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File: 131 KB, 1242x1504, 1533451267235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9995735 No.9995735 [Reply] [Original]

can we all agree that there are way too much people on this planet now? would a global one child policy fix this shithole or are we doomed?

>> No.9995737

no, no

>> No.9995738

Not this shit again.
Overpopulation isn't an issue. It's the distribution of resources that's the problem.

>> No.9995739

>can we all agree that there are way too much people on this planet now?
No. I suggest you drive 50 miles from where you live and get some perspective. But you can't because you're a starbucks hipster who doesn't own a car.

>> No.9995742

>one child policy
>china is the most populous single country on earth
how the hell is a chinese-style one child policy supposed to help? the limits on resources will naturally cull everyone who should not be alive

>> No.9995744

>It's the distribution of resources that's the problem.
due to the need to provide to 7 billion fucking people moron

>> No.9995746

Natural habitats belong to other species
>unpopulated areas exist
Yet we're the sole reason for the sixth mass extinction

>> No.9995747

Nah bruh. It is the capitalists. If everyone had money then they could just buy food, water and a house.

>> No.9995749

>durr every piece of land on earth must be turned into a uncomfortable urban nightmare
enjoy china you fucking NPC

>> No.9995750

If we hadn't multiplied so much, every place on Earth could have been Sweden right now
>even sweden is fascist
Oh fuck. See what I mean?

>> No.9995756

95% of the world's land area is unpopulated, but you don't know that because you never leave walking distance to the nearest gay bar

>> No.9995761

Most of that is dry and uninhabitable. What are you smoking, exactly?

>> No.9995763

Again, wireless devices and other measures taking care of it. Overpopulation and the disastrous changes caused by it, will probably not come to pass.

For all I know the 5G infrastructure is a killswitch. In the milimeter wave range you can pulse modulate a field to alter calcium flux in cardiomyocytes during a specific point in the interbeat interval, causing sudden cardiac death. A broadband sweep could be used to cover for a range of heart tissue organizations and geometry. This was demonstrated in Russia decades ago.

I'm not sure what it's all leading to. Birth defects, autism, and sterility will take a bit, but maybe it's not so pressing. Most people are so "in solution" with their social environment and the overall cultural narrative that nothing you say or show them could break their addictions now. Feels set and hopeless. A greater motivation sap is knowing that maybe it needs to happen.

>> No.9995771

That's not true either. Seriously, leave your fucking apartment.

>> No.9995773


US calories per capita per day = 3,630
China calories per capita per day = 3108

>> No.9995989

the problem isn't birth rate, its death rate. the problem is old people living too long.

>> No.9996034

there is literally no need for 7.5 billion people on this rock.

two kids per couple would also naturally decrease the population. the trick is to convince the breeders they don't need 8 fucking spawn running around, and the chinks not to kill their girls, and then everyone would be happy.

we could live like kings, but instead we live like cancer

>> No.9996084

Nah bruh. It's overpopulation. Because 100 years ago when there were far fewer people nobody was poor.

>> No.9996090

Yes overpopulation is and will continue to be a huge problem. Especially African overpopulation.

People who cannot see that are NPCs.

>> No.9996200

>95% of the world's land area is unpopulated
Pulling statistics out your ass again?

>> No.9996209

Technology will save us (Mars etc.).

>> No.9996242

>too much
This is too vague. what is "too much".
>would a global one child policy fix this shithole or are we doomed?
The projection is pop is going to cap at 12 bil in the future, then decrease after that.
>Overpopulation isn't an issue. It's the distribution of resources that's the problem.
See this. We have the capability to feed everyone needed, and then some. The only problem is shithole countries which start civil wars, and take land/resources from their citizens like they were mob bosses.

>> No.9996262

If we cut all aid to africa about a billion of them would sort themselves out within a single year.

>> No.9996596

Yes. We're well into diminishing returns... There's enough people to diminish the potential average living standard, and enough to cause serious ecological damage.

Global one child isn't really fair. If white countries were left alone, their populations would contract as the real boomers pass... But apparently economic contraction (or even plateau) is unacceptable, so massive immigration of more fecund races ensues. The focus on these richer countries should really be making their consumption clean and sustainable, ceasing the subsidization of other populations and doing away with the 'perpetual growth at all costs' paradigm. You always hear how demographic winter is dangerous for Japan and European countries, but just look at housing costs -- contraction would do them some good.

The major burden as relates to number of people should be focused on India and China. Crazy amounts of people with increasing consumption per capita.

>> No.9996603


>> No.9996637

China and India already have the same birth rate as western europe.

>> No.9996641

gassing the third world+Cina-India-Pakistan and the american south would fix this problem

>> No.9996664

Nigga i would spend it all on drugs and hookers (then continue living With my parents)

>> No.9996678
File: 314 KB, 1280x1015, Car Accident 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our planet could do well if everybody would live like a farmer in India. It's not the number, it's our lifestyle.
If Thanoos makes all planes, cars and fossil power plants go away our planet would be fine.

>> No.9996690

get ready for 4 billion more africans in your lifetime.

>> No.9996715

Their populations aren't going to just contract overnight, and they will still have huge populations that expect to consume considerably more per capita than before.

>> No.9996954

>Live life as a subhuman in some shithole
>Live life in a cyberpunkesque future with a world population of 1 billion
If you knew shitholers, you wouldnt give a fuck about the catastrophe waiting mankind in the future.

>> No.9996959
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1520121729_Sad pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would give anything to have a Moner gf

>> No.9996997
File: 97 KB, 689x473, 1536543424040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There there, fren. Just escape from reality with video games.

>> No.9997001

>If you knew shitholers
sorry, I avoid contact with Americans

>> No.9997072

>For all I know the 5G infrastructure is a killswitch. In the milimeter wave range you can pulse modulate a field to alter calcium flux in cardiomyocytes during a specific point in the interbeat interval, causing sudden cardiac death. A broadband sweep could be used to cover for a range of heart tissue organizations and geometry. This was demonstrated in Russia decades ago.
Unlikely. It does kill and cause brain damage, miscarriage etc pretty fast so it could do it. Hopefully we'll get rid off a hunderd million Americans before they catch on.

>> No.9997118

Anti aging would make them (with them I mean future us or our children) profitable for longer

>> No.9997272

You talk like every country is like USA. Jesus, get a grip, bugman.

>> No.9997352

Uhh who exactly needs to provide for all these people. You live in a neighboorhood or similar with a bunch of other people. Do you need to provide food/resources to all those people in your neighborhood?

Someone within 5 miles of you is probably starving. Why aren't you providing for them long term? Let's say you did provide for them and then they had 5 kids over time because they don't know what birth control is. Now you are back in the predicament of "how can I provide for 7 billion people" on the local micro scale, when that person should have never been given a handout in the first place.. at least not without getting fixed/castrated so the problem solves itself.

Now instead of 1 starving person there are 6 people with the handout resources for one person and now 6 people are starving ever so slightly slower than the one person was before.

Good job. This is why welfare should be caveated with eugenics.

>> No.9997368

You won't see the end of overpopulation until the city-suburb-town-country divide is destroyed. Obliterated. Gone. All areas need to be of equal population density. City and country people are overcompetitive while small town and suburb people are undercompetitive.

>> No.9997403

>too much people
you mean too many chinks, indians and africans

>> No.9997415

Many African nations are transitioning to be industrilised nations, which is what you want to happen if you want their population to stop growing. The longer they stay in their shitty state the more their populations will explode. All developed nations have much slower population growth because of how societies change when they get rich

>> No.9997428

They are too slow. Thats the problem. Cant we just bomb them With welfare and abortions/condoms and genocide all of the fertility preaching retards?

>> No.9997474

Overpopulation is a meme. People breed more in terrible living conditions, and the better those conditions get the less children they have. It gets to a certain point when people start breeding again (when there's too much free space and resources). It's just natural self-regulation that is present in all living organisms.

>> No.9997488

>Overpopulation isn't an issue.
Have you been to India? That's a country right there that has 1.1 billion more people than they should have.

>> No.9997492

>For all I know the 5G infrastructure is a killswitch. In the milimeter wave range you can pulse modulate a field to alter calcium flux in cardiomyocytes during a specific point in the interbeat interval, causing sudden cardiac death. A broadband sweep could be used to cover for a range of heart tissue organizations and geometry.
fuck off with this /x/ tier bullshit

>> No.9997496

>One of the fastest growing economies on the planet

>> No.9997497

Those people also die like flies. Average life expectancy in India is 68 years, compare that to 79 years in the US and almost 84 years in Japan.

>> No.9997500

A miserable shithole where the vast majority of people live below the poverty line. India is one Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever away from suffering a massive depopulation event.

>> No.9997503

To get better living conditions they consume more resources. People in the developed world use 10x more energy and resources than those in shithole countries. That means as long as 3rd worlders have less than 10 children, they're better for the environment.

>> No.9997504

>where the vast majority of people live below the poverty line
So the definition of overpopulated is now to just be poor?

>> No.9997505

Pajeet, I don't know what the fuck else you wanna hear, your country is an overpopulated miserable shithole by every definition of these words.

>> No.9997526

I'm not Indian, but India isn't suffering because it has too much population. If you think it is then you're a retard

>> No.9997548

the more the merrier

>> No.9997579

with the amount of people on this planet we're just one outbreak of disease from mass extinction

>> No.9997844

Apart from when ebola happened and we stopped it

>> No.9997852


>overpopulation is an issue

Then why don’t you all do the world a favor and be the first ones to sacrifice your lives to start the cause of reducing overpopulation?

>> No.9997857

Why take one life when you can take multiple? Now go be the first and shoot up your elementary school before shooting yourself.

>> No.9997858
File: 342 KB, 924x484, Screen Shot 2018-09-12 at 21.38.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fertiltiy rates are dropping so don't worry about it

>> No.9997872

Did you even read every post you replied to?

>> No.9997890

Shit's going to hit the fan sooner or later. When it does, people will start dropping like flies.

>> No.9997917

Once we pass our carrying capacity it’ll all sort itself out.

>> No.9998234
File: 796 KB, 498x466, JUST.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's retarded on so many levels I won't even bother tell you and just leave it as a homework for you to find out why you're stupid. Get out.

>> No.9998239
File: 67 KB, 500x348, save the planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I've been waiting so many years to use this pic, it finally payed off.

>> No.9998245

Remove all toilet paper and all the world will be saved.

>> No.9998812

It's amazing how you can program someone enough to angrily reject established fact. There's a whole world beyond "non-ionizing radiation may only act via heating", but you'll never even entertain the notion. Look at your behavior, and your obvious unrest. What makes you so uneasy? Don't you find any of this a bit...strange?

I've been so frustrated, disgusted, despondent, but now you people really are just a bore. Standard course. Like the child that faithfully protects its abuser.

>> No.9998822

White people are already not reproducing enough to even replace themselves, talk to asians, latrineos, arabs indians and blacks.

>> No.9999024

Why are white people here so obsessed with breeding and overpopulation? genuine question cuz it seems like the people who spaz about it are 15 year olds..


>> No.9999104


>> No.9999113


indeed, we need more whites like these:




>> No.9999197

>low fertility scenario
>over 1 billion more niggers in 30 years
>in a low fertility scenario
Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.9999206



>> No.9999216

give me some tumblr nsfw link

>> No.9999227


they are right there, since they usually link each other:
open an image relevant to you (aka, you want more of that kind) an go with the mouse over the top left corner of the screen; do this 4 or 5 times and you'll start to get a nice collections of links more and more close to your needs as you proceed

>> No.9999249

I agree, if everybody lived like a farmer in India 90% of the world's population would have died out of dysentery because they can't use a fucking toilet. overpopulation cured. personally I wouldn't want to clean up the fucking mess afterwards it's much cleaner and faster to use neutron bombs

>> No.9999255

do you mean a Supergoy that can serve his Masters for infinity

>> No.9999260

India is a prime candidate for being wiped out. call it a mercy killing from the slow torturous death they will surely bring up on themselves

>> No.9999263

based and neutronpilled

>> No.9999264

Only Africans need to be wiped out and after that indians
Chinks are harmless slaves

>> No.9999267

this. absolutely fucking this. Tyrone is ok having a 30 niglets a year, Ahmed is having 30 little ragheads a year with each of his 30 wives. Paget is having 60 a year with his one fat wife but half of them get put in a dumpster because they are girls. John Smith in the civilized world is having one child or less and bringing it up to be a social justice warrior who will never breed because some kind of queer quasi gender mental illness.

>> No.9999271

fuck off and pay your child support Tyrone

>> No.9999288

How about I kill you instead?

>> No.10000133


>> No.10000164

Poverty is actually declining anon.

>> No.10000179

I'm white, the world needs me

>> No.10000190

wanna hang out in the woods?

>> No.10000196

Just wait for a generation. Millennial white men have already been completely sterilized with [math] \mathbb{S O Y} [/math] so in just a generation we will have one fewer race to care about. It was the worst one too so it is all good. If you have any recommendations for which ethnic group should be the next target of [math] \mathbb{S O Y} [/math] you can always message us to media@opensocietyfoundations.org

>> No.10000855

Wait, that's a good idea. Lemme try something [math] \text{onions} \text{s o y} \text{s} \text{oy} [/math].

>> No.10001875


>> No.10001879

>can we all agree that there are way too much people on this planet now?

Only in Africa, India and middle east. The rest of the world faces a future underpopulation crisis.

>> No.10001884

I'm so much more useful to this world than some 3rd world child who's never gonna contribute to society in any meaningful way though

>> No.10001999

one child policy for people with less than 100 iq

>> No.10002202


+ sterilize the criminals

>> No.10002208


Yes, or mass sterilization of non-white countries excluding East Asia.

>> No.10002275

that's called positive eugenics, the only sane solution

>> No.10002346

Both good points.

Most of humanity doesn't accomplish anything and would make the world a terrible, unhappy place without proper leadership. If unaccomplished people are able to live with fewer resources then civilization will be more stable in the long run, providing people are still content (lots of people are content to sit around all day) and sanitation etc. are accounted for (they are in any first world country). Then, if these people lived shorter lives they would not put a burden on the future generations, and power could safely transition from one generation to the next without things heading into chaos.

Of course we're heading into complete chaos, because useless people now have human rights and health care (long lifespan), so buying power is linked these people who can just work robotic slave jobs and constantly buy the latest novel technoshit to keep themselves occupied.

There's a reason why many people in the past possessed little, accomplished little, and lived comparatively short lives. Most people will never be great.

>> No.10002351

off topic but imagine calling someone "unthinking, not thinking for yourself, etc.," but doing it using a fake forced meme word that was pushed by like one person for about one day. That's all it took to get you to think entirely in those terms now. Ironic and blackpilled