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11868689 No.11868689 [Reply] [Original]

How do Hermaphrodites fit into this spectrum?

>> No.11868705

i think hermaphrodites typically have both sex organs and create both sex cells (sperms and eggs) but usually at least one of their sex organs is shooting blanks.

i think it is possible for them to have both eggs and sperm working but i think that is relatively rare compared to one shooting blanks. and i think both being "blanks" also happens too

i think "spegg" and "sperg" are not real, just memes

>> No.11868853

They come under spergs

>> No.11868862

white “men” come under the spectrum of hermaphrodites I’d say

>> No.11869199
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>> No.11869206

a hermaphrodite is just a chimera. meaning it was 2 babies that were merged in the womb or egg for species that dont give birth. assuming it is just identical twins that merged nobody ever notices. hell if its the same gender and not identical twins nobody notices typically

but if its 2 different gender twins a male and female when they merge it may have both sex organs. this is not genetic its a birth defect from 1 twin eating another

>> No.11869386

I'm pretty sure there has never been a human capable of both fertilization and carrying a baby to term. That would be cool, and we'll probably figure out how to make those in a couple hundred years, but it's never happened naturally.

>> No.11869440
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Daily reminder

>> No.11869449

Obsessed shitskin

>> No.11869470

damn these niggas stupid

>> No.11869599

Futas are hot as hell bro. My dream is to get creampied by one

>> No.11869613

That's a bad example, in some languages blue and green are the same colour.

>> No.11869770

seethe harder white tranny

>> No.11869792

thank you for proving his point, tranny

>> No.11869797

This is absolutely BULLSHIT
Every part of a sperm was built to be completely complimentary to the egg.
It was built to attack. The egg was made to be stationary and whole. Hence why women/nature split their hermaphroditory asexual reproduction long ago. XX to XY.
XX was bigger genetically speaking.

>> No.11869798

based and checkd

>> No.11870384


>> No.11871389

Human hermaphrodites have not been shown to exist. Humans can be born with non-function semblances of sex-organs, but never produce both functioning sex cells, therefor they are not truly hermaphrodite like some species are.
Hello wandering /x/poster.

>> No.11871545

Yeah, but how do actual hermaphrodites fit in the sex classification. Are they male? female? both? or is hermaphrodite a different biological sex?

And what about organisms that do not produce gametes due to birth defects, etc. are they sexless?

>> No.11871580

There is no spectrum of biological sex. There are males, females and birth defects.
The only spectrum is the spectrum of leftist mental illness.

>> No.11872198

t.Manlet poo in drag

>> No.11872212

kys tranny

>> No.11872574

If I crawl around on all fours, do I become a majestic pony? Trannies are abominations and a sign of the end times.

>> No.11873427

I like how none of the replies ITT are biologists.

>> No.11873431

>Are they male? female? both? or is hermaphrodite a different biological sex?
they're hermaphrodites...

>> No.11873632
File: 185 KB, 680x680, m col.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RYB color wheel

>> No.11873653

they are a genetic abnormality, same as conjoined twins or people with an extra finger. we don't call those people a new species, they just have a genetic defect.

>> No.11873711

A new species is just a series of genetic defects that stick through reproduction.

>> No.11873912

>assuming it is just identical twins that merged
identical twins with different sexes?

>> No.11874857


>> No.11874902

Just discovered that this is a real claim from the LGTB.
Good lord, It's stupid.