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11110775 No.11110775 [Reply] [Original]

>quality of life hasn't increased much in the last 50 years
>the average lifespan hasn't increased much in the last 50 years
>it's unlikely we will live long enough to become immortal or part of the singularity

>> No.11110819

>quality of life hasn't increased much in the last 50 years
What the fuck are you even talking about? Do you live in a bubble?

>> No.11110854

There have been studies suggestion people, when asked subjectively, say they're only as happy as people from 50 years ago. But that's not exactly a controlled, equal comparison since happiness is relative. I mean.. Africans have been spotted smiling after all.

>> No.11110864

>one day this nightmare will be over and I will cease to exist forever

Thank God

>secretly worry that it's not true and that the Universe is cyclical and eternal and thus, one day, I'll Boltzman brain back into existence


>> No.11110871

what does happiness have to do with quality of life? You can have an amazing quality of life and be miserable, and vice versa.

>> No.11110909

Some would argue that your quality of life is linked to your happiness, or at least includes it. Otherwise you're just objectively measuring things you subjectively qualify as "QoL metrics", which is still extremely subjective.

>> No.11110914

my mom was talking about how much better it would be alive to be in the 50s, post war, tons of opportunities, houses are dirt cheap, jobs are plentiful. then she apologized for being a boomer and baked me some cupcakes and gave me some money.

>> No.11110924

>we have to accept as a species growth is over and sustainability is the right path. otherwise we're cancer
>if you aren't developing life extension tech, then you have absolutely no fucking reason to
>tech singularity is nonsense.

>> No.11111052

Psychology is pseudoscience. Don't even bother.

>> No.11111103

I grew up in the 1990s and I know know one remembers before we had computers and phones lol,
And there are alot of interpretations of why this happened,
But mental illness was almost unheard of, anxiety was considered a proper mental health emergency, like if you had anxiety you needed help.
Suicide was very rare, and if someone was experiencing mental illness they needed help, like psyche ward help.
And everyone was pretty happy, being depressed was what you did after a close relative died.
Now it's just everywhere and the excuse of "oh we just didn't talk about it so no one knew" isn't accurate at all.
One thing that was different is didn't have access to pornogaphy, even as adults, actual hardcore porn was almost illegal.
Drug use was rampant though.

But I can remember a time when seeing a girls boobs was as exciting as actual sex, and no one was ever depressed or sick, and running into a friend you hadn't seen for a few weeks was as exciting as running into a friend you hadn't seen in years,
We used to wait all week to see a new episode of The Simpsons and watch it with friends like some kind of party.
And that was normal.
That was like 15 years ago.
Mobile phones and this whole fun on demand thing has radically altered our dopamine pathways in terrible ways, if your used to it an think life was always like this then I guess you have nothing to compare it too,
But phones didn't make anything better, they are just analogous to the 1960s when crystal meth was a prescription drug for bored housewives, then barbiturates and quaaludes for the comedown, same as with cocaine in the 1920s,
Phones are just another drug,
You need a hit in the morning, you gotta hold it and have a little before you go to sleep, you gotta use a little in your car while driving even though you know the risks.
I'm not judging, because I am just as addicted.
But just like housewives doing meth and thinking it was a safe way to get the housework done.
The same thing will happen to you.

>> No.11111153
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This is what happens when you live in a society

>> No.11111160

>quality of life hasn't increased much in the last 50 years

I disagree. My grandpa didn't have the pleasure of reading a 40-year-old schizo have a mental breakdown on an anime forum because no one will accept his proof that if you put a hat on top of infinity it is a real number.

>> No.11111264

God bless the internet.

>> No.11111326

cringe and will-to-deathpilled

>> No.11111357

>wages are much less
>housing is much more expensive
>jobs are much harder to get
>jobs are much harder to keep
>depression is WAY up
>suicide is way up
>mental illness is way up
>but you have an iphone now so everything is better :)

fuck boomers

>> No.11111367

Blame capitalism for poisoning us with garbage like corn, vegetable oil, red mead, transgenic crap and all those plastics that cause cancer according to the State of California.

>> No.11111375

Fuck off Pinker Stinker.

>> No.11111392

Bisphenol A (BPA) in plastic bottles is a biomimicking endocrine disruptors, and drinking bottle water is the same as taking the female contraceptive pill,
Which is what trans boys do to make them more like a girl, bottled water is basically a biological weapon.
It's why the girls are so crazy and the boys are so fucked up.

And don't get me started on synthetic animal sex hormones in meat,

The Thai ladyboy phenomenon was because of a third world growth hormone they were giving to chickens to make them lay more eggs, you think it's just a Thai cultural thing lol.

There are synthetic sex hormones in your food and water lol,
So if the whole infinite genders/my little pony/dragonkin thing makes you uncomfortable maybe you should start pointing your fingers at the government for once.

There is a field of study called neuropharmacology if you would like to know more,not as the CIA calls it "mind control.

>> No.11111409

its not only BPA

Phthalates are chemicals used in plastic production
most of them are extremely long lasting enviromental pollutants and all of them cause endocrine disruption particularly in males

they are the likely cause of low sperm counts and high suicide rates in young men

DEHP is the main offender
It is widespread and levels can be found in every single modern home
It is present in milk in high levels and can be extremely concentrated in other dairy products such as cream or cheese due to its solubility in fat. Essentially inescapable save for living in a cave.

basically any plastic that is soft and flexible will outgass DEHP

>> No.11111411

My parents didn't knew any of this when I was kid, I was exposed to that shitty plastic that now is starting to get banned. For instance, I remember that my baby bottle was made of plastic. Fuck, it sucks knowing that exposure to BPA may be one of the reasons why I am so feminine. My dad and my granddad didn't have those problems.

Is there any point in trying to fight against this when you are in your 20's? I am fighting each day to avoid foods and utensils in plastic containers but it's very hard since I am studying aboard and don't really own a kitchen.

>> No.11111412
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>> No.11111417

Bro, there is a book called "our stolen future" it's a quasi sequal to "silent spring"
Give it a read if you get the chance, I guarantee you will find it apt ;)

>> No.11111425

fight it so your children dont have to deal with the same problems

>> No.11111429

There are many strategies you can implement but just remember you have been the victim of a biological mutagenic weapon with chronic exposure.

Adaptogenic herbs like tribulus terrestris is a good starting point, fasting to metabolize and excrete the fat soluble chemicals, do your own research it's a long road. I would go vegetarian, also there is a shit load of estrogens in both milk and onions. You are basically living in a chemical Chernobyl and trying to keep clean. It's not an easy quest.

>> No.11111453

Onions* not onions

>> No.11111454
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>tfw your testosterone metabolism has been completely destroyed by bisphenol A
>tfw strangers think you are girl when talking on the phone
>tfw you are starting to read lesbian romance manga

>> No.11111455

Fucking auto correct

>> No.11111460

4chan changes S O Y to onions for some reason

>> No.11111489

This is retarded. Ask any zoomer why they're depressed and I promise you none of them are going to respond with fucking Climate Change.

>> No.11111492


>> No.11111506

Change your diet, nothing with synthetic female sex hormones in it ( bottled water, meat, dairy, processed food)
Hormone regulating adaptogenic like tribulus terrestris,

Pretend you are a voice actor and just fake a male voice, do it all the time until it becomes a habit and normal.

Reading lesbian erotica is very hetero, nothing gay about two girls fooling around.

>> No.11111516

>i hang out with retards

>> No.11111517

Imagine being part of the singularity.
Living 600 years
Only to die and find out
either Heaven, Nirvana, Reincarnation or just being an Energy unbounded by physical/biological constraints able to traverse the cosmos like a playground is what biological death is

>> No.11112320

Our quality of life improved a lot. Nowadays you have many treatments for many different diseases. General public infrastructure increased a lot, specially in developing countries. People die way less of starvation and thanks to the way we can spread information now, we can help people in situations that no one would ever know about if we didn't have the internet. Plus, we are more aware of what our politicians do, which decreases tyranny. Think about it, what would the current Hong Kong situation be if we didn't have that, for example?

Also, yeah, of course jobs are harder to maintain. With more technology, we need people with more and more training and knowledge in order to maintain the system. By the way, now you have access to education WAY MORE than before. Back then, if you wanted to study math, for example, you'd have to rely on university books, assuming that you had access to it. Nowadays you can simply go on Khan Academy or Youtube or StackExchange and learn it all for free.

About the suicide and depression thing: sure, the way we're raising our children to be dependent pussies is growing. But at the same time, if you have depression now, you are not treated like you're just a faggot whining about shit. Maybe you don't know about this, but back then there wasn't such thing as "I can't work 'cause I'm depressed". Plus, we have way less wars now and in many countries violence is decreasing.

So, here's the summary: Sure, some aspects have gotten worse, but generally speaking, we can now live with way less pressure and much more quality of life than we ever did. We just need to get our heads out of our 1st world rich asses and take a closer look at what the world used to be.

>> No.11112321
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>> No.11112333

My grandma had to work 14h a day, get home and take care of her children, while being treated like shit by her post-war alcoholic husband and she's never been depressed or complained about shit.
I'm not saying that we should dismiss depression, but this is just bullshit. People are romanticizing mental illness. They want to feel special.
Depression is the kind of illness that is not that bad in most cases, so it's fine to have it. Same with OCD and ADHD.
I've been getting my ass fucked by OCD since I was a kid. I've gotten treated like shit by doctors and family and forced to take meds that get you tremors and sleepy as shit. And yet I've gotta listen to some faggot complain that he can't work because he felt a little sad because he failed a class he didn't study for or because his gf left him. Or listen to another faggot telling people how "crazy xDD" he is because he likes his clothes ordered by color.

Seriously, go fuck yourselves.

>> No.11112344

I've kinda come to a similar conclusion. People are habitually restless in life and seem to yearn for something beyond what this life can ever provide. Only when old age finds them do they become calm and content while the young run around trying to save the world and create an earthly paradise in this life.

>> No.11113969

OK tumblr.

>> No.11114084

>Depression is the kind of illness that is not that bad in most cases, so it's fine to have it.
This, life is objectively shit but everyone's in the same boat. So simply put, you either shut up and take it or take the easy way out.

>> No.11114094

That is a very literal coping mechanism.

>> No.11114097


>> No.11114109
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>> No.11114113
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>> No.11114124

>AI has some very amazing breakthroughs
>Quantum Computing
>Fusion is better than ever
>kept up chip progress
>space race beginning again with private space companies and public ones
>positive eugenics with cure to all genetic disease and embryo selection available

There's basically no reason to be pessimistic aside from nuclear and existential threats like bioweapons being used.

>> No.11114248

nigga you are way too pessimistic

humans are animals. treat yourself like a base animal that takes care of its own instincts and you'll be happy. i'm not saying marry and have kids, i'm saying find some way of living that gives you meaning and adapt your lifestyle to it.

you're part of one of the most adaptively successful species on Earth, just adapt bro

>> No.11114283

MFW a faggot thinks his life sucks because he can't concentrate for shit.
This is how you sound BTW

>> No.11114444

you sound so stressed and much unhappier than your granma, do you use an iphone?

>> No.11115128

I'm not gay. Nice numbers.

>> No.11115131

I don't really. My life is shit, but in a totally different aspect. Still, I do my job and live my life without expecting others to give me free shit because of that.

>> No.11115519

>fear of dying
just remember consciousness doesnt die, the body just capt the signal that comes from off the body
dont worry about death, worry about life

>> No.11115651
