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File: 51 KB, 252x141, 2020-09-08 The SAFIRE Project - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12100206 No.12100206 [Reply] [Original]

The Electric Universe wins again. This time, with their own nuclear plasma reactor. Time to rethink everything you thought you knew.


>> No.12100214

I'm going to laugh once /sci/ is forced to embrace the safire sun

>> No.12100220

I'm glad to here.. hope that plasma cosmology gets more attention

>> No.12100231

this doesn't affect my field.

>> No.12100255

what field are you in?

>> No.12100259

>eu garbage
into the trash it goes

>> No.12100265
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>> No.12100266

Computer Science

>> No.12100272
File: 214 KB, 480x372, Montgomery Childs SAFIRE Project Update EU2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is how real science looks like. I wonder if they found a way to capture and store the incredible energy spikes?

"This cloud of ions got so dense it blew off into the chamber atmosphere. There was a pressure spike during these events. Even more importantly is that although we limited the power to only 1800 watts DC, the oscilloscopes measured a short lived power surge of over 2 million watts. At times, at over 10 million watts. To offer some perspective on this, the Bruce Nuclear power plant in Canada, the largest one we have, produces 7 million watts. "

Montgomery Childs
SAFIRE project
Electric Universe 2015 Conference
(8:13 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFsTttzh0oA

>> No.12100290

>10 million watts
so 1 joule in 0.1 µs? and then fizzing out?

>> No.12100291

this doesn't effect my field (engineering)

>> No.12100298

Can you translate the impact of this in to retard for me?

>> No.12100307

Show us your work.
10 million watts = 10 million joules per second (assuming the energy spikes can be made consistent)

>> No.12100309

EU fraud at its peak. now they can go a year claiming they won, then for the next 10 years they can bitch about how they got suppressed before everyone realizes it is bullshit. in the meantime Wal will die a rich man off Youtube monetization

>> No.12100317

W=J/s you retard, P=W/t
1J/(0.1*10^-6)=10 MW

>> No.12100318

big if true

>> No.12100320

>EU fraud at its peak

They are not the first group of scientists to observe anomalous excess energy spikes when working with plasma discharges:

Paulo & Alexandra CORREA
PAGD (Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharges)

Alexander Chernetski

Taking into consideration the fact that they have successfully replicated many of the sun's features,..I would say they are extremely credible. No other groups have gotten this far. Fortunately, SAFIRE are real scientists backed and well funded. Not some garage tinkerer experiment.

>> No.12100321

>assuming something nonsensical

>> No.12100331 [DELETED] 

That is what I stated.
10 million watts per second = 10MW..per second.

You left out the time duration..retard.

>> No.12100334

Notice that the OP makes no mention of how the device works,and he presents nothing but the word of the EU people about it.

There are plasma physics awards through the DoE and ARPA-E that are very results oriented. Even fusion experimenters that are regarded as a bit fringe like Lerner's DPF experiment get funding. Why is it that these people don't present their findings to ARPA-E or the DoE? Hell,NASA has funded research into Woodward Effect drives ot the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars-they woul surely be interested in some sort of aneutronic fusion reactor. Why the extreme secrecy? I they have such exceptional results they should be able to show people a demonstration and blow their minds.

>> No.12100336

>the time duration
> 0.1 µs? and then fizzing out?

>> No.12100338

10MJ per second per second
sounds right

>> No.12100343

lol yes, typical eu-idot math

>> No.12100350

hmm well going off the vid thier commercial reactor should be ready in a year or so. Very excited about this.

>> No.12100351

pick one, these idiots can't think, they can only repeat

>> No.12100355

your head is the garbage

>> No.12100358

Do me a favor and obey the 1 million meters social distancing rule for giant fucks.

>> No.12100359

This is one of the stupidest things I have ever read, you are a moron

>> No.12100362

This video is just pablum-atter. It's not explaining how a cool plasma, something plasma hysicists play with all the time, can somehow emite an excess of energy. It somehow produces no neutrons or other radiation even though it;s not a boron system. It just uses "hydrogen"-not even deuterium.

What gives? These are impossible claims. You can't do this shit,it makes no sense given the decades of research into plasma and the elemental properties of hydrogen. How can it make excess energy?

>> No.12100364

Based on the Op's video, it appears they are using excess heat, not energy spikes.

>> No.12100369

it's transmutation anon

>> No.12100371

It will not happen. This is bullshit. Look at the flashy zero substance video anon-this isn't ringing alarm bells about scams?

Look at this anon-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGtal-Crd1YjA1i-IZ3TIGw
Does THIS look like a scam to you?

>> No.12100372

>Tfw Electricity can’t explain Quantum Entanglement


>> No.12100375
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>> No.12100378

you're stupid. I explained this years ago actually and my work wasnt original

>> No.12100393

We understand transmutation. IT happens constantly in experiments. What does that have to do with a cold plasma that can't overcome the inherent repulsion between atoms to allow fusion to happen? How exactly is this system bypassing that with a ball?

>> No.12100394

>Look at the flashy zero substance video anon-this isn't ringing alarm bells about scams?

Here is the official source of the video https://aureon.ca/

>> No.12100402

it trasmutates suckers' money to their coffers

>> No.12100403

Watch this
Does this look like a scam to you and why?

>> No.12100413
File: 1.86 MB, 340x204, joker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: brainlet retards who can't understand real science because of all the kosher shit they have guzzled all through school

5 years of you apes saying schizo and /x/. Who has the last laugh you fucking hacks? rofl god I hate stupid people. You are all fucking losers that will never accomplish anything


>> No.12100423


H2innovationLab is not the SAFIRE Project or Aureon Energy Ltd (company commercializing the SAFIRE). Where did you get that Youtube profile from? Some random video reposter?

>> No.12100428

Boy it sure is strange how all these radical new things never amount to anything but gimmicky demonstrations that appeal to midmit contrarians that want to engage in the appealing narrative of being The RESISTANCE to BIG SCIENCE. Broken promises and sudden silences forever.

There will never be a generator powered by this bullshit that you or anyone else can buy. The best you'll get is a sudden silence and a dawning realization of the theft of your time or money, at worst this goes on for years and year until all these people die of old age and no one cares enough to carry on the scam anymore.

You will never crow in satisfaction at being vindicated. You will always lose because you compulsively back the horse that doesn't even have legs.

>> No.12100432

Watch the video and tell me if it looks like a scam and why.

This is a real god damn simple request. It's 5 minutes long.

>> No.12100433

stfu you mindless drone, you are stupid, you cant understand middle school level science and math and you never stfu, this is why you are a stupid and will never accomplish anything. You will sweep floors for your entire career and never have sex

>> No.12100436

At surface glance yes probably. Many differences from the other vid though.
Haven't thought about this for very long, read in to these guys, probably many more qualified people on here, etc...
So they are using electricity and what looks like insterting hydrogen through the same tube (or just a hydrogen rich chamber) it is not quite clear what exactly the ball is, but upon energization it seems to create what they say are shells. So inside these shells is where the magic is happening. I guess i'm to retarded to speculate any further.
The question is what kind of energy surplus are they getting and how long can they sustain it.

>> No.12100438


That video has nothing to do with SAFIRE. Why even bring it up? To distort the discussion with your bullshit?

>> No.12100439
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>tfw you make a glorified pic related and people will pay you bank to just turn it on and off.

>> No.12100442
File: 147 KB, 1089x674, Shiva-Nataraja-at-CERN[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who has the last laugh you fucking hacks?
Certainly not the magnetic wheel of Karma builders.
>well uhh.. we accelerated these "particles" faster this time!
>cause we used bigger, stronger magnets!
>uhhhh can we has more monies? We want to build another!
>Why? Well.. cause this one didn't work you see. We need to make it bigger this time!

>> No.12100450


>> No.12100451

That video is almost identical in its substance as SAFIRE. It makes claims about net energy ad nauseum, flashes technical looking equipment on screen while a narrator drones on,bombarding the viewer with a narrative. It is confident but lacking in substance.

If you can't see why the SAFIRE video is just a slightly better produced version of the same sort of investment scam then I pity you. Quit investing your time and energy into bullshit.

>> No.12100453

I could care less about CERN, the fucking Atlanteans figured all this shit out millions of years ago and the knowledge has been passed down in mystery schools all through history until the fucking jews infiltrated everything with their marxist jewy bullshit like they do everything rewriting history and shoving piles of jew shit into your heads until they are so full of retardation and brain shit you cant even understand simple concepts anymore

>> No.12100467


SAFIRE started out as an experiment to test the validity of the Electric Sun Model (aka Birkeland Sun). They are able to reproduce many solar features. Not even multibillion dollar fusion projects have gotten this far. A team of real scientists are involved. This is not just some guy in his garage like some other free energy projects.

>> No.12100476

Determining if something is bullshit seems ot be a skill a lot of people are just plain missing these days. This sort of thing is not new-it's just a retread of Andrea Rossi's E-Cat, or that Blackight Power Hydrinos guy. They make bold predictions of market dominance, tout their approach as a new type of clean energy, imply that mainstream physics is in error in a really basic way that somehow no one else has ever figured out, and spend many many years doing "demonstrations". The end result? Never ever EVER a single time has a product emerged after all the alleged miracles. The Blacklight guy has been saying he's working on his hydrino tech for 30 years without any publications,replications, or products. Rossi has largely vanished after years of broken promises.

SAFIRE is more of the same. Don't get fooled by this tripe.

>> No.12100488

How do you know all of this? They'd published nothing. They've sold nothing. You are relying on the WORD of people. Why do you trust them?

>> No.12100490

Explain this to me

The people involved are obviously not complete morons. So what's the deal... They're all 'in on it'? They're all rubbing their hands together once the cameras are off scheming? Surely if it was all a crock of shit they wouldn't be able to employee so many people...? Surely they would all be pointing out that it's all fake?

>> No.12100491

stop pissing in your morning cereal

>> No.12100492

don't bother wasting your time with these morons. Who cares what they think? They are stupid NPC what they think doesn't matter, these are the same idiots that pointed and laughed when people said the world wasn't flat. They are always the same they will never change. Making the thread was cool and trolling the fuck tards dont sate your time and energy arguing with fools or it will be something you will do your entire life.

They never understand anything and they never accomplish anything all they know how to do is make stupid sounding shit fall out of their face

>> No.12100494

Once you give up the principle that evidence matters, anything goes.

>> No.12100495
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>> No.12100500

You're not Columbus,you're the Time Cube guy.

>> No.12100505

>This is how real science looks like.
>Inconsistently documented, lacking any clear methodology, and deliberately avoiding any attempt at peer review

>> No.12100509

Cool, but where is the math?

>> No.12100513

anons, just stop worrying about anything from EU. the lead, and only, physicist on SAFIRE made public his expose of how it is bullshit. the entire thing is a scam and please stop buying into it. i know their youtube videos are slick, but it’s a scam. just snap out of it

>> No.12100516

>no journal articles
>not even a wiki page
Literally nothing.

>> No.12100518

>of this? They'd published nothing. They've sold nothing. You are relying on the WORD of people. Why do you trust them?

The Universe is ruled by electric interactions. You see it everywhere. Why assume the Sun has a magical fusion core and magical bouncing light?

A lot of things don't add up when it comes to the conventional model of the sun. Most of it can't even be replicated with empirical experiments. Do you really believe the Sun is composed of 99.9% helium and hydrogen? Outer plasma layers should not be the end all be all of its composition. I find this particular aspect questionable.

Birkeland Sun:

The Surface Of The Sun


As someone that had studied photonics, I want to get closer to the truth. SAFIRE is the vehicle that will get us closer to the truth and hopefully a source of abundant energy for our future.

>> No.12100519

>Surely if it was all a crock of shit they wouldn't be able to employee so many people...?
The Church of Scientology employs about fifteen million followers.

>> No.12100521

But they have evidence. So their evidence is fabricated? Or they're all suffering from a shared delusion?

>> No.12100526

Keen to see this evidence.

>> No.12100527

This is in no way comparable at all

>> No.12100528
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>> No.12100529


Distract and deceive. You are not being honest there anon. That is most unfortunate.

>> No.12100531

What I'm saying is, their YouTube video claims a lot of evidence, so the employees either know it's fabricated or they're all suffering from a joint delusion

>> No.12100532

who is funding them?

>> No.12100540

Wow look at that pretty glowing ball take my money!!!!!!!!

>> No.12100542

Third options is they have things that look like evidence due to flawed experimental design which would get picked up by peer reviewers.
I work in industry and our work is under NDA so nothing gets peer reviewed (and it's all novel applications of usually not well understood concepts so there'd be limited peer review available anyway). The number of times we've had to go back and redo things (or at least redo the analysis) because we later find out we had incomplete understanding about something is endless.
But that's the cost of creating novel inventions.

>> No.12100543

Wow I didn’t know base 10 was intrinsic to the universe this is really cool. That’s why we use base 10 right?

>> No.12100544

>Why assume the Sun has a magical fusion core and magical bouncing light?
What's magical about matter that's compressed and heated to that degree fusing? how can the stuff at the center of a star NOT fuse? We fuse stuff together all the time-it's not magical at allit's routine. Are you reffing how it takes the light emitted at the core of the sun a long time to be emitted? That's certainly surprising but it's not "magical" given the sheer size of the sun and howm uch stuff it contains.
>A lot of things don't add up when it comes to the conventional model of the sun.
The Birkeland model involves an invisible undetectable current of energy coming into the sun from outside across lightyears of space and leaving no traces of its passing. What the FUCK anon, that's clearly bullshit. How does that make any sense at all?

>> No.12100546
File: 359 KB, 858x821, 1558051000604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh military-educational-industrial complex schooling says it is impossible!

hahaHAHAhahaha You will ind a lot of the things in the Universe don't work the way you have modeled them.

>> No.12100548
File: 55 KB, 576x768, 1567081901940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know he sounds wrong and it sounds crazy because of the way he explains it and the way he is trying to connect the dots, but what he is mapping is something very amazing and simple once you understand it. it's not traditional math. it's mapping space in a way that actually works. once you see what he's actually doing you can't unsee it. trust me, what he figured out here is the exact reason voldswagon's logo looks the way it does, as well as toyota, google, synergy fuel tech, and many more. the way he explains it is a little hokey but it is definitely real. and has been discovered over and over in many ways throughout even ancient history. in fact.... he's trying to map why so many plants and natural phenomena have a vortex shape. have you ever tried to map it? people in greece used to get murdered for simply inquiring about this type of geometry. it's no wonder it seems so radically different and strange to your trained minds. and I mean trained in a negative way.

>> No.12100556

That’s so true the Greeks also used the base 10 system which is intrinsic to the universe. The retarded Babylonian used a base 60 which is not intrinsic to the universe so this does not work.

>> No.12100557
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Wait a second so you are implying that this will produce infinite electricity from nothing ?

>> No.12100558

I guess. Although I would have thought some of their employees (again, they do seem relatively intelligent) may bring up some of the causes for concern, but then I do recall seeing something about none of the people involved are actual scientists from applicable fields.
I'm not saying the option of it being legit isn't valid, I'm playing devils advocate to try and understand what may be happening there.

>> No.12100563
File: 358 KB, 640x400, eufags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A cult that shamelessly lies to, exploits, and steals from decent people in order to propagate their nonsensical parascientific beliefs
>This is in no way comparable at all

>> No.12100566

>This is in no way comparable at all

>> No.12100568

>see glowing ball change power glowing ball changes
That’s it boys we solved fusion. We just needed to make glowing ball it turns out. Who needs papers and all that “peer reviewed science”. We just have pretty videos and boom fusion. They already started making the cad models for the reactors!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so great. I’m sure they will have a working prototype no time!!!!

>> No.12100570
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>> No.12100574

Satellite observations, anon.
If the conventional solar model iscorrect, the core should be hotter. It is not. It actually gets cooler as you approach the surface.

Birkeland currents connect the Earth, why not the sun? There is also other types of cosmic energy to consider.

>> No.12100580

The only difference between the two is that one counts Hollywood celebrities among its deluded supporters.

>> No.12100582

Insane base 10 is intrinsic to the universe this article really says it all.

>> No.12100585

Really wish the 8.chan schizos would fuck off.

>> No.12100592

>the core should be hotter. It is not. It actually gets cooler as you approach the surface.

What do you mean? Can you post a source?

>> No.12100594

>I'm playing devils advocate to try and understand what may be happening there.

Many ideas on what could be going on.

I personally believe that every atom is an open system. An electrical transformer. The sun is also an electrical transformer of cosmic energy. Same phenomena at different scales. Who cares what I think? All that matters is reproducibility. We can figure out the theory later.

>> No.12100596
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>> No.12100603

>if you don't know anything about physics the conventional model of the sun doesn't make sense!

>> No.12100615

>>if you don't know anything about physics ...blahblahblahblah

Have you even examined the conventional model? Lots of magic tricks contained in it including violating Boyl's law. At least be consistent.

>> No.12100623

Be specific about it violating Boyle's law.

>> No.12100629


Sun spots are cooler in temperature.

>> No.12100633

>Lots of magic tricks contained in it including violating Boyl's law.
Translation - the super simplified model breaks down because shit gets more complicated

>> No.12100644

Ok, thanks for your input, I'll stop talking to you now

>> No.12100650

Well, they appear to have too much money and the actual experimental set-up is well-done enough for me to not completely ignore it. Though the most likely explanation is that it's venture capitalist bait to extract money from people with no knowledge of physics by presenting them a collection of half-truths that will never deliver on the "making money" aspect.

Plus it looks cool. Obviously some nonsense applications. Making rare earths seems like a ridiculous idea. All that really matters is > unity energy production and you've fundamentally changed human civilization. Don't do that, and you've just created a glorified fusor. I assume that's what they're working towards, so I'm wishing them the best, but I'm skeptical. Most likely outcome is perpetual delays until investors pull out.

>> No.12100651

Check out the recent satellite observations from the past 20 years. Plenty of heavy elements such as iron, nickel, and silicon underneath the plasma layers. Should these elements be discounted? Should we assume they are insignificant and disregard the Sun's powerful gravity? Should we throw away logic that would point toward higher abundance of heavy elements at the core? These are the questions that must be asked if you want the truth.

Boyle's law addressed:

>> No.12100657

Satellite Observations:

The Surface Of The Sun

The Surface Of The Sun, The Photosphere And Electrically Driven Solar Flares

>> No.12100678

This is the kind of retard that supports nonsense like EU.
Obviously no formal training in EE or physics.
Cant into elementary math.
Believes himself clever whilst making a gigantic fool of himself.

>> No.12100688
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He is correct.
1 Watt = 1 Joule per second
Sorry, you are the idiot anon. Get professional help.

>> No.12100701

The constructed consiferance of conjugating co-aligned correlated particles nestled in conjoining shells of ethearial brilliance will usher in a new era of clean energy.

>> No.12100717

1 watt-second is 1 joule you absolute fucking idiot jesus christ.
Read: >>12100317

>> No.12100731
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 1576474411389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also have to actor in the speed of light and earth's rotation to get the actual joules.

>> No.12100735

Will gullible retards ever stop posting this autistic pseud project?

>> No.12100739

My idea is that you guys hand cern ova to plasma physicists. They have more use of this data points.

>> No.12100823

EU and SAFIRE btfo

>> No.12100847
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>> No.12101133

wtf i believe in eu now

>> No.12101421

lmfao this

>> No.12101425

This isn't math

>> No.12101742


>> No.12101749


>> No.12101751


>> No.12102221


>> No.12102511
File: 177 KB, 629x370, 736478234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is not even funny anymore, they are just pretending to find new shit when its just already 100 year old alien tech as usual.

Fuck the US military and their 100 years ahead mentality

>> No.12102511,1 [INTERNAL] 

You mean from main stream science and corporations?

>> No.12102511,2 [INTERNAL] 

>venture capitalist bait to extract money from people with no knowledge of physics by presenting them a collection of half-truths that will never deliver on the "making money" aspect.

So basically mainstream science?

>> No.12102511,3 [INTERNAL] 

Will you ever question mainstream science?