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File: 178 KB, 634x894, Titanic Submersible lost at sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15512543 No.15512543 [Reply] [Original]

Seems like an accident waiting to happen from an engineering perspective:
>No backup communication devices
>No reduncancy for controllers - this thing could've been sunk if they ran out of batteries for their video game controller
>No independent controls
>No "dead man's switch" - system to bring it to ocean's surface if the crew was unresponsive
>No failure testing for vessel to know how many cycles it remains sea-worthy for
>No "emergency" safety testing or protocols
>No "safety insurance", which would've helped to pay for Coast Guard/rescue efforts
>No "pinger" so the vessel can be detected by underwater rescuers

Am I missing anything? Seems to me like this was significantly under-engineered for what it was doing.

>> No.15512551

I don't think there are even rescue attachments; meaning that even if the submersible is located on the ocean floor, there's no way for it to be "hoisted" from the bottom to the surface.
There also doesn't appear to be any way to re-supply the vessel at depth; i.e. being able to pump in oxygen while they're being rescued.

If the crew/passengers aren't already dead, then chances are they can't be rescued anyways.
Which makes this multi-million dollar "rescue effort" all the more pointless.

>> No.15512717

>used elon musk's starshitlink
It was over before it even begun

>> No.15512722
File: 907 KB, 1136x929, iron lung.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cracked first?

>> No.15512730

That's from the control ship, which didn't even have satellite backups to other providers.

They only had one way to communicate with the submersible, and no fail-safe if a communication wasn't received.
The submersible should've had a safety system in place where if it wasn't able to communicate, it would surface.
And if it didn't surface, that would mean that the sub failed and everyone died during the implosion.

>> No.15512732

They've been missing since Sunday afternoon uk time so its been more than 50 hours now, its over for them, they would have died from dehydration anyway.

>> No.15512733

Interesting video here.

>> No.15512775

>No failure testing for vessel to know how many cycles it remains sea-worthy for
That's the biggest thing. They actually need to decide when to scrap the vessel and make a new one well before the ocean decides for them

>> No.15512805

Then this happened: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkhBPF4yfkI

>> No.15512845

>Submersible loses communications
>Commander surfaces
>The ship is intact, all passengers are alive and well, waiting for someone to find them.
>Every electronic system is inoperable
>Everyone on board dies from oxygen deprivation because they can't get out themselves, even at the surface
Fuck that is insane, even if they survived they could die at the end.
Definitely, they should've done testing until they knew exactly how many dives the thing could withstand before failure, and build several prototypes prior to building one for humans.
Fucking idiots if you ask me. Like everyone involved.

>> No.15512849

Good thing they weren't bogged down by safety regulations

>> No.15512852

Imagine what the people who took the trip and survived must be feeling right now

>> No.15512861

only comment i have is that i saw a news segment they did a while back and the guy specifically mentioned that they have a couple backup video game controllers on board

(that was right after he literally mentioned how they sourced some of the parts from a sporting goods store)

>> No.15512872

>right after he literally mentioned how they sourced some of the parts from a sporting goods store

Literally not an issue as long as the pressure hull and ballast release systems are solid. Everything else can fail. My guess is they fucked up and got tangled with something down there in that trench.

>> No.15512875

>they have a couple backup video game controllers on board
holy shit lmao

>> No.15512886

Richfags must be bored out of minds to go there to watch old rusted wreck for bragging rights while risking their lives. You could send unmanned sub to film it for you.
This is cooler, imo.

>> No.15512889

Safety regulations aren't necessary.
But engineering/testing sure is. Then again, it's the fault of the passengers for not doing due diligence.
The CEO also appears to have died so I guess he got what was coming to him.

>> No.15512906
File: 61 KB, 640x685, 11125AD3-F39A-4A8E-A36C-33A3D5567A4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so like they’re 1000000000% dead? right?

like even if they find the fuckin thing, they only have 96 hours, and they departed on sunday, so like <48 hours left
they’re FUCKED, right?

>> No.15512907

>Not a trench
>Communication was lost 2-hours into the dive, when they were still quite a distance from the Titanic and the sea bottom

>> No.15512945

Yeah, basically.
Even if the crew is sitting on the ocean floor, alive, it doesn't appear that there is a way for them to be rescued.
The submersible doesn't have any attachment points for a rescue vessel.
It also doesn't have a GPS locator beacon that deploys if something goes wrong.

>> No.15513001

there's literally only one scenario in which they survive, and that's if they're floating on the surface somewhere and they are found in time to crack open the pod and let air in

>> No.15513036
File: 183 KB, 1339x799, madness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sub dives down 3 km
>runs out of power or whatever
>complete dark
>it starts getting cold
>and hard to breathe
hope the thing imploded and made it quick

>> No.15513041

Just watched the press conference. Journalists are retarded:

>> No.15513062 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 851x477, New Titanic Narrative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the basic gestalt is that the entire titanic sinking was a hoax made by the jew glownigger bankers and their families to make a ton of cash from the insurance and the movies around the faked event.
>Titanic was insured by the same company that insured the Hindenburg AND WTC on 9/11 (also MH17, MH370)
>as with the WTC/HB they paid out without investigation
>the exact! coordinates to the Titanic wreck are NOT public (you would need to ask James Cameron)
>Jew media had the story already prepared and pushed it way too early
>the water in April is 15 degrees celsius in that region (member icy lips DiCaprio? that was bullshit)
>Icebergs were NEVER spotted again in that region where she allegedly sunk
>wreck footage was filmed in a studio that explains why there are NO fishes seen anywhere
>the wreck was literally found by a monkey (((they))) are fucking with us)
>now they say they found a bacterium on the titanic that eats the steel away so the wreck will vanish in 10 years
>this bacterium was only found to eat on the titanic wreck (sure Moshe)
>according to the story Guggenheim a Billionaire jew refused to enter an empty Lifeboat (46 places were free) and instead sunk with the ship and let his wife escape with the money, hello? nigger are you awake?
>(((Jacob))) Astor also rich billionaire gigajew industrialist allegedly sinks with the ship, his life insurance is paid out (he only faked it same as Guggenkike)
>Titanic ship was moved to Germany where it was rebuild, mothballed and then sold to the US after WW1 and it became the USS Imperator

tl;dr: this shit is fake and gay too.

>> No.15513091
File: 616 KB, 1170x1361, EDC36C86-FA52-4EC5-8A2C-1CB3765FC1ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.15513204

Do poltards really believe this? Or is it just made up to keep the general public away from this website?

>> No.15513223 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 3000x3000, 1623908530502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's another psyop you gobbled up goy and won't be the last either.

>> No.15513330

I could honestly entertain this conspiracy, doesn't even need jewish space lasers. I could buy giant insurance fraud

>> No.15513340
File: 3.02 MB, 1500x1500, 1687289377385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15513345


Who the fuck took time out of their day to make this? For what purpose? What the fuck am I even looking at?

>> No.15513352
File: 46 KB, 303x335, 1646380049371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly memers

>> No.15513359

holy soulful 80s hobby book illustrations though
just shame about the circumstances

>> No.15513433

>Seems like an accident waiting to happen from an engineering perspective
If I was going to engineer something like that, the "resurfacing" capabilities would definitely have several failsafes.
The CEO talking about it being "safe" in one of the videos is peak hubris. Like the kind of guy who would tell you to "shut the fuck up" if you brought up some idea to improve safety.

>> No.15513452

Take your meds anon

>> No.15513454
File: 252 KB, 1170x1689, BD3557D4-04F6-4D22-B744-8845C30B0B2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh they are DEAD DEAD LMFAO
> OceanGate, the company that owns the missing submersible, fired an employee a few years ago after he filed safety complaints against them. The employee specifically said the sub was not capable of descending to such extreme depths before he was fired.
> The submersible “was only built to a certified pressure of 1,300 meters, although OceanGate intended to take passengers down to depths of 4,000 meters. […] OceanGate refused to pay for the manufacturer to build a viewport that would meet the required depth of 4,000 meters.”
> Paying passengers wouldn’t know or be informed about Lochridge’s concerns, according to his complaints. They also wouldn’t be informed ‘that hazardous flammable materials were being used within the submersible.
> when the former OceanGate employee expressed his concerns about the “safety and quality” of the submersible and its materials, the company told him that the technology to carry out certain safety tests didn’t even exist.


>> No.15513473

this sub has gone down to the wreck like two dozen times already, I think its highly unlikely that the hull or viewport cracked, especially since they were only 2 hours in when communications were lost

>> No.15513477

>dehydration after 50 hours

>> No.15513493
File: 132 KB, 1558x2000, LifeStraw-go-stainless-steel-blue-waterfall-kauai-adam-barker-2025-02-3000x2000-111bcae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always bring my lifestraw bottle when going to the bottom of the ocean so I can drink my own piss and not dehydrate to death after 50 hours.

>> No.15513498

This is the most retarded thing ever. What the fuck were they thinking? Were they completely fucking mad?

>> No.15513499

elon musk has experience with rescue missions involving submarines
I have not heard much from him now that he is needed the most

>> No.15513502

>the water in April is 15 degrees celsius in that region (member icy lips DiCaprio? that was bullshit)

Feel free to spend a couple of hours completely immersed in 15 degrees cold water whenever then retard.

>> No.15513506

>be billionaire
>its my kid birthday, what can I possibly give to him that money couldnt buy?
>I know, what about a 4km deep dive in a sealed tin can built with durex and ego
Biggest proof that money doesnt correlate to intelligence

>> No.15513579

It's everything >>15513062 believes

>> No.15513670

Can't believe it's a Coast Guard inspected vessel.

I work on a tourist submarine in Hawaii and it has so many safety redundancies that a disaster would be difficult to do even on purpose. On Coast Guard inspections we literally weigh the sub to sit on the ocean floor at max operating depth, turn it off, and from negative buoyancy surface without power. That demonstrates just ONE emergency surfacing procedure.

That such a fallible vessel like this is allowed to operate is silly.

>> No.15513724


>> No.15513895

>Wait a second, wait a second, that not what he said. He said, we're working on it.

>> No.15513936

the rules that the vast majority plays by don't apply to billionaires
and sometimes, on very, very rare occasions, they pay the price
forgive me for not offering condolences

>> No.15513941

>the rules that the vast majority plays by don't apply to billionaires
You would be disturbed to find out how seaworthy most boats are. Especially owner-operated fishing boats.

>> No.15513955

>this sub has gone down to the wreck like two dozen times already

fatigue is a thing

>I think its highly unlikely that the hull or viewport cracked, especially since they were only 2 hours in when communications were lost

The loss of communications was actually expected. What was unexpected was no contact when they should've been ascending. I think it's really dumb that this sub couldn't communicate with the surface at the bottom of it's dive, but what do I know, I'm just alive and well.

>> No.15513979

>>Titanic was insured by the same company that insured the Hindenburg AND WTC on 9/11 (also MH17, MH370)
Hmm yes. That proves that the insurance company conspired to…lose money?

>> No.15513995

claiming it was a hoax is pretty fucking retarded but a good case could be made that it was done purposefully because there were many very wealthy and powerful opponents of the federal reserve aboard and the banksters who own the federal reserve literally have billions of deaths on their hands so it isnt a stretch. It is possible but you would have to go into detail if you wanted to prove it like who was steering the boat and how they would have been guaranteed to survive etc because no one us going to take a bribe to do anything that is likely going to kill them. So it is an enticing theory but you need more than just a wave of the hand and "kikes" if you want to convince anyone with a triple digit IQ

>> No.15513997

this is the best thing i have ever seen on 4chan.org

>> No.15513999

which island? I would have taken the trip if I saw it. I was on oahu and ka'uai and did p much every touristy thing there was to do. I would have enjoyed a sub ride. I did the Jurassic park helicopter ride and it was p neat

>> No.15514000

>"This experimental vessel has not been approved or certified by any regulatory body, and could result in physical injury, emotional trauma, or death."

Do experimental vessels get to skip the coast guard inspection rules?

>> No.15514013

companies exist as independent entities in the first place so that individuals don't have to lose their own money

>> No.15514025

CNN is doing a pretty good live coverage of this and scouring information from past Oceangate blogs, reports, etc..

Right now everybody is throwing oceangate under the bus for this

An employee who later quit when his concerns were dismissed
>said the hull had only been built to 5 inches thick, while he said company engineers told him they had expected it to be 7 inches thick.
Another employee who was later sued by oceangate said he
>brought up concerns that no non-destructive testing had been performed on the Titan’s hull to check for “delaminations, porosity and voids of sufficient adhesion of the glue being used due to the thickness of the hull.”
to which the CEO Stockton replied
>no equipment existed to perform such a test.
Oceangate has stated that
>OceanGate’s vessel was the result of more than eight years of work, including “detailed engineering and development work under a company issued $5 million contract to the University of Washington’s Applied Physics Laboratory.”
however the university of washington has stated this is untrue
>In a statement to CNN, Kevin Williams, the executive director of UW’s Applied Physics Laboratory, said the lab’s expertise involved “only shallow water implementation,” and “the Laboratory was not involved in the design, engineering or testing of the TITAN submersible used in the RMS TITANIC expedition.”
Oceangate has tried to explain away the need for a classing system
>This "classing" system ensures vessels are designed and built following regulations such as the number of life rafts or types of materials used.
by stating the following
>It said classing innovative designs often requires a multiyear approval process, which gets in the way of rapid innovation.

Actually insane.

>> No.15514044 [DELETED] 

>It also doesn't have a GPS locator beacon that deploys if something goes wrong.
only the fact they don't have triple backup system to locate it alone, is what makes those people monumental idiots, that shouldn't be trusted to even build a dog shed.

>> No.15514049

>It also doesn't have a GPS locator beacon that deploys if something goes wrong.
just the fact they didn't have a triple backup system to locate it, makes those people monumental idiots, that shouldn't be trusted to even build a dog house.

>> No.15514051

>GPS locator
by the way:I doubt a gps system would work here because its signal is shit (and probably just gone) under water.

but there are countless other systems they could have as redundancies.

>> No.15514060

Thanks, /pol/chad

>> No.15514068

theoretically, the Chad dad on board could eat the three idiot bitches (and his son) and survive to be rescued, however, he has been dead since three hours after the retard ship launched. This whole thing was literally a high-IQ suicide attempt by the CEO and you've all fallen for it.

>> No.15514087

> According to the French newspaper Le Figaro, Nargeolet had expressed skepticism about the Titan’s safety, telling a former colleague that he “didn’t have total confidence in this submarine made of composite materials.”
> “If you are 11 meters or 11 kilometers down, if something bad happens, the result is the same … When you’re in very deep water, you’re dead before you realize that something is happening, so it’s just not a problem.”

>> No.15514097

GPS doesn't work at all underwater. They might have been able to have one of those deployable SOS buoys that float up to the surface. I think that's what Anon means. Although an off the shelf one probably would just break

>> No.15514101

I bet they can just be located, by sending a sound pulse every few seconds, but the builders are/were morons.

>> No.15514104

interesting, please tell me more

>> No.15514111
File: 374 KB, 665x466, alvin-whoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck they even try with new meme designs for submarines? Just update and adapt what it works like with cars and planes. That submarine was basically a death trap.

>> No.15514116

Sounds like it could be a cozy way to die desu

>> No.15514165

I wonder how long the two pakistani passengers lasted before they had to take a shit.

>> No.15514168

Don't passenger vessels require coast guard inspections and approval? Did this sub have such approval?

>> No.15514170

there was no equipment available yet to test it

>> No.15514179

If that's the case shouldn't the coast guard deny them a license to carry passengers?

>> No.15514181

I was quoting the retard ceo idk

>> No.15514185

Oahu, offshore of Waikiki

>> No.15514190

I just don't understand the whole messed-up situation. It sounds like anyone can design and build a boat and then carry passengers without any need for a license or certification. I always thought there was a shitload of maritime regulations to carry paying passengers on any kind of vessel.

>> No.15514197

Regulation is evil

>> No.15514204

Vessels carrying paying customers are supposed to be Coast Guard inspected. But, anyone can buy a boat and have friends on board without license or inspection. Maybe they dodged regulations by claiming it's a vessel for personal use and only personal acquaintances would be passengers.

>> No.15514237

Do those apply if the craft is only used in international waters?

>> No.15514238

Meant for >>15514190 but whatever.

>> No.15514239
File: 400 KB, 881x751, submarine noises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they lived

>> No.15514244

even if so, it's over

>> No.15514245

I can't imagine their relief if they are recovered.
Or annoyance; I'd probably be kind of annoyed if I had went through the mental process of accepted my death and then realized it was postponed.

>> No.15514249

ah I was only there a day or two before going to ku'aui. Prob will go back within the next couple years want to give out the name? I will def come for the trip if so.

>> No.15514280

coast guard reported they sent a rov down to check out the source of these sounds and found nothing

>> No.15514306

Atlantis Submarines it's called. Maui and Big Island have dive sites too.

>> No.15514317
File: 21 KB, 435x250, sub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sheeeit, I'll pass

>> No.15514322

kek jking

>> No.15514334

>measuring distances in "Shards"
when are the english ever going to stop making up nonsense units?

>> No.15514335

>Which makes this multi-million dollar "rescue effort" all the more pointless.
It's a training exercise.

>> No.15514349

>naming a submarine after a chipmunk
I've never understood this

>> No.15514350

>w-we totally heard banging guys
wishful thinking
they're dead.

>> No.15514351

All measurement units are made up.

>> No.15514353

Well the french do it better.

>> No.15514354

>Le Metric Time faec

>> No.15514356

even americans know what a kilometer is. nobody knows what the fuck a shard is.

>> No.15514360

Yeah, "stone" has always bothered me
I think we still measure horses that way, but when I hear people use it to describe themselves I always kinda chuckle to myself

>> No.15514366

It's a skyscraper in London. Gives you a sense of scale if you've seen the thing.

>> No.15514376
File: 42 KB, 540x540, 02B7CE0A-AC6E-4E94-AABF-927699F9BB52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently they had like 7 different independent mechanisms to resurface, how could they possibly be stuck on the bottom? Unless they are actually tucking retarded

>> No.15514377

>It's a skyscraper in London
Yes I know that, but the height of objects is difficult to appreciate from the ground so I really don't think these kind of comparisons are useful at all.

>> No.15514391

Did /g/ say white people were the best engineers?

>> No.15514396

Maybe all their shit for dropping ballast doesn't do any good because they're ensnared on something. Although that seems unlikely for some reason. Have they gotten any ROVs down there to look over the Titanic wreck itself yet?

>> No.15514402

The ballasts were one of the things the reporter mentions are second hand from a home Depot

>> No.15514403

born to sink
sea is a cum
1 563 682 031 dead billionaires

>> No.15514404


>> No.15514415

The submarine only had one button inside it's supposed to be fully automated

>> No.15514428

>I want to bring it to 4k
>but I only want to pay for 1.3k
>Whatever we'll just buy 1.3k and push it to 4k.
It's time to start lynching C levels who do that shit. It's an incredibly common thing those fucks do, which gets people killed. Boeing did the same thing with 737 MAX.

>> No.15514476

If you read that linked article there's a part where Lochridge brought up the issue of the pressure cycling progressively weakening flaws in the carbon fiber. Also, they lost comms when they expected to since their acoustic modem set-up has a limited range with no repeaters or anything apparently. Which was incredibly reckless in hindsight but yeah.

>> No.15514477

>be suicidal ceo
>set up certain death trap with no way to call for rescue
>kill self in way that gives family plausible deniability
why is this so hard for you all to understand?

>> No.15514479

It's the space x of the deep ocean

>> No.15514482

That was in 2018, it was changed since then.

>> No.15514494

More like asphyxiation

>> No.15514495

Who are the dead richturds?

>> No.15514504

>underwater noises
>in the middle of the ocean
Seems actually very plausible

>> No.15514515

Of course the person who unironically says "poltard" is the one stupid enough to fall for it.

>> No.15514523

They used the Beretta hidden in the glovebox to end their misery. Or one of them decided to shot the other ones to spare oxygen.
That was the banging noise

>> No.15514528

The world's most capable Navy is working around the clock, as we speak to find and save these 5 precious lives who are trapped at sea under the crushing weight of 3 miles of water. We will find them and bring them back home, you can count on it. We already deployed several sailors and are monitoring the hydrophones for signs of life

Trust in the United States

>> No.15514537

Exactly. There is a chance they will survive.

>> No.15514544

This unconfirmed report says the US heard “banging sounds every 30-minutes.”

If they’re alive that’s a fate worse than a quick death.
Stuck on the ocean floor, with nothing but four other passengers, with no water or food, slowly dying as your oxygen and heat runs out.
They don’t even have a way to kill themselves.

>> No.15514577

To be fair this is a good demonstration of their capabilities. They could be regularly searching for random objects in the ocean as training and decided to look for this instead.

>> No.15514608
File: 18 KB, 634x746, gigachad zodiac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>passengers are now ceo's slaves in the afterlife

>> No.15514613

The truth doesn't stay up long, the jannies are working overtime to censor the truth.

>> No.15514616
File: 724 KB, 1106x1012, 14502860439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the basic gestalt is that the entire titanic sinking was a hoax made by the jew glownigger bankers and their families to make a ton of cash from the insurance and the movies around the faked event.
>Titanic was insured by the same company that insured the Hindenburg AND WTC on 9/11 (also MH17, MH370)
>as with the WTC/HB they paid out without investigation
>the exact! coordinates to the Titanic wreck are NOT public (you would need to ask James Cameron)
>Jew media had the story already prepared and pushed it way too early
>the water in April is 15 degrees celsius in that region (member icy lips DiCaprio? that was bullshit)
>Icebergs were NEVER spotted again in that region where she allegedly sunk
>wreck footage was filmed in a studio that explains why there are NO fishes seen anywhere
>the wreck was literally found by a monkey (((they))) are fucking with us)
>now they say they found a bacterium on the titanic that eats the steel away so the wreck will vanish in 10 years
>this bacterium was only found to eat on the titanic wreck (sure Moshe)
>according to the story Guggenheim a Billionaire jew refused to enter an empty Lifeboat (46 places were free) and instead sunk with the ship and let his wife escape with the money, hello? nigger are you awake?
>(((Jacob))) Astor also rich billionaire gigajew industrialist allegedly sinks with the ship, his life insurance is paid out (he only faked it same as Guggenkike)
>Titanic ship was moved to Germany where it was rebuild, mothballed and then sold to the US after WW1 and it became the USS Imperator

tl;dr: it's another fake and gay globohomo psyop, possibly comms being passed around or part of a larger globohmo narrative

>> No.15514634

Does this nigga seriously not understand how insurance works?
Imagine thinking that Lloyds of London was being a vast globalist conspiracy.

>> No.15514636
File: 222 KB, 3000x3000, 1623908530572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The market began in Lloyd's Coffee House, owned by Edward Lloyd, on Tower Street in the City of London.[6] The first reference to it can be traced to the London Gazette in 1688. The establishment was a popular place for sailors, merchants
>City of London
>it was a hotspot also frequented by mariners involved in the slave trade
>In 1871, the first Lloyd's Act was passed in Parliament
This is just skimming at the top, not even 0.01%

>> No.15514648

It was slightly amusing the first time, you can fuck off now

>> No.15514656

Do we know if the submersible has a toilet in it? The entire trip as it was supposed to run takes several hours.

>> No.15514660

Goddamn that’s like even worse.
There’s no way for them to be rescued and they only have about 24 hours of oxygen left.
I wonder what else they bring for supplies in such a small space?

>> No.15514663

>I wonder what else they bring for supplies in such a small space?
Their smartphones

>> No.15514667

Watching richfags pay for their own untimely coffins is my kink

>> No.15514669

It does. The seat by the window doubles as a toilet and has a curtain for privacy. Passengers are advised not to eat or drink anything before the journey so dehydration is surely a concern, though I can't imagine that someone didn't bring at least one water bottle.

>> No.15514672
File: 127 KB, 1690x910, OceanGate_toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, there's literally a litter box on the floor that they use to go to the bathroom. With a privacy curtain, and they "turn the music up" so they don't have to hear you farting/shitting.

>Naming your company with the suffix "-gate", which is usually used for political scandals
Like pottery

>> No.15514692

>Am I missing anything?

Yeah, they have no escape hatch and are literally bolted inside

>> No.15514694

Imagine the 19 year old. He probably questioned the morality of celebrating his birthday by excitedly gazing at the graveyard of some 1500 poor serfs and other kids of pitiful men and women and children, all the while wearing an oversized bright golden Rolex lined with diamonds and other tasteless, yet expensive, jewellery.
His whole life set out for him, everything he could want he had. But no longer. There he is now, trapped in a tiny, now stinking container with four other persons finding it a little hard to breathe, and a little lot like there's something pressing down on him, or perhaps the pressure of millions of gallons of ocean, and under extreme pain and fear and knowing his certain fate. Struggling and weeping.
And there's no doubt that in 100 years some more rich fellows will be diving down not just to look at the great sunken ship's grave, but also gleefully at the remains of this ridiculous little "submarine" that tried to look at it decades earlier and made the news for a bit. His entire existence reduced to an entertainment feature no different to what he saw in the dead peasants of the Titanic. Truly pottery.

>> No.15514704

I wasn't going to fap today but I might make an exception

>> No.15514706
File: 64 KB, 500x667, 1687303510368348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I didnt know he was 19 that stinks
oh well

>> No.15514709

Retired Navy captain breaks it down: basically, there's a less than 1% chance of a rescue even if they find the vessel.
They would need to find it with a surface vessel on their first attempt, hook it with a cable with assistance from an ROV, and pull it to the surface, all within the next 24-hours, even though it can take a day or two to reach the area in ideal conditions.

>> No.15514718

Why do we know so little about the bottom of the sea?

>> No.15514722

Because the Jews don't want us to know that's where they keep their spaceships and clone facilities

>> No.15514723

Were they some important ceos or a bunch of randos?

>> No.15514724

Because it's deep and hard to get to and no one really cares anyway

>> No.15514731

There's not much down there and it's not worth exploring.
Bunch of randos.
Would've been quite different if it was all people connected to Epstein or something like that.
Also, it's good that the CEO of OceanGate is on the submersible. It's almost never the case that modern-day CEOs get their comeuppance for negligence is such a quick fashion.

>> No.15514738
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>CEO of OceanGate is on the submersible
super based

>> No.15514739

One horrible possibility is that they did an emergency ascent and something went wrong leaving them with neutral buoyancy. The sub could be floating at any depth and just drifting with the currents and there is no way out since they're bolted in. They could end up tens or hundreds of miles away from the Titanic wreck by the time the air runs out.

>> No.15514743

Did the "engineers" think it was a good idea to send people down without first testing whether the pressure vessel could survive those pressures?

>> No.15514756

OceanGate had several successful dives in the past.
But they never did any failure testing to know how many cycles the craft could support until it failed.
That's what they should done; raise and lower it to the bottom of the ocean repeatedly until components or the entire vessel failed.
Then they would at least have a benchmark.

>> No.15514758

no the ceo thought it was a good idea.
the engineers warned him.

>> No.15514761

Yup, basically three options:
>Floating on the surface with no communication or way to get out: the crew suffocates.
>Floating in the water column: the crew suffocates
>Stuck on the bottom: the crew suffocates
Likely the third one, if the "banging sounds" are indeed coming from the craft. Otherwise, the crew is already dead from an implosion or other failure.

>> No.15514763

If they did float to the surface, wouldn't they have some kind of emergency SOS radio beacon so the coast guard could find them?

>> No.15514781

No emergency beacons are for pussies who want to live

>> No.15514783

You would think they'd at least have an EPIRB satellite beacon that would instantly alert rescuers of their location on the surface. Strangely, I haven't been able to find find any indication that they were equipped with such a basic safety device.

>> No.15514791

They might also be wedged inside the Titanic if they lost control and/or blindly crashed through the corroded hull

>> No.15514800

Kek! Just found this video:
>CEO says he doesn't want to "hire 50 year old white guys"
>Almost EVERY person involved in the rescue is an older white guy (many 50+ years old, including lots of Coast Guard Operations Leaders)
If I was a 50-year-old white guy, I would refuse to offer help to this operation. Let them reap what they sow.

>> No.15514802


>> No.15514805

That's possible, but the submersible lost communication after 1.5 hours (not enough to reach the Titanic).
From what I've read, it's able to communicate for longer than that.

>> No.15514806

I'm really confused on an aspect here. Some people said this sub has made this specific trip like a dozen times over the past 2 years, while others are saying this is the first trip and the only previous dive it has done was to 3000m with the CEO solo. which one is true?

>> No.15514807
File: 38 KB, 1242x226, 1687353718194580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>foreced to exist as a poorfag retard who can only make banging noises at home
if only life were not this cruel

>> No.15514814

what are they using the make the vibrations and how are they traveling so far?

>> No.15514815
File: 211 KB, 421x237, Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 15-59-54 2023_Greek_migrant_boat_disaster_pre-sinking.webp (WEBP Image 421 × 237 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18 june 2023
>I am forgotten

>> No.15514818

>oh no anyway

>> No.15514820

holy shit that's the most pathetic thing I've read today
how disaffected are these people lmao
>buddy goes missing on a retarded ghetto-rigged "submarine"
>has to bang on the walls in some faint hope of being found because they couldn't be arsed to install a pinger
>yeah classic Hamish, that's my boy right there!

>> No.15514823

He just had to include the little anti-white racist comment in there didn't he? Really trying to be sympathetic here, but really?

>> No.15514825
File: 41 KB, 718x112, nargeolet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shame about this guy though it really seems like he should've known better

>> No.15514830

The former, this vessel has made many trips in the past but it seems they never bothered inspecting it for fatigue.

>> No.15514832
File: 1.48 MB, 2500x1472, proxy-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't breathe

>> No.15514835

Irony: idiots dying due to gross negligence and all disregard of safety precautions whilst on a trip to view a vessel who lost 50% of it's passengers and crew to gross negligence and disregard of all safety precautions.

>> No.15514837

It's interesting to watch the area around Titanic on marinetraffic right now. It looks like the Polar Prince has moved off a ways and what I think is the John Cabot, the newly arrived ship with the side scanning sonar, appears to be moving on a track to scan the wreck area. If they're gonna find these guys it needs to happen soon.

>> No.15514838

He told his friend that the design was not reliable enough just before boarding, but it couldn’t refuse the opportunity to visit the Titanic once more.

>> No.15514839

There's also quite a few SAR ships hauling ass out of Saint John's towards TItanic at around 15 knots which is usually the fastest these ship types can go

>> No.15514841

They're going to find a sardine can with five corpses today.

>> No.15514852

They were supposed to refrain from eating and drinking before diving, and I doubt they have any spare water, especially to last for this long. Even if they have air, they might be dead already.

>> No.15514858

You're not going to die of dehydration in 2 days

>> No.15514861

Yeah, but they must have been sweating and losing electrolytes from sitting so close together without ventilation.

>> No.15514863

It managed the trip a few times before, surely it wouldn't fail now.

>> No.15514873

It's probably so cold down there it doesn't matter

>> No.15514883

>Go woke
>Die at the bottom of the ocean
>Company goes bankrupt

>> No.15514892

Cool, thanks anon!

>> No.15514898
File: 191 KB, 1139x773, Titanic bow_wreckage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where's the titanic? I don't see it.
Crashes right into the ship from above
>Them Duke Boys are stuck like flies in molasses, and it's pretty thick molasses too

>> No.15514900

Could have lost power on the way down which cut off communication and their ability to navigate and the uncontrolled descent then got stuck in the wreck

>> No.15514905

>Check out my podcast
They are retards who could have easily come to the same fate, yet they will use the fame to milk it

>> No.15514916

I wonder how the white guys wank to destress. I think the pakistani man and his son might be very religious, and so, it would be inappropriate to do so in front of them. Maybe they do it behind the toilet curtain or something.

>> No.15514922

Its a trip he will never forget

>> No.15514924
File: 287 KB, 1080x723, 4chan_titanic wreck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For better or worse, this will probably stop all recreational/adventure travel to the Titanic.
The lesson learned will be "it's too dangerous, don't go."

>> No.15514933
File: 77 KB, 828x828, 1686879149608918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly hope after the initial panic, they just talked about their lives and what they hope their family will do.
Shit like embarrasing childhood stuff, deep fantasies, all of it
Like I really hope they helped each other instead of smearing feces on the walls

>> No.15514935

It's a pretty cool site. I remember when the Ever Given got unstuck from the Suez Canal and I could see it float free on marinetraffic before it was reported on the news. The subscription version gives you a lot more info but you can tell a lot from the free site. Looks like the John Cabot is just moving southeast/northwest between the two ROV ships and the Titanic so I guess they're still scanning the seabed trying to find the sub. You can also see the French research ship Atalante approaching the site from the southeast but it's still about 70 miles away.

>> No.15514937

Aw fuck, billionaires start fucking (over) their fellow man, woman, and cihld when they're bored. Someone build a tourist resort to Mars or something, quick!

>> No.15514938

I feel bad for laughing at it, but the idea of them freaking out after the first 5hrs and pretty much descending to utter chaos with shit and piss everywhere is a bit tragicomic

>> No.15514947

Nice dubs. Hope so too, nona. Would be real depressing if they just Battle Royal'ed each other over that last flypaper of air. Guess we'll see if they find the can.

>> No.15514950

It's nearly freezing in the cabin

>> No.15514959

Fuck that's nasty. Forced to spend their last moments larping death before actually dying.

>> No.15514958

Id go to mars to be a slave idc

>> No.15514960

Pakistanis must pray 5 times a day. How do they know which way Mecca is, in that pitch-black darkness and with waves possibly ragdolling them around?

>> No.15514961
File: 21 KB, 552x504, 1683839297675556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begging mongo musk to launch a NO REGULATION tard trek to mars, I'll pay good money to stream that shit.

>> No.15514966

There's a toilet in that thing?

>> No.15515011

If the sub is still intact and the crew survived:
>Everybody is calm, meditate, talk very little, just lie there and wait to be rescued or run out of oxygen

>Everybody fights with each other, throws fists, chokes, strangles each other, literally try to kill each other so there is more oxygen for the sole survivor
>Sole victor kills everyone, rapes the corpses, pushes them to the other side of the vessel, bangs on the side of the hull every half hour, and consumes the flesh of the former passengers in order to stay alive a bit longer.
>Is rescued and "did what he had to do to survive"
Which scenario do you think is more likely?

>> No.15515019

two of the passengers were pakistani (muslims) so i think the second one is more likely

>> No.15515020

I'm not too proud to admit that I've never organised a massive oceanic search and rescue operation before but I can't help but think the plan with the greatest probability of success would be to accept that if they're on the bottom they're dead and to concentrate all searches to the surface / rescuable depths.

>> No.15515023

'In a 2022 dive to the Titanic, one of the thrusters on the Titan was accidentally installed backwards and the submersible started spinning in circles when trying to move forward near the sea floor. As documented by the BBC documentary Take Me to Titanic, the issue was bypassed by steering while holding the game controller sideways.[30][31] According to November 2022 court filings, OceanGate reported that in a 2022 dive the submersible suffered from battery issues and as a result had to be manually attached to a lifting platform, causing damage to external components.[32][33]'

>> No.15515026

It's the same as attempting to rescue people who struggle on Mount Everest and wind up dying.
It's generally not worth rescuing them because the odds of causing further losses are too high.
These people put themselves in a precarious situation, and skimped on safety devices and protocols.
It's cruel to say, but I don't think they deserve to be rescued.

>> No.15515039

>one of the thrusters on the Titan was accidentally installed backwards and the submersible started spinning in circles
reminds me of the russian workers who installed the sensor backwards on the proton rocket.
one would think with all the competition in the world that you could get decent human beings for every post, but there's just not enough responsible people to fill all job slots in the world. Apply basic elementary school logic, sleep 6 hours a day, bathe daily, don't lie, don't do drugs/alcohol more than once a week, keep a schedule and you're already amongst the top 1% most desirable employees in the world. Every single commie complaining about unemployment is not able to do this and still complains.

If i do have to say sometjhing in favor of the russian/commies engineering disasters is that even tough they feed their machine god with sacrifices very freely, they tend to send mostly military men/women, sometimes conscripts thats true, but they have a way of knowing they are going into danger. Also to be fair, many times their lives are already perceived as not very valuable and lead a very risky existence in the streets of a russian slum.
In the west, the sacrifices are often civilians which are often lead by the noses by some insanely naive narrative of what technology is, just like the kindergarden teacher who died on the space shuttle just for the lulz. That's intentionally putting a person perceived as valuable in extremely unecesary danger for nog ain at all just to believe a fantasy.Civilians have nothing to do with dangerous cutting edge engineering projects and we're probably gonna learn that the hard way

>> No.15515041
File: 44 KB, 387x288, MonsterShimeji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the issue was bypassed by steering while holding the game controller sideways

>> No.15515047

I understand it would be difficult and expensive and that not all life is worth the same, but since we can go to space, couldnt they design some sort of all terrain ultra engineered vehicle that could guarantee survival? or some bunkers at key points? could an ultra rugged helicopter or jet vehicle of some sort be possible?

If you absolutely had to solve the problem. Say if aliens came and said, we can give you the key to cornucopia technology, but you have to lead an expedition 20 untrained teenagers to the everest summit there and back first, and you have to do it sucesfuly 100 times in a row, how would one solve that engineering challenge?

>> No.15515048

What if the captain died last Sunday, and the rest shortly after, because they didn't know shit about the sub or its functions?

>> No.15515054

Open the window to flush

>> No.15515055

I work at a construction company and have like 200 people below me. I would not only fire them, but drive personally to their house and beat them to a bloody pulp if they pulled even half of one of the stunts that useless workers regularly on these big engineering projects backed by politically corrupt goverments or blank checks given by deceived billionaires.
I hate it(not really) but it does makes me feel insanely superior, and i know a lot of people like me, theres so much talents, we could have colonized the solar system by now if it wasnt for all the useless idiots in charge. So many stupid mistakes forgiven that i (and anyone whos had a serious education)learned not to do when he was 10

>> No.15515056

It's being paid, so there's a point

Oh, yes, because of some rich cunt dying on t he ocean I'm compelled to have a loicense to dig a hole and install a septic tank

>> No.15515066

>It's being paid, so there's a point

It's already paid for by a complex insurance structure. No one expects them to find them really, so they dont have any pressure on, but on the other hand if they do find them they'll be praised. All benefit no risk. Also its an extremely valuable training exercise, they kind of thing that companies who do this sort of stuff can't get any other way and gives them mad credit. Just like a soldier who was on real wars, no matter how much you train you cant replace the amount of real wars youve been in.
So chances are they are truly doing everything they can to find them, chances also are it wont be nearly enough, its overwhermingly possible they are already dead and that stories about "banging" could be blatant distorsions of barely true facts

>> No.15515068
File: 145 KB, 1164x786, Everest is Shitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are actually people who are against building permanent structures on Everest because that would "take away from the majesty of the landscape"... as if hundreds of scattered tents, tons of trash, and barrels of human excrement are perfectly fine.
In other words, humans are retarded.
Making the climb to Everest "easier" would take away the challenge and cause less people to climb it.
>how would one solve that engineering challenge?
Fly in huts via helicopter, stock them with food, water, supplies, bottled oxygen, etc.
With a Billion dollars worth of supplies, equipment, and manpower, you could make Everest as safe as a ride at Disneyland.

>> No.15515082

>Oh, yes, because of some rich cunt dying on t he ocean I'm compelled to have a loicense to dig a hole and install a septic tank
if you're of average intelligence you can't be trusted to install a septic tank in a way that isn't a danger to you and others. Congratulations if you're not, but the most likely scenario is that you are. Also, most people of average intelligence think they are above average so there's that.

You've chosen a specifically dangerous example. There are other things that are needlesly over regulated, like emergency lights in small stores, those are much harder to fuck up and extremely unlikely to cause accidents

i think the problem is people dont have a philosophy education and dont understand basic facts about life and time. Initialy everest explorers were true pioneers with a mad dream in their head, if they want a mad dream they should get one of their own, now all they are doing is buying a prepackaged experience thinking you can buy a soul with money

>Fly in huts via helicopter
can weather prevent the flights?

>> No.15515084

helicopters (normal ones at least) don't work at that altitude
I think they already fly some people basically as high as they can

>> No.15515089

Why didn't they just rent/buy an already working sub from some marine biology research center?

>> No.15515092

The CH-47 Chinook heavy life military helicopter can fly up to 20,000ft, which is higher than Everest Base camp.
But this is off-topic, maybe make another thread about it?

Because OceanGate needed one that could fit five people since each trip costs close to $1 Million and they need to make money to pay for all of their equipment.

>> No.15515109

>pm'd u the fix :)

>> No.15515111

literally who?

>> No.15515120

Oceangate rolls worst submarine ever.
Asked to leave international waters.

>> No.15515121

You don't have to

>> No.15515122

The sound of their dying hands banging on the hull being picked up by a hydrophone, that's how

>> No.15515128

bud you don't wanna know how easily they can hear underwater sounds with navy tech. The ocean has been wired for sound since the cold war.

>> No.15515133

-ok how about 5 billionaires decide to torture themselves to death in a horrible way in international waters, what would be the legal situation like then?
-but professor thats ridiculous, why would they do that? this is just an extreme hypothetical situation with no basis whatsoever in reality
-youd be surprised

>> No.15515147

>being raped and killed by two Pakistanis

>> No.15515149

>No backup communication devices
Is it actually possible to communicate in the first place from the depth they were travelling into? Scientifically speaking. Just curious.

>> No.15515164

Supposedly they had two communication systems:
1) Text based, could send receive text messages at all depths. This helped them to navigate (and for safety).
2) Automatic "pings" that went off every 15-minutes, to let the surface ship know their location and also that the sub was functional.
BOTH of those systems went dead 1.5 hours into the trip on Sunday.

>> No.15515168

>squeeze your sub in to see le grand staircase up close
>logitech joystick drifts, got stuck in tight unexplored corridor

>> No.15515173

CEO was a hologram.

>> No.15515174

they experienced the problem 1.5 hours into the dive, they hadn't even gotten there

>> No.15515175
File: 561 KB, 460x1272, 4chan_OceanGate hates white guys_relies on them for rescue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every experienced military/national guard guy they have on TV and on the rescue ships is a 50+ year old white guy.
Imagine if they all refused, told the media the "white CEO" didn't want the help from 50+ year old white guys, and instead left it up to anyone else that would volunteer?

>> No.15515176

No back-up communication devices. I wonder if they even had back-up batteries for the wireless PlayStation controller.

>> No.15515177

Anon, I..

>> No.15515178

acoustic comms can go way further than 4km. they could've made something more robust but apparently didn't want to.

>> No.15515184

don't military submarines go trough great trouble to make themselves invisible? couldn't they just have an emergency device which is a sonar ping emiter or a speaker of some sort. Given how well sound travels in water this seems trivial. This is hinderburg levels of negligence

>> No.15515231

I bet some producers are itching to buy the movie rights for this real life horror film. Do you think the sub has a hidden compartment for cyanide pills for this kind of emergencies?

>> No.15515233

the ending seems too grim for hollywood, the movie would have to have something like a happy ending for one of them

>> No.15515236

Because the CEO (who is onboard) wanted to be a pioneer for making deep sea dives more accessible. That was the whole point. Faster, cheaper, better, etc.

>> No.15515243

Whats also dumb is not testing the vehicles controls in shallow water before going down over 2 miles

>> No.15515244

>all this media, attention, searching and money wasted for 5 rich people that chose to go down on some janky shit sub
i hope they eventually find it and find out that they went mad and did some crazy fucked shit

>> No.15515249

They were probably in there for about an hour before they were more

>> No.15515254

>Do you think the sub has a hidden compartment for cyanide pills for this kind of emergencies?
senpai, they didn't even pack spare batteries for the literaly off the shelf off brand videogame joystick which was the sole way of controlling the craft, which had it's thrusters installed backwards once... on their sub made of a material which has specific problems which makes it bad for this specific use, which got rated to a depth much less than what it was going... on paper and even still they decided to push it and call it a success disregarding material wear and tear in a material which is particularly stealthy when developing it...

how far ahead do you think they were planing?
an engineer in the company got booted when he tried to call out, court decided it was literally ilegal for him to warn customers. Frankly this was a disaster waiting to happen

>> No.15515256

The billionaire lawyers would spin it 180 and make them into white supremacist terrorists. Not worth it if you care about your job.

>> No.15515260

>before they were more

>> No.15515265

no more*

>> No.15515268
File: 128 KB, 761x612, Alvin_(DSV-2)_drawing3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sane submersible would have a built in emergency plan.

>> No.15515272 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15515274

good save chtulu

>> No.15515284

Assuming they didn’t die instantly in whatever accident happened, my money is on chinless on the right cracking first.

>> No.15515289
File: 722 KB, 280x290, 1687300719077177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before they were more

>> No.15515296

Latter makes for a more interesting film script.

>> No.15515328
File: 1.27 MB, 1776x1239, 1679087251762756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>descent 2:30 hours to 3800 meters
>went quiet 1:45 hours somewhere at the half mark line
>no beacon, no messages, no sound, no nothing except rumors of somebody hearing something
the carbon fiber hull just sounds such a shit idea. It imploded
>inb4 sonar chud
thermolayer bounced it off

>> No.15515330

>Faster, cheaper, better, etc.
then why go with carbon fiber which is everything but cheap to make

>> No.15515332

I wish the orcas godspeed in their hunt

>> No.15515465

it is not looking good for them :c
is the search operation just about placating the masses at this point?

>> No.15515469

It's about using all their cool toys and practicing "rescue drills".

>> No.15515478

they get paid for testing their gear in a real life situation, gaining another notch on the belt of the rescue company, theres very little expectation, so if they fail they get no fallout, if they rescue them they are heroes. Extreme win win situation for them

>> No.15515486

I wonder how much power they have. Phone torches are only going to last so long, sitting around in your coffin waiting for death in complete darkness would be pretty rough.

>> No.15515497

well the alternative is a titanium bathyscaphe which is what most deep diving submersibles use but you're not fitting 5 people without making it outrageously large and expensive.

>> No.15515522

Not much, cell phones dial up the power of the antenna when they lose signal. If you don't turn off your phone when you go out of range, you're liable to drain your battery in an hour. Not to mention it's a fire hazard. Actually, it's totally plausible that the pressure caused an internal short of a lipo cell and caused a fire.

>> No.15515537

Just put it in airplane mode, bro.

>> No.15515541
File: 60 KB, 500x481, Good fast cheap infographic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad the CEO never saw this commonly used infographic, which basically describes all situations with the exception of a few products/services that get naturally cheaper over time.
He picked fast and cheap, and the result was a substandard product which ultimately failed.

>> No.15515583

fuckin interresting, i didnt knew alvin could eject its pressure vessel. thats quite clever, fuck the dead weight and get the essential things back to surface. and thats a friggen sub from the 60s

>> No.15515611


>> No.15515614

Just another military exercise but with a real subject

>> No.15515635

>doing everything they can to find them, chances also are it wont be nearly enough
Luckily. I can't relate to people that do those kind of things. They paid the toll of their folly.

>> No.15515641

locating dowels are now high technology

>> No.15515647

>if you're of average intelligence you can't be trusted to install a septic tank
Fuck. Off.

>Congratulations if you're not, but the most likely scenario is that you are
And who the fuck you think you are to tell the difference? How long until you fuck up installing septic tanks that are pretty much dig a big hole and place a tank you'll never find anyone ever again willing you to pay for it? Why would you keep doing it if you're not paid? And finally, what you will think will happen if you let the public authority to decide?
I'll tell you. 5 years in after regulations, the whole regulated activity becomes a guild-union game rigged to favour their political leaders and stop people from working without paying bribes. Now your uncle that never went to college can't do it, but illegal immigrants do it anyway for half the price and none of the "loicesne" hurdles, as everything unavoidably do when led to public authority. You fucker played yourself. Now go buy a house with a mortgage you'll never be able to afford.

>> No.15515673

>sitting 96 hours in a cramped can before suffocating to death
shittiest movie idea ever
you're a fucking retard and I'm glad the government stops morons like you from making a shitty makeshift septic tank anywhere near me

>> No.15515676

You're with the unions, aren't you? Don't you fucking worry, you'll always have mexicans for digging your shit with no regulations, you absolute unit of a cretin

>> No.15515688

>>if you're of average intelligence you can't be trusted to install a septic tank
>Fuck. Off.
lol, feels fantastic and delicious to win, don't worry it will happen to you someday

>> No.15515708

You didn't win any argument, you just stated your opinion that you think the government needs to oversee every personal development and that ordinarily persons ought to receive no rights to do things without prior approval. In other words you're still getting covid booster jabs.

>> No.15515711

It's sad but because business men make stupid decisions and force governments to bail them out like right now in the sea, regulations are coming. Idk if they'll hit the rich though.
Elon musk is going to kill a lot of billionaires in his tourist rockets to mars

>> No.15515719
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>> No.15515725

It's pretty fallacious to compare regulations on a passenger vessel to building something in ones backyard

>> No.15515728

More regulations to large businesses is fine, to normal people trying to live their lives not so much

>> No.15515755

rent free, next to all your failures

>> No.15515758

This is also on the insurance company for insuring them and doing no due diligence.
Hopefully they’re sued out the ass too.

>> No.15515761

They didn't need regulations as much as they needed to listen to the advice coming from all the people who knew what they were talking about.

>> No.15515762
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checkmate chud, he was right!

>> No.15515775

twitter moment

>> No.15515819

Accelerate harder, you public service bitch. Don't you worry, they'll curbstomp you when the revolution comes. Oh, you think you'd be the one doing the revolutioning, don't you? You have another thing coming entirely.

We all know regulations works in favor of big business, because they effectively deter anyone that can't afford the regulations. If you're big enough, what is some mandatory $500 pair of protective gear boots? Specially if you pass the regulation and your cousin manufactured said boots? It's a win-win, you never get competition and the senator cousin get a fat paycheck

Agreed, but when you're that big you can afford to use it to your favour somehow.

Oh, yes, because over-regulation of menial jobs to serve union and guild rigging is the same thing as doing high-danger deep-sea dives, you utter idiot sandwich. I bet you'd agree that he firing the old engineers saying it's a death trap because they're "white and not inspirational" is a good thing

>> No.15515822

and heavy. You have to make much more bouyancy y for return.
Loss in communication can caused by layers of density or temperature in the sea btw. There are measures to be secure but afaik there are heavy and needs a lot of power

>> No.15515826

>Accelerate harder, you public service bitch. Don't you worry, they'll curbstomp you when the revolution comes. Oh, you think you'd be the one doing the revolutioning, don't you? You have another thing coming entirely.

>> No.15515827

>people who knew what they were talking about.
Listen, there are two kinds of rich people in this world. One who sourrounds themselfe by man better than they, two by retards and apologists.
> t. working for both types

>> No.15515831

What an downright ass, isn't he? Fifty year old
white guys are literally what an industry needs
to make sure shit like this doesn't happen.
Money just can't buy a reset button...

>> No.15515838

Literally every expert they are interviewing on TV, and basically every Captain (or above) involved in this rescue effort, is a 50+ year old white guy.
Imagine if they all said "No, the CEO wouldn't want us involved."
The Leftist MSM would have a complete meltdown.

>> No.15515839

>If I was a 50-year-old white guy
Worse thing is you can find perfectly capable 50 year old black/female/latino/whatever engineer, but the real good ones the one you need won't touch the woke hollywood libtard agenda with a 50 foot pole, they would become a white man if they could to avoid drama, a good engineer is focused 1000% on the job, not on feelings, not on politics, not on whatever, the second it starts being about "proving" something youre gonna die because math doesnt care about your feelings and in this case math determines if you die slowly buried alive in a coffin or not

>> No.15515846

>pretty much invulnerable
Art imitates life

>> No.15515847
File: 178 KB, 1149x639, Titan sub PRESS conference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, they threw a woman up there for "diversity"

>> No.15515852
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Genuinely, why don't they smash the window and float to the surface? Even if they're deep they surely have enough buoyancy to speed up to the surface in a couple of minutes tops, they wouldn't even have to swim.

>> No.15515856


>> No.15515858

this rush guy seems like a clown

>> No.15515864

>I have to make up some fanfic crying about non whites when the blatant disregard for safety was by the CEO white guy

>> No.15515869

Agreed. That'll be the biggest shit this month.

>> No.15515874

no fanfic, its the objective truth it pleases neither the right nor the left extremists. There are a lot of competent no whites engineers, they are mostly uninterested in the woke agenda. They are a lot but they ARE a minority, and they wouldnt be caught dead being used as flags for libtards, like that "this is what a scientist looks like" black girl , thats not a scientist thats a performance artist.

What im saying is that equality or at least equal oportunity would be very possible if libtards stopped forcing their fairy tale vision of the world.

But when you do it like this, when you go "lets actively avoid hiring competent people because they are white" yeah no, thats a circus and its gonna end up getting people killed

>> No.15515879

-Hey greg, its billy from pr
-Howdy greg whats up, im a bit busy as you can tell, leading the search for the missing sub and all
-Listen greg, ive been looking at pics of your team and i dont know how to put this, but they are too white, it just wont do
-Just wont do? what the fuck are you own about they are the most qualified people in the field by a longshot and...
-Yeah dont try to make sense of it, do you have a black man? latino
-Not really, but they all graduated top class from harvard and the us na...
-Not important... ok... how about a woman? is there a gal around?
-Well theres this lady who delivers the muffins when were at port
-Great, shes now your new logistics and operations liason, put her in a uniform and make sure shes front row on the next press conference
-Gotta tell you billy, this shit makes no sense i have no idea why youre talking about
-Thats why you pay me the big bucks

>> No.15515883

Because its small

>> No.15515968

>Royal Navy lieutenant-commander the only non-fatty in there

>> No.15515972

did you even really think before writing that

>> No.15515979
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>they heard banging

>> No.15515993

at the depth they are at the pressure is about 400kg/cm2.
To put it in another way, as soon as water enveloped them they would literally be crushed with about 18 tons of force. Literally a giant fist enveloping them and crushing them with the force of 18 tons.

To put that in perspective that would be like someone putting a metal plate on top of you and then piling two monster trucks on top of it. How long do you think you can survive that?

>> No.15515997

Rent free

Posted from my starlink

>> No.15516004
File: 20 KB, 523x370, 9c00e860f88a0cf75e2f7671341c77703c32ca4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this in an episode of pokemon

>> No.15516005

Americans are sub-humans

>> No.15516013

I like the analogy of it being like the inside of a diesel cylinder.
The air is compressed so quickly it literally combusts within a fraction of a second, so your brain isn't able to process your death quickly enough.

>> No.15516039

It's kind of bad they don't have a way to kill themselves.
Even if they're floating on the surface getting tossed by waves, they have no way of getting extra air inside.
If I was the CEO, I'd have a drill on board with a huge drill bit (and of course full battery).
>Stuck on the bottom of the ocean, I can induce an implosion
>Stuck on the surface, I can drill holes and at least get some air flow going.

>> No.15516043

This sub has supposedly 7 different ways of surfacing, and a few of them would have worked without power. Seems most likely that the whole thing imploded.

>> No.15516054

they definitely froze already. There must be electric heat inside the cabin, but IDK how many kWh the batteries have.

>> No.15516065

I don't see how that's possible for neutral buoyancy to happen. That would be a one in a billion chance.

>> No.15516066

The most likely of all is that the hull failed and they were crushed instantly a few days ago.

>> No.15516069

i like to think that a claustrophobia crisis is something they should plan for, also basic medical first aid kit, both of those would include painkillers and sedatives, at fucking least i hope so

>> No.15516100

>graveyard of some 1500 poor serfs

In name only, there wouldn't be that many skellies down there, other than just a few that got trapped in the ship when it went down. The vast bulk of the crew and passengers would simply have drowned at the surface and then drifted off for fucking miles, becoming fish food or sinking into the sludge, if not recovered.
Assuming the Titan remains reasonably intact, at least future explorers would be able to locate it, extend a robot arm and knock on its sides with a "How's it going inside there? We brought you a new set of batteries for your game controller, lol." Followed by a hearty round of belly laughs and a round of champagne.

>> No.15516104

how do i get promoted? i work in a construction adjacent industry

>> No.15516115

Just be good. There is literally few good people. Do you arrive on work on time every day? Do you fail at tasks? i know it sounds extreme but if you take the time to do things correctly theres no reason to fail at a task EVER, same with schedule, dont be late, never lie, lying includes falsely predicting the future (Which means you have to account for realistic margins, if you cant thats also your failure) . In short, become a dependable employee. Its nothing hard really but very few people are willing to do it for some reason. People get drunk, arrive late, half ass shit but then expect to be promoted to president.
I dont think youll get as far as i did, i had a bit of luck but also i studied architecture at the top tier college in my country, started working at a construction company as soon as i finished my studies and then just kept getting promoted due to applying what i told you earlier. Basically i made the owner a lot of money and peace of mind, they soon realized if they gave me a task it would be done flawleslly and they could forget about it, it was first some drafts, then making some budgets, then making sure a small area of the site went well then a bigger area, eventually a whole site and then multiple ones, it got to a point when they wanted to give me more work for even more money but i told them nope, that's my limit. Truth be told i had a bit of luck getting that job, but i made the most of it.
I know people like to larp as if the worlds unfair because its easier than facing your own shortcomings but everythings pretty much a meritocracy, you get paid what you are worth, want more? be better

>> No.15516118

>literally have billions of deaths on their hands
Bro even the highest of high score democides can't breach nine figures in a single regime. Sinking civilian ships is textbook but legislatures don't need to kill off people to pass something unpopular or nefarious.

>> No.15516120

2 questions:
1. Do we know if both systems have failed before? It got lost for a few hours a while back, right?
2. Are the text messages acoustically transmitted? It wouldn't be hard to use FFT and certain frequencies to send slow binary messages quite a long ways.

>> No.15516124

Mao passed 100 mill, but yeah, billions is obviously an exaggeration

>> No.15516195

>It's a training exercise.
Yep. They're preparing for when they do this to the rest of us

>> No.15516194

Is there even any way to confirm implosion? It seems like this weekend there'll be an announcement that they're definitely dead but we don't know how

>> No.15516196

You never saw that movie Fall, did you? I

>> No.15516199

The actual objective truth is that the guy hired college grads because they cost less and don't talk back with safety concerns. It has fuck-all to do with being woke

>> No.15516206

how does that detract from his sliminess for even saying that

>> No.15516215

It doesn't

>> No.15516218

>Imagine being retarded enough to think wireless internet works underwater
Bravo anon

>> No.15516224

Or you know, having basic common sense before risking your investment and your fucking life?

>> No.15516253

Except spacex is actually ahead of everyone in rocket tech

>> No.15516324


>> No.15516517

Space x will kill hundreds of billionaires

>> No.15516647


>> No.15516732

>The people onboard don’t appear to know Morse code
That’s a thing they should’ve tested when they had proper communication.
>If we bang on the hull, can the surface ship detect us?
>If we bang on the hill in Morse code, can they hear that too?

>> No.15516802

Why are they still bothering to search? They haven't found any evidence of the rig, and the submersible has done nothing to help assist search & rescue operations.
This is more difficult than trying to find a needle in a haystack; at least in that scenario, you know there's at least one needle. This sub could be hundreds of miles off course, or already imploded and is now a spec of crushed metal on the ocean floor.
They should stop wasting money on this unless the families of the billionaires pony up some money for continued rescue operations.

>> No.15516916

As of now, the crew's 96-hours of oxygen would have run out.

>> No.15517291

Debris found in the search area: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/live-blog/missing-titanic-submersible-live-updates-rcna90538/rcrd14460?canonicalCard=true

>> No.15517319

Yup, it's over.
Looks like the sub imploded which is the second best outcome.
Hopefully it happened on Sunday too when they first lost contact.

>> No.15517540

whats the first best outcome

>> No.15517637

400 atm * 1,033 kg/cm2/atm = 413 kg/cm2
Slush. Only bones remain

>> No.15517810

Returning to the surface alive.

>> No.15517817

Even bones may have been completely obliterated.

>> No.15517835

So no gopro footage?

>> No.15517883

do you think a gopro would run if an abrahams tank ran over it?

>> No.15517885

No footage will ever be recovered. The data cards are destroyed. No bodies. teeth, some bones, maybe hair, jewelry, clothing. That all there is left. Surviving soft tissue will be eaten by the little life there is down there.

>> No.15518102

You would hope there would be some kind of submarine equivalent of a black box that might tell us exactly when it happened and if there were warning signs of the disaster, but given how slapdash everything else about the sub has turned out to be, I'm guessing such a thing wasn't installed.

>> No.15518325

We only need the storage chip, but good luck finding that little fucker down there.

>> No.15518387

The Navy HEARD THE IMPLOSION on Sunday, and informed the Coast Guard, but they STILL went on and "searched" for several days, wasting TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars in the process!