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File: 369 KB, 750x928, Masseter-muscle-hypertrophy-in-hemifacial-hyperplasiaLower-left-CT-image-Lower-right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15158586 No.15158586 [Reply] [Original]

Masseteric hypertrophy edition.

Previously: >>15122972

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.

Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>> No.15158595
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Is the hype for omecamtiv mecarbil real? will it reduce mortality from heart failure? and why hasn't the FDA approved it yet?

>> No.15158641
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How long until I can grow my foreskin back?

>> No.15158652
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>tfw your consultant says you'll have no problem getting into the specialty program

>> No.15158680

>implying 60 year old consultants decide who gets into the program or even have an ounce of an idea how the current residency program works

>> No.15158695

Hey I know that. Let me enjoy the compliment and good reference.

>> No.15158839

Back when I was an intern I gave the end of year discharge speech. The director (orthopedic surgeon) gave me a pat on them shoulders and told me "you have an orthopedist build, if you ever wanna apply to this hospital just gimme a call".
This was the only and single time I was ever congratulated throughout the whole intern year. Good memories.

>> No.15159088

Well lads, the MCAT came and went. I feel better about the other three sections but I got ravaged on P&S. Hoping to get 500+, and try again later in the year

>> No.15159475

Did the P/S get harder or something? Hope you get the score you want.

>> No.15159511

Total noob here, how would you go on to fix this ? Braces ? Shaving the jaw ?

>> No.15159581

>muscles losing range of motion can be fixed
>torn muscles who lost length can't
Why not install some sort of pulley that pulls it back out gradually? Medicine extends femurs, but can't stretch muscle?

>> No.15159648

So in the UK they're considering removing med school performance and SJT scores in determining where we'll do or foundation training. Do you guys have any thoughts on this? I've realised that over the past few years, med schools that perform well or are more 'elite' are being hit the hardest. Oxbridge, UCL, imperial etc. always outperform on the SJT. Also a few years back authorities decided that an additional Bsc wouldn't count toward foundation applications (all of the above unis have intercalation as part of the degree). A woman or gay man must be in charge of these changes. All competition is being removed because it's too 'toxic' or something. All this will result in is worse foundation doctors because they wouldn't have taken their studies as seriously.

>> No.15159659


They're saying that this will more people their preferred choice over the current system, but I don't buy that. With this new system, a lot more people will be applying to London and other major cities. Using the matching of previous years isn't an accurate assessment of how people will choose under these new changes.

>> No.15159693

Have anyone tried this?

>> No.15159803

Double jaw surgery. they'd cut the lower jaw into three pieces, the hard palate would be cut off from the maxilla, they'd have to remove some bone to make everything line up as well. Then they fix everything in place using plates

>> No.15159824
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>> No.15160686
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Is vaginosis contagious for a man?
If I have unprotected sex with a girl who grows shrooms down there, will something develop on my shlong? (I'm uncut meaning presumably higher risk of infection development)

>> No.15160715

Does medication get "used" up inside of our bodies? I'm asking because doctors seem to reduce the dose of medication that gets excreted by the kidneys. But what happens when it never gets excreted? Will it linger forever in the body or will it get used up?

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this. Why does it need to be reduced? Isn't the medication used in such a dose that gives it the desired effect (gets used up) and then you have to "replenish" it? Do we have to continuously take medication because our body gets rid of it and not because it "gets used"?

>> No.15160857
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Reading psychiatric clinical observations with a nice hot green tea and my heater keeping my room nice and cozy on a Saturday night. Life is good lads.

>> No.15160902

>But what happens when it never gets excreted?
Without function kidney, it won't get excreted, as will a myriad of other things in your bloodstream that'll end up killing you unless you get on dialysis to replace the kidney function. The kidneys aren't the only way the body elimitates medication, some are eliminated by the liver through the bile, some break down non-enzymatically, some you could technically breathe out

>I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this. Why does it need to be reduced? Isn't the medication used in such a dose that gives it the desired effect (gets used up) and then you have to "replenish" it?
Some drugs also gets "used up", for instance by irreversibly binding to enzyms and inactivating them (like Aspirin), but other drugs only temporarily interact with whatever their target is. In general, as soon as you take medication, your body also starts metabolizing and excreting it. The dosage and dosing shedule reflects that, you want to administer it in a such a way that the concentration stays within the therapeutic range as long as necessary while avoiding side-effects/toxicity. If a patients kidney function is impaired, the elimination time for certain medications is longer and you'll reach the desired concentration with a lower dosage or get into the toxic range with a normal dosage, it's similiar for patients with imparied liver function.

>> No.15160932

> If a patients kidney function is impaired, the elimination time for certain medications is longer and you'll reach the desired concentration with a lower dosage
Okay, that makes sense. But what if that medication is one of those that gets "used up"? Or does the fact that it gets eliminated through the kidneys imply that it can't be one of those that "gets used up"?

Sorry for using that phrase "used up". But in my mind all medication works by binding to certain things. That's why I'm wondering why it also needs to be eliminated if it's already bound to the very thing it's supposed to affect. Why do they reduce the dosage when the kidney function is impaired if the medication is already distributed and "bound" to the sites where it's supposed to work?

>100mg of medication taken in
>gets distributed and does its thing in a sufficient matter because of the dosage
>eventually gets "used up"

>kidney bad
>50mg of medication taken in
>gets distributed and does its thing
>eventually gets "used up", but quite faster because it's a lower dosage?

That's where I'm confused. Won't taking less imply that it's not enough to get the desired response? Won't that also mean that it will lose its effect sooner (by being "used up")?

Or is my mistake, as you mentioned, thinking that all medication works by irreversibly binding to enzymes/receptors and in- or activating them? Is there medication that just flows around, occasionally doing its thing until it gets, for example, eliminated by the kidney?

>> No.15160966

Check out the pharmacokinetics of excretion renally and hepatically, anon

>> No.15161002

The UK is a hellhole for Doctors, who gives a shit. 30k salary, 10 years of being a junior doctor until you're a consultant, getting treated like a toddler until you're a consultant etc. The Junior Docs are planning to strike so they can get 40k/year LMAO.
If you haven't migrated or are planning to, you are just retarded.

>> No.15161003

>The UK is a hellhole

>> No.15161018

Yes, you can get a fungal infection from her. Why not go after a real woman who isn’t growing shrooms in her crotch?

>> No.15161073

if i followed a doctor home and beat him really badly when no witnesses were around, would he be able to heal himself?

>> No.15161142

>Why not go after a real woman who isn’t growing shrooms in her crotch?
I'm afraid it already happened. So I guess I have to get rid of the infection or I'm a thread to any other girl I sleep with.
Bloody hell.

>> No.15161145

>a thread to any other girl

>> No.15161167

is there a real medical procedure that one can receive which
>fully neuters all emotional impulse or capacity entirely
>retains my awareness and intelligence with little to no alteration

and what type of doctor/surgeon should I contact for such an operation/treatment

>> No.15161171
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>Or is my mistake, as you mentioned, thinking that all medication works by irreversibly binding to enzymes/receptors and in- or activating them? Is there medication that just flows around, occasionally doing its thing until it gets, for example, eliminated by the kidney?
Yes that's it, lots of medications work that way, they don't permanently bond, they interact in a statistical likelihood depending on their concentration, so it's in a balance like any chemical reaction. So you have a set amount of receptors that you want to target with a drug, you give a certain amount of the drug to built up a concentration of the drug in various compartments of the body that are in a chemical balance wih each other. Say one of these compartments is your intercellular space, another one is your blood and another compartment would be the molecule being bound to the receptors that you want to target. The concentration of the drug molecules in these compartments is in a constant balance. Your blood gets filtered by the kidneys, so the blood concentration of the molecules constantly decreases, which leads to molecules from the other compartments shifting into the blood and decreasing the amount of molecules that are bound to and interacting with the targeted receptor, so the effect of the drug starts wearing off. Even drugs that get used up work in that way, with the difference that the molecules that bind permanently to their target can't shift back into the other compartments, but the normal dosage you'll administer includes the anticipation that some of the drug will get filtered out before it can permanently bind to it's target. This is the general simplified gist of it

>> No.15161173
File: 190 KB, 1080x1920, 58C5FCA8-FE9C-4554-8C62-6F39E9145953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there countries that don’t require the mRNA shot to study and work as a medical technologist?

>> No.15161263

It depends. If he is a IM specialists chances are he'll eternify himself at the floor until he begs ICU to take him 4 weeks late.

>> No.15161541

Fucking hell. How do I manage placements, revision and assignments, running society events, research and my personal life? Just don’t have enough energy.

>> No.15161713

Do antipsychotics have effiacy in treating anything, but acute psychosis short term? Apparently they can make agression/agitation worse since they fall into category of drugs that can be affected by paradoxical response (like benzos, sympathomimetics, barbituates, opioids) and in cases of something like adhd psychosis (unmedicated) it can be of no use as well
Is this really masseter not buccal?

>> No.15162007

You lower your standards

>> No.15162305

just take your meds

>> No.15162420

I'm not schizophrenic. I have adhd and just generally read on drugs and their niche use if there is any

>> No.15162580

>Hoping to get 500+
if you're not a nigger that's not gonna do

>> No.15163310 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 600x600, draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to have access to a pharmacy soon
what should I pick up?
unfortunately I can only pick up a realistic amount of stuff

>> No.15163334

Conspiracy to commit crime is against US law.

>> No.15163338

I don't think you're going to get much psychiatric help from this general. I've wondered if there's a single MD who went through a psychiatry residency in here, but have come to the conclusion of "I doubt it."

>> No.15163400

Okay, thanks for the input :)

>> No.15163478

Now, 'Synopsis of Psychiatry' 12th ed is on libgen if you're interested in the subject. I certainly am, but I'm following the path of infectious disease internal medicine. In the future I hope to dip my toes into psychiatry since it's so fascinating.

>> No.15163591
File: 43 KB, 800x601, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping some guys here can help me to better articulate/understand something about mental fatigue so if you know about the brain I'd appreciate the help.
You know the kind of brain drain you feel when you've been studying very hard all day, you get to the evening and then you hit the wall. You want to keep working but your brain is just too drained, you might even be wide awake on caffeine or medication but your thinking/processing capacity is greatly diminished.

What *is* that exactly and what is happening inside the brain? I know it's a number of factors, but what are they specifically. I ask as I want to look into recovery aspects of these, I know sleep trumps all of them as this is when vessels in the brain open up, waste products are flushed out, neurotransmitters are replenished, memories consolidated etc but where can I find that in more detail.

I've been looking around and see something about a buildup of glutamate in the prefrontal cortex,

>> No.15163811

I hate this argument that medical schools are scrambling to accept low-stat black people or that black people aren't qualified.
>"let's accept this low-stat black guy and have them fail out for the lulz"

>> No.15163818

Like I said, I haven't seen hide nor hair of a psychiatrist or neurologist in these threads in a long time. It's mostly MDs bitching about nurses or some shit.

>> No.15163865

any moron can pass med school once they're in.

>> No.15163874

you don't need high IQ to pass med school. even women can pass med school easily.

>> No.15164090


>> No.15164302

He said he barely graduated from high school. Medical schools don't care about high school lol. Hell, I was a teenage delinquent myself in highschool. He could have done amazing in college.

>> No.15164308

holy fucking cope, he can barley speak english

>> No.15164316

Come on, you don't know his GPA or MCAT. Again, high school and college performance are two different things. Why would the admissions committee accept someone that's unqualified?

>> No.15164321

>you don't know his GPA or MCAT
yeah actually I can make an educated guess because we can look up the average GPA/MCAT for black matriculants, then look at the average GPA/MCAT for the school as a whole. Why are you acting like what I'm saying is wrong? Are you suggesting that he's a 521 MCAT scorer you fucking clown? They accept them because they're unqualified because they're black you dense faggot.

>> No.15164327

I'm aware that black people get accepted with lower GPAs and MCAT scores but that doesn't mean they're not qualified. Once you pass 500 on the MCAT you're pretty much qualified already. Anything more is extra fluff. Furthermore, black people don't have as much opportunities to score well. It's a lot easier to score well when you're not discriminated against.

>> No.15164332

nah scoring lower actually means you're less competent. if i saw a doctor and found out it was you i would leave and possibly punch you in the face

>> No.15164335

Less qualified people are accepted over more qualified people because they're white or asian. This is actual discrimination, no matter how you want to frame it. Black people score poorly compared to others because it's their genetic destiny to.

>> No.15164337

Scoring "low" on the MCAT doesn't mean shit lol. If you see a practicing black doctor, that means he passed medical school and all the board exams already meaning that he was qualified. No one asks their doctor what they made on their MCAT lol.

>> No.15164342
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Not asking for advice, just sharing some "second world" patient experience that will help you appreciate the healthcare system of whatever first world country you live in.

>Be me
>Diagnosed with gallbladder polyp (7 x 6 mm) in 03.2020, 12.2020 and 07.2021 follow-ups showed no growth.
>Have some troubling tummy-related issues for about a month now..
>Go ask GP for an ultrasound, it shows that my polyp grew quite a lot (9 x 11 mm).
>Schedule an appointment with the clinic surgeon.
>Meanwhile, familiarize myself with the whole thing by reading some shit on the internet.
>Seems like my gallbladder will have to be removed regardless of the nature of the polyp.
>As for the polyp itself - best case scenario its just a consequence of my bad diet, worst case scenario - its cancerous and I might be fucked.
>finally get to the surgeon (who according to the internet has 14 years of experience), take all 4 previous ultrasound results (with pics) with me.
The following is the approximation of the exchange we had.
>"What is the problem?"
>"Pain in the upper abdomen, stomach rumble, vomiting, also a growing polyp in my gallbladder".
>"11mm now, grew from 7mm back when it was diagnosed in 2020, here are the ultrasound results".
>He takes the results, immediately goes for the last one, reads it and asks me:
>"Are you going to have a surgery?"
>"You asking me?"
>"Who else should I ask?"
>"Well, you are the doctor, tell me if I need to have a surgery. What are the risks, what should I do? I mean, I know its bad that its growing..."
>"Of course its bad, its over 6cm and normally gallbladder should be removed if the polyp is larger than 1 cm".


>> No.15164344
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>"Wait, its only 11mm!".
>He checks again and says:
>"No, it says right here - 6 by 3 cm".
>Here I remembered that these are the overall dimensions of my gallbladder specified in the results.
>"Wait. Are you reading the right part? Aren't these numbers the size of gallbladder itself?"
>He reads again, even looks at the pics (They also say 9 x 11mm)
>"It says 65 by 28 mm"
>"Are you absolutely sure?"
>He gets angry
>"HERE I am READING as it is WRITTEN, SIXTY-FIVE millimetres by TWENTY-EIGHT millimetres, wall thickness of TWO millimetres with a CURVE at the NECK!"
>I'm confused as fuck; he is obviously talking about the gallbladder itself.
>"Well, yeah, these are the dimensions of the gallbladder, not the polyp."
>He gives me a blank stare, I come up to him and say:
>"Let me show you."
>I take the paper and point my finger at the specific part about the polyp
>"Here, it says 11 by 9 by 10 mm, avascular polyp, no shadows, etc."
>He goes into full reboot mode for about a minute, staring blankly at the paper.
>"Okay. Want me to refer you to a surgeon? A hospital surgeon?"
>Realizing that there is no point talking to him anymore I simply respond with "Sure, thanks." and leave the office.
>The End.

And now I'm either going to wait several weeks for my appointment with the hospital surgeon, then God knows how many weeks for any pre-hospitalization checks, and finally the surgery itself.
Or I will have to spend all of my meagre savings on some private clinic and hope that doctors there are worth their money.
Which isn't guaranteed by the way, the surgeon there might literally be the same dude I met in the public clinic. They sometimes work both private/public clinics at the same time for extra shekels.
Oh well, hope its not actually cancer.

>> No.15164345

Truly low IQ thinking, your mediocre ass doesn't belong in medicine. So you're saying you don't think a correlation can be drawn between MCAT - STEP - later job performance? You're saying that standardized testing is completely empty in regard to predicting any sort of outcome? If what you're insinuating was true, all MDs would have the exact same rates of iatrogenic illnesses, missed/wrongful diagnoses, patient outcomes etc. If you acknowledge this isn't true, you have to cede that every practicing physician has corresponding standardized test scores and relationships can be drawn between these and their patient outcomes. Any proof there's 0 correlation between these clown?

>> No.15164355

If you can't understand my point, there's no fucking helping you. You probably got a low CARS score.

>> No.15164356

>You probably got a low CARS score.
racist much?

>> No.15164368

Asl? Probably India

>> No.15164369

Russia, and not some bumfuck village - Moscow.
The doctor is Armenian tho.

>> No.15164381

Age? Asking because I also have a polyp in my gallbladder of about 6mm and they just said it's something to keep an eye on

>> No.15164385


>> No.15164387

Thanks man - so you're gonna have it removed or what?

>> No.15164398

I think I should, but I'm basing my opinion on the info I found on the internet.
First, I'll try to find a decent doctor to talk to, maybe pay for some tests, like a CT scan or something.

>> No.15164515
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I have a BMI of 15-16 as a male. Could I just show up at a hospital and tell them that I am anorexic and they will take me in?

This was always my plan in case I should ever turn out to be homeless.

>> No.15164781
File: 41 KB, 1280x720, rekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Docfags - guy with osteopenia here following steroid treatment for IBD. I get a lot of stress fractures and it's begun to interfere with the sports I do. I hoped time off steroids and exercise would help but it seems about the same so i'm considering treatment. With bisphosphonates does the treatment 'holiday' actually improve the bone quality by allowing some turnover or is it designed to just reduce overall medication years?

If you're condemned to having shitty grade bone at the end of it I think i'd rather just keep on with minor fracturing.

>> No.15164810

*should confirm I've only been off steroids for roughly a year and I've been doing a lot of work and supplements to help recover. No new DXA scan to demonstrate changes. But frankly if anything i feel like i'm getting more bone aches as time passes.

>> No.15164865

>He doesn't know that good medicine in non western countries is exclusively private
If you go the public route you will always have shit. If you can't afford private care, fuck you.
Btw get that ultrasound redone if you don't want to get operated on for shits and giggles

>> No.15164870

There literally was no correlation between Step 1 score and quality of doctor. Big reason why they made it pass fail.
People like you believe that these standardized tests are so incredibly meaningful because all your life revolves around studying trivia to pass them.

>> No.15165447
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check em

>> No.15165493

>There literally was no correlation between Step 1 score and quality of doctor.
You've pulled this from your ass. Every absolute shitter I've met said they struggled with step 1 and got less than 220

>> No.15165496

>ywn max out your Oz
why even attempt living w/o a cannula?

>> No.15165585

>People like you believe that these standardized tests are so incredibly meaningful
They are meaningful as in you need the same capacity to study for standardized tests that you need to study an understand all the shit they throw at you in medschool. High tests scores don't mean you'll be a good physician, but low ones mean you don't have the mental capacity and dedication necessary to be any more than a third rate one, that might change during medschool, but why take that risk with applicants? You can have all the people skills and dedication you want, if you're mental midget you shouldn't be a doctor, below all the soft skills there's still the actual medicine, and diluting the already small pool of medstudents further with people that shouldn't qualify in the first place is a recipe for disaster, and no amount of hand wringing over the imperfection of standardized assessments changes that

>> No.15165664

This is wrong, most of the studies trying to claim there's no association between STEP and residency performance are after the fact they've already been selected for their STEP score, so it's not a wide band, it's a narrow distribution. IE, a study saying it wasn't predictive in EM is really saying a10 point difference aren't necessarily predictive. I can find papers in Gen Surg saying it is predictive.

>> No.15165676

>ywn live on a 35% FO2 atmosphere planet

>> No.15165734
File: 91 KB, 600x532, akfe44k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whiff test

>> No.15166033

whats a good place to begin with pharmacology? were on week three and it seems so far to be heavily a mix of pathophysiology involving a lot of diseases, their processes and how certain drugs counteract symptoms
should i begin studying heavy on the disease portion their symptoms and then move on to what each drug treats?

>> No.15166050

I don't really know anything about medicine but I'm curious about blood donation. I'm AB+ and have donated whole blood in the past because I don't know anything about blood donation and there's not a lot of straightforward info online. The red cross peeps just happily take whole blood without telling you anything.
Could any medfags tell me if AB+ blood is in demand at all (I'm in US midwest btw)? Would it make more sense to donate platelets or plasma? Seems like there's not a lot of places that do plasma donation in my area though.
Also very interested in what the medical uses are for platelets and plasma are as well.

>> No.15166055

Reposting from a different thread:
>What are the hot fields in medicine right now? Working as a grunt in manufacturing and I want to have something in my back pocket just in case I want to pivot. I'm thinking of using Pharm Tech as a stepping stone considering the pay isn't abysmal in a hospital setting with a few certs, though that is hearsay. Only places to go from there are Pharmacist, Nursing, or maybe mental health, all of which I hear are a bit of a meme. Plus, I might be able to sneak off and fuck my future wife on the clock. Good idea? Thoughts?
Captcha: HAHHH4

>> No.15166094

Read Bourassa's 'Infectious Disease: Pharmacology and Therapeutics.' Read it for a pharm class last semester and it was an ace overview of modern drug usage. Currently reading up on psychiatric pharmacology for interest.

>> No.15166141

Depends on what you want, if you want a career (and don't have a bachelor's) you should just bite the bullet and do nursing. It's really the only associate/bachelor's level health gig that gives you real options for career development. Plus, even with the associate's it's very easy to bridge into a BSN if you ever want to apply to graduate programs either in nursing or in other fields like med or pharm.
If you're fine having a dead end job in the wage cage for the rest of your life then find a good vocational school and choose a health care tech job that looks fun to you. Rad tech would be my personal choice but there are lots of other options. Just for the love of god do not go into EMS, it's awful.

>> No.15166295

Thanks for the perspective, anon. That seemed like the most practical choice, nursing. I feel like I'd have a good disposition for EMT but I know the compensation and hours are below dogshit, so I think I'll heed your advice there. But I don't think I need to bite any bullets quite yet, considering again that it is just a backup plan. Going for a BSN would be a rather large undertaking for something like that.

>> No.15166297

Just understand the general basics of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, and just read the manual for each individual drug when you need it in your work; you'll memorize those over time
You're not gonna remember all the drugs regardless, and will forget those not used in your spec

>> No.15166302

In my shithole country donation centers usually have info on current demand for types, you can probably find something like that too(unless it's based on some globalist org without a local unit website I guess)
>Also very interested in what the medical uses are for platelets
Low platelets for whatever reason
>and plasma are as well.
Clotting disorders and severe bleeding

>> No.15166599

Your blood type is useless.

>> No.15166646

AB+ is rareish, so it means both donors and recepients will be rare, donating full blood is fine, there'll be patients with AB(+) that'll need blood, though not as many. Your plasma is rather valuable though, AB+ is a universal donor plasma, so the same as O- is for full blood.

>> No.15166791

>need to pee
>go to toilet
>can't, don't need to anymore
>go back to room
>need to pee
>go to toilet
>missed the urge
>go back to room
>repeat for hours

Wtf is this fucking bullshit?

>> No.15166958

I start feeling sick when something presses my belly. Even normal sized shorts can do that. Is that normal? Can it be "cured"?
Especially when I'm nervous, I can pretty much only wear the loosest of pants with no underwear not to feel a bit nauseous, which of course is not viable in day to day life.

>> No.15167128

If your only symptom is abdominal tenderness with nausea that's a pretty broad range of possible causes, if it's that pronounced, go see a doctor, normally you should be able to tuck in your tummy a bit without getting all cranky about it.

>> No.15167151

>He fell for the meme
Let me guess, you do rectal exams for prostate screening as well?

>> No.15167163

yeah i do rectal exams for "prostate screening"

>> No.15167188
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>> No.15167287
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>> No.15167305

this is gonna be a really obscure question that i doubt anyone here can answer, but: how does the immune system, particularly IgG-related immune system, regulate the humoral amount of IgG? If you get IgG replacement therapy due to low amounts of natural IgG, does it suppress production of natural IgG?
(i was born with IgG deficiency and get replacement, i recently halved my dose for the first time since i was a child, but my level stayed the same, very mystified and i don't see my immunologist for another few months)

>> No.15167408


>> No.15167599

>spinal successful but has no effect TWICE
>anaesthetist ends up doing epidural
wtf did I just watch

>> No.15167666

> be UK medfag
> get paid less than i made at 17 working in sales
> expected to never complain or stop working because it's a sacred vocation

Unironically considering just outright quitting, taking some time off and doing something, anything else.

>> No.15167700

Become an NHS refugee. We have heaps in Australia.

>> No.15167713

It's kind of burnt me off medicine, it becomes such a bitter work environment when every interaction is driven by hate and resentment. Everyone looking to DATIX you. Everyone fastidiously watching for any sign of anything less than total life commitment to the party. Even mentioning to any other doctor here that there's basically nowhere else you couldn't go and make more money for less hours only results in a deep anger from them.

I'm sure it's fine elsewhere but I've come to hate every day and everything about it. I'd take half the pay just to have a job where I don't feel like I'm totally exploited.

>> No.15167726

*Not to mention that hospitals here are absolute converted warehouse tier embarrassments. Hard to even fool myself into thinking I'm working a "prestigious job" when I have to fight with residents for free parking 15 minutes away, walk in the cold to change in a perma-building site changing room (lock up your possessions or they can and WILL get stolen), then go to a crowded ward where I get to share in the desiccated coffee flakes the patients get (if you buy higher quality for personal use a domestic WILL consume it all in one evening and leave a major asian food shit unflushed in the staff cubicle).

A few weeks ago I visited a friend in his office bar and it was a major moment of what the fuck am I doing. From the office reception, to amenities, high company spending on employees whilst still acting like they had to pay workers for work and it not just being a mercy they occasionally deign to do.

>> No.15167874

Tell me more about how much of a complete fucking shithole the UK is.
Is there actually anything good in the entire country if you want to do anything but launder money?

>> No.15168288

Starting to think it's a scam. But you'd think this would make big bux, so why isn't it big research with big grants?

>> No.15168388

I kind of want to stay in school for the next decade so I can be an M.D., J.D., Ph.D. and then do absolutely nothing with them.

>> No.15168441

ur prostate ded

>> No.15168455

>>spinal successful but has no effect TWICE
>>anaesthetist ends up doing epidural
>wtf did I just watch
Your anesthesiologist being a retard

>> No.15168623

Next best thing is to become a doctor and do absolutely nothing with what you've learned and google basic shit in front of patients.

>> No.15169104

How much are they paying you before and after taxes?

>> No.15170131
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, objection!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons how to improve my memory before this second semester starts? I want to study everyday what we did the morning and review the weekend what I did all the week so I can finish exams early and enjoy the summer
I already have a good lifestyle: lift at least 3 times evry week, eat well(carbs, vegetables, meat,milk , fish etc), get sun and walk; I want something more practical and effective

>> No.15170143
File: 16 KB, 603x393, MLkW8sktQ853xMiz8DPAqf-1200-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have parasites in my guts

>> No.15170189

just become a specialist and fuck right off for greener pastures somewhere

>> No.15170448

Braces, botox in the masseter and jaw surgery

>> No.15170553

Are there any psychiatry fags here? Why did you go into that residency? How do you find the work and workload?

>> No.15171398

>google in front of patients
really pissed off my teacher because he has a healthcare-related field and knows about what happened to his family member, but he cant do anything about it since he's not a real doctor lul.

>> No.15171414

Isn’t this long over with? I haven’t heard of anyone bitching about having to get the vaccine in almost a year, and I work in a hospital. We barely get any COVID patients anymore and almost nobody wears a mask.

>> No.15171465
File: 515 KB, 496x498, pepe-clown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got sexually harrassed by a male faggot patient and for a brief moment I understood how women feel when they're hit on by undesirable men

>> No.15171470
File: 608 KB, 1018x1018, Screenshot 2022-03-08 at 14.21.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>interested in dermatology
>not too stressful, you can cure stuff permanently (like melanoma)
>turns out dermatology is filled with insufferable women
Who would have though. What specialty should I choose now? I heard most surgeons are misogynists.
Which field has the least women?

>> No.15171473
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>diagnosed with tuberculosis

>> No.15171476
File: 208 KB, 700x700, blh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets into a field literally about skincare and beauty
>wow who could've known women get into it

>> No.15171487

I'm not in that field yet. It was my preference but now not so much anymore. Turns out working with women - no matter the field - is shit. What specialty should I choose to work with the fewest women?

>> No.15171511

Derm is plastic-surgery light, you do your scratch&sniff residency treating various skin conditions and then you get into private practice and besides the occasional biopsy do nothing but botox injections, mole removals and whatever laser or cryo skin treatment is currently the new trend in the world of the aging and affluent. If you want proper misogyny surgeons are probably the most reliable, the chief physician during my ortho rotation repeatedly made fun of trannies, I'm sure he would've loved the Jazz threads on tv

>> No.15171525

So should I become a plastic surgeon?

>> No.15171588

A large part of plastic and reconstructive surgery residency involves you being a footstool stooge to other surgical specs, like orthos calling you in to do a flap plastic and close up on some 80 year old that just got hip replacment, so you're really working on everyone elses time a lot. But from what I've seen they do some very interesting shit in the surgeries that are their own, anything from free muscle transplants with nerve anastomoses to reconstructing hands after degloving injuries, they're a relatively new spec too, so they're bit more free in their planning than other specs. The plastic guys at my clinic once reattached and reconstructed some guys pelvic after parts of it got torn off with his leg during a crash, just hooked it up to an ecmo, waited for the trauma surgeons to get the patient stable and successfully reattached it. But the whole breast reconstruction thing specifically has also drawn in a bunch of women, so it really depends on your location

>> No.15171621

I don't see a whole lot of women in infectious disease IM, actually. Women are too stupid to do well in medical microbiology to want to be infectious disease specialists.

>> No.15171636

Don't worry anon, TB is really only dangerous when it's allowed to advance in an insidious fashion. As long as you're not a faggot with HIV, you'll probably be out on isoniazid, ethambutol, pyrazinamide, and rifampin to clear up the infection.

>> No.15171652

Ortho, urology

>> No.15171748
File: 744 KB, 797x599, ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any kind of meme chart with books to study med? I was studying applied math in my university, dropped out, went to military and now considering to change my specialization when the war ends. Would like to read some stuff on it so i will know what i will have to deal with. Especially interested in pharmacology and related subjects.

>> No.15171815

No that I know of, premed is 99% stuff that you won't remember anyways, so is 90% of medschool, but if you want to read up on pharmacology Katzungs basic and clinical pharmacology is a good start, but you might want to start with a physiology textbook first, just look up whatever medschools in your country recommend, most of them are servicable.

>> No.15171997

you should stop being an incel

>> No.15172030

>healthcare-related field
Nobody gives a fuck you nursoid piece of shit. No, your "healthcare related field teacher" (Nursing LMAo) doesn't even know 10% of what a doctor knows.

>> No.15172033

You will have to work with women as any specialist since almost all nursoids are women, and really shitty and dumb women at that.
Only way to escape is become a FM, start your own practice and only hire men.

>> No.15172042

I guess having to work with female nursoids doesn't bother me that much. It's different from an actual colleague

>> No.15172057

>>I guess having to work with female nursoids doesn't bother me that much.
>he doesnt know
You will learn to hate them once you have to deal with them, one of the big reasons why I'm going FM.

>> No.15172074

You can be in private practice without having to be be FM

>> No.15172086

No idea where you are from, but in my cunt all private practice spots have been taken by boomers.
Most specialties require hundreds of thousands of capital to actually start your own practice. It's not as simple as you think.

>> No.15172369

He's black, stop discriminating against him.

>> No.15172446

How do I build rapport with my professors for rec letters and future employment opportunities in med school?
In undergrad it was easy because the other students were mentally checked out and the professors comparatively had less on their plate, but here IDK what to do. Should I just be emailing them a lot? I can probably pick up some letters on rotations, research, and volunteering but im socially trash so IDK.

>> No.15173178

What if i want to hire a woman to have sexual relations with between seeing patients in clinic?

>> No.15173584

No, there are no psychiatrists here. Only nursoids, general physicians and lmao, D.O.s

>> No.15173631

Can I get a medical reasoning for this?

>> No.15173677
File: 68 KB, 624x480, anaesthesia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot all the gas bros.

>> No.15174402


>> No.15174405

just become an ophthalmologist and do injections for 1000s a pop.

>> No.15174413

I'm seriously considering it. What's better plastic surgery or ophthalmology?

>> No.15174440


>> No.15174519

I saw him get CSF flashback on both. Don't know what he did wrong.

>> No.15175149

Yes they can be used for mania/insomnia (off label here) and yes even agitation in certain patients.

>> No.15175432
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I hate that I only get pain relief from opioids and alternatives aren't any better surgery aside (assuming cause is known)
Mania makes sense (although I don't understand mania itself all that well). Insomnia seems like winging it considering side effects, but oh well it be like that.... (I wish most scheduled substances weren't one of the most effective, but sophisticated drugs take time to develop) and agitation makes sense at least in theory I guess

>> No.15175734


>> No.15175768

>I-I became and anesthetist because I want time for myself too!
Just what PAs say as well.

>> No.15175826

kys medscrubent

>> No.15175834

i hate psychiatrist and hope you flunk your classes and become a hobo. pill shilling shrink thats all u are

>> No.15175865
File: 206 KB, 771x804, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want time for myself too
Yes. My life doesn't just revolve around medicine.

>> No.15175978

>Yes. My life doesn't just revolve around medicine.
Based. I feel like too much people's personalities are based on being a doctor.

>> No.15176413


>> No.15176773
File: 589 KB, 2518x1122, 1675394476747083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering a second specialization in anesthesia after I finish emergency medicine (I'm ath the third year of specialty out of 5 total); mostly because I like the critical patient management aspect of medicine the most but I'd also like to have a retirement plan for when I'm 55 and tired of all the bullshit happening in the emergency department.
Is this a stupid idea? I'm in Italy so I'm mostly asking to european collegues

>> No.15176817

Do doctors ever feel weird about the fact they can't actually cure peoples diseases?

>> No.15176825 [DELETED] 

i prefer my doctors to have no life whatsoever outside of medicine, if i find out that a doctor fathered any of his own children instead of getting cucked because he was too busy at work then i know theres other, better doctors out there who are more committed to the medical profession

>> No.15176897

Shiiiet nigga, that makes sense. It's kinda sad that they never explain this to you like this in school. I guess one has to actively ask such questions.

>> No.15176959

People at work (nurses) refuse to administer basal insulin to patients put on NPO (disregarding if type 1 or 2 DM). That sounds kinda wrong, but I don't know much about endocrinology to dispute them.

I mean, even if you don't eat anything, glucose should still be produced, right? And if it gets produced and can't be utilized, it will surely add up? So, it only makes sense to administer it?

I have been doing superficial searches online and some results (guidelines) say to give basal insulin, but it doesn't explain why. How can I defend my opinion if I can't explain this?

>> No.15177036

i wouldn't give basal insulin if they don't eat anything
i'd just measure glucose 5-6 times a day and give rapid acting insulin if needed
hypoglycemia is more dangerous than hyper

t. definitely NOT an endotranny but whatever

>> No.15177289

>Not making your life revolve around being a wizard physician and uncovering the mysteries of physical form
Extremely gay

>> No.15177302

>You tested positive for C. trachomatis, here's a script for doxycycline
>Sexually transmitted disease is cured from doctor prescribing specific bacterial tRNA inhibitor known to work well on obligate intracellular parasites

>> No.15177334

>dude breaks his femur
>apply nail
>bone is healed

>> No.15177718

How's anasthesia handeld in your country? We have no EM-spec, so it's a multispec team but it's primarily handeld by anesthesiologist. Anasthesiology residency here covers being an OR-gasmonkey, intensive care medicine and emergency medicine. If you're not just a gasmonkey it's probably not a bad plan

>> No.15177724
File: 122 KB, 1135x751, HaroldShipman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Patient comes in with heartburn
>prescribe him a lethal dose of morphin

>> No.15177845

Thank you, doc harold. Very cool

>> No.15177849

Assured full tuition at T20 or write a LOI that says I'll throw it away for a T10 spot (good chance at 1/2 tuition scholarship, but not 100%).
Cost would be:
T20: 80k for COL and misc expenses over 4 years
T10 (w/o any scholarship): ~ 80k for COL + 120k for tuition over 4 years (they have a max amt you can take in loans per year)


>> No.15177892

Let me write you a script for something that might help ease your tension, anon.

>> No.15177897
File: 174 KB, 596x514, 1673352042013260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in Italy anesthesists are both the gasmonkeys and critical care doctors. The emergency room has been IM competence until 2007 when the EM specialty was officially recognized and EM specialist started being formed around 2012. You could say I'm (I'll be) among the firsts "official" italian EM doctors in history.
I'd like doing both specialities because I think there's much synergy between them (plus the whole retirement plan thing, of course), although in my country is nowadays very unusual for a doctor to have multiple specialities

>> No.15178006
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Good 'ol disseminated intravascular coagulation resulting in ischemic necrosis of the peripherals from septicemic plague. I'd say Y. pestis was the first thing that got me into medicine. I don't give a shit about helping people, I just always found disease to be an obsession so I went ahead and become an ID resident.

>> No.15178021

>Y. Pestis lover
want to link up?
t. rodent and flea salesman

>> No.15178108

No. I’m am anesthesiologist.

>> No.15178131

Rankings don't exist anymore. Just get the full scholarship.

>> No.15178144
File: 13 KB, 184x184, 1672354432398465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna specialize in anaesthesia nursing

>> No.15178240

>bouts of neck, bone, nerve pain and muscle stiffness so horrible I need codeine to not scream from pain
Meningitis innit?

>> No.15178248

Get checked for C. tetani?

>> No.15178269

dunno the actual stats but urology at my hospital is entirely male (except the specialist nurses who are all butch regardless), it’s pretty based, gunning for urology personally because I‘m also a misogynist, hoping to get that fellowship in kazakhstan

>> No.15178270

fulminant fibromyalgia

>> No.15178274

No (can't count on public healthcare right now; so at most I can do private visit or do private testing if it's not fmri tier expensive). Started like week or two weeks ago. Hits usually at night. Muscle rigidity and pain is mainly in thoraic and cervical part of spine, hands (mainly right one), shoulders, calves, sides of abdomen, temples and back of head (sides). No idea if it's the same problem as my mother's (lost sensation in right hand and lately started losing sensation in left one as well, got scheduled for surgery already; something related to missing bits in her spine) or complication from slight cogenital scoliosis I have. Doubt it's rhabdo since ritalin partially mitigates pain by reliving tension from those muscles + my urine is normal (clear or light yellow)

>> No.15178341

Creatinine-based markers of glomerular filtration rate can be unreliable in patients with muscle deficits. Can BUN be used for a more accurate assessment of renal function in those cases?

>> No.15178342
File: 182 KB, 856x1360, 71IsbtFpBsL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought a copy of this, I'm looking forward to it

>> No.15178620

What do you mean rankings don't exist anymore? Even for surgery? I thought they became more important because of Step 1 going P/F.

>> No.15178722
File: 16 KB, 451x421, DCB5C05A-6F41-447F-BFCD-E68DCA5FC65F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is AIDS actually spread? I saw a video once where a doctor explained that in the bathhouse, one gay “bull” will sodomize dozens of “bottoms” in one day. Then the anus tissue of one infected “bottom” stays on the penis of the “bull” where it is introduced into the anus of the next “bottom,” and so on. The “bull” himself will probably escape infection because the penis is uninjured. He compared it to how a mosquito spreads disease. However I cannot find the video anymore.

>> No.15178757
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>> No.15178781

Nobody gives a fuck nursoid

>> No.15178786

>He compared it to how a mosquito spreads disease.
That is not even close to how mosquito spreads diseases.

>> No.15178835
File: 43 KB, 543x435, malaria_LifeCycle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon is right. Here's the lifecycle for one of the most well known parasites that are borne from arthropod vectors, P. falciparum

>> No.15179007

m8, if you dont grind you dont get anything.
the 't10' may afford different opportunities, but that doesnt make them any better than the 't20'

>> No.15179017

I also want to see this video now.

>> No.15179113

Would I not have to grind a bit less if I go to a T10 (with good brand name recognition among competitive residencies) than a T20 (still has good name recognition, but not as prestigious nationwide)? I am aiming for ENT/ophtho but want to keep all my options open when going into med school in the first place.

>> No.15179249

long covid

>> No.15179275
File: 46 KB, 474x704, th-3046030789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pirated a copy of this, I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.15179363
File: 1.51 MB, 3748x2498, 1670635556154250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*cracking up under mask*

>> No.15179606

Pirating copywritten material is against US law

>> No.15179748

I never tested positive tho (not vaxed eirher)

>> No.15179874

I look like this

>> No.15179893

Anki + art of memory wiki

>> No.15179894

The nerves won't regrow, right?
Skin without the same quality of sensation is not the same ofc...
If the axons of the sensible neves regrow and the skin can actually be regrown this would be the end of death as we know it.
I want my foreskin ack, cicumcised at age 15 is was a mistake, it was just slight phimosis :(
They all said it's a small operation and no big deal but it is the biggwst deal of my life :(

>> No.15180093
File: 54 KB, 741x741, C3E32402-5F73-4C97-B81A-BACD4E3BE94E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let the jews steal his foreskin
>at age 15

>> No.15180351

Artemisia capsules produce similar tetanic spasms to PZQ in gut worms. If you have E. histolytica and are symptomatic, hope you have a funeral fund.

>> No.15180414

>competitive residencies
>brand name recognition
if program directors were immigrant mothers maybe
you still need research, leadership positions, etc and good letters. especially good letters and showings at away rotations for competitive specialties. you'll be pissing money away if you think riding on the name of a med school will help you.

>> No.15180469

>How is AIDS actually spread?

its HIV, then it progresses to AIDS

bugging culture is real though and some gay men will have unprotected sex so they can get "pregnant" or "get it over with cuz im gonna get it eventually anyway"

>> No.15180479

is there any real benefit in going into FM over IM?

east coast is loaded with outpatient IM docs

>> No.15180664

no way.

>> No.15180846

We do basal (as 50% of their total daily requirement if they were eating) + glucose checks and corrective insulin if needed every 6h.

>How can I defend my opinion if I can't explain this?
Bring them whatever reference book you use and read it out loud in front of them (I have done it several times and I will do it again)

It won't matter if you are a resident, since they will keep doing whatever they learnt monkey-see style

>> No.15180882
File: 173 KB, 749x691, 1675545085330239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It got worse

>> No.15180931

Had to stop taking adderall because it doesn’t exist anymore.
I’ve been taking 10mg extended release in the morning and 10mg instant in the afternoon for the last 3 years or so
I felt like shit when I woke up this morning and took a nap, but feel totally fine this evening.
Is what I was on a high dosage? Should I expect to go into withdrawal at some point? Been about 36 hours since I took the last 5mg dose I had

>> No.15180948

I want to somehow bridge infectious disease and psychiatry in residency

>> No.15180970

psychiatry is an infectious disease.

>> No.15181009

Are you one of those parasite leads to homosexuality posters from /pol/?

>> No.15181028

Nope. "Viruses that have been associated with schizophrenia and other chronic mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, MDD, and autism include but are not limited to influenza viruses; human endogenous retroviruses; and the herpesviruses, such as cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, and herpes simplex virus."

>> No.15181121

post papers next time rather than copying a line from an editorial. makes you look like you know what you're talking about and doesn't waste my time.
For your interest:

>> No.15181138

Good thing your time means nothing to absolutely anybody but yourself, thanks for spending it posting that paper, you fucking retard.

>> No.15181150

No need to foam at the mouth. Your research skills will grow with time. I believe in you.

>> No.15181152

Nice damage control

>> No.15181155


>> No.15181156

yeah but how much glucose is gonna be produced that way vs an actual meal

at the very least you better be changing how much insulin you prescribed else i shan't be giving insulin

>> No.15181433
File: 276 KB, 608x336, 1661886978675.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diagnosed with TB weeks ago
>cold air from AC doesn't bother me but the air from the normal fan will trigger my cough

>> No.15181498
File: 11 KB, 110x110, and.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is DO really that bad? i know having an additional exam + worse match rates makes it worse than md but if i got only DO acceptances then does that warrant reapplying next year
i dont really care about getting into competitive specialties

>> No.15181508

Slave mindset.

>> No.15181513

I can believe it. There is a reason the gays always gloss over what actually *happens* in their precious bathhouse.

>> No.15181526
File: 7 KB, 229x250, 5g4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two hotwords that mean nothing
reapply or no come on

>> No.15181562

>is DO really that bad?

no unless its a mandatory attendance school or has a ginormous class size with a 10% attrition rate

>> No.15181575

Blind leading the blind.

>> No.15181581
File: 33 KB, 442x604, dasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pass fail
>99% graduation rate
>class size ~700
its a good DO school but the only reason im considering reapplication is because comlex is probably going to be really annoying + i think another years worth of adding more extracurriculars would get me into MD instead

>> No.15181624

>another years worth of adding more extracurriculars
Do Americans really?
I got into med school based on test results only. Not even an interview lmao. Imagine wasting time helping the homeless or shadowing your doctor uncle.

>> No.15181644
File: 76 KB, 674x677, w4g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>test results only, no interviews
damn where
>wasting time with extracirrculars
at least scribing was pretty ok medical experience i feel adequately prepared to write charts until i eventually kill myself after 7 years of working primary care

>> No.15181692

Australia, but they've introduced interviews to all universities now.

>> No.15181728

In Germany it's pretty simple, 30% of the spots are allocated through GPA, 10% of the spots are allocated GPA-independent through qualifications like completed trainings in a healthcare profession, local medschool-admissions-test scores and interviews, the remaining 60% are allocated through the medschools own admission scores, usually a combinations of GPA, admission-test scores and other qualifications. I applied with a high but not perfect GPA and high test scores and got in through just that, no interviews, no extracurriculars, I never even spoke to anyone from my medschool before I got accepted, it was just filling paperwork. There's no premed here, so you can get in right after highschool, you learn the preclinical basics in the first two years of medschool and have to pass a national exam before you get to the clinical stuff

>> No.15181797

Germanbro, what's the coolest sounding german word for something in medicine? Come on, there's got to be some sick ones.

>> No.15182062

We have a lot of german terms especially for anatomy, but they're mostly straight forward, I guess my favorites are "Zirbeldrüse" for the pineal gland, "Hauptschlagader" for the aorta (=Primariy Pulsating/Beating Bloodvessel) or Gebärmutter for the Uterus which translates to "Birthing-Mother" (thus forever keeping trannies mad). Some are very blunt, like Hirnanhangsdrüse = gland attached to the brain = pituitary gland, Balken = bar (like the wooden ones) = Corpus Callosum, Eierstöcke = egg-sticks/eggs on sticks = ovaries, the list goes on a while. Can't really think of one that sounds especially colorful though
In terms of disease, I can't really think of one that has a really cool name except for maybe "Tollwut" for rabies ("toll" is an old word for crazy and "Wut" means rage, so the disease is basically called "crazed-rage") which sounds kind of cool I guess. Lot's of disease and conditions have idiomatic names, like calling Diabetes "sugar sickness", but they're not all that exciting

>> No.15182832

>doctor out of med school in america
>theoretically sound due to tough exams and clinically experienced due to rigorous rotations
>able to intubate, endoscopy, LP
>can work under limited to no supervision
>30 yo

>doctor out of med school in europe
>useless, needs 1-2 two years of clinical training under heavy supervision to do anything
>25 yo

meh, whatever, it evens out after a few years

>> No.15182899

Just applied to derm in the Netherlands
Wish me luck jongens

>> No.15182912
File: 305 KB, 1311x701, ecg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi medbros, my doctor wrote the following about this ECG:
1) septal infarction of unknown age
2) anormal rhythm
am I going to die soon?

>> No.15182916

Shut the fuck up and follow the orders of your betters you stinky nursoid.

If i ever catch you going full retard with fast insulin i will eat your fucking ribs you triple black nigger from africa

>> No.15182922

That is automatic interpretation by the retarded machine, pay It no mind.

Im not going to even look at that ECG so dont ask :D:D

>> No.15182961

Lmao why are Germans so pathetic and always have to lie trough their teeth to try and make their country look better than it is. It was normal to wait 7+ years in "waiting Semesters" to get accepted, I think they have removed this though. Even if you have a 1.0 Abitur (perfect grade in high school) you must be extremely lucky (or have a doctor father) to get a spot.
Getting into medical school is fucking retarded in Germany because the state doesn't fund even close to enough spots. Nowadays even 10-40% spots have to sign a contract that force them to do Family Medicine in a rural area or else they will have to pay half a million euros in fines. THEY DIDNT EVEN INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF SPOTS LMAO, they just forced a bunch of medical students to go into rural fm before they even learned about anatomy.
The only reason why Germany isn't suffering from a massive Doctor shortage is because of EU migrants. There are tons of Germans studying in other countries because how few spots there are in Germany.
Oh and once you are an attending you get paid peanuts.

>> No.15182976

Take a look at spanish wages. Take a look at balkan wages.
Be horrified by south american retards PAYING to be resident doctors

In short, shut the fuck up you filthy germanoid nobody fucking cares boo hoo

>> No.15182996

>wait 7+ years in "waiting Semesters"
used to be the case, but yeah they scraped it and replaced it with the system I mentioned
>you must be extremely lucky (or have a doctor father) to get a spot.
It's a semi-blind process that's handeld on a national level, unless you're talking about private medschools, nepotism won't get you in. It's not about luck, it's about finding the right medschool and preparing for the entry exams if you're GPA isn't perfect, they all have individual criteria, some give you a big bonus on your GPA if you do well in entry exams and have prior training
>Nowadays even 10-40% spots have to sign a contract that force them to do Family Medicine in a rural area or else they will have to pay half a million euros in fines
up to 10% of the spots are rural medicine, and the fine is 200k, which is about the amount your training til graduation costs, so it seems sensibel. Even if you change your mind it's not forcing you to do it forever, just a few years. Some people want to do rural medicine, and those that would cheat the system could just as well spent the money on a private/foreign university
>THEY DIDNT EVEN INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF SPOTS LMAO, they just forced a bunch of medical students to go into rural fm before they even learned about anatomy.
>The only reason why Germany isn't suffering from a massive Doctor shortage is because of EU migrants. There are tons of Germans studying in other countries because how few spots there are in Germany.
Yes not enough spots, not enough money in general, I never said our system is great, but it could be worse even though it's heavily held together by legacy expertise
>Oh and once you are an attending you get paid peanuts.
Such is the life in europoor. If I was in it for the money, I would've worked for the state

>> No.15183152

I can't read an ECG at all so I'm going to give you my expert opinion.
It mostly looks fine. Axis looks bueno, the durations look good.
The progression looks a bit funky though. Possibly your left ventricle is real chonky.
S in V1 + R in V5 is pretty big, and the P wave in II/III kinda looks like left atrium is chonk as well.

Otherwise I can't read and I have shit in my eyes, so idk where the machine gets the post-infarct or the sinus arrhythmia from.

>> No.15183178

peak slave mentality

>> No.15183196

i had phimosis, it hurt when I ejaculated with skin retracted, I searched but didn't find the phimosis rings. Everybody always went straight to circumcision. I was afraid, and in an exceptional state of being, I wasn't able to properly think. I trusted my dad and the doctor. Both said no big deal. I had the feeling I had to do it. I was emotionally dependent on my gambling father to take me through this but he didn't see or feel me. He even had the same condition but apparently he never really lived, since he too said no big deal. I guess his mind was always on the money and the next big win, otherwise he would've noticed what or that something is up and maybe did some research himself. But he didn't. He used me to gamble on my name because he is banned in my country from gambling. I was in an exceptional state of mind and I just couldn't listen to myself, again emotional dependence on dad. Who didn't hear or see or feel, only the thought on how to gamble and get money.
I was also 25 and not 15, typo.
Yes I was not able to take care of my sexual health myself at that age. No my dad never wrestled with me, I learned how to shave on my own, we only touched the topic of girls in less than 10 sentences. No he wasn't by my side in the first steps into this world. He always kept me inthis state of emotional dependence but emotional absence on his part, ofc I on't know how to listen to myself in that state and ofc I don't know where up and down is in that state. OFC i will listen with all my heart in that state and hang on every word, and he said he had the same and that it is not a big deal.
I would do everything to go back.

>> No.15183736

>pass fail

unlikely for DO but who knows. my school advertizes itself as "pass fail" on paper but they keep internal class rank. the only thing true P/F here is our omm practicals, but our cognitives count for rank

comlex is easier than step, because it has a disproportionate distribution of subjects, has lower order questions, and requires a lower raw percentage to pass.

people who usually only take comlex, are either diehard FM, or are bottom of the class and the school can't risk them failing step

700 is ridiculously retardedly giant. multiple branch campuses with streamed lectures?

i dont think you should reapply unless you want any surgical specialty, but it gets harder to get accepted each year. also, loan interest is still paused rn which is good so might as well take advantage of it

>> No.15183750

2.5 years extra training for an extra fellowship in intensive care alongside anaesthesia? What do we reckon? Do you think employers care about having 2 fellowships? Intensive care medicine doesn't have many jobs, but might give me a leg up against other anaesthetists who only have one fellowship?

>> No.15183822

>havent eaten all day, have practically been fasting for 24 hours
>body compulsively swallows while I'm in the middle of chewing
>massive beef chip now just in my throat
>realize i can breathe and i'm not choking, feel beef chip go down throat
>10 minutes later feel like I have something in my lung/throat and have cough
>been this way for ~4 hours
guess im dead then. remember me, medbros

>> No.15183849
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Don’t know your context but I’ve been in a similar situation. I live in a gasmonkey country and ICU is only seen as a two month rotation where you get blasted daily by the IM/EM residents doing ICM.
Very few anesthesiologists do ICU because as a regular gasmonkey you can get a lotta cash with minimum effort. The ones that actually do it are outliers are their reasons are pure passion.
I had the luck to rotate at one of them best ICU in my country and ended up loving it, despite the fact that there wasn’t a single ICU resident with an anesthesiology background.
Loved it so much that now that I returned to the OR I hate it. Don’t feel motivated and so on. It may be because of that or because depression. Who knows.

>> No.15183879

What did you like about ICU med, anon? All the tech seems very cool. My rotation for it isn't for a year.
I'm considering it because there's probably an oversupply of anaesthetists in my country at the moment. There's no shortage of work but if you want to work in the city then it becomes tricky. I don't really have to consider this because this is years down the line for me, but I feel like I need to consider what the prospects are for a specialty after I'm a consultant rather than tunnel-visioning on entry requirements and then regretting it.

>> No.15183884

No, if no symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pain, arythmias or edemas are present you are fine.

>> No.15183946
File: 419 KB, 599x599, 2fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how bothersome is learning omm? i have never seen a doctor actually use it
>diehard fm
i want to be an IM hospitalist but i wonder how well DOs can get into fellowships/subspecialties
>multiple branch campuses with streamed lectures?
>surgical specialty
ive met 2 surgeons and they were the meanest, most bitter people i have ever met.
medicine is a shithole job i know but i dont want to get jaded that quickly

guess ill just take the DO acceptance. im glad the first part is finally over thank you anon

>> No.15184009

I liked the fact that it forced me to think as a physician rather than a glorified technician. Doe I agree that ICU had better toys than the OR.
I am considering taking the subspec because the shelf life in anesthesia is very short, even shorter when considering the laboral hazards. It’s not like I picture myself working at 70 years old but I’d rather spend my last years of practice holed at the ICU than babysitting the ever growing retards in surgery.

>> No.15184100

>Eierstöcke = egg-sticks/eggs on sticks
You can be honest here, were you German grades failing? Do you write like a third grader? Have you ever composed a text that others found delightful to read?
It's not "Stoecke" from "sticks", but form "stock", as in, the fruit-bearing root/main body of a plant. It's a beautiful analogy, like most German nomenclature, missed on morons like you.

>> No.15184151

>not coughing
>no slime in throat
>just incredibly tired and cold
>all i want to do is stay in bed and pretend to be a bread getting baked
what kind of fever is this?

>> No.15184161

>It's a beautiful analogy, like most German nomenclature
Don't flatter yourself, German is a horrible language

>> No.15184302

Now that you say, of course very obvious and that was a pretty stupid mistake. I write with very autistic percision in general, and my German grades were exceptional (which as you know, is not difficult in Almanistan), but I admit etymology is not my strong suit. Any other origins of very common words I should know about?

>> No.15184497

And fuck you for trying to treat hospitals like a hotel. Your plan should be to kys if you become homeless

>> No.15185320

>how bothersome is learning omm?

not bad. at my school, less than 2 hours per week and the practicals are easy to pass, and you are allowed to retake multiple times in case you fail

for omm cognitives, 1st year we could study night before or day of. 2nd year required a few days before. this is because we get study guides for OMM (not system exams of course, thats know all the slides). no clue how other DO schools operate with OMM

>but i wonder how well DOs can get into fellowships/subspecialtie

not the well paying ones like Cards/GI/Pulm.
any undesirable fellowships or ones that have good work-life balance but pay poorly are easy for DOs

>> No.15185326

no one takes males with eating disorders seriously

>> No.15185805

I have long covid and all symptoms you mentioned.

>> No.15185842

Every silly ECG machine will scream old MI if it founds something abnormal...
It looks fine beside some unspecific signs of left atrial enlargement and some nonspecific repolarization abnormalities, hypertension could explain this

>> No.15186167

we consistently complain about nursoids, but have we really addressed the midwife question?

>> No.15186529
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Holy shit, I knew NHS doctors have it rough but couldn't imagine that it was THAT bad! No wonder they're leaving in droves

>> No.15186849
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Thought it got better, but it got worse once again

>> No.15186906

People typically call that "malaise"

>> No.15186927

It's getting grants from the university they are operating in, they are also collaborating with HistologiX and the NHS
It's not really "big" because decellularization/recellularization isn't some grand new leap in regenerative medicine, the lead scientist already has papers about it for burn victims. The only tricky part is actually getting it work mechanically through micro-surgery

>> No.15187085 [DELETED] 
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Ehi /med/, can you help me find both volumes of Harrison's Principles of Medicine 21st edition, please? On libgen I can only find the first volume or the conversion epub-to-pdf which is unreadable and formatted all wrong

>> No.15187272

Well, it's not on soulseek at the moment. Maybe #bookz undernet?

>> No.15187296

>go to PCP
>Me and NP are chatting
>I tell her I have to take a microbial path exam in about an hour
>"Gee that sounds really hard, no thanks"
???? Do nurses really?

>> No.15187522
File: 564 KB, 590x1000, niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>muscles losing range of motion can be fixed

Go where exactly ?

USA is broken, niggers and shitskins are taking over. No country for white men

>> No.15187545

Armenians are retards + smell. Like a jew and an indian had a child.

Side note, what do you think about PhDs in Russia, medical field especially, Moscow, Leningrad, Kazan, Novosibirsk, you know some nice big city.

>> No.15187696

“White people” (aka WASPs aka non whites) are a minority in USA. Don’t know why would you want a special treatment for them.

>> No.15187727

What are the best medical podcasts to listen to?

>> No.15187874

IBCC podcast.

>> No.15188148

Is infectious diseases worth it as a spec? Most grads here seem to avoid it like the plague (no pun intended)

>> No.15188553

>C+ in organic chem 1
Is it over?

>> No.15188573

If you can't hack it in intro-level courses, I don't know what to tell you....
Are you a colored person?

>> No.15188576

Bro come on don't tell me that, I want to KMS. I'm White. I hate undergrad so much

>> No.15188577

Okay, what's your overall GPA and science GPA then?

>> No.15188580

About 3.5 for both. Last semester was my first semester at a big university because I transferred from a small liberal arts college. I don't know what happened in orgo 1- I was getting B's on the exams and then the final came and he said the final is usually an average of ur exams, but I did so bad it brought my final grade to a C+. My grandfather died like 3 days before my exam I think my head was in the wrong place.

>> No.15188581

I am applying to DO this coming cycle. I have extensive clinical experience and volunteering etc
My ECs are good im just not confident about my GPA. I don't mean to sound like a complainer but undergrad as an experience is difficult - I don't have any friends and am kind of an outcast

>> No.15188582

What is your MCAT?

>> No.15188583

I haven't taken it yet..
Also I want to do family medicine or general surgery

>> No.15188584

Okay, what are you getting on your practice exams then.
>inb4 you haven't started studying

>> No.15188586

I'm actually only applying to the small handful of schools that do not require the MCAT this cycle.

>> No.15188588


>> No.15188591


>> No.15188593

You gotta take the MCAT dude, I don't know how many schools don't require MCAT but I presume it's not a lot. Why aren't you taking the MCAT? It will open so many doors for you.

>> No.15188598

Because I have not finished biochemistry and physics yet - will be done with those in the Spring of 2024.

>> No.15188600

I will be very very happy if I can go to LECOM next year. I want to do rural medicine and they seem like a good fit for that sort of thing. If I don't get in this cycle too that means I have to take a gap year which will suck

>> No.15188606

Why are you so hesitant to take a gap year? You should honestly take the MCAT, dude. Your GPA isn't that good and you should be scoring high on the MCAT to balance it out.

>> No.15188610

I want to move on with my life and study medicine. I know the DO average GPA is around a 3.5. I honestly anticipate not getting in this cycle and being forced to take a gap year, taking the MCAT and applying to DO and MD. Though, if I can get in this cycle, I will absolutely jump on it.

>> No.15188613
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Horrid, but stable

>> No.15188614

I have nightmares about getting rejected lmao

>> No.15188625

Just to make sure, you're a Junior, right? It's a gap year if you don't apply in your Junior year.

>> No.15188635

Correct. I'm a junior by credits and I'm graduating next year, though I graduated in HS in 2021

>> No.15188641

Okay, I was confused because you haven't taken biochemistry yet.

>> No.15188646

Do you think I have a shot at getting into LECOM this semester? My EC's are really good (thousands of clinical volunteer hours in a rural setting, clinical leadership, clinical research, etc), my AIS is good but not like astounding, and my GPA and sGPA are both around a 3.5

>> No.15188655

I dunno but I would assume that entry is competitive because you don't need a MCAT, meaning that a lot of people probably apply. Again, your GPA needs work. You need to learn how to study better because material is only going to get harder.

>> No.15189162

anybody care to comment? Please I'm desperate. No I have no questions please just something....

>> No.15189886

Why are you trying US med school retard. Go study in Europe, you get into medschool without all those bullshits and report cards by residents.

It's cheaper, you finish sooner (thus you have more time for USMLE). Con is they don't babysit you like in the US

>> No.15190159
File: 231 KB, 816x1080, Akagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm not sick and dying then I'm constantly hungry....

>> No.15190276

i feel like a slave to pharma :/

>> No.15190953

>Go study in Europe

have fun requiring a 260 on step 2 and applying to 200+ residencies, just to get a malignant FM residency in america

>> No.15191089

Don't listen to >>15183946

DO here, you have the choice of just about any specialty outside of the really rare ones like radiation oncology. If you want a good specialty, you just need to do well on boards which really aren't that difficult. I scored like 45th percentile on my MCAT but 96th percentile on COMLEX 1 and 76th percentile on USMLE and now I am in rads.Nobody cares if you are a DO, they just want competent people.

Also, OMM was fun. You actually learn to treat people with your hands instead of pushing pills. If I hadn't gotten rads I would have actually done neuromuscular medicine.

>> No.15191092

I have been out of LECOM for about 4 years now, but when I got in I had to do a postbacc program because my MCAT score was so shit. Was actually one of the better decisions I made because it guaranteed me a medical school slot but it also prepared me for the first year of med school and let me coast through while scoring incredibly high on the COMLEX. They like people who are first generation doctors but volunteering was another big thing for them. Also, despite many peoples grievances with LECOM, the education was actually very good, but I was at the Erie campus.

>> No.15191227


in just 2-3 short years, rads and gas have shot up in comepetiveness cuz everyone is abandoning EM

EM is now a bottom tier specialty, with a higher match rate than FM

>> No.15191282

>cuz everyone is abandoning EM
Why is this? I would assume that anyone wanting to go to EM would have already known about the stress of EM.

>> No.15191386

Because EM docs are being replaced by cheap NPs, the job market is complete dogshit.

>> No.15191572

>projected oversupply from HCA opening so many for-profit residencies
>EM lacks job flexibility so they are easier to replace with PAs
>salaries for EM have dipped, while they have jumped for gas and rads
>although gas is extremely midlevel heavy, this is not stopping med students from chasing the currently amazing pay

>> No.15191579

>If I hadn't gotten rads I would have actually done neuromuscular medicine.

why not just do FM with a 1 year NMM fellowship

locking yourself into NMM is dumb. sure you can do cash only practice but most docs are just gonna be teaching faculty

>> No.15191622

Thank you. I like OMM. I want to do either family med or general surgery.
Thank you for sharing bro. I do not want to have to do a post bacc if I can avoid it. I had a pretty shit day because I got a fucking 48 on my ochem 2 exam, despite studying for it. I feel like a retard and that I'm not going to even be able to get into medical school. I really, really want it though, so I'm going to keep at it. It is just demoralizing when I get these low grades.
My discord is adler#7790 I would love to hear more about your experience too

>> No.15191840

>OnlineMedEd not free anymore
I know people shit-talk them for being outdated, but honestly it was still a good resource.

>> No.15191868


I can't speak to why EM has gone to shit but I also suspect that it's a saturation issue with NPs. I think the EM education may have gone down hill too because everyone just orders everything under the sun for the most benign reasons. Hospitals are going to start cracking down because they are all losing tons of money and getting reimbursed for a spinal MRI cause the pt's leg is tingling will be hard to justify.

On the topic of rads, it has indeed drastically increased in competitiveness but it goes in waves. When people were moaning about AI taking over (spoiler alert, it won't for a solid 20 years yet) nobody applied to rads and people were scrambling in. It also doesn't help that everyone applies to every program because everything is virtual now, so the amount of applications that every program receives has doubled if not tripled.

>> No.15192045

not Science nor Math

>> No.15192064

>spoiler alert, it won't for a solid 20 years yet
Oh boy so only 14 years of post residency work.
Unemployment at 45 when you are too old and can't even switch fields anymore sure sounds fun

>> No.15192488

That’s before AI actually becomes useful. It won’t replace radiologists for a long time after that, at least not in the USA.

Look up statistics on CAD for breast or LVO/aneurysm in CTA of the head. The results are abysmal, and CAD has been around for over a decade. Also, AI can’t even pass a minimal competency radiology exam.

>> No.15192713

it may be useful in 20years, but you can be sure the AMA will prevent its widespread use for at least 40-50years.

>> No.15192812

Do stethoscopes serve any purpose anymore?
Doesn't POCUS replace pretty much everything it does, but better?

>> No.15192863

Got an A on my microbial pathogenesis exam. That one had my anus clenched.

>> No.15192999

slightly bumped my head a couple days ago and now im seeing weird flashes of light in my peripheral vision and tinnitus is twice as loud as usual, what the hell is up with that?

>> No.15193068

ultrasound takes longer

>> No.15193088

>I think the EM education may have gone down hill too because everyone just orders everything under the sun for the most benign reasons.
this has to do with you get sued, not with education
even if you did everything right, did a good clinical exam etc and it's the 1 in 5000 that got worse/ you missed something
you get sued because you could have also ordered the CT scan lmao

unfortunately the legal system doesn't understand that ordering that scan could have diagnosed the patient but at what cost - incident findings, radiation, overdiagnosis

>> No.15193282

New >>15193280