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File: 156 KB, 1920x1080, Autism Spectrum Disorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11384739 No.11384739 [Reply] [Original]

What causes it? Are people on /sci/ Autistic, and if so, how do you deal with it?

>> No.11384753

I graduated in 2015 at U Mich, and there was this autistic kid that refused to wear socks or shoes. Just went barefoot from class to class.
Michigan gets cold during winter and kid still walked barefoot.
During spring time his foot changed colors from light black/tan to bright red to normal color by the end of the semester. Found out later he got paid by doing foot jobs on Craigslist for some other autistic kids who were into kinky shit.

>> No.11384756

Sperg here. Diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder too. It's impossible to get over, you can put on the mask, you can try to learn how to be normal, but in the end normies innately know. It's living hell, the obsessions, the compulsions, the severe craving for one, just one person to understand you. It's likely epigenetic and involves genes associated with serotonin.

>> No.11384760

Post diploma as proof.

>> No.11384902

vaccines obviously

>> No.11384921


>> No.11385111

Living the dream.

>> No.11385117

>Also schizoid

Isn't schizo-like disorders polar opposites to the ones on the autistic spectrum?

>> No.11385119

Wow, mercury somehow fucks up your temporal lobe but enhances your frontal and occipital one. Very cool!

>> No.11385122

That's the thing. Most people, and especially facebook moms, think that "autistic" is a synonym for "mental retardation".

A good example is when they all thought that omega-3s is gonna fix autism. Not knowing that what these fatty acids do is enhance grey matter, which then enhances nonverbal IQ, which is what autists excel at.

>> No.11385149

Yes I am. I deal with it by avoiding others and social interaction at all costs. I go weeks at a time without leaving my house. If I'm seeing the doctor and the waiting room isn't empty I just leave. If I miss the postman and have to pick up a package in person I don't. You can never imagine what it's like. Everywhere I go I am treated like a leper. Everyone hates us. I turn 25 this year and I have never had a friend.

Every second or third day I wish I could be euthanized.

>> No.11385156
File: 114 KB, 1222x488, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your Wikipedia contributor bro

>> No.11385173

Hey, OP. Aspie here.
Nobody nowadays 100% knows what causes autism, but one possible cause is the age of the father, since the parent's sperm can suffer mutation.

I'm almost 19 as I was born in 2001, my dad is almost 76 and he was born in 1944. It's likely that I developed autism because of him, but more possible causes are known.

On your next question: you need a team of professionals if you want to make your life as an autistic person easier. I have been with the same psychologist for two years and she's very helpful, I think of her as a minister. I also have a psychiatrist, which I go to monthly.

>> No.11385175

Wikipedia is largely written by high functioning autists and it is a fine example of the hidden positive impact these absolute bulls has on society. Often to no compensation in any form.

>> No.11385182

And, yes, it can be difficult to be autistic. Having autism can be bad because almost nobody understands us besides ourselves and the health professionals.

>> No.11385186

Anon, I understand you. I have the same diagnose as you, I'm schizoid and aspie too.

Sometimes it really annoys me that very few people understand me. You're not alone.

>> No.11385249
File: 211 KB, 1280x720, 6s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish my psychiatrist would give me ritalin already, se has been cock blocking me for 5 months already.

>> No.11385259
File: 117 KB, 1024x576, 1569837138442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sperg here. Personally, I have no opinion for it, it's just my mindset.

Fuck reddit aspies though.
>eeeeeeh neurotypical bad
>heehehehee neurotypicald wouldn't exist without us
>we're like the next stage of human evolution
>why are neurotypicals so mean to us :(
Yeah, I wonder why normalfags hate those retards.

>> No.11385263

There is no such a thing, it's the people who don't hallucinate like this: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2016-08/uob-fou082916.php

>> No.11385308

Are there any good online tests to determine if I'm a sperg? I've always wondered if I'm on the spectrum.

>> No.11385627

The only way to know is to go to a doctor, online tests will only give you a vague idea.

>> No.11386618

schizoid and aspie are virtually identical, schizotypals may be the opposite

>> No.11386649
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x2756, Screenshot_20191218_145720_org.floens.chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what abt girls

>> No.11386655

According to autism speaks half of autists have lower than 85 IQ and 30 percent less than 75. My uncle is autistic and makes a lot of money programming but cries and has fits like a toddler. He is smart but only at one thing because it's all he thinks about. Autism is gay it doesn't make you into an x man and half of autists are retarded and shitting their pants. I would rather be average intelligence than high IQ but using a my little pony as a mouth piece in front of a class of 100 people and slowly dying because all I will eat is bread that has been left sitting out for 24 hours.

>> No.11386668

If I was 20 years younger than I am, I would probably be diagnosed as "on the autism spectrum". It's a bullshit diagnosis. Actual autists are a completely different kettle of fish.

>schizoid personality disorder
Join the club.

>> No.11386673 [DELETED] 

55% have an IQ lower than 70. It's worse than they make it out to be. Although there is some dispute over the usefulness of using FSIQ results from Weschler tests taken on Autistic people.

>> No.11386676

55% have an IQ lower than 70. It's worse than they make it out to be. Although there is some dispute over the usefulness of using FSIQ results from Weschler tests taken on Autistic people.

>> No.11386795 [DELETED] 


>> No.11386801

Impatient or irrelevant communicators thinking they have the authority to overwrite another's internal/external translation matrix.

>> No.11386804

"Psychologists are running out of ways to remain relevant to teachers/parents who abuse their children's silent processing time by slapping labels on it."


>> No.11386814
File: 88 KB, 540x562, wise_guy_4_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11387853

That's excluding high functioning autism I'm assuming? Aspies for instance can have inordinately high verbal and math iq scores, other HFAs can have high math and spacial iq. Generally the more heritable the autism disorder is, the less mental impairment you suffer. You can also find outlets for the obsessive behavior in the arts, painting, drawing, ect.

>> No.11387894

No, the study by Charman et al. (the one that claims 55% of children with Autism have an IQ <70) includes children from all Autism Spectrum disorders.

It is true that Autistic people (even spergs) tend to perform better on non-verbal tests like the Progressive Matrices. (about 30 percentiles above their WAIS/WISC FSIQ scores, on average)




It is also true that Autistic people tend to excell in math, science, music, and art generally.


>> No.11387922

I wrangled proper tards for a short spell at one of those special small companies for them. This was over 20 years ago, long before any of that "Spectrum" bullshit came into play. One of those where they get to make picket fences, fire wood or simple rug weaving and shit like that. It was primarily downies, but there were a couple of proper autists,
including the savant kind. One of them was more or less a history calendar. You could give him a date and he'd list famous people who were born on that date off the top of his head as well as notable things in our country that had happened on that date. Only thing he could do, he probably wouldn't hit 70 IQ on a test though. Couldn't function for shit. I've dealt with a few other proper low-functioning autists including non-savants after that.

That's the kind of Autists who are in those studies, not "aspergers" or people on the "autistic spectrum".

>> No.11387927

>That's the kind of Autists who are in those studies, not "aspergers" or people on the "autistic spectrum".

Yeah sure but it's not like that's a rare variety at all in contrast to someone with Down syndrome.

>> No.11387932

If you've ever dealt with a proper autist, you'd fucking scoff at anyone with Asperger or anyone claiming to be on the "autistic spectrum". It's like going up to a terminal cancer patient and comparing his condition to the splinter you just had removed from your finger.

>> No.11387942

People with asperger suffer inside.

>> No.11387945

I highly doubt you know anyone with Aspergers at all in your life. Spergs aren't just abnormal, they're so far removed from your idea of normalcy that you wouldn't even be able to recognize their personality as human at times. These "proper austists" of which you speak are arbitrary, every autist manifests some degree of symptoms, some more severe, but no autist, even the most mild cases, would conform to what you call "normal" brain organization.

>> No.11387948

>what causes it
mutation. it's the next step of evolution. seething neurotypicals need not reply to this post

>> No.11387955

It's a completely different fucking beast and to put on the same "spectrum" as autists is bullshit.

>> No.11387962
File: 173 KB, 1224x576, yqbr9sofat631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, because COOMing to furfaggotry and whining about normalniggers and loud noises means you're evolving.
Go fuck yourself, aspie. Us sperg CHADs don't need your superiority complexes.

>> No.11387963

I know what you mean. A certain sign of autism is a behaviour like Ray Charles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8Tiz6INF7I

Many people don´t even behave like this and are diagnosed as autists anyway. Maybe they are autistic, cause this comes from auto and it shows that they stay alone for a long time, but then there is the need of another subcategory for them. So hit the road Jack.

>> No.11387966

>What causes it?
Unknown. There are some theories it has something to do with hormonal levels, mainly testosterone imbalance during pregnancy. It's also not known if autism is a modern disorder or if it has existed for ages but we never gave it a name.

>how do you deal with it?
Friend of mine is autistic. What he told me was that a lot of this comes down to parents. In general he was raised the same as his siblings only with some extra support when he needed it (mainly social situations). The worst thing you can do is letting autists get away with everything because then they'll never learn to grow up. In a way autism actually helps him because he knows his strengths and weaknesses. Also, America tends to be decades behind on this stuff when compared to Europe. Autists in the US tend to be put together with general retarded people (i.e., people who can't even take a shit without support).

>> No.11387999

My uncle is a "high functioning autist" if you really believe that's a thing, and I don't want to disclose the exact work he does, it's probably something you use every day, and he's really valuable to his company. But like I said, he's amazing at this one thing because it's all he thinks about. He also does a lot of really weird shit for a grown man and will never, ever know the joy of having children as he would be totally incapable of taking care of them. Sci falls for autism propaganda, there is no breeding of autistics because it's brain damage, those kids would need to be exposed to the same sort of environmental conditions as any other autists in their family as it's probably a genetic predisposition but it doesn't mean you will get it, and then hope the brain handles it in just the right way to become some mind reading savant who cries when their pudding cup lids aren't completely removed.

I think we also over diagnose people, I know brain scans of autistic people show damage from something like encephalitis, and there was that one study that found huge amounts of intracellular aluminum in every single brain sample. People come in and complain of being picky with food and social anxiety maybe they stutter their words and a doctor says congrats you're on the spectrum. It's just like when we medicated all those children because these boys are rambunctious they must have ADHD. Literally anyone can get diagnosed with something, I remember in high school this girl I knew thought Michael Cera was so awkward and cool and she started mimicking him and within a year she was taking anti anxiety medication and was just a piece of shit stuttering hipster when she was never like that before. Some weird victim culture I have no idea I'm just telling you what I see. It's autism propaganda. We spend hundreds of billions and in 10 years I bet it'll be more than the national budget. These kids are hitting their heads against walls and shitting themselves

>> No.11388011

National security budget
Also I had worked at the retard wrangling centers too at local schools as volunteer work. Most of the kids in the class are autistic and it has at least doubled since I was in high school. I think in 10 more years we are going to have to admit we are so fucked and we can't blame it on misdiagnosis anymore, because the budget keeps growing and the women I worked with in the class who have been their for decades all agreed it's worse than it's ever been. Disregarding the autists who can function on their own but just have social issues and food allergies and shit, the ones that can't take care of themselves and need a lot of help is a lot more than people realize I think, and just remember whatever you think now because in 15 years you're going to look back and think how shitty it's become. It's really tragic

>> No.11388021

Most aspergers can succesfully mask in society, they still suffer inside and understand how alien they are compared to other people.
Ray Charles was blind you dumb fuck.

>> No.11388059

I'm 43 years old and far from "neurotypical". I would probably have been diagnosed with "asperger" if I was 23 or 33 for that matter.
I still think it's a bullshit diagnosis that has nothing to do with real autism.

>> No.11388067

The last part may be correct, that doesn't make it a bullshit diagnosis, the real bullshit is it got merged into autism.

>> No.11388081

And that's been my point all along. Thank you.