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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4490135 No.4490135 [Reply] [Original]

How far are we from technology that will allow a man to become a woman? (without things such as taking hormones and imperfect operations)

>> No.4490137

>that feel when you will never live to see full body transplants become a possibility

>> No.4490148

>(without things such as taking hormones and imperfect operations)
Operations will always be imperfect.

>> No.4490156

>without things such as taking hormones

You mean like doing surgery on the pituitary?

>> No.4490170

[8:16:45 PM CEST] sxz: please bump my /sci/ thread
[8:16:46 PM CEST] sxz: and i will reply to your /adv/ thread
[8:16:49 PM CEST] sxz: - .-

Here you go, faggot. I'm bumping your thread. Stop spamming me now, I'm busy.

>> No.4490173
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>post op, not even once

>> No.4490200

Shut up harry, science advances exponentially.

>> No.4490203

He typed "and i will reply to your /adv/ thread in one second? amazing.

>> No.4490220

Not quite; there are limits:
In 200 years microchips will not be smaller than atoms.

>> No.4490221

But this is the minority, most trannies look like men in women's clothes, or at least very ugly.

>> No.4490223

Yes? What's so strange about it, you stupid idiotic moron? Not everybody is a slow typer like you, stupid savage monkey.

>> No.4490229 [DELETED] 

As if you knew anything about technology or the future.

>> No.4490243

Moores law can not hold, it must reach an optimum at some point.

>> No.4490252 [DELETED] 

And again you have no idea what you're talking about. I won't even waste my time explaining why you are fucking wrong.

>> No.4490256

>most trannies look like men in women's clothes, or at least very ugly.

not if you go to thailand

>> No.4490261 [DELETED] 

We're talking about humans here, not animals.

>> No.4490262

I'm not the same person you were talking with, but let me explain something to you:

There are, and there have been, paradigm shifts after the limit of each technology is reached. This paradigm shift pattern can be represented as a s-curve graph, where the reached diminishing returns encounter a new technological paradigm which produces new growth.


>> No.4490277

>We're talking about humans here, not animals.

Exactly, leave America (subhuman rightwingers) go to Thailand

>> No.4490493

Nah, it's more that you faked that. Show me a screenie :-)

>> No.4490501

Why would I even bother posting a screenshot for you, you useless piece of shit? Oh, maybe it's impossible for a subhuman ape like you to type a few words in 1.8 second.

What you should learn is that not all people are slow subhuman apes with Down's Syndrome like you, and that some can even type. That's a very exciting thing to learn for a stupid sack of shit like you, isn't it? It's probably the hardest concept you've ever grasped in your entire miserable life.

You're useless. Stop posting.

>> No.4490512

...ssshhh.. it's afraid... Oh, damn. It seems I have erupted something cataclysmic here. It's mad. I think it's because I called it on its pointless bullshit! Embrace yourselves men, it's preparing for another counter-attack, having had diarrhea all over the place and shit all stinks now after the first counter-attack.

>> No.4490519

You mean editing someone's DNA to change their sex chromosomes?

>> No.4490520

Seriously, find a psyschiatrist or someone transgender who's willing to talk about anything. In fact, just tell me and I'll find you someone.

>> No.4490527 [DELETED] 

Sex change is unnatural and goes against all the moral values our society is based on.

>> No.4490528

>Assume that the internet is perfect and instantaneous.

>> No.4490530


There is doubt over what will succeed silicon in the coming decades though.

Neither carbon nanotubes or quantum computers are ready yet

>> No.4490532

Computers are unnatural, and 4chan goes against all the moral values our society is based on.

>> No.4490534

quantum computers seem to have gotten the brand-name "super computers"... they're just good at some tasks, not all. it'd be best to have a small chip inside your CPU that serves as a brown bear licking each other's anuses, but now I have a plural and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.4490536 [DELETED] 

The fuck, no. Computars are SCIENCE, transsexuals are not.

>> No.4490537

Computers are technology, which is applied science.

>> No.4490540 [DELETED] 

All of SCIENCE is applied. Theory is nothing but philosophy.

>> No.4490547


>> No.4490553 [DELETED] 

That's rite, motherfucker. SCIENCE is not philosophy.

>> No.4490571

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, I merely proclaimed that computers were technology, not science. There's a difference.

>> No.4490575

Once mind uploading is real (30 years from now), everything is possible ;))

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

>> No.4490588 [DELETED] 

lol computars are SCIENCE. deal with it, butthurtfag