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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9989659 No.9989659 [Reply] [Original]

How to get gud at maths sci?

I have an English degree and managed to get a job in investment banking. Needless to say Maths isn't my strong point and I'm being outpaced by my colleagues at my CFA classes.

How can I improve quickly?

>> No.9989779

I'm not an expert but am pretty good at Math. I would recommend focusing on the fundamentals and not stressing about jumping into hard topics quickly. A lot of people try to take on complicated advanced proofs without having a deep grasp of things like logarithms, trigonometry, derivatives, integrals etc. This is a surefire way to fail. Also, don't be embarrassed if you can't understand a simple topic right away. These things take time. The reason a derivative is "simple" is largely just because many people have spent decades working with them. The first time they see it, most people are confused.

>> No.9989812

Khan academy and PatrickJMT.

Start at Algebra 1 and give or take a few subjects from there to refresh on fundamentals. Rebuild your knowledge. It's a lot easier since you're older now. You shouldn't need anything past what Khan Academy has to offer in terms of math.

>> No.9989815

>has an English degree
>gets a job in investment banking

>have a PhD degree in physics
>still no job


>> No.9990812

>investment banking
Don't you just plug numbers into calculators? No need to be good at math if all you're doing is that.