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10193543 No.10193543 [Reply] [Original]

When you think of technological / civilizational events that might happen in the future, how far into the future do you generally think out to?

Do you think mainly about the next 20 years, the next century, the next few millenia etc or longer?

>> No.10193584

very few people think of the future, the majority just think about what will happen in their life times, so 80 years on average.

>> No.10193607

But what if you are, say, 20 years old and expect that at some point during the next 60 years it is possible (or perhaps even likely) that technology will be invented that allows for you to live substantially longer than another 60 years or so?

Why wouldn't you then think about the longer term?

>> No.10193612

Because there isn't much you can predict about the far future, especially when technology is involved, so it's kind of a waste of time

>> No.10193622

I try to think short term, thinking longer then the average human lifespan fills me with existential dread

>> No.10193830

I would say my long term goals stretch from 200 years to several thousands of years. I just want to get the ball rolling really but I can think of ways my consciousness could survive that long.

I'm going to die aren't I...

>> No.10193835

If 'you' lived for 7000 years 'you' as 'you' know yourself would effectively be dead

>> No.10193852
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About 200 years into the future.
By that time, nano-tech and bionic limbs enhanced with AI techs should be readily available. Nuclear powered rocket would be the around, maybe even FTL drive if they have break through in quantum mechanics.

>> No.10194455

I think all the way out to the ending of time itself.
When heat death finally occurs and the radius of electromagnetic attraction between sparse, heat dead particles has maximized, forcing them to crash back into each other.

>> No.10194479

FTL, or even a significant portion of lightspeed would be freaky. Every such trip would essentially be one-way. It will have dramatic effects on culture and civilization.

>> No.10194539

Achieving FTL seems likely to be impossible. If it isn't impossible, why isn't the universe full of intergalactic civilizations by now?

>> No.10194705

Because if the space cops catch you exceeding the speed limit they throw the book at you.

>> No.10194798

FTL isn't just likely to be impossible, it's literally impossible if time machines are impossible. With any method of FTL transport, you can travel somewhere far away and back, and relativity says you end up where you started but in the literal past.

>> No.10194805

Unless Alfreb Einstime was wrong of course.

>> No.10194816

Yeah but for that you'd need his theory to be profoundly wrong enough to get wrong basic things about causality while also agreeing with experiment, which is tough

>> No.10195538
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Well, he was a bit of an imbecile

>> No.10195595

How would you know it isn't?

>> No.10195608

If we aren’t able to detect asteroids bigger than the tunguska asteroid before it passes by earth, and are unable to find that ninth planet that is hiding far beyond pluto, then why the fuck would you think our inability to detect them now is because of the lack of life?

>> No.10195646

I love how everyone thinks that we are going to colonize the galaxy, it's ironic but it's also sad. It's like 90% of the west hasn't come to terms with the fact that we gave up on trying to go for higher purpose; colonization; exploration of existence. We are going to rot here in these same socio cultural conditions until the sun dies. Or we have some sort of religious great awakening

>> No.10195674

What makes you think that?

>> No.10195692

LAck of purpose drive and incentive. This isn't like Europeans spreading the word of god to America. It's pointlesssness

>> No.10195771

>Or we have some sort of religious great awakening

I'm working on it.

>> No.10195873

There are broad trends that hold true. Technology gets smaller and converges over time
I also think if you try to project too far ahead you're going to have a problem of anything new or unforseen completely changing the game.
I was born in the 80's and basically promised hover cars and jet packs in clean fusion powered cities by the year 2000's, and no one could have foreseen what personal computers and the internet was going to become.

>> No.10195915

>unable to find that ninth planet that is hiding far beyond pluto
It's a fairly recent idea to explain the weird orbits of KBO's no one knew existed 20 years ago.
It's not like a cold rocky planet orbiting at that distance stands out. If it's there it's a matter of time before its observed.
If you're using FTL though, it's not a bad assumption that you're dealing with very high energies being utilized, that would leave behind a flash at the very least.
You would also see really weird shit happening if one of these ftl ships passed anywhere near you, like redshifted and blueshifted doppelgangers blasting out of nowhere in opposite directions as it zipps by you.
The idea is that advanced enough civilizations shouldn't be hard to detect because of their general energy requirements and size.
As we get the next few generations of telescopes then you'll have the ability to find and study more exoplanets, down to their atmospheric composition, and Life™ of any complexity should leave finger prints that you should be able to detect.
We're also not far away from being able to send at least probes to other stars, so assuming humanity survives, civilization doesn't collapse, and we continue to progress at even current rates means we're not far away from exploring the local neighborhood of our star, and if you can continue to survive, and expand, and explore, then it's not an unreasonable time frame on cosmic scales before you should be able to have a probe in every corner of the galaxy itself.
If there is life, and some of that life is intelligent, and some of it is ahead of us, then at least someone should have tried something like that.
Since we don't see that, then one can assume that either advanced life is super rare, like one per galaxy (or even one per universe in a worst case scenario), we're at the head of the class, or something happens to prevent civilization from becoming extra-solar.

>> No.10196116

How we would even detect a probe like Voyager entering our solar system? We only just saw Oumuamua and that's the size of a city block

>> No.10196479

The point about a von neumann probe is that you don't have just one for long.

>> No.10196696

I think we will live in a discount bladerunner world by 2050 flooded with a bunch of climate change refugees
The rich will be even richer and the poor will be fucking poor

>> No.10196820

But the poor are getting richer faster than at any point in history.

>> No.10196873

..Friendliness 78
..Gregariousness 80
..Assertiveness 39
..Activity Level 2
..Excitement-Seeking 3
..Cheerfulness 27

..Trust 57
..Morality 61
..Altruism 57
..Cooperation 98
..Modesty 89
..Sympathy 29

.Self-Efficacy 9
..Orderliness 76
..Dutifulness 71
..Achievement-Striving 44
..Self-Discipline 67
..Cautiousness 88

..Anxiety 33
..Anger 27
..Depression 83
..Self-Consciousness 28
..Immoderation 2
..Vulnerability 23

..Imagination 76
..Artistic Interests 63
..Emotionality 75
..Adventurousness 82
..Intellect 90
..Liberalism 90

I like psychology

>> No.10196906

What are these numbers based on?

>> No.10197159

Ssshhh don't approach the communist with facts.

>> No.10197510

What is all this stuff?

>> No.10197726

Well, I tend to think in terms of how long I think I'll live. And the other reason being that you can only really predict technology in terms of the next few decades. Thinking about what we'll have in say, 2573 is pointless. Though I myself do enjoy thinking about that more so the near term stuff, due to the likelihood of bigger changes.

>> No.10197979

>implying thats a bad thing

>> No.10198552

i usually stop right around 2072 because that's when i will reach the evolutionary level above human

>> No.10198702

this is stupid

>> No.10198912
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From viewing humans we will never achieve what I have envisioned. Only a Eugenics program could further civilization. We must look to improve ourselves before we look to improve the world... all of our improvements thus far have been so costly that we will not make it much farther.

>> No.10199358
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>> No.10199485

In the 2020s, 5g will allow for virtual reality and self driving cars to expand further. I feel by the end of the 2020's maybe mid 2030s self driving cars will be be the norm. All the self driving cars will be electric and eco friendly. There might be a big push by the green people to embrace this technology because of impending climate doom.
Deep fakes and virtual reality will also start to become more an more of a norm. And people will start to doubt what is real and what isnt.
By the mid to late 2020s Esports will become a hot mainstream thing. There will be a world ranking, teams, and certain gamers will become household names. Someone will come up with a concept called the gaming economy. Gaming and working will fuse together. And one will be able to make a career out of being a pro gamer or game streamer. Lots of people will try their hand at being a gamer, as automation and self driving cars decimate the work force.
By the late 2030's i expect most if not all money to be electronic. Physical money will be rare.
The streets of american cities will be ubiquitous with slums filled with the diseased, destitute, unemployed, and mentally ill. A skid row in every state. The rich will live in walled off gated communities guarded by highly trained human security and various robotic security, like drones, and as time goes on, deadly robot dogs that fire bees from their mouths.
There will exist a subculture of survivlism and Luddites that exist in the deserts and forests of america praying to a vigil of their god ted. They will be seen as barbarians that live on the outskirts of the mega cities.
Another subculture will be the leet cyberpunk hackers who take after thier god julian, who was executed by the CIA years ago. Their goals to expose the rich and powerful
The oceans will by dying, the world will be frying, and elon musk will still not have accomplished anything

>> No.10199713

what the fuck

>> No.10199740

50years for me. I'm certain we'll see a cure for dementia soon and it'll herald a new era of population growth.

>> No.10199746

I mostly consider anywhere between 10 and 1000 years from now.
There are so many things that could and will likely go wrong. So later years are pretty unclear.

>> No.10199754

Dementia doesn't kill people that quickly, and most people with dementia die of something else (heart failure, amyloidosis etc) so we'll need a more substantial general cure for aging in order to see meaningful population increases, and that assumes that people don't delay or forego having children if they know their lifespans will be significantly longer.

>> No.10199756

Excellent schizopost

>> No.10199829

>In the 2020s, 5g will allow for virtual reality and self driving cars to expand further.
Hahaha, ok...

>I feel by the end of the 2020's maybe mid 2030s self driving cars will be be the norm. All the self driving cars will be electric and eco friendly.
No, not all of them will be replaced.

>There might be a big push by the green people...
>Deep fakes and virtual reality...
Already happening?

>And people will start to doubt what is real and what isnt.
People already doubt the earth is round. How much worse can it get?

>By the mid to late 2020s Esports will become ...
This is already reality in south korea?

>Gaming and working will fuse together. And one will be able to make a career out of being a pro gamer or game streamer.
I thought you were predicting the future, not telling us the present? Ever hear of Twitch or Youtube?

>Lots of people will try their hand at being a gamer, as automation and self driving cars decimate the work force.
They can just make AIs that play the games better than any human?

>...late 2030's... Physical money will be rare.
No one caries change.

>The streets of american cities...filled with the diseased, destitute, unemployed, and mentally ill...
All big American cities have a section that is already like this.

>The rich will live in walled off gated communities guarded by highly trained... security ... robotic ...
Robot dogs puking up robot bees, that's a new one. Also they already live in gated communities.

>There will exist a subculture of survivlism and Luddites that exist in the deserts and forests of america...
Already there. Are you saying there will be more of them?

>Another subculture will be the leet cyberpunk hackers who take after thier god julian... Their goals to expose the rich and powerful
Do you think life is some sort of mediocre 90s film?

>The oceans will by dying, the world will be frying, and elon musk will still not have accomplished anything
Too late on all of these except the frying part.

>> No.10199855
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>> No.10199949

>Already there. Are you saying there will be more of them?
Not that anon, but yes, there will be a lot more.

>> No.10200432

How many survivalists and luddites are there in the deserts and forests of america these days?

>> No.10200521
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>or something happens to prevent civilization from becoming extra-solar.

Stray too far from your sun and you get obliterated by the warp's dark energy/matter.