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15598925 No.15598925 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.15598938

He's just repeating the zhihu larp
You should know better

>> No.15598940

Western science is dead and the big bang is the biggest scientific fraud of all time. Good riddance.

>> No.15598941

>purity cope
It's a nothingburger

>> No.15598948

Funny how people treat translated zhihu posts as gospel when it's a poorly moderated site with trustworthiness similar to /pol/ or /biz/

>> No.15598971
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old news

>> No.15599003


>> No.15599012

Why do you idiots want it to be fake so badly?

>> No.15599017

We don't want it to be fake, but it probably is and we don't want to buy in to fake bullshit

>> No.15599028

no meissner no nobel
simple as

>> No.15599040

so wen 2000W usb-c cable?

>> No.15599050
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They’re scared. The modern day man has been trained to snub anything genuine or sincere in order to protect his sense of self. This protection against perceived material damage to their egos overlaps directly into their relationships, their philosophies, and their actions. If the superconductivity is false they can revel in being above those who “fell” for it. A social mechanism to protect their “integrity”, which is entirely material. If it’s true, they can just say skepticism is a good thing, and be untarnished. But if they say it is possible, they stand to lose their imaginary position somewhere in the physical world, and so they balk at anything that could be considered good. The underlying mechanisms for this fear is built into narcissism, sadism, and psychopathy. They will hurt others to gain, they will sabotage others to not be lower. They are so scared of anything better or brighter because all they can hold onto is their physical existence, and that in itself is pathetic.

The actual position to hold, to surpass the feeble low mindedness of these types of people, as well as the naive they fear to be perceived as, is to merely refrain from judgement, and letting go their material fixations.

They literally cannot do that, so they become material slaves.

>> No.15599057

>the big bang is the biggest scientific fraud of all time
That distinction belongs to psychiatry

>> No.15599099
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Meanwhile in the US

Corruption from scientific journo editorials to head of CDC to US president to media journalists to paper authors.

>> No.15599109

>The modern day man has been trained to snub anything genuine or sincere
garbage inaccurate science is bad and should be rejected no matter how "genuine or sincere" it is, whatever that even means

>> No.15599116



>> No.15599122


Biggest scientific scandal was when the church began infecting science with their big bang creation myth, but Covid was def when the dam broke. I don't think a single person trust a damn world those people say anymore.

>> No.15599134

the exact same thing the MIT anon said

>> No.15599138


>> No.15599153
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No one wants it to be fake, but anyone who lives to see adulthood lives in a world where they come to accept that things that seem too good to be true usually are. Far more common than "eureka!" moments or miracle breakthroughs or simple solutions to terrible problems are lies, scams, and misunderstandings. No one wants to get their hopes up to simply have them dashed, and so what you're seeing is an anxious impatience to just definitively get a yes or no answer.

>> No.15599163

Holy based!

>> No.15599174

>garbage inaccurate science is bad and should be rejected no matter how "genuine or sincere" it is, whatever that even means
Your methods of peer review/replication and awarding credit shouldn't be so retarded that people hoard world altering technology for twenty years either.

>> No.15599198
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Can God just fast forward my life 3 days? Nothing ever happens, my life is boring and meaningless, I won't miss it. Just get me to the results, please.

>> No.15599202

we don't, but its announced by koreans and they are retards when it comes to cutting edge science not to mention they have many scandals and allegations of fraud. had this come out of the us, eu or japan then it would be worth paying attention to

>> No.15599213

Nobody "horded world altering tech", nothing was published for twenty years because nothing important was written in that time.

>> No.15599229
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Lmao. Current peer reviewing is little more than typo checking.
>Inaccurate research
Making it beautiful, well sounded and with nice plots doesnt mean shit if the results are shit or fabricated, whatever the accuracy.

Until peer-reviewing = replication it is just a filter so the same english speaking cronies can publish over newer or foreiner researchers.

>> No.15599247

you mean like Ranga Dias at University of Rochester or Haruko Obokata at Waseda University right?

>> No.15599302

Koreans are perfectly capable of making well presented studies with conclusions that match the data. That's mostly what peer review is for. It will never be replication because that's a giant waste of everyone's time and money when fraud is so rare and funds so hard to get

>> No.15599320

>this time should be the real deal
always a good way to start a scientific rebuttal.

>> No.15599569

at least they dont film white women fucking niggers on the master bedroom in a mansion in hollywood

>> No.15599574

at least not recording white women fucking niggers on master bedroom in a mansion in hollywood

>> No.15599595

>Until peer-reviewing = replication
Lmao, who is going to pay for that? You?
>it is just a filter so the same english speaking cronies can publish over newer or foreiner researchers.
You don't read a lot of papers, do you? Let alone publish.

>> No.15599597

I replicated it and it works.

>> No.15599630

Go play 72 hours of csgo then.

>> No.15599738
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>and just like that, I am forgotten

>> No.15599815
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lmao the US is the leading player in dogshit fake superconductor claims at the moment

>> No.15599930

examples discarded

>> No.15600198

If they copied the steps perfectly and only got a couple % purity, then the Koreans are fucking lying hacks and they deliberately posted bullshit steps to give plausibility of their discovery but not enough to find out its a bunch of fake bullshit.

>> No.15600206

not exactly though, solid state is fucking hard. if you've ever used an annealing lehr for something as simple as glass you know how finicky baking shit can be.

>> No.15600224

trust the soicence, chud

>> No.15600229

the koreans seem to have left out some key information; IIRC there was some confusion amongst those attempting replication concerning a lack of temperature ramp rates, and contradictory instructions regarding the crucible
it could be a matter of the koreans having to rush something out quickly, without proper proof-reading, after their former colleague (the LG guy?) jumped the gun, or even just a result of the general incompetence they seem to be displaying
could also be incompetence on the part of the chinese

it's not necessarily malicious

>> No.15600231

>I don't think
you could have simply written this and it would have wasted less of your time and mine

>> No.15600344

>Lmao, who is going to pay for that? You?
Of course now one, but the peer reviewing system.is broken as we have seem with the last trend of frauds. Maybe requesting a team a priori to review the data as the experiment is done?
>You don't read a lot of papers, do you?
Half of my experience with reviewers have been a fucking joke, from the ones that dont give a shit and jusy want their name somewhere to the hyper cunts that say stuff like 'put more commas' not once anyone have asked for data, code or discuss references.

>> No.15600373

good morning sirs, what does this mean for me and society? explain it like i have no knowledge of superconductors or the role they play, thank you

>> No.15600404
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>> No.15600420

>what does this mean for me and society?
imagine, if you will, the trains India has at the moment
they're old, smelly, overcrowded, loud, etc.
the addition of superconductors to the Indian transit system might look something like the following: I want you to imagine the vast throng of people sat atop the roof of that old, smelly, overcrowded, loud train, now actually levitating via the meissner effect ABOVE the roof of the train
that is a possible future which might await you, should this prove a genuine discovery

>> No.15600425



>> No.15600599


>> No.15600608

Oh, I know how bad reviewers suck, but characterizing it as a load of gatekeeping English native speakers is disingenuous.

>> No.15600631

This is gonna turn out to be bullshit just like "cold fusion" right?

>> No.15600663
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It's already been proven.

>> No.15600690
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>> No.15600692

Where's the Meissner effect?

>> No.15600702

Nobody cares about your gay levitation faggot. Levitate on a fucking dildo.

>> No.15600709

lol your fake good research is fraudulent

>> No.15600716

Imagine if the chinese already have a different superconductor and gaslight everyone saying its lk99.

>> No.15600724


>> No.15600734

>"super" conductor with lower conductivity than copper

>> No.15600747

Bro it's a start, just because it's not conducting doesn't mean the past three days of hopium have been wasted

>> No.15600762
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>Current peer reviewing is little more than typo checking.

Reviewing is much like being a janitor on 4chan. You do it for free, you provide free labour to publishers (Elsevier, SAGE, Springer, Taylor and Francis etc.), you had to sift through a bunch of nonsense and pick the least bad papers, you think you're contributing to great scientific discussion when in reality you're not, and at the end of the month you cry yourself to sleep alone in a dimly lit room after eating some hotpockets.

>> No.15600786

dependent on the application, low conductivity with zero resistance is better than high conductivity with resistance.

>> No.15600814

> dependent on the application, low conductivity with zero resistance is better than high conductivity with resistance.
this. even a dogshit super can kick ass in a semiconductor as a replacement for aluminum/copper. just the fact that it can superconduct is unbeatable.

>> No.15600815

Superconductors have infinite conductivity and no resistance. That's kind of the point. Anyway, people don't know how to read graphs and just repeat whatever some random on X tweets.

>> No.15600817

you gotta clarify for the tards that infinite conductivity doesn't mean infinite current capacity. nothing has infinite current capacity

>> No.15600847

It's not zero resistance. It's higher than copper. Resistance is inverse of conductivity. The gooks just claim that it's due to impurity, and that the discontinuity of conductivity at ~120C is the super conductive fraction turning off, rather than a metallic phase change or something

>> No.15600874

>a damn world
Damn right I'm not.

>> No.15600882


>> No.15600902

So can we finally stop stressing about global warming? With room temperature superconductivity it's easy to end all reliance on fossil fuels. Just build solar panels everywhere, store the excess energy with no conversion loss and then transmit it wherever it's needed with no transmission loss.

>> No.15600922

shit's gonna take 15 years if it even works out that way
i'm still getting propane in my rural home so I can cook properly using a real stove and vent properly with a range hood because I'm not a fucking retard, have emergency heat in the winter in case the grid gets fucked and the heat pump stops or goes bust, and run a generator. leftists can eat a dick and pry fire from my dead hands.

>> No.15600925

>So can we finally stop stressing about global warming?
Hell no goy. We'll murder as many material scientists as it takes to implement our carbon credit schemes.

>> No.15600931

If we had enough lead for that kinda storage we wouldn't need to wait for some gooks to lie about an RT superconductor. One thing this fake discovery couldn't do even if it was real is improve battery energy density, just charge time, which is irrelevant for grid applications. It WOULD allow for construction of nuke plants in the middle of nowhere and greater application of concentrated solar power (the actually good kind, photovoltaics are a scam), but it wouldn't replace what most oil is actually used as: PORTABLE energy. To get rid of petrolium gas what we should be investing in is production of alkanes from agricultural products or byproducts but nobody does it because it could never be profitable until the saudi fields are depleted.

>> No.15600936

It would take a while but yeah. Electronics would get to efficient and batteries would get so energy dense that there would be no need for fossil fuels.

>> No.15600945

Superconductivity does not increase charge density. This material in question would have energy density comparible to a conventional lead acid battery.

>> No.15600985

this, optimism is in fact based

>> No.15600994

new type of superconductor

>> No.15601002


>> No.15601015

Yeah this one has all the bad parts (conductivity suddenly drops to zero above a critical temperature) and none of the good parts (maximum conductivity is comparable to regular metal, does not have magnetic pinning). But who knows, maybe there's some utility for a material that conducts like copper at RT and becomes an insulator around the boiling point of water

>> No.15601117

Try getting blackout drunk. That always works for me.

>> No.15601241

>replicated it
>no Meissner effect

>> No.15601250
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>> No.15601255

Fake news

>> No.15601260

Why are we trusting the Chinese now?

>> No.15601269

sounds like you just live in a third world country

>> No.15601273

This breakthrough came from Korea University which is one of the top 3 in Korea. It's a lot less likely to be fake.

>> No.15601280

We are back

>> No.15601283

Ignore him he’d say anything to sound smart

>> No.15601294

no, it came from some no-name random company

>> No.15601320

> messages are probably real
> the person is an actual professor from a known chinese university

this means a chinese professor thinks they have replicated the material and have done many batches, replicated the paper but no Meissner effect
so either it means the superconducting part is too small or it isnt a superconductor at all, or its a new type

tld:dr inconclusive, need to wait for more replications

>> No.15601327

Or they just doing what China does and lie constantly

>> No.15601341

I mean that might be the case as well but wouldn't that kind of destroy his credibility
assuming its a professor in a top chinese university, that seems kind of stupid

>> No.15601345
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>> No.15601358

>wouldn't that kind of destroy his credibility
What fucking credibility it’s china

>> No.15601377

yeah hard to take a field seriously when limiting factors takes up a third or even half your paper. just give up at that point.

>> No.15601384

i think its fake because koreans are sneaky

>> No.15601405
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Am I dreaming, or this might be real?

>> No.15601478

Yeah, real bullshit.
The Chinese prof has replicated the material but found no unusual effects.
No, I haven't read the posts.
No, I don't need to. I already know the outcome.

>> No.15601479

depends on subject. but I'm not sure states would lie on this topic, it will undermine their competence only. if shit's real I don't see why they wouldn't admit it.
corporate labs would tho.

>> No.15601509

shut up trumptard

>> No.15601516

It has nothing to do with Trump. Chinese papers are the lowest quality, full of fabricated data and sees the most rejections and retractions by far, even to a degree that makes Indian academics look like saints. Korea is the same, only marginally a step higher.

>> No.15601543

still two sketchy points is better than one

>> No.15601568

the pajeets tried to replicate and failed however their method was extremely modified
they're trying again

>> No.15601571

source nigger

>> No.15601572

No? They’re worse than nothing, they just obfuscate the whole situation

>> No.15601574

>what if we do it
>but wrong
Fucking India

>> No.15601639

I did my PhD in a materials science type field in chemistry and reproducibility was extremely hard there. All the asian papers, which were mostly trash anyway, gave jack shit information as to how they conducted their research and prepared their samples. Say you just want to make a crystalline material out of some powder, just melting and crystallization, as an example. Then there are questions like, how much sample, what container, what maximum temperature, how long heating, how long cooling, how long resting after cooling, protective gas or vacuum yes or no, if so what specifically. These asians will just write "we made a crystalline sample by heating and cooling" and call it a day, and no one will bat an eye. in the peer review it will be ignored because this info is usually dropped in the supporting info and peer reviewers don't really give a shit about it.
IMO asians especially are notorious for this shit.

>> No.15601975

wouldn't the patent contain all the details that are missing?

>> No.15602000
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found it myself >>15601817

>> No.15602015

heh, reminds me of nostradamus cherry marmalade recipe, like nigga, just follow the recipe as its written, you'll ruin it by adding your dumb flair

>> No.15602056

If only the poojeets put as much enthusiasm into following instructions as they put into gang raping ethnic minorities

>> No.15602107
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>> No.15602109

The lower current limit and thin nature can be direct and easy explanations why no Meissner effect is observed. If you cut any other superconductor thin enough, the same thing happens.

>> No.15602112
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AAAaA, monday is too far awy

>> No.15602139

Kek no. Patents are notorious for leaving out the crucial tweaks for any type of chemical synthesis

>> No.15602628

So what's wrong with what the pajeets did? They know that even with the Koreans incomplete instructions they'd, at best, get a sub 1% amount of the superconducting structure. In all honesty, the only way replication will work is IF someone can find a better way to make it, not by copying this retarded formula.

>> No.15602660

I'm going to kill myself. It's fucking over. It's so over. We are never coming back from this.

>> No.15602671

The chinese believe in the big bang. You're just a rogantard who believes everything "alternate" media tells you.

>> No.15602672

>This time should be the real deal. Just got news that the physics institute managed to produce the sample and replicate its magnetizing qualities, but yet to see Meissner effect. I think the problem right now is the superconducting material’s purity is too low, only a few %, but if we have made a start this problem will be solved quickly.

>> No.15602693

So let's say someone finds a way to produce pure LK99 and it works as claimed.
What happens next?
Global mad scramble to crank out as much as possible? Global mad scramble to apply the same principle to a better material? Nvidia stocks moon?

>> No.15602719

yes to first two, don't know about nvidia mooning

>> No.15602722

ok, go on, live in your delusions
if it is not fake, then we will get corrected.

>> No.15602728

>lies are le... based
why dont you bloodlet and die of infection, i wonder.

>> No.15602733

Is this not western science? It’s like calling a modern hospital ‘eastern medicine’ just because it’s in china

>> No.15602739

I'd bet more on a stock like GE to moon. Every big generator in the world will be replaced with a new one.

>> No.15602761
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> getting your news from respected publications
> getting your news from screenshots of tweets of wechat posts translated by a random person and posted on a sudanese goat racing fan forum

>> No.15602767
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>sudanese goat racing fan forum

>> No.15602783

The company that acquires the patents for 10+ million moons, so maybe Nvidia, or maybe intel, etc; who knows.

Timelines for the bulk production of useful materials is another story. Wires/tape isn't very hard to make, and generators/motors/etc basically just get to slap in chunks of it and are instantly ready to go. We see benefits in power production/distribution almost immediately.

For things like creating chips using johnson junctions, battery tech, maglev, etc (aka all the fun stuff) it will be up to engineers to make things work. Timelines unknown, but on the scale of years, though not decades.

There's also the ancillary effect of superconductors becoming easy to make and use: innovation. Who knows what uses and implementations we'll find once they are used more broadly?

>> No.15602792

>johnson junctions
*Josephson junctions
damn autocorrect

>> No.15602862

>The company that acquires the patents
Is any powerful country even going to honor the patents?

>> No.15602884

I wonder how easily the methods developed for YBCO tapemaking could be applied to LK-99
both are ceramics, both seem to include baking in a vacuum chamber and so on
if the difficult part is the ceramic, then doesn't YBCO tape translate direclty to LK-99 tape?
of course getting high yields and purities in this different material is probably a problem that doesnt automatically translate, but has to be tinkered with

>> No.15602885

It has a maximum current carrying capacity of .25 amps, so it won't be used in anything at all. The next 10 years will see a tsunami of research funding to figure out the nature of the structure and why it causes superconducting in order to find a better performing (more current) material and as a secondary goal something safer than lead. Then the following decade you'll see people trying to implement that in product designs. All in all, even if everything works out perfectly, at least 2 decades to start seeing a tangible impact. No different than graphene.

>> No.15602901

>It has a maximum current carrying capacity of .25 amps

>> No.15602904

It doesn't even superconduct. Maximum conductivity comparable to copper. People see the discontinuity in the resistance vs temperature graph and shit themselves, but what does it matter if the material does not conduct superiorly even below the critical temperature?

>> No.15602914

I was talking about time to impact. People thought graphene was going to change everything on the spot, but it did not. And there are still big questions about if this new type of superconducting structure can be improved enough to hold the amps needed for an MRI machine and maglev train, much less a fusion machine which needs over a million.

>> No.15602916

the material is being contacted thorough a copper interface layer, same as most superconductors like ybco. Of course you have a little resistance from the copper between the contact point and the material itself

>> No.15602976

so its just very sloppy measurements? lol

>> No.15603003

can anyone explain how you'd measure this? I suppose you have an interface material and you have your probes connected to that. is it a case where inevitably you're still measuring some resistance because of the interface material, but very little since probes are still pretty close to the superconductor, in the grand scheme of things?

>> No.15603031

You just subtract the resistance of your interface. It's not complicated. Remember that resistance is determined by the distance of travel through a medium.

>> No.15603052

Instant charging and unlimited charge cycles means you don't need high energy density. Just touch a grid-connected battery and you're recharged.

>> No.15603053


this dude just took alligator clips, not really sure how they do it in actual labs
this is for YBCO which is a superconductor (not room temperature), not LK-99

>> No.15603055

check 4 wire probes or kelvin probes.
no you don't, bc that resistance is variable due to the changes of temperature that you need to plot to check for the critical temp. It is a really really precise measurement, you cant omit or simplify anything

>> No.15603057

so why didn't they calibrate out the contact resistance for their charts, silly

>> No.15603173

Finally, Gookonium!

>> No.15603210
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Who else here is going to grind LK99 into a fine dust, mix it with a milkshake and drink it? I bet it will give me superpowers and eternal life.

>> No.15603213

Based ancient chink emperor

>> No.15603268

lk99 is a 1d superconductor, might not work the same way

>> No.15603426

Is everyone ready for the lead exposed future full of IQ stunted baboon retards and high impact impulsive violence?

>> No.15603446

how is that different from right now?

>> No.15603451

if you say so, I'll be laughing when you get raped by niggers forcing themselves into your dark bugman apartment during the next Carrington event, that is now without heating, cooling, cooking and probably water. good luck getting the food too when you can't pay for it electronically.

>> No.15603463

Because now the whites and east Asians will be in on it too.

>> No.15603486

its such an indian thing to do something totally wrong, try to pretend they didn't, and then act like they were helpful. good morning sir indeed

>> No.15603592
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If only you knew how bad things really were

>> No.15605334

are you planing to chew on the superconducting wires?

>> No.15605356
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N-no, why w-would I do that?

>> No.15605361

you really do not think there will be new invention like this in your lifetime? you had the internet/computer/smartphones. that will be it

>> No.15605389


some chinese youtuber (or equivalent to youtuber, its bilibili there lmao) visited the quantum research center


>> No.15605391
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>> No.15605393
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>> No.15605404

The internet and computers were invented before most people here were born. And there are probably a significant number of anons born after the invention of the smartphone too.

>> No.15605411

>you had the internet/computer/smartphones. that will be it
Retard, modern AI exists right now and proves you wrong.

>> No.15605434

There is no such thing as "AI".

>> No.15605446

You don't even speak ching chong

>> No.15605470

lmao he looks literally indistinguishable from your regular gook

>> No.15605591

No, zoomie here, the internet and smartphones have gotten shittier. Consumer computer hardware has gotten more expensive and useless, and smartphones were a mistake.

>> No.15605687

Boomers and gen x are already like that because of leaded gas

>> No.15606268

>The internet and computers were invented before most people here were born
Computers were invented before every single person here was born

>> No.15606272

Anon doesn't need to here all this, he's a highly trained professional

>> No.15606471

That's why we have videogames/books

>> No.15606630

Millennials are too, because of residual exposure from pregnant women. Lead accumulates and doesn't easily leave the body without treatment with chelates.

>> No.15606644
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>the results
The purpose is your suffering and how you respond to it, dragging it on will be what you get, not a fast forward.

>> No.15606733

Are you stupid. Producing alkanes from agriculture is literally what we do. And it doesn't work.

>> No.15606785
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>> No.15606792

Look pal since when to Koreans do science? It's just not possible

>> No.15607075
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>> No.15607094

10/10 post.

>> No.15607166
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>low conductivity
>zero resistance

>> No.15607174

latency and loss != throughput

>> No.15607193

nigga how can something have zero resistance and at the same time low conductivity? You either get heat losses or you have a superconductor.

>> No.15607207

You can't pump infinite current through any superconductor.
If it's high enough, the magnetic field generated by the current will stop the superconductivity, which will then convert the current into heat and destroy the material.

>> No.15607549

yes, if a conductor isnt a superconductor it will turn energy into heat

>> No.15607573
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You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.15607594

That shit is written by lawyers to milk as much money as possible, only a clueless moron would try to use them to replicate stuff.

>> No.15607642


>> No.15607690

>With room temperature superconductivity it's easy to end all reliance on fossil fuels
We're not getting the effects of the current contamination.
Even if you stopped it all RIGHT NOW it still leaves a huge mark and will kill a shitton of people.

Not to mention the time between the technology being confirmed and actually being applied AND applied successfully to this issue is gonna take a long time.

>> No.15607777

LK-99 has a lower conductivity than plain copper, even in it's claimed superconducting thermal range. So either their sample is a mixture of superconducting and plain materian, ergo a "unpure" superconductor, with the potential to become a useful superconductor or they built a thermistor/transistor.

>> No.15607793
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floating rocks



>> No.15607800

We are so back!

>> No.15607805


>> No.15607817

Why are only Chinese labs working on this? Shouldn't every fucking capable lab in the world be trying this right now?

>> No.15607857

Could this person not afford a camera with video mode?

>> No.15607872

I know ffs. probably coz she/he/they/them is russian and they only just got electricity this year

>> No.15607879

no its a fucking mentally ill tranny that is extremely hostile and attacks to everyone that replies to it, justified or not. automatically assume it is full of shit

>> No.15607887

>floating rocks
Are we gonna use them to boil water?

>> No.15607895

If it was real there would be around 3 different videos by now.
It's fake.

>> No.15607900

>mentally ill tranny
with room temperature superconductor technology. imma not feeling good about that part.
yeah I noticed. fucking HRT volatility anything could happen
>boil water
probably fusion powered russian dilating wand

>> No.15607923

>here's a black rock sitting on a table

>> No.15607932

look above ffs

>> No.15607934

Comparing it to the sample that's the size of a grain of sand

>> No.15607942
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video of the result will be posted by the end of the week
needed sleep
yes. why the fuck not? we can now boil water from miles away without power losses
power source -> superconductor 1km long -> high resistance copper coil heater -> boil tea

>> No.15607951

bravo comrade

>> No.15607979

>needed sleep
do they need to sleep until friday? They literally had a camera in their hands as someone asked "video please"

>> No.15607990

prolly have to report to Kremlin remember

>> No.15607993

I'm sure the attention-starved tranny needed sleep so hard he would rather risk missing the chance of making the first video of a room temperature superconductor in history.

>> No.15608008
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>lk99 confirmed by tr*nny polycule

>> No.15608011

those digits. not normal
>>lk99 confirmed by tr*nny polycule
only in this timeline

>> No.15608018

Shid i wasted them kek. Wanted the gif.

>> No.15608022

>Korean Chaebol x Twitter Tranny alliance
Huge if true

>> No.15608024

The person you are responding to is the twitter tranny.

>> No.15608065
File: 10 KB, 185x272, download (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanted the gif
oh dear, have to do with the fame and fortune instead. kek

>Those who are really convinced that they have made progress in science would not demand freedom for the new views to continue side by side with the old, but the substitution of the new views for the old.

нa здopoвьe!


>> No.15608175

I mean, the publication literally detailed exactly how to make it so that it could be peer reviewed? So this is not really a surprise? Anyone with a solid state lab can make it if they want.

>> No.15608181

>I mean
use reddit less bro it's making you into an obnoxious fag. anyway they left off temp ramp times or amount of oxygen they were introducing or purity or all those other little nigger details that could mean hundreds of tests to get it to work (if it does). The one korean guy who can do it "reliably" supposedly can only get it to work 1/10 of the time so lol

>> No.15609369

yeah no, it was far from exactly detailed

>> No.15611254
