!!)
yes east asians are smarter than europeans, same tests show that ! i am not denying this.
>Not only that, throwing money at students does not solve the fucking problem. How does that make sense?
I agree
>Where is the flaw in my logic...?
I know you are smarter than to believe that albert einstien, paul erdose, tesla... ect haden't have something geneticly uniek

>> No.6903747

>All that I saw were disproven studies.
come on at least try... show it than fucking show it... give sources that it has been disproven, dr. Bruce lahn is regarded as a execellent scientist

>> No.6903749

Are you seriously suggesting that all human brains are genetically equally capable?

Because I can't see how one can accept the existence of genes, their variation within individuals and their hereditary distribution between ethnic groups and then claim that the development of brains within a species is suddenly excluded from that.

>> No.6903750

east asians are smarter, score higher in iq tests and have bigger brains

>> No.6903751

>SES clearly trumps genetics
All I see on your picture is SES and IQ, where are genetics?

>> No.6903752

>>and how do you know this ?
You know, I don't know that, you're right. I'm just guessing, seeing in that I haven't always liked math.

Don't pretend like I'm majoring in math? Okay, you're right. I do courses on Saylor Academy, the same courses that would be in a Math Major. I read the books and everything. I'm working on Real Analysis right now.
Saylor is actually recognized by some schools in the country.

Sorry buddy. All the studies on mixed race children's IQ paint a different picture. But hey, think what you like.

>I think so yeh.
>My brain permits stuff for me that other species aren't capable of.
>What's so special about my species' brain?
>My culture?
Think about what you just said anon. You said that you need a human brain to think like a human, not that you think the way you do because it's encoded in your genes.
Can a person without a brain think like a person?
>And what does the way the brain works emerge from?
The way the cells work...?
And the cells emerge from chemistry?

>You know your genes? Why aren't you sharing the knowledge with the world? Science needs to know.
I just... what?

>Systems that emerge out of something?

>> No.6903754

>Are you seriously suggesting that all human brains are genetically equally capable?
in the same way all human faces are genetically equally capable, you know because uglyness is enviromental

>> No.6903755

Different anon but it takes more than that to prove a connection in genetics. He himself even says the word "may" and "might". More research would have to be done to conclude one way or the other.

>> No.6903757

Kek, so twins raised in different environments will be more or less beautiful?

>> No.6903758

>Don't pretend like I'm majoring in math? Okay, you're right. I do courses on Saylor Academy, the same courses that would be in a Math Major. I read the books and everything. I'm working on Real Analysis right now.
>Saylor is actually recognized by some schools in the country.
good to admit this intellectually honestly is good.
>Sorry buddy. All the studies on mixed race children's IQ paint a different picture.
cite them than, show me i'm wrong.
>But hey, think what you like.
i don't wanne think what i like i want to know what is the truth. if all, all, all is so wrong well than show it to me.

>> No.6903759

>You said that you need a human brain to think like a human, not that you think the way you do because it's encoded in your genes.
A brain you say.
Where does a brain come from?

>Can a person without a brain think like a person?
We can't measure what people think.

>The way the cells work...?
Where does the way the cells work come from?

>And the cells emerge from chemistry?
Chemistry of what?
Putting metals together is enough to have cells?
If I smash some carbon and oxygen together, I'll get cells?
If I mix ethanol and carbon monoxide, do I get cells?

>> No.6903760

I don't know what you're even trying to say here; what your point is.

>> No.6903764

>Different anon but it takes more than that to prove a connection in genetics. He himself even says the word "may" and "might". More research would have to be done to conclude one way or the other.
i agree, but there are strong idications... geneticly, soclially... all stats we make seems to point to a genetic racial diffirence in intelligence. why is this so horrible to admit ?

>> No.6903769


No serious geneticist would use IQ as a proxy for 'genetic intelligence'. There is no evidence for that.

Psychometricians like Jensen and Rushton mistakenly treat heritability as evidence for a mostly genetic explanation for differences between races. As psychologists by training, it's understandable why they have developed such a perspective, but they should not expect geneticists to agree with their conclusion.

>> No.6903773


>I don't know what you're even trying to say here; what your point is.

sarcasm, genetics do play a major role in life, how you body is build, you face and yes also you personality and intellect

>> No.6903775

>As psychologists by training, it's understandable why they have developed such a perspective, but they should not expect geneticists to agree with their conclusion.
come on read the goddamn thread befor you comment.
>Psychometricians like Jensen and Rushton mistakenly treat heritability as evidence for a mostly genetic explanation for differences between races.
read the thread read the goddamn thread

>> No.6903776

There is no evidence of a direct genetic explanation of mean differences in testing performance between races.

>> No.6903777

Difficult to tell. Poe's Law.

>> No.6903779

>There is no evidence of a direct genetic explanation of mean differences in testing performance between races.
no direct no but very strong indicators, that are related to race... again read the thread

>> No.6903782

> all stats we make seems to point to a genetic racial diffirence in intelligence.
No they don't. In fact they often point the other way. The fact that blacks are increasing in IQ faster than whites says otherwise.

>> No.6903785

why do people find it so horrible to accept that there are racial differences in intellect that have a genetic basis ?

>> No.6903788

>Very strong indicators
Like most things that can be more easily explained by environment?

>> No.6903790

Of course there is. There is a huge catalogue of studies done on race and intelligence, all showing a difference between "black" and "white" and other groups. We can argue about the definitions of these groups, and the ultimate causes of that difference, and thus about the quality of the evidence, but you cannot say there is "no" evidence.

>> No.6903791

read the fucking thread this has all been posted above...

>> No.6903793

I have. Most of it was proven wrong.

>> No.6903794

here here fucking watch this and read the fucking thread before you comment.
well than show that to me for god sake show it than... cite sources

>> No.6903798

similar docu, from same guy about gender being so called socially constructed...

>> No.6903803


>I know you are smarter than to believe that albert einstien, paul erdose, tesla... ect haden't have something geneticly uniek

I guess I'm not smart, then. I AM black, so I guess that makes sense.

>Are you seriously suggesting that all human brains are genetically equally capable?
Genetically capable... of what?

>Because I can't see how one can accept the existence of genes, their variation within individuals and their hereditary distribution between ethnic groups and then claim that the development of brains within a species is suddenly excluded from that.
I never said that the development of brains is excluded from that... I said that intelligence is different.
What characterizes an intelligent individual?
Their ability to make connections faster than others.
Their knack for analysis, problem solving, etc.
I claim that these traits that make up intelligence are not related to one (1) gene. They could be related to millions, or none. But one gene does not make or break your brain. Over 75,000 years, Eurasian people did not just all suddenly become more intelligent. There are too many genes involved for that to have just happened. Or, alternatively, Eurasians just happen to live in better environments for learning.

What do you want me to show you?

>cite them than, show me i'm wrong.
>>i don't wanne think what i like i want to know what is the truth. if all, all, all is so wrong well than show it to me.
There you have it. If you need more, ask, I'll be glad to find more.
>A brain you say.
>Where does a brain come from?
That's a really deep question.

>Can a person without a brain think like a person?
>We can't measure what people think.

>> No.6903808

I think it's because of public school brainwashing. In western countries, people are brainwashed from the first day they enter preschool that "racism is bad" and "all races are equal". Funnily enough, in non white countries (such as Japan, or India) people do tend to believe that races differ in intelligence.

>> No.6903812

>I AM black, so I guess that makes sense.
never said every black man was dumb or anything don't intrepret me wrong. also you really believe right about anyone can become a ph.d in phyics ?
haven't refuted shit, non of this is about what is cited, none talks about bruce lahn

>> No.6903813

You claim that SES has a higher effect on IQ than genetics, and you showed a picture from a study done in New-Zealand where low SES => slightly under average IQ (94), mid SES => slightly above average IQ, and high SES => above average IQ.

That's a small effect of SES.
How do you explain the 70 IQ of blacks?

>> No.6903820

Depends how you define thinking.

So if you can't know what a brain is made of, what are cells made of?

>> No.6903821

>But one gene does not make or break your brain.
That is my entire point. There is an array of genes that influence brain development. Of course there can be a heritable distribution of genes that foster different levels of intelligence between groups that didn't intermingle for thousands of years. Gene flow between "blacks" and "whites", for example, so far obviously hasn't been enough to smooth over skin colour, so it stands to reason that it also wouldn't be able to complete equalize the distribution of those genes.

>> No.6903824

What's that video going to say that wasn't already said by /pol/ a millions times in a million /pol/ /sci/ threads?

>> No.6903825

>Funnily enough, in non white countries (such as Japan, or India) people do tend to believe that races differ in intelligence.
yes i know, because there is very strong evidence coming up that they are... since WWII this is just way to controversial to talk about in the west. I used to believe this as well btw, but i can't turn a blind eye towards this. clear indications that race has an effect on intellect.

>> No.6903826


If you're talking about frequently cited twin-studies and the like, it's important to remember that evidence of heritability is not evidence of genetic explanation for difference.

There are countless highly heritable traits whose manifestation is explained purely by social phenomena.

Wearing jewelry used to be highly heritable, in that it corresponded to genomic difference, as wearing jewelry used to be a practice exclusive to women a century ago (thus, the presence of jewelry corresponded to a difference in sex chromosomes).

Today, wearing jewelry is less heritable of a behavior. men wear it too. there was a change in heritability but nobody would seriously argue that indicates micro-evolution has occurred over the last century. The heritability of the behavior, and change thereof, was not at all explained by genetics, even though it necessarily had corresponded to some genetic difference.

Language is also highly heritable between races, and used to be moreso when the world was less globalized. Precise language is necessary for precise language of thought; which in turn is necessary for abstract thinking.

>> No.6903829

Also, he didn't adress the fact that instead of SES => IQ, it might be that IQ => SES.

It's actually more logical, since it explains why historically poor ethnic groups such as jews managed to become of the most successful ethnic groups : they had a high IQ

>> No.6903831

>What's that video going to say that wasn't already said by /pol/ a millions times in a million /pol/ /sci/ threads?
look at it, he speaks to pro scientists and con scientits. little hint the pro's are STEMS and the con's are sociologists and psychologists

>> No.6903834

>It's actually more logical, since it explains why historically poor ethnic groups such as jews managed to become of the most successful ethnic groups : they had a high IQ
true jews top all the chards follewed by east asians.

>> No.6903837

Sorry guys, haven't read the thread but I always thought it was obvious that IQ is influenced by both your lineage and environment. Does anyone actually argue that it's one or the other? That's stupid.

>> No.6903838

just watch it would to you have to lose ?

>> No.6903839

>Those buzzwordws
Nice to know you don't have an argument. I could have just as easily inverview neonazis and the majority of scientists who aren't racist.

>> No.6903840

Many people seem to believe that it's exclusively environmental.

>> No.6903841

Yes. Plenty of people want all humans to have the same potential. That's basically the stem of the whole argument.

>> No.6903842


Just because it comes naturally to us doesn't mean it's right.

Humans are naturally inclined to seek patterns and to categorize their world. In society, this manifests in tribalist instinct sometimes.

Humans also saw a connection between constellations and weather phenomena, and mistakenly chalked this up to the idea that stars were directly responsible for the condition of their lives; thus, astrology was born.

The natural inclinations we developed as hunter-gatherers don't always prove useful in modern settings.

>> No.6903846

>Nice to know you don't have an argument.
wow come on dude... don't move the goal posts.
>I could have just as easily inverview neonazis and the majority of scientists who aren't racist.
staments like that show little intellect, just watch the vid than what are you afraid of ?

>> No.6903849

>>Where does the way the cells work come from?

>>Chemistry of what?
>>Putting metals together is enough to have cells?
>>If I smash some carbon and oxygen together, I'll get cells?
>>If I mix ethanol and carbon monoxide, do I get cells?

There's just no fucking evidence to support your claim. I'll send you the fucking wikipedia article, look at the sources. There is no evidence yet. Come on, now. Get real.

>never said every black man was dumb or anything don't intrepret me wrong. also you really believe right about anyone can become a ph.d in phyics ?
You can do whatever the fuck you want to do, as long as you want to do it.

>haven't refuted shit, non of this is about what is cited, none talks about bruce lahn

There is more evidence for SES having a large effect on intelligence than genetics. I've provided more than enough evidence that it's not genetic. Not a single person replying to me has shown me evidence to suggest that intelligence is heavily influenced by genetics. The burden of proof is on you.


"However, a review of candidate genes for intelligence published in Deary, Johnson & Houlihan (2009) failed to find evidence of an association between these genes and general intelligence, stating 'there is still almost no replicated evidence concerning the individual genes, which have variants that contribute to intelligence differences'"

We've looked guys. We still haven't found anything.

75,000 years just isn't enough time for core genes to change. Consider this: there is more genetic distance between any two africans than between 2 eurasians. Eurasians have only been out an about for about 75,000 years, and there is relatively little variation between them.

>> No.6903850

>Sorry guys, haven't read the thread but I always thought it was obvious that IQ is influenced by both your lineage and environment. Does anyone actually argue that it's one or the other? That's stupid.
no we agree on that, at least i do, but yes, yes genetics do play a role in intelligence

>> No.6903852

It's a good thing that there's a lot of science to back it up then

>> No.6903853

Men have always worn jewelry.

Egyptian priests, Catholic priests, lords and knights, north-american chiefs, pacific islanders, african tribesmen with rings in the nose and elsewhere, and so on.

>> No.6903854

Lolwat? That's why blacks and whites look so much alike, amirite? That's why there are only two non-blacks to have run the 100m dash under 10seconds, amirite? That's why blacks and whites have different predispositions to different diseases, amirite?

>> No.6903855

>>If I smash some carbon and oxygen together, I'll get cells?

So chemistry of what?
Which molecules are we talking about?

Which chemicals?

>> No.6903856

It is well-established that intelligence is highly heritable for individuals, and many different kinds of genetically caused intelligence impairments are known. But the possible relations between genetic differences in intelligence within the normal range are not established. Ongoing research aims to understand the contribution of genes to individual differences in intelligence. Currently there is no non-circumstantial evidence that the test score gap has a genetic component,[102][22] although some researchers believe that the existing circumstantial evidence makes it plausible to believe that hard evidence for a genetic component will eventually appear.[103] Several lines of investigation have been followed in the attempt to ascertain whether there is a genetic component to the test score gap as well as its relative contribution to the magnitude of the gap.

quoted, read it

>You can do whatever the fuck you want to do, as long as you want to do it.
really ? come on get real, this is some real bullshit not everyone has the mental capacities to become a physicist

>> No.6903860

>[104] Templeton points out that racial groups neither represent sub-species nor distinct evolutionary lineages, and that therefore there is no basis for making claims about the general intelligence of races.[104] From this point of view the search for possible genetic influences on the black-white test score gap is a priori flawed, because there is no genetic material shared by all Africans or by all Europeans. Mackintosh (2011) points out that by using genetic cluster analysis to correlate gene frequencies with continental populations it could possibly be the case that African populations had a higher frequency of certain genetic variants that contribute to an average lower intelligence. Such a hypothetical situation could hold without all Africans carrying the same genes or belonging to a single Evolutionary lineage. According to Mackintosh, a biological basis for the gap thus cannot be ruled out on a priori grounds.

read the links that you post, come on

>> No.6903863

>Lolwat? That's why blacks and whites look so much alike, amirite? That's why there are only two non-blacks to have run the 100m dash under 10seconds, amirite? That's why blacks and whites have different predispositions to different diseases, amirite?
this, also mentioned int vid>>6903794

>> No.6903866

>Lolwat? That's why blacks and whites look so much alike, amirite? That's why there are only two non-blacks to have run the 100m dash under 10 seconds, amirite? That's why blacks and whites have different predispositions to different diseases, amirite?
How is this relevant at all?
We can play the "cite quotes that support my argument" game. There are more that support mine.


Language is heritable. Is language genetic?

>> No.6903868

of course not, but we can't simply extrapolate from the fact that individual families have different averages, to saying that average differences in races must be correspondingly explained by genetic differences.

There may be a difference but it may be much smaller than testing and estimates indicate today. In time, the Flynn effect may be able to fully eclipse the differences that exist today, bringing everyone up to their genetic potential. Warmer and more humid climates produce an extra genetic load due to disease on children, which stunts intellectual growth. These factors can be changed with technology and administration; even if influences like language and culture will not be easily changed.

>> No.6903869

>A 2005 literature review article by Sternberg, Grigorenko and Kidd stated that no gene has been shown to be linked to intelligence, "so attempts to provide a compelling genetic link of race to intelligence are not feasible at this time".[109] Hunt (2010, p. 447) and Mackintosh (2011, p. 344) concurred, both scholars noting that while several environmental factors have been shown to influence the IQ gap, the evidence for a genetic influence has been circumstantial, and according to Mackintosh negligible. Mackintosh however suggests that it may never become possible to account satisfyingly for the relative contributions of genetic and environmental factors. The 2012 review by the Nisbett et al. (2012) concluded that "Almost no genetic polymorphisms have been discovered that are consistently associated with variation in IQ in the normal range". Hunt and several other researchers however maintain that genetic causes cannot be ruled out and that new evidence may yet show a genetic contribution to the gap. Hunt concurs with Rushton and Jensen who considered the 100% environmental hypothesis to be impossible. Nonetheless, Nisbett and colleagues (2012) consider the entire IQ gap to be explained by the environmental factors that have thus far been demonstrated to influence it, and Mackintosh does not find this view to be unreasonable.[22]

>> No.6903870

>How is this relevant at all?
You said that 75000 years was too little for significant evolution to occur between the different races, which is evidently not the case.

>> No.6903871

So I'll help you.
Cells are made of water, lipids and proteins.

Proteins come from the gene expression.
The cells are made by the products of genes.
That's why genes matter in the working of cells. That's why genes matter in the working of the brain, which is made of cells.

Good luck with this silly argument everyone.

>> No.6903872

>We can play the "cite quotes that support my argument" game. There are more that support mine.
well do that than i quoted what you sended to me as YOUR argument, god are you even trying ? or are you just trolling me from this point ?
>Language is heritable. Is language genetic?
shit like this really makes me question your intellect...

>> No.6903874

>Language is heritable. Is language genetic?
Language is culturally heritable, not when the link between parent and child is seperated. Intelligence has a factor that persists upon adoption.

You can't be that dense to not see the distinction.

>> No.6903876

>You can't be that dense to not see the distinction.
yeah right from this point i really start to think he is trolling

>> No.6903878

Race isn't heritable though. No white couple will ever produce a black baby, no matter how hard they try.

Race is genetic.

>> No.6903879

Apparently, there is only one skin color, one eye colour, all people run equally well, are equally hairy, and of course we're all equally smart to boot. How silly of me not to notice.

>> No.6903883

Nice strawman.

>> No.6903885


Not in europe.

If you want to be anal about it, we can say, earrings in Europe. Exclusively women wore earrings a century ago. Now, it is far more common than it used to be for a man to do so.

Regardless, this is just an example. There are countless hereditary behaviors where differences cannot be explained as a strict cause of genetics.


That simply isn't the case. The translation between gene to phenotype is incredibly complex, influenced by a myriad of epigenetic factors, especially for highly polygenetic traits as intelligence.

We've hardly scratched the surface with respect to eliminating the 'noise' in translation from gene to phenotype, even for traits as simply heritable as height in humans.

Any geneticist with a modicum of humility would argue that we simply don't know. It would take a psychometrician with an agenda to conclude otherwise.

>> No.6903891

>Any geneticist with a modicum of humility would argue that we simply don't know. It would take a psychometrician with an agenda to conclude otherwise.
Oh, I agree that we don't know yet which genes are responsable for intelligence and how they work.

I'm just saying that empirical data, such as educational attainment, average income, criminality stats, as well as historical achievements (degree of civilizational complexity attained by a particular race) show that certain races are inferior in intelligence to others.

Now whether that inferiority is due to genetics or "the environment" is anyone's guess (although most studies point towards genetics).

You're absolutely free to believe that australian aboriginals' lack of historical achievement and abysmal educational attainment in today's Australia is due to "oppression" and a myriad of cultural factors, and that if they were raised in a proper environment their intelligence would rival that of a German or a Japanese.

>> No.6903896

What you're trying to do is figure out 'why' and 'how'. The results already tell us that IQ has some relation to your forebearers. You seem to be trying to deny it by saying 'we don't know' but the truth is we do know. We're just still trying to figure out why and how it happens.

>> No.6903898

No strawman. It is so patently obvious that all humans are not equal, that there are genetically differentiable groups that haven't had the time to fully exchange genes with other groups, that the development of the brain hinges on genes, that it is impossible to categorically deny heritability and outright dishonest to claim that intelligence is purely environmental and cultural.
Brains aren't magically exempt from the genetic distributions that made the term "human races" appear in the first place.

>> No.6903900

I dunno, man. I really don't know.

tbh i didn't even read it, sorry.

>shit like this really makes me question your intellect...
elaborate please

I see the distinction, oh yes. I was just making sure you guys didn't twist it to say something ti wasn't

Read this guys.

i don't even know what you're saying at this point

I'll say this: The results on "Genetics vs. Environnment" are inconclusive, at best. However, there is more evidence in favor of environment than genetics.

>> No.6903902

I'm just saying that empirical data, such as educational attainment, average income, criminality stats, as well as historical achievements (degree of civilizational complexity attained by a particular race) show that certain races are inferior in intelligence to others.
Except you have no proof that it is casued by genetics or environment.
Again, the fact that black IQ is raising so fast AGAIN suggests it's environment.

>> No.6903903


>I'm just saying that empirical data, such as educational attainment, average income, criminality stats, as well as historical achievements (degree of civilizational complexity attained by a particular race) show that certain races are inferior in intelligence to others.

complexity of civilization has varied a great deal across populations throughout history.

>Now whether that inferiority is due to genetics or "the environment" is anyone's guess (although most studies point towards genetics).

That simply isn't the case. The data you're suggesting doesn't exist, because heritability is not an argument for direct genetic cause of difference. For all we know, blacks could have the highest genetic average. Or as the world homogenizes, we could eventually discover genetic explanations alone account for negligibly small average differences between populations.

>> No.6903908

>I'll say this: The results on "Genetics vs. Environnment" are inconclusive, at best. However, there is more evidence in favor of environment than genetics.
No, there's more evidence of the contrary.

>Except you have no proof that it is casued by genetics or environment.
That is true.

>Again, the fact that black IQ is raising so fast AGAIN suggests it's environment.
Nigger, rate of growth has nothing to do with the maximum value. Black IQ could be capped at 80, even if it grows faster than white IQ it well never go above 80.

>> No.6903909

>You seem to be trying to deny it by saying 'we don't know' but the truth is we do know.

Not at all. We do not have the data indicating genetic explanations for tested differences, only that genetics correspond to differences.

See my previous example:

Heritability does not indicate a direct genetic cause of difference.

>> No.6903910


The white couple won't produce a black baby but that doesn't necessarily mean they can't produce a white baby with a number of traits that occur more commonly/ affiliated with blacks.

>> No.6903914

>Black IQ could be capped at 80, even if it grows faster than white IQ it well never go above 80.

but that again is an assumption.
there is no data to suggest such a difference between races.

>> No.6903915

>Nigger, rate of growth has nothing to do with the maximum value.
But you have no idea the max value of any race.
>Black IQ could be capped at 80
Not it can't, the fact the average is above that says otherwise. The fact that there are many blacks with IQs above 140 prove that the Cap is above that at the very least.

>> No.6903916
File: 188 KB, 706x471, PHO-09Jun29-167622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>East asians score higher than westerners on IQ tests... But the average HDI in east asian nations is lower than that of western nations

Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore are not the whole of Asia.

>> No.6903918

>complexity of civilization has varied a great deal across populations throughout history.
Are you saying that complexity of civilization has varied a great deal across different populations? That much is a given

If you were saying that complexity of civilization has varied a great deal within a same population (for example, white europeans), then I still fully agree with you. However, this doesn't disprove the fact that whites have a higher average IQ than blacks today : it just shows that a few thousand years ago the difference might have been smaller.

>That simply isn't the case. The data you're suggesting doesn't exist, because heritability is not an argument for direct genetic cause of difference. For all we know, blacks could have the highest genetic average. Or as the world homogenizes, we could eventually discover genetic explanations alone account for negligibly small average differences between populations.
All right, you're willfullingly ignoring every single piece of evidence which was posted in this thread. It's pointless arguing with you, because you'll just keep repeating the same (debunked) things over and over again all the while ignoring contrary data presented to you

>> No.6903922

What about black skin and curly hair?

Right. It is an assumption. Just like the assumption that "rate of growth" of IQ has anything to do with average IQ.

>The fact that there are many blacks with IQs above 140 prove that the Cap is above that at the very least.
You cannot seriously be this stupid. I'm at loss for words.

>> No.6903923

Holy shit. I still have not seen a single fucking gene that supports the genetics idea. Intelligence is primarily environment, end of story. Please, show me evidence it IS genetic, not evidence that it COULD BE. Cite it. I want to see how 0 pieces of evidence are greater than 5

>> No.6903928

>your stupid
Nice argument

>> No.6903930

>Intelligence is primarily environment, end of story.
Oh, well if you say so then it must be so :^)

Do you first of all agree that there are genetic differences between different races?

>> No.6903933

It was an idiotic statement.

>The fact that there are many women who are taller than men proves that women's average heights isn't smaller than men's

>> No.6903936

what is a race
what defines a fucking race
black people are not a race
there are many different kinds of dark skinned people
white people are not a race
there are many different kinds of light skinned people

>> No.6903938


Are you actually implying white people can't have curly hair? Now maybe you're talking about nappy or tightly curled which indeed rare for whites to have but still happens at times.

As far as black skin, yeah you won't find a white person with skin that dark but you can find a white person with slightly than darker tan skin similar to the Mediterranean people.

>> No.6903940
File: 105 KB, 597x539, 1410092151294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because subraces exist doesn't mean that races don't exist.

If you had bothered reading the thread, you would have found the answer to your question. I'll repost it here : http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2156/8/34

There are other studies too. Here's a wiki link about human genetic variation : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_genetic_variation

>> No.6903944

Yeah I meant nappy hair.

And know I don't mean tan skin, but black skin.

If race isn't genetic, then two milky blonde blue eyed whites should be able to produce a black skinned nappy haired baby.

>> No.6903945

If they can't provide the genes that make for dark skin and curly hair, why don't you apply the same reasoning to genes that influence brains or muscles? Genetic differences in those areas won't magically be resolved, just as there won't magically pop up the genes for the appearance of African people.

Like holy shit, it's not hard to understand.

>> No.6903948

Except you argued over their capped value stupid. The fact that woman can grow to be 6 feet means that woman aren't capped at 5,7

>> No.6903953

You fucking moron, do you know what the word ===> average <=== means? It seems that you don't (which means your IQ is probably below average, kek)

Nobody says that every single black has an IQ under x. We're saying that the AVERAGE IQ of blacks is x, with x<100, PROBABLY due to genetics.

>> No.6903957

What makes the gene you listed the ideal genetic marker for race...?
Shouldn't Central Asia be split up? And Africa?

>> No.6903959

>Making fun of other peoples IQs
I like how you keep on insisting what the black Capped IQ is without a single bit of proof. You just need blacks to be dumb so badly because it is the only thing that may make you feel better than yourself.
Now >>>/pol/

>> No.6903961


Well obvious it's genetic but the structure based around it has more to do with genetic distance. Example being how far removed is an east Asian compared to a San African generation wise despite both having a common trait in epicanthic eyefolds.

>> No.6903963

Why do you keep on demanding that the black IQ has to be a certain number? You have no proof. Are you retarded?

>> No.6903966

>I like how you keep on insisting what the black Capped IQ is without a single bit of proof
Where exactly do I do that, nigger? I even said a few posts back that it was an assumption.

Well that's where the subjective part comes in. It's like the colors of the light spectrum : where does blue end and green start? Where does orange end and red start?

It should come as no surprise that in the areas where race mixing has historically occured (such as central asia) the population should cluster "in between" two others.

Nonetheless, just because race is a spectrum rather than discrete doesn't mean that the concept of race is invalidated, as you can see on the pic I posted : you can clearly see Europeans, Africans, and East asians differ significantly (even though europeans overlap with west asians)

>> No.6903970

Oh then black IQ is equal to +infinity, since it keeps on growing and is not capped :^) That's 8th grade mathematics.

>> No.6904000

>Another strawman with a shitpost emoticon at the end
Yep, that's a /pol/.

>> No.6904007

>it's an assumption
And a dumb one.

>> No.6904009

I'm just trying to understand how the black IQ can't be capped yet still be growing.

>> No.6904012

It's already more logical than saying that "the IQ of blacks is growing faster than the IQ of whites" implies that "whites and blacks have the same average IQ"

>> No.6904013

You have no idea what the cap is and no reason to believe the cap is below whites.

>> No.6904019

>What makes the gene you listed the ideal genetic marker for race...?
What's possible for one gene is certainly possible for others, as evidenced by superficial differences as well as less obvious ones. Intelligence has a genetic factor. Why shouldn't these findings apply to it?

>> No.6904022

>You have no idea what the cap is
> and no reason to believe the cap is below whites.
There are plenty of reasons to believe that the cap is below whites :
>lack of historical accomplishments in africa
>poverty wherever blacks live
>high crime rates wherever blacks live
>low educational attainment wherever blacks live
>countless intelligence tests (IQ or not) which show blacks performing worse than whites.

There is literally no reason to believe that the cap is ==>not<== below whites. It's only wishful thinking such as "muh hidden factors" and "muh historical oppression" which allows you to come to that conclusion.

>> No.6904026

>it's more logical
No it isn't. We have no idea what the cap is. You are just saying it is a certain amount based on nothing.

>> No.6904028

>That list
How can you be this stupid? That says nothing about the cap. The simple fact that black IQ is higher than white IQ 50 years ago proves that it is higher than the whites who made all of those historical accomplishments.

>> No.6904035

Lmao, I can't tell if you're being serious or not.

In 50 years, when niggers will still be behaving like feral apes, and Africa will still a shithole, I hope you'll remember this conversation.

>> No.6904037

>I was trolling the whole time!
Good job, you sure showed him.

>> No.6904040

I'm not trolling, I'm dead serious. I feel sorry for you if you genuinely think that the black race will be any better off in 50 years than it is today.

>> No.6904049

>I'm serious
So you are seriously an idiot. You got proven wrong and your only argument is to shitpost. Good job.

>> No.6904051

>You got proven wrong
I must have missed that part.

>> No.6904054

You have no proof at all that the cap of blacks is lower than whites.

>> No.6904058

Yes, I admitted several times that I have no proof. If you weren't a dumb nigger with an IQ in the low 60s you would remember that.

However, I do think, personally, that it's much more likely, given the behavior of our beloved urban youth and their shitty SAT scores, that the IQ cap for blacks is lower than for whites.

But of course, it's probably due to "institutional racism" and "the enduring legacy of Jim Crow"!

>> No.6904062

>I have no proof
>I believe it anyways
and yet you are calling others dumb. This is how the /pol/ thinks.

>> No.6904067

>and yet you are calling others dumb. This is how the /pol/ thinks.
I called you dumb because you made extremely idiotic statements such as "hurr durr there are smart blacks so this means blacks are not on average dumber".

>implying you have any proof
You're as much of a believer as me, if not more

>> No.6904070

Nice strawman. Good job showing how stupid you are.
>you're just as much of a believer as me

>> No.6904077

Do you even know what a strawman is? I was directly quoting this post : >>6903915

At least I have the intellectual honesty to admit it. Something which requires a minimum of intelligence (which you seem to be completely devoid of)

>> No.6904078

>Still no proof that there is a cap
>Keeps going
This is why /pol/ isn't allowed on /sci/.

>> No.6904084

I never said I had proof.

God, you're dense.

>> No.6904086

>I don't need proof to believe things
Then why even bring them up stupid? Again, this isn't /pol/.

>> No.6904095


Considering the literacy rate for blacks (at least american blanks) increased more than tenfold in the past couple of centuries I wouldn't put it past them in not getting better.

Now they probably won't become math wizards in 50 years but there will probably be a lot more black engineers by then.

>> No.6904103

Because there is not proof yet. Genetic analysis isn't developped enough.

This doesn't prevent me from making a hypothesis on the matter. It stands that, when you take into account that wherever they are on earth, blacks are poor, uneducated and violent, it is most probable that blacks have an inferior average intelligence than whites, a theory that I believe will soon be proved by genetic analysis.

And yes, I know this isn't /pol/. Honestly, posters on /pol/ are less retarded than you.

Honestly, probably not. Obviously slavery prevented them from getting an education 2 centuries ago, but it's now been 50 years since the civil rights movement and they haven't progressed an inch. In fact, in certain metrics they have actually regressed.

>> No.6904111

> It stands that, when you take into account that wherever they are on earth, blacks are poor, uneducated and violent,
Again, do you understand? That literally has nothing to do at all with their cap since black IQ is on average higher than white people of the pasts.

>> No.6904115

>That literally has nothing to do at all with their cap since black IQ is on average higher than white people of the pasts.
Ah yes, the much lauded Flynn effect. And I bet that in the future blacks will be twice, no three times smarter as whites!

>> No.6904121

Nice strawman again.

>> No.6904129

Why, are you some kind of racist?

>> No.6904227


>they progressed an inch

Seriously anon? They have a number of millionaires and small business owners and a couple of billionaires now. Saying they haven't progressed n inch is nonsensical at this point.

>> No.6904305

Here's your discussion on race: Doesn't exist. We made it up. Every fertile human male is potentially viable with every fertile human female on earth meaning that at least biologically we are all compatible with one another within our species.

Homo Erectus had a far stronger case for racism than we have ever had or ever will have. Racism is nothing if you give it no credence, as it deserves none. We can overcome racism, and have and will or we will destroy ourselves.

War is the ultimate expression of racism.