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9992385 No.9992385 [Reply] [Original]

Man made climate change. Is it real? What is to be done about it?

>> No.9992397

Yes. Go nuke and stop eating 1 kg of meat a day.

>> No.9992400

>1 post by this ID
No its not you dumb brainlet

>> No.9992401

Fuck that id rather the world ends and keep my meat

>> No.9992421
File: 79 KB, 1024x683, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your heart disease.

>> No.9992476

Stuff pictured isn’t meat

>> No.9992517

>chicken isn't meat
Anon, I...

>> No.9992535
File: 184 KB, 1200x801, la-na-aerials-florida-keys-irma-pictures-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the oil and coal industry shills will claim it is not.
But of course it is real and we can already see some of the effects. But it's not the only problem. We destroy and poison our environment in many ways. Deforestation, micro-plastics, oil spills, toxic waste, etc. We will kill mankind if we just try to solve one environmental problem and ignore everything else.

>> No.9992569

>is it real
>what is to be done
by regular people? not much. reducing individual contributions to climate change is important as part of a comprehensive strategy but if major countries and industries aren't doing their part to reduce emissions it's pointless for you to do anything

call your political representatives i guess but you're mostly wasting time, either they're already on board or they're so in the pocket of industry (or just dumb) they'll ignore you

>> No.9994183
File: 107 KB, 1200x945, jefferson-monument-2013-25-foot-sea-level-rise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it real?
>What is to be done about it?
not enough

>> No.9994193

It is very real and there is little you can do about it.
The worse of it will be felt by later generations when Greenland and Antarctica begin rapidly melting.

>> No.9994248

both a Little Ice Age and a Glaciation are overdue

>> No.9994335

Given that aluminum etc is being sprayed in our atmosphere near-daily, I'd assume climate change is much worse than publicly known. A subset of the overall power structure is trying to slow it down enough to deal with the real cause of climate change, population. Other groups desire to corrale people into "smart"cities where they'll be enslaved (further) and managed.

Possible the spraying is to accelerate climate change as well, using its appearance as a way to control people.

>> No.9994348

>Given that aluminum etc is being sprayed in our atmosphere near-daily

>> No.9994410

Greenland is already melting away

>> No.9994566

>Man made climate change. Is it real? What is to be done about it?

it's a scam by the IMF and world bank to create a global tax to be used to fund global tyrannical government.

>> No.9994610

If it is then we are already doomed. Pollution is only going to get worse

>> No.9994761

if only
>A subset of the overall power structure is trying to slow it down enough to deal with the real cause of climate change, population.
Fertility rates of most developed countries are already below replacement. It's Africa that will explode the world population this century.
Not a scam but hard science. A carbon tax can and should be made revenue-neutral.

>> No.9994785

red meat and the over consumption of sugar and salt followed by genetics are the leading causes of heart disease. Kike.

>> No.9994811

>Fertility rates of most developed countries are already below replacement.
Due to hormone mimicking compounds in the diet, and exposure to microwave fields.
>It's Africa that will explode the world population this century.
No. No one bothers to lay hard infrastructure in a good deal of Africa. They put up cell towers in the middle of their villages.

Again, the problem is recognized and steps are already being taken. Do people really think no one has had cause and opportunity to begin to act?

>> No.9994823

Fertility rates have a lot more to do with lifestyle choices than harm to individual's abilities to reproduce from endocrine disruption or whatever. Women go to college and get jobs, less time to sit around and get pregnant like before industrialization. Men increasingly are wary of marrying at all, and don't want to be on the hook for child support. Stuff like that.

>> No.9994824

CO2 increase lags temperature.

>> No.9994833

Dubious assertion, and even if true they are still correlated. Feedback loops cause warming or cooling, regardless of lead or lag of individual signals.

>> No.9994872

How exactly does overeating salt make one fat? I've heard it before, but I never understood it. Like I know it raises your blood pressure, but being fat causes high blood pressure, not the other way around.

>> No.9994891

Simultaneously, net life expectancy increases. Some people have no children, most have one or two, others breed like rabbits as usual.

No. Numerically it doesn't work out. You don't suddenly arrive at a manner of organization where your society becomes naturally steady state.

>> No.9994935

there is no concrete evidence suggesting that human activity is responsible for the current climate trend. absolutely none. with that being said, it isn't unwise to be mindful of our environmental impact as humans. however, in countries like the united states, it's important that the topic of climate change is kept away from the political sphere because it should be obvious to everyone by now that neither party has any interest in bettering the planet. it will be used as a bargaining chip, in both directions, to secure more power, tax revenue, corporate favoritism, etc....

rather than take the approach of assuming that people are too retarded for their own good (perhaps they are, it doesn't matter, because that is the price you pay for a free society), simply be the change you want to be. look at elon, dude is revolutionizing the transition to EV on his own, not through political fiat.

>> No.9994943
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Totally, look at all that lag.

>> No.9994958

>there is no concrete evidence suggesting that human activity is responsible for the current climate trend.
nice blatant lie you've got there

>> No.9994988

>there is no concrete evidence suggesting that human activity is responsible for the current climate trend.
Where did you get that idea? The greenhouse effect is proven by directly observing infrared being radiated from CO2 via radiative spectroscopy. Human contribution to CO2 is proven by isotope analysis.


If we continue on our current trajectory without government intervention to limit emissions ave replace fossil fuels, we will suffer massive losses. Platitudes will not do anything.

>> No.9994991

We're just going through a natural warming phase that is bound to take a while, that humans just happen to be existing to experience. Can anyone argue differently? It's sure as hell better than existing during an ice age.

>> No.9995006

The warming is already known to be caused by the greenhouse secrecy from manmade emissions, how exactly is this "natural"? According to the natural cycle of the climate we should be slowly cooling over the next 10000 years or so. Instead we are warming at an unprecedented rate right out of the cycle's amplitude.

> It's sure as hell better than existing during an ice age.
This is ironic considering that humanity evolved in and has always lived in the current ice age. Can you tell me why you feel the need to express your opinion when you clearly have no idea what you're talking about?

>> No.9995011

>what is to be done
Nationalize the energy sector

Or wait for Elon musk to save you

>> No.9995083

>You don't suddenly arrive at a manner of organization where your society becomes naturally steady state.
We seem to have done exactly that by accident.

>> No.9995123
File: 156 KB, 624x420, 3BEE0259-1655-49A9-A435-888B915A08C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should embrace climate change, it’s good for civilized world

>> No.9995125
File: 244 KB, 640x991, 8D5A3332-3299-4BB0-AA34-DE690CA021D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The worse of it
you mean the best

>> No.9995129

I think we help it along a bit.

>> No.9995139
File: 87 KB, 843x315, 87F208A2-BD02-437A-85C5-ED6F39F1B89E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate change is ok if you aren’t from Third World

>> No.9995162

>The US is the third world

>> No.9995182

bingo! you thought otherwise?

>> No.9995191

>chile is not ammused

>> No.9995195


>> No.9995197


>> No.9995211

>Is it real?
Well, yeah, but it isn’t as it’s being shilled. The worst of our impact is long over. At our current rate of pollution, the only notable problem is China; otherwise we’d probably be able to continue at our current rate of emissions and allow the Earth to essentially fix itself. I guess this is why the potus blames China for it, now that I think about it. Even the country that consumes that absolute power and petroleum while driving the most vehicles and still has a somewhat existent industry, namely the United States, isn’t considered one of the most polluted and polluting countries. Those would be Pakistan (average PM 2.5 concentration: 115.7), Qatar (92.4), Afghanistan (86), Bangladesh (83.3), Egypt (73), The UAE (64), Mongolia (61.8), India (60.6), and China (41.4).
The fucking UK and Germany have worse ratings than the United States and the US is larger than double of both of those countries combined in terms of population and consumption.

However, even if “We’re at the best point we’ve been” and “The worst is over” and “It’s mainly just a few countries’ emissions”, we have still ought to continue fighting to reverse it. We’ve passed that point of “just hug your trees!1!11! everybody plant a tree like the movies!!1!1!! XD.” Now we need to look into more practical approaches, and we need to stop harassing the Amerifats over it, because it isn’t them. You’ll see people attacking the Americans and anyone that says anything nearly pro-oil, pro-coal, or pro-nuclear on this board and especially in these threads. We need to prioritise and grow the fuck up. We need to look at who’s really causing it and instead of playing some fucking juvenile blame game, we need to look into practical approaches. There are chemical reactions that naturally pull CO2 out of the air and leave O2, there are bacteria at the depths of the ocean that break down plastic and turn it into Methane, Carbon Scrubbers are real.

>> No.9995224

>>9995211 (cont.)
I got cut off by the text limit.
My point is, there are practical approaches to stopping these problems, but we aren’t taking them. Neither side of politics is helping, because one side wants to say it isn’t even real while the other just wants to say it’s the other’s fault and they themselves are without fault. Both of those mindsets are fucking misguided and horrible, and we aren’t going to get anywhere unless they stop.

Nothing will get better until people actually try to make things better. What part about this is so fucking hard to understand?

>> No.9995256

USA’s homicide levels are higher than those in post communist Europe

>> No.9995259

>The worst of our impact is long over.
Warming is accelerating.

>Now we need to look into more practical approaches, and we need to stop harassing the Amerifats over it, because it isn’t them.
Americans have some of the highest emissions per capita, of course we are to blame.

>> No.9995267

> Is it real?
> What is to be done about it?
Nothing, save starvation and death.

>> No.9995283


>> No.9995296

>Americans have some of the highest emissions per capita, of course we are to blame.
The US pollution rating is at 12.9 average pollutant mass 2.5 concentration. And they have a population of over 325 million people. That places the US as the seventeenth cleanest country on Earth, just ahead of Monaco and just behind Spain. I’m not even an Amerifuck cunt, but statistic information says otherwise. Stop playing the blame game and actually contribute.

>> No.9995303

>starvation and death
sucks to live in Third World I guess
my country however is going to increase its agricultural output significantly, many other countries are in the same position.
Prepare to serve us if you want to live.

>> No.9995338

We're not taking about pollution, wet talking about GHG emissions. The US is the 11th highest pet capita emitter of CO2 and that ranking includes insignificant countries like Luxembourg. The only large countries that top it are a few Middle Eastern countries that are defined by oil production.

>> No.9995346

That’s such an easy problem to solve. 60% of the US’ pollution comes from automobiles, and the other 40% comes from weird shit like agriculture or burning garbage. The moment we build a reliable green energy grid (and many states are already on that, so that should be expected to get accomplished within the next 20 years or so) and electric vehicles whether they’re powered by batteries, Hydrogen, or supercapacitors, that problem will be solved and our ranking will drop significantly towards the better side.
Sure, you can argue “but the oil tycoons”, but we’re at a ripe point right now where if the right messages are spread (and mind that they’re coming from both sides of politics right now), we can just say Fuck ‘em.

>> No.9995348

>usa not in civilized world
got that part right

>> No.9995352

>60% of the US’ pollution comes from automobiles, and the other 40% comes from weird shit
100% of that comes out of your ass

>> No.9995356

There is very little done to replace fossil fuels in the US, much less than other countries. You pulled 20 years out of your ass. The US needs to implement an optimal carbon tax and build nuclear and renewable infrastructure with the revenue if we want to avoid massive future losses.

>> No.9995368

>that comes out of your ass
Jesus fucking Christ anons, I had to write my thesis on this. Just fucking Google it if you don’t believe me.

In fact, I just did, and you know what? I was wrong. It isn’t 60%. It’s 75%, proving my points even drastically further. Sure, maybe 20 years came out of my ass, but you should know damn well that it’s almost more likely to come even quicker.

>> No.9995371

impressive, a thesis out of your ass too - must be a big one

>> No.9995384

Transportation accounts for 28% of GHG emissions: https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions

>> No.9995386
File: 115 KB, 540x720, 1C8EA946-85C2-41D3-AA78-85ECE02A36F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ignorant ad hominem dependent fuck. Give me a moment while I go take a few photos.

>> No.9995387


>> No.9995391

He's right though, you're a dumb faggot that's making shit up and your numbers are objectively wrong.

>> No.9995399

You know what? No, fuck it, not even gonna bother proving it to you. You’ve baited me and I’m not going to willingly share a document that would give my name and other personal information.

I am so disappointed in this board. Fucking commercial vehicle emissions are factored into the EPA’s consideration of what counts as GHG for industry and other categories. Agricultural? A hefty amount of that is combines and tractors. Transportation literally only considers public transit and personal transportation vehicles. But no one is willing to actually look into that shit.
Fuck these threads, fuck this board. The moment an anon tries to shed light on a subject that disagrees with the rest of the circlejerk, he just gets shunned. This board is a “high IQ” LARPing circlejerk.

>> No.9995440

>not even gonna bother proving
oh wow color me surprised

>> No.9995448

>Fucking commercial vehicle emissions are factored into the EPA’s consideration of what counts as GHG for industry and other categories.
>Transportation literally only considers public transit and personal transportation vehicles.

>The Transportation sector includes the movement of people and goods by cars, trucks, trains, ships, airplanes, and other vehicles. The majority of greenhouse gas emissions from transportation are carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions resulting from the combustion of petroleum-based products, like gasoline, in internal combustion engines. The largest sources of transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions include passenger cars and light-duty trucks, including sport utility vehicles, pickup trucks, and minivans. These sources account for over half of the emissions from the transportation sector. The remaining greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector come from other modes of transportation, including freight trucks, commercial aircraft, ships, boats, and trains, as well as pipelines and lubricants.

Why are you digging yourself into a deeper hole? What exactly is the point to all this?

>> No.9995568

could be a bot or a troll - election is in 8 weeks

>> No.9995583

That's what I told him you pathetic illiterate (i.e. average) >>>/pol/ack.

>> No.9996738
File: 308 KB, 2496x1664, tar_sands-open_pit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you can easily see what's going wrong. We don't only burn fossil fuels. We also cut down way to many trees to mine these fossil fuels.

>> No.9998062

That's not an answer dumbass

>> No.9998944

sadly it is

>> No.9998962

this might help
>we could have done more

>> No.9999690

>caring about the future

>> No.9999692

>overlaps different phenomena
>to disprove lag
It's too much.

>> No.9999784

Why the fuck do greenies always show pics of steam when they talk about climate change? Do they think its smoke?

>> No.10001462
File: 122 KB, 1200x1599, brianna-hildebrand-at-twentieth-century-fox-presents-a-special-screening-of-deadpool-2-new-york-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reducing air pollution might be a good idea?

>> No.10001514

but what if global warming isn't real? then future generations will have clean, breathable air for no reason

>> No.10001522

>tfw niggers will be the most hated people on earth as soon as they invade Europe en masse
beautiful timeline

>> No.10002184
File: 370 KB, 1920x1079, Bob-Ross-malt-auf-Twitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>future generations will have clean, breathable air

Nice, isnt' it?