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11908764 No.11908764[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Rejected by Harvard
>Rejected by MIT
>Rejected by family for not getting into Ivy league
Should I just kill myself? I should kill myself. Or maybe just accept my failure and go become a fisherman in Japan. Google, how do I become a fisherman in japan?

>> No.11908786

have you tried not being chinese

>> No.11908789

Not asian...

>> No.11908804


>> No.11908812

only grad school prestige matters brainlet. undergrad is a meme
t. PhD in ivy

>> No.11908821

MIT isn’t ivy. Either way, undergrad prestige for STEM isn’t super important if you’re planning on going to grad school (which is likely given the schools you’ve applied to). If it’s accredited, it’s the same basic curriculum as anywhere else.

Go to a state school with decent research opportunities and a good quality of life, and focus on getting a good enough GPA to be competitive for a master’s program studying something that excites you.

>> No.11908822

how can I achieve this? just majoring on some whatever major on some literally who university then applying for grad on Ivy? my parent's won't pay for anything that's not ivy and I'm penniless...

>> No.11908835

On reality I just want to be a Fashion designer... I secretly applied to FIT on NY without my parents knowing but never heard back from them, called and emailed them but nothing... The plan was escaping to to NY ang getting a shit-eating job enough to pay for my own apartment and tuition even If I had to be homeless or live on a shithole. But this COVID shit and the protests fucked everything up, and not I don't even know if the university is gonna be online. how the fuck do you become a good designer from home if you can't fucking network I... I don't know bros I'm just gonna kill myself.

>> No.11908842

go to literally any school that has research in a field you want
do a lot of research in that field
get admitted to a better school for PhD

you can always pull the huge gambit on them to get them to pay for a tier1 private non-ivy
>I know it's expensive, but I want to go to this school. If you agree to pay for this, I'll pay for any and all graduate school
they probably don't know that grad school is funded

>master's program
do not follow this advice

>> No.11908843

don't even bother reading, just havea good night everyone, sleep well, sleepy sleepy zzz sleep is good i hope you all sleep well bros don't

>> No.11908853
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Is sleep good for you? I'm gonna sleep forever I'm too much of a pussy toa knife jump or put a knife up my trachea cyanide hur? cyanide goes make does one goe sleepy ? I want sleepy forever? how do i sleepy forver friends?

>> No.11908866
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>> No.11908873

>On reality I just want to be a Fashion designer
Then why worry about not getting into a top school for a completely unrelated field? If you aren’t in love with the subject, you’d likely be pretty miserable and maybe even drop out anyway given how intense the curriculum is at a school like that.

>> No.11908881

>I don't wanna go to MIT
>didn't get into MIT I should kill myself
You really should, you melodramatic fuckwit
You're on 4chan trying to get pity points with gratuitous insincere suicide threats. It's probably all for the best if you just check out now.

>> No.11908900

Tyelenol is lifefuel for me, i would have roped long ago due to bad teeth and throbbing headaches without it and ibu 600s.

>> No.11908918

>spent undergrad bummed out about not going to MIT
>get rejected from MIT again for grad school and go to UTexas

Could be worse, right?

>> No.11908950

Should have been black

>> No.11908965

Never went college.

Satisfied in life.

Keep working.

>> No.11908983
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>Could be worse, right?
From experience, 100% Being bitter about not getting into a specific school ate away at me until I got severely depressed and dropped out, despite the fact that I was going to like the 3rd highest ranked school in the US for my field. I ended up losing my dream girlfriend, my scholarship, and had to move back home all because I wasn't content with what I had. I'm getting out of it now, but going back to school after 2 years is way more of a pain in the ass than just getting over my saltiness would've been.

>> No.11909031

>Falling for the ivy league meme
>Being judged by your family for not being suckered in and one of the greatest scams in history
Your first mistake is listening to your retarded family by thinking a ivy league school will automatically make you successful. I say buy land, pursue a career that you're passionate about and I mean really passionate. Find shit that makes you happy than for the benefit of others. Take up hobbies and learn new skills that would benefit you. It seems that every tiger parent who wishes the kid be fucking Jesus Christ himself and thinking achievements and prestigious awards makes them happy. In honestly the are the true selfish assholes that only care about the titles and appraisement that their child learns rather than their child's well being and happiness

>> No.11909078

What the fuck? You sound like my brother who is living over the roof of my head right now. He wanted to literally move to New York and do fashion. Chin is that you?

>> No.11909090
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tell mom & dad that you didn't get into harvard because they were too dumb an poor to pony up the required $6,000,000 bribe

>> No.11909238

They’re poor too. They just spect me to make them rich because “the hardship they went thought to take me to this country”

>> No.11909249

this. and getting into grad school is sometimes more a matter of finding a group that does research that you are interested in, reading their publications, and talking with the PI than anything else.

>> No.11909253

>They just spect me to make them rich
That's shitty of them. Either way, going to a big state university and enjoying what it has to offer socially, then getting into a prestigious grad school can be a much more pleasant path than starting undergrad at an Ivy, and it'll get you to the same place in the end.

>> No.11909259

I plan on raising any children I ever have like this. Even if they succeed, will they still hate me?

>> No.11909262

Convert to Judaism and reapply.

>> No.11909263

Kill your family and eat them.

>> No.11909354

don't be a fucking child. Be a man.

undergrad barely matters. save the money; find some good professors at a more suitable option, use it as an opportunity to establish yourself. You'll stand out easier and have way more fun.

t. neuroscientist/aero engineer who went to state/party school. white as fuck but learned a very hard language in college. trade stonks. big douche; but genuinely am outperforming 99% of my peers; and now I have better options than the harvard grads I know. happy af I didn't go to ivy somewhere in the fuckin cold for a 4 year 200k degree

>> No.11909368

>neuroscientist/aero engineer
That’s a really interesting combination. What kind of opportunities does that lead to? I’ve considered adding a history or international relations degree to my AE to go into defense consulting, but haven’t really seen anybody else combine an engineering degree with such a different field.

>> No.11909409

This thread is filled with copes

The truth is more complex. Your undergrad matters, somewhat. More so for connections and opportunities than anything else, as the instruction is surprisingly similar.

But now that you've been rejected, the best thing to do is to accept it and move on with your life. Don't get attached to a soulless institution, be your own person.

Judging from your post it seems as though you'll have some difficulty with this, but it's what you must do. MIT wouldn't have made you permanently happy or anything, permanent happiness is a capitalist myth: it's been demonstrated overwhelming that the default state of man is a general mild contentedness, or neutrality, punctuated with moments of brief emotion.

I rambled. Hope you find peace dude.

>> No.11909436
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The only thing you did wrong anon was not being affiliated with Zionism or Jewdism.

Not to sound like a Nazi but the scientific elite hate to include new people not willing to keep their secrets.

The first step to this red pill is figuring out why shipping and flight paths only make logistical sense when ploted on a azimuthal projection map.

>> No.11909440
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Delete this


>> No.11909453
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> mason cuck thinks everyone who knows is initiated.

>> No.11909564

no, retard

>> No.11910691

Yes. Always.

>> No.11910716
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I-I'm sorry anon. There's nothing we can do now. Just...Just think of the IQ tests anon. Think of the IQ tests.

>> No.11911083
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Buy those faggots this wise book.

>> No.11911107

>go do 'x' in Japan
They're not going to let any of you faggots work or live in Japan lmao

>> No.11911114

>Rejected by this board

>> No.11911122

Honestly just go to a nice little Midwest public school and drown in white pussy and everyone being nice, collaborative good natured folks.

Ivy League is corrupt as fuck anyway.

>> No.11911243

ok but what if my grad school has no prestige as well?

>> No.11911267

>do not follow this advice
Why not?

>> No.11911287

If trolling, fuck off.

If not, tell your parents to fuck off. Ivy leagues are stupid. I got into a few and now I go to Stanford and it’s all just a meme. They’re *slightly* better than other schools on some fronts, the same as others on other fronts, and far worse than some schools on a few fronts.

>> No.11911292

Your parents are idiots.

>> No.11911299

Corporate overlords care less and less about what college you went to and some don't even care if you went to college. Talent and experience matters the most these day. College doesn't teach jack these days since 90% of it is opinion anyway. The biggest advantage college offers you is connections. I'm sure you can find a more creative way to make connections spending tens of thousands of dollars. Or pick the cheapest nearby college and go there.

>> No.11911372

Ivy League is full of powerful and rich people. It is also nice like resort style nice with clean and pretty facilities.

>> No.11911377

undergrad only matters if you went to CS

>> No.11911383

If you compare the available coursework and textbooks used, exams posted, from say MIT and Northwestern University there is a substantial but insufficient difference in rigor and complexity to the material such that they are probably superior in most ways even at the freshman level to other schools. Insufficient because the price and competitiveness of admissions, even given that most ivy league students are on generous scholarships, are so absurd as to render the rather large gap in educational quality void by comparison. Graduate quality is quite different though, working with leaders in their field is probably a priceless advantage.

>> No.11911394

yes, why even ask. You are weak.

>> No.11911432

College isn't worth it in america.
And since you are American. Just give up

>> No.11911799

ad hominem

>> No.11911994

its easy to get in ivy if not asian

>> No.11912236

>Rejected by family for not getting into Ivy league
If this is true, try leaving your family to get out of toxic environments and make yourself a better man first.

>> No.11912250

Too under qualified for phd lvl jobs
Too overqualified for bachelor level jobs
Unless you connections are solid

>> No.11913202

>t. neuroscientist/aero engineer who went to state/party school. white as fuck but learned a very hard language in college. trade stonks. big douche; but genuinely am outperforming 99% of my peers; and now I have better options than the harvard grads I know. happy af I didn't go to ivy somewhere in the fuckin cold for a 4 year 200k degree
Could you redpill me on how you are that successful? I'm not being ironic I legit am kinda lost in my life (some health~mental problems I struggled with and cost about 2 years of my life)

>> No.11913322

Accurate. I'm in a shit state school right now applying to PhD programs. My research advisor suggested Princeton since someone from our lab went there recently and they like him a lot it seems.

>> No.11913326

I'm looking at PhD programs right now and I've found a couple labs I like. How do I get in contact with the PI? Do I just send an email and tell him I'm applying and interested in his research?

>> No.11914165

I also want to know this. I guess if you have some sort of network it would be easier to contact them.

>> No.11914686

Princeton is actually comfy af, but all my profs and research advs suggest research on Europe. I'm just hesitant because of how liberal academia has become, but maybe I'll try.

>> No.11914763

Do you work in human factors engineering or something? That could he a pretty interesting area of research