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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 69 KB, 1024x820, Common_Yellowthroat_s36-34-026_l_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10767085 No.10767085 [Reply] [Original]


I'm working on a section about the historical use of 2.4 - 2.45 GHz band (including its use in Nazi Germany to sterilize and induce diabetes), Brillouin precursors with mmWaves, and the Moscow signal event, which was funneled into project Pandora and ultimately MKUltra. Beyond just gathering the data and documenting the real extent of our history, I'm also working on a section about what to be done about it. It's fairly simple though, in all cases you're going to need to raise awareness and have people informed and with you. Providing credible data, and handing out notices of criminal liability to those helping the "deployment" of this purported "communications system" has also been effective in some cases. In Australia antenna installation has been blocked because it constitutes an assault under their laws, as it prevents their "quiet enjoyment".

We have what is likely a brief period remaining to use the internet against them. It is necessary to build awareness in your locality.

>> No.10767086
File: 31 KB, 750x583, Common_Yellowthroat_male_1-24-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, pic related is down by 79% from 15 years ago in my state. Their population is dropping along with the rest of the insectivores. RF has caused this insect loss. Aluminum is another factor.

>> No.10767089
File: 41 KB, 750x583, Common_Yellowthroat_male_singing_1-24-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10767092 [DELETED] 

when did you last update the mega?

also have you seen the Mt. Nardi study in Australia?


>> No.10767131

ok retard

>> No.10767132

The inevitably brief era of pollination by hand has begun.

This is coming to the West.

With autism rate moving towards 1 in 2 males, economic activity cannot be maintained. Our breadbasket, the US midwest, is underwater. As collapse of food production accelerates war is inevitable. Considering a draft as a way to imprison or thin out the people in their 20's who may have woken up to this racket, very convenient. Along with birth rate dropping in westernized countries (population level infertility), what do large populations do when they realize they have no long term future? That they and their lineage are sterile? You can't put developing children in schools with a wifi tablet on their reproductive organs all day and not sterilize them. Look into project inkwell, final connection to internet in schools must be wireless.

Reject the post-apocalyptic training that makes you almost desire the relief and freedom of collapse, of all the worst finally getting here. The current power structure and its house of cards are in view, this period IS our chance to move in a better direction. If there is a "they", and they're allowed their technology and advantages while depopulating the rest of us, all I can imagine next is extinction or slavery.

Quite a while ago. I'll probably upload a ton of documents at once. Make a books folder on mega.

Thanks for the link.

>> No.10767137
File: 126 KB, 1200x720, 27299391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is making his final stand. We have to help.

>> No.10767146 [DELETED] 

>imagine compiling this
>and then posting it

>> No.10767162

Why is this damaging stuff being implemented?

>> No.10767177

I don't think anyone really knows the ultimate why and nature of it all. Even if you were to plot out the organization and directives of some part of the overall control structure, you'd find it's just a small part of the entirety.

What matters is that it's being done, and must be stopped. As you fight against it and it's made to adapt, its nature becomes more clear.

>> No.10767189

Imagine being autisto enough to post everything in that pastebin

>> No.10767192

I'm somewhat new to these questions got curious after the NZ gun grab mosque thing. and the way muslims and refugees have been seeded as weapons in developed countries.
I've honestly been quite shocked at the breadth of the conspiracy...

>> No.10767194 [DELETED] 

you literally trawled through /sci/ archives to "get" what you think is "THE 5G spammer" when he's not even me, though he did make this thread

pretty cringe that you're here 24/7 doing this, defending the telecoms industry and spouting the same debunked points over and over and over. do you even take a break? does someone else take over for you at some point?

you need to sleep, anon

>> No.10767196

*fake 2nd mosque shooting

>> No.10767202

We've had this discussion before. The bulk of what you string together isn't me. Your intention isn't the truth, it's to play on the halo effect. Hence why you never state your intentions, ideas, or anything you might attribute to an actual person.

You're like a guy at the office.

>> No.10767205

Where is the proof that that is him?

>> No.10767247

>have rivalry with some anon
>willing to destroy self and planet to defeat him

>> No.10767261

Hey Mods, could you add "This post belongs on/x/" to the options for reporting a post?

>> No.10767273
File: 217 KB, 793x638, Adey_qEEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when does decades of published science belong on /x/?

I want you to imagine going into this guy's lab at UCLA's Brain Research Institute, and telling him he's a tinfoil and belongs on /x/.

>> No.10767289
File: 59 KB, 499x396, LIDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, WR Adey not only taught anatomy at Oxford, did neuroscience research, and bioelectromagnetics, he was an elected fellow of IEEE for his work designing a phased array radar systems.

In other words, you'd be destroyed so thoroughly you'd be reluctant to even show yourself on 4chan for quite some time.

>> No.10767298

they can’t hear you scream

>> No.10767466

>when he's not even me
No shit retard, where did I say he was?
>pretty cringe that you're here 24/7 doing this
I haven't posted for two days before this since I have a life
Grasp at more straws while I stroke my peen to your anger

>> No.10767468 [DELETED] 

>telecoms tranny
>having a penis
nice joke

>> No.10767727

Watch this.

And this:

>> No.10767879

What would your dad think if he saw you spamming this every single day? Does he even venture into your basement any more?

>> No.10767961

What are your thoughts on the recent research showing that the human body can resist the effects of RF radiation in cellphone level doses quite well until about 35-40 years of age, after this the skin is no longer a sufficient barrier and all negative effects quickly show up. This is why the NTP study had inconstant results as the age of the rats was the biggest factor in tumor development. So basically if you're over 35 and own a cell phone or wifi enabled device you're basically killing yourself.

>> No.10768039

I started cleaning up the scanning artifacts from
to make it feasible for printing. I've uploaded the finished version.

My dad is no longer alive. I think he'd be proud I didn't just sit by and let this happen. Though probably disappointed life, and this world had to be this way to the extent that it is.

>> No.10768040

What's the difference between this obsession of 5G posters and the 5G posters themselves?

>> No.10768055

It's generally the inverse. Children are far more susceptible to the effects, both as far as damage and long term functional changes. Thinner skulls, more water in the skull, greater proportion of stem cells (which are more sensitive), and longer timescale to accumulate and propagate that damage forward. Metabolically, they're also less developed and more sensitive to synergistic activity with various toxins or malnutritional states. The skin has never really been an effective barrier.

The Soviet research showed that different age groups were more susceptible to different effects (eg <20 presenting with digestive problems), there are transgenerational effects even if you halt irradiation of the animal during pregnancy, and different animals (among the same species) had a different response course to continued irradiation. To find the basis of this they looked at the organization of its tissues, and found effects correlated to whether they were high or low entropy. They identified two main responses to chronic irradiation, the "strong" animal, and the "labile" animal. The strong animal would begin to change and try to synchronize with the field, remaining relatively stable for a short time, them rapidly exhausting with its parameters falling below basal values. The labile animal however was "of a phasic character", undergoing shifts between elevated activity, and depressed activity. The amplitude of these spikes would decrease over time until it exhausted as well. Similar behavior was observed in humans, and we can see this modern day as well.

Older people overall seem to be fairly, and unfortunately, resistant, being afflicted with mostly specific effects, catastrophic system failures ending in death or disability (like stroke, which is now afflicting people in their 20's), or those that they will attribute to aging and accept drugs for. High blood pressure, failure of thyroid, heart palpitations, typically.[...]

>> No.10768058

[...]I say unfortunate because in many societies where the notion of community has been essentially destroyed, they're presently the only remaining well connected, networked, and potentially economically effective population that could effect real change. Many of them are who's running things, or connected to these people in legislatures. Instead, even if they're shown the data, few will act to protect their children or grandchildren, and are apathetic about changing anything for themselves. A lot of them really love cell phones, tablets, all the other magical luminescent rectangles. Nothing existed that gave that kind of literal opioid high in their day. And the fact is, they've so much change and cultural trauma (cold war, etc), most of them just figure the world will sort itself out.

The relationship with an animal's age varies. In a lot of ways it doesn't matter, in some ways it does. All you have to look at is how screwed up kids are right now to see how it really is. Many have had extensive prenatal exposure, something we know causes developmental deficits. Most of the girls in school right now, probably will not be able to have children. The blue light exposure accelerates this.

>> No.10768063

As far as the NTP study goes, I'm not really fond of it. It was just the latest in a long line of taxpayer funded government projects which were designed to fail.
The 20 year, 25 million dollar study revealed higher rates of two types of cancer, and clear evidence of DNA damage. However, the results are greatly understated and it's my own opinion that it was yet another study designed to fail.

The exposure apparatus was designed with the help of IT'IS, an industry funded NGO.
It used a reverberation chamber with multiple anetennas to maximize the probability of destructive interference and depolarization of the field, limiting the very characteristics that lead to greater biological effects, and it's not a realistic exposure scenario. It's reasonable to assume industry has been watching the literature for decades and knows this. The fact that it still showed a clear effect is far more damning than is generally portrayed. It is likely much worse than the NTP study shows.

>> No.10768064

If it scares you so much: move somewhere where it won't get implemented in a good while before it's health effects are thoroughly tested live

>> No.10768068

It also seems convenient that Melnick was slated to be replaced towards the end of the study. After he was, their interpretation of their own data changed sharply.
More coverage of NTP.

The Ramazzini Institute in Italy completed a similar 10 year study, with results in line with NTP.

So the key take away with NTP is that the results are likely greatly understated, something no one seems to be pointing out. And overall, in line with the rest of the data on RF as tumor initiator / promoter. Look into Adey's 2000 study for example, funded by Motorola. In his case the RF actually reduced the rate of tumors, probably because some signals are more apt to just kill the cells if I had to guess, which they still didn't want published.

I already live in a rural area. They want it everywhere. I don't know how, but they aim to make "5G" in some capacity, near omnipresent, and probably will. Either that or they'll force you to go to it.

It must be stopped. Ecologically vital. I don't intend to let them get away with any of this.

>> No.10768082

>They want it everywhere
There are areas in first world countries which doesn't even have fiber yet

>> No.10768087

Something which is rapidly changing. They've been laying fiber day and night here, calling in contractors from all the surrounding states. If fiber is just the backhaul for existing substations, the routes they've chosen make little sense.

>> No.10768100

All I'm saying is that you can't save society from their own (possible) stupidity, sometimes you just gotta save yourself.

>> No.10768108

At this point I've found that if someone isn't immediately interested, they probably aren't at the present time capable of personal risk assessment or engaging with the big picture. Time and energy is better spent identifying people who can readily get it, and are willing to act. Whether the rest will come along when you've bootstrapped it up to a critical mass, I don't know.

There's a lot of uncertainty and many branches as to how this could play out. What is clear, and what I hope to communicate here, is that it is happening. And things are not going to continue looking the way they have. Not for much longer.

>> No.10768122
File: 1.28 MB, 300x300, 1549764921938.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't like living in a poisoned, polluted and dangerous environment, just move to the 3rd world

>> No.10768411

>My dad is no longer alive.
Was this recent due to cell phone use?
Not the guy you're replying to btw

>> No.10768565

>I'm working on a section about the historical use of 2.4 - 2.45 GHz band (including its use in Nazi Germany to sterilize and induce diabetes), Brillouin precursors with mmWaves, and the Moscow signal event, which was funneled into project Pandora and ultimately MKUltra. Beyond just gathering the data and documenting the real extent of our history, I'm also working on a section about what to be done about it. It's fairly simple though, in all cases you're going to need to raise awareness and have people informed and with you. Providing credible data, and handing out notices of criminal liability to those helping the "deployment" of this purported "communications system" has also been effective in some cases. In Australia antenna installation has been blocked because it constitutes an assault under their laws, as it prevents their "quiet enjoyment".
>We have what is likely a brief period remaining to use the internet against them. It is necessary to build awareness in your locality.

You have no clue wht you are talking about and most likely sniff your own farts

>> No.10768569


>> No.10768584

>environment gets polluted by toxins non stop
Yes it must be the radiation that is causing birds to die !
What about all the previous mobile communication standards like 2g or 3g ? Did they cause birds to die too ? What are your "numbers " for that ?
Radiation at around 2.5 ghz or 800 mhz which are typical frequencies for 4g/5g are non ionizing and at best can heat up tissue a bit.
Rx signal strengths are measured in between 10^-6 to 10^-15 Watt. The power is so low that is has practically no effect at all on body tissue.

>> No.10768587

>Yes it must be the radiation that is causing birds to die !
you are correct

>> No.10768602

>naturalist/ethno botanist
You can't be serious

The methodology is peak amateurish
>let's count rare birds
>let's place some base station which sends out some signal stuff
>let's wait
>ohh when I walk around now there I can see less birds, so it clearly must be the radiation !

The dude who wrote this article didn't do scientific work here
He doesn't check at all for other influences, his details for the radiation are incomplete, no surprise since he has no clue what he's doing (not an 'EE)
His assumption is loose bullshit as he doesnt provide reasoning
Your article is shit. Find a better one to bait.

>> No.10768607
File: 1.46 MB, 1138x950, war-gamed the science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice war-game tranny, but your transmitters are disappearing as we speak

>> No.10768651
File: 317 KB, 952x717, 1561788024812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no evidence to suggest that rf damages DNA, causes health risks or cancer
Hmm? Doesn't that contradict your narrative of 5g radiation beeing dangerous ?

>> No.10768655
File: 290 KB, 633x698, no insurance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why cant your master get insurance on his soon to collapse corporation's microwave emitters, tranny?

>> No.10768660

>insurers refuse to cover for some made up bullshit illness
What a surprise
Now explain how I am a tranny for having a different opinion than you? Perhaps you are just here to ebin trole?

Blow that bs out your ass

>> No.10768671

dump the scat already

>> No.10768683

Nice argument. After me blasting your bullshit proofs and reasoning u have to resort to ad hominems.
Perhaps you should go back to sniffing aroma lamps and getting your last meal stirred up in your colon by your nearest male relatives.

>> No.10768691

I see that faggot ashkenazi kike schizophrenia is acting up again, ask rabbi for help maybe he will fondle you only gently today

>> No.10768699

Your lack of argument results in you having to insult to protect your wrongful sense of intellectual superiority.
I suggest you go to >>>/b/ , a place where your niveau will match the surrounding.

>> No.10768711

you know dumping scat will get the thread deleted and your employer's demands met, so why not do it again tranny?

>> No.10768722
File: 1.45 MB, 800x450, 1536881209304.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a bunch of unintelligible crap. You seem very confused. Maybe it's time to stop ?
Summerfags are quite the nuisance, they cant help themselves but shit up every board they visit.

>> No.10768727

Anon, this 5G poster doesnt know how waves propagate

>> No.10768736

5G is a failure and the final nail in the coffin of the wireless industry. cope!

>> No.10768737

>t. man who doesnt know what an inverse square law is

>> No.10768750
File: 113 KB, 646x667, shinjyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an inverse square law
>not the inverse square law

how does the inverse square law account for the highly damaging modulation methods employed in LTE+ signals?

>> No.10768832

explain what makes a modulation method "damaging"
what makes 128-pam do more damage than 128-qam or 128-m-ask ?
your image shows nothing about modulation methods beeing damaging. you seem unable to provide any credible proof for your claims at all.
no further explanation about the symptoms observed.
what exactly links people beeing ill to an base station beeing active?
correlation is not the same as causation.
>more people are ill or feel sick during January than in November
>hurr, what is most likely psychosomatic symptoms, means its damaging!!1

>> No.10768846

it's all here buddy, all peer-reviewed science.
sources at the bottom of each page

like I said, you will never be able to address this website. say bye bye to tranny transmitters!

>> No.10768870

>voltage of cancer
>em waves pollute the air
>RF/microwave radiation confirmed human carcinogen

the person who created this site is an absolute lunatic.
article in image says no to this bullshit.
cherrypicking articles who fit your narrative without beeing able to provide logical reasoning yourself.
when will you stop embarrasing yourself ?

>> No.10768881
File: 149 KB, 509x424, cell voltage pH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont even know what voltage does in the human body. you're a clueless moron troglodyte NPC.

>> No.10768891

>units are missing
is that milli volt or kilo volt ?
>x voltage makes cells grow
this has to be the most stupid thing i have heard in a while

also your website doesnt explain how and why some modulations are dangerous

>> No.10768901

gigavolt obviously
you havent read the website

>> No.10768912

Is this your first time in one of these threads?

>> No.10768921

>gigavolt obviously
the power of lightning bolts is usually in the range of gigavolts
voltages that high ionize the air and create plasma

voltages in the nerve cells are in the range of 10^-6 Volt

equating cell voltage (how and where is that supposed to be measured) with an ph values doesnt make any sense
do you just pull out stuff that roughly fits you idiotic perspactive

i usually lurk on fit and tv
im only here since i saw 5g and i happen to be an electrical / telecommunication engineer

>> No.10768923

>he took my gigavolt post seriously
>he doesnt understand what pH actually is
you are way out of your depth here aut engi

>> No.10768931

You're responding to a likely schizophrenic who's been posting variations of the same thread for years. Don't expect anything but an impenetrable wall of autism and gish gallops.


>> No.10768935
File: 90 KB, 349x642, pretend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i understand what ph is. now explain how "acidic" something is, is related to some obscure voltage measured in cells.

>he took my gigavolt post seriously
>haha, i was only pretending
the plot thickens

>> No.10768940


you really dont understand pH, pal. you've humiliated yourself enough for today.

>> No.10768958

lmao, a voltage stands for a potential difference, now explain how you want to measure that in a cell ?
you dont understand voltage, it seems.

>pH number corresponds also to a voltage measurement
even if you could theoratically translate ph to a voltage, you will have to explain how that practically makes sense or has any effect on anything whatsoever
>hey its possible to translate unit x in unit y on some scale z that applys in specific case k
whats your point ?

>> No.10768966

>lmao, a voltage stands for a potential difference, now explain how you want to measure that in a cell ?


>> No.10768985
File: 275 KB, 651x1600, pretend2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

change in ph means a different relative concentration of OH- and H+ which can be translated in a difference in potential relative to equilibrium of both (i.e voltage).
how do you want to practically measure that voltage ? take cell a with ph x and compare it to cell b with ph y ?
what is your point ?

>> No.10768989

your image fits its attached post

>> No.10768997
File: 116 KB, 790x1229, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no argument again, you seem to have a hard time.
translation of ph to mV is pointless, and even more pointless for the discussion about 5g.
you are unable to provide any reasoning.
>>>/sci/ is the wrong board for you

>> No.10769017
File: 204 KB, 330x319, ahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so ignorant of your biological reality; a spectacle of magnificent proportions!

>> No.10769024
File: 73 KB, 474x853, pretend3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are so ignorant of your biological reality
yet you are unable to explain how so?
when my ignorance is so obvious but you fail to substantiate your perception with some explanations, what does that say about you?

>> No.10769034

dont worry champ I have an educational resource tailored just for you:


>> No.10769065

Hey anon, you ever wonder WHY they use 2.45GHz for a microwave oven? Because it's near where the maximum dielectric loss of water begins, causing it to rotate on its axis. It's a balance between that spinning (not HEATING, spinning that CAUSES heating), and penetration depth that makes 2.45 GHz a good choice.

Anyone claiming that making the water molecules in a biological system spin will have no athermal effects on biological systems doesn't know anything about the system in question.

Read the literature. Understand athermal mechanisms of transduction. You're 6 decades behind the curve and getting belligerent about it.

>explain what makes a modulation method "damaging"
The information content of the signal. Not the absolute energy deposition, the information. You're dealing nonlinear electrodynamics and nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Stop being a lazy little bitch. What makes you think you need to just know everything right out the gates?

>cherrypicking articles who
Refer to the link in the OP. Index.txt. 1600 papers that say there's no cherrypicking going on. And even if there was cherrypicking, why would those cherries even be there?

You're absolutely ridiculous right now, anon. Sorry to say but you've gotten behind the biggest cherrypickers the human species has ever endured.

This is all covered in the link, including how an imposed field can put forces on charge groups in various highly sensitive structures embedded. Look up also Tian Yao Tsong's papers on resonance electroconformational coupling for more examples.

You don't even know what kind of environment you're dealing with. They're narrow channels filled with conductive salts and strongly negatively charged structures protruding out, all trapped between extremely good resistors. Apply yourself ffs.

>muh gish gallop again

>> No.10769072


>> No.10769074
File: 114 KB, 621x498, mm-wave-skin-penetration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5g can't penetrate the skin. OP's going say some bullshit about the skin having antennas.

>> No.10769079

5g uses both Mhz and Ghz signals, look up "densification"

>> No.10769085

The structure of the sweat gland is a helical coil. The entirety of the skin is a massive mmWave transceiver array.

Starting in mm band waves, when you have a pulse with a fast enough rise time you can create what are known as Brillouin precursors. These allow the signal to propagate much more deeply.

Lastly, mmWaves actually propagate really well in organisms. In some Soviet work apparently the structure of the aqueous environment on the plasma membrane surface is such that you have a high density layer of H+. This layer and the surrounding water is ideal in size and distribution for millimeter waves to travel. Probably why our cells use them to communicate.

The 850/868MHz range. Saturation.

>> No.10769086

>>to impregnate (wood) with additives under heat and pressure in order to achieve greater density and hardness
Man you've got some really weird fetishes.

>> No.10769090

here comes the scat dump

>> No.10769113
File: 216 KB, 894x669, USSR, 1960-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accept your ownage, like a man. All this worming around is just embarrassing.

>> No.10769117
File: 186 KB, 889x626, USSR, 1960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And further anon, join the fight for survival. Join the right side.

>> No.10769147

>Anyone claiming that making the water molecules in a biological system spin will have no athermal effects on biological systems doesn't know anything about the system in question
i never claimed that, you complete schizo autist
>Read the literature
im an electrical engineer, its absurd to see knowledge and facts twisted from someone who has no clue what he is talking about
>The information content of the signal is what causes the physical harm.
in an microwave oven no information is transmitted, that means its completely harmless by your clinical retarded logic, right ?
i cant wait for summer to end

>You're dealing nonlinear electrodynamics and nonequilibrium thermodynamics
you are full off shit, are those two fancy words you found on your riddiculous website filled with nonsense ?
give me a break, retard

>> No.10769216
File: 505 KB, 869x557, mm-wave-attenuation-rain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sweat gland is a helical coil
Bullshit. How the fuck can they act like an antenna when they're embedded in a media that has a decent amount of conductivity? Besides what the fuck are your antenna terminals in this case?
you don't seem to know what that word means.
>>This layer and the surrounding water is ideal in size and distribution for millimeter waves to travel.
Hell fucking no. Electromagnetic radiation does not travel through electrical conductors all that well. If it really is fucking prove it with math faggot.
fucking rain attenuates mm-waves pretty strongly. A chunk of mostly salty water is going to attenuate it much more.

>> No.10769242
File: 381 KB, 1080x1080, 1543386292626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im an electrical engineer,
Who doesn't care about experimental results, apparently. Just theory to the ends and extent that it suits him.

Read. The data.
It's right there.

>in an microwave oven no information is transmitted
CW does transmit information, it's just binary, and relative to information in the receiving system (state). Binary in the sense that at the bare minimum a receiving apparatus may either know the field is there, or not. Relative in the sense that the biological receiver's nature determines how it as a nonlinear system will respond to that frequency and power density. For example low intensity CW 2.45GHZ has been observed to cause "despiraling" of the DNA molecule, and causes it to "thrash about violently" with indication it's broken off its histones.

When it comes to AM, FM, pulsations, polarization, it varies. In general a pulsed microwave source causes calcium channel activation. Contrast this to eg Bawin and Adey's 16Hz AM VHF field induced Ca2+ efflux, which exists within a narrow AM and power density window.

Just read the stuff, and don't be such a bitch about everything. What are you fighting against? I'm pretty sure you were in a previous thread, and yet you're here doing the same shit again. If so, what's your issue with reading actual data?


Does anyone have any thoughts on this image?

>> No.10769345
File: 623 KB, 2434x1964, Glaser1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bullshit. How the fuck can they act like an antenna when they're embedded in a media that has a decent amount of conductivity?
Consider this in the context of a bunch of helical coils full of sweat.

>you don't seem to know what that word means.
It transmits, it receives.

>Hell fucking no. Electromagnetic radiation does not travel through electrical conductors all that well.
Brillouin precursors, look it up. And again, refer to my description of the extracellular space. They propagate just fine. A lot of it's magnetic.

>If it really is fucking prove it with math faggot.
It's been experimentally demonstrated and a good deal of mathing has long since been done, it's in that link. As far as I'm concerned the universe doesn't have to care about our "math" which we often use wrong, math is a subset of logic. Don't become slave to your tools. The universe's true logic has already spoken through experiment, you may need to consider whether your personal theoretical model of what's what is wrong. Demand and compute all you want, it's still just gonna do what it does to you. That's just the way this place is.

I can understand if the results were truly unprecedented, outlandish, and incomprehensible. But they're not. Just read the data yourself.

>A chunk of mostly salty water is going to attenuate it much more.
The extracellular space is a lot more than salty water. Look at that link. Start with Adey's 2003 paper, it gets into a lot of what you're after. Nonlinear electrodynamics in biological systems as well.

I have to go for now.

>> No.10769355

Oh, also the Warsaw symposium. International. Lot of theoretical work. Look through all the symposiums, actually.

>> No.10769367


Dude can't triforce his triforce of triforces.


>> No.10769373

And I don't want to get back and see you whining (again) about how my "strategy" is to flood you with data and overwhelm you. This isn't a debate, this isn't a contest. The goal is to spread the word, I'm not expecting or wanting a response in 5 minutes. Or at all. We might never speak again. And the world will go the way it's going regardless, if you don't stop it.

Whether you want to know how the world really is or not is up to you. Read it or don't, ideally in the case of the latter consider why you're posting to begin with.

>> No.10769398

>ooo shiny 5g
>monthly bandwidth exhausted in 10 seconds

>> No.10769414

I watched a common yellowthroat slowly die today. A juvenile. Brown fluffy bib. Injured by a cat, to torment me. Or maybe brought to me so I could be with it, get me to accept this course. It panted and tried to peep. I left it for a while and feel pretty bad.

So tired.

>> No.10769436


>> No.10769502

that has nothing to do with mm waves. That's purely ELECTRICAL, not electromagnetic.
>>helical coils full of sweat.
which are embedded in tissue which is conducting, meaning the antenna shape is effectively not there.

>> No.10769507

>Injured by a cat
So why are you in a 5g thread?

>> No.10770669

I think what this data is showing is intra-cellular signaling for self-organization. There's a lot of research showing how groups of cells use voltages to self-organize during growth and development, and how altering the voltages at the cellar level (by modulating ion channels) can change the growth patterns, and even cause cells to migrate and form different complex structures (eg: a tail can be transformed into a functional second head in a little microorganism).

Recent lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjD1aLm4Thg

Research: https://ase.tufts.edu/biology/labs/levin/

>> No.10770988
File: 1 KB, 45x44, 66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>magnetism has nothing to do with electricity

>> No.10771325

sure magnetic and electric fields can propagate through the body, just not magnetic and electric fields oscillating tens of billions of times per second.

>> No.10771399

The human body is transparent to magnetic fields.

>> No.10771417

Then how does an MRI work?

>> No.10771420

Uses RF and magnetic precession.

>> No.10772518


>> No.10772617
File: 684 KB, 471x699, 5G kills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10773950
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I'm sure it's just coincidence.

>> No.10775314

Cats are robots powered by 5g. How do you not know this?

>> No.10776967


>> No.10778262 [DELETED] 


>> No.10779730

bird bump

>> No.10780011 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 1080x1080, 1453409434-be6cd769faf3267cda3663756158ecf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He uses a cell phone

>> No.10780038
File: 46 KB, 600x431, emwavec.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>he thinks that magnetism and electromagnetic waves are the same thing

>> No.10780212

>muh i cannot separate electric and magnetic components in the far field

>> No.10780272

They're a conjugate and cannot exist without each other.

>> No.10780277
File: 185 KB, 1021x844, 1358016434272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5G IS THE GREAT FILTER. Do you even know a tenth of the ideas put forward for this in the 50's to the present? Everything from satellites put in orbit, to an AI embedded deep in our planet that will watch for the development of intelligent life. And passed a certain threshold, engage with it somehow. In some instances this engagement will be simple destruction. Siberian folklore described rods that descended from the heavens and bore deep into the Earth, among many others. We have evidence of cyclical destructions.

Whatever is going on here, 5G will destroy all life on this planet. Something may be making us do this to ourselves. Heat death? You're living in man's final moments, NOW. Get active, this can be defeated. You're getting to live in the end of one of these many cycles. We're going to find out what this place really is.

>> No.10781147

are you talking about that thing with the super frozen mammoth with an erect dick? I thought that was about shifts in the magnetic core position
the whole adam and eve story thing or something else?

>> No.10782548


>> No.10782596
File: 139 KB, 1000x836, Active-denial-system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always the same.


>> No.10782887

it's a weapon but who are the enemy?

>> No.10782905

>5g can't penetrate the skin. OP's going say some bullshit about the skin having antennas.

>The structure of the sweat gland is a helical coil. The entirety of the skin is a massive mmWave transceiver array.

This dialogue made me lol for some reason.

So many good hypotheses to test here OP?

Why not get some anhidrotic Itpr2–/– mice and test your theory?

Oh yes, now I remember why. It's because the answer is "the Jews won't let you publish" so you just shitpost here instead.

>> No.10783112

I forgot no one actually goes to the link or reads. 5G section copied from the txt file.

Martin Pall to the NIH on 5G
Dr. Sharon Goldberg Testifies at Michigan's 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing October 4, 2018
Scientists Warn of Health Effects: Washington DC Council 5G Small Cell Roundtable
Claire Edwards, UN

Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G, indsutry has made no attempt to study effects
However, at least one industry lobbyist group later made a (fairly trivial) donation to Blumenthal's next campaign.
This could mean he's been subdued, or it was all just theater.

White house disposition (Long):


Pall 2018 - 5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them

-Brillouin Precursors

Neufeld 2018 - Systematic Derivation of Safety Limits for Time-Varying 5G Radiofrequency Exposure Based on Analytical Models and Thermal Dose.

>> No.10783113

Feldman 2008 - Human skin as arrays of helical antennas in the millimeter and submillimeter wave range.
Feldman 2009 - The electromagnetic response of human skin in the millimetre and submillimetre wave range.

-Eastern Europe, Soviet and Russian work
[m][Studies in Soviet Science] Pathological Effects of Radio Waves (1973) - Mariya Sergeevna Tolgskaya, Zinaida Vasil’evna Gordon
Changes in bacterial behavior

[m][Moscow Symposium] 1998 - Electromagnetic fields biological effects and hygienic standardization
Page 171: Betskii - On the sensitivity of living organisms to superweak electromagnetic waves in the millimetre range
Page 429: Ushakov - Cooperative influence of the circularly polarised millimeter waves and EtBr on E.Coli cells

Belyaev 2000 - Nonthermal Effects of Extremely High-Frequency Microwaves on Chromatin Conformation in Cells in vitro — Dependence on Physical,Physiological, and Genetic Factors

-Active Denial, crowd control

-Millimeter wave body scanners, surveillance

>> No.10783118

Thielens 2018 - Exposure of Insects to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields from 2 to 120 GHz
[links to nature are "spam"]
Halverson 1999 - Microwave and millimeter wave method and apparatus for controlling insects in stored-products

We're passed the threshold of unmaintainable ecological stress. Collapse has begun. Traditionally nature has provided the bulk and basis of our GDP automatically, for free. That's rapidly coming to a close.
Aquatic and terrestrial insect populations have plummeted. Bird and amphibian populations are dropping in turn.

Mark Steele:
Why LED Street Lighting and 5G in Ireland must be stopped, with weapons expert Mark Steele

>> No.10783669


>> No.10784622

How does one effectively prevent it?

>> No.10784841


>> No.10784850


>> No.10785279

By waking up people around them. Start anywhere and everywhere. Local businesses, parents who's children are being forcibly irradiated in the schools, watch for telecom trying to sneak language into bills, and testify in response.

You need awareness and people. The data in the link is inarguable. Read through it, make flyers, print out relevant information. So on. There's no ship to jump on, you have to build the ship

>> No.10785960
File: 149 KB, 1500x1000, MoonGarden_1500-57c725b15f9b5829f4620c68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5G is like the ultimate cucking. Just going to sit back and get sterilized, brain damaged, watched, controlled, all your potential mates sterilized and destroyed, like some castrati KEK.

That's where this cuck meme is coming from, people know they're being destroyed and feel cukced as they dissociate. Stop cucking yourself. You're being killed. Time to WAKE UP.

>> No.10785966

Not KEK, CU CK. FUCK the wordfilters.

It's time to wake up. It as the Hopi said, WE are the ones we've been waiting for.

>> No.10786973


>> No.10787001 [DELETED] 
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I will suffocate my dream, with all the blood in my veins, to defeat the machine until none of it remains.

This band turned out to be fairly prophetic, about everything. The latest album, as with some others, has mentioned "the new Knights". Does anyone know more about this?

>> No.10787022
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I am in the process of creating some sort of flyer to hand out. Single sheet, relevant points, link for further information. I don't know how to concisely grab the attention of the widest range of people yet, but I'm working on it. When this is further along I'll add it to the link, get feedback and iterate.

>> No.10787034
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>> No.10787037
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>> No.10787042
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>> No.10787048
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>> No.10787054
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>> No.10787057
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>> No.10787060
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>> No.10787063
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>> No.10787073
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TES Oblivion.

>> No.10787076
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did anyone else just avoid visiting Kvatch for as long as possible, just to preserve Cyrodil's natural beauty

>> No.10787079
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(That's the first thing that came to mind. Something about the color tones and lighting)

>> No.10787084
File: 1.41 MB, 2800x2128, HPIM2509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. I had it pretty heavily modded, and remember just going around exploring.

>> No.10787095
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>> No.10787097
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>> No.10787232
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>> No.10787248
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>> No.10787259
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>I'm working on a section about the historical use of 2.4 - 2.45 GHz band (including its use in Nazi Germany to sterilize and induce diabetes)

I'm browsing a science board where a faggot spams walls of texts about EM radiation 3 orders of magnitude weaker than visible light being used as a doomsday death and suffering device.
What a time to be alive.

>> No.10787261
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>> No.10787265
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Google dielectric loss, and consider the dielectric loss of water not in terms of the resulting heating, but the means which lead to that heating at higher power densities. ie, rotation of the water molecule on its axis.

To claim making the water molecules spin in an organism won't cause any effects is outlandish.

>> No.10787281
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And if this makes you suddenly uneasy, don't worry. We can beat this. But it will take a lot of us to do so.

>> No.10787283

this is rotational velocidensity level of fucking horseshit

>> No.10787285
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>> No.10787287


>> No.10787290

why are you posting images?

>> No.10787291

You know why

>> No.10787293

Because own faggot body is creating and emitting more powerful radiation than any WiFi device in existence 24/7

>> No.10787294
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>> No.10787295

Why the homophobia?

>> No.10787297

you actually think I'm afraid of you?

>> No.10787300
File: 83 KB, 400x400, 1352139-clipart-of-a-cartoon-black-man-cowering-scared-and-naked---royalty-free-vector-illustration-by-djart-at-wackystock[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10787310
File: 82 KB, 360x278, billions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fucking fuck is going on in this thread

>> No.10787316
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Inform others, get a group together and be aware of what's going on with your legislature when telecom et al inevitably try to insert language into communications and fiber optic related bills. Fiber optics are the spine for 5G. When people stop using the devices you'll find they suddenly start giving a shit, this is because a literal opioid haze is lifting.

It takes a lot of eyes, ears, and connections to get a group together and start it snowballing. Identify people that have formal credentials or some related expertise. Radar technicians, operators, people with prior military service esp in comms or optics, physicians, HAM radio, and so on. Provide them with credible data. Try to get them involved.

And when it comes down to it, of course, I imagine ultimately no one could blame someone for finding other ways of functionally nullifying a tower which is killing them and their neighbors. I'm not suggesting breaking the law of course.

That's why I never fell for the microwave over scam. I recognized that the energy of the photons from a candle was much higher, so I just put them in a ring around the food. Works every time. Worst case scenario I just get out a massive candle. Oddly enough though it has difficulty cooking passed the surface layer??? Oh well. :^)

Pretty much I covered this int he OP. It's a matter of signal transduction and amplification. Part of that requires propagation through a medium, part of it is frequency range specific to act on a certain structure. With pulsed fields in the microwave range, those "windows" aren't so much a factor.

>> No.10787344

back to the topic at hand.
while you absolutely can harm and even kill a person by blasting it with enough EM radiation, regardless of the wavelength, the lower on the spectrum you go, the higher power output and narrower focus required for the same effect
you essentially need megawatt range radar to do the job of few beefy floodlights
this goes for your smug ignorant faggot ass as well
microwave ovens have a focused beam with power output around 1 kilowatt
a candle only gives off around 0.05 watts as direct EM radiation
you would literally need 20,000 candles to produce similar amount of EM radiation to a microwave oven emitter and it would be completely directionless in comparison

>> No.10787361

Anon, stop and think about the amount of energy you invested into generating a response to me, and the input that caused it. A few photons coming off a screen. That's it. And downstream, your body used all kidns of energy processing and organizes its behavior in response.

That's what I'm telling you, it's not a matter of energy deposition (non-uniform or otherwise), it's a matter of information content, and downstream amplification. Structures in the body are designed to resist random noise and amplify periodic or polarized signals. This is much the same as how you can alter the swing of a several ton pendulum by investing energy into the system in the correct way at the correct time. Or steer a several ton object (car) moving at 80mph by acting on its steering apparatus, but not achieve the same result by pushing way harder on the dash. Same deal.

Honestly, why would you even be asking me? You've got plenty of credentialed people in the link providing actual experimental data and theoretical models to explain it.

>> No.10787368
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Forgot pic.

>> No.10787508 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10787532
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>> No.10787547 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10787672

>you would literally need 20,000 candles to produce similar amount of EM radiation to a microwave oven emitter and it would be completely directionless in comparison
the candles cant cook you from the inside out like your local cell tower is right now.

>> No.10787680

21st century schizoid men

>> No.10787774
File: 212 KB, 1644x2178, 2ze8wv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be overweight
>eat meat
>drink soda
>don't wear a mask while outside
>don't stay out of sunlight 24/7
>drink coffee
>drink alcohol
>stay up late at night
>don't exercise
>don't brush and floss twice a day
>don't shower every day
>state at bright screen in dim room

>"guys, I'm worried about how 5G will impact my health"

>> No.10787781

google trannies losing the debate and calling everyone who BTFO's them a schizo/schizoid interchangeably

>> No.10787789


>> No.10787791
File: 3.14 MB, 2800x2128, HPIM3259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see anon.
It is not too late.

>> No.10787793


>> No.10787800


>> No.10787803
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>> No.10787808

cool soros funded propaganda

>> No.10787810


>> No.10787813

it's overt propaganda to damage control the response to 5G, comment bots and like bots in full engagement mode

>> No.10787819

Did you miss the part where it clearly says it was sponsored by Dashlane?

>> No.10787826

yikes, the telecoms industry is getting desperate. even trying to downplay the NTP study as "o-only male rats!!!"


>> No.10787843
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-Wertheimer and Leeper was not discredited. That's simply false. Biophysical mechanisms had been proposed as early as 1965. With the publication of Bawin and Adey's calcium efflux papers, and later the implication of NO related processes, it was quite clear that not only was there an effect on organisms, there were mechanisms to explain it. In reality, you don't need to know how something happens to know that it did.

Apparently they didn't read enough. The communication issue was due to NATO, the Moscow signal event, and later EPRI and high voltage powerlines everywhere. The controversy came from the government lying and hiding data so they could put radar wherever they wanted. This itself was built on suppression of medical devices in the 20's.

-Electrohypersensitivty is not based on self reporting. There are objective measures which are not attributable to nocebo. There are also in vitro studies that show cells respond the same way regardless of hypersensitivty, validating the 1960's Soviet knowledge that it was a hypothalamic adrenal pituitary axis degeneration, or some other high level compensatory failure.

Crowd psychology Tavistock nonsense. Cell phones don't save lives if they sterize and brain damage you, which is what the whole body of data indicates. Conveniently narrow scope, eh? Always split them into shades of grey.

WHO is a political organization and is thoroughly compromised. Refer to the link in the OP. Their shenanigans are well documented, and I have their own books from the 80's to prove it.

The video was propaganda and or severely uninformed. Engage with the data yourself. I may go through the research they report and elaborate more.

>> No.10787847

Pure quackery

>> No.10787854
File: 1.02 MB, 976x959, honkstein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy Ahel he mentioned Tavistock! call him a quack stat!

>> No.10787859

Of course, an anti semite. I'm glad the schitzos can't help but identify themselves.

>> No.10787861

please do a complete takedown of this brainwashing propaganda

I like how they never mention how microwaves were basically non-existent on Earth before man shat it up with transmitters. biology is not evolved to deal with microwaves and falls apart in its presence.

>> No.10787877

is the entire White race schizophrenic, Ahel?

there are more of us than you and we're taking your toys away

>> No.10787906
File: 19 KB, 450x300, f9b55c6a81740fa5d43398b7b5f20854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking the entire white race is anti semetic

>> No.10787918
File: 1.04 MB, 1162x9616, history of the jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking 109 countries are schizophrenic

>> No.10787926

Like clockwork, your anti 5G argument turns into a jew hating rant. Seek help, schitzo.

>> No.10787927

Why do White countries need 5G first? Why can't we just put all transmitters in isr*el?

>> No.10787954

China is leading the world in 5G deployment.

>> No.10787962
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>> No.10788011
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>the russian hackers were behind the NTP study

>> No.10788195
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Yes. They are testing this on their own people, whom they care little for as (((individuals))). Once the urban Chinese have been killed off by this 5g, they will simply be replaced with the next wave of rural workers. The Chinese are simply trying to perfect the subtle weaponization of this technology so that the urban centers of their rivals are destroyed upon implementation. This is to open up new invasion routes for Chinese colonization through advanced special forces operations and economic warfare. The Chinese are afraid of mass awareness of their programs, which explains the happy merchant memes which were conjured by chinese operators. They serve as a distraction, turning heads away from the chinese "menace". The collective chinese cultural hive mind is impervious to the "individual". This is their great strength. Through collective sacrifice and warfare the chinese will finally achieve the true Great Leap Forward. tiananmen square was just the beginning of anti-individualist, anti-counter revolutionary conquest. The true Chinese Revolution shall replace current world order with divinely inspired Chinese authority and global Chinese market hegemony.
tldr: China is the future. Victory to the people's liberation army

>> No.10788205

>implying bolshevism has nothing to do with jews

>> No.10788216

>NTP study
my question with the NTP study is why was it only able to be proven in male rats. female rats had tumors but they couldn't conclude it was due to RFR from cell phones? wat

>> No.10788219

>my favorite country to play in RTS is China

>> No.10788227


>Myth: Cancer rates were only increased in the male rats but were not equally increased in females so the findings are questionable.
>Fact: It is extremely common for males to show different cancer rates from females in both (NTP) laboratory studies and in epidemiological studies. Specifically, in previous NTP toxicology studies, male rats as compared to females had more than ten times the incidence of malignant gliomas (brain tumors) and more than twice the rate of malignant schwannoma of the heart.

These rare tumors were observed only in RFR-exposed animals of both sexes while no tumors were observed in the control animals.
Female RFR-exposed animals did have higher rates than controls even if the possibility that this was not a chance occurrence could not be excluded with the desired probability.
The fact that we saw any of these tumors in the exposed females but none in the concurrent controls adds support to the conclusion that cell phone radiation leads to cancer among rats.


>> No.10788263

cope. China is a rising dragon.

>> No.10788324

Cancer rates differing between sexes is no surprise, especially with the known mechanisms of RF. NTP results are also understated for other reasons.

However, the results are greatly understated and it's my own opinion that it was yet another study designed to fail.

The exposure apparatus was designed with the help of IT'IS, an industry funded NGO.
It used a reverberation chamber with multiple anetennas to maximize the probability of destructive interference and depolarization of the field, limiting the very characteristics that lead to greater biological effects, and it's not a realistic exposure scenario. It's reasonable to assume industry has been watching the literature for decades and knows this. The fact that it still showed a clear effect is far more damning than is generally portrayed. It is likely much worse than the NTP study shows.
It also seems convenient that Melnick was slated to be replaced towards the end of the study. After he was, their interpretation of their own data changed sharply.
More coverage of NTP.

The Ramazzini Institute in Italy completed a similar 10 year study, with results in line with NTP.

>> No.10788333

okay so it's been documented among rats.

We have lots of data from nutritional science using rats as models. Some of the data applies to humans, a lot of it does not.

I'm not suggesting we throw it out but there needs to be some documented evidence of RFR having negative effects on people.

>> No.10788346

>Animal models are worthless
>All research is worthless so I can just think what I want
What really is the matter with you, anon? You'd find a way to wiggle out of human experimentation too. You know you would.

>> No.10788351
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>> No.10788355
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Read the OP. Human studies in the 60's - 80's. Modern evidence shows in vivo DNA damage. All documented in the link.

I'm sorry, but it's getting very tiresome having people act like study began a few years ago. It began with d'Arsonval, in 1893. You could consider some stuff Ben Franklin did to be early electrical research.

>> No.10788415

>1 study proves it!

Kek, that's not how science works

>> No.10788417
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oh nonono

>> No.10788798
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Ah... I see that he was clamped. And yet, he still believes.

So great was his foolishness.

>> No.10788855

Hey Anon, just interjecting here. Your statement regarding why the 2.45GHz band is used for microwave ovens is incorrect.

That specific band is used along with the 900MHz Band (in industrial use). Because back in the day these bands where allocated for ISM, and amateur usage. And Raytheon did magnetron experiments in these ranges and accidentally realized these magnetrons melted chocolate in the vicinity.

>Source: Read the ITU publications from the Atlanta and Ciaro conferences pre-1945 or around there

>> No.10788861

His statement is not incorrect. He's talking about the scientific reasons for 2.45GHz in everyday microwave ovens, not industrial. You are talking about the history.

Nice attempt.

>> No.10788862

The connection between radar and the development of the microwave oven has a bit of history behind it, but its properties in heating water and ease of generation, along with later the FCC leaving it unlicensed, caused it to be used to the present.

As it so happens, everything highly active just so happened to be left unlicensed. Though who knows.

>> No.10788868

I call bullshit, read the papers...the 2.45GHz band happens to be a good band for vibrating water molecules. Don't assume everything is science is because science is absolute, a lot of shit happened by accident. the microwave oven usage of the 2.45Ghz is one of them. Correlation != Causation

>> No.10788871

I don't know why you'd even make this post. Obviously the scientific reasons for 2.45G having its properties were not immediately known as the chocolate bar melted.

Science != History

>> No.10788873

Look back on..... I believe the Virginia Commonwealth symposium 1969, and the New York Academy of Medicine Symposium. Maybe Warsaw too. There's a bit of history about microwave oven development and an EPA speaker involved in proving safety and standardizing the microwave oven.

>> No.10788882

>Obviously the scientific reasons for 2.45G having its properties were not immediately known as the chocolate bar melted

And so microwave ovens use this band not because of the efficiency of the heating, but this was a shitty band that was left for ISM and amateur purposes.
If you do the maths, you will see that 2.45GHz is not the most efficient band for vibrating water molecules

>> No.10788886

Generating apparatus.

>> No.10788892

>if you do the maths
it's to do with the wavelength of the frequency and the design of the microwave cavity and antenna horn shapes allowing for maximum absorption and destruction of the wave on one side of the magnetron antenna to prevent destructive interference

there are certain ways of representing data that show other frequencies will heat water more efficiently, but not within the cavity and other design specs of a microwave oven

>> No.10788898

The ITU set aside this band way before that.
Take a look at the changes from this conference to the next and look into raytheons developments and the patent of the magnetron as a means for food preparation.

>> No.10788961

>Pic related is making his final stand. We have to help.
Hang in there, little buddy!

>> No.10788971


>> No.10789705 [DELETED] 
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We will go to them, and we will show them their power. However, we cannot make them accept it.

>> No.10789731 [DELETED] 
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In most cases, at least. Although they'll be forced to very soon regardless, at which point it'll be well beyond too late.

>> No.10789736
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>> No.10789746
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>> No.10789758
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>> No.10789765
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I have a raven family that lives nearby. I see their shadow go over, and them circling above all the time. Have yet to get a picture.

>> No.10789777
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For the best really. You don't need to photograph everything.

>> No.10789782
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>> No.10789784
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>> No.10789789
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>> No.10789797
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>> No.10789801
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>> No.10789804
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>> No.10789815
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>> No.10789818
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>> No.10789828
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Horsetail logarithm.

>> No.10791105
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>> No.10791981

does anyone remember that story about the brain cancer incidents being scrubbed from a Nordic country's medical system? trying to find it

>> No.10792050 [DELETED] 

Okay. So why do University's need to act like their ego is the only thing that can save the world when they haven't ever done so thus far in recorded history, and obviously won't in a projective future because they can't solve the 'muh money vs parental/teacher/social abuse' problem?

>> No.10792075

bump, fuck the subservient pseudo intellecutual sheep nigger faggot sheep fucks that disregard anything about vaccines, 5g and other emerging widely implemented technology because it goes against what the standard lemming media government line says. keep fighting the good fight op.

>> No.10792176 [DELETED] 


>> No.10792352

Well your body may be gone but I'm going to carry you on, in my head, in my heart, in my soul.

>> No.10793738


>> No.10794939

5g is safe goys

>> No.10795165

5G is non-ionizing
it literally has less energy than visible light to cause cancer

>> No.10795168
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>> No.10795180

how about you post a counter-argument

>> No.10795185

you posted shite which has been refuted @ OP

>> No.10795194

no it didn't

>> No.10795274

Would you stick your head in a microwave oven?

>> No.10795299

Reminder that satellite internet networks are being built and deployed right now that will saturate the entire planet with frequencies in a similar range to 5G.

>> No.10795326

well fuck, guess that means they won't work in the rain. Only responding cause you got dubs.

>> No.10795361
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>> No.10795406

>Would you stick your head in a microwave oven?
Somebody doesn't know the difference between a sunburn and a microwave burn....

>> No.10795621

>They want it everywher
in germany theres a new law now that by 2024 every household needs to install digital power meters. not neccesarily a smart meter but most consumers will probably opt for those. smart meters are notorious for giving off high amounts of EMR. it really seems like this is some concerted plan to fuck with the public health at this point. how else could you explain this.

>> No.10795658

OP is a faggot, avian exposure to 2.45 GHz has been extensively studied. Power densities below 23 mW/cm^2 are generally recognized as safe for birbs. It has even been observed that Zebra finches are attracted to power densities of 10 mW/cm^2 of 2.45 GHz when they are cold which has led to some amusing stories of exposure experiments.

>> No.10796067

not gunna lie. your post is pretty cringe anon. maybe make points

>> No.10796255

Humans go and huddle in the radar hut on cold nights too. What's your point?

The most immediate issue is their loss of a food source.

>> No.10796351
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I'm not sure how they're going to pull this off. To my knowledge almost all mmWaves are rapidly attenuated in atmospheric gases.

They may be attempting to use the 850/868MHz band, or something ground based, extremely powerful, which just bounces off an orbiting network of reflectors (not repeaters).

Worth noting, this is similar to one of the many Nazi plans to gain and maintain world domination. Except instead of an array of mirrors to reflect the sun like a parabolic mirror, it's RF.

Check if they'll need to be read by someone. If not, even if they lack a hard wireless capability (something I wouldn't trust either) it means they're sending data over the power lines. Which means additional dirty electricity and the ability to put frequencies through your wiring which are biologically active. It can also do everything else the smart meter does, monitor patterns of draw and determine your patterns. Send a massive surge to your fridge circuit (which now uses compressed propane iirc instead of freon etc), blowing it up.... so on.

I think there are multiple levels of organization here. One thinks it's going to spy on you, track you, manipulate you, and ultimately control you. Another -knows- that it's going to make you sick, wear you down, and ultimately kill you. That's what all this is, they're thinning us out and bit by bit wearing us down. It's more of a stretch to suggest anything else.

A real classic.

>> No.10796354
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>> No.10796401

>ITT: a bunch of obsessed idiots spam a Soviet study and nature pictures in order to fight 5G for no other reason than "new thing bad", and unironically think that there's a conspiracy to kill random people.
Get back into >>/x/ you actual mongoloids.

>> No.10796418
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Old thing bad too tho
knew way back

have wheel for ur trouble :^)

>> No.10796426

Doesn't matter, you still sound like a planet-wide NIBY faggot.

>> No.10796431
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I don't follow. What exactly is the problem?
You're being a bit of prick tbqh

>> No.10796485


>> No.10797042
File: 616 KB, 881x750, 51989445_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5G is concentrated, distilled, condensed, pure autism.

>> No.10797878
File: 129 KB, 600x327, 1512980202336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These outlets are fervently Pro-5G to the point of using propaganda to distort science:

>Ars Technica
>Washington Post

From: https://ehtrust.org/science/myth-vs-fact-national-toxicology-program-cell-phone-cancer-study/

All kike propaganda outlets.

If all these subversives are telling you that Microwave radiation is good for you, your parents and brothers and sisters and children to be subjected to, at all times, then maybe, just maybe... it's not?

Just a thought.

>> No.10797907

>Aluminum is another factor.
explain please

>> No.10797927
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Based. Keep doing God's work anon.

>> No.10797930


>> No.10797936
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honestly I come to this thread for the beautiful nature pics

>> No.10798028

>Also, pic related is down by 79% from 15 years ago in my state.
Good, it's a gay-lookin bird

>> No.10798031 [DELETED] 

You're a gay lookin bird.

>> No.10798075



>> No.10798947

i find this all terriyfing but what can we realistically do about it?

>> No.10799138

Damn bro that picture schizo as fuck. We can't make a microwave powered camera worth a fuck. Antenna will beed to be fucking big to collect enough power or you'll need a fucking powerful transmitter. Like powerful enough you could feel the thermal effects. Took a class on microwave power beaming, fight me schizo!

>> No.10799205
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Check out the Moscow signal. 50's technology, they were already attempting to use microwave reflections to infer sound and map buildings spatially. Modern day the 850/868 MHz band is still used for this purpose.

Inform others. Get people mobilized and aware. Draw as much knowledge and talent together under the common goal of stopping 5G. Solutions will begin to emerge. eg in Australia there has been success blocking towers because it falls under their assault laws, and prevents one's own "Quiet enjoyment".

Sometimes it's possible to flip a legislature or other legal apparatus directly, often it's not. You need a lot of people and hard, credible data. Which is why I'm trying to put together not just the data, but the structure of the whole field over decades. When you can see it at that scale the matter is very clear, and all telecom etc talking points become empty and blatantly foolish.

Get people together as well as possible. Refer to my post above. I haven't finished the flyer and don't have anything better yet.

No need for fear. Just know this is happening and do the best you can.

>> No.10799237

I asked about cameras schizo. Yeah I know about listening to stuff with radar, moscow seal bug, and modulating retroreflectors. But that's with sound not light. Even if you make a camera which sends signals back with a retroreflector, you still need to provide a fair amount of power just to run the camera.

>> No.10799580

build a new internet, like thermal infrared telescope-net (almost zero signal pollution) - instead of beaming high power for all to see there could be a network of towers which zoom in on these weak signals (which make a pattern on a pixel-like grid) and then relay them to the local network via shielded cables. and then maybe even have to plug into device, no wireless allowed. its much more secure too.
we still got pigeons, semaphore lines, paper..

>> No.10799618

Nothing. Get over it schizo. Also your screen emits plenty of stray radiation. Betcha didn't think of that schizo!

>> No.10800973

what's the penetration through concrete or steel?

>> No.10800984

Less than 4G

>> No.10801381

Robert G Malech
1974 - Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves
1976 - Brain wave activity monitoring device - has electromagnetic energy input and retransmission system with electronic evaluator

Hendricus G Loos
Background: https://discover.dtic.mil/results/?q=hendricus%20loos
1993 - Pulse variability in electric field manipulation of nervous systems
1995 - Magnetic excitation of sensory resonances
1995 - Thermal excitation of sensory resonances
1997 - Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems
1997 - Method and apparatus for manipulating nervous systems
1998 - Electric fringe field generator for manipulating nervous systems
1998 - Pulsative manipulation of nervous systems
1999 - Remote magnetic manipulation of nervous systems
>2001 - Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors

Bruce F Katz
2000 - Method and device for producing a desired brain state
2005 - Brain state recognition system

>> No.10802231

Fucking fucktard. I ASKED ABOUT CAMERAS POWERED BY MICROWAVES, NOT ANY OF THAT BULLCRAP YOU JUST VOMITED OVER YOUR KEYBOARD. Also, just because something is patented does not mean it has to work. Some of those appear to be applications too. Just because someone applied applied for a patent doesn't mean they got it.

>> No.10802238
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>Also, just because something is patented does not mean it has to work
This is why I included their backgrounds.

I wrote a response to you yesterday but accidentally hit tab and backspace or whatever and lost it. I realized it wasn't important enough to rewrite it. The gist of it is, I don't have the ability to evaluate the reports of TIs beyond saying they're overall consistent with what's in the literature and known to be possible. In such cases avoiding hazardously high power densities isn't really a concern, which is why their teeth fall out, they develop skeletal degeneration, acute brain damage, so on. They could also have exotic implants that have other power sources.

I didn't post the image and I don't know much about current miniaturized photosensors and optics.

>> No.10802371

Makes me think of transformer hum in a whole different way.

>> No.10802384

>5g schizo thread
>278 posts
>57 unique IP's
Imagine being retarded enough to actually engage this mental patient in discussion.

>> No.10802401
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You're trying to establish a frame. Maybe dial it back a bit in the future, interleave it a bit over a few posts. You can't make someone feel a group with one obvious posts that reads like telecom distraction.

I'll give it a 3/10. Maybe telecom, maybe just dumb. Hard to tell.

>> No.10802563


>> No.10803394

Imagine being you.

>> No.10803648
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If you can't slam with the best, go jam with the rest.

>> No.10804951

Bump for importance

>> No.10805849

Did this test have a control group?

>> No.10806796

Without truth, there is no trust.
Without safety, there is no sanctuary.

You cannot expect to start on the second story before you ever even truly completed the foundation.

>> No.10806891

We could've been the light.
We still can.

>> No.10807160

fuck 5g

>> No.10808184

Possibly 5G related.

Similar to the Hague. Nearby Blakeview has 5G (that the public has been told about), 5G is present south. They very likely have LED streetlights as well. Perhaps this was in their flight path or routine, and they ultimately came to the outskirts to die. Looking into this further. It's very coincidental it happened near a school.

>> No.10808924

>With autism rate moving towards 1 in 2 males,
post disregarded

>> No.10809135

5G is safe

>> No.10809175
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>> No.10809874
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>> No.10810003

Aldous Huxley, 1958

>> No.10810124


>> No.10811493

requesting a link to a website where independant PhD researches proved 5g/radiation is harmful, i seem to have lost it

>> No.10811932

I think I know who you mean. I don't remember his name off the top of my head, but it's in my notes and I'm sure to come across it eventually.

You also have Martin Pall of course. I linked his papers above. Refer also to what Adey had to say about phased array radar exposure.

>> No.10812070

I think its people being cavalier because we haven't seen many long term effects yet, just like how smoking was allowed as we didn't know the effects of second hand smoke.

>> No.10812341

>It has to go horribly wrong before we heed the warnings
The horror story that is human history, in a nutshell. And it should be obvious to any casual observer of history that an animal can't expect to go on that way forever.

>> No.10812435

>including its use in Nazi Germany to sterilize and induce diabetes
Wait, why diabetes?

>> No.10814570

profit vs health?

>> No.10814840

here's the link:

>> No.10815090 [DELETED] 


>> No.10816124

5g is what they call CRISPR in korea

>> No.10816416

Used much less potent signals than 5G and found malignant cancer.

>> No.10817149

Imagine being this retarded lmao

>> No.10817441

OP, I appreciate your efforts. I'm not formally trained in any biomedical science but when I was trying to cure my plethora of health problems, (fatigue, insomnia, penile dysfunction, digestive issues, etc.) I delved into some radiofrequency research. I'm only 21 years old, and superficially I was very healthy, so I felt I had no reason to suffer from the problems I did. I also am a great cook and exercised well, but i still felt like shit. Anyways because of the radiofrequency studies I tried to limit my exposure as much as possible. I use my phone only when necessary, and I disabled the wireless adapter in my laptop, using only ethernet and also positioning myself as far as possible from the router. I know that this sounds retarded to others, but I believe that I am a rational human being, capable of deduction and realistic observation of phenomena re my own body. over the next few weeks I just felt better. My insomnia disappeared, my fatigue diminished, my appetite returned. I feel tremendously better nowadays, I actually feel like a virile 21 year old male should. My experience over a few months by making such simple changes was enough to convince me that radiofrequency studies are at least somewhat partially correct. If somebody wishes to discount my anecdote, that is fine, I wouldn't blame them, but my health is so much better there is no way I can attribute it to placebo, there is no 'placebo effect' strong enough to effect the radical changes I benefitted from, to cure the myriad of problems i felt, to change me from a tired eunuch to feeling like a normal human. thank you for your efforts op, i am convinced that there is at least *something* more to the radiofequency studies. unfortunately i am sure that research into health problems in young people will bear out the claims you make as true sadly.

>> No.10817767

>and found malignant cancer
What part of non-ionizing wasn't clear?

>> No.10819049

The opposite is true for me

>> No.10819057

>Australia has blocked 5G antennas being installed
Fucking schizoid. Telstra has released ads about rolling out 5G in the future. It’d be kind of awkward if they released a public anouncement before they even got approval to roll out the technology. Go to a shrink and get help for fuck’s sake.


>> No.10819124

>there is no 'placebo effect' strong enough to effect the radical changes I benefitted from
That is literally the way placebo works. It is incredibly powerful, and this would be a perfect case for it, seeing as all of the ailments you mentioned were either totally or mostly mental.

I'm not ragging on you though, if avoiding RF makes you feel good, I don't see any harm to it.

>> No.10819757

The lack of placing value in other people's anecdotes is a definite problem which has reached its peak. Consequences will unfortunately accumulate accordingly.

At one of my jobs I worked with a wifi unit on my belt, and a bluetooth scanner that ultimately spent most of its time either next to the thyroid or the right eye. Within 8 months or so, complete failure of thyroid function, prominent goiter developed. Tests showed T4 was pretty well depleted, T3 (which is made from T4) was dropping in turn. TSH was a few hundred times above reference range.
Free T4: 0.12 ng/dL (ref 0.89 - 1.76)
Total T3: 0.25 ng/dL (ref 0.60 - 1.81)
So I quit the next day. Within a week and a half thyroid function had returned. How many people, especially older, do we know that are on levothyroxine? Odds are everyone knows at least someone.

With that, most of the last slivers of doubt, where I could know something was true but not entirely live in that truth, were erased. What happened for me matches what the Soviets described as "Microwave Sickness", where the primary site of action they thought was the hypothalamic adrenal pituitary axis. Modern data shows there is also a direct action on the thyroid itself. This was first (to my knowledge) described internationally by Sadcikova at 1972 symposium sponsored by the WHO and held in Warsaw. The Soviet data is unique and important because they actually kept track of the effects of occupational exposure, and used them as comparisons to their animal research. The US was far more compartmentalized and most of the military data never saw the light of day, and what did was fairly massaged. Concerns over microwaves were not beneficial to the NATO agendas. That behavior remained well after the USSR had dissolved.

Other authors presented data showing younger people mostly presented with digestive problems, fatigue, and insomnia. Modern data shows a correlation with hopelessness, and suicide.

Glad this has helped.

>> No.10819760

That's a form of withdrawal. If I go to town I feel sick after I leave, not while there. Quite literally opioid system withdrawal.

Mentioned above. More dead birds bleeding from their mouths.

Several lines of research back up what they've said, including low level mechanistic studies. I think we're developing a bad and arbitrary tendency to assume things are placebo.

Animals don't "know" they're being irradiated, but respond nonetheless.

>> No.10819831

>That's a form of withdrawal
Nope, I feel better than ever when exposed to EMF. I've spend months innawoods and I always feel better once I'm back in the presence of radio waves. My anecdote is just as valid as yours.

>> No.10820237

People feel good smoking crack too.

>> No.10820254

They don't feel healthier though. I am healthier than ever when I'm surrounded by EMF

>> No.10820257

By what metric?

>> No.10820324

No headaches, no fatigue, healthy appetite, healthy sex life, rarely if ever ill

>> No.10820328

And you say you got away from EMF, and this changed.

>> No.10820341


>> No.10820374

So go on, make your case.

>> No.10820420

What case? I gave a personal anecdote which is just as valid as yours stating that EMF exposure is actually beneficial rather than harmful.

>> No.10820441

I gave a frame of context and supporting data (change over time and so on). Hence, make your case. Your anecdote is valid but not very useful, and therefore it carries little weight.

A withdrawal and patterning process fits here.

>> No.10820536

>I gave a frame of context and supporting data
As have I. All the times I have gone away from EMF "polluted" areas the factors I have listed have deteriorated. My anecdote is just as valid and useful as yours. EMF is good for you according to my experience. Make your case.

>> No.10820563

My case has been made, and is made by the literature. From what you've told me I can't evaluate yours.

Another illegitimate "conversation", it seems.