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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15477056 No.15477056 [Reply] [Original]

is there a reason so many great thinkers in the sciences and math are jewish?
does this have anything to do with study of abstract religious texts from a young age - and the modalities of thought this engenders?

>> No.15477060

Change out 'jewish' for 'French' and you'll be a bit more spot on

>> No.15477102

> anime pic for retards
> implying those "thinkers" were special, and people today are not great
> joos

>> No.15477103

You are a schizophrenic shill

>> No.15477104

you are not great, shill.

>> No.15477107

Okay, schizo shill.

>> No.15477114

yeah, keep coping

>> No.15477125

Keep coping with your schizophrenia, shill.

>> No.15477130

keep schizing with your shillium, copeophrenic

>> No.15477135

Okay schizo shill

>> No.15477147

Nope. Genetics - nothing else.

>> No.15477155

> muh genetics
> implying you people are born losers
> trust government experts
nope, shill. first, prove they were a) thinkers b) were great c) define great and thinker, scientifically.

>> No.15477157

Schizo shill

>> No.15477743

Jews as a culture put a heavy emphasis on education, and the religion itself highly encourages skepticism, argumentation, and pragmatism.
Blind faith is actively discouraged

>> No.15477746

>is there a reason so many great thinkers in the sciences and math are jewish?

>> No.15477824

Half the thread is "no u".

>> No.15477832

you are wrong. even my empty comment carries the message.

>> No.15477867

Firstly the perceived number of jewish contributions is massively inflated for political reasons and promotion

>> No.15477876

>is there a reason so many great thinkers in the sciences and math are jewish?
Historical reasons for starting advantage due to mass emmigration to the United States to escape discrimination and death. Even where their wealth was taken formerly affluent likely had skills in such management or academic credentials. There's plenty of research comparing stable vs unstable socioeconomic status, intra-inter family education, etc. For example, it is a confound with IQ PGS https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0002929719302319

So within a given SD of IQ a major effect on outcome is going to be socioeconomic status and family educational history. Having a high IQ independently is moderately predictive, but having a high IQ in the right context of already having connections or family ties to academia is even more predictive with respect to something like academic career. Numerous examples such as,
British data https://www.nature.com/articles/s41539-022
cross-national https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4749462/
With many caveats, influences vary greatly dependent upon IQ too https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2741638/
'2SD below mean IQ, 70% of the variance in EA (educational attainment) was correlated with shared environmental influences, and only 12% was genetic. At 2 SD above mean IQ, this reverses. 7% of the variance in EA correlated with environment and 66% correlated with genetic'
Holding cognitive ability constant there are strong (27% more likely) academic tendencies on SES https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0038040719830698

Altogether as a big picture the examples, and there are many more, evidence my initial remark. Starting advantage has a "sticky" effect on academic tracks even controlling for cognitive ability.

>> No.15477882

It's obvious anon
Jews are the best at creating schizo worlds on paper for others to get lost in and their souls drained, even death
I wonder what mathematicians do??

>> No.15477895

They have high IQ in speech.
Basically the only thing you need to be famous.
Im currently reading a paper about mpd and satanic ritual abuse, and it quotes Masson 1984, which says that "During the past 20 years, Janet has been lionized, particularly by clinicians treating the dissociative disorders, as the long-overlooked formulator o f the traumatic theory of psychopathology and the preerni- nent historical authority on multiple personality disorder (van der Kok, Brown, & van der Hart, 1989), whereas Freud, whose psychological theories dominated much o f the 20th century, has been depicted as an opportunistic genius, one who discovered the correct etiology of hys- teria, but who sold out to the pressures of his peers (Masson, 1984)." Now, you may say "it is a coincidence", but just look at nobel prices: there are so many hold by jews!
Basically, it is not who is the smartest, but who is the best at presenting themselves.
In other words, they know how to appeal to the secretary of the guy who decides whether or not to give him the Nobel price, and not how to cater to his fellow colleagues.

>> No.15477905


>> No.15477957

what's wrong with people... just say it's wrong and then fuck off, congrats you have shitted on the whole thread. you dumb fucking schizo. kill yourself.

>> No.15477966


>> No.15477968

>great thinkers in science in math who are jewish
>four results
>what do you mean all the great thinkers are german, russian, polish, british, or (rarely) french?

>> No.15477996

you are seething like somebody shitted your precious pants

>> No.15478022

He's a teenager LARPing as schizo because it gives him attention. It's best not to reply to his posts and let this thread die.

>> No.15478144

hello important retard. now return to /pol and take meds.