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File: 62 KB, 400x260, julia-logo-main.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9988344 No.9988344 [Reply] [Original]

The future of scientific and mathematical programming is here.

>> No.9988349


>> No.9988460

That's not R

>> No.9988517

Did they rename C++?

>> No.9988610


This cunt of a language is being pushed by MIT. Convince me I should learn her.

>> No.9988615

Julia is interesting, but I'm not convinced it's worth switching away from NumPy for.

>> No.9988623

Redpill me on julia

>> No.9988637
File: 161 KB, 320x224, 8e66714966d71edb2a08d2ee898b8cae01ffa1b7_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i almost learned this
physics professor recommended it as well
i kind of want to
i want to know more

>> No.9988642
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>Julia arrays are 1-indexed.


>> No.9988647

AAGGGHHH, why THE FUCK do languages try to do this SHIT?!

>> No.9988654


Not even python sunk that low. Normie scum begone from my field.

>> No.9988845

There's nothing wrong with this. It makes more intuitive sense anyway

>> No.9988870
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>> No.9988906

Index at 2 while you're at it.

>> No.9989035

>There's nothing wrong with this. It makes more intuitive sense anyway
It's intuitive for simple cases, but the moment you try and do anything complicated with indices you end up with a bunch of expressions like "foo[(bar-1)^(2-1)+1]", and no-one wants to deal with that.

>> No.9989059

>There's nothing wrong with this.

Yes it is, If you don't have brain damage and consider zero to be a natural number.

>> No.9989064

>There's nothing wrong with this.
Yes there is.

>> No.9989065

Based Dijkstra

>> No.9989070

Why does everyone here shit talk python?

>> No.9989085

Really? Fuck this shit.

>> No.9989130
File: 104 KB, 640x605, 50b0036ffdf601727016939a7da909ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a rebel.

>> No.9989251

Is it stable yet?

>> No.9989260

If you've ever actually carefully read that letter, his only argument for 0 based indexing is "I think it looks cleaner". It's just an aesthetics argument.

>> No.9989272

>It's just an aesthetics argument.
Of course it is. But for the kinds of problems programmers often deal with, one approach tends to lead to better looking solutions than the other.

>> No.9989330

I pointed that out because so much of the time people bring that letter up as though it says something more, usually paired with arguments about pointer math or being closer to hardware reality or something. Aesthetics IS a valid argument but it's only one parameter and shouldn't be the only one in consideration.

>> No.9989958

>do anything complicated with indices
>expressions like "foo[(bar-1)^(2-1)+1]"
Okay. When are you going to display something complicated to prove your point?

>The above has been triggered by a recent incident, when, in an emotional outburst, one of my mathematical colleagues at the University —not a computing scientist— accused a number of younger computing scientists of "pedantry" because —as they do by habit— they started numbering at zero.


>> No.9989961

they are indentlets

>> No.9990088

I love python indexes and lists and whatever. I barely know how to code and I managed to hack together things that actually work just by understanding how to use lists and arrays etc in python.

>> No.9990105

>It's just an aesthetics argument.
And? You think aesthetics and readability isn't important?

>> No.9990112

This debate was settled long ago in favor of zero-indexing. Why the FUCK do new languages persist in ignoring this and going down the retarded Matlab route?

>> No.9990283

This applies to us to retard.

>> No.9990288

yes and no. I think there are certain strengths of Julia that give it a more \sci\ feel but there are also other things that need to be better fleshed out.

>> No.9990293
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>> No.9990344

Julia is meant to appeal to matlab babbies to switch them over from their proprietary bullshit to a superior python-like open source language

>> No.9990410


>> No.9990435

>scientific programming isn't important
Freshman detected

>> No.9990445

Based as always

>> No.9990855
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, 1535541274794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on a side project in Julia for the past month.

This is the future of scientific computing for sure. In python, performance was always something in the back of your mind, and figuring out the best ways to offload to numpy or C code became an extra design concern that really slowed things down. Keeping everything in one language reduces a significant cognitive load. Also you rarely have to worry about performance concerns, as Julia is so fucking fast.

The biggest areas to look forward to are in terms of the metaprogramming capabilities and the fact that the JIT is extensible. Automatic differentiation can be built into the language itself, with relatively little code. This is really incredible. To put this in perspective, Google has an entire team of engineers working on modifying the Swift compiler to get automatic differentiation. An insane amount of effort. whereas in Julia, this exact feature can be implemented by a hobbyist in a week or two.

>> No.9990861

>>scientific programming isn't important
Who are you quoting?

>> No.9990880

>not WANTING to use offload to numpy because numpy is amazing
>"automatic differentiation"
Nigger I've got tensorflow, theano etc.

>> No.9990892
File: 63 KB, 644x800, soyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>numpy is amazing

>> No.9990897

>le epic basedboy meme
Haha, mind if I save it and share it on my facebook meme-page :-)?

>> No.9990928

About to start an HPC project. Should I use C or Julia? I've tried Julia before but it was utterly broken because it didn't like my python installation.

>> No.9990963

If you have to ask that your project has already failed.

Also, the right answer is probably Fortran.

>> No.9990979

Burns cycles

>> No.9991002

It's going to be pretty fucking hard to write GPU accelerated fortran m8.

>> No.9991041

no harder than C bro

>> No.9991066

Python haves everything you could ever need, even if Julia was slighty faster than Py, the possibility of combining numerical computation with the huge number of python libraries around is why Python is the king

>> No.9991074

CUDA is a dialect of C.

>> No.9991077

>slightly faster
More like 250x faster.

>> No.9991100

Then why use Julia? Because it will interface with C and CUDA? Fortran already does that and does it better.

>> No.9991177

Julia can transpile to CUDA and it's trivial to port C to CUDA.

>> No.9991191

Source on that claim famalam? You've got my attention.

>> No.9991273

It's a well known fact that python is slow as shit and typically around 250x slower than C. Julia has similar performance to C.

>> No.9991664

>It's a well known fact that python is slow as shit
Not really. Python itself is slow, but numerical work in python is generally done using libraries like NumPy, which are very fast.

>Julia has similar performance to C.

>> No.9992070

Everything in Julia is generic and it has this really cool type autospecialization system that lets it compile down to native code using LLVM despite having scripting language-like syntax.

>> No.9992241

>emoji programming

>> No.9992244

Because python is easy and therefore hurts the feelings of true men who only program in assembly

>> No.9992246

>python is slow as shit and typically around 250x slower than C
Yeah that's why actual computation is handled by compiled C code you dumb fuck, python just lets you tell it what you want it to do.

>> No.9992265

Half of the Julia “ecosystem” is PyCall wrappers. Which means instead of simplifying things you end up with a 3-language solution.

Also, plotting is fucked right now.

>> No.9992275

Did you write your thesis in comic sans?

>> No.9992302


>> No.9992360
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>Yeah that's why actual computation is handled by compiled C code you dumb fuck, python just lets you tell it what you want it to do.

you guys are clearly script kiddos.

The entire reason why Julia is so exciting is because it removes the "developer" vs "user" divide which was ever persistence in the scientific computing community. "Users" were reliant on skilled programmers to actually write all of the C/numpy code that they wanted to use.

Julia enables en users to write high performance code in scripting language syntax. the "users" don't have to sit around and wait, if you need high performance code, you can do it yourself.

This is why the Julia ecosystem is expanding so rapidly. All of the packages are written in Julia, so everyone can contribute.

>>Julia has similar performance to C.
It gets compiled to LLVM IR. This is precisely what happens if you use the clang compiler. The only situations where Julia might be slower is if you really abuse dynamic typing, but this can easily be avoided if you properly use dynamic dispatch.

In fact, Julia can theoretically be faster than C/C++, as it has JIT compilation for optimization.

>> No.9992369

>Julia can theoretically be faster than C/C++, as it has JIT compilation for optimization

That and the standard library has a lot of great numerical optimizations. Everything has been built with pure performance in mind

>> No.9992456

>All of the packages are written in Julia
Blatant lie

>> No.9992461

lmao kys

>> No.9992486

why is octave so slow

>> No.9992496
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1511698216057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JIT is faster than C
yeah I'll believe it when I see it

>> No.9992497

>femenim nam
Already shitty