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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6888871 No.6888871[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your opinion on the correlation between race and intelligence?

>> No.6888912

Define Intelligence.

Validate the way this definition is measured.

>> No.6888915

Define "race" in scientific terms.
Oh wait, you can't.

>> No.6888917


stay in your shithole

>> No.6889094

>stop posting scientific measurements on the science board!!

>> No.6889095

define correlation

>> No.6889105

Number of times you reposted this thread:
>over 9000
Number of people you convinced to change their view:

>> No.6889107

>psychometric measurements
>psychometrics are part of psychology
>implying psychology is a science

>> No.6889109

I don't have opinions about facts.

>> No.6889110

Define opinion

>> No.6889111

Define opinion

>> No.6889117

This is a science board, not an opinion board.

>> No.6889124

see >>6888912 and >>6888915

>> No.6889125

Define autism

>> No.6889126

This is an onion board, not a snowboarding board.

>> No.6889130

IQ tests are only valid when they are saying women are smarter than men, or when they say a black man is too stupid to be put to death.

Otherwise the doublethink means they are not valid.



>> No.6889133

define science with facts and logic

>> No.6889139

Implying IQ tests are ever valid.

>> No.6889142


Well at least that is a fair position:

Either they are valid or they are not.

It is wrong to say they are not valid when used on blacks for instance in the USA.

But then turn around and say they are valid when used on women in this case, or used on blacks to protect them, or used on stupid facebook posts "HURR DUR RELIGIOUS SOUTH HAS LOW IQ"

Can't have it both ways.

Not OP here. Just pointing something out.

>> No.6889151

ITT: /pol/ plebs can't into cultural relativism

You cannot force your western ideals upon the African people. They have their own culture, they don't need your IQ tests.

>> No.6889154

This issue is so complex that science doesnt really have a definite answer yet. Environment certainly plays a role, but whether some races tend to be genetically dumber than others is unknown. Maybe they are, maybe not. We dont even know most of the genes that are involved in intelligence.