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11674550 No.11674550 [Reply] [Original]

Why do gay people exist? I don't know why I'm gay, I wasn't molested and I can't remember any obvious childhood trauma, but I've always had an interest in males, dicks, and masculinity going back to relatively early childhood. I consciously tried to become straight as a teenager for years but failed.

>> No.11674556

the brain is a complicated machine and any aspect of human behavior has exceptions somewhere in the population

we'd all just be better off if we stopped caring one way or the other

>> No.11674562

Your brain is broken.

>> No.11674564

why does any fetish exist?

>> No.11674566

why do retards exist? Genetic/behavioral diversity is beneficial for a species to survival

>> No.11674570

More gays appear when a population gets too large. It's mother nature's species nerf. You also must have done something horrible in past life to suffer for your love in this one.

>> No.11674571

I don't think fetish is an adequate term for a sexuality. Would you call something as broad and generalized as "liking girls" a fetish?

>> No.11674575

hello /pol/

>> No.11674578

Cope faggot. You are literally a defective person.

>> No.11674584
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>Why do gay people exist?
They don't.

>> No.11674586 [DELETED] 

>a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.
fetish definition in english

>liking girls
this is normal human reproductive behavior. However you can fetishist parts of the female body or acts in relation to.
you could flip that and start saying my sexuality is having sex with trees. No it's a fetish

>> No.11674589



take your pick

>> No.11674591

Fuck off to >>>/lgbt/ Goldblatt.

>> No.11674594

Good ol' /pol/! I love our conversations.

>> No.11674596

repost bc spelling mistakes
>a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.
fetish definition in english

>liking girls
this is normal human reproductive behavior. However you can fetishize
parts of the female body or acts in relation to it.
you could flip that and start saying my sexuality is having sex with trees. No it's a fetish

>> No.11674597

>this is normal human reproductive behavior.
But if my brain is hardwired to feel the same natural human reproductive urges, only directed towards men, how is it a fetish? A person who started straight but developed an interest in dicks later has a fetish, but how is someone who only likes men from childhood a fetishist? I have had 0 sexual interest in any female ever.

>> No.11674600

>everyone I don't like is a gay black jew
the state of /pol/, everyone

>> No.11674622

i don't know why i'm autistic either
only genetic engineering can fix congenital mental abnormalities

>> No.11674623

>But if my brain is hardwired to feel the same natural human reproductive urges, only directed towards tree/dogs/anthills/noses/feet, how is it a fetish?
this version should help show my point

>but how is someone who only likes men from childhood a fetishist?
this is not at all uncommon for fetish, they usually come about around puberty but if you felt "sexual" feelings for some object or particularity act before then, it is actually more likely a fetish.

> I have had 0 sexual interest in any female ever.
you know I hear guys says this but the more I've known them in practice I really haven't seen it be the case. I just find it really difficult to believe that if you stuck your penis is a women's vagina you wouldn't like it. They are literally made for our dicks

>> No.11674624

Not enough testosterone exposure in the womb

>> No.11674625

uhm why is this thread still not deleted? discuss this on /lgbt/ with your fellow faggots, we dont care and homo shit is not science

>> No.11674631

But I'm masculine.

>> No.11674632

>Why do mental disorders exist?
The world may never know OP

>> No.11674640

There's nothing wrong with me.

>> No.11674646
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Of course not anon, you’re just special.

>> No.11674647

Your brain isn't

>> No.11674689
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Straightfag here, if you look at the other mammal species, they pretty much all show homosexual behavior in the same proportions as humans. The only hard data I saw was a group of 400 male sheep (1/4 a little gay, ~5% completely gay iirc) but you can see for yourself with dogs and horses, some are gay. Dolphins are gay as shit, they're an outlier so don't put too much weight on them.

Bottom line is it's normal for mammals that some be gay. However, just as a dolphin is a massively socially intelligent animal like us, that shit is also contagious. Even the most PC scientist will say our behavior is 95% nurture, 5% nature. People don't want their kids to be gay so don't spread it around. Also it's genetic, so you might try to find out which side of the family it came from, just for your own personal edification.

>> No.11674692

You have a condition that will limit your ability to pass on your genetics. From a biological standpoint, there is something very wrong with you indeed.

>> No.11674699

>The only hard data I saw was a group of 400 male sheep (1/4 a little gay, ~5% completely gay iirc) but you can see for yourself with dogs and horses, some are gay.
kek bullshit. Post source for your gay sheep study

>> No.11674700
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>You have a condition that will limit your ability to pass on your genetics
gays have kids

>> No.11674703

Whom they regularly molest.

>> No.11674705

>gays have kids
I assume that anon meant from the stand point of that it is a maladaptive trait for a human to have. Not that modern society doesn't allow it to happen

>> No.11674706
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really so fucking hard?
furthermore, I remember that they killed and dissected the sheep and in all the gay ones, the anterior preoptic hypothalamus was half the size it was in the straight sheep
read a book nigger, you're dumb as shit

>> No.11674716

I also remember another study that shows hetero male human brains are not quite symmetrical, with one hemisphere being ~6% larger than the other while hetero female brains are usually perfectly 50/50. Then you get a femme gay dude and a big butch woman and the opposite is true; the gay woman has the off-balance hemispheres while the gay man's brain is perfectly 50/50. You need me to look that up for you too?

>> No.11674719

>About 8 percent of domestic rams display preferences for other males as sexual partners.
I found it but it's bit different then the claim. Anyway stating that another some of the population of another animal does something does not mean it is normal for humans. Eating your partners head after sex isn't normal either

> I remember that they killed and dissected the sheep and in all the gay ones, the anterior preoptic hypothalamus was half the size it was in the straight sheep
are you suggesting that homosexuality in men is a brain defect that can be tested for with current technology?

>> No.11674742
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I think your use of the word defect is emotionally charged language which is dishonest and lowers the integrity of your argument, but instead using the word condition then yes. But you don't need to cut someone's brain up, you can see it on their face. It's called gaydar, and if you don't have it then it's you who has a defect.

To put this into context, the condition, variation, mutation, defect, whatever you want to call it, is shared between a whole lot of things here. I put a little gay flag on the tree at the most recent point this brain construction variation could have shown up. We're talking 20 million years ago at the soonest. It's way older than we are. It's probably not something you should get all worked up over.

>> No.11674775 [DELETED] 

yeah if you are going to talk about a study it needs to be sourced. Also if that is real it is a terrible study as it sounds like it measured two gay people. Not to mention it suggests much more indifferences then just the sexual

while I don't rule out the possibility of having purely homosexual thoughts being a disorder I think it is unlikely with such a large prevelance and will not believe it without good evidence. Do you believe that all fetishes are due to brain differences?
>you can see it on their face.
no you cannot, you made this up
>We're talking 20 million years ago at the soonest.
how could you possibly know this, what is the rational

>> No.11674779

yeah if you are going to talk about a study it needs to be sourced. Also if that is real it is a terrible study to base off of as it sounds like it only measured two gay people. Not to mention it suggests much more indifferences then just the sexual

while I don't rule out the possibility of having purely homosexual thoughts being a genetic disorder I think it is unlikely with such a large prevalence and will not believe it without good evidence. Do you believe that all fetishes are due to brain differences?
>you can see it on their face.
no you cannot, you made this up
>We're talking 20 million years ago at the soonest.
how could you possibly know this, what is the rational

>> No.11674784

These animals in captivity get bored and become gay.
Some humans are gay, but their numbers are increasing.
Does this tell us being gay is natural, or humans are in a state of captivity?

>> No.11674786

I don't stack links in an archive waiting to use them in arguments on a serbian landmine decorating forum. Google does though, you might try them instead.

Again, I don't have links ready I just remember interesting stuff I have found over the years. I'm interested in the idea of human as biological machines whose behavior can be explained by physical properties. Sorry if that bothers you. It was in the news just a couple months ago that someone made an ai algorithm with better gaydar than humans, getting 70% or 80% accuracy whereas normal humans have a roughly 50-60% accurate gaydar. These guys >>11674700 are gay, you can see it in the construction of their faces, the way their flesh lays on their bones, especially the one on the left. There's something wrong with you if you can't tell.

>> No.11674787

>Does this tell us being gay is natural, or humans are in a state of captivity?
kek. It think it asks if we are returning to animal impulsivity with less and less reasons not to indulge in hedonism

>> No.11674792

Just my thoughts with no evidence but I think it's an anomaly of the human mind due to it's sudden surge in complexity and intelligence.
Given a long enough timeline, nature will stop producing gays because they are less likely to reproduce.

>> No.11674793

I agree the numbers are increasing, and it seems to be due to the modern diet or possibly pharmaceuticals or fire retardants or disinfectant hand soap, food packaging leechoff, any one or combination of a thousand things that are different about the environment than the one that produced the critter we are. One foundation of my argument here is part of my personal moral code that you shouldn't rip on people for things they didn't choose, like if their parents died or they have down's syndrome or something. It's just a basic rule of thumb, something easy enough for a child to remember. Just let people be gay, who gives a shit. It means more girls for you right?

>> No.11674797

>their numbers are increasing
not at all, just more are out in the open due to public acceptance

>> No.11674800

>t. trust me bro
no you can't make novel claims like that expect anyone to believe you without any sources. I am guess it is because they are pop sci sources

>you can see it in the construction of their faces,
This is something that a groomer tells to some one he is trying to have gay sex with.

>In early 2018, other researchers, among which two specialists of AI working at Google (one of the two on face recognition), issued a reportedly contradicting study based on a survey of 8,000 Americans using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing platform. The survey yielded many traits helping to discriminate between gay and straight respondents with a series of yes/no questions. These traits had actually less to do with morphology than with grooming, presentation, and lifestyle (makeup, facial hair, glasses, selfie angle, etc.)[32]
ahh now I see why you didn't source it

>> No.11674804

Could be this too, maybe they're just shoving it in our faces a bunch to make people gay so there are still animals in 100 years. If too many humans are on the planet, we're going to do what any other animal does: eat all the available food and then starve and die off in massive numbers. Also with guns. Won't that be fun?

>> No.11674808

>"liking girls" a fetish?
it doesn't fall under that category because a fetish is more like an obsession, but the mechanisms are nearly the same

it is an inclination you're born with and that you can't change

>but you need to be exposed to it!
sure go watch a scat movie and try not to gag, and also do it as many time as you need just for science

>> No.11674810
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>posts the 'pay no attention to the man behind the curtain' explanation
I bet you're missing part of your dick and think it's no big deal too.

>> No.11674813

The genes they express gay in males could express something else in females that make them reproduce more or something that is one way of going about it. Genetic is complicated

>> No.11674820
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>> No.11674822

the authors of the AI study did not take into account confounding variables that invalidate their results. This was a poorly done study and has even been condemned by organizations like GLAAD

They also said they could predict criminality by the face by over 90%. I wish they released the composite sketch for that kek

>> No.11674857

The study being invalid is a valid argument, but there is no way an organization like GLAAD would support a study showing a physical cause for gayness. That would be like the NAACP crowing proudly about racial IQ tests. The left's entire ideological construction rests on foundation that all people are the same and thus equally valuable in any position. What they should be peddling is the idea that there are so many people that it doesn't matter who does what, that one's a little easier to swallow.

>> No.11674878
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Please FOR THE LOVE OF GOD do not start a gay "family". The world is fucked up enough as is.

>> No.11674880

>EVERYONE who doesn't think like me is a /pol/ boogeyman
Every. Single. Time.

>> No.11674886

>Please FOR THE LOVE OF GOD do not start a gay "family".
Ok I won’t now.

>> No.11674891

There might be evolutionary reasons but sometimes shit just happens.
Males carry all the genetic information women have and thus have all the genetic potential.
All the y chromosome does is trigger the male developement and supress the female developement.
Sexual attraction is programmed into us and I just guess there is some margin of error that causes males to be born with some female programming.

>> No.11674895

Do you have older brothers?

>> No.11674897

>there can't be anything more cucked and retarded than adopting a kid while having functional genitals
>oh wait there is
>some gays are so retarded they have surrogate kids
>goddamn i am so naive

>> No.11674900

Yes, youngest of three brothers and a sister.

>> No.11674911
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I am late
Too fucking late to save this thread
Anyway, OP, the answer is in the Gay Uncle Hypothesis

>gays and asexuals do not compete for mating rights, does not cause discord and violence against rivals, and does not seek to add a new mouth to feed
>but they still continue to provide for the tribe despite the absence of will to pass the genetic information

As such, the tribe with the gay gene are more likely to survive and pass on their ethnic genes

This is not proven but is convincing enough
t. asexual
I have absolute zero interest in having any relationship
I can never relate with the >tfw no gf memes
And I absolutely loathe the idea of spending my time and privacy just to be with someone else

>> No.11674915

The more older brothers you have the more likely it is to be gay.
Its epigenetic in the way that women during pregnancy will (through hormones) will make their baby gay.
To go full evolutionar pseudo-psych:
People would originally live in small tribes with a couple of dozends people. 3 Sons is already enough to ensure the survival of your genes, too much men and they would have to compete with eachother for women, which would endanger the survival of the whole group. But men are needed because they are stronger etc.
So its better to have a gay kid that helps the whole group and fucks some dudes, than to have a 4th brother that might bash the other brothers head in because they have the hots for the same girl.

>> No.11674923
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This is interesting. It doesn't so much suggest homosexual behavior evolved in humans as that it wasn't selected against, so it still fits together with all mammals r gay.

>> No.11674927

I read somewhere that often when they find multiple ancient human corpses, like a few people that died at the same time 20 or 30 thousand years ago, the males tend to be related through their mother and the females aren't related to the males, like bros roamed around grabbing girls to add to their tribe.

>> No.11674929
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Forget everything that the idiots and /pol/tards above said
If something is an unfavorable trait, natural selection would prune it

Gays and asexuals
Blue eyes, red hair,
Skin color
Fingernail, facial hair, pubic hair, butt hair
All have valid explanation. Could be beneficial, could be neutral, but never detrimental

>> No.11674931

It only gets trimmed if it kills you before you breed.

>> No.11674933

I don't think being gay is an 'unfavorable trait', but this is bullshit. there are tons of deleterious alleles in the human gene pool

>> No.11674935

Nah, grandmother hypothesis exists.
We don't know which came first: menopause or old age.
Either way, it became favorable to have an old tribe leader who has no child and instead treats everyone as "their" child

>> No.11674938

Or causes you not to breed, I guess, like malformed genitalia or something. Which kind of goes against the logic here, which I guess is the reason we're having a thread. Hmm.

>> No.11674942

All bad traits are bound to be erased sooner or later.
Some humans are now being born without a wisdom tooth

>> No.11674945

I think the animal we are needs about 20 people in their tribe to thrive, and at least 5 or so to even survive. And then you have the max group size of 200 or so, otherwise known as the monkeysphere, above which a group tends to break into factions which compete with each other.

>> No.11674946

Well of course because females are a limited ressource. The childbed death-rate is pretty high for humans

>> No.11674950

>All bad traits are bound to be erased sooner or later.
bad traits come into existence all the time, and previously 'good' traits become bad when the environment shifts.

>> No.11674959

That's not a bad mutation disappearing, that's a beneficial mutation appearing. I would argue that as long as modern dental care is good enough to prevent people dying from their wisdom teeth before breeding, that mutation will not increase in frequency.

>> No.11674965

pretty sure humans are actually born with zero teeth

>> No.11674967
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Yeah but bad traits are not going to last in history for too long if the person kept on dying early
Even if he managed to breed before death, if he was unable to grow his child, he may end up failing eitherway

The fact that homosexuality is so common among mammals is a sure sign that it has huge amount of benefits

Nah, wisdom teeth still consumes energy to create. Energy that could be distributed for something else. The difference is small but we had been pilling dice rolls on it for like 100,000 years.

>> No.11674970

Ever seen a baby skull, fuck boi?

>> No.11674977

You don't understand: if a variation is not deleterious to breeding, it does not disappear. You could be a mutant with another nipple inside your chest where no girl would ever get grossed out by it, and even though it took 3 extra chicken nuggets to grow that nipple vs someone who didn't, you're still going to knock up that stupid slut at the bar, and your kid will have the extra nipple.

>> No.11674983
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>> No.11674989

Hey, that's actually quite common
Some humans have more skelletons than standard and some have inversed organs where the heart is pointing to the other side.
Every animal is diverse - it's the point of evolution

Anyway, the point is, if it is bad, it wouldn't propagate.

>> No.11674990

>Yeah but bad traits are not going to last in history for too long if the person kept on dying early
if they die early, yeah

>The fact that homosexuality is so common among mammals is a sure sign that it has huge amount of benefits
or there's just some homology among mammalian hormones/brain architecture that creates homosexuality but can't be selected out of the population because it would require too massive of a phylogenetic jump

but I'm speculating and yeah you could be right. human societies have weird effects on how our genetics have developed

>> No.11674992

I think where the "bad" line is is what's really being debated here.

>> No.11674995
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>> No.11674998

Well, gays and asexuals ain't bad. We can be sure of that

>> No.11674999

There is no point to evolution by natural selection, it would be better represented as moving ass-first into the future while it concentrates on killing what's directly in front of it.

>> No.11675005
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I have the feeling that sentiment isn't shared by everyone here.

>> No.11675010

Study ecology so you can be aware of what nonchalant disturbances to the food web would cause

>> No.11675013

so I mate and have children with the women and you and the gays are meant to take care of my offspring? That is your natural place?

>> No.11675020

I'm saying evolution is not an intelligent being that directs itself according to some principle. Africans are the fastest runners because the slow ones got eaten by lions for the last 40 thousand years while the slow people outside of Africa did not.

>> No.11675024
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good and bad don't exist outside of a context

>> No.11675033
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No, we exist to keep everything in a balance.

Our goal is to exist in a state that is not burdened by responsibilities and financial duties to child-care. Raise your child or child services shall pick him up

>tfw you live your life in eternal comfiness without all the depression brought by the desire to find a mate
>also finds it idiotic to brag about how many girls you fucked and may have caught STD from

>> No.11675036 [DELETED] 

To weed out the faggots from the genetic pool.

>> No.11675039

the uncle hypothesis is that some males aren't supposed to have sex with women or have offspring. In tribal living food is shared, living spaces are shared and "wealth" is shared. So your purpose is to be a good provider while I inpregnant all the women. OK

>> No.11675043

Do you still live in a cave?

The life of luxury awaits he who can keep it in his pants

>> No.11675062

>Do you still live in a cave?
no but I evolved in one. I am just happy that we are progressive enough for those who were born to be cuckolds are allowed live alone and to only have to pay a small tax for my offspring instead.

or perhaps sexuality is more complicated then the uncle hypothesis and all these other "i was born this way" reasons

>> No.11675066

>Why do gay people exist?

You can do what you want with your body and anything else given the choice. Life doesn't care if you sleep with your grandma.

If you don't mind walking around the streets knowing you played a man dick or stuck your dick up his ass then go ahead.

But vaginas are made to make use of our sperm and they also have lube for dicks. They are better for dicks than stinky dry assholes of men.

Think about that.

If you are talking about oral then women and men have different scents with body odor and anything that comes out of them, nothing massively drastic.
With guys, you might as well be sucking yourself off. All the same scents as you and bad ones too.
Bad smells from women isn't as offensive as men. A bit like bad smells from animals, we just see it as different and can respect, understand or appreciate it.

Loving guys = loving youself.

>> No.11675069

Im gay and my family produces oddly high numbers of females. My all 5 cousins are females. My sister had three kids, all females. I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

Also I would vastly prefer to be normal cause this is honestly a bother but can't help it.

>> No.11675070

most gays are actually bisexual and as such procreate

>> No.11675071


I think you've chosen to idolize dicks more than vaginas, maybe from a younger age so your pattern recognition is more acute to dicks at this time.

>> No.11675076

>I wonder if that has anything to do with it.
I highly doubt biological, but perhaps behaviorally it could have

>> No.11675078

You're probably one of the 1/4 of men who is a little gay and since you can manage to force yourself to not think of dicks you think everyone's like that.

>> No.11675080

>Also I would vastly prefer to be normal cause this is honestly a bother but can't help it.
you think I wouldn't rather be having sex with prostitutes and fucking every women I meet? How can a man that has ni control his urges be trusted

>> No.11675081
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Oh the woes of the low lives
While you are still stuck in depression over your gf, we have attained what every monastery strives all their lives.
Inner peace

You can resent it all you want

>> No.11675082

Could be some environmental condition shared by your family, such as a favorite brand of sausage. *snrk*

>> No.11675084

No, to understand things you have to get a bearing on their emotional logic, envision it and then use your common logic to break it down. That what I tried doing anyway.

But seeing how that was a pointless task, I will say this:

Then you have no hope, you little faggot, go back to sucking dicks, quit with your melodrama.

>> No.11675091

It's ok, we all make the same mistake that we think at their core everyone's pretty much like we are. It's why gun owners think more people should own guns, because they themselves are responsible people, whereas antigun people are often the kind of people who would shoot someone when they're angry, and they think everyone's like them. It's a pretty broad phenomenon.

>> No.11675094

Obviously one of your ancients survived because he buttfucked some boypussy

>> No.11675102

Kek maybe. Many great scientists and leaders were celebrate. Or maybe the monastery was the greatest cope of all

>> No.11675106
File: 56 KB, 604x337, jY4utnc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 2 books published now and works at xbox while you're still trying to find a gf.

More often than not, children and women are a burden

>> No.11675116

>More often than not, children and women are a burden
I'd say most women are. But the right one in the right situation can be really great. Things just aren't structured to make it optimal for that anymore though.

>> No.11675117

>Why do gay people exist?
Dumb question.

You can do anything you want given the choice. Fuck your granny if you want.

>> No.11675119

>You can do anything you want given the choice
based and greekpilled

>> No.11675120

Why do you assume I have rampant gay sex. I'm 30+ and still never did it for a bunch of reasons. Most straight people actually are fucking protitutes and every woman they meet or at least they try to and its encouraged and praised.

I had to hold back and control my urges all my life because faggot is the worst insult here, I never knew another one in all my life and could legit get killed for it or at least people would have made my life absolutely shit. So I just never did it.

If I could get some sort of pill that makes you like pussy I'd pay all my hoarded foreign money for it.

>> No.11675131

Gay feminine weirdos.

Imagine going about life like that.

>> No.11675134

If it's proper company you seek, you're better off with another man as men understands the idea of camaraderie and finds the female antics disgusting to a fault.

Women are only for breeding nothing more.
Just get paid for donating your sperm and be on your merry way.

>> No.11675140

Dude, Sweden is right around the corner

>> No.11675145

Man, there are some fucked up people in this thread. What is this world?

>> No.11675146

/pol/ crossboarders

>> No.11675151

I thought they left at the beginning when I crushed them with my crystal clear logic and vintage memes.

>> No.11675156

It sucks going somewhere else and then coming back to this thread because I have to look at a butt.

>> No.11675157
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>> No.11675158

>my brain is hardwired to feel the same natural human reproductive urges
How do you know that is true? How do you know you don't some other aberrant weird thing going on? You've presupposed that a sexual interest you have in a man is equivalent to the sexual interest a man has for a woman. This is something I see that is strange about so-called 'homosexuals'. There is this pre-supposition that what they have is something that takes the place of something else instead of the lack of something entirely.

>> No.11675163

I was giving an example of something I would like to do if I gave into my desires but don't, to say, be faithful in a relationship or restrain myself from excess and impulse. To make the point that everyone restrains themselves sexually in some way. A man who only follows his base desires is weak and cannot be trusted as his base desires are fickle and largely for himself.

>> No.11675170

You seem to be saying there's a certain level of latent gayness in all men that is just overpowered by attraction to women in most cases.

>> No.11675175

Homosexuals make a choice to go full fledged towards men. They know that is wrong, because don't stop moaning about their confused feelings.

>> No.11675178

Did you choose to go full-fledged towards women? Or did it just happen to you?

>> No.11675185

It's more about identifying with your father than anything I think.

>> No.11675191

Probably what is driving their emotional moaning, to paraphrase your post, is the conflict of knowing a behavior is discouraged by their society but also feeling the urge to do the behavior. The animal we are dies on its own. Its survival depends on maintaining positive group relations. This is why lonely people are less healthy, because their bodies know nobody's got their back and it's stressful, and the stress chemicals eventually damage organs.

>> No.11675206

Gay guys don't choose to be gay, they're born/grown that way. The flipside is the same is true for pedophiles and maybe even furries. You might not like it, but most people with non-vanilla attractions don't choose it. You're resistant to this viewpoint because it means you have to draw a line somewhere, balancing what you think of as your own fairness with what you think is best for the world.

>> No.11675210


>> No.11675212

personally I think everyone's fucking gross and weird and retreat into fantasy worlds where the characters have no genitalia

>> No.11675217

I don't think you know what a fetish is.
Your fetish deviates by some amount from the normal.
Me liking girls if I'm a man, is a fetish, but it's driven by my biological reproduction drive.
Your fetish is to be fucked (or fuck), people of the same sex which is driven by something else. POTENTIALLY mental illness, but it may not be.
But all the same, I think there are better choices then to live your life being promiscuous with the same sex.
Notice how I didn't say relationship, but instead said promiscuous. Here's the thing, you don't enter a "long term" > 10 years,while being gay, as it is purely pursuing fetish, is a choice you make on the basis of lust. This is true of both homosexual, and heterosexual relationships.
If a heterosexual relationship is formed on the basis of more than to fuck as many modern relationships aren't, it will last much longer.
"""""love""""" is gender non-specific and means noting in a relationship context. Love means different things for different genders. Each gender knows when love is achieved as they can make the "connection" between them, that there is a mutual bond in relation to something greater than lust. When in lust, the connection is purely sexual.
Love is abstract and cannot be correctly defined concretely, without biased opinions being introduced.
So abstractly, we can view love as the "between" of two people, node to node. But only the nodes really know what that connection is.
Lust is far more concrete, you can see it from the external, there is no greater connection than the visible, sexual connection, between two nodes.

I am yet to be convinced that there is something more abstract in a homosexual relationship greater than lust.

>> No.11675222

The male body is divine and men are superior in every aspect to women. It’s only natural for those with patrician taste to prefer men.

>> No.11675224

>Muh biology

>> No.11675227

Mah biology is a poor argument as biologically, animals fuck each other, regardless of the sex if there is no choice.
Which is the pattern you see in humans.

>> No.11675233

So is love a form of encryption?
As only the "nodes", alice and bob really know what it is.
But the cipher text is different in both directions.

>> No.11675254

Some animals, like giraffes, exhibit primarily homosexual sexual activity. Only rarely do males actually fuck female giraffes and they normally bang eachother. Bonobos, very close relatives of us, are about 50/50 and fuck whoever is near.

>> No.11675328

I believe this relates closely to the concept of Dunbar's number. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunbar%27s_number

>> No.11675954

>it's driven by my biological reproduction drive.
wrong. there is no meaningful distinction between what drives gays to gay sex and what drives straights to straight sex. both do it because sex feels good. you retards keep appealing to some notion of biological purpose but there is no purpose to our biology or evolution.

>> No.11675962


Humans feel a desire to parent, and are rewarded for parenting mentally. These are more abstract urges but they exist.

>> No.11675972

true but the vast majority of straight sex is done with a fear of having kids and people constantly take measures to avoid having kids from sex. sex is for pleasure for both straights and gays.

>> No.11675993

i like girls, and some femboys, but damn i love nice muscular man butt. Not aroused by it. It just looks nice. While, i am aroused by woman butt, butt aestetically speaking, male is more aestetic.

>> No.11676045

>I consciously tried to become straight as a teenager for years but failed.
How did you try?

>> No.11676096

I really like this thought
based dubs

>> No.11676511
File: 96 KB, 750x471, 5A014D1A-CE76-4347-A3D7-CB67939C5D5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, it’s actually been shown, while not necessarily causation, their is correlation between the massive raise in homosexuality in civilizations and the immediate downfall of said civilizations. The Greeks, the Romans, it’s fairly common to see the rise of homosexuality with the downfall of the society.

>> No.11676543

probably because rampant homosexuality and shit like traps can only occur in a mature, well developed society where people has the lesiure to indulge in such things and explore sexuality. You see lots of white and asian traps, but you will find almost none from any other race, and you don't see lots of sexual exploration outside the first world.

>> No.11676545

>true but the vast majority of straight sex is done with a fear of having kids

Direct sign of a society degenerating.

>> No.11676554

1. number of brothers the mother has
2. prenatal stress
3. prenatal andogen exposure (due to "masculine" mothers which is consistent with the number of uncles correlation)
4. if male, number of older brothers (birthorder)

And then of course if you aren't gay, but repressed, that can have many effects as well.

1. near sightedness
2. almost every mental disorder, but mainly: autism, schizophrenia, bipolar, narcissism, OCD
3. left handedness
4. dyslexia
5. speech impediments
6. social anxiety
7. depression

>> No.11676569

>probably because rampant homosexuality and shit like traps can only occur in a mature, well developed society where people has the lesiure to indulge in such things and explore sexuality

A degenerating, corrupt, and dying society you mean.

>> No.11676575

One of Rome's top 3 emperors was openly homosexual so your claim is bullshit.

>> No.11676594


Totalitarianism is a form of degeneracy.

>> No.11676602

you can just as well claim that homosexuality is a sign of society peaking, and peaking is in turn the sign of a future fall, so when you look at the falls you see lots of homos because the homos appeared with the peak.

>> No.11676604

cop out

>> No.11676611

>you can just as well claim that homosexuality is a sign of society peaking

Nope. Society peaks before unhealthy sicknesses like homosexuality and transgenderism start spreading. In the US, that’d be the 50’s.

>> No.11676633

No, it’s simply a fact. Authoritarianism and totalitarianism always arise when societies are undergoing stress, and moral corruption runs rampant among the privileged. Relatively virtuous figures may exist in these hierarchies, but wealth and power leads to general degredation.

>> No.11676975
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I'm a gay furry

>> No.11676997

>Oh look, I found a correlation so that's how reality is

>> No.11677032

fuck off
it isn't a fetish
suck my dick
ok so a jew said something once so that means it isn't true. got it
I don't have a fetish for male body parts I just find them attractive in every way
fuck off nazi
women don't even arouse me
my cock is
being gay is a valid option and can be evolutionary beneficial in the modern world

>> No.11677037 [DELETED] 
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based furchad

>> No.11677047

>i'm a repressed fag

>> No.11677058

You added a > there by accident buddy. It's okay, I know how hard it can be for people like you to think : ^ )

>> No.11677117

evolution is just throwing shit at the wall till it sticks
In cases of ingrained fetishes and sexual preferences, these are just a part of the ammo of evolutions shit cannon, which also includes all hetero behaviors as well.
Foot faggot like myself CANNOT remove the thoughts, same for you, same ammo, same shit honestly. I could really go on

>defective retard

I know
heres your (you)

>> No.11678211

If homosexuality really was beneficial why has it been rejected for thousands of years across hundreds of cultures.

>> No.11678226

this desu, sexual selection is powerful stuff. Foot stuff kinda makes sense evolutionarily, considering we're bi-pedal good foot genetics is essential to survival in the wild

>> No.11678827
File: 123 KB, 634x916, 1416333211004_Image_galleryImage_EXCLUSIVE_A_very_pregnant[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being gay is a maladaptive trait
>gays have kids
And 5' tall women are attracted to men who are 6'5" but in nature without c-sections they'd be guaranteed to die in childbirth.

Gays having kids can still mean being gay is a maladaptive trait.

>> No.11679550


>> No.11679751

Doesn't really matter outside of scientific curiosity

>> No.11679772

Pure bullshit

>> No.11679822

weak argument, your whole hypothesis is shit

>> No.11679835

>guaranteed to die in childbirth
this is manlet cope, men grow most during puberty

>> No.11680190


>> No.11680324

Saying the roman empire fell because of gays is incredibly retarded on so many levels

>> No.11680438

Show the class exactly where that was said, verbatim, you mouth breathing retard.

>> No.11680701

>thinks women only give birth to girls
larger people make larger fetuses

>> No.11680851

why are animals at the top like horses, chimps, bears and especially humans much more ordered, or cleaner looking than things like butterflies, spiders, crabs and those weird things on the bottom left? It seems like their design is perfect, whereas the design of those 'bug' things is just harsh adaptation

>> No.11680917

>Bottom line is it's normal for mammals that some be gay

No animal except humans and domesticated rams show exclusive preference for same sex coitus.

Switching between Homosexual and heterosexual "acts" is rampant from confused animals. But "being gay" or having a "homosexual orientation" is not found in nature, period.

>However, just as a dolphin is a massively socially intelligent animal like us, that shit is also contagious
it's called sexual abuse or other trauma.

>Even the most PC scientist will say our behavior is 95% nurture, 5% nature
source: ass

>Also it's genetic, so you might try to find out which side of the family it came from, just for your own personal edification.
You are completely making this up. Twin studies have proven there is no genetic component to being a homofag:

>Table 6 shows that there is no evidence for strong genetic influence on same-sex preference in this sample. Among MZ twins, 6.7% are concordant. DZ twin pairs are 7.2% concordant. Full siblings are 5.5% concordant. Clearly, the observed concordance rates do not correspond to degrees of genetic similarity. None of the comparisons between MZ twins and others in table 6 are even remotely significant. If same-sex romantic attraction has a genetic component, it is massively overwhelmed by other factors. As argued above, it is more likely that any genetic influence, if present, can only be expressed in specific and circumscribed social structures.

And don't pretend the irrelevant concordance is the "5% nature" like your BS above. Identical twins are less likely to both be gay than fraternal twins. Establishing there is no genetic correlation whatsoever.

>> No.11680930

>Why do gay people exist?
They don't.
>b-but i like sucking the penor
I like shrimp cocktail. Does that make me a shrimp cocktail enthusiast? Stop defining yourself as gay and maybe someday you'll touch a boobie and like it

>> No.11680931

I touched boobs and felt nothing

>> No.11680933

Heterosexuality is normal you stupid faggot.

>> No.11680951

has gay sex != gay. Animals are stupid. This is equivocation of "gay." Gay acts even habitual, is not what someone means when they lisp "I was born a faggot."

>> No.11680955

You expected to feel nothing. You must free your mind of all penis first.

>> No.11680960

Nah, I went in with no expectations and still didn't enjoy it. Touched boob once before I even realized I was gay back in middle school too, it was novel then but cant say it did anything for me

>> No.11680975


Pregnant women diet.
But dont tell anybody.

>> No.11681013

>Touched boob once
>cant say it did anything for me
Not all boobs are equal... I've had strippers rub boob in face and it did nothing for me, but plenty of girls can still make me hard as a diamond in an ice storm.

Here's an example of a self proclaimed "homosexual of the highest order" tech writer trying straight porn VR and writing about it as a joke. He got an erection from watching a woman have sex with him...


>> No.11681018

Twin studies have proven since then there's no pre-birth mechanism involved in "being gay"

Also your link is regarding the small hypothalamuses in gay men, not diets. (interestingly the hypothalamus is one part of the brain that can be damaged from heat stroke very easily)

>> No.11681022

It says "homo" in small text right next to the human, mystery solved. That's why you're gay OP

>> No.11681028

unironically parasites in cat shit

>> No.11681042

t. gondii causes sexual deviation in mice as well as other behaviors like actively seeking out a feline predator to serve itself up as an offering loaded for bear with parasites
it passes from cats to humans typically through interacting with a litter box, though contact with the cat's anus can also spread the parasite
Toxoplasmosis (tok-so-plaz-MOE-sis) is a disease that results from infection with the Toxoplasma gondii parasite, one of the world's most common parasites. Infection usually occurs by eating undercooked contaminated meat, exposure from infected cat feces, or mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy.
Note that T. Gondii infection doesn't mean you will necessarily end up with sexual deviancies but it is strongly correlated
It's hush hush because of fears of backlash from the homosexual community like in the 70s when they tried to classify it as a mental disorder

>> No.11681043

how much do you care about your relatives getting pregnant? if you seem to care a lot and want to support them that could be a genetic reason as to why gays proliferate
also how big is your penis? gays supposedly have bigger penises and was wondering anecdotally

>> No.11681064

It can also help explain some "kinks" within the homosexual community which almost always involve scat play, anal sex, an emphasis on sexualizing infecting one another, etc.
These are things the parasite drives its host to do to spread.

So where does all this fit in then? Surely adults aren't affected by a parasite?
Well yes and no. Very young children whose brains are still blank and malleable are affected by the parasite in ways even a five year old child cannot; the parasite drives its host to perform certain behaviors before it makes its ungracious exit from the host. In adults, these urges are quickly ignored by years and years of ingrained behaviors; in very young children, no such experience to overwrite the parasite's urges exists and the behaviors thus BECOME the ingrained behavior

>> No.11681070
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There were land based reptiles "20 million years" before tiktaalik and the same time Tristichopterids allegedly existed.

The "divergence" between reptiles the platypus and Tristichopterids in this propaganda is massively fucked up, as expected.

>> No.11681079

>evolved from monkeys
stopped reading there
monkeys are not apes
humans, apes and monkeys didn't come from monkeys, rather we share a distant common ancestor and DIVULGED from there
Humans are apes, not monkeys. Planet of the Apes was a stupid title for those movies because we are already living on a Planet of Apes. We are the Apes. There are ~7bn Apes on this world MINIMUM.
If you're going to argue against something make sure you understand it first and aren't misrepresenting it because you have an agenda yourself
get off /sci/ pseud

>> No.11681083
File: 186 KB, 960x835, aOo98Czl4ai_5QkujfTTsIZRgcl6aSQU3B2L922g0TI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how you're such a brainlet that the mundane existence of homosexuality gets your panties in a bunch. Thing is we don't really know why people are indeed "born gay" and it doesn't really matter. Even if being gay was always by choice there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

>> No.11681086

I really like those sources

>> No.11681089

ROFL. Read the next paragraph, it describes how that's a joke to trick idiots who think humans evolved from "lesser hominids"
I'm glad you fell for it proving the meme's point.

>> No.11681092

Very fair





>> No.11681096

Confirmation bias at work
Nothing to see here

>> No.11681098


Gay people can still have kids through normal sexual reproductive practices anon. No one knows why gays exist, but the fact that they're persistent in the population suggests that SOMETHING is being selected for.

>> No.11681101
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(note that the long link leads to a PDF)

>> No.11681111

He (you?) got upset the meme said evolutionists believe we evolved from monkeys.

The meme then immediately acknowledged it's not what evolutionists actually believe, it's just a joke to insult them. Then it factually described their belief.

How is that even remotely confirmation bias? It played out exactly as the meme implied it would with him/you not realizing the statement "thinks we evolved from monkeys" was a joke to insult him/you.

>> No.11681116

>stopped reading there
does that explain it for you?
I didn't read the meme long enough yOu GoT mE FaMaLaM

>> No.11681120

>change of response to cat odor
>toxoplasma is transmitted through sex in mice
>changes in exploratory behavior in mice
>broken link
Truly astounding asspulls and assumptions to say this has anything to do with human sexuality.

>> No.11681127

Big brain right here

>> No.11681131

Which link is broken again?
It's almost like you don't realize every source comes together to build a bigger picture.
Pseuds tend to have that problem. They also tend to become aggressive when confronted with something they can't understand.
I suppose it's also possible you just don't like it because of pre-existing biases you hold. The implications of t.gondii causing sexual deviancy in humans for most of these groups is huge and mostly negative for the narratives they speak. It implies that homosexuality is not a choice but you aren't "born gay" either. You were infected with a parasite as a child.

>> No.11681137

There are over 50 genes involved in sex determination. The timing of sex determination events is very sensitive to perturbations that arise from unknown causes. Could be epigenetic/environmental reasons. Anyway it's very complicated and there are a lot of intermediary states where the sexual organs develop abnormally. Given the role of sex organs in hormone production it's likely that there are a plethora of sexual phenotypes that arise from slight differences in sexual development

>> No.11681139

how many gay people do you know who fucking hate cats?

>> No.11681140

I'm not gay but if you think there is something unnatural about homosexuality you're very ignorant

>> No.11681141

This is exactly what I'm talking about. This is why this information is kept hush hush.
Just look at the backlash already.

>> No.11681143

>It's almost like you don't realize every source comes together to build a bigger picture.
That's just the one you're building in your head. You have posted zero evidence aside from your ramblings. You're the one making this bogus connection because of pre existing biases.

>> No.11681145

>I am too stupid to put things together

You can grandstand all you want but you did not have enough time to read my sources. You are just mad. Sorry.

>> No.11681146

Completely meaningless and even false statement.
I hate cats. Even then that's also meaningless because there's no consequences to you preferring dogs to cats.

>> No.11681148

right but how many other gay people also hate cats?
I'm assuming you are gay since you answered a question aimed at homosexuals.

>> No.11681152
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>I hate gays so I'm making up shit about behavioral changes in mice and extrapolating it to human sexuality
>also there's a conspiracy about this trust me

>> No.11681155

>Posts sources
How do you know I didn't provide any evidence if you didn't even bother to read any of them? You tried to claim one of them was a dead link which is kinda lol since I went back and followed it and it worked just fine. Perhaps you accidentally copied the smiley face right after? I knew I should have reddit spaced that bitch.

>> No.11681157

I don't hate gays though. I'm a sexual deviant myself who wanted a real answer for why I am the way I am because hint: I know I wasn't born this way

>> No.11681161

So confirmation itself is confirmation bias?

You thought it was "being serious"... that's the joke of the meme and you confirmed it. It doesn't matter if you stopped reading (you would have saved face though). Most memes have intentional extreme hyperbole but you got butthurt thinking it was being completely literal, reinforcing the joke.

>> No.11681166

Yeah, I thought it was serious. I didn't bother to read it after setting my sights on a viral load of infected horseshit
It's a bad habit of mine to ignore the rest of a message if I see too much bullshit. In this case
>hurdur we came frum duh munkies!!!
is one of them

>> No.11681170

Interesting. I too have thought Jews were introduced to this world, and tasked long ago with halting and capping off man's development at a certain point. Perhaps destroying higher life entirely.

>> No.11681172

Here's another "asspull" for you

Links T. Gondii infection to behavioral changes in humans by the way.
Almost specifically because of all the changes that were observed in mice.

>> No.11681174
File: 65 KB, 2052x384, Screen Shot 2020-05-17 at 1.49.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The statistical analysis of the data on mate selection and attraction of mice was not statistically significant."
Didn't even note there were any same sex things going on
>changes in the exploratory behavior in mice, no mention of any reproductive behavior
>nature article about how it makes mice less afraid of cats
>again broken link even though the screenshot again mentions nothing about sexual behavior
So you hate yourself and you're making shit up to cope instead of learning self acceptance. That's even sadder.

>> No.11681189

"Self-acceptance" what a load

>Didn't even note same sex things going on
Wasn't supposed to

>changes in the exploratory behavior in mice, no mention of any reproductive behavior
Exploratory behavior is already an extremely broad definition. Exploring what? A snake den? A fellow rodent's asshole?

>nature article about how it makes mice less afraid of cats
Yes, that was the point. It was mentioned in my post that this is exactly what the parasite does to transmit itself to cats.

>again broken link even though the screenshot again mentions nothing about sexual behavior

Yeah, sorry about that.
Try that.

>So you hate yourself and you're making shit up to cope instead of learning self acceptance. That's even sadder.
Say what you want, you confirm what I said. Your response has been offensive on the overall with a hint of defensive insecurity. A deeply held belief of yours is challenged and you don't like it.
Kinda like how that guy accused me of being a homophobe even though I went out of my way to avoid calling anybody a faggot in the literal sense. Sheesh.

>> No.11681204

>It's a bad habit of mine to ignore the rest of a message
You're so butthurt about this

You exposed a deeper meaning behind the joke however. When intelligent designers talk about "evolutionary origins" from a paradigm that it didn't actually happen you immediately default to "ignore mode" and brush off/not read their/not even think about their arguments bc you assume they don't understand something and therefore the argument must be horseshit, but then arbitrarily decide you just won a victory.

Now THAT is confirmation bias.

>> No.11681205

Not really. :)

>> No.11681207

>I'm a sexual deviant myself who wanted a real answer for why I am the way I am because hint: I know I wasn't born this way
just because you don't think your fetishes were from birth doesn't mean being gay and all fetishes aren't from birth. I know my fetishes are something from birth for instance. i played with both girls and boys toys, played the girls way more than the other boys, and fantasized about cross dressing since elementary school.

>> No.11681209
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I am astounded by the asspulls you continue to pull here.
>Exploratory behavior is already an extremely broad definition. Exploring what? A snake den? A fellow rodent's asshole?
Looks like you didn't read your sources.
>'Furthermore, infected mice showed
significantly diminished exploratory activity described by climbing and rearing, smaller preference for the central, more exposed part of the OF arena and engaged in less grooming behavior compared to uninfected controls.'
You have posted zero evidence and you're adding an extremely flimsy narrative to this. Toxoplasma does change the behavior of mice because it transmits through its flesh so it's more likely to pass to the cat and even if it does change humans in complex manners besides impairment due to having a brain parasite there is zero mention of any changes in sexuality.

>Your response has been offensive on the overall with a hint of defensive insecurity
The only insecure person here is you making up flimsy arguments because he can't accept something as banal as homosexuality and calls himself a sexual deviant.

>> No.11681210

why would a baby have fetishes? you are a blank slate as a child.

>> No.11681212

being gay is more than a fetish. so is my half-faggot subby behavior.

>> No.11681213

Sexuality isn't a fetish

>> No.11681220

Something that disagrees with you is not an asspull, it's something that disagrees with you
>Looks like you didn't read your sources
Looks like you're the one who didn't read it since you still haven't had time to do anything but lightly peruse it for something to fuel your idiotic rage.

>The only insecure person here is you making up flimsy arguments because he can't accept something as banal as homosexuality and calls himself a sexual deviant.

Ignoring the fact that you pretty much just said "no u" with a lot of words, how in the hell can you pretend to not be insecure with a straight face with how absolutely fucking bootyblasted you obviously are at something that damages your accepted narrative?
You have me chuckling heartily I must concede.
"yeah man I was totally born gay, didn't have anything to do with the fact that I played with cat shit as a toddler or anything"

>> No.11681222

also lots of footfags report that they don't remember ever getting a foot fetish, its just something they always had a fetish for.

>> No.11681225


The post I quoted says, and I quote again:

>just because you don't think your fetishes were from birth
Nice try though

>> No.11681231

>ith how absolutely fucking bootyblasted you obviously are at something that damages your accepted narrative?
>You have me chuckling heartily I must concede.
>"yeah man I was totally born gay, didn't have anything to do with the fact that I played with cat shit as a toddler or anything"
most people won't remember playing with cat shit as a toddler either

>> No.11681232

>still no evidence
I think your brain is rotted by toxoplasma anon because you have not defended this narrative in any way.
Your accepted narrative probably due to religion is the one being challenged by the simple fact that gays exist.

>> No.11681233


There's evidence, you're ignoring it to proceed with delusion.

>> No.11681234

yeah, i worded it suboptimally, but its near midnight near and I'm just killing time on 4chan. fact of the matter is that sexuality and even "fetishes" like footfaggotry are often from a very young age if not from birth. it would also help if you weren't constantly trying to force the "gay is a fetish" bs and then reverting to "gay is a sexuality" whenever its convenient for you to dismiss any post you can't actually argue with.

>> No.11681236

>Furthermore, infected mice showed significantly diminished exploratory activity described by climbing and rearing, smaller preference for the central, more exposed part of the OF arena and engaged in less grooming behavior compared to uninfected controls
Wow this is incontrovertible evidence the mice and of course therefore humans too are turned gay.

>> No.11681238

okay so basically what you're saying
is that human beings come out knowing fucking nothing
can't talk, can't feed themselves, can't move, dumb as a brick
comes preloaded with the footfag fetish app?

And I'm delusional? lel

>> No.11681240

>Wow this is incontrovertible evidence the mice and of course therefore humans too are turned gay.

You know how to take things out of context, I'll give you that. It's meant to emphasize the behavioral changes. I like how nobody has touched the one that talks about human behavior at all.

>> No.11681241

Why is it that Disney movies awoke something in furfags when they were kids when it didn't for most people? Does it matter?

>> No.11681243

Why do some people want to kill furfags?
Did they want to kill furfags from birth?
It doesn't hold up to the slightest bit of scrutiny.

>> No.11681248

>Note that T. Gondii infection doesn't mean you will necessarily end up with sexual deviancies but it is strongly correlated
somehow you concluded this from one study finding cat parasites fucked up mice brains?
>anal sex
>just a kink for gays
lmao i have to give you points for most interesting conspiracy-esque shitposting i have seen on sci. clamping has nothing on cat shit turning people gay based on your one study of mice.

>> No.11681249

also are you trying to imply that ancient humans didn't have sex with animals? Because they certainly did. Furrydom is not some new phenomenon, it's just taken on a different shape in the current environment.

>> No.11681252

I knew this is what you were going to say. heterosexual babies don't come out of the womb popping raging hardons to puffy vulvas, but when a person eventually sexually develops all of a sudden they start popping boners for puffy vulvas, just as though it were a "preloaded app". same for homosexuality, footfetishes, etc.

>> No.11681253

No, men like fucking woman ass too. You're taking things out of context yet again. Your insecurity is showing.
>somehow you concluded this from one study finding cat parasites fucked up mice brains?
No I concluded it from reading more studies than that. You asked for some sources, I gave you them. You dismissed them without really reading them.
You're still grandstanding, you're still proving me right, you consistently ignore the human study:
and in general it's really obvious to everybody but you that you're coping hard.

>> No.11681255

As I already mantioned impairment you have showed zero evidence that it affects sexuality.

>Could subtle alterations in psychomotor performance have any effects on human behavior? To test this, sera were collected in a Prague hospital from 146 individuals deemed to have been responsible for causing, The difference in seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in these 2 samples suggests that Toxoplasma-infected subjects have a 2.65 times higher risk of traffic accidents than Toxoplasma-free subjects (Mantel–Haenszel test for age-stratified data, chi-square = 21.45, P < 0.0001).13 Confounding factors could not be ruled out that might lead to both exposure to T. gondii and vehicle accidents.
>Because animal studies have demonstrated that mice infected with T. gondii have impaired motor performance,10,11 human studies were carried out on volunteer blood donors. A computerized simple reaction time test (reaction to the appearance of a white square) was given to 60 adults positive for antibodies to T. gondii and 59 adults negative for such antibodies. Those with latent infection performed significantly more poorly (analysis of covariance, P = 0.011) and appeared to lose their concentration more quickly, although the effect of the infection was modest and explained less than 10% of the variability in performance.12 Similar results were recently obtained in 2 (unpublished) studies performed on 439 blood donors and 623 military servicemen.

>> No.11681258

>You're still grandstanding, you're still proving me right, you consistently ignore the human study:
lmao man im not the same person you are arguing with i just came in the thread. not everyone who disagrees with you is the same person, based homophobic retard.

>> No.11681260

>You dismissed them without really reading them
Is this the best you can come up with? Some mice behaving differently and people being impaired by having brain parasites?
Somehow this is a vast narrative of toxoplasma changing sexuality in humans?

>> No.11681261


>haha it didn't specifically say it so it doesn't exist!
EXCEPT for the part where it finds its way into semen for sexual transmission and since we already know it vastly affects behavior in different ways it's not that much of a leap to make the link between sexual transmission and intentional sexual behavior modification by the parasite.

You're coping dude. SORRY. You don't believe it but no hate. Keep being gay I don't give a fuck. Just thought you might like to know!

>> No.11681263

You say as you continue to ignore the human study.
Why are you ignoring the human study?

>> No.11681276

Oh yeah and the cherry on top is that about half of the world's population is diseased by Toxoplasmosis, the hallmark sign the parasite leaves before it vacates. 11% in the US.
Here's something cool for you:
To summarize, it states that Americans greatly overestimate the homosexual population at 25%
in reality it is probably half of that or less at <11%

>> No.11681278

>in rodents
There's a perfectly coherent explanation with evidence why this is advantageous in the mice cat relationship. There is no changes in the sexual behavior of the mice at all, heterosexual or not.
>not that much of a leap to make the link between sexual transmission and intentional sexual behavior modification by the parasite.
So you're admitting you're doing a leap based on no evidence
Again you absolute brainlet boomer it produces motor impairment just at it says in the article.
>A computerized simple reaction time test (reaction to the appearance of a white square) was given to 60 adults positive for antibodies to T. gondii and 59 adults negative for such antibodies. Those with latent infection performed significantly more poorly (analysis of covariance, P = 0.011) and appeared to lose their concentration more quickly, although the effect of the infection was modest and explained less than 10% of the variability in performance

>> No.11681281

You keep harping on about the rodents while totally ignoring the human study I keep pointing in your direction.
I have nothing else to say to you until you read it and

>> No.11681284

this study does not say anything about its influence on sexuality in humans. they found very minor differences in "personality" and "psychomotor" performance. neither did the mice study say the mice turned gay.

>> No.11681285


refute it or cope I don't care

>> No.11681290

It's fucking lol how you keep trying to downplay all these mounds of evidence with the simple flick of your wrists
>you have no evidence!
lmao next level cope

>> No.11681291

Also yeah I get it
You built your entire identity around being gay from birth and you have this carefully constructed narrative that people are like "yeah ok cool"
I'm sure you're more than willing to go through mental gymnastics to ignore any evidence that your entire identity is the result of a parasite trying to reproduce.

>> No.11681293

So you're talking about the mice again?

>> No.11681294

sexual transmission means it makes people gay? BIG jump there friend.

you heard it here first guys. sexuality and sexual development finally solved by anon on /sci/ who linked together three studies about a cat parasite being sexually transmitted and minorly affecting mice and negligibly affecting humans.

>> No.11681297

Intellectual eunuch.

Saying shit like:
>So you're admitting you're doing a leap based on no evidence
I mean what even is the point? Is that your gotcha? Did that shut someone down once, now you just keep using it? Grow up.

>> No.11681300
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 56407250457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes up shitty arguments while providing no evidence
>gets btfo
Back to facebook, boomer

>> No.11681301

If it applies to the mice it applies to other hosts, you realize that right?
It's extremely asinine that you keep focusing on the rodents when the human study came into existence pretty much solely to see if t. gondii affected human behavior. Turns out it does.

??? Are you done coping man?

>> No.11681304

Your very own sources don't support your claims. This is some next level trolling

>> No.11681305

I didn't make anything up, you just don't like it because it shatters your worldview. Nothing I can do about that. My sources are about as genuine as it gets for this particular scenario.
You're coping anon.

>> No.11681306

>didn't read it

>> No.11681307

That's not me and yes, they do. You clearly didn't read them or are a pseudo-intellectual incapable of connecting the pieces together and need to be spoonfed every little detail only to reject it anyway out of spite.
It's childish, it's disingenuous, and you're not winning any favors.

>> No.11681309

Your human study says and I quote again
>A computerized simple reaction time test (reaction to the appearance of a white square) was given to 60 adults positive for antibodies to T. gondii and 59 adults negative for such antibodies. Those with latent infection performed significantly more poorly (analysis of covariance, P = 0.011) and appeared to lose their concentration more quickly, although the effect of the infection was modest and explained less than 10% of the variability in performance
The toxoplasma even can't account for more then 10% of the variability.

>> No.11681312

Obviously I didn't "win" anything but I didn't "lose" either, except to maybe you but the beauty of this place anon, is that it's anonymous. You and I will probably speak again in the future and not even know it. Why would I get mad that your post was to make a point that people don't read their posts?
In my case it's because it's factually inaccurate shit and I wrongly assumed the rest of the post would also be.
Still not mad about it. Have a good one. :)

>> No.11681313

so now that we know that cat parasites cause the gay, what's next? where do we go from here? should we remove all cats from society? develop a new solution for the problem of dirty cat waste that protects humans from the gay parasites?

>> No.11681314

>Your human study says and I quote again
>>A computerized simple reaction time test (reaction to the appearance of a white square) was given to 60 adults positive for antibodies to T. gondii and 59 adults negative for such antibodies. Those with latent infection performed significantly more poorly (analysis of covariance, P = 0.011) and appeared to lose their concentration more quickly, although the effect of the infection was modest and explained less than 10% of the variability in performance
>The toxoplasma even can't account for more then 10% of the variability.

You're cherrypicking and ignoring everything else. Shame on you.
You missed the part where it modifies testosterone which is linked to pretty much everything, behavior-wise.
You're still coping.

>> No.11681316

I don't have claims, I just happened to see clampspeak and clampthink and am calling ti out as such. Unclamp.

When someone goes all "nuh-uh" and "i dun wana think show me a paper of wut 2 think den i ken tink ur claim k :) ", people need to just stop giving them attention. They'll learn that this anti-speculation anti-thought slavespeak stupidity is unacceptable, eventually.

>> No.11681318

>You missed the part where it modifies testosterone which is linked to pretty much everything, behavior-wise.
hasn't it been confirmed that testosterone levels aren't correlated with homosexuality?

>> No.11681319

Yeah these guys are coping pretty hard.
I can throw sources supporting my arguments all day long but it doesn't matter because anons like this guy:
will just quickly peruse the document for literally anything they can use, essentially cherrypicking data to suit their purpose and completely ignoring the rest of the source.
It's a very unique experience to say the least.

>> No.11681321

no plz rd


>> No.11681322

suggest that Toxoplasma-infected subjects have a higher level of testosterone. High levels of steroid hormones have been associated with lower cellular immunity.28,29 Thus, the most parsimonious explanation of the observed high testosterone–toxoplasmosis association is a higher risk of Toxoplasma infection in subjects with higher levels of testosterone and therefore a weaker immunity. Alternatively, in an evolutionary sense, the behavioral changes induced by T. gondii could be side effects of the organism's increase in testosterone in order to impair the cellular immunity of the host and thus increase the chances of surviving in the host organism.
Wtf I'm getting toxoplasma for them sick gains.

>> No.11681325

lol but seriously though did you know that homosexuals actually have elevated levels of testosterone?

>> No.11681332

The paper mentions no behavioral testosterone induced changes and what it says is that it may exploit lower immune response because of higher testosterone.
I guess it's too much to ask that you actually understand what you're reading and ascribing minimal testosterone changes to complex behavioral changes

>> No.11681334

theres a difference between reduced testosterone and cut-off-your-testicles-in-the-womb absolutely no testosterone hmm i wonder why the mouse doesn't function right after i chopped off its balls and now its completely missing a hormone must be because its gay now

>> No.11681335

>The paper
Which paper? I've posted probably 7-10 by now.

>> No.11681336

makes more sense than a blank slate being preloaded with THE GAY EXPERIENCE and FURFAGGOTRY 2.0 apps

>> No.11681341

Where's the source?
Isn't the argument that the low test soiboys are gay? Do people injecting steroids turn gay?

>> No.11681342
File: 1.09 MB, 1584x1631, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please keep spoonfeeding me even though I refuse to actually read your sources and openly proclaim you haven't provided any evidence whilst simultaneously cherrypicking one or two parts of the paper I disagree with and claiming erroneously it has nothing to do with human beings

>> No.11681343

The only paper that pertains humans, the one you cite as your main source for your shitty claims.
>Alternatively, in an evolutionary sense, the behavioral changes induced by T. gondii could be side effects of the organism's increase in testosterone in order to impair the cellular immunity of the host and thus increase the chances of surviving in the host organism.

>> No.11681344

>shitty claims
they're not shitty because you don't like them anon
you have yet to actually disprove any of it, just cherrypick a few sections and self-righteously beat your chest like the low-IQ simian that you are

>> No.11681347

>Given a long enough timeline, nature will stop producing gays because they are less likely to reproduce


>> No.11681348

As long as T. Gondii exists we will always have gays.

>> No.11681350

wait, didn't you just link me a blog (once again about mice) that claimed that lack of test produced faggot behavior in mice, and now you're arguing that low test is actually manlier and high test produces faggotry?

>> No.11681352

A blog? No, I sure didn't. PsychologyToday was the closest thing to something that wasn't a scientific study into T. Gondii but was still an information piece on how it infects humans, its reproductive cycle, etc. PsychologyToday is a *drumroll* Psychology/Psychiatry newsletter

>> No.11681354

Also I know that nobody bothered to read the .pdf because the .pdf links t. gondii to schizophrenia and other mental disorders.

>> No.11681359

>A blog? No.
then what the fuck do you call this, based retard?
also im not talking about the parasite, im talking about how you linked me this blog saying mice with their testicles cut off from birth didn't behave properly and were deemed to behave "like females".

>> No.11681361

>it says /blog/ in the newsletter
oh wow are you really this dense man? the opinions of professionals mean nothing to king anon because he doesn't like what it means?

>> No.11681364

I don't have to disprove anything since by your own admission you're making a leap to connect some mice behavior change to human sexuality.
Your sources don't support any of your claims since none of the changes are related to sexuality or particularly string in humans since the article itself says there is no good statistical significance.

>> No.11681365

I was using language creatively. You took it out of context. I'm not surprised.
I was preparing you for the rest of the sources you didn't bother to read, only cherrypick to soothe your buttrash (need some ointment by the way? Or maybe you like it burnt and bruised?)
Keep coping.

>> No.11681366

You are literally piecing together sources that contradict eachother.

>> No.11681368

Where are they contradictory again? Go ahead and put them together in a compendium for my perusal as I have tried to do with my sources or keep coping bud.

>> No.11681372

One source
>Thus, the most parsimonious explanation of the observed high testosterone–toxoplasmosis association is a higher risk of Toxoplasma infection in subjects with higher levels of testosterone and therefore a weaker immunity.
The blog says
>If the testes are removed(in a rat), then he grows up to behave more like a female.

>> No.11681374

That's not contradictory in the slightest. You haven't really read any of the sources have you?

>> No.11681375

Also your source doesn't even imply or conclude that testosterone has a behavioral effect on humans let alone in sexuality

>> No.11681377

Yeah, hold up there bud. You said there were contradictions BETWEEN my sources so where are they? Pony up.
All you've done is prove you're kinda dumb here:
and prove it further with this absolute fucking retardation fucking LOL
Okay so you know how people are HYPER FUCKING AGGRESSIVE? It's usually because they have a fucking load of testosterone. Testosterone having an effect on human behavior is elementary shit and you are embarrassing yourself with every post.

>> No.11681379

Why is /sci/ full of gay pseuds in denial of reality itself?

>> No.11681392

So you're saying if you have higher test because of toxoplasma it makes you gay but you then cite a source that says how the suppression of testosterone makes the animals be more female like.
>Okay so you know how people are HYPER FUCKING AGGRESSIVE?
You mean when they directly inject testosterone? That means that all the people trying to raise their testosterone will make them gay?

>> No.11681396

Are you trying to generalize all gays as feminine? Because the truth reflects an opposite reality. Twink bottoms account for very little of a homosexual population that sticks mostly to themselves.
Do you have any idea how many roiding gym bros are SWAG-tier?

>> No.11681411

not as many as there are roiding straight guys. tesosterone is not correlated with homosexuality.

>> No.11681412

They go from board to board.

>> No.11681417

this is one high effort troll.

>> No.11681423

isn't it though? let's say you are infected with t. gondii during your most formative years of life. Because of the infection you picked up an attraction to poop and possibly urine, anuses, infection, etc.
T. Gondii absolutely affects behavior in humans. When you are at a sexual age you start associating sexual pleasure with other things that give you pleasure. It snowballs. All that weird shit the parasite did to your hormones to make you do the things it wanted you to do got passed on to that sexuality later in life. The impulsive behavior, etc., the parasite induces manifests sexually later and with a great intensity since testosterone makes you want to fuck anything with a pulse if it's high enough.

>> No.11681429

No he's just actually right. Unclamp and read.

>> No.11681448

>point out contradiction between his "sources"
>then additionally point out how he drew a conclusion from a source that doesn't support that conclusion
>"Yeah, hold up there bud I see you pointed out my flaws but since you decided to point out two kinds of flaws i'm going to dismiss your post with a snarky comment about how you said you found contradictions between my sources but then switched over to finding flaws with my conclusions. Checkmate atheists."
>somehow this is not a troll

>> No.11681451

and I told you that it's not a contradiction because it's not
you can't even sensibly explain HOW it's a contradiction
that's ignoring the fact that you said there were contradiction(s) and only listed one that wasn't even a contradiction.

>> No.11681458

Also it's really obvious you haven't read any of the other 4 or 5 sources I've posted, maybe 6 or 7 I've lost count at this point in all honesty.
It's like you read one source meant to back up a different claim, said it didn't back up the claim you were currently looking at, and called it a day
How disingenuous can you get? You're moving into damage control territory m8
>haha ur trollin rite senpai? r-r-r-rite?

>> No.11681481

You sure they don't permanently camp here?
Seems like there are a lot of them here. The intelligence of this board is honestly lower than that of /b/

>> No.11681489

You dumbasses really believe genetics is at play when it comes to homosexualism. It is merely a fetish, a psychological confition. Plus, men are better socially/culturally perceived than women. Statistics shows most young people are going to identify as bisexuals in the next couple decades because media and culture are now stimulating it

>> No.11681492

yeah bro i was totally born with a desire to put cock in my mouth and ass

>> No.11681498

You weren't born with it. That's literally my point here. You became this way whether you want to admit it or not.

>> No.11681499

autism alert
it was sarcasm newfren

>> No.11681505

One of your parents lineage had childhood trauma and it was passed on to you through genetics, specifically Epigenetics.

>> No.11681506

[citation needed]
it's probably toxo

>> No.11681510

Citation of what? It is known psychological mental disorder/states may be passed down through Epigenetics.

>> No.11681514

I don't even have to look into it, I already know that it's not exactly widely accepted as fact in the same way facts about t. gondii are sending these anon's asses into orbit

>> No.11681522

Homosexuality, that is, the sexual attractiveness of same sex but not opposite sex subjects—the second most important dimension obtained by the factor analysis—showed no association with toxoplasmosis. In contrast, the practicing homosexual sex, the factor F18, correlated positively with toxoplasmosis
>In contrast, the practicing homosexual sex, the factor F18, correlated positively with toxoplasmosis


>In contrast, the practicing homosexual sex, the factor F18, correlated positively with toxoplasmosis
>In contrast, the practicing homosexual sex, the factor F18, correlated positively with toxoplasmosis
>In contrast, the practicing homosexual sex, the factor F18, correlated positively with toxoplasmosis

>> No.11681524

BTFO btw
been fun /sci/

>> No.11681529

So confirmed it is Epigenetics then?

>> No.11681531

No it's confirmed that you're a retard that Dunning and Kruger would enthusiastically study

>> No.11681537
File: 108 KB, 750x750, 1558454235091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mad anon? You seem desperate. Are you a fag?

>> No.11681538

you wish i was
i know big words make your peepee hard anon

>> No.11682029

you must have replied to the wrong person, as i said men grow most during puberty.

>> No.11682036

>i was being retarded ironically and then acknowledged my retardation thus making me the winner

>> No.11682041

>walls of text
>wah they didn't read my """meme""" i totally tricked them

>> No.11682163

so it doesn't make people gay, it just makes people want to have more sex?

>> No.11682622

Low testosterone gives you a better chance at surviving corona. Because testosterone is bad for immunity

>> No.11683082

>gays have low testosterone

