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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9998424 No.9998424 [Reply] [Original]

Edward's critique which is shown in this image has never been taken seriously in the anthropological or scientific communities because it fails to understand that vague clustering (and a clade is a far more accurate depiction of race) of genetic traits does not lend any biological credibility to racial categories.

So it cannot be said that race exists among humans.

>> No.9998430

Please delete the thread before the /pol/ice raid the place.

>> No.9998441

Everyone knows /pol/'s views on any scientific topic are stupid and not even worth debating because they've been debunked so many times. Even /pol/ knows this and just continue to spread unscientific misinformation as propaganda.

>> No.9998454

i am a /pol/tard. just not an aggressive one. I don't believe in my OP. I'm just trying to get /sci/ to debunk it.

>> No.9998793

It should be clear by now, this once-scientific issue has been
over-run by political zealotry, and infested by racial politics.

>While acknowledging Lewontin's observation that
>humans are genetically homogeneous, Edwards
>saw Lewontin's argument as based on a political stance.
>Richard Dawkins agreed with Lewontin on the science,
>however Dawkins took issue with Lewontin's politics.

>> No.9998807

I have come up with my own retort because /sci/ couldn’t

The genetic code which allows a person to produce lactase which only some geographic groups of people have is very insignificant in size with respect to the whole human genome. It is contained within only a single gene. Yet it had a radical effect on those people’s lives when dairy was the primary source of nutrients.

Just because it’s only a few small genes that differ between geographic peoples, that doesn’t necessarily mean they can’t have a significant effect. IQ could very well be determined by only minor genetic differences between groups. Yet IQ in modern society unfortunately creates huge wealth disparity in the same way that lactase production would have created a huge disparity in nutritional nourishment

>> No.9999678 [DELETED] 


>> No.9999698

>does not lend any credibility to racial categories
What's your definition of "racial category?"

>> No.9999700

>please convince me that races don't exist so that I can continue to claim intellectual honesty while avoiding societal derision from acknowledging reality

>> No.9999724

>So it cannot be said that race exists among humans.

Then what is racism about?

>> No.9999753

just some unjustified apauling behaviour

>> No.9999755

Then what is affirmative action (racism) about?

>> No.9999762

>Then what is racism about?
It's people's right to discriminate with whom they deal. Leftists believe this right should only be allowed to the government

>> No.9999766

>Then what is affirmative action (racism) about?
That's positive discrimination, goy.

>> No.9999957

Makes perfect sense, it's one thing that makes a different species. Finches for example. Big beak or little beak. Separates the species. Then there's all the genetics in each species.

>> No.10000218


What differences the kind of appalling behavior called "racism" from other kinds?

>> No.10001925 [DELETED] 


>> No.10001993

>hurr durr

>> No.10002007

It's more than that Edwards never said Lewontin's data was wrong. Edwards only claimed you could categorize people based on other factors. It's a scientific fact that there is more genetic variation within populations than between them in humans. This is even acknowledge in the Witherspoon paper. That paper is about trying to match an individual with a population. It says nothing about how similar populations or people are to each other.

>> No.10002053


>> No.10002063

Modern day racism is about using phenotype (appearance) as a pre-determinant to someone's value, behavior and humanity. Visible physical differences do not justify any of this former, mostly pride/ego-driven condescending behavior.

>> No.10002222

Im starting to think /pol/niggers are literally ADDICTED to talking about race on the internet

>> No.10002256

"Edward" (whoever that is) doesn't seem to understand the concept of distance

>> No.10002260

Dr King said it decades ago
>If it may be said of the slavery era that the white man took the world and gave the Negro Jesus, it may be said of the Reconstruction era that the southern aristocracy took the world and gave the poor white man Jim Crow.
>He gave him Jim Crow. And when his wrinkled stomach cried out for the food that his empty pockets could not provide, he ate Jim Crow, a psychological bird that told him that no matter how bad off he was, at least he was a white man, better than the black man.
>And he ate Jim Crow. And when his undernourished children cried out for the necessities that his low wages could not provide, he showed them the Jim Crow signs on the buses and in the stores, on the streets and in the public buildings. And his children, too, learned to feed upon Jim Crow, their last outpost of psychological oblivion.
They're addicted to being a master race. They really just can't help it at this point; they need their fix. Smile and nod at the brainlet.

>> No.10002270

skin color?

>> No.10003344

How does a sci thread on 4chan have so many libshits

>> No.10003351

>clusters don't real!!!!!
>big five is objectively SCIENTIFIC unlike jungian dichotomies which are total astrology (and just so happen to correspond to four of the big five traits except with less behavioralism)

>> No.10003396

Here's the initial data for the /pol/itically minded:
>He found that the majority of the total genetic variation between humans (i.e., of the 0.1% of DNA that varies between individuals), 85.4%, is found within populations, 8.3% of the variation is found between populations within a "race", and only 6.3% was found to account for the racial classification.
The data has been confirmed many times since the first study, but the conclusion is the thing that is disputed:
>Since such racial classification is now seen to be of virtually no genetic or taxonomic significance either, no justification can be offered for its continuance.
In other words: if the minute genetic differences in the human species between separate populations are irrelevant to taxonomic classification, then they are irrelevant to other considerations/scientifically do not exist. I agree that the differences should not be considered when it comes to taxonomy (all subtypes regardless of species should not be considered), but they have to be considered while examining a particular species if the examination involves them. You can't invalidate a study based on race by stating the fact that race doesn't exist on a taxonomic level, this is simply misinterpreting the categorical classification. The 14.6% difference between geographical groups of the 0.1% general difference between humans proves that races exist.

>> No.10003550

this, most of the arguments I've seen are weaselly constructed and state that one form of races doesn't exist while implying that all forms of races don't exist

>> No.10003563

>Race is a social construct with no underlying biological reality
>But for 100 bucks you can get from 23andme a full breakdown of the racial components of your ancestry down to the percentage.
How does leftypol reconcile these two conflicting assertions?

>> No.10003569

Lewontin's argument also applies to dogs. There is more genetic variation within breeds than between them. Does this mean that there are no significant differences between a german shepherd and a chihuahua?

>> No.10003938

We can test this experimentally, right? Show me a white nigger.

>> No.10004540
File: 23 KB, 421x377, hang on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

race doesn't exist!!! it's impossible to separate using genetic information

>> No.10004715

human races are basically analogous to subspecies if you had a single honest bone in your body you'd acknowledge this

no skin off of my teeth anyways, nobody actually believes this one race the human race bs other than weirdo white redditors on the internet

archeo generics is getting better and better anyways the old multiregional theories will be vindicated as soon as a homo erectus skeleton is sequenced and we will be able to put this bs to bed

>> No.10004775
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>leftypol are SJWs
top kek

>> No.10004787

Devils advocate, is this true when it comes to dog breeds?

>> No.10004812 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 800x347, nihms434240f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and no, there's two major branches of dog breeds and most dog breeds/dogs are part of the branch that is similar to human genetics patterns (pic related). playing devil's advocate would entail an argument against the responded to argument and not just a questioning of it.

>> No.10004816
File: 28 KB, 800x347, nihms4342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and no, there's two major groupings of dog breeds and most dog breeds/dogs are part of the grouping that is similar to human genetics patterns (pic related). playing devil's advocate would entail an argument against the responded to argument and not just a questioning of it.

>> No.10004820
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gas yourself

>> No.10004845
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>doesn't have a clue what leftypol is
>called on it
>"g-gas yourself"

>> No.10006737

>I know what Leftists believe
you don't know shit, Cletus

>> No.10006745
File: 27 KB, 480x240, back-to-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo /pol/itard

>> No.10007164

Polish people

>> No.10007204

One allele can do more than 10000 others and dogs undergo artificial selection to make certain trait pronounced to the point where the norm for a certain breed can be a dozen standard deviations from other dog breeds in general.

>> No.10008003 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10008009
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>> No.10008016
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>Projecting so hard
Pls stop...this is why /pol/ always thinks its right...

>> No.10008220
File: 757 KB, 1500x729, WEWUZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not saying he's the master race m8
MLK was right about you cucks

>> No.10008246

Studies have consistently shown than conservatives understand liberal positions much better than vice versa.

>> No.10008249

That is a requisite for being a /pol/tard. First, you believe your beliefs and feeling are all 100% true, then you look for an echochamber that justifies them.

>> No.10008270
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The people there, I can say with certainty, are unfulfilled with simple shades of greyness outside their raging reds.

>> No.10008276

Such as? Instead of making baseless claims, why don't you cite examples? You faggot.

>> No.10008321

>more variation within than between
Which means the difference in means is less than the standard deviation. For IQ, the std is 15 and we have means of
>Asians 106
>Whites 100
>Hispanic 93
>Blacks 85
This is what /pol/ has literally been saying since forever ago.

>> No.10009145

Wrong, poor bait.

>> No.10009794

anthropology isn't a serious field, it is purely political

>> No.10009800


Lewontin does not understand basic statistics

>> No.10009802
File: 141 KB, 782x960, South Africa farmers, spongebob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't like lying to themselves, this is the difference. It is glaringly that leftists are being dishonest and lying on this front

>> No.10009806

that only holds for single traits as well, when you index measurements of metrics, this changes

>> No.10009810

Get off this board

>> No.10010481

it is an act of unionization (collective barganing) against a monopolistic force in the attempt to counteract the rent-seeking behavior (a principle-agent problem) of the monopolistic force.

>> No.10012005

Dear /pol/
Just because you turn it into a meme doesn't make it invalid
Sincerely, your mother's lover

>> No.10013262

wow what insight this cannot be said of literally any ideology in existence

>> No.10013269

delet this

>> No.10013285
