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File: 29 KB, 376x384, aajonus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14793327 No.14793327 [Reply] [Original]

What is the healthiest possible diet for a human?

>> No.14793333

beans and rice and then eat raw vegetables too

that's everything unless you believe in vitamin A

>> No.14793366

The diet you will be most adherent to.

>> No.14793370

Fruit and mammal products.
Grains are horrible for you.

>> No.14793378

Clean eating promotes binge eating. Its fine to eat junk food as long as you meet your nutirional needs and doesnt make you go over your caloric budget.

>> No.14793383

if grains are horrible why have we ate them for thousands of years

>> No.14793418

A balanced diet consisting of soi, bugs and microplastics.

>> No.14793419

Non sequitur. People have been eating for thousands of years because they breed faster than being downtrodden by shitty dietary habits.
Modernly, big dental and other interested agencies push this shit for kickbacks.

>> No.14793439

Interesting. What exactly is the effect of grains in your body though? Do they have any nutritional value? Also, what should we eat instead?

>> No.14793446


>> No.14793456

The most dangerous game

>> No.14793478

Our teeth are built for roots, fruits, and any small animals we might come across. Our teeth stopped being an engine of change, a gatekeeper to genetic success, when humans started using tools, which was a couple of species ago. Homo ergaster had bigger teeth, but ultimately the same kind.

>> No.14793556
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There's only one known way to reliably increase both the average lifespan and max lifespan of a given population, which is a restricted calorie diet.
>Aging is associated with a host of biological changes that contribute to a progressive decline in cognitive and physical function, ultimately leading to a loss of independence, and increased risk of mortality. To date, prolonged caloric restriction (i.e., a reduction in caloric intake without malnutrition) is the only non-genetic intervention that has consistently been found to extend both mean and maximal life span across a variety of species. Most individuals have difficulty sustaining prolonged caloric restriction, which has led to a search for alternative approaches that can produce similar to benefits as caloric restriction.
Would probably want to go with around 65% of the recommended calorie intake for your weight (or 65% of the recommended calorie intake for the healthy range weight you should be at for your height and sex if you're overweight).

>> No.14793728

1000 calories of unflavored, unpasteurized yogurt, a glass of red wine, 500 calories of assorted leaf vegetables.

>> No.14793814
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The exact diet is going to depend on a person's genetics. For example, someone who is lactose intolerant should avoid milk, and other non fermented/aged dairy products, while those dairy products in moderate amounts are just fine for lactose tolerant people.

In general, the biggest thing with food is simply how much you eat; keep your calorie consumption appropriate for your size & activity level, and eat a variety of foods so you do not miss anything vital, and you will be healthier than 90% of the people in developed countries these days. To get more specific than that, keep most of your diet similar to what your ancestors were eating; after all, if they survived just fine on it it is probably decent for you.

>> No.14793860
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Yeah, diet as in what kind of foods to eat (as opposed to how many calories) is mostly a meme as long as you're not an autistic weirdo who exclusively subsists on easy mac.
All the research on people who take multivitamins shows they piss most of it out without using it because any slightly reasonable half-assed eating habits will easily cover your basic needs (and a lot of food and drinks are fortified with vitamins and minerals even when you're not trying to get them).
The reality is, aside from a small handful of known major self-inflicted risk factors for severe disease and early death (obesity, smoking, alcoholism) the rest of your health is going to be chalked up to genetics. The record tier longest lived people don't generally report having eaten particularly healthy sounding diets, and a lot of them even smoke and drink. Because if your genetics are solid your body will continue repairing itself and killing would be cancerous tumor cells until you die in your sleep from your heart stopping. And if you didn't luck out in that way then you might just have a heart attack and die young in the middle of your healthy exercise routine.

>> No.14793998

what's the biological/evolutionary reason behind it, inb4 evolution can't be reasoned with
when an organism eats less than it ought to, or at least eats just barely enough, shouldn't that decrease its lifespan?

>> No.14794013

If you eat less (up to a limit obviously since eating nothing will just kill you), your biological processes aren't working as much.
The things that kill people like cancers for example happen eventually when, after a quadrillion or so instances of cells dividing, one fucks up and starts up a tumor.
If you aren't eating as much, you're going to be playing the cancer lottery less often than other people so even if you have bad genetics you might get to be pretty old before you lose the lottery.

>> No.14794020

Eating, breathing oxygen, and living in general are all slowly killing you.
CRON is like the biological equivalent of keeping a valuable comic book inside a protective case instead of reading it all the time.

>> No.14794031

>when an organism eats less than it ought to, or at least eats just barely enough, shouldn't that decrease its lifespan?
Natural selection is about maxing gene propagation, not about making you live longer.
Eating is something you evolved to want to do lots of because that helps increase your chances of surviving ans reproducing. But by the time you're out of high school you're already past the start of reproductive age and there isn't really much reason for lots of high calorie eating to benefit you personally from that point forward.

>> No.14794176
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>beans and rice and then eat raw vegetables too
>that's everything unless you believe in vitamin A

>> No.14794181

>if grains are horrible why have we ate them for thousands of years
People ate dirt soup for tens of thousands of years. Dirt is still a major part of the diet of people in Haiti.
Go eat dirt.

>> No.14794187

Probably some amount of meat and whatever else we could get our hands on. Also fasting every now and then was common I don't think eating 3 times a day 365 times a year is natural so maybe fast every now and then for a few days or even a week a few times a year.

>> No.14794190
File: 152 KB, 1024x950, WEF Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's only one known way to reliably increase both the average lifespan and max lifespan of a given population, which is a restricted calorie diet.
meme is appropriate. eat your bugs peasants while the rich politicians and governments get healthy diets of meat and dairy.

>> No.14794197

med diet

>> No.14794205

Mediterranean diet or DASH diet according to the consensus of mainstream nutritionists.
The mainstream usually trails the cutting edge, though.

>> No.14794241

Living longer isn't necessarily a good thing.
But if you want to live longer, your best bet is eating a reduced calorie diet.
If you want to eat tons of great tasting food, abuse recreational drugs, blow off debts / responsibilities, and party all the time I won't call that bad. But I also wouldn't expect you to live as long as a calorie restricting ascetic who reads books for fun and gets some sunlight each day walking around his neighborhood.

>> No.14794261

You still don't get it. Learn some nutrition. It is about quality of the protein, not the amounts. Grain based diets are very unhealthy. It is for peasants.

>Living longer isn't necessarily a good thing.
If you feel that way, then kill yourself. Why wait?

>> No.14794285

>If you feel that way, then kill yourself. Why wait?
Because you can't read and interpreted "isn't necessarily a good thing" as "I don't want to do that."
Hope that helps.

>> No.14794290

>is about quality of the protein, not the amounts.
You need certain (complete) proteins, but most non-autists who understand not to eat spaghettios for every meal get more than enough of that.
You don't get extra credit longevity for eating 10 times the average amount of protein.

>> No.14794295

You still don't understand it. KEK!

>> No.14794297

Sure thing, little buddy. Never give up, you got this.

>> No.14794326

>Sure thing, little buddy.
Ahhh the calling card of the vegan spaghetti armed manlet who got btfo'd by the average teen girl.

>> No.14794334

When did anyone claim to be a vegan, schizo friend?
I probably have more meat in my diet than you do.

>> No.14794347

cool stahry

>> No.14794376
File: 645 KB, 893x1395, hotdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a pic of a Sonic hot dog wrapper. It's empty on account of I eat meat like a normal person. As far as I know Sonic doesn't sell vegetable based pseudo-dogs.
How did vegans even come up as a topic here? I know I didn't post anything anti-meat or pro-vegetables so this turn of events is a bit mysterious.

>> No.14794909

Did you have spaghettios for breakfast, anon? A hefty fuck you for making me crave their chili cheese hot dog.

>> No.14795391

You eat like a nigger; if you’re white then you’re a white nigger.

>> No.14795782

meat milk honey eggs.
if you care about your children, feed them what is the most difficult and dangerous to catch.

>> No.14795966
File: 148 KB, 499x472, propane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not being able to enjoy a hot dog from your local Sonic Drive-In. You're both mentally ill, and also fuck off to whichever of you two switched from insisting I was a vegan over to getting upset I ate a hotdog. Pick a complaint ffs.

>> No.14796213

>What is the healthiest possible diet for a human?

>> No.14796907


>> No.14797076

>What is the healthiest possible diet for a human?
Rich in red meat and beef, eggs, milk, natural cheeses and pesticide and roundup-free vegetables.

Processed foods like breads, cornmeals, packaged foods, s o ybean products, seed oils, fruit juices, and other high-carb foods are BAD!

Quite simple really. Usually just do the OPPOSITE of what the FDA, CDC, GOV, NIH etc. say about food and diet.

>> No.14797077

>enjoy a hot dog from your local Sonic Drive-In
Fucking gross garbage shit-tier "food". kek
Sonic sucks period. Overpriced supersized cups of HFCS sugar and leftover waste meat-by-products.

Everything "woke" turns to shit. Sonic is a dying franchise now.

>> No.14797085

Mt.Dew and Reeses Cups

t. Exclusively ate this diet growing up
t. 150 IQ data scientist/professional endurance athlete

>> No.14797096

When did Sonic Drive-In become political? That's news to me. I just see them as the perpetually available fast food source for carnival food. It's supposed to be trashy. You don't eat uptown reservation only chili dogs or Michelin star jumbo pretzel twists, do you?

>> No.14797117

>chili dogs or Michelin star jumbo pretzel twists
moar gross subhuman food?
Sonic is woke AF. #BLM cuck-fags and anti-white/human.

>> No.14797122

depends on your ancestry

>> No.14797131

I think you have mental problems. You went from calling me a vegan out of nowhere when I said nothing bad about meat over to realizing I do eat meat and then calling the meat "woke." It's like you're some PTSD riddled Vietnam vet thinking Charlie's going to pop out of spider holes in your living room.

>> No.14797223

100% cooked potato diet

>> No.14797226

A Mcdouble every day with fries and a coke.

>> No.14797236

whut? you seem to be imagining people left and right. sounds like you are the schizo. I only made two posts so far, both about how shit Sonic is.
check what meds you take boomer, they are prolly fucking with your mind.

>> No.14797237

Stop peddling this meme you fucking retard

>> No.14797241

"McDoubles are peeeeeepo!"

>> No.14797249

Don't vitamin supplements cover that?

>> No.14797257

K, so both of you are schizos for similar reasons then.

>> No.14797305

>just take a pill!

>> No.14797323
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>> No.14797430

you only seeing two people now? I suppose that is an improvement over multiple people. What schizo meds you on? might buy stock in that one.

>> No.14797436

Nothing but tiddy milk.
It's scientifically proven.

>> No.14797437

>only seeing two now
Would be going from one to two, so that'd be an increase, not a decrease. But tell me how counting is "woke" now just like hot dogs, you dopey schizo.

>> No.14797440

What about thiamine?
Need nuts or something.

>> No.14797445

milk and eggs and beef (if you also eat the organs) are the only complete proteins that contain all the vitamins, minerals, proteins, and electrolytes needed for survival.

Every other food is lacking.

>> No.14797450

Clearly you've never heard of Burke and Wills.

>> No.14797467

But isn't that the argument vegans use to prove we don't need meat since we can fill in the gaps?

>> No.14797471

>Burke and Wills.
Nope. Straw and sticks will fill in the gaps, but won't be as strong as concrete.

>> No.14797479

How many vegans even are there? I've never once met one yet I constantly see posts complaining about them.

>> No.14797482

So there is a difference between vitamins in pills and in food.

>> No.14797496

I see posts saying it's the most moral diet.

>> No.14797611

Logically fallacious question.

>> No.14797669

Whatever makes you work better. All my health and mental problems are digestion-related. I can eat meat and greens forever and can still have sodas, beer, etc., but I'm addicted to dairy and that's my killer. I had a cheat day today and ate a kilo of yoghurt and a box of chocolates, and all I wanted to do is to lay in bed, and I regret everything. I'll fast tomorrow and monday I'll not even remember how bad I'm feeling right now.

>> No.14799627

You talk as if we never hunted mammoths, etc. Good example of selective memory in a vegan.

>> No.14799918

Morality is a spook.

>> No.14800401

I'm not a vegan at all, I think animals are delicious and nutritious. I literally just finished a meal of wild ahi tuna steaks and brussels sprouts sauteed in butter and fresh sliced garlic with apple cider vinegar. During the meal I thought about the tuna being a predator itself and our respective places on the food chain, as I think any responsible eater should. I even killed a deer once, and butchering it was a whole lot of work, and I'd rather pay someone to take care of all that and package it for me and keep it in a store until I'm ready to buy it. Our teeth work perfectly well on cooked mammoth, my point was that once humans developed technology like spears and fire, we weren't limited to a diet compatible with soft clawless fingers and a mouth largely without offensive capabilities. Even our heads and necks aren't made to be good at holding prey in our mouths while it dies, not the way a lion or wolf or alligator does.

>> No.14800574

I'm having a pizza

>> No.14800794

>All the research on people who take multivitamins shows they piss most of it out
So what *is* the consensus on multivitamins? I take a coated tablet everyday and it has pretty much everything I'd need, but I can barely tell if it's doing anything other than a slight elevation in energy. I do try to have a good diet also, though.

>> No.14800804

Depends on where you live, back in the midwest there were hardly any but Washington's crawling with em.
I hate them mostly for how they insist everyone else acknowledge themselves as monsters for eating animal products. It's also such a privileged diet only first-worlders could have.

>> No.14800810

>for a human?
by human do you include non-whites?

>> No.14800830

>So what *is* the consensus on multivitamins?
For any random given person, the smart money would bet on multivitamins being useless for them because they already get the stuff they actually need from eating normal foods and the rest is stuff they never really needed to begin with.
On the other hand, a minority of people aren't eating a normal diet and do end up with vitamin deficiencies (or they have organ damage that prevents the vitamins in their diet from being sufficient).
In those cases, vitamin supplements are needed and will probably be administered in a hospital as part of their treatment when they get sick enough to end up in a hospital.

>> No.14802350
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cause carbs are energy

>> No.14802360
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>> No.14804006

You know you can make your own yoghurt with probiotics?

>> No.14805511

Yes, it doesn't make any difference. I might be lactose intolerant.

As an update: I feel like gold right now. I fasted and had epsom salts this sunday so I'd flush my digestive system. Epsom salts is notorious to make you have runny poop; this sunday I pooped at least 3 times, it was solid every time, filled the bowl every time, and the last poop I had today in the morning were tangled up with undigested cabbage. I felt like gold the whole day today, already had my meal with meat, eggs and brocolli (no cabbage, that's written off), tried fries and I'm still feeling like high-speed low-drag. I'm still spooked by the ammount of shit I was carrying until sunday and I'm even more adamant my mental problems like anxiety, brain fog and cronic exaustion have digestive causes.

>> No.14805558

Pribiotics don't magically cure lactose intolerance in every single case of it on the planet (especially given that's 70% of the world population who are lactose intolerant).
Might help certain people, though in those cases they might not even really have lactose intolerance since that's more something that begins to take effect before the lactose gets to the large intestine. The cause is more the lactose not getting broken down than it is the not broken down lactose not being taken care of a bit later on by bacteria in the colon. People who can digest lactose don't have it reach the colon undigested to begin with.

>> No.14805562


>> No.14805588

>70% of the world population who are lactose intolerant)
70% are subhuman Chinese and Indian and sub-Saharan African is why.

>> No.14805592

>a minority of people aren't eating a normal diet
normal diet = shit
eat healthy instead, which 95% of people do not.

>> No.14805598

The one that :
>has no refined sugar and corn syrup
>is local to where you live
>is supported by your genome (there's nothing in your genome that goes haywire on that food)
> is supported by your gut bacteria (which we have 10x more than cells).
>who handles your food is very important (liquid nitrates grown veggies are no good)
>who grows / hunts your food is very important (modern day sausage contains barely any meat)

Critical examples.
>If your distant relatives lived in tundra and far north where there are no fruits and veggies, you can't diet on fruits and veggies
>our brains need a huge amount of good food to support their use, you are limited to what you can eat , especially right now in corporate industrial "food" production , if you want to use brains.

>> No.14805617

Haha that's hilarious. Because Asian people bad. Haha.
Their diet is shit in the sense they eat too much. What you see with the multivitamin studies is that in any given random sample of subjects you look at they all tend to have their needs met from their diet and the multivitamins don't give them any extra benefits.

>> No.14805621

>70% of the world population who are lactose intolerant).

Yet, every single one of them was drinking mother's milk.
For generations and generations and generations.
And none of them died (or they will not be here).

This lactose intolerance is a made up label that covers up actual issues.

For instance. Literally no humans are designed to drink garbage Homogenized , Pasteurized, 0% Fat, "Vitamins" A and D added Hormonal and steroidal white liquid that some corporations sell under a fake name "Milk". This is not milk. Everyone will be having issues if one would drink it. It doesn't mean people are lactose intolerant , it means this garbage is not milk.
100 years ago those who would counterfeit milk like that would be in jail or beaten up everywhere.

>> No.14805625

>Yet, every single one of them was drinking mother's milk.
When they were infants you retard. Lactose intolerance in almost 100% of the cases is about losing the ability to digest lactose as an adult, not about being born unable to digest your own mother's milk as an infant.

>> No.14805629

Do you hear what I said , retard?
They so called "lose ability to digest" garbage, which is not milk.
Let me try again.

Homogenized , Pasteurized, 0% Fat, "Vitamins" A and D added Hormonal and steroidal white liquid that some corporations sell under a fake name "Milk" - this is not milk.

>> No.14805650
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They lose the ability to digest milk unless you hallucinate an alternate reality like you're doing right now.
Maintaining the ability to digest milk into adulthood is a special adaptation for a specific collection of people who have the genetics for it. Really since we're in the minority lactose intolerance shouldn't be thought of as a condition at all and adult lactose digestion should be thought of as a special ability like tetrachromacy or myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy.

>> No.14805718
File: 1.76 MB, 4032x3024, average american diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no single ideal diet for all humans. That's absurd and I don't know how anyone could think that. General guidelines, maybe.... But your perfect diet is the one your body is most suited to, that also gets you everything you need. Some people need more or less of some things. Some people absorb more or less of some things from their food. There is no single right answer.

The closest you can get, without extensive experimentation and observation (and even then it will be hard to do perfectly because many things will be difficult or impossible to quantify) is eating a diet similar to what your ancestors ate. But even this is not a perfect indicator, because your own individual gut flora has been affected by a multitude of things since you were born.

I think this is one reason why there's so much bullshit and argument in the "health" field, because what's healthy for a young European man may not be healthy for an elderly Taiwanese woman, and yet researchers are afraid to make such distinctions for fear of being called racists.

imo, a good basic rule of thumb is that if you can't grow it or kill it, then you probably shouldn't eat it. There are of course exceptions but again, as a general rule of thumb, it works quite well.

>> No.14805735

>There is no single ideal diet for all humans. That's absurd
It's not all that absurd because most of what matters for a diet (calories, vitamins, protein, electrolytes) is the same for the species in general (while understanding you need to scale the amounts by factors like height and sex) and most of what people think matters like the kinds of food you're sourcing your calories, protein, etc. from are really just fad diet memes.
The exceptions to this are mostly rare diseases, and even then your need for the basics like electrolytes isn't really changed, it's more that your organs aren't getting you enough of it or are failing to clear enough of it.
And also obviously if someone's allergic to a food they should stop eating that food.

>> No.14805747

Whatever the fuck your farm makes. Stop being a good goy.

>> No.14805765
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>Haha that's hilarious. Because Asian people bad. Haha.

Now why does this post sound ricey?

>> No.14805810

You're right in that yeah, there's a "good" diet that fits all your macros, like you mentioned. But there's a lot more to nutrition than just fat/protein/carbs. You seem to know that but most don't. There's still a lot that we don't know about "perfect" nutrition, not only because it varies significantly between individual and various populations, but also because there's a lot of relatively minor nutrients that are usually found in trace amounts that still can have a significant effect. Eating them one day might not have any noticeable effect, but not eating them for a month would become noticeable, though hard to pinpoint exactly.

I think it's hard to get good answers here because there's a lot of emotions involved, and a lot of money involved. Both skew matters quite a bit. But even among people of the same demographic who pay attention to nutrition science (let's say young caucasion male bodybuilders) there's a lot of controversy as to what is "best" for their goals.

>most of what people think matters like the kinds of food you're sourcing your calories, protein, etc. from are really just fad diet memes
I disagree with this but I understand how you might come to that conclusion, given all the dumbshit fad diets that people follow religiously. Yes it's true that you can lose weight eating only fast food cheeseburgers, if you watch you calories, and yes you could build muscle eating only jars of peanut butter. But neither one can be called "healthy" IMO, even if they are sufficient to remain alive. Like I mentioned before, there is a lot more going on in food than micros and vitamins/minerals. Food should best be regarded as a drug IMO, and all the little things in it should not be discounted as having a significant effect on health (both mental and physical) especially over a long time frame, like a person's habitual diet (not a weight loss diet or whatever, just their normal diet)

>> No.14805811

I'm Romanian ethnicity (born in the US, as were my parents and grandparents).
I just think your humor is low IQ, a little gay, and distracts from the real point that anyone who believes there's something genetically wrong with 70% of the world population is an idiot.

>> No.14805822

This, other humans are nutritionally complete

>> No.14806036

Alcohol is a poison.

>> No.14806058

Water is toxic if you drink too much at once.

Some things that are necessary for life can kill you, and some things that are poisons can be beneficial.

>> No.14806069

>there's something genetically wrong with 70% of the world population
There is a lot that is genetically wrong with most humans. Romanians are a fine example of some of them. Greeks are your superiors.

>> No.14806100

Part of the definition for an abnormality is it can't be shared by the majority of the population. Otherwise it's just normal.
It's part of why being edgy and calling religions a form of delusion is similarly a bit stupid.

>> No.14806571

mountain dew and doritos

>> No.14806604

A predominately plant based diet rich in cruciferous vegetables such as kale, collard greens, broccoli, allium vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts, berries, flax and chia ground for omega 3's preferrably low in processed oils, sugars, or refined grains with heavy emphasis on bean consumption.
It's demonstrated in feeding experiments, metabolic ward studies, and animal trials that its demonstrated through support of mechanistic data even through a observation of intracellular interactions proinflammatory factors pose on health, measurement of diet quality supports a diet lower in branch chain amino acids support an improvement in metabolic and mental health
> Decreased Consumption of Branched-Chain Amino Acids Improves Metabolic Health
Its shown that branch chain amino acids compete with tryptophan for transport to the brain and interfere with serotonin metabolism. and this increases overeating and anxiety in mice.
> Low Protein Intake is Associated with a Major Reduction in IGF-1, Cancer, and Overall Mortality in the 65 and Younger but Not Older Population
In this study population included 6,381 adults ages 50 and over from NHANES III, a nationally representative, cross-sectional study it;s shown that high protein respondents have a 75% increased risk of all cause mortality in the 50-65 age group and among subjects with no diabetes at baseline those in the high protein group had a 73-fold increase in risk of diabetes. "These associations were either abolished or attenuated if the source of proteins was plant-based".
> The adverse metabolic effects of branched-chain amino acids are mediated by isoleucine and valine

I've been predominately whole food plant based for about 8 years until I'd become more active in the biohacking/nootropics community and cooked less.

>> No.14806737

tendies and diet double dew. dew the math

>> No.14806984

It's obvious that you've fucked up your brain with nootropics. You can't stick to one tense per sentence let alone paragraph.