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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11723525 No.11723525 [Reply] [Original]

how could you tell?

>> No.11723549

So soyuz have no problem launching in shitty weather (someone post the image) but this piece of shit can't in some fucking rain clouds???

>> No.11723555
File: 40 KB, 540x960, 15645456156456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dabs on mutt
heh, nothing personnal kiddo.

>> No.11723577
File: 686 KB, 3068x1726, is that a fucking cloud i see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11723846

soyuz have been launching since the 60s, that's the difference

>> No.11723859

Then there's the space shuttle. The apex of over designed amerishit.

>> No.11723883


>> No.11723897

>I'll launch anywhere
>Sorry, can't launch there

>> No.11723912

Isn't the falcon 9 really long and skinny for a rocket? Pretty sure that makes it weak and prone to damage in high winds but I could be making this up entirely.

>> No.11723922

wow that's pathetic

>> No.11723937

The South African fears the mighty Russian.

>> No.11723939
File: 1.57 MB, 2432x3178, 1590610940529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11723965

>Falcon 9
>made by some autistic South African with a reddit cult of personality
>Can't fly if there's a few clouds or a light drizzle

>made by a Chad Slav

>> No.11723989

Seriously wtf. Why are we failing to do something we successfully did more than half a century ago???

>> No.11724000

they're having issues with the hatch right now. This gets better and better!

>> No.11724013

Oh no no no

>> No.11724014

you guys r fucking retards, i expect nothing less from /sci/. there is literally 0 room for error for space x. none. they have to perform literally perfectly to continue to exist. if a single thing goes wrong in the shuttle flight it is over forever. slavs dont give a fuck about that. if their shuttle explodes and a few guys die they'll just shrug it off

>> No.11724042

>falcon 9

>comparing a space craft with a launch vehicle

Are you some sort of retard?

>> No.11724062

The soyuz is both the name of the rocket family and the spacecraft, midwit.

>> No.11724068

cope, mutt

>> No.11724076

Why hasn't rurssia beat america to mars yet?

>> No.11724207

Ivan is aiming for Jupiter.

>> No.11724213

Russia is going all the way to Solyaris next.

>> No.11724288

Because their GDP is the same as Italy

>> No.11724293

Random question gents, I wanted know if it was possible to build a non-taser gun that use's quantum entangled photons that is shot at a target and no matter where the target gose as soon as trigger is pulled it automatly sends the also entangled electrons in the gun to the target...just asking for a friend.
Thanks babye

>> No.11724323


>> No.11724336
File: 45 KB, 1200x675, 1590610226292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11724339

Imagine if for some reason our species existence was threatened and our only chance of survival was to escape the planet but we couldn't because it was rained every day.

>> No.11724349

That pic looks like it's right out of Deus Ex.

>> No.11724369

>As of 2020, there have been 15 astronaut and 4 cosmonaut fatalities during spaceflight
Why are americans so incompetent

>> No.11724417

No americans have died in space, three russians have though.

We all know that the reason is because the shuttle was a fucking death trap designed by retards

>> No.11724462

Someone with a Twitter send this to Musk. Please.

>> No.11724499

because this is their national anthem.


>> No.11724515
File: 315 KB, 498x287, AWYEAH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

srsly based russians

>> No.11724622

those goyim are retarded by design

>> No.11724648

I thought it was only 14?

Honestly, the space shuttle wasn't that bad of an idea initially within the original post-Apollo plans that were being drawn up in the late 60s.
Its design was compromised by funding cuts to NASA, which forced them into trying to alter the design to get some DoD money.

>> No.11726413

shuttle is retarded in all ways with the hydrolox and SRB's instead of a chad rp1 lower stage

>> No.11726514

Soyuz doesn’t live in fear of the space hating gibs entitled taxpayer.

>> No.11726604

Soyuz launches do get delayed for weather reasons.
>The Soyuz ST-A launch vehicle had to stay on the ground on Friday due to persistent thunderstorms moving over the area as well as strong upper level winds, not permitting the vehicle to safely ascend through 2,000 to 3,500 meters in altitude. Upper Level Winds remained out of limits on Saturday, again forcing teams to abandon the countdown prior to propellant loading.
In this case, they had to additionally consider the ability to recover the crew in case of an in-flight abort.

>> No.11726616

Elon Musk is literally Bob Page. If neuralink takes off expect to see him go big into biotechnologies.

>> No.11727206

Who is tracer tong?

>tfw no computational biophysics phd + ee masters

>> No.11727318

The guy who made bitcoin

>> No.11727326

>saw this on twitt*r
>wondered if it was someone posting chan OC as always
>it is
like pottery... twitt*r nuked when?

>> No.11727344

Are you faggots retarded? They didn't want to chance a rescue on stormy seas. This is an incredibly important mission so waiting a few days for perfect conditions makes sense.

>> No.11727372

kek, though so far he's a one trick pony, and really good trick though.
the world is due a biotech champion.

>> No.11727382

Don't worry, their ADHD riddled brains won't understand.

>> No.11727401

Its actually kind of a perfect play, massive exposure, new launch on Saturday and you have people talking about a rocket thats already finished and tested. This is going to get normies very excited i think.