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9986833 No.9986833 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 18 and gonna go to cc this fall
>probably gonna be living with my parents for another 2 years until I hopefully get into the uni I want to transfer to
>just now learning how to drive so I can get my license
>class schedule goes from 11 AM to 4 PM and 5:30 PM if it’s Thursday
>1 hour ride to get there
>need a job but don’t know how I’m gonna fit it into my schedule where I’m able to get at least 8 hours of sleep, I usually sleep for 12 hours
>if I work 6 hours 5 days a week then I’d be making $1380 a month, most of which would be used to pay for tuition, gas, and car insurance
>feeling totally fucked and think about killing myself every day
Is this what the average college student lives like?

>> No.9986847

>Be me
>23, really fucked my life up thus far
>Get decent grades in HS
>Get to senior HS, fuck around and end up meeting a girl
>First child by 19/20
>Have another child
>Get pregnant again
>Only manage to keep a semblance of my former intellect by studying in what little free time I get
>Totally lack common sense
>Still want to double major in CS and Math
What do?

>> No.9986855

That’s fucked, start selling drugs

>> No.9986871

>Everything is pretty normal and not too worse from what everyone else has to deal with
>"Feel totally fucked and think about killing myself"
Welcome to adult life now kiddo. You'll get used to it and become happy with what you got, unless you decide not to get used to it and develop drinking problems or drug abuse.

If it makes you feel better I also commute for an hour from my parents home, but via bus. I can't drive nor have a job and I was a NEET before I went to EE. 23 now.

>> No.9986874

What sort? I can imagine the synthesis of others is easier to achieve than getting your hands on a surplus of snow.

>> No.9986888

If you plan on selling it online and shipping all across the country, then ITPP. It’s relatively easy to create yet everyone sells it for a high price. You could sell it in bulk for cheaper than other vendors and be pretty well off.

>> No.9987305

>develop drinking problems or drug abuse
You say it like that's a bad thing.

>> No.9988185


>> No.9988381

Lmao you fell for the save the race meme. Enjoy your lack of freedom. Kids don't repay you till they're 20+ I think.
You'll be free at the age of 40+